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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 37 ( 1982) : 17 --42 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands




'Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 (U.S.A.) 2Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, N Y 10964 (U.S.A,) 3Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 (U.S.A.) *Center of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar (Pakistan)
(Received December 10, 1980; revised version accepted July 20, 1981)

ABSTRACT Johnson, N. M., Opdyke, N. D., Johnson, G. D., Lindsay, E. H. and Tahirkheli, R. A. K., 1982. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and ages of Siwalik Group rocks of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 37: 17--42. Six magnetic polarity sections have been established over the Potwar Plateau region of Pakistan, including the major stratotypes of the Siwalik Group. In all six sections the dominant feature of the magnetic polarity stratigraphy is a long normal polarity zone, which is contained within the Nagri Formation. This conspicuous normal polarity zone has been radiometrically dated at 9,5 0.6 m.y., which identifies it as magnetic Chron 9. Radiometric dates from the Upper Siwalik Formation have also been used to identify the Chron 2--3 boundary in two of the sections. The magnetic polarity stratigraphy of three of the sections has been correlated securely with the accepted magnetic polarity time scale, so that the ages of the local stratigraphy are indexed accordingly. Based exclusively on data from stratotype sections, the Chinji, Nagri and Dhok Pathan Formations have nominal age ranges of 13.1--10.1, 10.1--7.9 and 7.9--5.1 m.y. Age fluctuations on the order of 105 years may be anticipated for these formational boundaries within a radius of some 20 km of the designated stratotype. Mean sediment accumulation rates during the Chinji, Nagri and Dhok Pathan interval range from 13 to 52 cm/103 yr. Essentially linear sediment accumulations are locally maintained over time intervals of several million years. The Chinji-Nagri lithofacies boundary marks a transition from slow to faster sediment accumulation over much of the Potwar Plateau, indicating a fundamental sedimentary-tectonic change at this time. INTRODUCTION T h e u p l i f t and e r o s i o n of the H i m a l a y a n highlands d u r i n g the N e o g e n e has r e s u l t e d in an e x t e n s i v e a p r o n of terrestrial s e d i m e n t s d e p o s i t e d at the m a r g i n s o f t h e m o u n t a i n f r o n t . I n I n d i a a n d P a k i s t a n t h e s e s e d i m e n t s are c a l l e d t h e S i w a l i k G r o u p ; t h e a r e a w h e r e t h e y are d e f i n e d a n d are b e s t k n o w n is t h e P o t w a r P l a t e a u o f P a k i s t a n (Gill, 1 9 5 1 ) ( F i g . l ) . 0031-0182/82/0000-0000/$02.75 1982 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company


Until recently the age of the Siwalik Group was known only from faunal correlation (Pilgrim, 1913; Colbert, 1935). However, magnetic polarity stratigraphy analyses (Keller et al., 1977; Opdyke et al., 1979) and radiometric dates (G. D. Johnson et al., 1982) have substantially improved these age estimates for the Upper Siwaliks. Magnetic-polarity stratigraphy has also been employed in the vicinity of Dhok Pathan village (Fig.l) to improve the age resolution of parts of the Middle Siwaliks (Barndt et al., 1978; Tauxe, 1979). The purpose of this paper is to extend the findings of Barndt et al. (1978) and Tauxe (1979) to other areas of the Potwar Plateau and to synthesize the stratigraphic and paleomagnetic results. Included in this study are the stratotype locations for the Kamlial Formation, the Chinji Formation, the Nagri Formation, and the Dhok Pathan Formation. Included also are many of the principal faunal levels which have been used to characterize these formations.

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Fig.1. Location of reference population centers and principal magnetic polarity sections (shaded areas). Specific mapped areas are shown and designated by their Geological Survey of Pakistan code numbers.

]9 We have studied also several sections where the Upper Siwalik Formation and its fauna are represented (Tatrot, Kotal Kund, Bhaun and Jalalpur, see Fig.l). STRATIGRAPHY In this study we report on the magnetic polarity stratigraphy and age of Siwalik rock-stratigraphic units (Fatmai, 1973). Boundaries of these units are based ideally on lithologic criteria. However, paleontologic criteria have frequently been invoked to decide formational status (Pilgrim, 1913; De Terra and Teilhard de Chardin, 1936). We have designated our formation boundaries to the extent possible on the basis of published maps, recognizing that faunal considerations are sometimes involved. Kamlial Formation The stratotype of the Kamlial Formation is located near the village of Kamlial (Fig.l). Barndt et al. (1978) and Tauxe and O p d y k e (1982) have described the magnetic polarity stratigraphy of the uppermost part of the Kamlial Formation at its type section, b u t not its lowermost part. We have also sampled the uppermost Kamlial Formation in the Northern Salt Range east of Chinji and in the Bunha River area near Kotal Kund (Fig.l). Chinji Formation The stratotype of the Chinji Formation is located at the southern margin of the Potwar Plateau (Fig.l). In addition to the stratotype area, we have sampled and analysed the complete Chinji Formation in the Bunha River area near Bhandar and at the Soan River near Dhok Pathan (Fig.l). Two other partial sections of the Chinji Formation were also studied in the Bunha River area near the villages of Kotal Kund and Jalalpur (Fig.l). Nagri Formation The stratotype of the Nagri Formation is in close proximity to that of the Chinji Formation and our sampling of the Nagri is actually contiguous with that of the Chinji (Fig, l). A bentonite suitable for fission-track dating is found a b o u t midway within the Nagri Formation near the village of Qadirpur (G. D. Johnson et al., 1982). Besides the stratotype, we have also sampled the complete Nagri F o r m a t i o n in five other sections (Bhaun, Tatrot, Dhok Pathan, Jalalpur and Kotal Kund). Dhok Pathan Formation The magnetic polarity stratigraphy of the Dhok Pathan stratotype has previously been described by Barndt et al. (1978) and Tauxe (1979). The

20 uppermost part of this formation is not represented in the sections given in those studies. However, in the Bunha River area (e.g. Tatrot--Andar, Kotal Kund and Jalalpur) the entire Dhok Pathan Formation is present.

