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DERS KODU ISY 600 ISY 601 TRKE DERS ADI Tez al mas Seminer I


NG L ZCE DERS ADI PHD Thesis Seminar I T P K ECTS 0 0 2 0 0 0 80 10 DERS TR Zorunlu Zorunlu Ders Dili TRKE ER K NG L ZCE ER K

Trke Tez rencisinin seti i alanda tez yaz m . Trke ykml oldu u seminer.

ISY 603

Do rusal Optimizasyon

Linear Optimization

3 0




ISY 605

Kalite Gvence Sistemleri

Quality Assurance Systems

3 0




ISY 607

Yapay Zeka Optimizasyonu

Artificial Optimization


3 0




Thesis writing in the specialised field elected by the thesis student. Her tez rencisinin tez a amas na gemeden nce sunmakla The seminar that each student is required to present before the thesis pending. Do rusal Optimizasyon. Kesikli Optimizasyon. Do rusal Olmayan Linear Optimization. Discrete Optimization. Nonlinear Optimization. Optimizasyon. Sezgisel Optimizasyon. Matematiksel Modellerle Heuristic optimization. Mathematical Model for Problem Solving. Problem zme. Yneylem Ara t rmas nda Deterministik Deterministic Optimization Techniques in Operations Research. Optimizasyon Teknikleri. Do rusal Ara t rma ve Do rusal Linear Research and Linear Programming Models. Linear Programlama Modelleri. Do rusal Programlama iin Simpleks Programming and Interior Point Methods for the Simplex Search. Arama ve Nokta Metotlar . Do rusal Programlamada Dualite ve Linear Programming and Sensitivity in Duality. Multi-Purpose Duyarl l k. ok Amal Optimizasyon ve Hedef Programlama. En Optimization and Goal Programming. The Short Path and Discrete K sa Yol ve Kesikli Dinamik Programlama. A Ak lar . Kesikli Dynamic Programming. Flow of the Network. Discrete Optimization Optimizasyon Metotlar . K s ts z Do rusal Olmayan Programlama. Methods. Nonlinear Programming without restrictions. Restricted K s tl Do rusal Olmayan Programlama Nonlinear Programming Quality management systems approach / quality assurance Kalite ynetiminde sistem yakla m / Kalite gvencesi standartlar n n standards development / reasons for the establishment of quality geli imi / Kalite gvencesi sisteminin olu turulmas n gerektiren assurance system / quality assurance standards, according to the nedenler / Kalite gvencesi standartlar n n amalara gre objectives of Classification: Descriptive characteristics and s n fland r lmas : A klay c ve tavsiye niteli i ta yan kalite gvence recommendations with the quality assurance standards (TS-ISO standartlar (TS-ISO 9000, TS-ISO 9004, TS-ISO 9006): Genel amal 9000, TS-ISO 9004, TS-ISO 9006): General for quality assurance kalite gvence standartlar (TS-ISO9001, TS-ISO 9002, TS-ISO 9003) standards (TS-ISO 9001, TS-ISO 9002, TS-ISO 9003) / quality / Kalite gvence sisteminin kurulmas ve belgelendirilmesi; kalite el assurance system and the establishment of certification, quality kitab , kalite plan , kontrol plan , prosedrler, belgelendirme manual, quality plan, control plan, procedures, documentation, a amalar / Kalite gvence sistemi denetimi, i kalite denetimi, stages / Quality Assurance System control, internal quality control, m teri taraf ndan gerekle tirilen denetim. audit conducted by clients. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, research areas of artificial Yapay zekaya giri , Yapay Zeka ara t rma alanlar ; Yapay zeka intelligence; concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence. kavramlar ve teknikleri. Optimizasyon problemlerinin ve metotlar n n Classification of optimization problems and methods, heuristic s n fland r lmas , sezgisel algoritmalar, s l i lem algoritmas , tabu algorithms, thermal processing algorithm, tabu search algorithm, ara t rma algoritmas , genetik algoritma, kar nca koloni algoritmas , genetic algorithms, ant colony algorithm, artificial immune algorithm, yapay ba kl k algoritmas , diferansiyel geli im algoritmas . Yapay differential evolution algorithm. application areas of artificial neural sinir a lar n n uygulama alanlar . networks ok de i kenli normal da l m. Ortalama vektrn ve kovaryans matrisinin tahmini. rnek korelasyon katsay s n n kullan l ve da l m . Genel do rusal hipotezlerin testi. Varyans testi. Varyans analizi. De i ken kmelerin ba ms zl k testleri. Temel bile enler. Kanonik korelasyon ve kanonik de i kenler. Karakteristik kklerin da l m . Wishard matrisi. Faktr analizi. Zaman serisi analizi. Stokastik denklemler. Multivariate normal distribution. The average estimate of vector and matrix covariance. Example of usage and distribution of the correlation coefficient. General test of the linear hypothesis. Variance test. Variance analysis. Independence tests of variable clusters. Basic components. Canonical correlation and canonical variables. Distribution of characteristics root. Wishard matrix. Factor analysis. Time series analysis. Stochastic equations.

