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Educational Studies 0013-1954 Estudios sobre o ensino in Mathematics das Matemticas IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Indagationes Mathematicae Bulletin des Sciences Mathmatiques Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics Integral Equations and Operator Theory Compositio Mathematica Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 0272-4979 Anlise numrica 0019-3577 Investigacin matemtica 0007-4497 Matemticas

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1687-4099 Ecuacins diferenciais



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Matemticas 0268-3679 Ensino das matemticas

International 2090-3332 Matemticas e anlise Journal of estocstica Stochastic Analysis atemticas

TTULO Discrete Mathematics

ISSN 0012365X

TEMA Matemtica discreta



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Communications on 1097-0312 Matemticas aplicadas Pure & Applied Mathematics Technometrics IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information Journal of Applied Statistics Estatstica aplicada 0265-0754 Matemticas aplicadas

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Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Journal of Applied Mathematics Journal of Applied

1173-9126 Matemticas aplicadas

TTULO Mathematics & Decision Sciences



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Differential Equations

Ecuacins diferenciais

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Journal of Algebraic 0925-9899 lxebra Combinatorics Discrete Mathematics and Applications Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 0924-9265 Matemtica discreta e aplicacins 0075-4102 Matemticas puras e aplicadas

Journal de 0021-7824 Matemticas puras e Mathmatiques aplicadas Pures et Appliques Journal d'Analyse Mathmatique Discrete Optimization Journal of Approximation 0021-7670 Anlise matemtica 1572-5286 Matemticas e ordenadores 0021-9045 Teora da aproximacin

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TTULO Theory Stochastic Models





1532-6349 Estatstica

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Journal of Geometry 0393-0440 Interaccin entre a and Physics xeometra e a fsica Journal of 0022-1236 Anlise funcional Functional Analysis Statistical Methods 1618-2510 Estatstica & Applications Statistical Modelling Statistical Modelling: An International Journal Statistical Papers Statistical Science 1471082X 1471082X Estatstica Estatstica

0932-5026 Estatstica Estatstica






Statistician, The 0039-0526 Estatstica Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D Calculus of variations and partial differantial equations Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations Journal of Differential Equations 0944-2669 Ecuacins diferenciais

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0022-0396 Ecuacins diferenciais

Journal of Differential Equations Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society Statistics & Probability Letters 0024-6093 Matemticas Mtodos Matemticos e http://blms.oxfordjournals.org/ de Representacin

0167-7152 Estatstica

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journa de Representacin ldescription.cws_home/505573/descripti on

TTULO Discrete Applied Mathematics Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B International Mathematics Research Notices Studies in Conservation Studies in Applied Mathematics

ISSN 0166218X

TEMA Artculos sobre Matemtica discreta aplicada



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0095-8956 Teora combinatoria

1073-7928 Artigos actuais de investigacin sobre matemticas 0039-3630 Conservacin de obras histricas e artsticas 0022-2526 Matemticas aplicadas

Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Journal of Combinatorial Designs Statistics A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics

1088-9485 Matemticas

1520-6610 Deseo e combinatoria

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1029-4910 Estatstica

TTULO Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A





0097-3165 Teora combinatoria

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Stochastic Analysis 0736-2994 Estatstica & Applications

Journal of Complexity Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society

Matemticas Matemticas

0377-0427 Matemticas aplicadas

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1678-7544 Matemticas

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Stochastic 0304-4149 Estatstica Processes and their Applications Supplement to the 1466-6162 Estatstica

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TTULO Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Journal of Combinatorial Optimization International Journal of Shape Modeling



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Optimizacin combinatoria Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 2924/ 0218-6543 Xeometra Mtodos Matemticos e http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail? de Representacin hid=14&sid=c42d81d6-6f08-449d-b6556714adfd2576%40sessionmgr15&vid=1 &bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d Mtodos Matemticos e http://imrs.oxfordjournals.org/ de Representacin

International Mathematics Research Surveys (2005-2007) Applied Mathematical Modelling Applied Mathematics and Computation Fixed Point Theory and Applications Applied Mathematics & Optimization

1687-1308 Artigos actuais de investigacin sobre matemticas 0307904X Modelos matemticos e aplicacins

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0096-3003 Matemticas aplicadas e informtica 1687-1820 Teora do punto fixo e aplicacins 0095-4616 Matemticas aplicadas

TTULO Applied Mathematics Letters ESAIM - Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations Applied Mathematics Research Express Applied Numerical Mathematics Finite Fields and Their Applications





0893-9659 Matemticas aplicadas

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1292-8119 Control de optimizacin e clculo de variacins

1687-1200 Matemticas aplicadas

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0168-9274 Matemticas aplicadas 1071-5797 Teora dos campos finitos e as sas aplicacins alxebra, xeometra, enxeera Teora dos elementos finitos

Finite Elements in 0168Analysis and Design 874X

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Applied Statistics 0035-9254 Estatstica Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C Journal of Algorithms ESAIM Proceedings 0196-6774 Algoritmos Matemticas

