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Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.

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Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with the program.

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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Self-Healing

It's a shame! Did you know that your body has innate healing powers. But it has been suppressed by drugs, man-made food, and eyeglasses.

The Eye Industry has made eyesight worse for many. I am so enraged. And you should be to. If your legs are crippled, the doctors give the patients crutches. But they don't let the patient rely on the crutches. After a while they can walk on their own. If the body can heal your legs what is so different about your eyes. And no one challenges this point until now. We are conditioned to accept everything from them as fact. We think they are looking out for our best interest, but in reality they are looking at their own best interest. This is a billion dollar industry. Eye exercises are too cheap to market.

I was like many who had a rude awakening when in the classroom at a young age I couldn't see the whiteboard. I was shy and in the back of the classroom. The teacher noticed me squinting, and moved me to the front of the classroom. Later on she told me my parents to get my vision checked.

It felt weird because my eyesight felt good except in the classroom. Looking back, I wish I had just sat up front. I am confident my eyesight would have returned. I know many people in elementary school who also squinted, but they moved up in the classroom. And all through high school they never wore glasses nor contacts (I was curious and asked them) many said their eyesight improved back. I was perplexed at that. My eyesight on the other hand took a different path. I went to the doctor and got glasses. I felt terrible

with headaches the whole week. My intuition was something was wrong, unnatural about it. Each year after each year my eyesight got worse and it skyrocketed down. At this pace, I would be wearing trifocals as a teenager. I'm telling you eyeglasses suck. Girls would just make excuses to talk to me. That seemed to stop as soon as I got my glasses. I was one of the most athletic, but I didn't play because I was weary of them falling off or breaking on the court. The one positive is that it seemed my grades went from an inconsistent A's, B's, and C's to all A's or A's and the occasional honor roll at A's and B's. Looking back, in all seriousness I could have overcome these setbacks because it was all my mindset. I thought was a nerd with a glasses; I became a nerd with glasses.

Now imagine if America was big on myopia prevention. Imagine if

she had me do eye exercises like they do in some schools in China. Imagine if she had me wear pinhole glasses. I would be able to see the chalkboard without squinting. Young people are still developing and so are their eyes. That is why many of my classmates' eyesight improved. Some have said that it is nutritional deficiency and the body steals nutrients from the eyes and give it to the bones.1

That could be it, but I think the true reason I had poor eyesight was because I stared at my papers. If the teacher gave us a dang um break every hour and half instead of work, work, work, atrophying our creative minds (more on that in the free ebook I added to the package).

There were underlying reasons that I stared at my work. I wasn't

very confident in myself. I didn't know any better. Girls would talk about nothing with me and playfully tease me yet I didn't know any better. One time in boy scouts, we had to invite people to a boring recital. Of the ten girls I asked (popular girls), nine came. (I know I was stupid and couldn't recognize gold if it was in front of my eyes. But it was just middle school. Trust me I making up for those days now. Anyway back on subject.) So why am I laying my personal burdens on you. To get them off my chest and giving them to you. "Wait! I didn't pay money to hear how good looking you are or how well you get girls." All kidding aside. You need to know the underlying reasons of your bad eyesight. You need to evaluate where it went wrong. You wouldn't want to regain your eyesight and then lose it back again. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," a quote from Einstein. Nuff said.

One person I restored her eyesight and a month later she came back saying she needed glasses again. She had a 9 to 5 computer job. I told her to either find a new job or to do like I do and use a pinhole or computer glasses while on the computer. She bought some computer glasses (she thought sunglasses looked goofy in a job setting) and I helped her restore her eyesight again in a matter of minutes (the programming was already there).

Now if she hadn't figured out what was the cause after our sessions, she would have came back again next month complaining about her eyesight again.

How do I know what caused my bad eyesight? Bad eyesight is caused by many things and not by genetics. But the most common problems are eye strain-squinting, looking at a computer for hours or emotional-not wanting to see something, trying to block out a


We will rid your emotional trauma with EFT techniques. I'll show you later on to rid yourself of bad eyesight. Bad eyesight is not caused by bad genetics. I repeat.

Your optometrist might say bad eyesight is genetics. But that is hogwash. Modern medicine is starting to show that although we may be born with perfect vision, we effectively"unlearn" proper vision techniques and train our brain and our eyes to see poorly. Another point I have is how can it be genetics when only less than 1% of our ancestors wore glasses. The real cause is teaching our eyes proper habits and one improper habit is wearing glasses. First off how can glasses be the answer to our eye problems if year after year our eyesight gets worse and worse. How can they reject any method if their beloved eyeglasses cause vision

to deteriorate each year. Their method makes vision worse they ought to be checking into new methods, but they seem perfectly content with imperfection and making money. Another lie they tell us is the sun is bad for us. Yes, overexposure and staring in the sun is bad for you. But for the rest of us normal people you need the sun for good eyesight. Look at most farmers do most of them need glasses? If you still don't believe me look or remember back to your classmates, go into your advanced placement class and go in your basket weaving class for athletes, which class has more people wearing glasses. Your bookworm class as a percentage is going to have more people wearing glasses or contacts 9 times out of 10.