ISY 609

ok De i kenli Analiz

Multivariate Analysis

3 0




ISY 611

Kltr ve rgt Teorileri

Culture Theories



3 0




The aim of this course is to examine the relationship between culture and business and its management. The content of the course can be Kltr ve Davran , Kltr ve blm, Kltr ve i birli i Dayan ma summarized as follows: Culture and Behavior, Culture and division of Kltr ve G birli i, G birli i Olarak rgtler, Kltr ve Klasik labor, culture and cooperation of Solidarity Culture and Power rgt Teorisi, Kltr ve Neoklasik rgt Teorisi, Kltr ve Modern Association, Organizations as union power, Culture and Classical rgt Teorisi, Kltr ve Postmodern rgt Yakla mlar Organization Theory, Culture and Neoclassical Organization Theory, Culture and the Modern Organization Theory, Culture and Postmodern Approaches to the Organization

ISY 613

Uluslararas letmecilik Geli tirme Stratejileri

ve International Business Development Strategies


3 0




Bu dersin amac , uluslar aras alanda gerekle en i letmecilik anlay n n ve uluslar aras alanda faaliyet gsteren i letmelerin i blm ve i birli i anlam nda yapt klar anla malar irdeleyerek bu i letmelerin uygulayaca geli me stratejilerini ortaya koymakt r. Uluslar aras alandaki i letmelerin i birlikleri, geli mi lke i letmelerinin uluslar aras la mas , az geli mi lkelerin uluslararas la mas , uluslar aras i letmelerin misyon ve vizyon tan mlamalar , uluslar aras i letmelerin geli me ba lam ndaki temel ve alt stratejileri, st ynetim stratejileri, rekabet stratejileri, i levsel stratejileri. Uluslar aras i letmelerin ynetim biimleri ve payla lan de erler.

The aim of this course is to examine the agreements that the businesses made in the field of active division of labor and cooperation of enterprises and to denote the development strategies that these businesses will implement. Cooperation of International businesses, internationalization of the businesses in developed countries and less developed countries, the definitions of mission and vision of the international businesses, fundamental and sub-strategies of international businesses about development, top management strategies, competition strategies, operational strategies. Forms of international business management and shared values.

ISY 615

rgt Geli tirme Teknikleri

Organization Techniques


3 0




Bu dersin amac rgt Geli tirme Kavram , rgt Geli tirme Sreci, rgt Geli tirme Teknikleri, De i en evresel ko ullara uygun olarak rgtsel yap ve srelerin yeniden dzenlenmesi, konular nda rencilere arka plan bilgisi sunmakt r. Bu dersin sonunda renciler a a dakileri kavram olacaklard r: rgt Geli tirme Kavram , Amalar , Stratejisi ve zellikleri, rgt Geli tirme Sreci, rgt Geli tirme Teknikleri, De i en evresel ko ullara uygun olarak rgtsel yap ve srelerin yeniden dzenlenmesi, rgtsel de i im modelleri, Mdahale sreci, De i ime diren ve a lmas , rgt geli tirmede dan man n rol. Finans n Temel Kavramlar , Finans Teorisindeki Geli meler, Etkin Piyasa Teorisi, Rassal Yry Teorisi, Arbitraj Teorisi, Portfy Teorisi, Risk ve Getiri Teorileri, Finansal Varl klar Fiyatlama Teorisi, Opsiyon Teorisi, Temsilcilik Teorisi, Riskteki De er, Belirsizlik durumunda yat r m seimleri, Davran sal Finans, Asimetrik Bilgi

ISY 617

Finans Teorisi

Finance Theory

3 0




The aim of this course is to provide background information to students about the concept of organization development, organization development process, organization development techniques, the changing restructuring of organizational structure in accordance with the environmental conditions and arranging of processes. At the end of this course students will learn these concepts: the Organization Development Concept, Objectives, Strategy and Capabilities, Organization Development Process, Organization Development Techniques, re-regulation of organizational structure and processes conditions in accordance with the changing environmental conditions, Organizational change models, the intervention process, resistance to change and to be overcome, The role of consultants in organization development. Basic Concepts of Finance, Developments in Finance Theory, Efficient Market Theory, Random Walk Theory, Arbitrage Theory, Portfolio Theory, Risk and Income Theory, Financial Asset Pricing Theory, Option Theory, Representation Theory, the value in risk, investment selection under uncertainty, Behavioral Finance, Asymmetric knowledge

