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TABLE CONfENTS OF 1 ...................5 lntroduction....... ..,.....................5 Su 1 . 1 E xe cu ti ve mma ry.. ...........6 a 1 . 2 V i si o n n dS tra l e g y............... .....................9 Ct 1 . 3 Ma n a g e me no mmi tm ent............ ......................9 Structure 1.4 Organization ......................9 g 1 .4 .1 D ri l l i na n dC o mpletions........ .,..."....11 1 .4 .1 .1Go MD & COp e rations .................15 Team......... 1 .4 .1 .2Go MD & CH S SE ..........15 Management Team .............18 T 1 .4 .1 .4P ro j e ctse a m......... ................18 1 .4 .1 .5T e ch n o l o g yTeam ............18 Team...... R i ga n dWe l S er vices l 1 .4 .1 .6 ..............18 1 .4 .1 .7R i g Ow n e rsh ipandlM Assur ance.............. .....................1 9 a nd 1 . 5 OMSl mp l e me n ta ti onGovem ance......... 1.5.1 OMSlmplemeniation.. .............19 OMS 1 .5 .2 S u sta i n i n g ......... ....................20 1 .5 .3 Go MD & COMSGovemance ..............22 and Prioritization....... 2 RiskAssessment .........22 2.1 Riskldentification ................22 Risk Hazard Assessment........ 2.2 Major and ...........23 Conformance Risk 2.3 OMSGapAssessmentSub-Element ....................2 3 2 . 4 P ri o ri ti za ti o n ................ ...........24 and Gontro1s.............. 3 GoMD&GPlanning (BtB)......... .......24 Beyond Best the Drilling Completions and 3.1 ........24 andControls.... 3.2 CostPlanning ..............24 al 3 .2 .a F i n a n ciMe mo r andum............... ...".........25 T P 3.2 .2 L o n g e rm 1 a n .......... .............25 (GFO)........ .........27 Financial Outlook 3.2.4 Group ................27 Forecast Process 3.2.5 D&CMonthly .................;,................29 3 . 3 Go MD & C OMSGa pClosurPlans e Activity ........30 SeUAnnual P1an........... 3.4 Prioritized .........31 and 4 lmplementation Operations .....................31 Framework 4.1 Operating .....,....31 4.2 OMSDocuments .................32 Evaluation and Corrective Action 5 Measurement, Metrics Reviews......................................32 and 5.1 GoMD&CPerformance Review and lmprovement..... ..........36 6 Management .....................36 Review.. 6.1 GoMD&CManagement


Title of DocarnEnt: OMS Man$al

Authofltv: lGvln Lacv

GoM D&C Operating Phn/ Local

Docume{t Number: 2200-T2-DM{,1A4001


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6.1.1 Pre-Tour eeting..... M ................37 6.1.2 Pre-Job eeting M ......................92 6.1.3 CrewEngagement Meeting .....A7 6.1.4 AfterAction Review/Lessor (RigSite)...............39 Learned Meeting 6 . 1 . 5 D a i l y p e r a t i o n se e t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O M .........,.38 6.1.6 WellsTeamLeader Meeting..... .................38 6.1.7 HSSESteering Committee Meeting ..........39 6.1.8 HSSE Performance Management Meeting 6.1.9We|lSiteLeaderHSSEConferenceCa||........'.'. 6 . 1 . 1 0 H S S ES t a f f e e t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ...................39 6.1.11 AfterAction RevieMLesson (Town)...................39 Learned Meeting 6.1.12 LTMeeting ............39 6.1.13 D&CPeople Forum 6 . 1 . 1 4 L T A w a yD a y . . . . . . . . . . . ..........,.-...39 6 . 1 . 1 5 E L TM e e t i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............40 6 . 1 . 1 6 W e l lR e v i e w ...........40 6.1.17 RiskReview 6.1.18 CostReview Meeting..... ..........4O 6 . 1 . 1 9 O M SS t e e r i nT e a mM e e t i n g s g ......:.............................40 6.1.20 DE TeamLeader Meeting .........................40 6 . 1 . 2 1 C E T e a mL e a d e M e e t i n g r ...........................................40 6.1.22 Engineering/Operations Meeting ...............40 6.1.23 No DrillinglCompletion Surprises... ............41 { 6.1.24 Lessons Learned Sharing...... 6.1.25 Partner Meeting..... Appendices Appendix A: GoM D&C Evidence tnventory: "The Wa3lWe Work" ...............42 Appendix B: GoM D&C OMS SustainingActivities and Accountabilities....Tl Figures ,.,

Figure1: BP Commitmentto HSSE F i g u r e 2G o MD e e p w a t e r D r i l l iE n g i n e e r i n g T e a m . . . . . . . . . : ng ..............11 F i g u r e : G o MD e e p w a t e r o m p l e t i o nn g i n e e r i n g a m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 C E Te F i g u : e : R i gO p sT e a m . 4 ...,.........13 Figure : RAGI hart 5 C ..................j4 Figure RACIChartfor GoM Project 6. Services.... ..........jT Figure Process Opportunity 7: for Progression........... ......................27 F i g u r e : D & CM o n t h l y o s tF o r e c a s tn dW I PT i m e | i n e . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 8 C a

Title of Document: Authonw:

eoM D&COperating Plan{ Lscal OMSManual

Kevin Lacv

Docurnent Number: 2200-T2-DM-I A-0001



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1 Introduction 1.1 Executive $ummary