Here is some stats to back it up. We all know that Asian countries kick our butt in everything academically. That means a lot of time looking at close range for extended periods. In some Asian

countries, myopia is up to 90%.2 In illiterate countries, myopia is nearly nonexistent.

Then these idiots eye doctors say that having intelligence increase your chance for myopia. If that is the case we should just burn up the schoolbooks and start working on as entrepreneurs (which more people would do if they knew how easy it is to gain money). These fools turn down the theories of Bates method when it perfectly explains why we have poor eyesight yet they neglect the Bates Method or perform studies designed to downgrade natural vision correction.

It's not the intelligence itself. It is how it is acquired. If you want to know the key to life here it is. It is to relax and let it come naturally. Look at the best in any sport-Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods, Peyton Manning they make it look effortless. What is the key to being the

fastest in track & field? Being relaxed. Look at Usain Bolt. He is playing around and enjoying himself. Sure genetics help. But at that level, it is technique that wins not talent. Look at the all-around guys in your school who do it all academically and on the court. Most of the ones I saw were effortlessly creative. I'm saying being relaxed is the key but don't confuse that with being lazy. Even in the weight room, youtube guys who squat 1000lbs, bench press 1000lbslook at how effortless they are at doing. They sure aren't lazy, but they have that muscle memory of how to do it and how to do it effectively for their muscle groups.

That is the key to improving eyesight. We have to get your eyes to improve. We are going bring back the muscle memory or create a new memory of when you had perfect eyesight.

So I hope you now know that in order to have perfect eyesight you have to see effortlessly. That means no squinting to see (except the natural squint out in the sun).

The problem with Bates Method. Is that it teaches you how to see clearly. You have to trace objects, scan over an object, etc. All these checklist of things to do and it becomes mechanical instead of a natural and free flowing state of seeing.

So later on I'm going to teach you how to use your mind to teach your eyes how to see naturally on its own. All you need to know is that you if you start straining to see or feel tired in the eyes. Stop! Immediately. Palm your eyes, use acupressure, or take a rest. I will show you later on those exercises later on.

So how did I improve my eyesight. I experimented in alternative medicine. I had caught a bad cold where I couldn't breathe through my throat. The drugs didn't help. I stumbled upon information on the internet for how to cure this particular ailment. I learned about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. I combined baking soda, apple cider, and lemon juice mixed into one. I drunk it twice a day. I woke up the second morning feeling brand new. I researched alternative cures even more and realized there is a cure for everything. Even AIDS! AIDS! But wait nothing about myopia except for the Bates Method.

What is the Bates Method? In a summary it is about relaxing your eyes. The number one exercise for Bates is the Palming exercise. Where you rub your hand (create energy-more on that later) cup your hands over your eyes and relax and see

perfect black. It is based on relieving the strain and stretching the eye muscles.

I mention earlier the problem of Bates Method. I rigorously did the eye exercises in the summer time using my lower prescription glasses. I could feel my eyes were improving; I just couldn't see the improvement. Maybe the improvements were just small, and I was so excited on the next trip to the eye doctors. The eye doctor told me there was no change in my vision acuity. I was dejected.

My motivation weaned, and I was off and on doing my eye exercises. Looking back, the eye exercises worked because every year before that my eyesight rapidly deteriorated before that year. I realized that the principles of the Bates Method worked, but reading the testimonials it could take years before it takes effect. (That is why there is no study that would accurately show the Bates Method.

A poorly run four months of Bates Method and not teaching them the science behind seeing will render the study bias towards failure.)

I researched the Internet hard for natural vision correction. Fortunately, I came across a guy named Leo Angart. Thank goodness. He used a form of energy healing called Pranic Healing. He taught an exercise where you projected different colors of energy around your eyes. He opened my eyes, and I came to the realization that the holistic way to treat cancer is the same way to treat myopia. We should treat the cause not the symptoms. But the Bates Method in a sense is treating the symptoms- the eyes. Howbeit, the Bates Method does talk about the mind and underlying factors. But that is put on the back burner in his program. So I devised my own program.

What happened changed my life?

I improved my eyesight in two weeks. I repeat two weeks. I put in the work over those two weeks. I ate good and had a good mindset, and I did it. At first I was gloating around proud of myself making fun of those who wore glasses. I evaluated myself and felt awful; I went back to those I laughed at and offered them a chance to improve their eyesight. Soon, I had a personal consultation 1-on-1 business. I was charging $200 a week for a thirty minute session. Then a couple of college students asked for a cheaper option so I decided to write an ebook so the price would be cheaper.