ISY 619

leri Maliyet Muhasebesi


Ynetim Advanced Cost Management Accounting


3 0



Trke tam zaman nda retim ve faaliyet tabanl maliyetleme, Maliyet ve quality cost, full-time production and activity-based costing, Cost and
ynetim muhasebesi sistemi, maliyetlerin yap sal analizi, kar management accounting systems, cost of structural analysis, profit planlamas , ynetim kararlar nda muhasebe bilgilerinin kullan m . planning, the use of accounting information in management

Maliyet sistemi ve maliyet yntemleri, maliyet ynetim sistemi ve Cost system and cost methods, cost management systems and its ilkeleri, stratejik maliyet ynetimi, kalite ynetimi ve kalite maliyeti, principles, strategic cost management, quality management and

ISY 621

Finansal Raporlama ve Analiz

Financial Reporting and Analysis 3 0



Trke finansal tablolar ve analizi, kredi riskinin de erlendirilmesinde financial statements and analysis, the role of financial information in
finansal bilgilerin rol, uluslararas finansal raporlama ve enflasyon. Global ticaret ortam ve i letmeler, global i letme ynetiminde uluslararas finansman tekniklerinin kullan m , ekonomik de i kenlerin dviz kurlar zerindeki etkisi, dviz kuru de i melerinin firmalara etkisi, dviz kur riskinden korunma teknikleri ve firma de eri zerindeki etkileri, uluslararas piyasalar ve finansman politikas , uluslararas entegre piyasalarda sermaye maliyeti, uluslararas sermaye piyasalar aras ndaki ba lant , yabanc sermaye yat r mlar ve firma de eri, uluslararas nakit ynetimi, uluslararas alacaklar ve stok ynetimi, uluslararas portfy ynetimi. Kalite ile ilgili temel kavramlar. Kalite ynetim sistemleri ve geli im sreci. Kalite ynetim sistemi ve kurulum srecinin a amalar . Kalite credit risk evaluation, international financial reporting and inflation. Global business environment and businesses, global business management, the use of international financing techniques, impact of economic variables on exchange rates, effect of the changes in exchange rate on firms, protection techniques from exchange rate risk and its impact on the firm value, international markets and financial policies, the cost of capital in the international integrated markets, the links between international capital markets, foreign capital investments and firm value, international cash management, international receivables and inventory management, international portfolio management. Basic concepts of quality. Quality management systems and the development process. Quality management system and the stages of setup process. Quality management system standards. Establishment and documentation of quality management systems: quality policy, quality manual, quality plans, quality records, quality costs and quality control.

Finansal raporlar n ekonomik ve kurumsal olarak haz rlanmas , Preparation of financial reports economically and institutionally,

ISY 623

Uluslararas Finansman

International Finance

3 0




ISY 625

Kalite Ynetim Sistemleri

Quality Management Systems

3 0



Trke ynetim sistemi standartlar . Kalite ynetim sisteminin kurulmas ve

dokmantasyonu: Kalite politikas , kalite el kitab , kalite planlar , kalite kay tlar , kalite maliyetleri ve kalite denetimi.

ISY 627

lemler ve Tedarik Ynetimi

Operations Management



3 0




lemler ve tedarik ynetimine giri . lemler ve tedarik stratejileri. Proje ynetimi. rn ve hizmet tasar m . Stratejik kapasite ynetimi. Sre analizi. malat sreleri. Alt -Sigma Kalite. Stratejik kaynak ynetimi. Lojistik. Yal n retim. Talep Ynetimi. Sat ve i lemler planlamas . Stok kontrol. Malzeme ihtiya planlamas . Programlama. K s tl kaynaklar n ynetimi. Tketici davran lar na genel bak , Tketici Davran n n Di er Disiplinlerle li kisi, Tketici Tan m , Tketicinin Sat n Almadaki Rol, Tketici Davran n Etkileyen Etmenler, Tketici kararlar , Tketici karar verme sreci, Tketici davran modelleri, Gruplar aras ileti im, Tketici hak ve sorumluluklar ve tketicilere kar sorumluluk. Bilgi, bili sellik, bili im ve bili im sistemleri kavramlar ve i letme uygulamalar . Pazarlamada bili sellik ve semiyotik i letme tasar m . Mant k ve algoritmik yakla mlar. Bili sel problem zm ve karar verme teknikleri. Veri tabanl pazarlama, WOMM, Internet pazarlama ve e-CRM uygulama ve stratejileri. Proje geli tirme ve vaka al mas .

Introduction to Operations and supply management. Operations and supply strategies. Project management. Product and service design. Strategic capacity management. Process analysis. Manufacturing processes. Six-Sigma Quality. Strategic resource management. Logistics. Lean production. Demand Management. Sales and operations planning. Inventory control. Material requirements planning. Programming. The management of limited resources Overview of consumer behavior, the relationship of consumer behavior with other disciplines, definition of consumer, the role of consumer in purchases, the factors that affect consumer behavior, consumer decisions, consumer behavior models, communication between groups, consumer rights and responsibilities and responsibilities to consumers.

