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AP Statistics


Directions: Work on thesesheets.A random digit table is provided separately. Part l: Multiple Choice. Circle the letter coruesponding the bestanswer to l. What do we call a samplethat consists the entirepopulation? of (a) A stratum (b) A multistage sample (c) A mistake.A sample can neverbe the entirepopulation. (d) A census (e) None of the above. Thc answeris

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2. A memberof C'ongress wantsto know what his constituents think of proposedlegislationon healthinsurance.FIis staff reportsthat22S lettershave beenreceivedon the subject,of which 193oppose legislation.What is the population this situation? the in (a) The constituents (b) I'he 228 letters received 'l'he (c) 193opposing lcgislation the (d) Congress 'I'hc (e) None o1the above. answer is 3. Which of the fbllowing is a methodfor irnprovingthe accuracy a sample? of (a) Use no more than 3 or 4 words in any question (b) Whenpossible, avoid the useof humaninterviewers, relyingon computerized dialing instead (c) Use largesample sizes (d) tJsesmaller sample sizcs (c) Noneol'theabove.Thc answer is 4, We saythat the designof a studyis biased which of the follorvingis true? if (a) A racialor sexualprelL'rence suspected is (b) Randomplacebos havebeenused (c) Certainoutcomesare systematically favored (d) T'hecorrelationis greaterthan 1 or lessthan -l (e) None of the above. f'hc answeris 5. Control groupsare usedin experiments orderto . . . in (a) Control the efTects lurking variablessuchas the placeboeffect of (b) Controlthe subjects a studyso as to insureall participate of equally (c) Guaranlee who have a vestedinterestin the that someoncother than the investigators, outcome,control horv the experimentis conducted (d) Achievea properand unifbrmlevel of randomization (e) None of the above. The answer is

Chapter 5


Answer comptetety, rPrTj|r',r:';;:;':riri,ii,*u, ou,

and show steps. au

Suppose Richmond-Times the Dispatch asksa sample 150Richmonders opinions the of their on qualityof life in Richmond. 6. Is this studyanexperiment? Explainwhy or why not.

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fVrq -k?*\rttrci. and populationtheopinibn in 16). the in poll 't^ rrrc r -.J-!ru,L, I 5t)' trC A \"n PL!

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Readthe brief articleaboutaspirinand alcohol.


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Aspirin may enhanceimpairment by alcohol Aspirin,a longtimeantidote the sideeffectsof drinking,may actuallyenhance for alcohol'seffect, researchers the Bronx Veteran'sAffairs Medical Centersay. at In a reporton a study publishcdin the Journalof the American Medical Association, researchers the saidthey foundthat aspirinsignificantly lowered body's abilify to breakdown alcoholin the stomach. the As a result,five volunteers who had a standard breakfast and two extra-strength aspirintabletsan hour beforedrinkinghad bloodalcohollevels30 percent higherthan when they drankalcoholalone. Each volunteer consumed equivalent a glassand a half of wine. the of That 30 peroent could makethe difference between sobrietyand impairment, saidDr. Charles Lieber, S. medical directorof the Alcohol Research TreatmentCenterat the Bronx center,who was co-author and of the reportwith Dr. RistoRoirre.

8. Doesthis articledescribe experiment? an Explain.

9. Did thisstudyinvolve simple a (SRS)?Explain. random sample

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10.Did this studyusea particular design we havestudied? so,identifuthetlesign.Then that If on thevalidityol'thestudy. .comment

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Chapter 5

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Biasis present each thefollowingsampling in of designs. each In identi$'thetypeof bias case, involvedandstatewhether you think the sampling frequency obtained lower or higherthanthe is parameter. actualpopulation 11.A politicalpollster seeks information gun about proportion American the of adults thatoppose controls.He asks SRSof 1000 a American adults:"Do you agree disagree the or with following statement: Americans shouldpreserve their constitutional right to keepandbear (thatis, 910out of the 1000 ilms." A totalof 910,or 9lYo,said"agree" gun oppose controls).

Btu;', {ue9l on Nord i nq

12.A flour company Minneapolis in wants knowwhatpercentage localhouseholds at to of bake least twicea week. A company representative 500households calls duringthedaytime and findsthat50%of thembakeat least twicea week.
(l ?ta='. PoP\a aJ Vror\^!- a/\g Ymottt t^4 '&,^d \J,JOTnjD--vr +h*,V *e.rC. -fu \a[{'-'

It is believed that 75% ofall apartment in dwellers a largecity deadbolt theirdoorsin addition to lockingthemasanadded precaution against burglary, (in 13.Describe words,andin detail)how you wouldsimulate SRSof 20 apartment a dwellers.

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14.Beginning line 127in therandom at digit table, actually simulate SRSof 20 apartment a (Rerninder: dwellers. ShowYour Work!) Whatis theproportionp people the sample of in who deadbolt theirdoors?

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Chapter 5


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You areparticipating the designof a medicalexperiment investigate in to whetheror not a oalcium supplement the diet will reducethe in bloodpressure middle-aged of men. preliminaryresearch suggests the supplement havea gteiter effecton blackrien than that may on white men. 15. what sortof experimental design would you choose, why? and

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menand500 blackmen.

16' Assume that the experimental population consists 600white of

design (Be to how subjects are 9:l||:,]^*1.91i1lry treatmenttheexperiment. sure indicate many 9f assigned the various to groups.)

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17' UseLine 134of the Random NumberTableto select first 5 whitesfor the study,anduse the Line 142to select first 5 blacksfor the study. the

UJ0utd trudfy\O{rt Oto*p n%,Vdltufr. br r^o-r^ Ne-Lac*qc. -TK! l{urnVrn ld.ctc{-r^s-^.1 D\ -N {rv* v b\aCL fr(L4A'A"eIlCrd. fo3o* l4'-7'&'r...d aiartn-ect b a/\! LQbroT+,n-7 4CAl-truafn\o1ff %o*?
* I pledge that I have neither given nor received aid on this test.
Chapter 5

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Test 5A

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