Upper Siwalile Formation

We have also sampled and analysed three stratigraphic sections where deposition extends from the Chinji into the Upper Siwaliks (in the Bunha River area, Kotal Kund, Tatrot--Andar, and Jalalpur sections, Fig.l). Two of these sections contain the Upper Siwalik t u f f complex which has been radiometrically dated (G. D. Johnson et al., 1982). METHODS

Field procedures
Paleomagnetic samples were collected from 472 sites in five principal sections: 114 sites from a 1800-m section near the village of Kotal Kund, 113 sites from a 2100-m section to the north of Jalalpur village, 116 sites from a 1500-m section in the Tatrot--Andar area, and 66 sites from a 1700-m section in the Chakwal--Bhaun area, and 63 sites from a 1300-m section in the Chinji--Nagri area (Fig.l). The sixth section we use is that from the Khaur area, revised and updated by Tauxe and O p d y k e {1982), from the Dhok Pathan section reported earlier b y Barndt et al. (1978) and Tauxe (1979). As a lule, samples were collected from outcrops developed in actively dissecting stream channels which were oriented normal to regional strike. Only claystone, mudstone and siltstone were used as sample material. Sandstones and strata showing signs of post-depositional deformation or weathering were avoided. Most samples were taken from undercut stream banks in order to insure freshness of the sample. Samples were taken only from strata in situ. The field sampling procedure is that outlined by N. M. Johnson et ah (1975). A minimum of three samples were collected from each site. Site selection was largely predicated on the availability of suitable lithologies. Except for multi-storied sands, where overbank silts and clay are not present between cycles, one site at least was placed for each fluvial cycle. The sampling program extended over a 4-year period, each section being collected at least twice to refine and replicate crucial data points. Section measurements were made with an Abney level m o u n t e d on a Jacob's staff, or for steeply dipping strata with a tape measure. Dip measurements were made with a spiritlevel inclinometer. Strike measurements were taken from oriented aerial photos or topographic maps on regional features such as extended cuestas.

Magnetic methods
Equipment and procedures employed for measuring remanant magnetism are specified in a companion paper b y O p d y k e et al. (1982).

21 Virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) latitudes were calculated for each site whose mean polarity was statistically significant (k ~> 10), i.e., designated Class I data according to the classification proposed by Opdyke et al. (1977). In this study we have adopted two other conventions to categorize our paleomagnetic site data. We designate a site as Class II if in composite it is not statistically significant (k < 10), but that the polarity direction of the site is not in doubt. Usually this means that two out of the three samples from the site have nearly parallel magnetic vectors with the third being divergent. In a few instances one of the three samples was lost or broken, but the remaining two samples show nearly parallel magnetic vectors. VGP latitudes were calculated for Class II sites and included into the data base, although given less weight than Class I sites. Sites whose mean polarity direction was statistically random with all three vectors widely divergent were designated Class III and were rejected from the data base. The number of Class I, I! and III sites for each stratigraphic section are given in the discussion of each section. DATA AND RESULTS In this section we present the magnetic data, the magnetic polarity stratigraphy and radiometric data obtained from each of our stratigraphic sections:
Kotal K u n d section

This section is notable for two reasons: (1) it contains a radiometrically dated ash complex (Fig.2; G. D. Johnson et al., 1982), and (2) it spans the Siwalik sequence from the Chinji Formation to the Upper Siwaliks. We have established the magnetic polarity stratigraphy of this section on the basis of 114 paleomagnetic sites, 73 (64%) of which qualify as Class I; 31 (27%) as Class II and 10 (9%) as Class III. The VGP latitudes are calculated from data thermally demagnetized generally at 550C or in some cases higher temperatures (Opdyke et al., 1982). We show in Fig.2 the stratigraphic superposition of the VGP latitudes for our Kotal Kund section. The filled circles represent Class-I data while the open circles Class II data. We show also in Fig.2 a magnetic polarity zonation log which has been derived from the VGP data by making the assumptions t h a t (1) magnetic transitions occur mid-way between consecutive normal and reversed data points, and (2) that in the interval between two consecutive sites of like polarity no magnetic transitions have occurred. We also show in Fig.2 a two-fold portrayal of the lithologic character of the stratigraphic column; the white intervals representing sands and the black interval muds and silts. The location of the Chinji--Nagri and the Dhok Pathan--Upper Siwalik boundaries within our stratigraphic column is based on these boundaries as located by us in the field in confirmation of the boundaries as defined on the maps by Pilgrim (1913), Colbert {1935) and E. R. Gee (unpublished). The Nagri--Dhok Pathan b o u n d a r y in our


-90 -45 +45 +90




1400t 1200]~ UPPERSIWALIK

R12 RII R~ 0 R9

Nil N I0

N8 N7 NG N5 N4 N3 N2

I000 ~L~



:~ ~ ~==:= ~

R6 R 5 R4




0::: ~

R 2





~ ~


N2 N3


Fig.2. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy near the village of Kotal Kund (Fig.l). Class I sites are designated by solid circles, class II by open circles.

section is based on our own field data, essentially the last occurrence of multi-storied sands. It is noteworthy that the magnetic-polarity zonation of the Nagri Formation is predominated by a singular, extensive normal-polarity zone (Fig.2). For reference purposes we have designated this conspicuous normal polarity zone as No, and have indexed all other polarity zones in the section relative to No (Fig.2). We show in Fig.3 the geographic location of the magnetic-polarity zones and associated paleomagnetic sites as we have observed them (Fig.2) in the Kotal Kund section. Stratigraphically above the No zone is a well-defined sequence of alternating polarity zones (R1--R 13, Fig.2). A fission-track age of 2.5 + 0.3 m.y. has been obtained from the volcanic tuff found just above the NI2--R ~3 boundary. This age is consistent with those found for other ashes so situated in the Upper Siwalik Formation (G. D. Johnson et al., 1982).