ISY 629

Tketici Davran

Consumer Behavior

3 0




ISY 631

Pazarlamada Bili im Ara ve Applications of Information 3 0 Sistemleri Uygulamalar Tools and Systems in Marketing




ISY 633

Pazarlama Felsefesinin Geli imi

Development Philosophy



3 0




Knowledge, cognition, information and information systems concepts and their business applications. Cognitive design of business in marketing. Logic and algorithmic approaches. Cognitive problem solving and decision-making techniques. Data-based marketing, WOMM, Internet marketing and e-CRM applications and strategies. Project development and case study. In this course, the change in the marketing approach from 1960s to Bu derste 1960l y llardan gnmze pazarlama anlay ndaki today, marketing philosophy, consumer behavior, marketing strategy, de i im, Pazarlama felsefesi, tketici davran , pazarlama stratejisi, competitive marketing programs will be handled under main rekabeti pazarlama programlar ana ba l klar alt nda ele al nacakt r. headings. Tketicinin Korunmas Hakk nda Kanunun amac , kapsam , kanunda yer alan tan mlar n a klanmas , tketici i lemlerinde tketicinin korunmas ve ayd nlat lmas , ay pl mal, szle medeki haks z artlar, taksitle sat , kampanyal sat lar, kap dan sat lar, mesafeli szle meler, tketici kredisi, kredi kartlar , garanti belgesi, tketici kurulu lar , tketici konseyi, tketici sorunlar hakem heyeti, yarg lamaya ve cezaya ili kin hkmlerden olu ur. The purpose and scope of Consumer Protection Law, describing the definitions that take place in law, protection and illumination of consumer in consumer processes, defective good, unfair circumstances in contract, hire-purchase, sales with campaign, door sales, distance contracts, consumer loans, credit cards, guarantee certificate, consumer organizations, consumer councils, the arbitral tribunal for consumer issues, the judicial and penal provisions. Concept of corporative, principles of corporative, types of incorporated partnerships, establishment of incorporated partnership, the functioning of incorporated partnership, the relations between members, the concept of share, share types, capital stocks, types of capital stocks, bonds, changes in basic contract, special changes in basic contract, increasing basic capital, reducing basic capital, accounts of incorporated partnership, balance sheet of incorporated partnership and reserve funds, termination of incorporated partnerships and liquidation of stock. Definition and qualifications of limited partnership, establishment of limited partnership, legal status of partners, organization of limited partnership, general assembly, management and representation, control, partnership, modification of the contract and termination and liquidation of the partnership. The desired improvements in a limited and incorporated liability company with TTK project.

ISY 635

Tketici Hukuku

Consumer Law

3 0




ISY 637

Sermaye irketleri

Capital Companies

3 0




Anonim ortakl k kavram , anonim ortakl klara hkim olan ilkeler, anonim ortakl klar n e itleri, anonim ortakl n kurulu u, anonim ortakl n i leyi i, organlar ve organlar aras ili kiler, pay kavram , pay trleri, hisse senetleri, hisse senetlerinin trleri, tahviller, esas szle me de i iklikleri, esas szle mede zel de i iklikler, esas sermayenin art r lmas , esas sermayenin azalt lmas , anonim ortakl k hesaplar , anonim ortakl n bilnosu ve yedek akeler, anonim ortakl n sona erme ve tasfiyesi. Limited ortakl klar n tan m ve nitelikleri, kurulu u, ortaklar n hukuk durumu, limited ortakl n rgt, genel kurul, ynetim ve temsil, denetim, ortakl k szle mesinin de i tirilmesi, ortakl n sona ermesi ve tasfiyesi. Anonim ve limited irketler alan nda TTK Tasar s ile getirilmek istenen yenilikler.

Objective: The aim of this course is to gain to doctoral students Ama: Sosyal bilim olarak i letmecilik alan nda uygulanan e itli knowledge and skills about methods that are applied in the field of metotlar ve metot uygulamas hakk nda doktora rencilerini bilgi ve management as social science and application of these methods. beceri sahibi yapmakt r. erik: Metot bilgisinin zellikleri Sosyal Bilimlerde kullan lan metotlar - Ak lc l k - Deneycilik - Tek sebepli metodoloji - ok sebepli metodoloji - ten ara t rma metotlar - D tan ara t rma metotlar - Ba da t r c metotlar Teori ve varsay m ile ampirik ara t rma aras ndaki ili ki Bilgiyi toplama ve lme Toplanan bilginin yorumlanmas ve bulunan sonular n yaz lmas Content: Features of method knowledge Methods used in social sciences: - Rationalism - Experimentalism - Methodology with one reason - Methodology with many reason - Internal research methods - External research methods - Adapter methods The relationship between theory and hypothesis and empirical research Collection and measurement of information Interpretation of the collected data and writing of the results