'rs operating OMS a comprehensive management s),stem that integrates and improves existing management systems. lt provides tramework achievesafe and reliable the to operation.OMS helpsmanage everyelementof operating, frombasiccompliance excellent perbrmance.ln in to the long term, efiedive OMS implementation positionBP to take and maintain lead in will the operatingexcellence while buildinga supporting culturethat leams and derivescontinuous improvement. At the locallevel,the localOMSincludes SPU and site processes procedures the through and which the businessis delivered,and meets Group and Segmentrequircments.This paper (GoM)Drilling Completions descdbes howthe cenfalizedGulfof Mexico and @&C)Organization manages planning, execulion ac'tivity, majorprojedssupport.This CentralTeam well and Model in wasinitiated April2008. of The rernainder section one, includesour vision and slralegy, management commitment, govemance including rolesand responsibilities, howwe will sustain key and OMSovertime,i.e. the Performance Cycle. The GoM D&CVP is accountable operational lmprovement for delivery and including OMSconformance, D&CLeadership Tesm members instrumental ensuring are in sucoessthrough understanding the key aspectsof OMS, ensuringconformance OMS of to essentials, drivingthe associated and Performance lmprovement Cycle. Eachemployee the has familiar responsibilily become to withOMScontent howil drivesperformance. and Sectiontwo addresses how risk is managed withinGoM D&C. OMS implementation leadsto processes risk standardizing management acrossour organization.The intention our risk of processis to providea comprehensiw of instructions the nnnagement management on set of risks. The plancoversthe complete life cyclefom initialidentification close-out.\llle use risk to for workprocesses: two mainprocedures managing Beyond BestCommon the Process @tBcp), (MPcp).The GoM D&CRisk Management Planwill bring and MajorProjectCommonProcess our processes alignment into with OMSso that risk is managed and effectively consistently, in compliance OMSrequirements. risks with All by shallbe recorded and managed the BP RAT, in approved for riskmanagement. tool theGroup processes. GoMD&Cplanni4 andcontrol Section threeaddresses Beyond BeslCommon the planning. Process details melhodology across E&Psegment drilling completions the for and Cost planning controls include: and -. Financial Memorandumusedto obtain aulhorization funding projecl for a r . Lon{;Term Plan- 1 year Life ol Field(LoF),Headcount, CAPDOOPEX, Center Cosl (PxO), Budgets Frame, DeepDive. Rig Schedule 1 year delivery and 2 year readiness; on refreshed a monlhly basis. D&Cis accountable scheduling drilling, for all and operations completions intervention in alignment GoMSPUprioities, with capital and forecasts resources. -(GFO) official planusedas the Annual Group Financiai Oullook annual Forecast the at beginning the fiscalyear of Forecast D&CMonthly Process

. .

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GoM D&C Operatng Plan/ Local OMS Manual lGvin Laci/

Document Number: 22q)-T2-DMJtilA4OO1

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. . gapswith actions and and GoMD&COMSGapClosurePlans-- aggregated prioritized dates. completion Agendas KPI'S. and Priorities, Aclivity SeVAnnual - Context, Plan Collective Prioritized

Elements the and the the by four ouilines framework whichwe apply OMS Principles, Section Essential and Recommendations acrossthe GoM D&C organization.dctivitiesare underlying pradices,proceduras processes, and operating drivenby a seriesof consistent fundamentally Process Beyondthe Be$ Common continuous thoseusedto promote improvement. including uihich can be directly to and D\AOPproMdea foundation our processes.Theseprocesses, are collectedas 'Evidencel during OM! Gap klentified with each OMS Sub-element, 'libraryof operating to referenced the OMS documentation, framework The Assessments. official via is Sub-elements,accessible the E&POMSNavigator. performan.e usedin the GoMD&Cteamfor Safety, the metrics five presents numerous Section and Cost, Production Performance, Activity,Time and Operational Regulatory, Environmental, Post End Planning. Key reportsincludeDaily DIMS,WeeklyOperations, of Well, Operational and Scorecard. Supplier Performance Monthly Well,D&CBenchmark, : and reviewmeetings the management the GoM D&C leadership six Section includes various are SPA reviewed.Meeting frequency, and purposes detailed. information management are the lnventory. Key SPU processes identified, A Appendix highlights GoM D&C Evidence *Elidence" during the OMS Gap aligned with each OMS Sub-element. Collectedas of how we meet the expectations the 48 OMS Subthe Assessments, Key Processes.are and Recommendations. and E&C SegmentRequirements their Group Essentials elements, are positions accountabili$ listed. withinD&Cthat holdSuFelement lndividual Key and Activities Accountabilities.. actMties B GoMD&COMSSustaining Appendix highlights our improve and continuously are time,we will sustain and responsibilities givenfor how,,over Systems. Management Operating

1.2 VisionandStrateEy
Our vision is to achieve suslained recognitionas the leader in the GoM as demonstratedby our 'best team, best place to work, best results" values,our people,and our results.We will achieve . e r r r lntegrity Commitmenttoself and family Teamwork Makinga difference growth Commitrnent personal to

The coM D&C Team leveragesthe five pillars of the global D&G Journeyto lndustryLeading Wells Deliverythroughthe followingstrategy: . . -deliveryof their Safety, Integrityand EnMronment Leverageand supportour contractors' Systems. SafetyManagement People -- Continue iuilding organizationalcapability, leveraging the centralized D&C organization.

Title of Document:

Authoritv: Custodian/Owner:
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GoM D&C Operathg PIan/ Local OMS Manual Kevin Lacv

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lmprovement and drivestandardization continuous standads and Processes Relentlessly ouractivities. into at scale,with into iectrnotogy- Move leadingindustrytechnotogies the way we work success. measurable Performance based on values, people and . bupptier Reiationships Build distinctiverelationships performance. a becoming the This supports overallGoM SPU visionof "being#1-in the GoM,"meaning, to prouOof today and deliversits promises which is confidentof the fr.rtu:e, "i"ning-i""tn shareholders. of and the details D&CGlobal, GoMspecifics ourstrategy: document Thelinked D&CStrqtesv


, of to within GoM D&C is requiredto confrrm to the BP Commitrnent lntegdtylCode Erreryone and HSSEperfonnance: Conduci, to the BP GroupCommitmentto

BP'scommrtment to health,safety.securityand (HSSE) environmental performance

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Figurel: BP CommitmenttoHSSE