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Fig.3. Detailed location of Kotal Kund, Dhala Nala, Tatrot (Bhandar) and Andar Kas sections. Indexed magnetic-polarity zones (see Fig.2) are located by arrows. Conspicuous cuestas are outlined to highlight major structures. A tracer-sand unit north of the Bhandar village is m a p p e d b e t w e e n the Tatrot section and the Andar Kas section. Radiometrically dated volcanic ashes are located N E and SW o f the Kotal Kund village.


Jalalpur section
Like the Kotal Kund section, this section also covers the Siwalik sequence from mid-Chinji to Upper Siwalik and contains the Upper Siwalik t u f f complex. An assemblage of Upper Siwalik fossils has also been reported from here by O p d y k e et al. (1979). Magnetic-polarity directions were obtained b y b o t h a.f. and thermal demagnetization treatment. Except for a few special cases, the polarity directions of the a.f. data concurred with the thermal data. However, the VGP latitude data given here are based exclusively on the thermal demagnetized samples (425--440C) (Opdyke et al., 1982). Of the 113 paleomagnetic sites finally collected, 83 (73%) of these are Class I, 18 (16%) Class II and 12 (10%) Class III, which could n o t be used. Fig.4 shows the magnetic-polarity data from the Jalalpur section displayed in the same format as the Kotal Kund data (Fig.2). The designated Chinji--Nagri and Dhok Pathan--Upper Siwalik boundaries are those basically mapped by Pilgrim (1913), Gee (1945, 1947, and unpublished). The Nagri--Dhok Pathan b o u n d a r y was set b y us on the basis of a conspicuous multi-storied sand unit. Note that like the Kotal Kund section the Nagri Formation here is also dominated by a long-normal magnetic-polarity zone, which we again label No (Fig.4). The section also contains a number of radiometrically dated tuffs. The magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of the Upper Siwalik part of this section has been reported previously ( O p d y k e et al., 1979). Since the publication of that report, however, more paleomagnetic sampling has added more polarity zones and sharper detail to the magnetic-polarity stratigraphy (Fig.4). The basic interpretation of the results, however, is essentially the same. We show in Fig.5 the geographic disposition of our defined polarity zones and associated paleomagnetic sites.

Chinji and Nagri stratotype section

As indicated earlier, the Chinji stratotype and the Nagri stratotype comprise one continuous stratigraphic section some 1300 m long. Besides representing the t y p e localities for these rock-stratigraphic units, this section also contains an air-fall tuff in the Nagri Formation which has been dated b y the fission-track m e t h o d at 9.50 +- 0.63 m.y. (G. D. Johnson et al., 1982). The stratigraphy and paleomagnetic data and location for this section are determined b y us from field observations and coordinated with the bound aries as indicated on available published maps (Cotter, 1933; Colbert, 1935). Magnetic-polarity direction are derived from samples thermally demagnetized at 606C. Of 63 paleomagnetic sites 39 (62%) are Class I, 19 (30%) Class II and 5 (8%) Class III. The magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of the Nagri Formation is identical to the pattern established previously in b o t h the Kotal Kund section and the Jalalpur section, i.e., it is overwhelmingly composed of normally magnetized rocks in the form of a single, long-normal zone (Fig.6). Note that the radiometrically dated sample (9.50 + 0.63 m.y.) is situated in




*45 *90 N 13


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N} N2

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Fig.4. Magnetic-polarity stratigraphy from north of the Jalalpur village (Fig.l). Class I sites are designated by solid circles, Class II sites by open circles. the midst of this long normal polarity zone, No (Figs.6 and 7). Also of interest in this stratigraphic section is a singularly rich fossil locality (Yale site 311) which has been used in the past to characterize the fauna of the Nagri formation (K. Behrensmeyer, pers. comm.). The Dhok Patban Formation represented by tl t --N 3 is quite abbreviated in this section. The section is capped by the Potwar silt.

Chakwal--Bhaun section
De Terra and Teilhard de Chardin (1936) reported "Hippopotamus" and other fossils from strata where this section was collected, indicating that the Upper Siwalik Formation occurs in the upper part of the section. We collected no fossils from this section, but have described the magnetic-polarity







0 I


2 kilometers

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Fig.5. Detailed location of magnetic-polarity section north of Jalalpur (Fig.l). Indexed magnetic-polarity zones (Fig.4) are located by arrows.

stratigraphy of the upper part of the section which lithologically resembles the Upper Siwalik Formation in the Bunha River area (Opdyke et al., 1979). We have collected 66 paleomagnetic sites from this section of which 47 (71%) qualify as Class I, 16 (24%) as Class II and 3 (5%) as Class III after thermal demagnetization at 635C. Figs.8 and 9 show the paleomagnetic data and location for this section. The formational boundaries are located on the basis of our field interpretation in conjunction with available published mapping (Cotter, 1933; Shah, unpublished). The Chinji--Nagri boundary is unusual in that it is a fault contact, indicating that some of the Chinji and/or Nagri m a y be missing in this section. We assume, however, in Fig.8 that the base of our measured section is in fact the Chinji--Nagri boundary. In any case, note that the Nagri Formation is again characterized by a long-normal polarity zone, which we have designated No (Fig.8). The interval above No (R1--R 12) is long and quite complex (Fig.8).
Ta tro t--A ndar s e c t i o n