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Ergodic Theory and 0143-3857 Xeometra diferencial, Dynamical Systems teora dos nmeros, estatstica European Journal of 0997-7546 Mecnica dos fludos Mechanics B/Fluids International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (-2009) Historia Mathematica International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications BIT Numerical 0161-1712 Matemticas

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0315-0860 Historia da Matemtica 1382-3892 Ensino das Matemticas e informtica

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0218-1959 Xeometra e informtica

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0006-3835 Matemticas

TTULO Mathematics IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics



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0272-4960 Matemticas aplicadas

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European Journal of 0956-7925 Matemticas aplicadas Applied Mathematics Archiv der Mathematik Archive for History of Exact Sciences 0003889X Matemticas

0003-9519 Historia das Ciencias Exactas

European Journal of 0195-6698 Matemticas, Combinatorics combinatoria Archive for 0933-5846 Lxica matemtica Mathematical Logic European Journal of 0997-7538 Mecnica dos slidos Mechanics A/Solids ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Annals of Mathematical 0764583X Anlise e modelizacin Matemtica numrica

0003-4851 Matemticas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.jstor.org/journals/00034851. de Representacin html

TTULO Statistics, The International Mathematics Research Papers (2005-2008)





1687-3017 Artigos actuais de investigacin sobre matemticas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://imrp.oxfordjournals.org/ de Representacin

History and 0144-5340 Lxica matemtica Philosophy of Logic Engineering 0955-7997 Divulgacin de Analysis with desenvolvementos Boundary Elements tecnolxicos Advances in Applied Mathematics Advances in Mathematics Graphs and Combinatorics 0196-8858 Matemticas aplicadas

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0001-8708 Avances en Matemticas puras 0911-0119 Grficos e combinatoria

Applied Categorical 0927-2852 Matemticas e Estatstica Structures Expositiones Mathematicae Differential Geometry and its Applications

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American Journal of 0002-9327 Matemticas Mathematics contemporneas Annali di 0373-3114 Matemticas Matematica Pura ed Applicata Annals of Applied Probability, The Forum Mathematicum Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry Glasgow Mathematical Journal Annals of Mathematics, The 1050-5164 Probabilidade aplicada 0933-7741 Matemticas 0232704X Xeometra

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0017-0895 Matemticas


Matemticas Xeometra e Anlisis funcional

Geometric and 1016Functional Analysis 443X GAFA Geometriae Dedicata Annals of Mathematics (2004-

0046-5755 Xeometra Matemticas

TTULO ) Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Annals of Probability, The Annals of Statistics (1995- ) Environmental Design & Construction





1012-2443 Matemticas

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0091-1798 Probabilidade Estatstica

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1095-8932 Eficiencia enerxtica

The ANZIAM Journal 1446-1811 Matemticas aplicadas Applicable Algebra 0938-1279 lxebra aplicada in Engineering, Communication and Computing Applications of Mathematics 0862-7940 Aplicacins das Matemticas

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GAMM-Mitteilungen 1522-2608 Matemticas aplicadas e


ISSN mecnica


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Statistical Methodology Annals of Combinatorics Monatshefte fr Mathematik

1572-3127 Estatstica 0218-0006 Combinatoria 0026-9255 Matemticas

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Journal of the Royal 0035-9238 Estatstica Statistical Society. Series A (General) Journal of the Royal 0964-1998 Estatstica Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) (1988200) Journal of the Royal 1467-9868 Estatstica Statistical Society. Series B Journal of the Royal 0035-9246 Estatstica Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological) Milan Journal of Mathematics 1424-9286 Matemticas

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Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 9676/






Journal of the Royal 1369-7412 Estatstica Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) (1998-2003) Calcolo Siberian Mathematical Journal Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0008-0624 Clculo 0037-4466 Matemticas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.jstor.org/journals/13697412. de Representacin html

Mtodos matemticos e de Representacin

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0368-4245 Matemticas aplicadas

Quarterly Journal of 0033-5606 Matemticas Mathematics Journal of the 0887Society for 459X Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Matemticas aplicadas

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0022-4049 lxebra

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jo de Representacin urnal/00224049

TTULO Monte Carlo Methods and Applications





0929-9629 Ciencias, Matemticas

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Journal of the 0162-1459 Estatstica American Statistical Association National Mathematics Magazine Journal of the Statistical Society of London 0025570X Matemticas

0959-5341 Estatstica

Proceedings of the 0308-2105 Matemticas, centrndose Mtodos Matemticos e http://journals.cambridge.org/action/disp Royal Society of nas ecuacins diferenciais de Representacin layJournal?jid=PRM Edinburgh, Section: A Mathematics Selecta Mathematica, New Series 1022-1824 Matemticas Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 1202/ Mtodos Matemticos e http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail? de Representacin hid=10&sid=c27c1ca5-04d8-4f6c-8aea001afc9356f5%40sessionmgr15&vid=1 &bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jo

Journal of the Royal 0035-9254 Estatstica Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) Journal of the 1226-3192 Estatstica

TTULO Korean Statistical Society Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1996- ) Journal of the American Mathematical Society Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Manuscripta mathematica Results in Mathematics Lithuanian Mathematical Journal Reports on Mathematical Physics SIAM Journal on