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BP-l{ZN-itBl00{ 93,155

Gommitment 1.3 Management
with Team is tully committed operating accordance the Group in to The GoM D&C Leadership in the OMSarchitec{ure, SPULocalOMS,andthe plansdetailed thisdocument. The GoM SPU leadership team is 100% ammifted to the sucresstu/ design, and of implementation, sustainment OMS;it will becomethe vmy we work in the Gulf of Number1 in the our Mexicoand represents nert material#ep in ourjoumey to becoming Gulf. We cfose fo be one of he three'Wave7'srfesin E&Pto help shap the design, operatingc,omplexities but mostimpftantly we neededto beginatacking the significant grov'tth. We have built, that have ertered ffie businessover a decadeof unprecedented installedand operateeight wry differcnttacility hubs in the Gulf of Mexico; OMSwill enable us to efficiently manage such a diverseportfolio by being very explicit and and of dandards,practices prooesses. in deliberate the execution ow underpinning 'The powerof one, consistent operating sysfernac'lss the companyshifts management ow energy from re-invenling to continwus imgovennnt within our Hements of fltis to orynting. We eachlook forward thejoumey,atfr renrember, is a manthon,not a sprint."- Neil Shaw,on behalfof the SPU leadership Team 'l am tully supportive the OMSimplementafwn withinBP aN am Noud fi.at GoMD&C of I to is one of the first D&C organhations achieveinitial implementation. am personally impactin improvingsafety convincedand committedthat OMSwill makea substantial and makingour opentionsmorereliableand efficiert. 'ln GoMD&C one partof fulfillingour vision to be 'a leader all that maffers'andOMS in is is clearly one area I expeetto be reagnized." - Kevin lacy, Vice President GoM Drillingand Completions


Structure 1.4 0rganization

1.4.1 Drillinq and Completions The organization organhation. as lA/ithin GoM,D&C is managed a central, functional managesall aspeds of GoM D&C includingHeahh,Safety, Security,Environment projects, performance (HSSo, individual planning execution, development well and new projectservices,and D&C BP-owned managernent, rig rig management, scheduling, stafL support Chart DWD&COroanizalion Engineering Operalions. and revolves around coregroups: TeamModel two The Cenlral as Thesetwo groupswork side-by-side "One GoM D&C' to achievebest in class performance. groupis comprised Drilling Gompletions in Eachof these, of teams. and TheEngineering and Execution team; a team focusedon Major Project turn, has a Well Planning team, both and an Excellence Team. Additionally, Interventions an Engineering; is team. TheWellPlanning and within Gompletions the Engineering Operations, housed with in teamsarescalable changes operating count. rig

Title of Document:

GoMD&GOperaung Plan/Loel OMSManual

1 Lacv

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{. Theoperationssideispresenflycomprisedofthreegroups:the..Explorationand nppr"iJ"j i""m; the ntantis Op6ration!Team; and the ThunderHorse Operations rig in to Tlim. butis scalable changes theoperating count' within are the within GoMD&CCentralTeam HSSE(D&CHSSEresides Alsomanaged and Technology Projecis, Rig RigsandWeltServices, Orvnership, Team), inu Op"r"tions Management Performance improved GoMD&Cto provide Modelenabled the Soonafterlls inception, CentralTeam projecis, The teams' new structureallowedbetter io the Niw Development rupport and the between Drilling the of utilization scarcer""ourcei, anOirinproved flowof leaming in They alsostartedmakinggreatprogress their standardization engineers. Co1npf"tion efforts. are: organization principles thecentralized of design Theoverarching Operations (lM) and Simultaneous . lmproveGoM D&C HSglntegrityManagement assetintegration and (SiMOPS), maintain effectiveness ensure - consistent and HSE/IM slMoPSstandards with to EmbeddedD&C criticalpositions maintaincontinuityand integration teams project subsurface and r and performance improvement consistency Drivecontinuous Rigexecutionexce|lence-continuity-"onerig/oneteammachine" performance costmanagement and and Rigorous standardized clarityof accountabilities of and efficiency effectiveness worKorce lmprove and teamfor drilling a through central and in Standardizationwell planning design suPport engineering completions TeamLeader(IL/engineerratio,and provide Fullyutilizescarceskills,improve focuson tvrenchtimel so support engineers ceniralresource learning and development organization employee accelerate capability; Build curves


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BP-HZN-MB100193/157 Goii D&C OPeratlons ac*ivities' br Thisgroupis responsible allwellexecution Team DrillingEngineering planning all DW GoM Development for for This team is responsible drillingengineering production tne managii fur the $d Dog Rig and spar.N.ew we[s. Artditionally, and 'DE" TeSrm with the worksclosely Engineering euiHs residesin this team. The'Orining and Proiects slnaionlor New Derrelopment io ilj""tr teaOers O.Gfop a world-diss teamsto planthe wells. The chart norse ano AflantisRig operations with the Thun<ter tur tewlthe accouriaOittties each of the subteamsin the Drilling belowdetaits "i;nbh Team. Engineering

.grsrrF.affi rrrlh nah..fit . oFillo s|ffilio/tC*ton r Eaq ralnrdng DCus . 'l t idct$ttrltw r trelrdlmltfrlllhsS r ftricd lcrt ddlllm as|, . t dtEloq?..|.did #r&.dd;Dn . ttoiart L.tt-lI h.dadel