The magnetic polarity stratigraphy and associated data for this section is shown in Fig.10. The Kamlial--Chinji, Chinji--Nagri and Dhok Pathan--Upper Siwalik boundaries as shown are based on field observations by us and coordinated with the mapped positions as given by Pilgrim (1913) and Colbert





1200 IOOC 800

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R ~


uJ 600 400


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N2 "q3 N4 N5 N







Fig.6. Magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of the Chinji and Nagri s t r a t o t y p e areas ( F i g . l ) . Main fossil locality (Yale site 311) is s h o w n near t o p of N o. Class I sites are indicated by solid circles, Class II sites by o p e n circles.

(1935). The Nagri--Dhok Pathan boundary is placed on our assessment of the highest major occurrence of multi-storied sands in the section. Magneticpolarity directions were determined by means of both a.f. and thermal demagnetization procedures, the results of which generally concur. The VGP latitudes shown in Fig.10, however, are based on the thermal demagnetization results at 606C. 116 paleomagnetic sites were collected in this section 70 (60%) of which were Class I, 39 {34%) Class II and 7 (6%) Class III. It may be noted that the magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of the Nagri Formation repeats the results from the previously described sections, i.e., a simple, longnormal polarity zone bracketed above and below by a more complex zonation. The type locality for the Upper Siwalik " T a t r o t zone" is represented in this section (Fig.10) as well as a classic faunal level for the Dhok Pathan zone, e.g., the " B h a n d a r bone b e d " of Pilgrim (1913) and Colbert (1935). The section we show in Fig.10 is actually a composite, involving two sections, the Tatrot and Andar Kas, which are separated along strike by some


)N ~an Formation ~ite 311) INAGRJ ~]entonite J FORMATION

notion )rmation leomagneficSomple Sire

Fig.7. Detailed location of the magnetic-polarity section for the Chinji and Nagri stratatypes. Indexed magnetic-polarity zones (Fig.6) are located by arrows. Fossil locality 311 is shown within N 0. A radiometrically dated volcanic ash (bentonite) is located near the village of Qadirpur.

5 kms {Fig.3). The two sections, however, share a c o m m o n magnetic polarity zone, N ~ of Figs.10 and 11. N ~ has been traced and identified in five intermediate sections between the Tatrot--Bhandar section and the Andar Kas section (McMurtry, 1980). Contained within N 6 is a distinctive sandstone stratum which also serves as a stratigraphic tracer. Because of the proximity of the Tatrot--Andar area and the Kotal Kund area (Fig.3) and the presence of numerous fossil sites in that area, we have a t t e m p t e d to correlate the magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of these two sections. A step in this direction was made with the correlation of the Tatrot-Bhandar and the Andar Kas sections by means of magnetic and stratigraphic criteria (McMurtry, 1980). Similarly, we have replicated a portion of the Kotal Kund magnetic stratigraphy some 14 kms away from Kotai Kund in a section called Dhala Nala (Figs.3 and 11). The magnetic polarity stratigraphy of the Dhala Nala section ( F i g . l l ) is based on 25 paleomagnetic sites, 23 of which are Class I and the remaining 2 are Class II. Distinctive and laterally continuous sandstone beds were traced along strike to correlate the Dhala Nala section with both the Kotal Kund and the Tatrot--Bhandar sections.






N I'


L N9 N8 Nz







N6 N5

uo I000 n,L,U I'-LJ 800


R5 R4 R3

N4 N~ N~ NI







200 T

Fig.8. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy from Sauj Kas near the village of Bhaun (Chakwal). Class I sites are indicated by solid circles, class II sites by open circles. Tatrot faunal level (De Terra and Teilhard de Chardin, 1936) is located near N ~. We s h o w in F i g . l l t h e final results o f this correlation. N o t e that in this analysis N 6 o f t h e T a t r o t - B h a n d a r s e c t i o n is correlative w i t h N 6 in t h e K o t a l K u n d section. It is also n o t e w o r t h y that N 6 in b o t h s e c t i o n s is s o m e 4 5 0 m a b o v e t h e N0--R 1 b o u n d a r y (Figs.2, 10 and 11). Also, t h e t h i c k n e s s o f No in b o t h s e c t i o n s is a b o u t 3 3 0 m.

Analysis of results
It is clear f r o m t h e data p r e s e n t e d a b o v e that a c o m m o n d e n o m i n a t o r in all our s e c t i o n s is t h e u b i q u i t o u s n o r m a l m a g n e t i c - p o l a r i t y z o n e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h the Nagri F o r m a t i o n (Fig.12). It is significant that Barndt et al. ( 1 9 7 8 ) h a v e p r e v i o u s l y r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e Nagri F o r m a t i o n in t h e vicinity o f D h o k P a t h a n village is l i k e w i s e c h a r a c t e r i z e d by a l o n g - n o r m a l m a g n e t i c polarity


alik Formation (Tpsu) In Formation (Tmsdp) ~ation(Trnsn)

lotion (Tmsc) ~ornaqnetic Sample Site

Fig.9. D e t a i l e d l o c a t i o n o f t h e m a g n e t i c - p o l a r i t y s e c t i o n near C h a k w a l - - B h a u n ( F i g . l ) . I n d e x e d m a g n e t i c - p o l a r i t y z o n e s are l o c a t e d b y arrows.