ISY 639

Bilimsel Ara t rma Metotlar

Scientific Research Methods

3 0




ISY 641 ISY 602

Geli im ve renme Seminer II

Development and Learning Seminar II

3 2 2 0

4 0

10 10

Semeli Zorunlu

Trke Trke ykml oldu u seminer. Trke

Her tez rencisinin tez a amas na gemeden nce sunmakla The seminar that each student is required to present before the thesis pending. Optimization Problem / Classical Optimization / Constraints and Optimizasyon Problemi/ Klasik Optimizasyon/ K s tlar ve Lagrange Lagrange Multiplier / Optimization in condition of inequalities arpan / E itsizlik K s tlar Durumunda Optimizasyon/ Bir Boyutlu limitations / Research Methods with one dimension / Unrestricted Ara t rma Teknikleri/ K s ts z Gradient Tekni i/ Penalt Fonksiyon Gradient Techniques / Penalty Function Method / Dynamic Metodu/ Dinamik Programlama/ Byk lekli Programlama programming / Large-Scale Programming Genetik algoritmalara giri ; stokastik arama yntemi, sezgisel yakla m, geleneksel optimizasyon teknikleri; optimizasyonun amac ; bir optimizasyon yntemi olarak genetik algoritmalar; di er optimizasyon tekniklerinden fark ; ok amal optimizasyon, a rl kl toplam yakla m , sabit a rl k ve rassal a rl k yakla mlar , basit genetik algoritma, genetik algoritmalar n teorik temeli, bulan k ok amal genetik algoritmalar, temel teoremler; genetik algoritmalar n uygulama alanlar Sinir A lar na Giri , yapay sinir a lar n n genel eleri, yapay sinir a lar n n olu turulmas , perceptron, delta kural , ileri beslemeli a lar, geri beslemeli a lar, yapay sinir a lar n n yap lar , dan manl renme, yapay sinir a lar nda renme, dan mas z renme, karma renme kural , yar mac renme, yar mac sinirsel i aretler, zrgtlemeli harita a , yapay sinir a uygulamalar . Sistem Kavram , sistem hiyerar isi ve s n fland rmas , sistem modelleri, sistem analizi a amalar , sistem analizinin temel faaliyetleri (GANNT emas ), yeni sisteme gei yakla mlar , sistem modelleri (szl ve ematik modeller), bilgi sistemlerine giri , bilgisayara dayal bilgi sistemleri (kay t /veri i leme sistemleri, ynetim bilgi sistemleri, karar destek sistemleri, ofis otomasyon sistemleri), bilgi sisteminin geli tirilmesinde kullan lan aralar, veri taban tasar m ve ynetimi. Introduction to genetic algorithms, stochastic search methods, heuristic approaches, the traditional optimization techniques, objective of the optimization; an optimization methods as genetic algorithms, difference from other optimization techniques, multipurpose optimization, weighted sum approach, fixed weight random weight approach and the simple genetic algorithm, theoretical basis of genetic algorithms, fuzzy multi-purpose genetic algorithms, basic theorems, the application area of genetic algorithms Introduction to Neural Networks, common items of artificial neural networks, establishment of artificial neural networks perceptron, delta rule, feed forward networks, feedback networks, structure of artificial neural networks, learning in artificial neural networks, counseling nonlearning, mixed learning rule, learning Competitors , competitors nervous signs, map network, artificial neural network applications. System Concept, the hierarchy and classification of system, system models, system analysis phase, main activities of system analysis (GANNT scheme), the new approaches for transition to systems, system models (oral, and diagrammatic models), an introduction to information systems, computer-based information systems (records / data processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, office automation systems), information system development tools, data base design and management.