. Dr{Es.fi . t).il[ng 8.D .llralhra Jdgnrrrd&r .ltAiorEr-rld . lFrndel|t

inddild{im . Fdl cdt ..lkFt6 / AFE

. tL-il uillr Polln Itdlmd& Oprllq! Drli*Fq$8 " r ttilld! lwtlc "lo0 .c{ipmllt Fff. sr..fFdlc $T[. sdc .nis bya,. . ldaf*r*'lllt frdttT.e 'W.[ttu Lm .Ass f3il ,Irr-|SF cddlN{tot .5wctsnr#ldthr ' S.ld Ttitd altlv *i?mi . thdd9 tp|6e{ t orc*ga3 . Er.dctdac

r Wdlltvd OCuS . filt[$qtfrd

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.3t$odffiF6 .ffictw{rda . tlrntmllltsg, . Fddthb . lF-ial.qld||{ rtd fa.fad td|.d nr.faa .Ilcba.tlFd||btfll . Ecrtil.ii 4riF .ILiFr-.c . E{drild hr.o|tty . nddr . tFl'lT . r.atifiLt drraoS.rrilr . CrrffiC{PFff

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Team Drilling Engineering Figura 2: GoM Deep\,vater

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GoM D&C operatng Phil Local OMS Manual vin LacY

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Engineering Completion Team Thisteamis responsible completion planning all GoMwells. lt worksclosely for for with the Major Projectsteam to develop a world-class sanctionfor Neryrr Development Prcjects,and with the ThunderHorse and AtlantisRig Operations teaqs to plan lhe wells.The chartbelowdetailsat a highlerrel iccountabilities eachof the sub' for the teams within Completions the Engineering Team.

. hiqrnalfi ltrlcgy . ldffiifis ootion gastf bn qtpgct . ktt6c.&r dc*lnbru6dr.. . tntcdcrtm Ocrim q,Opdt . Prd,ldc Csndatlil ad hrsvsr0suiaaEfoo! s@*trDDdt

. '


. Prwffa atQstila ad dt is CE iadlgq ' Advb! d cldtsdlqd bdtlafDdftdadoFncot .AdvblmprcG Cmpftlcdlm 'K!ca Ail CEtm Inlcd wih BP !M mddlc ffi uEY. .AEd8tinconliffi PqtmaolmFws6nt acdoos Odnmurrcde cmdelim fttrepro9|ilely .8radPdtrflu}lretf t(D&Cpllo|ms

Figure3: GoM DeepilaterCompletion EngineeringTeam TeamModel Thereare presently threeOperations Teams:WellsOperations E&A,WellsOperations - Thunder Horse, and Wells Operations Atlantis. This is scalablewithin the organizational modelwhereone Operations Manager leadsfrom 2-4 weltgteams. The E&A Team is responsible well planning for and execution. The ThunderHorseand AtlantisOps teams are iesponsibie operations'execution. for The:planning their for operations donein the GoMD&CEngineering is A of Teams. RlgOpsTeamconsists two parls. The first is a core groupof dedicated team members represented the (as on rig rightsideof thediagram Figure withthesolid reporting in line). 4, tine

Title of Document: coM D&g Opgratlng Plan/ Local OMS Manual

Authorltv: lcvin Lacy



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Team,reporting The secondpartof the team is supported from the CentralEngineering (as Managersor other parts of the organization to the GoM D&C Engineering line). on represented the leftsideof the diagram Figure withthe dottedreporting in 4,

c.nird [r&cTr.m!
Etrtlna.tlog .nd R.36urc. + E pt fol md PU T.rmt On rig-otrrt .ft rntdtinc

ths. lo.ttld lI f br h9tu99rd I tFnpLdigb I mlin 1 cmnryrlllr I io tfti. I ni*'iild Dlc&'gtur3 L
Eral lryfrr hoj.st| iil f, $tt ?lelldnrflft6Gn fbr. d.itn, s.fltim Htla dllrqprt .ig(r) ltd dll rttf,r Wrlk llSSE TL bc

c r.

lfill br ftggcd tc r rig a 1.6. ht ral !rtc?i. 'Irdtr.lciirr IL

Tte les'lis rilf hc hcil Lrrd ro c rlt Pr{6dtmLIiI ba to Inagrrlt t&,f{||9hrdg .ffidd6t id dif, badt{fudo |oKIGCEEL al r$ .drt l| EelqldofdE

Figure{: Rig Ops Team l/VellRACI cfiart for integration the GoM D&C Engineering and The Development of Operations teamsis included follows. as CftllAtD


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Figure5: RAC!Chart


Title of Docurnent: OMS D&C OperatingPlan/ Local Manual Authorihr: KevinLacy Custodian/Owner: Mark\rvebder


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o GoM D&CHSSE leam teams HSSEexcellence in Teamis accountable supporting operations for tie The HSSE the and oryanization. Accauntabililies include following: the within Drilling Completions . . o . o drilling contrac'tors continuous in Engaging HSSEimprovement Providing fleet-wide and rig-specific HSSE analysis and improvement recommendations application BP GroupandSPU HSSEreguirements Ensuring consistent of coaching training Conducting HSSE and forthe GoMD&Corganization an with Providing interface the SPUHSSEFunctionalteams Operations for HSSE is accountable providingHSSE support for drilling,completions and operations. HSSEadMsors be embedded intervention will withinofiic+basedteamsfor activity also will be each Dfilling OperationsManager.Each rig and intervention by onsiteHSSE supported rotating support. Performance Ensure HSSE performanceis continuouslyimproving in GoM D&C operations. activtties include following: will lmprorement the r r . Accurate timelyHSSEdatatracking reporting and and fom incidents applying and Leaming thoselessons broadly withinthe fieet with OMS, GoM SPU lmplementing HSSEsystems that are simpleand consistent requ mentsandcontractor nage ire ma mentsystems Assurance for and Regulations HSSEis accountable ensuring all applicable Policies Agency that BP Assurance be achieved are followed. will by: . Training regulatory on requirements . Self-assessments audits and . Useof existing Compliance Management Systems 1,4,1.3 Pertormance ManagementTeam for Services Thisteamis accountable leading Performance Project the and teams well as as lM and OMS lmplementation. Although eentralized, much of this team will be with the Engineering Operations support. co-located and The direct teamsthey directly for SeMces, D&C lntegrity Management reportsare accountable Performance, Projec-t andOMSlmplementation. The Performance Team providesrobustsupportlo the Engineering and Operations teamsin GoMD&Candleveragesthe capability the D&CEngineering Operations of and Common staff. Technologists, Process Coordinators, Technical reportinto ald Editors the Performance Team and support the Engineering Operations leams and are and co-located theseteamsto ensure witl efficient workprocesses. the relationship and will continue allowgreaterefficiency Centralizing reporting has to in of and standardization processes balancing workload. of ThisteamalsoholdsSPU lT&S

