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Suzan Suzans POV hier is echt geweldig.

Ella is mijn favoriet van de drie, maar om Suze kan ik ook altijd lachen XD Ze is brutaal, maar niet in de vorm dat het irritant en ongeloofwaardig wordt: ze kent haar eigen angsten en beperkingen, en dat maakt dr menselijk. "W-well I I y-you're u-uhm." I was choking on my own words, trying to form a coherent sentence. The cold metal pressing at my throat didn't do much for my nerves, nor did the spinning Sharingan eyes staring into mine with impatience. God, this was probably the least person I'd expected to fall through, if anyone was going to. Why him? I cursed the old hag in my mind, and could almost hear her laugh at me, but tried to calm myself. "It's it's uh, very complicated." The most legendary Uchiha raised his eyebrows, then scowled. I noticed the long hair, though it was shorter than I remembered it to be. No prominent creases under his eyes, and though he was wearing the red armor like I remembered from the manga, he seemed younger, somewhere in his mid-twenties. Dammit, she couldn't have at least given us Madara in his prime? Of course not; she didn't want to get her ass kicked after all. Bitch. Biatch. Maar gelukkig geen hashirama hoofd. God, that freaked me out in the manga O.O "I asked for my location. What could possibly be complicated about that, woman?" I held my breath, seeing his patience was running thin. Come on, Suze, stay cool, he seems reasonable... somewhat. At least he doesn't have Hashirama's face on his chest. Ugh, ik heb er zon hekel aan al seen van de meiden wordt aangesproken met Woman. Het klinkt z demigrerend >.< "It's a long story, so if you could just you know, let me breathe?" I requested, my voice shakier than I'd wanted it to be. My persuasive skills were seriously failing me right now, just when I need them most. Madara narrowed his eyes, obviously agitated. Als psychologe moet je toch beter kunnen Suzan :P "Do you take me for a fool? Tch, no matter. I'll just figure it out by myself." He removed the weapon from my throat for a splitsecond, and then I saw it coming towards me, almost in slowmotion. He was aiming to kill, having decided I was an enemy. You know how people say their lives flash in front of their eyes when they are dying? Split-second moet los of met verbindingsteken ;) OH FUCK I'M GONNA DIE SHIT SHIT SHIT MOTHERFUCKER OH HOLY SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK- And so on, and so forth. That's really all that went on in my mind. No reflecting back on my life, no reminiscing about my regrets, thinking about my loved ones, no sir! All there was, was a wide range of colorful swear words as I was sure I was finished. He'd either stab me in the chest or slit my throat, and I'd die slowly and painfully. Hahaha XD FUCK. Then, there was the sound of metal clashing against metal, and someone grabbed my arm and jerked me away. I lost my balance and fell into Alex who caught me. Kakashi was standing between us and Madara, and had obviously saved me. Ella, Hidan and Deidara were standing in the room as well. I felt Alex freeze and Ella gasp as she gazed at Madara, who seemed simply annoyed with the whole situation. I saw Kakashi's eyes widen in realization. "You but you're this is impossible." Kakashi, je bent in een total andere wereld, al meer dan een maand omringt door mensen die voorheen niks liever wilden dan jou dood hebben. Je moet ondertussen toch wel wat gewent zijn :P Hoewel het aanzicht van Madara misschien dan toch net buiten de comfortzone valt xD "Nope, it's perfectly possible." I huffed in response, but then flinched when the Uchiha shot a glare at me. Intimidating bastard. I carefully got up on my feet, not having to rely on Alex anymore. "Hhey, listen, we're not your enemies here! It's a long story but if you just let us explain-" "Explain?" he repeated derisively. "Oh yes, why do explain to me how one moment I'm talking to my clansmen and the next I'm being sucked into this ridiculous hole in the ground. Explain before I decide to kill you." While I knew better than to talk back, Hidan had no clue who the guy was.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you asshole?" haha, Hidan, idioot die je bent. Zou Hidan het het gevoel angst kennen? "Hidan!" I hissed, as he was only making the situation worse. Luckily for him, Madara just ignored him, though that pissed Hidan off even more. My first impression of the legendary Uchiha? Bossy and impatient with a holier-than-thou attitude. The type of person who thought they should be put on a pedestal and worshipped. The type of person who hated losing and was indifferent to most people around him. Certainly not the type of person I'd like to hang out with. (Oh, sure, Tobi had claimed in the manga that Madara had loved his clan, and I'm sure he had, but I highly doubted he cared about the people in his clan, save for maybe his direct family. He seemed more like he valued the pride and honor of his clan more than the actual people in it.)Dit, fantastisch. Je hebt hiermee Madaras karakter fantastisch neergezet. Persoonlijk vind ik hem nog niet eens zon asshole, maar vooral een product van zijn tijd. Hij is opgegroeid in een wereld waar de regel van de sterkste gold: kracht was niet alleen macht, het was ook de enige manier om te overleven. Kracht had je niet alleen voor jezelf, maar ook om degene om wie je gaf te beschermen. Ik denk, persoonlijk, dat Madara echt om bepaalde mensen heeft gegeven, in het bijzonder Izuna, maar dat hij ook een heel trots persoon was en dat daarom eer, de eer van zijn naam, ook hoog in de vaandel stond. Kishi is niet een schrijver die harteloze vijanden creert, ze hebben altijd een reden waarvoor ze doen wat ze doen: voor liefde, of voor het verlies ervan. Daarom geloof ik niet dat hij echt alleen maar streefde naar kracht, maar er uiteindelijk ook vrede, of het beste voor zijn geliefden mee wilde bereiken. Maar misschien is dat te optimistisch en naef gezien van mijn kant ^^ In zijn tijd was vrede voor allen onvoorstelbaar en vrede voor weinigen een doel. Voor dat doel had hij kracht nodig en die vergaarde hij, totdat hij een van de krachtigste mensen was (waardoor ook de bazigheid en arrogantie goed te verklaren is). Maar zelfs toen had hij, naar zijn idee, geen vrede gevonden. Ik snap best dat hij daarom verbitterd is. As I analyzed his character in my head, I kept staring at him, which was a bad habit, according to my psych teacher. He'd told me many times staring at a patient while analyzing them would make them uncomfortable, and from the scowl and intense glare Madara sent my way I could tell he didn't appreciate it either. Ella nudged me in the ribs when she noticed I was doing the staringthing and I blinked, looking away quickly. Then the door to my bedroom opened once again, and things got really complicated. Itachi and Sasuke walked in, both of their Sharingan eyes activated to spot any threats. They froze instantly when they saw their ancestor. Sasuke seemed particularly shocked, nailed to the ground, almost. Itachi's Sharingan eyes widened for a second, then I saw his jaw clench as he furrowed his brows, but he stayed calm. Well, this was awkward. Madara had a somewhat surprised reaction at seeing them, but then quickly turned suspicious. Vergeet niet dat Sasuke altijd heeft gedacht dat hij en Itachi de laatste uchihas waren. Madara is, in a sense, familie, iets wat hij altijd heeft moeten missen. Een soort van band tussen de twee, voor zover dat mogelijk is van Madaras kant, zou logischerwijze wel moeten ontwikkelen. Of in ieder geval een goed gesprek. POV van een van de Uchihas om dit verder te belichten, misschien? "You two," he snapped "you possess the Sharingan, but I do not recognize you. State your names." From his demanding and bossy tone I could tell he was used ordering people around. I was probably supposed to be impressed or something, but instead I was just irritated by it. "With all due respect, I'd doubt you'd recognize our names, or our even parents' names." Itachi spoke a lot calmer than I would've been in his position. Good thing I wasn't. Sasuke stayed silent, still seeming rather taken aback though he was processing it by now. "Allow me to explain." Itachi is wonderfully in character. Kudos. About an hour later we were all downstairs in the living room. Everyone, except Tobi, was present. Figures. I'd have to track that bastard down sooner or later, as I couldn't have him just disappear on us like that. Despite him being a complete asshole, he'd be useful in the fight against that old bitch. In any case, back to the matter at hand; Madara was sitting on my favorite armchair (and I ignored the urge to yell at him) contemplating all the info we'd just dumped on him. Or actually, Itachi had dumped on him. Alex and Ella were sitting as far away from him as possible on two chairs, I was sitting between Deidara and Hidan on the couch, Itachi was on the other (newer and

