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Spring 2012

Spring is in the air!
Can you feel it? Can you smell the flowers, yet? Kids are antsy in school; they sit in class day-dreaming about Spring break that time of year that delights students and worries parents. The question is: How will the current economy affect the parents' pocketbook and the kids dreams? There is something about Spring that urges young people to get out, relax, and rejuvenate. Socrates started the whole thing when he proposed a rite to welcome Spring and allow young people to vent their energies. Local Greeks complained that the hordes of celebrants had poor morals and caused hardship to the residents of seaside towns. Where have we heard that before? In the Middle Ages, it took armed bands of monks to stop the Spring revelry. But in spite of the complaints, Spring break went on through the ages to more modern times. During WWI, Europeans temporarily halted Spring offensives to party. From 1929 to 1959, America was busy with its own problems - the Great Depression, World War II, and reconstruction. In the 1960s, however, Spring break was back with more enthusiasm, shall we say, than ever. Since the 1990s, corporate sponsors helped with entertainment such as concerts, shows, and giveaways. It remains to be seen what they, and the parents, do this year to make the students dreams come true.

A product of BuzzingKidsWorld.com

Spring Clichs
We had a little competition with a friend to see how many clichs we could come up with for the word spring. Maybe since Spring is busting out all over we just had a case of spring fever. You know, now that the days are longer, so are the weekends. We thought if we just spent a little spring time, we would be feeling like spring chickens in no time. If this March finds you rolling off the box springs and wishing for a spring break from spring cleaning, why not spring into action and take a friend to lunch and spring for the check; but dont spring a leak in the gas tank getting there. If there is something about spring we forgot to mention in this exercise, let us know at www.buzzingkidsworld.com.

March is Irish Heritage month. When March 17th rolls around every year, the "wearing of the green" is the order of the day; pubs serve green beer and pretzels. Both Irish and non-Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Often-told stories of St. Pat, The Patron Saint of Ireland, tell how he explained the Blessed Trinity using a shamrock, and drove the snakes out of Ireland (though it's debatable if there were snakes in Ireland). He is also the Patron Saint of Nigeria which was evangelized primarily by Irish clergy. His spiritual autobiographical "Confession" is a unique peek at the man behind the legend. Scotland has often been set as the birthplace of Patrick; England, Wales, and a portion of France also lay claim. Another tradition says he is buried in the same grave as St. Bridget and St. Columba at Downpatrick, County Down in Ireland. So on March 17th be sure to wish everyone a "Happy Saint Patrick's Day" and don't forget to wear the green.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
~ Unknown

Saint Patrick - everybodys saint! CHALK TALK

Robin's Song
We dont know their very word Or what they chat on, bird-to-bird; But its plain to see, the song they sing, Means mainly this: Its time for Spring!
~ Author unknown

Permission to copy, use, and distribute materials contained in this publication is hereby granted without fee for personal, private, and educational purposes, except that reproducing materials for profit or any commercial use is strictly forbidden. Kids love it, parents and grandparents love it, and teachers love it. We hope you do, too. ~ Editor

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE . . . . . . of Silly Science

These are actual answers given by children on tests: Name the four seasons: Salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar. How is dew formed? The sun shines down on leaves and makes them perspire. What causes tides in the oceans? Tides are a fight between the Earth and the moon. I forget where the sun joins in this fight. Name a disease caused by cigarettes. Premature death. How do you delay milk from turning sour? Keep it in the cow. What is a fibula? A small lie. What is a seizure? A Roman Emperor. What is a terminal illness? It's when you get sick at the airport. What does "varicose" mean? Nearby

Spring Project
Grow a Tree
April 27th is National Arbor Day Growing your own tree helps you explore the wonder and magic of tree growth and the value of planting trees. Kits are available for as little as $2.35 or make up your own kit with a packet of seed, empty egg carton or small container, enriched soil and a clear plastic baggie to cover container to keep moist until you see evidence of the first sprout. Then remove cover and just add sunshine, water, and love. When sprout outgrows its container, keep transplanting to a larger one until its large enough to be planted in the ground outdoors. Arbor Day is an opportunity to learn how to: Plant and care for your own tree seed. Learn the different parts of the tree and how each part helps the tree survive. Discover how trees are used in your everyday life. Recognize the difference between a broadleaf and a conifer. Understand what a tree needs to grow.
~ Sources: www.growatree.com arborday.org

Give an example of a fungus; what is a characteristic feature? Mushrooms. They grow in damp places and so they look like umbrellas.

School Daze
Teacher: Tommy, why do you always get so dirty? Tommy: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are! Teacher: I hope I didn't see you looking at Don's paper. Johnny: I hope you didn't either. Teacher: If you received $10 from ten people, what would you get? Sara: A new bike. Teacher: Use "defeat," "defense," and "detail" in a sentence. Max: The rabbit ran across the field and defeat went over defense before detail. Dad: Sure, I could probably write in the dark. What should I write? Son: Your name on my report card.


Spring Word Pieces Puzzle
Combine pairs of word segments to make 12 spring-related words. Use each word segment only once. blos butter ers rab ers tu lips um erpillar daff gs flow in show fly cat brella rain bow adil eg bit rob som

If School Were More Like Baseball

If school were more like baseball we'd only have to play. We'd hang out in the sunshine and run around all day. We wouldn't have to study. We'd practice and we'd train. And, best of all, they'd cancel whenever there was rain.
~ Kenn Nesbitt www.poetry4kids.com

In Spring, your hands should smell like dirt.

Write the complete words here:

Good help identifying trees

Your hike, camping trip, or excursion into the woods will be more satisfying if you can identify trees as you pass them. If you can't tell an acer (Latin for maple) from a yellow poplar, you can go online to learn to identify deciduous trees by their leaves. You can start by visiting the www.arborday.org tree site. Hit the "What tree is that?" link for a process-of-elimination quiz as well as a list of American trees and what their leaves and fruit look like.


Answers to Spring Word Puzzle

blossom, butterfly, caterpillar, daffodil, eggs, flowers, rabbit, showers, tulips, umbrella, robin, rainbow

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