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and segment D&C lT&S interfaceaccountability with GoM D&C for D&C softrare (i.e., applications OpenWells, EDM, etc.). Livelink, The samesyneqies hare occuned with the centralization the ProjectServices of team. The ProjectServices organization fourteam leaders, has threeof whomare leading the costtracking forecasting and workthrough costengineers analysts.Additionally, and the processing one of theseTLs caniesaccountability the PS Technicians for invoices and for special projec'tslike the P2PlBackbone implementation. A fourth PS TL is accountable Scheduling Document for and Control. Belowis a RAGIchartbetween GoMD&CPS,SPUFinance theAssets. and

Operating Plan/ Local Title of Document: OMS Manual Authoritv: Custd


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t-tuM i c c c G




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Figure5: RACIChartfor GoMProjectServices

flue of Doc-ument: OMS Manual Authoratv: KevinLacv Custodianrownec MarkWebs{er Retenllon Code: secunq/ Classification: AAAOff}O

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{ ProJecFTeam throlgh for Tearnis accountable cunentand futureMajorProjects This MajorProjects step in the valuechainafter phases.Theteamis lhe second anOSetect the Appiaise Tearmto MajorProjecG withGoMD&GEngineering and E&Adperations, worksclosely Planandsuppgrt Technology createa WellsBasisof Design, selection, concept develop sit sanctionof th6 Project. The D&G MajorProjectLeaders on the AssetLeadership wilhinthe AssetTeam. Projects Teamsand arethe SPA for D&Cfor functionalteamd Tgamsto for for Team will set up the conditions success the GoM D&C Engingering Teamas and perform in Phase, alsofor the Operations well detailed planning the Define Execute Phase. in theyoperate the :: '' T*hnologyTam strategic Teamin making for the Thisteamis accountable guiding GoMD&CLeadership -the and Manager in developing SPU Tectrnology technologydecisions,supporting dile$^ol and bothstrategic tacticat stritegy,and providing the imptemeiling technology D.&C. to respect G9M. Group(EPTG).with and Technology to ihe Exptoration Production on companies tedlnical withservice interfaces Technology Team needs.The technology Joint lndustryProjectsand other sourceson and with Universities, strategydirection, for insights integration. Ng and Well Seruices leam ftom of D&Cin tull life cyclernanagement contrads, for Thisleamis accountable leading performan-ce The management. and agreement supplier development contract to strategy The kgy reasons and for actions rig farm-outs farm-ins.' team alsoleadsthe commerciat structure include: this behind organizational : in . Capture GoMthird partycontracting expertise one orOa11{io1 all . HoHcontracting withSPUand GlobalPSCMin one place' andliaison erpertise Meetings' Review . Coordination prepaiation the Performance and for Rig Ownership and lM Assurance dgs. Rig for the Thisteamis accountable managing BP-owned Fleetand Contracted The gnd maintained accordance verification_that qre bqingopetated rigq team wit!provide ! Tftg.RigFleet and with BP Poticy(ltr,/l/OMS) manige a centralRig AuditPlal for Goft/|. and Maintenance on with the O&M-contractor all RB Equiprnent Team will interface The the issuesallowing BP WellsTeAmto focnson the deliveryof lAbll Construction. we team wili wor( closetywith Wells Teamsand lead the drive to'standardize.how - 1 i {he across SPU. O&Mcontiacts manage new buildrig inputon both BP and Contracfor The CentralRigsTeam alsowill provide of and will projects. BP projecls, key areaof input be development appryval theRig a For The to (AOO)anOensuring smooth and effcienttransition operations. a baiis of Design a and provide singlefocal interfaces bothintemaland external Teamwill hanemuttiple pointfor Rig-related issueswithinthe SPU.

Plan/.Local GoMD&COperating Title of Docurnene OMSManual Authoritv: Kavin Lacv Custodian/Owner: MarK werFter Retention code: AAAOOM Security Confldential ProJec{ Classificauon:

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and 1.5 OMSImplementation Governance

1.5.1 OMS lmplementation the to GoM D&Ghas completed ftllowingrequirements fortransitioning OMS,in linewith 2 in the E&PManualVersion (rcfertoDCMOe0$'00r14 Bizflow): o o GoMD&CLeadership TeamOMSengagemenl training and through Gap OMS EssentialsGap Assessments, includingExlemal Verification Participation Assessment priority gaps o GapPrioritization Closure and Plansin placefor highest r Development a LocalOMSHandbook document) (this of r Development the electronic of information repository throughOMS Navigator and SharePoint r Developmentand commencement execution on a Communication and of Plan the Engagement across widerGoMD&Corganization o An important (see blow)was the aspectof OMS implementation sustaining and oversight and essbnmentof a GoM D&C OMS Steering Teamfor implementation Team(LT)"lmplementation Managefand 'OMS Lead"also direction.A Leadership were were assigned. Under the SteerlngTeam's direction,Gap Assessments for and,whereapplicable, completed Gap ClosurePlansdeveloped the determined gaps high-priority o lnitiate andcloseMoCusingthe standard GoMMoCprocess

OMS 1.5.2 Sustainino

usingthe Performance lmprovement OMSwill be sustained process.The improvement Cycle(PlC);this is a continuous key stagesof this processand relatedhigh-level ac{ivities this and below. encompass document are described 1. Intent Leaders provkle the vision and set the performance for expedations operating througha local policy consistent and actions. operating .