less comfy) armchair opposite to Madara and the rest were standing around. Armchair humor, kan nooit fout XD We'd told him basically everything from the very beginning. Slowly, of course, and he'd constantly asked questions. He'd been confused and frustrated, but it seemed after an hour of explaining, he seemed to understand (Ik denk dat accept hier beter op zn plaats is, aangezien Madara zeker niet dom is en om het te snappen hij zeker geen uur nodig zou hebben). Of course we avoided telling him about the Akatsuki, but we couldn't deny the fact that Sasuke and Itachi were his descendants. Dit is waarschijnlijk een dome vraag van mijn kant, maar wat zou er erg zijn aan Madara die van de akatsuki af weet? xD "You expect me to take your word on this?" Madara eventually said after a tense silence. Of course this must've come as a huge shock to him, though his face didn't betray it. Uchiha po-popokerface! "Why would we possibly make up such an elaborate lie?" Kakashi replied. "Besides, just look around you. Does this place look like Konohagakure to you?" Madara glanced out the window, seeing cars rush by out on the streets, then looked around in the room, glancing at the electronics present that must seem very foreign to him. Kakashis droogheid is zo overtuigend. Weer een karakter dat je perfect in character schrijft. "Not really, no." he leaned back in my chair and I wondered if he'd kill me if I threw a book at his head, then decided he'd probably throw it back and unintentionally kill me with it. "So who is this old woman?" he eventually asked. Everyone looked at me, waiting for an answer. Hahaha, armchair humor again XD "She described herself as an ancient and incredibly powerful being, and a witch. However, considering she can make any wish you make come true, I'd say she's on the level of a Goddess instead of just a witch. Witches were never described as that powerful throughout history. That's all we know about her." I explained, and wondered if I could try and research stuff about her on the internet. Zouden de Akatsuki en andere bezoekers ondertussen niet wat meer willen weten over onze wereld? Ik bedoel, de geschiedenis, de normen en waarden, de wapens..? Het is z anders dan de hunne en ik heb het idee dat dat aspect van het verhaal misschien wat meer aandacht kan krijgen. De verbazing over onze denkwijzen bij de Narutverse-inhabitants is nog niet zo veel naar voren gekomen, alleen wat opmerkingen van Tobi. "But why is she doing all of this?" "She said she's well, she was bored." "She was bored, so she saw it fit to pluck me out of my village just for her own entertainment?" he said with an incredulous look on his face. XD Deal with it, like the boss you are. "Er, yes. So, do you want to help us defeat her?" "Gladly." he responded. "But with so little information it's impossible to come up with an appropriate strategy." I glanced at Alex and we were both thinking the same thing. She stood up and walked to the kitchen, then came back with her laptop which she'd left there on the table earlier. "What's that?" Sasuke asked with a frown, never having seen a laptop before. Alex opened it and switched it on. "It's a device which stores all information known to man (Dit, beste beschrijving van een pc ooit.), to put it simply. Think of it as a giant library stuffed in a small electronic device." she explained absentmindedly, probably browsing the web by now. Deidara, Gaara and Kakashi, who were sitting closest to her, curiously peeked over to the screen to watch what she was doing. "Keywords?" Alex asked me. "Witchcraft and Goddess."

