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1. What is your Age?_____________________

2. Your occupation?
a. Student b. Service holder c. Business men 3. Do you use Mobile Phone?

a. Yes b. No
4. If you have a Mobile phone, than it is of which brand? a. Nokia b. LG c. Samsung d. Micromax e. Apple f. Any other 5. If you have an Mobile Phone, then what kind of Mobile phone do you have?

a)Multimedia phone b. Touch Phone c. Qwerty Phone d. Other Phone

6. Suppose you want to purchase a Mobile Phone , please rate the importance of the following

factors in from Extremely Important (1)To Not Important(5)

Factors Price of Mobile Phone




Brand Image

7. Suppose you want to purchase a mobile phone, please rate the importance of the following

features in selecting a Mobile Phone on a scale Extremely Important(1) to not Important(5)

Features TouchPad

Qwerty Keypad


Social Networking


(Hysveen et al. 2005) (Davis et al. 1992)

Your opinion is extremely important in evaluating our business. Thank you for taking a moment to answer the following questions.

1. Please give us your opinion related to the following aspects of the Perceived
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral

Ease of Use
Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

Interacting with my mobile phone's features does not require a lot of mental

effort I find my mobile phone's features easy to use I find it easy to get my mobile phone to do what I want to do

2. Please give us your opinion related to the following aspects of the Perceived
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral

Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

My mobile phone's features make it easier to accomplish tasks My mobile phone's features help me be more productive My mobile phone's features help me be more effective
3.Please give us your opinion related to the following aspects of the Enjoyment

I find using my mobile phone's features to be enjoyable I have fun using my mobile phone's features Using my mobile phone's features is pleasant

Using my mobile phone's features is exciting

4.Please give us your opinion related to the following aspects of the Perceived


I often talk to others about my mobile phone's features Using my mobile phone's features is part of how I express my personality Other people are often impressed by the way I use my mobile phone

5. Please give us your opinion related to the following aspects of the Attitude
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree

The thought of using my mobile phone's features is appealing to me

I have positive feelings about my mobile phone's features Using my mobile phone's features is a good idea

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