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Joanna Marie V.


B.S. Pharmacy

According to:


Entire Crenate Serrate Crenulate Dentate

a smooth margin with no indentations or incisions. margins with shallow rounded or blunt teeth. margins with pointed teeth directed forward, towards the apex of the leaf. margins with small rounded or blunt teeth, diminutive of crenate. margins with pointed teeth directed outward, perpendicular to the midrib.

Double serrate coarsely serrate margin with smaller teeth on the margins of larger teeth. Denticulate Broad-crenate Serrulate Erose margins with small pointed teeth directed outward, perpendicular to the midrib, diminutive of dentate. margins with widely spaced, rounded or blunt teeth, e.g., many violets (Viola, Violaceae). margins with small pointed teeth directed forward, towards the apex of the leaf, diminutive of serrate. with margins appearing gnawed, indentations shallow and irregular.

Revolute Involute Ciliate Spinescent Repand Undulate

with margins rolled inward on the lower surface of the leaf. with margins rolled inward on the upper surface of the leaf. with hairs projecting out from the leaf margin. (also spinose) with stiff acuminate spines along the blade margin. margins with very shallow indentations, cut less than 1/16 the distance to the midrib. margins with shallow indentations, wavy in a vertical plane.


margins with shallow wavy indentations, cut 1/16 to ? the distance to the midrib.

Lobed Cleft Parted

(pinnately or palmately) with rounded lobes and rounded sinuses cut to the distance to the midrib. (pinnately or palmately) with rounded lobes and convex or straight sinuses cut to the distance to the midrib. (pinnately or palmately) with lobes cut to the distance to the midrib.

Palmatifid Pinnatifid Incised Lacerate Pectinate Dissected

(palmately divided) with lobes cut palmately to almost completely to the midrib. (pinnately divided) with lobes cut pinnately to almost completely to the midrib. jagged margins cut sharply and deeply. margins irregularly cut, appearing torn. pinnately divided into fine, parallel segments, comb- or feather-like. with narrow divisions finely subdivided into many smaller segments.


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a Att sh en a Ac arp uat sh um e an Ac arp ina poi ute te a Ob nte poi blu tus d an Ro nte nt e ap cur un d ap ex ve de ap ex wit d a ex wit h ap rou wit h co ma ex nd h ma nc rgi wit ap ed str rgi av ns h ex su aig ns e tha ma divi m ht tha ma t rgi de mit or t rgi for ns d wit co for ns ma tha int h nv m tha an t o sh wit ex an t a an for rou ap allo h ma an for gle m nd ex w sh rgi gle an Ca m bet a ed wit de allo ns gre att ud an we sm or h pre w an Cu tha ate en an en oot str pro ssi de ac spi t r uat wit Mu gle 45 h aig mi on pre ute dat for tha e ha cro les an arc htne at ssi ap e Em m n ap sm nat s d . ma nt, the on ex arg an (>) ex all e tha 90 rgi rou ap at wit ina an 90 wit ext na de ne nd ex, a the ha te gle de h en (<) gre d ed not bro ap stiff les gre sle sio 45 es. lob exc ad, ex, tip s es. nd n de es, ee flat not or tha er of gre cut din ap exc cus n tail the es. ? g ex, ee p. (<) mi to 1/1 abr din 45 like dri 6 upt g? de ap b ly of gre pe bar en the es. nd ely din dist ag ext g an e en Tr at ce at din un rig to Re the g cat ht the tus tip. be e Ob an ce e yo cor gle ntr Cle nd dat s e ft the e to of bla the de mi lea ap dv f ex. ein bla . de.

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