"Alright. Found something." Ah, Google. You never disappoint. The wonders of technology.. "That was fast." Madara said surprised. "Well, what does it say?" Alex looked up at him briefly. Surprised? SURPRISED? Woaw, das meer emotie dan we ooit gezien hebben bij Sasuke in shippuuden XD "Apparently, there is a Greek Goddess with the name of Hecate. She is variously associated with crossroads, gates and other entrances, passages, lunar lore, the night sky, the sea, the restless dead, dogs, snakes, magic and witchcraft. The website also says she used to be described as a beautiful lunar goddess, and had the power of giving humanity anything she wished, or withholding it if she pleased. Hekate! Yay! We hebben zojuist nog een tekst over haar vertaald bij Grieks :D Een van mn favoriete goden, naast Hermes, Janus (Romeinse mythologie only), Eris, Eos, Selene en Helios. Ugh, teveel mythologie gelezen XD "She could rule the earth, heaven and sea, but usually was seen as a protector of shepherds and sailors. Her reputation was tarnished by humans over the centuries, and she was starting to be described as an old hag or an ugly witch stirring a cauldron, but then was eventually forgotten. That's all I could find." :( Griekse mythologie is in de middeleeuwen en daarna idd niet met het meeste respect behandeld. "Well, that explains EVERYTHING!" I exclaimed, having a Eureka-moment when Alex was done, focusing all attention on me. "Obviously she's a bitter old woman because she was depicted as an ugly old witch and then forgotten by us mortals. She created that tsunami and decided to screw with me to get some sort of revenge for all of that shit, and I'm pretty sure she did a lot of other stuff as well. Not to mention she is the Goddess of crossroads and entrances, so it's no wonder she could rip open a portal whenever she wanted to, and because she is associated with witchcraft and magic, she calls herself a witch. It makes perfect sense!" Kijk, dit is nu e verdieping van karakter waar ik het een paar chapters geleden over had. Great job, je hebt het echt perfect ingevuld :D Origineel en open voor uitbereiding (met eventueel andere goden? :P) "Psh, I bet Jashin-sama could kill her." "Not now, Hidan." Hidan. Shut your idiotic mouth. Im pretty sure the old hag is able to kill you. Oh! Oh! Oh! Idee: Ik had het een paar paragraven geleden over Hidan en angst: Wat als de oude vrouw Hidan voor een tijdje sterfelijk maakt? :D Gewoon ideen aan het rondbezuinen XD "Wait, wait, wait." Ella interrupted me. "Are you telling me Greek mythology is real?" I was silent, then my jaw dropped. Oh my god. There went my proud status as an atheist, flying right out the window. Ella herself was dumbstruck, as she'd been a Christian all her life. "So so Zeus and Hades and all those other Gods...?" Idd! Die andere goden? Zeus is zon player XD Als je hem in het verhaal brengt zou Konan er eigenlijk ook moeten zijn, gewoon nouja, jeweetwel. Als diversion XD "I have no idea what you are talking about right now, but I'm pretty sure there are more important matters at hand, yeah." Deidara interrupted our religious-identity-crisis. Alex was the only one out of the three of us who didn't give a damn. Yay Alex. "It doesn't matter what this woman is, we just need to find a way to kill her." Sasuke said, folding his arms with a scowl. "How do you want to kill a Goddess?" Kakuzu asked dryly, and Sasuke glared at him, having no answer to that question. "To be fair," Alex started "Greek Gods and Goddesses have been killed before. It is possible for them to die, though only by the hand of another God or Goddess." "So what you're saying is that we're screwed?" nee, ze zegt dat jullie op zoek moeten naar een god/godin die jullie wil helpen :D

"Unless you convince her to teleport the Sage of the Six Paths here, yes, we are screwed. But, they can be harmed to a point. I remember reading a myth of the Goddess Aphrodite, who pricked herself on the thorns of a rosebush and her blood turned the roses red." "We can injure them, but we can't actually kill them? So their immortality is similar to Hidan's." Itachi stated. "In that case, severing her head should do the trick." Als Hidan gewoon door kan gaan met schelden met een afgehakt hoofd, denk ik dat de heks ook door kan gaan met dr magie en tsunamis, tbh. "It's not much to go on, though." "But it's the best shot we have. Why not take it?" "And risk getting our asses kicked?" "It's that or be stuck here forever, yeah." I sighed, listening to the men argue about strategy and what to do next as I leaned back on the couch and tried to get rid of my headache. I then decided to go look for Tobi, as he'd been absent the entire day. It was probably like four in the morning by now but I was just too annoyed to go to sleep. I got up, but then realized someone would have to show Madara around. Seeing as how I'd taken it upon myself to look for the masked bastard and Alex had already shown Gaara around, I looked at Ella with puppy eyes, who looked back with a slight frown gracing her face. "Ella," I cooed sweetest voice I could manage "you're such a sweet person, right?" "If if you say so." she said, getting a little suspicious by now. "See, I'm so tired today, and I really need to relax," I mumbled, which was true, though I did try to seem more anxious than I actually felt "but someone has to point Madara to his room, and well, I figured maybe you'd want to?" Ella glanced reluctantly at Madara, who'd heard that and was looking at her, and she looked back at me. "If you're really not feeling well, then sure, I guess." she said, though she didn't seem to really want to, and I sighed relieved. "Thanks, I really owe you one." I had no intention on spending alone time with that prick, and walked to the kitchen, wondering if Tobi had been hanging out there. Eh, ja, heb eigenlijk niet veel te zeggen over dit stuk xD Arme Ella, I guess? Nja, ik denk niet dat Madara zo erg is zeker niet tegen iemand zoals Ella. Ik denk zelfs dat Madara eerder een soort van bewondering zou hebben voor haar, aangezien ze zo onschuldig, naef en eerlijk is. Ik denk niet dat hij veel van dat personen ontmoet heeft tijdens zijn leven, en zeker geen zonder egocentrische bijbedoelingen. gesprek tussen Madara en Ella, n keer? Als er nog screentime voor is XD

Alex I'd put my laptop away and heard Suzan convince Ella to go show Madara around in her place, and felt sorry for her. I frowned as Suzan walked into the kitchen, abandoning the living room, and glanced at Ella, who seemed more than reluctant to be alone with the guy. Honestly, I would be to. He had one intimidating aura. I looked at Kakashi, wondering if he'd heard, but he'd been so occupied in discussing strategy he hadn't noticed at all. Well, if no one was going to go upstairs with them, I would have to. I'd rather not see Ella alone with a threatening guy like Madara. But apparently I hadn't been the only one thinking the same thing, as when Ella and Madara got up, so did Itachi. She shot him a questioning look. KAKASHI. IDIOOT. Als ik wil dat mijn EllaxKakashi fandom goed gaat, moet je wel je best doen D:

"I'm going to my room." he said simply. I noticed Sasuke frowning at his older brother, and couldn't help but smirk. At least Ella seemed very relieved. I watched the three of them go upstairs. "THREESOME TIME!" HAHAHA, ok, bij deze moest ik echt hardop lachen XD "HIDAN! Seriously, man!" The three of them froze on the stairs and turned around to look at the crazy Jashinist. Ella looked mortified, Madara had a perfectly blank look on his face and Itachi was slightly scowling, disapprovingly. But Hidan was laughing his ass off, and even Deidara seemed amused, chuckling silently. Sasuke was glaring daggers at him, and then Hidan got the remote flung to his head which hit him square in the face. But Sasuke hadn't thrown it, Kakashi had. He seemed so nonchalant I'd almost believe he was innocent, had I not seen him throw said object. HAHAHA, ook hier weer hardop lachen XD Je woordkeuze is eigenlijk nog grappiger dan de act itself :P Maar dat is een kenmerk van een geode schrijver ;) En bravo Kakashi, je laat mijn fandom niet helemaal zitten door Ella te negeren terwijl ze met een potentile moordenaar de trap op loopt -."Oops, my hand slipped." he said very unapologetically. While Hidan started raging and Kakuzu scolded him, telling him to shut up for the nth time, I watched Ella, with her by now reddened face, dart up the stairs so fast I was a little baffled at her speed. The two men behind her seemed somewhat startled by her sudden running, but followed her coolly nevertheless, with an indifferent air only an Uchiha possessed. Ook hier is het weer je woordkeuze die de humor omhelst. I leaned back, bored, as I watched Sasuke throw what was probably an inner hissy fit and rolled my eyes. Deidara then tapped me on the shoulder and I looked at him questioningly. "Aren't you getting bored, yeah?" he asked, and I nodded, yawning lightly. "Wanna go out or something? Anywhere is fine. I'm getting sick of this house, yeah." I had to agree, but I couldn't just take them out somewhere, considering he and Hidan had been seen at a crime scene. It had been over a month now, but still, we had to be alert. Eh, ja. Ik denk niet dat de familieleden van de overledenen het al vergeten zijn. Dus voorzichtheid gewaarborgd XD "We can't go to public places, though." I said, and he sighed annoyed. "I just wanna meet some new people while I'm still here, you know?" Oe, leuk, nieuwe mensen :D Trouwens, als je ooit nog een OC nodig hebt voor een bijrolletje ofzo, dan zou ik me vereerd voelen als een van mijn jongens of meisjes een appearance mocht krijgen :3 "Well, aren't you a social butterfly." XD Zei Alex dit? "Hey, don't mock me, yeah!" "For once I agree with blondie. This house is fucking boring now." Hidan chimed in, complaining loudly. I thought about it for a while, then pulled a phone out of my pocket and dialed a number of a good acquaintance of mine. "What are you doing?" Hidan asked curiously. "I know a guy who knows some nice clubs to go to and can fix us free entry. You know, dance clubs? I mean, if you guys are into those sort of things." Everyone in the living room had now turned to me. "Dance clubs?" Gaara repeated slowly. Oh, Gaara! Ik was je bijna vergeten. Maak je geen zorgen, je vindt het vast fantaaaastisch! Nou ja, jij zelf waarschijnlijk niet, maar al die meisjes die naar de dansclub gaan en jouw gezicht zien wel :D Denk je eens in hoeveel geluk je initieert en hoe weinig van je eigen geluk je daarvoor op hoeft te offeren! Das een geweldige deal met Fortuna. "Yeah, have you never been to oh. Right. Of course not. Well, it's a lot of fun! I go whenever I can."

"Everything is better than being locked up in here, yeah!" Deidara immediately exclaimed. Kakashi, Sasuke and Kakuzu seemed entirely indifferent to it, and Gaara obviously didn't seem convinced. In any case, I dialed a number on my phone and put it on loudspeaker. It had become a habit. When Pain had been around he'd always demanded phone calls in his presence be put on loudspeaker. Lolpain. "Yo? Hey, Dria, that you?" "'Sup Wes?" "Cool, cool. Whatcha callin' lil' old me for, girl?" "Was thinking about hitting a club somewhere this week. Got any sweet spots to hang out?" Wesley, my dark-skinned, energetic and loudmouthed friend laughed. I knew him from school, though we weren't exactly close friends, we talked every now and then. "Depends on where you wanna go." "Lancaster, dude." "Oh, you hanging out with Cheeky Lips?" Both Deidara and Hidan stared at me in confusion. "You mean Suze? Yeah." The blonde bomber chuckled at the nickname and Hidan smirked widely. They were so going to use that against her. Wes had met Suzan once, and had started hitting on her. Suzan being Suzan, she'd rejected him rather offhandedly but Wes being Wes, he'd kept persisting the entire night and eventually she'd lost her cool and started cussing at him. From then on she'd been dubbed Cheeky Lips. I chuckled at the memory. Cheeky Lips. Ja, as wel toepasselijk ja XD "She still single?" "Wes, you know you're not her type, plus she's three years older than you." "Man, I know that, way to rain on my parade. Anyway, Lancaster, right? Damn, Dria, you lucky. I just heard of a new club opening there. What was the name again? Hecate? Yeah, that was it. Anyway, I got a buddy of mine working there as the manager and I could get you and any friends you bring a free pass." Dakangeentoevalzijn O.O Maar wat is het dan wel? Oh Fortuna D: "That that would be great, Wes. Thanks." "No problem. I'll text you when I fixed it. You owe me one, though. Later." He hung up, and there was a long silence. A dance club with the name of the Goddess we'd decided to take out? "That can't be a coincidence." Kakashi decided. "I'm going. There's a chance we'll see the witch again and we might manage to find her weak spot." Het is een spinnewiel! D: Haar zwakke punt is een spinnewiel! D: "It could also be a trap." Kakuzu noted skeptically, but Hidan groaned loudly. "Don't be such a killjoy and just go with us, old fart." he said with a scowl. I spoke before another fight erupted between them. Yeah, old fart. "So all of you guys are coming?" I asked loudly. It seemed everyone agreed to go, though Gaara seemed a little reluctant. "Don't worry, you don't have to dance if you don't want to. You can also just drink something at the bar." He nodded slowly, though still not entirely happy. "Well, I'll go tell Suzan. Someone go tell Ella and those other two." Weetje, Alex is ook behoorlijk bazig, hoewel ze volgens mij de jongste is van het gezelschap? XD