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Erplain objectivesand scope of the local OMS; provide vision and frameworkfor setting local a objectires ndtargets. and Prioritization: 2. Risk Assessment Risks (threatsand n opportuities)areidentifi and prioritized. ed . lmplement formalprocess review risksand a a for of system prioritize to actions closegapsaccording risks. to to activityandcontrols and clarttyaboutan intended 3. Planning Controls:Plansestablish confirm objectives achieved a sustainable that are in fashion. r Developplanswith specificobjec'tives targetsto manageidentified risks; and indicators- KPls) and develop perfor:nancemeasurcs ftey performance communicate andaccountabilities. olans

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Authoritv: Custodian/&rner: Retentlon Code:

GoM D&G Operatng Plary Local OMS Manual lGvin Lacy MarkWebder

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4. lmplementation Operation:ActiWiesare carriedout consistent the planto and with meetcommitments, including legalobligations. r Execute planto closegapsandeliminate the defects. 5. Measurement, Eraluation and Conective Action: Monitoring measurement and are caniedout to determine whether applicable requirements plantargetsare being and metand conlrols effective. are r Measureand assessprogress delivery and effectiveness usingKPls to confirm put of planned actions; in placeactions coneclanydeviations the plan. to fom 6. Management ReMew lmprovementManagement and reviews identiffany needfor change the localOMS. to . Reviewall steps and modifythe local OMS beforeits next implementation; determinewhetherthe local OMS is alignedwith the scope and intent and -from working efiectinely. Embed leaming reviews to improve systems, performance behaviors. and TheGoMD&COMSSteering Manager accounlable are TeamandOMSlmplementation for sustaining conformance the OMS SubElementrequirenents definedby the as with Essentials, Requirements Recommendationsthe E&PManual.AppendX GoM and in B, D&C OMS Sustaining Activities and Accountabilities,documentskey activities, responsibilities accountabilities sustaining and with for conformance OMS.

1.5.3 GoMD&GOMSGovernance
(VP) reportsto the coM SPU Leader. The GoM D&C The GoM D&C Mce President Leadership.-Team consistsof the Performance Manager(servesalso as : OMS lmplementation Manager), Manager, Gompletions Wells Diredor,.DrillingEngineering Engineering Manager, Operations Manager, andWellsSeMces Rigs Projects Managers, Manageq Rigs and Operations/lM Technology Manager, Assurance Manager, Kaskida IFTProjdd Manager GoMD&CHSSEManager.TheGoMD&Corganization be and can viewed usilgrlhe following link DW D&COmanizational Ghart OMSaddsstructure clarity the development specific annual and objectives links to of and performanqe pringrples. management BP:scoreoperating to The GoM D&CVP is accountable operational including OMSconformance. for delivery The Performance Manager the custodian the GoMD&GOperating is Plan/LocalOMS of (this document) Handbdok and updatesit annually keep'it reprlsentative the to of organization.The GoM D&C Leadership are in Team memberc instrumental bnsuring the success OMS. Theyindividually coliectively of understand key aspects the of and OMS and drive the associated Cycte (Plc)'as well as lmprovement Perf6rmance conformance the OMSessentials. to Previously the GoMSPU,etements operating in wereembedded gHSSEr, in 3&Ol, of Integrity Management, Management BP and Framework, the SPU business strategy, among olhers, As of December 2008 these standardshave been replacedand all ongoingprocesses movedunderthe appropriate OMS ElemenVSub-Element that such all operations nowbe managed will the GoMD&C'sauthorized under OMSframework. {

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@M D&C Operaung Plan/ Local OMS Manual Kevrn Lacv



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transilion this framework.Appendix "GoMD&CEvidence MoCto OMS represents to A, Inventory'outlinesthe OMS Sub-Elements supporting D&C processesand their accountabilities. of responsibility become to familiar with the content OMSand how It is eachemployee's operations. it drives delivery of besl in class safe, reliable and high performance and specifically, Performance the Manager(also OMS lmplementation Leadership will the Manager) provide guidance necessary the entireGoMD&Corganization it for as phase OMS. forward thesustaining with moves of


Trtleof Document: OMS Manual Authoritv: l(vin Lacv MarkWebster Retentlon Code: AAAOOOO

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and Prioritization 2 RiskAssessment

set Plan is to providea comprehensive of of The intention the GoM D&C Risk Managenrent risk of on instructions the management riskswithinGoM D&C.The planwill coverthe complete ptovide to life cyclefiom initial identification close-out. The planwill outlinethe risk process, on Tool instruction the useof the BP RiskAssessment 64n andwilldirectusersto the pertinent approachto risk group practicesand proceduresrelevantto a consistentand standard, management.

2.1 Riskldentification
. processes acrossD&C to the opportunity standardize risk management to OMS provides and guidance)and to through the comptiance group practice(defined,recommended and procedures. Group Defined Practice GDP 3.1-0001 Assessment,Prioritization of of Management Risk shall be usedto provideguklanceon the management identified and of Selection HazardEvaluation Risk Practice GRP3.1-001 risks. GroupRecommended risk Techniques shall be usedtur guidance whichtool to use for a specific on Assessment session. identification within the funciion: . GoM D&C uses two main procedures managing worft processes for Beyondthe Best @tB), and Major ProjectCommonProcess(MPcp); Both procedures Plan to risk.The GoM D&CRisk Management will help bring containrequirements manage effectively consistently and into with theseprocesses alignment OMSso that riskis managed with withinD&Cand in compliance OMSrequirements. o Atthough the tools available, Hazardldentification there are a numberof risk identification used tools (HAZID)and Hazardand Operability are Study (HAZOP) the most commonly and assetteams.In addition, risks are ideffied througha numberof other withinprojects (JSEAS) Analyses potential sources suchas rig auditsor dailyJob Safetyand Environmental performed the rigs. on by in r lnespective the tool usedto identif,them,all risksshall be recorded and managed of the Through prioritization toolfor riskmanagement. the BP RAT,wh'ahis the groupapproved Policy, each risk shall be prooessand in conjunclion with the SPU Risk Management at organ level. managed the appropriate izational

RIskAssessment 2.2 MajorHazard

risksare: The D&Gmajoraccldent r . Lossof WellControl Riser(leading infrastructure to damage) Lossof Drilling

BowTie diagramsand Risk MitigationPlans have been developedfor these risks. The diagramsand plansare of review.The associated management these risks is underconlinual updated deemed as necessary.