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0894-0347 Matemticas

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0894-0347 Matemticas

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1446-7887 Matemticas

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0025-2611 Matemticas 1422-6383 Matemticas 0363-1672 Matemticas

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0034-4877 Fsica Matemtica

0036-1399 Matemticas aplicadas

TTULO Applied Mathematics (19662005) Publicacions Matematiques Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu



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Matemticas 1474-7480 Matemticas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://mat.uab.es/pubmat/ de Representacin Mtodos Matemticos e http://journals.cambridge.org/action/disp de Representacin layJournal?jid=JMJ

Journal of the Royal 1467Statistical Society. 985X Series A Journal of the London Mathematical Society Letters in Mathematical Physics


Mtodos Matemticos e http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10. de Representacin 1111/(ISSN)1467-985X Mtodos Matemticos e http://jlms.oxfordjournals.org/ de Representacin

0024-6107 Matemticas

0377-9017 Fsica Matemtica

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Journal of the Royal 0952-8385 Estatstica Statistical Society Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Russian Journal of 0009725X Matemticas

0927-6467 Matemticas

TTULO Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling Quarterly of Applied Mathematics



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Matemticas aplicadas

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Quarterly Journal of 0033-5614 Mecnica e Matemticas Mechanics and aplicadas Applied Mathematics Journal of Algebra Linear Algebra and its Applications Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society K-Theory Journal of mathematics teacher education Statistica Sinica 0021-8693 lxebra 0024-3795 lxebra lineal e as sas aplicacins 0024-6115 Matemticas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jo de Representacin urnal/00218693 Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jo de Representacin urnal/00243795 Mtodos Matemticos e http://plms.oxfordjournals.org/ de Representacin

0920-3036 K-Teora 1386-4416 Ensino das Matemticas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 0305/ Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 2941/ Mtodos Matemticos e http://www3.stat.sinica.edu.tw/statistica/ de Representacin


TTULO SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis


TEMA Matemticas aplicadas



Mtodos Matemticos e http://epubs.siam.org/sinum/resource/1/ de Representacin sjnaam Mtodos Matemticos e http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10. de Representacin 1002/(ISSN)1098-2426

Numerical Methods 1098-2426 Resolucin de ecuacins for Partial diferenciais Differential Equations Journal of mathematical fluid mechanics Numerical Analysis and Applications Journal of Mathematical Behavior, The SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Philosophia Mathematica Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes PNA: Revista de investigacin en did?ctica de la 1422-6928 Matemticas aplicadas Mecnica de Fludos 1995-4239 Anlise numrica 0732-3123 Desenvolvemento das ideas matemticas nos alumnos 0036-1429 Matemticas aplicadas 0031-8019 Filosofa das Matemticas 1387-0874 Estatstica

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 3365/ Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/12 de Representacin 0983/ Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jo de Representacin urnal/07323123 Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.jstor.org/journals/00361429. de Representacin html Mtodos Matemticos e http://philmat.oxfordjournals.org/ de Representacin Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 2997/

1886-1350 Didctica das Matemticas Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.pna.es/ de Representacin

TTULO matem?tica Statistica Neerlandica





0039-0402 Estatstica

Mtodos Matemticos e http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail? de Representacin sid=93b46fc5-a6ed-47a7-acc0d0dee0dbd0a6%40sessionmgr11&vid=1 &hid=18&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3Qtb Gl2ZQ%3d%3d Mtodos Matemticos e http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail? de Representacin sid=cafbf6db-fc72-4ae5-b71bb75e6e8fc224%40sessionmgr10&vid=1 &hid=18&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3Qtb Gl2ZQ%3d%3d Mtodos Matemticos e http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10. de Representacin 1002/(ISSN)1932-1872 Mtodos Matemticos e http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail? de Representacin sid=a0b2f1a6-b18c-4643-93266d39373f75fe %40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=18&bdata =JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d Mtodos Matemticos e http://journals.cambridge.org/action/disp de Representacin layJournal?jid=PEM

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis & Applications

0895-4798 Matemticas aplicadas

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Statistical Journal of the IAOS

1932-1872 Estatstica 1874-7655 Estatstica

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Numerical

0013-0915 Matemticas puras e aplicadas

Matemticas aplicadas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://epubs.siam.org/siap/resource/1/s de Representacin mjmap Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10

1017-1398 Algoritmos

TTULO Algorithms Statistical Journal of the IAOS Journal of Number Theory SIAM Review



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1874-7655 Estatstica 0022314X Teora de nmeros Matemticas aplicadas

Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.swetswise.com/titleBank/get de Representacin AtoZList.do?title=507898 Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/jo de Representacin urnal/0022314X Mtodos Matemticos e http://epubs.siam.org/sirev/resource/1/si de Representacin read Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.jstor.org/journals/00361445. de Representacin html Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 5605/ Mtodos Matemticos e http://www.springerlink.com/content/10 de Representacin 6477/

SIAM Review (1959- 0036-1445 Matemticas aplicadas 2002) Journal of Theoretical Probability Journal of mathematical sciences 0894-9840 Probabilidade

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