zone, which has subsequently been called the Khaur Normal Zone (Tauxe, 1979). On the basis of fauna from the Khaur Normal Zone, Barndt et at. (1978) have correlated it with Chron 9 or marine magnetic anomaly 5, whose time range is estimated at 8.6--10.0 m.y. (Mankinen and Dalrymple, 1979). The radiometric date we have obtained from the Khaur Normal Zone in the Nagri stratotype, 9.50 + 0.63 m.y. (Fig.6), agrees well with the radiometric ages that McDougall et al. (1976) have obtained from Chron 9 basalts in Iceland as well as the Mankinen and Dalrymple (1979) age assignments. Taken together, the faunal evidence and the radiometric date argue strongly that the Khaur Normal Zone in the Potwar region is correlative with Chron 9. The radiometric dates we have obtained from the Upper Siwalik Formation at Kotal Kund and in the Jalalpur section (G. D. Johnson et al., 1982) also aid our interpretation of the magnetic-polarity stratigraphy. These ages of a b o u t 2.5 m.y. uniquely identify the Chron 2--Chron 3 boundary in the




~ 90





~ R7



R6 1200

N4 R~ R2 N3 N2 "NI







R, N




200R4 R5 N4 N~

'///// ////////////~

Fig.10. Composite magnetic-polarity stratigraphy from near the villages of Bhandar, Hasnot and Tatrot (Figs.1 and 3). Class I sites are indicated by solid circles, Class II sites b y open circles. The "Bhandar bone bed" is associated with N ~.

associated sections (Figs.2 and 4). Using these radiometric age constraints, we then m a y make correlations of our various magnetic-polarity sections with the magnetic-reversal time scale. This correlation of Siwalik sections we show in Fig.13. In both Figs.12 and 13 we have normalized the stratigraphic thickness of the Kotal Kund and Jalalpur sections to the interval between the Chron 2--3 reversal and the Chron 9--10 reversal, the two magnetic reversals we have identified by means of radiometric dates (Fig.13). The remaining sections are normalized in stratigraphic thickness to a c o m m o n No (Chron 9) unit (Figs.12 and 13). Note that in Fig.13 the La Brecque et al. (1977) magnetic time scale is broken into two segments, the lower of which is scaled 56% smaller than the upper. The reason for this segmentation and scale change is to facilitate visual correlation; the full implications of this will be discussed in the section on sedimentation rate.







IO00w ~
800 600-


S N S O E m N3 A DT N /I/i/I/I/////H I II1>~ TRACERUNITSmN2I







Fig.11. Correlation of the Kotal Kund and Tatrot--Andar magnetic-polarity stratigraphic sections, showing intermediate magnetic-polarity sections (Fig.3). See text for details.

Chronology of Siwalik formations and lithofacies units

Perhaps the most distinctive lithofacies in the Siwalik Group of the Potwar region is the multi-storied sandstone of the Nagri formation. The lower boundary of the Nagri formation is sharply marked from the underlying redbed lithofacies of the Chinji Formation. The Chinji--Nagri boundary in the stratotype area for the Chinji and Nagri Formations occurs in the upper part of Chron 10, which corresponds to about 10.1 m.y. (Figs.12 and 13). It is noteworthy that in all the other sections we have observed along the southern tier of the Potwar, i.e., Chakwal--Bhaun, Kotal Kund, Jalalpur and Tatrot-Andar (Fig.l), the Chinji--Nagri formational boundary is also found near the top of Chron 10 (Figs.12 and 13}. Some 50 km further north in the Khaur area we have also indicated (Figs.12 and 13) that the Chinji--Nagri formational boundary occurs near the top of Chron 10. This result is taken directly from Barndt et al. (1978)





q'25Z ~ J5 myl A ~ ~A A ~ A ~AA ~






% ' L l : ~ ~ TcrF '95':

63~ I



Fig.12. Relationship of lithostratigraphic units and local magnetic polarity stratigraphy for six sections in the Potwar Plateau region. See Fig.1 for geographic map positions of the six stratigraphic sections. Criteria for formation boundaries are based on lithology and sequence.

w h o strictly followed this boundary as mapped by Cotter (1933). If we take note, however, of actual lithofacies field criteria, i.e., the first occurrence of multi-storied sands, the Chinji--Nagri boundary here would lie considerably lower in the section, near the base of Epoch 10 (see fig.7, Bamdt et al., 1978). So, the conditions which caused the shift from redbed to multistoried sand deposition, occurred significantly earlier in the Khaur area (by some 0.4 m.y.) than it did 50 km to the south. Although the evidence is anecdotal in part, it suggests that the Nagri lithofacies at its lower boundary is time-transgressive from north to south.

POLARITY TIME - SCALE ( L B E Q E el Ol, 1977) ARC U, I -KOTAL K N U D .72 my,




r~ AL~A





. . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . .

5.26 577


- -

6.54 7

- 8 - -

7.88 8.56

'950 63my)

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

1o0o IO
II 2 0 1179

14 1346

Fig.13. Correlation of the La Brecque et al. (1977) magnetic polarity time scale with six local magnetic polarity sections in the Potwar region (Fig.l). See text for explanation.
Age assignments for the magnetic time scale are taken from Mankinen and Dalrymple

(1979). Unlike its lower boundary, the upper boundary of the Nagri Formation is gradational with the overlying Dhok Pathan Formation. The placement of the Nagri--Dhok Pathan formational boundary thus varies relative to the magnetic-polarity time scale from area to area (Figs.12 and 13) ranging from about the base of Chron 8 (Chinji--Nagri area) to about the top of Chron 8 (Khaur area). If we use the Dhok Pathan stratotype (Khaur area) as a reference, the age of the Nagri--Dhok Pathan formational boundary is about 7.9 m.y. This age assignment is corroborated by the data from the Tatrot-Andar section (Figs.12 and 13).

