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NCREL e-Learning Product Rubric Description and analysis of the materials

Standards-Based Curricular Content Characterize the content covered in this course-equivalent, e-learning product:

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This online course adequately covers the states indicated content standards, as outlined in approved curriculum standards. (Content standards for the states are generally available as links from state education agencies home pages. For links to State Education Agencies go to http://www.ed.gov/Programs/bastmp/SEA.htm .) Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

This e-learning product provides a clear, objective analysis of its curriculum content, demonstrating congruence and overlap with the subject choices, grade levels and curriculum strands designated by the state departments of education. (http://www.ed.gov/Programs/bastmp/SEA.htm ) Please indicate all statements that apply:

The e-learning product provides a clear analysis (matrix or other device) showing the explicit alignment to state curriculum standards. The e-learning product offers a thorough analysis of its curriculum content, permitting an easy determination of congruence (or lack there of) with relevant state curriculum standards. The e-learning product gives only a vague description of the particular course that is inadequate to easily determine the congruence (or lack there of) with state curriculum standards. The e-learning product provides no apparent analysis of curriculum content. Assessment of congruence with state curriculum standards would require screen-byscreen review to analyze the courses curriculum content.

The e-learning course follows a scope and sequence appropriate for the subject choice, grade level and relevant curriculum strand. Usually 4 3 2 1 Never

The concept hierarchy evident in the learning materials follows the indicated scope and sequence. Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

Instructional objectives for the course are appropriate for: (Indicate all that apply.)


Grade level Subject matter content State standards

Copyright 2001 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. All rights reserved.

NCREL e-Learning Product Rubric

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This course-equivalent, e-learning product assesses students on the following skills, concepts, processes, and/or content: (Indicate all that apply.)

Accountability procedures are consistent with performance standards as outlined in State Curriculum and Assessment Standards. (http://www.ed.gov/Programs/bastmp/SEA.htm) This e-learning product provides clear and cumulative assessment of student progress. Instructional management features in this product enable the ongoing assessment and management of student work. The e-learning product provides periodic and cumulative data on student performance that enables timely assessment, appropriate remediation, and accountability appropriate for the approved state curriculum standards. (http://www.ed.gov/Programs/bastmp/SEA.htm )

Other significant resources will be needed to complement/supplement this online course in order to insure a learning experience that is equivalent to existing face-to-face classes, e.g., specialized equipment, research facilities, or other materials and/or facilities. Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

This course-equivalent, e-learning product uses the following approaches for the assessment of student progress: (Indicate all that apply.) Norm-referenced

Criterion-referenced Mastery learning Authentic assessment

Pedagogy (Teaching and Learning) Increasing the frequency of interactions between the learner and online lesson learning materials generally increases a students engagement and retention of content. Indicate the frequency of student/computer interactions that would typically be experienced by a student while using this online course. Many 4 3 2 1 Few

Interactions with an online learning environment can vary in complexity and sophistication. What types of interactions occur most frequently between the learner and this online course?

Simple recognition (true/false or yes/no) Recall (fill-in, free recall, or matching) Comprehension (multiple choice, substitution, paraphrase, or short answer) Problem solving (simulations or modeling)

Copyright 2001 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. All rights reserved.

NCREL e-Learning Product Rubric

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Knowledge construction (project-based outcomes, research or products from creative activity)

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NCREL e-Learning Product Rubric

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How often does the online course offer students feedback concerning their performance on examinations or work products? Often 4 3 2 1 Seldom

Feedback to students using an interactive lesson or course can be simple judgments indicating correct or incorrect answers, or they can be more complex responses that include diagnosis and/or remediation. Does feedback received by students from the online course tend typically to judge responses as correct or incorrect, i.e., are the responses more diagnostic or remedial? Diagnostic/remedial 4 3 2 1 Simple judgments

Information onscreen that is offered to inform students or elicit response can be easy or difficult to understand based on the relative amount and types of information offered. In general, screens with too much information (text or graphics) can be difficult or confusing to read or interpret. Do the screen designs in this online lesson or course contain enough or too much information to be easily read? Enough 4 3 2 1 Too much

Some of the information presented on the screen is useful and other information requires little consideration by the learner. Useful information may require more time and thoughtful analysis by the learner. On the scale below, where would you place the majority of information offered by this online lesson or course? Useful and thoughtful 4 3 2 1 Irrelevant

The course-equivalent product could effectively be used as a substitute for an equivalent face-to-face course in the following scenarios: (Please indicate all that apply.)

Remedial curricular applications Maintenance of approved, state curriculum standards Supplemental curriculum applications Enrichment or gifted curriculum applications

Technology Systems The courses online help or support features are adequate to meet most students' requests. Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

How often might students need to refer questions to the teachers or support personnel as e-mail? Seldom 4 3 2 1 Often

In your opinion, how often would students need to contact the teacher for technical help or call in for phone support? Seldom 4 3 2 1 Often

Copyright 2001 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. All rights reserved.

NCREL e-Learning Product Rubric

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Note: Special needs students may require supplementary direction and/or support, especially when using adaptive devices.

If there are offline materials (print materials, library resources, etc.) needed for completion of online course work, indicate the apparent availability of materials required. Available Milieu Authoring Features are included in the overall course design to accommodate teacher-made tests and/or other desirable customization. Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree 4 3 2 1 Not available

Describe the contents of teacher materials accompanying the course-equivalent product. Comprehensive 4 3 2 1 Not Applicable

What type of time commitment must a prospective teacher make to use the materials that support this e-learning product? Minimal time 4 3 2 1 Excessive time

What other resources would be needed to complement/supplement the teacher materials? Very few resources 4 3 2 1 Several resources

I believe that a reasonable amount of teacher time is needed for preparation before instructional use of this courseequivalent, e-learning product. (Consider becoming familiar with the course mechanics, planning, producing additional materials) Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

How much subject matter knowledge is required of the teacher to use this course-equivalent product? Minimum 4 3 2 1 Maximum

Special arrangements or facilities are clearly necessary in addition to the online lessons to enable the use of this course-equivalent, e-learning product (e.g., lab, classroom computers, computers on carts, broadband access, peripherals). Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

Copyright 2001 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. All rights reserved.

NCREL e-Learning Product Rubric Summary Recommendation

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This online course-equivalent, e-learning product is a fully acceptable substitute for an equivalent high school course that is currently being offered in my school district. Agree 4 3 2 1 Disagree

Please summarize the principle reason(s) you would (or would not) recommend this online course as a courseequivalent, e-learning environment for approved use as part of your states high school curriculum.

Copyright 2001 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. All rights reserved.

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