ISY 604

Do rusal Olmayan Programlama

Nonlinear Programming

3 0



ISY 606

ok Amal Genetik Algoritma

Multi-Purpose Algorithms


3 0




ISY 608

Yapay Sinir A lar

Artificial Neural Networks

3 0




ISY 610

Sistem Analizi ve Tasar m

Systems Analysis and Design

3 0




ISY 612

Kresel Organizasyon Yap lar ve Global Organization Structure 3 0 Gven And Trust




Giri ve i letmeler aras ili kilere genel bir bak , ebeke organizasyonlar: tan m, a klamalar ve ebeke organizasyonlar n olu umuna yol aan faktrler, Yap sal a dan ebeke organizasyon trleri: dahili, dinamik ve dengeli ebeke organizasyonlar, letmeler aras i birli i a s ndan ebeke organizasyon trleri: ara t rma ve geli tirme ebekeleri, i letme gruplar , stratejik ittifaklar, endstriyel blgeler, Arac lar ve rolleri, ebeke organizasyon kurman n faydalar , sak ncalar ve maliyetleri, Endstriyel blgeler: tan m ve geni a klamalar, Trkiye ve Avrupadan endstriyel blge rnekleri, Endstriyel blgelerdeki ebeke organizasyon yap lar , letmeler aras ili kilerde gven ve gven trleri, ebeke organizasyon yap lar nda gven ili kisi, ebeke organizasyon yap lar nda gven sreci, Endstriyel blgelerde gven ve gveni etkileyen faktrler, Szle meye dayal olmayan i ili kileri Bu dersin amac , iddetli rekabet ortam nda srekli dn m ierisinde olan rgtlerin ya amalar gereken dn m bilimsel olarak rencilere aktarmakt r. Dersin ieri inde unlar bulunmaktad r: letme ynetiminde dn m, bu dn mn temelleri, dn mn kltr boyutu, uluslar aras i letmecilik boyutu, stratejik ve yap sal boyut, insan kaynaklar ve insan ili kileri boyutu, postmodern boyut, dn m ynetmek

Introduction and an overview of business relationships, the Network organizations: definition, description and factors that led to the formation of network organizations, network types in terms of structure: internal, dynamic and balanced network organizations, network types in terms of cooperation between business organizations: research and development networks, business groups, strategic alliances, industrial zones, agents and their roles, benefits, drawbacks and costs of establishing a network of organization, Industrial areas: definitions and extensive descriptions, samples from the industrial zones in Turkey and Europe, network organization structures in industrial zones, trust and types of trust in the business relationships, trust in the network organizations, the process of trust in network organizations, the factors affecting confidence and trust in the industrial zones, the business relations that are not based on convention. The purpose of this course is to give the students the scientific information of continuous transformation in the life of the organization in the intense competitive environment. Course contents include: transformation in business management, the foundations of this transformation, the culture dimension of the conversion, dimension of international business, strategic and structural dimension, human resources and human relations dimension, postmodern dimension, to manage the transformation. The aim of the course is to give students qualitative research techniques which are very important complement of quantitative research. Course Content: Definition of science and the scientific approach, research methods and types of research, research plan, research models, invalid resources and experimental research, Sampling, Hypothesis development, the place of qualitative research in scientific research, the qualitative research planning, qualitative research methods, interview, observation, document review, content analysis, stakeholder analysis, case studies, qualitative analysis of research results.

ISY 614

letme Boyutlar


Yeni New Dimensions in Business 3 0 Management




ISY 616

rgt Faaliyetlerinde Nitel Ara t rmalar

Qualitative Researches in Organization 3 0 Activities




Dersin amac , rencilere, rgtler zerinde bu zamana kadar rendikleri nicel ara t rmalar n yan nda ok nemli bir tamamlay c olan nitel ara t rma tekniklerini aktarmakt r. Ders eri i: Bilimin ve bilimsel yakla mlar n tan m , Ara t rma yntemleri ve ara t rma trleri, Ara t rma plan , ara t rma modelleri , Geersiz kaynaklar ve deneysel ara t rma, rnekleme, Hipotez geli tirme, nitel ara t rman n bilimsel ara t rmadaki yeri, nitel ara t rman n planlanmas , nitel ara t rma yntemleri, gr me, gzlem, dokman inceleme, ierik analizi, payda analizi, rnek olay al mas , nitel ara t rma sonular n n zmlenmesi.

ISY 618

Portfy Teorisi ve Ynetimi

Portfolio Theory and Management

3 0




ISY 620 ISY 622 ISY 624

Sermaye Btelemesi

Capital Budgeting and

3 0 3 0 3 0

3 3 3

7.5 7.5 7.5

Semeli Semeli Semeli


Yeni Finansal Aralar ve Muhasebe New Financial Instruments Uygulamalar Accounting Applications Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamalar Accounting and Tax Applications

Trke muhasebele tirilme ilkeleri ve uygulamalar Trke uygulamalar

Trk vergi mevzuat ve farkl

Portfolio theory, the concept of diversification, capital assets pricing Portfy teorileri, e itlendirme kavram , sermaye varl klar fiyatlama model, option pricing model, arbitrage pricing model, market modeli, opsiyon fiyatlama modeli, arbitraj fiyatlama modeli, piyasa efficiency, the relationship between portfolio theory and fundamental etkinli i, portfy teorisi ile temel ve teknik analiz ili kisi, portfy & technical analysis, portfolio management and performance ynetimi ve performans de erleme yntemleri. evaluation methods. Uzun vadeli sermaye yat r m kararlar ve uzun vadeli finanslama, Long-term capital investment decisions and long-term financing, the genel de erleme prensipleri, sermaye Btelemesi metotlar , general principles of valuation, capital budgeting methods, sorting projelerin s ralanmas , sermaye maliyeti, sermaye yap s , yat r m ve projects, cost of capital, structure of capital, relationship between finanslama kararlar ili kisi. investment and financing decisions. Finansal trev rn trleri ve zellikleri, trev rn szle melerinin Types and features of financial derivatives products, accounting sektrlerde principles and practices of derivatives contracts vergi muhasebesi Turkish tax legislation and tax accounting practices in different sectors