I stopped the personal consultation business. I saw the potential of being wound down with others burdens. Look at many of the Pranic or Reiki practitioners. It is hard to believe they can help weight loss when they look like they need it as well. What has happened is they have taken on the emotional burdens of others and have ruined their

eyesight. There was nothing better than restoring 49 out of 50 people eyesight to perfection and even one blind man (took about six months). I figured this is simple enough steps so I'll just write an ebook.

Do not be alarmed if you have headaches while doing this program. We're releasing major amount of toxins. People think this is a bad thing to get a headache or diarrhea. Now use your head. If you have serious life-threatening condition go see a doctor.

In this program we're going to treat the cause. Emotional trauma, energy blockage, mind disconnect, lack of confidence in yourself, stagnant liver, etc. Many people have seen improvement in their eyesight by going on long fasts, EFT tapping, prayer, etc. no eye exercises used.

I'm not saying we're throwing the Bates Method out the window. But it was written in the early 1900s, it is about time we innovate vision correction for the 21st century.

Everyone has a different cause for their eye problems. Which is why Bates can restore some's eyesight in three months while it takes another three years. But I've revolutionized the process where I've cured some in three days.

Now you must be dedicated to the lifestyle changes forthcoming. If you're a smoker, on heavy medication, morbidly obese, this will not work in such a short time. You can work on your problem and come back, or you can still use these techniques for your problems and it will work with your other problems as well.

In fact some people have told me they have lost weight since working with me, healthy enough to stop taking drugs (to the dislike of the pharmaceutical industry), and other benefits.

How does weight loss and improving eyesight relate to each other? The answer is that the body is a unit. The feet is connected with your eyes. Your liver is connected with your eyes. How do you think acupressure or acupuncture works. They massage the feet where there is thousands of nerve endings, and it can relieve tension in the eyes.

Okay some of this is hard to believe especially the Pranic Healing part. If you still don't believe me, this is backed up by quantum physics. Albert Einstein proved everything is energy with his formula E=MC2.

You perceive with your five senses correct? Quantum physics tells us the world is made up of sound frequencies. Hungarian Nobel Prize Winner Georg von Bekesy demonstrated that your skin responds to frequencies which is how your sense of touch works. That is how all your senses work. Your eyes merely distinguish between different colors of frequencies to see.

Your eyes can't see infrared and ultraviolet light, but you know it still exists.

Your ears can't hear ultrasound. But still everyone knows that ultrasound exist.

Science says only 4% of the energy in the universe is visible to humans. Imagine if you could use this 96% of energy that you don't perceive.

That is exactly what Pranic Healing does. More on that later.

This isn't some new-age activate your DNA for 2012, but we will utilize law of attraction,

Use common sense and intuition, let your body and eyes tell you what to do as you progress along.

While doing your exercises or techniques (whatever you want to call them). Relax: The more relax you are the better you'll see

Breathe: Oxygen is very important to every function in the body. Deep, calm breathing will facilitate better eyesight.

Have fun: Do this with fun and a light heart, not as a duty or mechanically. Being loosed and relaxed can't exist synonyms with tensed, frown body.

Love your eyes: I've seen clients who tell me first thing, I hate my eyes. They are already starting with a defeated mindset.

Avoid Over-analyzing: Don't get hung up in the specifics. You don't need to have a 90 angle in your back while palming. Do you feel relaxed while doing it. Good. Now do it.

Take off your glasses: This will render your exercises null if you keep them on. Try to reduce the amount of time you wear your glasses throughout the day. And not only eye exercises too. The other exercises take your

glasses off as well. Be reasonable though do take them off while driving or if you are nearsighted keep your glasses on while taking notes from the back of the class.

Visualize throughout the Day: Regularly during your day, visualize yourself with perfect vision. The stronger and more emotions behind that picture. The more the brain will start working towards that. The stronger the picture the more motivated you'll be to keep constant doing this program.

(Okay, enough explaining the methodologies. Lets get to the meat of this stuff.) But first let me tell you that anybody can improve eyesight. If you're old it will still work. If you have astigmatism it would still work. If you're blind this will still work.

I'm going to share with you the first and the most important tip to

improving your eyesight.

#1 Step to Perfect Eyesight: Belief "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail." - Charles F. Kettering

Belief is important. This is the most important tip. Look at any medical study. The doctors give one group of five a pill and are told it will cure your condition in 6 months while the other group of five is told nothing. Almost every time the doctors seemed baffled about the placebo group outperforming the other group. It is time we stop using it as an excuse. And OPEN YOUR EYES. The mind is a powerful tool (more on that later). What you believe you can achieve. Impossible is nothing.