Ella Truthfully, no one I'd ever met had been as intimidating as the man who was following me by now. I gulped, wondering how Suzan and Alex had managed to kept their cool somewhat while talking to him. At least Itachi was there as well, so I didn't feel entirely uncomfortable as I walked up the stairs to the second floor. Gaara would have to share a room with Kakashi, so Madara would get Pain's room for himself. I didn't say a thing as I walked up, as I had nothing to say to him. I had no intention on striking up a conversation, I just wanted to show him his room and get the heck out of there. I first showed him the bathroom though, and then pointed to his room. "S-so, that's your room. Ehm, I'll be going uhm d-downstairs now." Stupid voice! I hated my stuttering, especially now he was eyeing me with curiosity. Just as I wanted to turn around and leave, he stopped me. Ella, get yourself together. Hij is niet eens de ergste van allemaal. Sure, hij is eng, maar persoonlijk zou ik Hidan of Itachi veel enger vinden om tegen te komen. Ja, Itachi ja. Omdat die tot alles in staat is om de waarheid verborgen te houden. Hij heeft zn eigen familie vermoord voor die reden. "Tell me your name." he ordered. Hij heeft nooit geleerd alsjeblieft te zeggen XD Weetje, eigenlijk is het best sneu. Geen enkele van de Uchihas, met uitzondering van misschien Obito, maar die ging te vroeg dood, heeft ooit echt een jeugd gehad. Er waren altijd teveel verwachtingen voor ze om te spelen, te veel gevaar en vijandigheid om onbezorgd te zijn. Madara, Itachi en Sasuke hebben dit allemaal in common. Talent is niet alleen een zegen, het is ook last :S Ergens is dit wel erg sneu voor ze. "It's it's Ella." I muttered, avoiding eye-contact. Itachi was staring at his ancestor, and I could see a hint of annoyance in his eyes. You Jelly, Itachi? >D "Ella? Interesting name. What does it stand for?" I was taken aback by the question, and started to get nervous again. "W-well my my mother told me it's uhm i-it means 'torch' in another language, or uh 'bright light'." Rood haar = torch. HAHAHA. Sorry XD Maar het is idd een mooie betekenis. "That's a nice meaning. So how much do you know about me?" Hij kent het begrip subtiel niet. "U-uh." I glanced helplessly at Itachi, and when I looked back at Madara, I saw an amused smile on his face. Was he purposely messing with me? It seemed he knew I was seriously frightened by him. "N-not not much. I mean uhm n-nothing of importance." Okay, I did, but it wasn't like I was going to tell him. Unfortunately he could tell I was lying. Iedereen kan zien wanneer jij liegt Ella, jij bent zo iemand bij wie het pal op het voorhoofd staat geschreven XD "I think I'll decide what's important and what's not. So tell me, what do you know?" I opened and closed my mouth, not sure how to answer him, and stared at the ground. "Ah I really don't think it would be wise to tell you." I answered him softly, managed to have stopped my stuttering. I was brave enough to look at his face and saw he'd raised his eyebrows. "Why not?" "B-because well, I can't tell you that!" Omdat je anders nouja. Ik weet niet, ik zou het liever niet te horen krijgen dat ik later met een gezicht in mn borst ga rond lopen :D "Madara-sama," Itachi started, but the man raised his hand to gesture him to stay quiet. "If you won't tell me willingly, I could also force it out of you. But that's up to you to decide." I went completely pale as he stared at me with a completely serious look on his face, threatening

almost. Forcing it out of me? That didn't sound very pleasant. At all. I gulped, and apparently Itachi had had enough. "Madara-sama, if you're done scaring her, I'd like to borrow her for a moment." he stated coolly, and that's when his ancestor's face broke out into that amused smirk again. So he had been messing with me! I gazed at him indignantly (which only made him more amused), and felt the urge to give him an earful, but instead followed Itachi as he calmly walked down the stairs to the first floor, where his room was. Madara really did have a twisted sense of humor. Apparently he thought scaring me to death was funny. No wonder he probably got along with Tobi, they shared the same sense of humor after all. But in any case, this was a perfect opportunity to talk to Itachi. Hahaha, twisted humor XD Om eerlijk te zijn kan ik er wel om lachen, sorry Ella XD Hoewel als iemand (kuch, een befaamde moordenaar) dat bij mij zou uithalen zou ik ook gaan stotteren en vreselijk bang zijn XD En ja, wanneer je dezelfde humor hebt wordt je makkelijk vrienden. Yaytobi! Yaymadara! ;P Maar serieus, WIE IS TOBI? "Itachi, I'd I'd like to talk to you for a moment." I spoke hesitantly. He glanced over his shoulder once. "I have nothing to say to you." he said indifferently. This really ticked me off. Asshole. "You owe me an explanation." I responded sharply. "I've been thinking about it, and if you don't want to to be friends then I'll accept that, but not if you don't give me a reason!" He now fully turned around, facing me with a slight frown, but then averted his gaze to the wall on his left. "You're not worth my time." You. Fucking. ASSHOLE D: Ouch. That hurt. My eyes widened as I processed that. No way. That was just. "That's just such a blatant lie!" I said, my voice getting louder as my anger flared instantly. If there was one thing I couldn't stand, it was lies like these. "You're straight up lying to my face, and that's I can't tell you how. You know what, you're such a damned jerk!" I yelled, and there was astonishment written all over his face. That was probably one of the worst insults I'd dished out in a long time. "You don't think I'm smart enough to know when you're not telling the truth? You think I'm too stupid to handle it? Or maybe I'm too emotional? Is that it?" "Ella-" "Don't 'Ella' me!" I interrupted him brusquely. "You're just running away from this, just like how you ran away from from actually dealing with Sasuke! You just decided to mess with his head and make him hate you, and instead of telling him the truth you made him kill you without explaining anything, and look what's become of him! You're you're a coward!" *doet cheerleader dansje* Go Ella! Go Ella!~ Eindelijk een karakter die beseft hoe idioot Itachis acties eigenlijk zijn. God wat heb ik ere en hekel aan als in fanfictions de OCs opeens helemaal begrijpen waarom Itachi alles heeft gedaan en erger nog, er BEGRIP voor hebben. Bah. Itachis daden zijn goedbedoeld, maar geenszins het beste wat gedaan had kunnen worden. Het was de makkelijke weg, niet de goede. I regretted it all instantly, but I was too angry at the time to realize it. Never had I seen such a shocked expression on Itachi's face. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open, wanting to say something, but I trudged past him and down the stairs, too upset to even care about his expression. I'm pretty sure I was the last person he'd expected such an intense reaction from, but I was actually a rather emotional person. I didn't even notice that I'd walked right past Kakashi, who eyed me worriedly, but didn't say anything as I walked to the living room. KAKASHI, REN ACHTER DR AAN IDIOOT. DOE IETS. VROLIJK DR OP. VROLIJK MIJ OP DOOR HAAR OP TE VROLIJKEN D:

Oh, oh,oh, ik heb weer een hardop-denk-moment! Zou het misschien leuk zijn om een keer een potje schaak tussen Madara en Ella te zien te krijgen? (En dat Ella dan wint? XD Ah, the sweet taste of revenge. Ben echt benieuwd naar Madaras reactie wanneer dat gebeurt)

Suzan "Tobi?" I frowned when seeing him when entering the kitchen. He was sitting on the table, his legs swinging back and forth as if he were a kid. "Where have you been?" "Nowhere, Suzan-chan!" he replied cheerfully. I folded my arms, leaning to the wall right next to the door. "Is it because of our guests?" He stopped swinging his legs and I could see his Sharingan staring at me from the one hole in his mask. I hated the guy too much to be intimidated. Now dont be a fool Suzan. Youve been foolish enough with the witch. Hoogmoed komt ten val, remember that. "What could possibly have made you think that?" he said sarcastically, in his normal voice, as he hopped off the table. I narrowed my eyes, eyeing him cautiously as he turned his back on me and walked over to the fridge, probably to grab a snack or something. Nu vraag ik me af wat het favoriete aardse eten van de akatsuki zou zijn XD "You can't hide forever." "Oho? I didn't know you were powerful enough to tell me what I can and can't do." he said with fake surprise in his voice, looking around in the fridge. I glowered at him. "If you're concerned about Gaara spilling your secret, I could convince him to keep his mouth shut." Tobi stopped rummaging through my fridge and turned around to face me. "Why would you do that?" he inquired curiously, and I rolled my eyes. "Because what you've resorted to now is silly and is ruining your reputation." I responded soberly, walking over to the table and taking a seat. He shuffled over to the counter and leaned against it before replying, mockingly. "Hmm? Suzan-chan is concerned about little old Tobi's reputation? How strange." "Don't get any weird ideas. I just think what you're doing now is pathetic and out of the kindness of my heart I'm offering you my help." Go Suzan, go Suzan! *cheerleader dansje again* Show that bastard what youre worth! "Heh. Fine then, brat. Go tell the Kazekage boy not to run his mouth, or I'll be forced to kill him. Which would be a waste, he'd make a good ally after all." I tried not to snap at him for his bossy (though still nonchalant) tone, as I nodded and stood up, when I felt a question arise in the back of my mind. Before I reached the kitchen door I stopped and looked over my shoulder to the masked man. Pas op dat je Madara en Tobi niet een te gelijkend karakter toeschrijft. Tobi is veel trolliger dan Madara en naar mijn idee ook veel wreder, als het erop aan komt. Madara uit de tijdlijn waar hij nu is geplukt is gevaarlijk, maar nog verreweg niet zo gevaarlijk als Tobi. Ik zie Madara nog best een grap maken die niet gemeen bedoeld is naar iemand, Tobi niet XD "What about Madara?" I asked curiously. I could almost hear him raise his eyebrows when he replied. Weer die woordkeuze die me doet glimlachen! :P "What about him?" "Do you two know each other?"

"Isn't that obvious?" I glared at his derisive tone. "Yeah, but what's the deal with you two?" He laughed humorlessly. "You don't honestly believe I'll tell some brat about my plan, do you?" "Fine, be like that!" I just reached for the doorknob when someone pulled the door open from the other side. Alex stared at me for a while, then glanced at Tobi. "Hi." I said dryly, and she rolled her eyes, getting in the kitchen and closing the door behind her. Dit. Is. Echt. Een. Geweldige. Manier om te ontwijken wat je zelf niet weet :P En ook heel geloofwaardig voor de lezer. "We're going out." she announced. I frowned at the sudden declaration, but Tobi asked the question before I could. "Who is 'we' and where are 'we' going, exactly?" woordkeuze XD "With 'we' I mean everyone. We're going to a dance club." Both me and Tobi silently stared at her. "Why?" we both asked at the same time. He chuckled amused and I shot him an annoyed glare, slightly embarrassed. Alex smirked. Haha, meer in common dan je zou willen, h Suzan? :P "The name of the dance club is Hecate." That pretty much sealed the deal immediately. Maar Tobi was er toch niet bij toen de info over de witch was gegoogled? Dus hoe had hij dat kunnen weten? Of heeft hij stiekem meegeluisterd? Old bastard

Alex After everyone had been informed, they all scattered. Some went to sleep, like me, or they just decided to hang out. When I woke up the next morning in my bed I checked my phone and saw Wes had already texted me back. It seemed he'd arranged everything for me and I grinned contently. I really owed the guy one. I got up, still a little sleepy, and looked at the time on my alarm clock; it was four in the afternoon. Damn. I yawned and stretched, then got up to walk to the bathroom, only to discover it was occupied. I knocked politely on the door. No response. I knocked for a second time, but still no response. Oh, ik had Alex eigenlijk meer als het type verwacht dat met een chronic slaapterkort zit omdat ze slapen zon nutteloze bezigheid vindt XD Maar ze slaapt dus toch. Suddenly the door opened rather abruptly and I nearly tripped over my own feet when I saw Deidara glaring at me, obviously not a morning person. I asked if he was done already, and he snapped at me that he was still busy, then slammed the door in my face. Okay, what had gotten into him all of a sudden? I decided to take the other bathroom upstairs, only to discover this one was occupied as well. I hesitantly knocked on the door. Madara opened it. Wah, dat is iemand die ik liever niet tegen kom bij de badkamer XD He seems to value privacy :P "What is it?" he asked with a slight frown, his hair still uncombed. Wtf, hoe lang zou hij erover doen om zn haar te kammen? XD En hoe zou ie eruit zien met een bad hairday? XD "Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Sorry for disturbing you, bye!" I got out of there as soon as possible, leaving him half-startled, half-irritated. Fact was, he was one intimidating son of a bitch and I really didn't feel like dealing with him the morning. When I got to the first floor again, however, I noticed the bathroom was open, and sighed in relief, opening the door and getting in, only to find it actually had been occupied, but the person occupying it had forgotten to lock the door. Gaara stared at me, his hair way messier than usual and he was holding a toothbrush in one hand. Thank god we'd bought extra toothbrushes, considering we'd kinda expected more people to fall down here.

