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To practice basic commands in Linux.

Expt. No: Date: Time:

BASIC LINUX COMMANDS: 1.cal: Displays the calendar for the specified year and also displays for specified month. Ex: $ cal 2005 - Displays the calendar for year 2005. Ex: $ cal 1 2005 -Displays the calendar for January month of the year 2005. 2.passwd: used for changing the user password. Ex: $ passwd Output: new password: echoed on the screen. Retype new password: once again. 3.logname: It displays your login name. Ex: $ logname Output: guest 4.pwd : It displays current working directory. Ex: $ pwd 5.Output: /home/guest/raju 6.echo: This command is used to type the message on the screen. Ex: $ echo HI-TECH COLLEGE OF ENGG. & TECH. 7.Output: HI-TECH COLLEGE OF ENGG. & TECH. 8.tput : This command is used for taming the cursor. It helps in positioning the specified location. cursor at # Here you have to confirm your new password by typing #here you have to type your new password. It will not be

9.Syntax: $ tput cup rowno colno column number.

-->cup puts the cursor at specified row number and

Ex: $tput cup 10 20 --> Puts the cursor at 10th row and 20th column. 10.Man: Displays the manual (help) page for specified command. To come out from that Ex: $ls Output : raju document prabhu 11.clear: It clears the screen. Ex: $clear cat : Displays the contents of the specified file or files. Ex: $cat ducumet1 Output: this is first file created using cat command. Ex: $cat > filename: overrides the contents of the specified file if it already exist otherwise creates a new file. After completion of typing press ctrl +D. Ex: $cat >>filename : appends typed contents to the specified file. 12.mkdir : this command is used to create new directory with specified name.\ Ex: $ mkdir hitech directory. 13. rmdir: It removes the specified directory. Ex: rmdir hitech --> it removes the hitech directory from current directory. chmod listed below. Read 4 Write 2 Execute 1 Ex: $chmod 754 hitech 14. ll: : this command is used to change permission of the specified directory or file.Here each permission is associated with a number, which are --> it creates a directory with hitech name under current page we have to press q. Ex: $man ls ls: It lists files and directories of the current directory.

: this will set permissions for owner as7 (read+write+Execute)

full, for groups users as 5 (read+execute) and for other only 4(read). This command will displays contents of the current directory or specified with all attributes. Ex: $ll

15. cd: This command is used to change directory.

Ex: $cd college: This command changes your working directory to college. 16. cp: This command is used to copy the specified file or files to the specified location. Ex: $ cp prabhu /guest/raju/ -->this command copies the prabhu file to raju directory which is located in guest's home directory. 17.mv: This command has two functions. One for renaming a file and another for moving the file to the specified directory. Ex: $ mv document1 /guest/raju --> This command moves the document1 to the raju directory which is located in guest's home directory. 18.ln: This command will create link to the specified direcotory. Ex: $ ln prabhu prabhu1 --> now we can reffer same file with both names prabhu as well as prabhu1. 19.more: This command wills displays contents of the specified file one screen at a time. Ex: $more document1 --> Displays the contents of the file one screen at a time. 20.rm : This command is used to remove the specified file or files. Ex: $rm document1 21.who: Displays all users who have logged in. Ex: $ who output: pavan anitha tty2 Ex: $ date tty1 jan 30 10:10 jan 30 11:10

22.date : Displays the system date

output: Fri May 16 10:10:50 IST




Expt. No: Date: Time:

1.To know how to search the web. 2.To know different search engines available on the net and how to use them.

THEORY: A search engine is a service that indexes , and often rates and reviews web sites. We are having different types of search engines. Those are google search, Altavista, Yahoo search, All search engines.com etc. In google search only different types of engines are there those are google search Canada(google search ca). EQUIPMENT: A computer with An internet connection. PROCEDURE / DESCRIPTION: A search engine is a service that indexes, organizes, and often rates and reviews Web sites. It helps you find the needle that one Web site you've got to see in the Internet haystack. Different search engines work in different ways. Some rely on people to maintain a catalog of Web sites or pages. Some use software to identify key information on sites across the Internet. Some combine both types of service.

So when you search their "holdings," you're bound to get different results. A better way to locate specific information is to use search engines, Web tools t hat help you find specific sites on the Internet. These are searchable indexes running on powerful computers that let you look up information using key words, words that might be in the document you want to find. When you enter a word or phrase to look up, the search engine locates any documents containing those key words and lists their titles, brief descriptions, and addresses. These listed documents are called hits because the computer hit on them using your key word. clicking on the title or address of one of the listed documents jumps you to that page, wherever it is. There are a number of popular search engines on the web, and each works a little differently. Yahoo has a search function and hot lists featuring new and interesting sites. To jump to any of the thousands of listed pages, you just click its name and hyperlinks take you there automatically. There are so many search engines. They are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Google Altavista Allsearch engines.com Search.com Yahoo search

Topics to search in the search engine: 1.Types of Intrusion Detection System 2.Data Mining Techniques 3.Data Warehousing 4.Cyber Forensics Tools 5.Agent Interaction

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