Title ol Document: OMS Manual Krevln Laclt Authorits

Mark Webster

C'oM D&C Operating Plarv Local

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and Conformance Gap 2.3 CIMS Assessment $ub-Element Risk

r D&COMS as was assessment completed partof the overall In March200g,the Riskelement as and process. to Ac,tions closethe gapsare underway, aretracked partof Assessment Gap Adion Plan. Prioritized the OMSGapAssessment by Toolwhichis heH and managed the gapsare identified the GapAssessment in . Specific for OMSCoordinator GoMD&C. Plan is e The key adion areafiom the gap assessmnt the needfor a RiskManagement that usedwithGoMD&C' approaches proinote in the riskmanagement consistency will

2"4 Prionitizaticn
gap anc duringa Risk Managernent assessment gaps have been prioritized Risk Management need and bf,rfS Clp'Assssmentprocess. Gapswere rankedbasedon business the Ouring dslts Tool that prioritizes nrrtnjr rankedusing'tne systemwithin the OMS Gap Assessment and importance type. to according theirrelative is Plan. This document under The folloring linksto the cunentdraft of the RiskManagement in and revision will be replaced the nearfuture. Plan Risk and ComOletions lnterventions Manaoement (Drafl) GoMSPUDrillino.


Title of Oocument: OMS Manual Lacv AuthoritF l<evin RtentlonCodc: AAA0000

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Number: 22tn-T2-DM-MA{(x)1 Document Revision: t , lssue Date: 11fitzoog

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and Gontrols 3 GoMD&CPlanning

and documentation procedures. and provides on information D&CPlanning Controls Thissection links hereinwith associated and havebeenidentified described and processes Manydocuments processes in contained thissectionare'live"documents The GoMD&Cspecific wheieavailable. improvernent modifications. continuous to subjec't ongoing

the Beyond Best{BtEt} and 3.1 Drilting Completions

document details "Bevond Bestcomm the and Exploration Production Bp'sworldwide planningand br the the BPwaf across E&Psegment Drilling Completions initiative to in of Sincethe centralization the GoM D&Corganization 2008,D&Chas an ongoing of forthe variousaspects BtB. Thisis in Prac*ices GoMD&GRecommended common document guidance ways underthe general with discrete assetsin inconsistent rigs lieuof various working standad. of a global are: Prac'tices Someaspedsof BtBthat haveGoMD&GRecommended . . . Post Well ReviewWki Recommended GoM D&C End of Well Reportand Operstional Practice : Practice \MkiandRecommended Process Leamed GoMD&CLessons Praqtice of Wkiand Recommended GoMDBCManaoemen! Chanqe

to Some aspectsof BtB that are in progress supporta commonGoM D&C Recommended include: Practice . Drilling Process Stage-Gate . Gompletion Process Stage-Gate . Common WellReview Meeting Monthly Plan Development . Document Praclice Recommended Management . RiskManagement Process . AFEandFM Recommended Practice r RigSchedule Praclice Recommended

and 3.2 CostPfanning Controls

Memorandum 3.2.1 Financial
a for (FM)is usedto obtainautlorization funding project. Memorandum The Financial (Group and Assurance Astfovals lnvestment processes foundon the G:AAP are The FM Process) website. This process is handled within each AsseVProject.D&C provides supporting underthe scopeof an FM. Authorizations for covered documentation all D&C activities to (AFEs) subsequently to obtainauthorization spendtundsfor used are for lxpenditures particular withinthe scopeof the FM. activity a

Phn/ Local GoM, D&COperating Title of Docurnent: oMS Manual

Authoritv: l(evin Lacv

Number: 220GT2-DM-M4-0001 Document

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3.2.2 Lonq TermPlan
the for specifically handling LongTermPlan(LTP)called a D&Chas developed process 'This document contains the to that D&Cfollows createthe LTP. The on inforrnation the entireLTP process detaited plan encompasses manyfacetswhich are moreclearlydet{led in the document.The activities aboutthe LTPand associated information somegeneral itemsbelowrepresent the pradice. Thissection highlights key areasof a including linkto the recommended this process. . 1 year- Lifeof Field(LoF): Years1-5:coreLTPareaof mostfocusand accuracy BeyondYear 5: LoF shaF of expectedspend (i.e., fewer details and more generalestimates) e OtherLTPitemsinclude: D&CProvided o o o by Headcount provlded D&Ccostcenterandconsolidated 'detailed bottomsup forecastof costs cApD(oPEX - the ftnancial periods withandwithoutinflation for depicted the LTPrequired D&C Gost Center budgets, also called PxO (People and Ofiice Expenses)

AssetProvided 's planthatdepicts planof the plan Depletion - this the adivitysequence this and for ac{iWies sequence production; is an outputfromthe SS&W teamsthat helpfeedthe LTPworkthatweprepare o Production o NonFieldLiftingCosts(NFLC) Practice DocumentLink Wells Team. LTP Submissions LTP Recommended Practice Recommended LTPPlanning Exercises: O(herRelated for viewfor eachAsseUProject a givenperiodof tlme Frame- this is a high-level LTP beforethe detailed (e.g.,fve yearc). done a few months This is usually process showproposed requirements. capital long-term lo for for up bottoms costprofile eachAsseyProject a DeepDive- this is a detailed giventime period(e.9.,two years). lt is donebeforethe LTP processbut afier requirementscapital near-term to the Frameexercise showproposed o

r . r

3.23 ElgSshggule
basisby the D&CLT are: refreshed a monthly on Cunentrig schedules (SamptelbE) o 1-Year (withweaiher) Schedule Delivery (Sarnplglin!) (without t 2-Year Schedule weather) Readiness usedfor rig AsseUProject schedules to therearevarious In addition the aboveschedules, (i.e., P25 rig differentrequirements SIMOPSreMews, readiness, or otherearlydelivery,