"Sorry, didn't know you were here." I apologized quietly, but he shook his head. "I was just finished." he told me blankly, and got out, walking right past me. Gaara is zon schatje eigenlijk. Hij is heel gevoelig, maar is te voorzichtig om dat te laten merken. Aw <3 "Hey, you wanna go shopping for clothes?" I then asked, remembering that neither he nor Sasuke had clothes in their size. The others actually didn't have suitable party clothes either. We'd have to go shopping for all of them. Luckily we still had enough money, and for now, paying the bills was no problem. If we threatened to run out, I'd imagine we'd go for another bank robbery. Gaara POV lijkt me ook wel leuk om binnenkort te zien verschijnen, ook met zijn mening over Sasuke erin? Maar ik denk dat je dat al van plan was met de dansclub :P "I don't think that's a very good idea." he said with a slight frown. I noticed he, for once, didn't have his gourd around his back, and he seemed to have just woken up. "You can wear a hoodie, though it will be a little oversized. Besides, it won't take long. Just an hour." I tried convincing him. Not to mention I had no idea what kind of clothes he liked to wear. "I'd prefer staying indoors." I pouted disappointedly. "Why? Aren't you curious to the outside world?" "No." Jaweldatbenjewel. Maar je durft het niet toe te geven :3 "You're no fun at all!" I teased, and he looked away for a brief moment. "Having fun isn't exactly on my to-do list at the moment." he answered dryly. "Then I'll put it on there for you." I said with a smirk, and with that I shut the bathroom door to wash up, leaving Gaara slightly puzzled. Bitch please. When I was done, I walked downstairs, seeing most people were there, and announced I'd be going shopping for clothes and asked who'd want to come along. Deidara, Hidan and Suzan were going. The rest were staying in the house. I was fine with that, and after I ate my breakfast I waited for the others to get ready so we could leave. Tobi still wasn't around, but at this point I could only be relieved at that. Ella drove us to the mall. Deidara was wearing a black cap and Hidan had a hoodie with sunglasses. We couldn't let them get recognized. In any case, when we got to the mall we walked into some random shop which seemed to have some cool clothes for both men and women. Suzan first dragged me to the lingerie section, apparently needing new underwear, and we left the guys in the male section of the shop. She looked at different bras and asked my opinion on them, but honestly, I didn't care. It was just lingerie anyway. When she'd picked a few pairs she liked we returned to the guys to see what they were doing. Huh, Ella leek me meer het type hiervoor, aangezien Suzan eigenlijk ook niet meeging met schoenen kijken in de eerste chapter? Maarja, ondergoed en schoenen zijn weer verschillenden dingen I guess xD "I saw the shirt first, she-male!" Hidan snarled, trying to pull a black and red shirt out of Deidara's hand. "Well I grabbed it first, yeah!" the blonde retorted, not planning to let go of the shirt any time soon. "Guys, seriously, you're acting like girls." Suzan observed, though she seemed rather amused. "The fuck we are! I'm just claiming what's mine!" "It's not YOURS, dipshit! You didn't buy it yet so don't act like you own it, yeah!"

"Whatever! It would look a hell of a lot better on me, and you'd probably fuck it up in one night anyway!" "Oh fuck you! Besides, you didn't even try it on yet, you stupid bastard! How do you know it looks better on you, yeah?" Why did I get the distinct impression that this was not about the shirt but about something else entirely? Neuuh, helemaal niet joh. Dat denk je maar :3 (gotta love them conversations)

Suzan I rolled my eyes and snatched the shirt away from both of them. "Neither of you are getting it if you're gonna argue about it like little kids. Go find another shirt." I said stiffly, as they were making a scene in the middle of the shop. The two guys also seemed to have realized this by now, and glared at each other before they started to look for something else. Meanwhile me and Alex decided to look for clothes for the other guys in the house, and realized we were going to have to buy a lot of clothes. Luckily everyone had cooperated and told us their sizes so we wouldn't have to guess. Thirty minutes later we finally found the time to look for some dresses for ourselves. I found the perfect dress, and showed it to Alex. It was a short, tight, strapless red dress. It was long enough not to be considered slutty, but short enough to still be sexy. Ik wil ook een mooie korte strapless rode jurk >.< Maar voor strapless moet je wel iets van voorgevel hebben en ja eh dat gaat m dus niet worden XD "Looks good. It would suit your skin color." Alex commented approvingly, and I walked to a nearby changing room with it, to try it on. It had a long but inconspicuous zipper on the back of it, and I could reach it just fine but it wouldn't fucking budge! I sighed, frustrated, and peeked out of the changing room, looking around. Shit, where was Alex when you needed her? I then spotted Deidara a few feet away on my left. "Dei!" I called him, and he turned around with a frown. Didn't much like that nickname. I gestured him to come closer, and so he did, curiously. Deideideieidei. "What is it, yeah?" he asked. "Uhm I can't zip up my dress." I told him awkwardly. He blinked twice. Awdei :3 "Oh." was his only, rather indifferent, response. "Okay, I'll-" suddenly he was roughly shoved out of the way by Hidan. HIDAN. Stop being a dick. "Woops, didn't see ya there, blondie." he said unapologetically, an amused grin plastered on his face. I looked up at him, annoyed. Deidara had nearly tripped and fell, and he glowered intensely at the Jashinist. "You son of a-" before he could lunge at Hidan and throw a punch, the religious zealot pushed me in the changing room and got in himself as well. Of course Deidara wasn't about to follow. I, on the other hand, was blushing mad. "What the fuck are you doing?" I screeched. Hidan raised an eyebrow at me. "Calm the hell down and turn around." he responded, that stupid grin still on his face. I reluctantly turned around, my cheeks still completely red. He was standing closer to me than I would've liked, as it made my heart beat faster and made me fidgety. I felt him grabbing a hold of my zipper, and tried getting it up. The beginning of the zipper was on my lower back, a sensitive area to me. He cursed softly when the first three times failed. Of course I was going to tease him about it.