ISY 626

Btnle ik Pazarlama leti imi

Integrated Marketing Communications

3 0




Btnle ik Pazarlama leti imi dersinin amac i letme ile hedef m teri gruplar aras nda olumlu bir ileti im ortam n n kurulmas ve bu ileti imin ynetilmesi srecini analiz etmektir. Bu do rultuda dersin ieri i u ekilde zetlenebilir: leti im Kavram ve Modeli, Pazarlama leti iminin Amalar ve Stratejileri, Btnle ik Pazarlama leti imi Kavram , letme, Mal ve Hizmet Bilinirli ini Artt rmada Btnle ik Pazarlama leti imin Rol, Pazarlama leti iminde Medya Seimi, Marka leti imi, Reklam leti imi, Sponsorluk leti imi, M teri li kileri Ynetimi, li ki Pazarlamas , Veri Tabanl Pazarlama, Btnle ik Pazarlama leti imi Program n n Geli tirilmesi, Pazarlama leti im Programlar n n Denetimi.

ISY 628

Pazarlamada rnek Olay Analizleri

Case Study Analysis in Marketing

3 0




Pazarlamada rnek Olay Analizleri dersi dnyada ve lkemizde faaliyet gsteren i letmelerin pazarlama uygulamalar n ve pazarlama stratejilerini de erlendirmeyi amalamaktad r. Bu kapsamda; Pazarlamada rnek Olay Analiz Sreci, rnek OlayPazarlama Stratejisi li kisi, SWOT, rn-Portfy ve Be G Analiz Yntemleri, letmelerin Uygulad klar Pazarlama Karmas n n De erlendirilmesi (rn, Fiyat, Tutundurma ve Da t m), Kresel ve Yerel letmelerin Pazarlama Programlar n n Analizleri konular ele al nacakt r. retim ve i lemler ynetimi konular na ili kin bilgisayar uygulamalar , Uluslararas la ma karar , uluslar aras la man n ba lang c , ihracat davran teorileri, firman n uluslararas rekabetili inin geli imi, uluslar aras pazar n seimi, uluslararas evre, pazara giri stratejileri, uluslar aras tedarik kararlar ve tedariki seimi, kresel rn, fiyatland rma ve ihracat bedelleri deme yntemleri, da t m kararlar , tutundurma kararlar , kresel pazarlama program n n organizasyonu ve kontrol. Kalite kavramlar na giri ve istatistiksel sre kontrol. Kaliteyle ilgili ynetim problemleri ve zmleri. De i kenlik ve istatisti e giri . Verilerin dzenlenmesi. Olas l k ve normal olas l k da l mlar na giri . Kontrol diyagramlar na giri . De i kenler ve zellikler iin kontrol diyagramlar . Kontrol diyagramlar n n yorumlanmas . Problem zme. Kabul rneklemesi.

ISY 630

retim / lemler Ynetimi Uygulamalar

Production / Operations Management 3 0 Applications



Trke problem zm ve vaka analizleri.

The aim of the Integrated Marketing Communication course is to analyze the process of establishment of a positive communication environment between business and target customer groups and to manage this communication. In this context the content of this course can be summarized as: Communication Concepts and Models, Objectives and Strategies of the Marketing Communications, Integrated Marketing Communication Concepts, The role of Integrated Marketing in service awareness, Choosing media in marketing communication, Brand Communication, Advertising Communication, Sponsorship Communication, Customer Relationship Management, Relationship Marketing , Data-Based Marketing, Program Development of Integrated Marketing Communications, Control of the Marketing Communication Programs. Case Study Analysis in Marketing course aims to evaluate marketing applications and marketing strategies of companies that operate in our country and in the world. In this context; Process Case Analysis in Marketing, Relations between Sample Event and Marketing Strategy, SWOT, Product Portfolio and five Power Analysis Methods, Evaluation of the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Hold and Distribution), Analysis of the Marketing Program of Global and Local Business, will be handled. Computer applications related to Production and operations management issues, problem solving and case analysis Decision of internationalization, beginning of internationalization, export behavior theories, the development of the firm's international competitiveness, international market selection, international environment, market entry strategies, international procurement decisions and supplier selection, global product, pricing and payment methods of export price, distribution decisions, promotion decisions, organization and control of global marketing programs. Introduction to Quality concepts and statistical process control. Quality problems related to management and their solutions. Variability and introduction statistic. Editing of data. Introduction to Probability and normal probability distributions. Introduction to Control diagrams. Control charts for variables and attributes. Interpretation of the Control diagram. Problem solving. Acceptance sampling.