35 In broad terms t h e n we may characterize the Nagri Formation as spanning the time interval from Chron 10 to Chron 8 with considerable variation (on the order of l 0 s years) on both its lower and upper boundaries. In specific terms, we can assign an age of 10.1 m.y. for its lower b o u n d a r y (Nagri stratotype), and an age of 7.9 m.y. for its upper boundary (Dhok Pathan stratotype). The Kamlial--Chinji boundary is sharply defined in the Khaur (Kamlial stratotype), Chinji--Nagri and Tatrot--Andar areas by the presence of a prominent sandstone cuesta. In the Khaur area (Kamlial stratotype) the Kamlial--Chinji boundary lies within Chron 14, at about 13,1 m.y. (Figs.12 and 13; Tauxe and Opdyke, 1982). We may generalize then that the Chinji F o r m a t i o n over much of the Potwar area is bracketed between Chrons 14 and 10. With regard to absolute age the Chinji F o r m a t i o n is bounded at its base at 13.1 m.y. (Kamlial stratotype, Khaur area) and at its top at 10.1 m.y. (Chinji--Nagri stratotypes). Like the Nagri Formation, however, these boundaries for various reasons may vary in age (on the order of l 0 s m.y.) from place to place over the Potwar Plateau area. The upper boundary of the Dhok Pathan F o r m a t i o n is ill-defined like its lower boundary. Based on the Tatrot " s t r a t o t y p e " (Tatrot--Andar section) and its correlated Kotal Kund section ( F i g . l l ) we place the upper limit of the Dhok Pathan Formation within the lower part of Chron 4 at about 5.1 m.y. (Figs.12 and 13). The Dhok Pathan Formation thus ranges from Chron 8 to Chron 4. With respect to age in years, we can specify 7.9 m.y. for its lower boundary (Dhok Pathan stratotype, Khaur area) and 5.1 m.y. for its upper boundary (Tatrot " s t r a t o t y p e " , Tatrot-Andar section). We point out that in the Soan synclinorium sections, the Dhok Pathan Formation is frequently eroded and overlain by the Pleistocene Potwar silt, so that the upper part of the Dhok Pathan is n o t represented in these sections. Pilgrim (1913) formed his " D h o k Pathan Faunal Z o n e " by combining fossils from the classic section of the Dhok Pathan Formation near Dhok Pathan village with fossils from the Dhok Pathan Formation near Bhandar. He did this because, on the basis of a lithological correlation he t h o u g h t the two areas were of approximately the same age. However, the Dhok Pathan F o r m a t i o n in its type section is contained within the lower part of magnetic Chron 7 and thus is 7.5--7.9 m.y. old (Tauxe and Opdyke, 1982). From our assessment of the magnetic-polarity stratigraphy of the fossil levels near Bhandar (Figs.10, 11, and 13) we place this section within Chron 5, which brackets 5.3--5.8 m.y. An age difference of over 2 m.y. thus exists between the fossils from the Dhok Pathan type sections and those from near Bhandar. We emphasize that the specific age assignments cited above are based exclusively on the principal stratotype and reference sections of the Potwar area. At any particular location, however, lithofacies boundaries may vary in time by 105 years on an order of magnitude basis. On occasion, deviations in excess of a million years may be anticipated (see for example Behrensmeyer and Tauxe, 1982).


S e d i m e n t a c c u m u l a t i o n rate

To the e x t e n t t h a t the boundaries o f Chron 9 are calibrated time lines, we may use this age information to calculate mean rate of sediment accumulation during the Chron 9 interval (Table I). In our Kotal Kund and Jalalpur sections we have another radiometrically identified time line, the Chron 2--3 b o u n d a r y (Figs.2, 4, and 13) in addition to the Chron-9 time lines. In these sections then we can calculate a mean sediment accumulation rate over a longer time span, the 7.5 m.y. between the Chron 9--10 time line and the Chron 2--3 time line (Table I). Sediment accumulation rates can also be calculated by regression techniques for those situations where a series of superposed strata are dated. Such conditions pertain in our Kotal Kund, Tatrot--Andar and Khaur sections where the local magnetic-polarity stratigraphy has been correlated with some confidence with a known time scale (Fig.13). We show in Fig.14 the results of such a linear regression for the Kotal Kund data. As oriented in Fig.14 slope is proportional to sediment accumulation rate. The slope parameter as calculated by the least-squares m e t h o d comes out to be 17 + 0.5 cm/ 10 3 yr. The regression plot for the Kotal Kund section (Fig.14) shows that in this section sediment accumulation has vacillated over time, but over the long term has stayed remarkably linear. In contrast to the Kotal Kund section, the Khaur section shows a marked 2-stage sedimentary history (Fig. 15). In the Chinji lithofacies (Chron 14--10)
TABLE I Mean sedimentation rate data as derived from magnetic-polarity stratigraphy Stratigraphic section Mean sedimentation (cm/103 yr) During Chron 9 23 20 24 37 22 49 During interval Chron 9--Chron 3 17 18
F r o m least-squares regression