Many fail at self-help books because they are wishing instead of applying their knowledge. What you have to have is a burning desire to accomplish your dreams of improving your eyesight. How do you get that burning desire?

Write a list. Writing? Are you kidding. (I know school has given us a negative connotation towards writing. But writing is actually fun if you open up your creative senses instead of writing a low-risk, logical paper for a teacher's definition of an A or B. )

If you're serious about getting perfect eyesight, I want you to write two lists. Why you hate your glasses and what benefits you'll feel when you restore your eyesight. The typical responses will be, "I hate my glasses." or "I love to have perfect eyesight." Blah Blah Blah. That ain't gonna cut it. You need something with emotion put behind them. What

drives us humans? Emotions. You have to visualize what it will be.

Before a football game how do football players prepare. They close their eyes and meditate on performing well. If you ever played (and actually played and took pre-game seriously) you'll experience your heart racing even though it is just a "visulization." A study was given for Basketball players who visualized shooting free throws versus those who actually practiced. Those who visualized did better than those who practiced. So don't think this mind over matter stuff is hogwash. There is more out there than you can perceive.

We're basing this off the Law of Attraction. What you perceive the mind will conceive. Those that think that poor stay poorer are still in that predicament living in poor conditions. For those that believe in the Bible, Jesus says, "Ask and ye shall receive." (Matthew 7:7-8)

Don't be bashful you deserve perfect eyesight. I said prayers every night, and it worked.

Meditate in a quite place. Visualize why you want perfect eyesight. Why you need to get rid of your eyeglasses? Visualize no longer being called "four eyes" "nerd." Having the confidence in yourself to pick up that guy or girl. Feel those feelings. Act like you are there. Meditate for 5-15 minutes or until you can feel it charging and motivating you and write down 10 things for each list.

I do this because the first client was the only one that didn't heal her eyesight. When she was done, she told me, "I knew this wouldn't work." I shook my head. I knew her mindset wasn't correct for

vision correction. I totally forget this mental aspect to it. Every morning read your list. It will charge you up to getting that perfect eyesight you desire.

What you are doing is focusing completely on your eyes. The mind has incredible powers once it is completely focused. Later on, I'll show you how to utilize your power of focus and cure your eyesight expeditiously.

Your motivation will waver if you don't do this step. If the list doesn't do it. Have a picture of yourself without glasses. Know what you are striving for. Look at that picture five times a day. This is like a visual affirmation.

Let me guess the key to improving my eyesight is meditating. Well,

yes. If you practice like those Budda monks and meditate for hours a day. Yes you would improve your eyesight. But do you have that kind of time. The fire would be blown out, and I would quit after the first week.

You gotta have the right mindset. People think I'm a tree-hugging hippie (even though I live in a crowded urban area and sometimes play my music too loud). Guess what? I tune them out. Not completely, they may have something good or worth value. But if I want to raise my vibrations and be happy, I have to tune those outside distractions out. I reframe the negative thoughts in my head. They're just testing me out because I live in a nice house at a younger age than they did, or they secretly wish they would want to try a session.

I'm a diversified person which has gotten me where I am. I ignore

the stereotypes of other people. For example: I listen to underground hip hop music. If you ever listen to it you know that it promotes a message (sometimes a negative, but still a message howbeit). But yet my neighbors think I live in my house with drug money. Through meditation I can be at a peace and still smile at them despite their negative actions toward me. And to see the looks on their faces once I offer them a chance to restore their eyesight. Then they change their stereotype of me to that I am a tree hugger.

If you want supercharged results, you gotta believe that this program will give you supercharged results.

Do you gotta it? If you're burning to learn the next tip good!

Chapter 2: Digestive System

Step #2 To Perfect Eyesight: Make Sure Your Elimination Systems Are Working

"What? Oh yeah. I use the bathroom regularly," is the fidgety answer I usually receive. I ask, "Do you go at least three times a

day?" Their mouth drops. "No!"

Well if you want to supercharge your results this is a must. This is the second most important tip. You can do these techniques all you want. But if your systems are all clogged up your body will just
reabsorb the toxins back into your system which stalls or makes this program useless.

Three times a day! I'm assuming you're not going to do the 30-day water or juice fast, so we have to make up for that. And this is how. If you can release that amount of toxins and eat healthy foods to improve your eyesight (remember only one-three months of good, disciplined eating) you will be on your way.

Okay how do I jump start my digestive system?

First way is: Water.

Reading the book: Your Body's Many Call for Water by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj is an eye opener. I recommend you drink 8 glasses a day of water. The water in coke doesn't count. You lazy bum! Also stay away from acidic drinks like Gatorade during this period (unless you do some real heavy aerobic or anaerobic activity). Okay this one product will clean your system out good.

To read the rest you can buy the ebook at crystalcleareyesight.webs.com

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