ISY 632

Kresel Pazarlama Stratejileri

Global Marketing Strategies

3 0




ISY 634

statistiksel Sre Kontrol ve Kalite Statistical Process Control and Quality 3 0 Geli tirme Improvement




ISY 636

Rekabet Hukuku

Competition Law

3 0




Rekabet Hukukunun tarihsel geli imi, rekabeti s n rlay c anla ma, karar ve uyumlu eylemler, muafiyet, hakim durumun ktye kullan lmas , birle me ve devralmalar, rekabeti s n rlay c uygulamalar n yapt r m , cezai yapt r mlar, hukuki yapt r mlar, kanunu uygulayacak makamlar, Rekabet Kurulu, inceleme ve ara t rma usul, soru turma, Kurulun alabilece i kararlar ve kurul kararlar n n yarg sal denetiminden olu ur. Fikri ve S nai Mlkiyet Hukuku alan nda ortak hukuk olu turulmas ve uyumla t rma abalar , patent, marka, telif haklar , tasar mlar ve veri korunmas na ili kin hukuki dzenlemeler, mallar n serbest dola m ve fikri ve s nai mlkiyet haklar , fikri ve s nai mlkiyet haklar n n kullan lmas ve devrine ili kin szle meler

Historical development of the Competition Law, competition restrictive agreements, decisions and concerted actions, exemptions, abuse of dominant position, mergers and acquisitions, sanctions of the limiting competition applications, criminal sanctions, legal sanctions, law authorities, the Competition Board, review and research procedures, investigation, decisions that Board may take and judical auditing of the board decisions Common law creation in the area of Intellectual and Industrial Property Law and harmonization efforts, patent, trademark, copyright, legal arrangements relating to the protection of design and data, free movement of goods and intellectual and industrial property rights, contracts related to the usage and endorsement of intellectual and industrial property

ISY 638

Fikri ve S nai Mlkiyet Hukuku

Intellectual and Industrial Property Law

3 0




ISY 640

retimde Planlama De erlendirme

ve Planning and Education



3 2



Genel i letme doktora program nda analitik ara t rma ve modelleme Some econometric and statistical softwares (SPSS, STATA, Eyapabilmek iin ara konumuna sahip baz ekonometrik ve istatistik uygulamalar doktora rencilerine sunulacakt r. Mevcut Lisans ve Yksek Lisans Programlar ndaki Ynetim ve Organizasyon kavram ve sreleri, a rl kl bir ekilde Anglo Sakson kltr ortam nda elde edilen ve pratik olgulardan kar lan bilgilere dayanmaktad r. Analitik ynetim d ncesinin geli mesine katk da bulunmas a s ndan, Trk ynetim d ncesinin geirmi oldu u a amalar analiz etmek ok yarar sa layaca umut edilmektedir. Ynetim ve rgt faaliyetleri ile di er btn toplumsal srelerin temeli, ki iler, grup ve rgtler aras ileti im tekniklerinin etkili kullan m na ba l d r. Ynetim aktrleri ile her trl sosyal aktrlerin, kendi i lev ve grevlerini yerine getirmedeki etkinlik byk lde etkili ileti im konusundaki bilgi ve becerilerine ba l d r. Anabilim Dallar n n tez a amas nda bulunan rencileri taraf ndan al nmas zorunlu olan bu ders, alan n ileri ve zgn konular n ierir. Bu kapsamda alanla ilgili yay n ve makaleler incelenerek analiz ve sentezler yap l r. Seilen konularda al malar ve ara t rmalarda bulunularak raporlar haz rlan r. Bu dersler ilgili Anabilim Dallar n n retim ye ve grevlilerince yrtlr. conduct modelling and testing financial data.

ISY 642

Ekonometrik ve statistik Paket Linear Optimization Programlarda Veri Analizi

3 0



Trke paket programlar n n (SPSS, STATA, E-Views, Excel, gibi) Views, Excel) will be introduced so that Ph.D. students will be able to

ISY 646

Trk Ynetim D ncesi

Turkey Management Thought

3 0




Undergraduate and Graduate Program in Management and Organization existing concepts and processes, in a predominantly Anglo - Saxon culture media obtained from the patients and the practice is based on information extracted. Thought to contribute to the development of analytical management perspective, to have had the idea of the Turkish administration to analyze the phases is hoped will benefit. Management and organizational activities with the foundation of all other social processes, people, groups and organizations depend on effective use of communication techniques. Management and all kinds of actors, social actors, their functions, duties and efficacy largely depend on effective communication skills and knowledge. The course, compulsory for the students who are at the thesis level, includes the specific and advanced issues of the field. In this context, publications and articles concerning the chosen topic will be analyzed. Reports will be prepared through studies and researches. This course will be carried by the academic staff of the department.

ISY 648

Etkili leti im ve Toplum

Effective Society



3 0




ISY 800-830 Uzmanl k Alan Dersi

Special Studies on Thesis

8 0




* Uzmanl k Alan Dersini Tez a amas na geen rencilerin almas zorunludur.

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