"Can't even pull a zipper up?" "Shut up! Maybe the dress is just too fucking small, Sunshine." I glanced at him from over my shoulder, insulted. Hahaha, weer hardop lachen XD "Are you calling me fat?" "Che, you, fat? Get real. You're a lot of things, but fat ain't one of them." "Was that a compliment?" Hidan fell silent for a moment, probably startled for a second. I smirked. "Hmm, I guess you really can be a nice guy when you try to." "Shut up." he murmured. I had both my hands placed on the wall for support as he was still trying to zip my dress up without ripping it. When he put a hand on the right side of my waist, probably to help getting the damn zipper up, I nearly shrieked in surprise and immediately spun around, slapping his hand off. He stared down at me, confused. "Sorry." I said with a pink blush on my cheeks. "What the hell was that for?" he said irritated, folding his arms. "You just startled me." "Yeah, I can fucking see that. You still scared of me, or something?" he asked boldly, getting pissed off. "I thought I already told you, I'm not that kinda guy!" Oh, right. He was thinking back to that rapist-accusation. I opened my mouth to say something, when I realized he was rather close, and towering above me while he gazed down at me with a scowl on his face. Suddenly all my senses were on alert. With his face rather close I could see every detail of it, and I could even slightly smell his scent. it was sweet and intoxicating. Then we locked eyes, and I just kept gaping up at him like an idiot when he frowned and backed away, breaking the spell. Aw, suzanxhidan momentje :3 Vind het wel erg sneu voor Deidara hoor, maar dit Koppel is ook wel errug leuk. En ik ken Suzans probleem, wanneer je teveel staart is het ook weer niet goed XD "Uh." Brilliant response, Suzan, I scolded myself, mentally face palming. "What the hell is up with you, lately? Seriously." Hidan said, confused by my behavior. I sighed, rubbing my forehead. I was starting to really fall hard for him, wasn't I? Fuck. So I herd you like mudkipz? "It's uhm I think I actually." I didn't know what to tell him. How did you handle this sort of thing? Hey, Hidan, by the way, I know we're supposed to be just friends and all but I'm seriously getting turned on by you lately. Yeah, couldn't see that ending well. "Actually what? Spit it out." Hidan said with frustration. "Nothing, forget about it. I just flinched because I'm ticklish." I lied tactfully, and reached back to try and pull the zipper up one last time. It worked. "Well, damn." I said surprised, and Hidan stared at me, outraged. Ticklish, Wat een fantastisch woord XD "The fuck is that about? I just completely wasted my damn time here! Stupid zipper!" Cursing loudly, he stomped out the changing room. Just a few seconds later Alex peeked inside. Ah, Hidan, doe niet alsof je het zelf niet leuk vond om in dat kleedhokje te staan :P "You done?" I nodded, getting out of the changing room as the mirrors were outside. Deidara was ranting at Hidan, obviously pissed for the stunt he'd pulled off earlier. I walked over to the mirror and looked at the dress in several different angles, when I noticed Hidan staring at me from head to toe in the reflection of the mirror. Even when he noticed I could see him he just smirked mischievously at me, not glancing away even once. It made me feel all tingly inside. The hell did that bastard think he was doing, screwing with my feelings like that? Granted, he had no idea, but

he was still a bastard for trying to undress me with his damn eyes! Hahaha XD Die gedachtes van Suzan zijn echt komisch. "That looks good on you, yeah." Deidara noted, and I smiled appreciatively. Then I looked at Hidan expectantly, who stayed silent a few seconds before he finally said something. "You look hot." he stated, that damned smirk, which created butterflies in my stomach, still on his face. 'You look hot,' it echoed through my head. Hot. He thinks I look hot! Needless to say it seemed like my plan to not fall for him had just died a sudden and very painful death. Rest in peace. En een geweldig einde van een chapter :P Kan niet wachten op de volgende. Ik denk dat dit een eh teambuilding chapter was? Om het zo maar te noemen? Ingaan en het verdiepen van onderlinge relaties van characters heel belangrijk en essentieel, en imo ook het leukste gedeelte van een fanfiction, mits goed uitgevoerd. De meeste fanfics hebben juist te weinig van dit soort chapters :P Zoals gebruikelijk kan ik niet wachten op de volgende update. Maak mij blij, update snel :P XD

That was it. I admit, not as good compared to the last one, at least I don't think it is, considering I wrote it in just one freaking day. I don't really even know what kind of chapter it is, to be honest. Maybe a comedic/romantic build-up chapter? Whatever. If you know, tell me in the reviews ._. So our witch is actually a Greek Goddess. I know. It makes no real sense but just go with it. I have a thing for Greek mythology :D I didn't plan it beforehand, by the way. I actually did the exact same Google search in this chapter to see if there was some sort of goddess I could model my witch after, considering she was kind of lacking an identity up until now xD ANYWAY, next chapter, they go to the club. Dancing, alcohol and immortal witches are involved. AND, the entire chapter will be told from a few guys' perspectives. Also, some more Madara. Because every story needs a little Madara. Yeah. It does, yeah. Thank you for granting me wish :D BIG THANKS TO BeneaththeMarquee, Bookielovesanimeeee, yy-ygo-fma, Marskatr, MapleFlavoredVodka, starrsbugg, ktizle13, mks 12 98, Narutofan3, RandomAwesomer101, dettarsvenska, Hanoonee, Fluffy Disorder, SeaDevil, Rakiku Inoe, Logarythm, Woodshrew, 1zara-uchiha1, shadow346437, Deidara's Dragon, xXScarlattoOokamiXx, The Ultimate Baka, Lost Location, Mahri, Akatsuki's Bitch, Animefangirl95 and NAILxPOLISH for reviewing! Goodnight :D

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