Kotal Kund Jalalpur Tatrot--Andar Chakwal-Bhaun Chinji--Nagri Khaur Kotal Kund Jalalpur Kotal Kund (Chron 9--2) Khaur (Chron 14--10) Khaur (Chron 9--7) T a t r o t - - A n d a r (Chron 13--10) T a t r o t - - A n d a r (Chron 9--8) T a t r o t - - A n d a r (Chron 7--5)

17 23 52 13 23 14


160C 40C 1208 c~ OOC


~: BOOI 6OO 400 20C i/I L I












LABRECQUE,et ol, 1977 TIME SCALE ( m ? )

Fig.14. Comparison of the Kotal Kund magnetic-polarity stratigraphy (Fig.2) with the La Brecque et al. (1977) time scale. Slope is directly proportional to sedimentation rate (Table I).

the mean sediment accumulation rate is decidedly slower than in the overlying Nagri lithofacies (Chron 9--8). The onset of Nagri sedimentation marks a doubling in the local sedimentation rate (Table I). Likewise, in the Tatrot-Andar region the Chinji--Nagri lithofacies boundary is also associated with a change from slow to faster sedimentation (Fig.16) roughly doubling the rate (Table I). It would appear then that over much of the Potwar region the transition from the Chinji sedimentary environment to the Nagri represents a fundamental change in sedimentary-tectonic conditions. The overall sedimentation curve for the Tatrot--Andar section shows a distinct sigmoidal shape (Fig.16). We have segmented this curve into three linear components, the youngest of which shows a return to slower sedimentation starting about in Chron 7 (Fig.16). Over the Potwar area sedimentation generally ceased during Chron 2 with deformation, uplift and erosion taking place at this time (G. D. Johnson et al., 1979). The slowdown in sedimentation (segment C, Fig.16) in the younger sediments of the Tatrot-Andar section is probably the forerunner to the impending switch from sedimentation to erosion. The sediment accumulation rates we report in Table I for the Chinji, Nagri and Dhok Pathan sediments are generally compatible with those reported b y O p d y k e et al. (1979) for the Upper Siwaliks in the same region. The source areas for these sediments were the Himalayan ranges which lie immediately to the north of the Potwar Plateau. Uplift rates in these mountains during the past 15 m.y. have ranged from 16 to 34 c m / 1 0 0 0 years (Zeitler et al., 1980), or quite comparable in magnitude to the sediment accumulation rates






/ /o /

/0 /



,o [ ~

I~ I

~' I
Lo Brecque, et ol, (1977) Magnetic Polarity Time Scare

I,~1,~1,~ [,,I

Lo BTecque,elol (1977) Mognelic PolorJly Time Stole

Fig.15. Comparison of the Khaur composite magnetic-polarity stratigraphy (Tauxe and Opdyke, 1982) with the La Brecque et al. (1977) time scale. Slope is directly proportional to sedimentation rate (Table I). Fig.16. Comparison of the Tatrot--Bhandar magnetic-polarity stratigraphy with the La Brecque et al. (1977) time scale. Slope is directly proportional to sedimentation rate (Table I).

we report here (Table I). This correspondence between the rate of uplift in the source area and the rate of sediment accumulation immediately downstream implies the existence of a highly integrated fluvial system. As uplift occurred in the source areas, local base levels downstream were apparently raised in response. The Himalaya--Siwalik fluvial system in the past 15 m.y. thus appears to have been well adjusted with regard to overall erosion rate, load transport and sediment deposition.

Assessment of paleomagnetic sampling

Establishing a local magnetic-polarity stratigraphy from a limited set of discrete, paleomagnetic data points, is essentially a statistical problem, largely because of the information gaps inherent in any discrete sample network and the inferences associated with the gaps (McGee and Johnson, 1980). With present theories it is possible to retrospectively test the adequacy of a given sampling program on a statistical basis if ( 1 ) t h e time interval being sampled is known, (2) the number of paleomagnetic sites in the time interval is known, and (3) the mode of distribution of the sample sites is known. Our Kotal Kund, Khaur, Tatrot--Andar and Jalalpur sections meet these criteria,

39 so that a statistical assessment of the observed magnetic polarity zonation can be made. We list in Table II the results of such an analysis. Note that in the evaluations of the Kotal Kund, Khaur and Tatrot--Andar data, the n u m b e r of polarity reversals actually found (column VI, Table II) conforms to the n u m b e r expected from theory (column V, Table II). For the case of the Khaur data the observed results (column VI, Table II) attained the level of detail needed for a one-for-one comparison with the La Brecque et al. (1977) time scale (column VII, Table II). There is no assurance, however, that the polarity reversals actually discovered b y random sampling will coincide exactly with those designated in the standard polarity time scales. In fact, there is good reason to believe that this will not be the case. For example, in the Khaur composite section (Tauxe and Opdyke, 1982), even tbough the n u m b e r of observed polarity reversals (column VI, Table II) is that required for a one-for-one match with the La Brecque et al.) time scale (column VII, Table II) there are conspicuous disparities (Fig.13). These include extra polarity zones in Chrons 7, 8 and 9 as well as missing polarity zones in Chrons 10 and 12 (Figs.13 and 15). The extra polarity zone in Chron 9 is most likely one of the short events anticipated b y Blakely and Cox (1972). The Khaur d a t a t h u s illustrate the point that the k n o w n polarity time scales are themselves incomplete in detail, generally lacking the shorter polarity intervals (<20 000 years) which exist in the history of the earth's magnetic field (Harrison, 1969). It should be expected therefore that by pure chance any paleomagnetic sampling program will uncover short polarity zones that are not defined in the reversal time scale as presently known. Unlike the Kotal Kund, Khaur and Tatrot--Andar sections, the number of observed polarity reversals (column VI, Table If) in the Jalalpur section falls quite short of that expected from theoretical considerations (column V, Table If). The Jalalpur section is also different in that its magnetic-polarity stratigraphy is not readily matched with the La Brecque et al. time scale, except for Chron 9 and the radiometrically determined level (Fig.13). Two

assessment of p a l e o m a g n e t i c sampling p r o g r a m using the r a n d o m sample m o d e l (McGee and Johnson, 1980)


Stratigraphic section

Polarity zones

Number of polarity Magnetic Time Number of Expected Observed chron interval paleon u m b e r of number of reversals in the time interval (m.y.) magnetic polarity polarity interval as given by sites reversalsa reversals La Breeque et al, (1977)
10--3 14--8b 8.93 5.58 86 70 30.2 - 4.4 + 22.0 + 3.9 31 24

Kotal Kund


R3--N 12 --

24 34 34






24.9 + 4.0
23.1 + 3.8


aBased on a mean reversal rate of 8 per million years (Harrison, 1969). b D a t a f r o m Hasal Kas and R a t h a Kas only ( T a u x e , 1979).

40 possibilities for explaining the shortfall in the observed number of polarity reversal m a y be that: (1) a residual magnetic overprint, which we have been unable to remove by our demagnetization procedures, is compromising the data base, or (2) a significant b u t undetected unconformity(s) in the section has cut-out a substantial part o f the time actually sampled. An interesting case study is also provided b y the lower part (RI--NT, Figure 6) of the Chinji--Nagri section. In this case 14 magnetic polarity reversals have been uncovered b y 28 paleomagnetic sites, a situation which is statistically impossible given the present theory (McGee and Johnson, 1980). The predominance of normal polarity in this section (R1--NT, Fig.6) may be explained b y a residual, normal over-print which has not been removed b y our demagnetization treatments (Opdyke et al., 1982). This normal overprint m a y also help account for the disproportionate number of Class II sites in this part of the section (Fig.6). Several lines of evidence thus suggest that the reliability of the paleomagnetic data from this part of the section (R1--NT, Fig.6) is questionable. We have n o t attempted, therefore, to correlate this part of the Chinji--Nagri section with the La Brecque et al. (1977) time scale. It should be emphasized, however, that despite the apparently compromised data from this section, Chron 9 still emerges as a distinct, normal polarity zone bracketed above and below b y mixed polarities (Fig.6). Apart from the statistical aspects of our sample base, another factor affects the detail and configuration of our magnetic polarity stratigraphy. This factor concerns the w a y in which fluvial sediments are laid down. Although over long-term periods sediment accumulations appear to be relatively linear (Figs.14, 15, and 16), sedimentation is in fact episodic and irregular in the short-term and from point-to-point (see especially Fig.14). The effect of this " n o i s e " on the magnetic record is to locally lengthen some polarity zones and suppress others. Thus, random distortions are induced in the record of polarity changes. It is difficult to discriminate between the sedimentary factors and the sampling factors when considering this kind of " n o i s e " in the magnetic polarity record.

Summary of results
In six magnetic polarity sections taken over the Potwar Plateau a distinctive, long, normal polarity zone is found associated with the Nagri Formation. This long, normal polarity zone has been dated at the Nagri stratotype at 9.5 + 0.6 m.y., which correlates it with Chron 9 (marine anomaly 5). Radiometric dates from the Upper Siwalik Formation have also been used to identify the Chron 2--3 b o u n d a r y from two of the sections. By means of these radiometric constraints the magnetic polarity stratigraphy may be interpreted in terms of the calibrated magnetic reversal time scale. Using as a reference only the appropriate stratotype data, the age of the Kamlial--Chinji formational b o u n d a r y (as observed at the Kamlial stratotype) is 13.1 m.y.; the Chinji--Nagri b o u n d a r y (as observed at the Chinji--Nagri stratotype) is


10.1 m.y.; the Nagri--Dhok Pathan b o u n d a r y (as observed at the Dhok Pathan stratotype) is 7.9 m.y., and the Dhok Pathan--Upper Siwalik boundary (as observed at the Tatrot " s t r a t o t y p e " ) is 5.1 m.y. Sediment accumulation rates during the Chinji, Nagri and Dhok Pathan interval range from 13 to 52 cm/103 years. These sedimentation rates are of the same magnitude as the uplift rates measured in the adjacent Himalayan source areas during the past 15 m.y. In several stratigraphic sections essentially linear sediment accumulations have been maintained over time intervals of many million years. The Chinji--Nagri formational boundary marks a transition from slow to faster sedimentation over much of the Potwar region, indicating a basic sedimentary-tectonic change at this time. This transition is evidently timetransgressive from north to south. A statistical analysis of the paleomagnetic sampling programs used in this study shows that the sampling was generally adequate to make valid correlations with the magnetic time scale.

We are grateful to our colleagues from Yale University, H. French, G. Meyer, J. Barry and A. Behrensmeyer; the Geological Survey of Pakistan, M. Mirza, A. Farah and I. Shah; D a r t m o u t h College, H. Keller, P. Zeitler, C. Naeser, R. Raynolds, C. Visser, H. Ardrey, J. Carmony and P. Rey; and also L. Tauxe, D. Lafferty, P. Larsen, B. MacFadden and L. Jacobs, w h o all contributed substantially to this project. We are especially indebted to D. Pilbeam, J. Barndt and M. Pickford, whose help was indispensable to the success of this study. We also thank Mohammad Khan for his special expertise in seeing this project through. Our work has been generously supported b y various NSF grants as well as resources from Peshawar University and the Geological Survey of Pakistan.
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