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as etc.).The Rig ScheduleprocessutilizesPrimavera its primary scenarioplanning, to Principles all Management of soundProiect ap-ptication tool scheduling to help'enable of aspects D&Coperations. include: Process Principles D&CRigScheduling completions, on Process all drilling, . D&Cis ultimately accounlable RigScheduling for operations, and intervention with GoMSPUpriorities, will . D&CRig Scheduling objectives be fullyaligned Process and capitalforecasts, D&Cresources. in.their area and . Each asset or projectis accountable overallperbrmance for and clearprocess D&Cwill provide of for allgroups delivery performance. integrating those outcomes. rolesto achieve the to e The Opportunity will Progression Process be the vehicle deliverand prioritize rig integrated schedule. processes for . Appropriate interfaces, roles,and clear endorsement communication by ttre sPU LT, VP's, and Assets will be developedand maintained D&c for management. and oversight, performance leadership transparency, to The SPU must havea qualiUset of well options choosefrom when feedingthe rig Hopper (depictedbelow) Progression schedule.The newly developedOpportunity of the ensures quality choice.

GoMD&COperaung Plan/Local Title ol Document: OMSManual

Authoritv: Kevin Lacv

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Figurc 7: Processfor OpportunityProgression

Ouflook(GFOI 3.2.4 Group Financial

. r at GFO (0) - usually 'ofiicial'annualplan used as the AnnualForecast the the beginning a fiscalyear. of submitted Finance eachAsseUProject for during GFOupdates periodic updates by fiscalyear. the

Process 3.2.5 D&CMonthlvForecast

o Sequence Meeting Long Lead and Materials Forecast Review Meeting with D&C Planning (MMG), D&C Group and Engineers, OpsEngineers, D&C Materials Management (D&CPS). Goal:Reflnecost and delivery ProjectServices forecast cunent for yearandnext24 months.

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Team Leads, with by Rig Line D&c ops Team Leads,D&c Planning Meeting (LE)for rig aclivities, pS" Coat:To review latesteslimate annual MMG,ind D&i and LL andMaterials, anyothercosts. TLs, MMG,and D&C D&CTLs,D&CPlanning win bAC Ops lrianager, Meeting rollupof LE. AsseUProject PS. Goal:To rbview \MP' and Controller D&CPS-Goal:to reMew with Meeting AsseUProjed D&COps Manager, Finance AsseVProject Manager, with AsseuProject Meeting LE. of D&Cportion AsseUProjec{ Manager, D&CPS. Goal:To review and Link to D&c Monthly Latest Estimates,LTPs, and other Financial Data by and AsseUProjed GolGwHe: site Services Proiect Timeline Gycle Forecasting

Figure8: D&CMonthlyCost Forecastand WP Timeline

Trtle of Documeng OMS Manual Authoritv: Kevin t acv MarkWbb$er Retention Cod: Securlty Glassifcation: ffiiion AAAOOOO

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. Ad Hoc Requests planning tromtime to time to profilecostsassociated happen requests Scenario proposals.Thesemay be usedto help costFMs,to AsseUProject with specific or updateprojecteconomics, to simplyevaluatevariousproiectassumptions. or long-term, LoFexercises' Theymaybe short-term, Links Other Librarv and Proiects EnolneerinE including: dataandotherlinksto rreryusefulinformation This sitecontains r

: y,"?;$i1ffi.:HlHl'rocess
to of on valuable information a multitude topicsrelevant D&G This site contains processes. Handbook WellCostEstimatinq to of priorities allocation resources both OMS conformance reflecta balanced Eniityoperating taets. of anddelivery performance

D&C OM$ Gap ClosurePlan$ 3.3 Gol\ll

,,,,',. :::,': and gapswereaggregated prioritized, and to Subsequent the GoM D&COMSGapAssessment, gaps. Actionsunderway closethesegaps,and to for actionsplansweredeveloped highprionty dates,sortedby theme,are: targetcompletion . . e Program Compliance (1Q10) to Program D&COrgankation and Compliance Develop embed RiskManegement Plan Risk comprehensive Management (4409) and Develop implement Procedures \Alells (4Q09) Communications Procedural Change and Develop Embed (4O10) reviewprocess standards for Establish regular (4O10) access relevant standards to and ldenfiry communicate r . of Managemenl Change (4409) MOCreviewprccess lmplement People (3009) medical information confidentiality Communicate (4009) feedback for upward Set expectations supervisor . Gontrsclor lnterface

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Phn/ Local GoMD&COperating OMSManual l<evinLacv Mark\ hbster

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program quality reliability (4009) and Develop embed Rental assurance Equipment and . Leamings/Tracking Develop and embedcomprehensive evaluation, leaming, eventand/orbest practice (4O10) process systematically and to embed sharing tracking improvements . Logistics (3009) Veriff flights Devonareapproved to (3009) permitting and mud Riskassess determine for requirements boat-to-rig transfers . . Operating Managemenl System (4009) lmplementOMS OperationsProcedures operating Define and appty minimumrequirements BP-ownedrig equipment for procedures (3009) r OrganizationManagement organizational resources Develop and embed processfor assessing and realigning


performance (2O10) targets Develop embedprocess creating and for achievable . Management Project globalProjeds (4a09) Develop embed and codes/standards (4009) process provide within and interface Projects Develop embed to operational and nsks, subjectto on Note: Originattarget datesmay changebased cunent D&C priorities D&C OMSSteering Teamapproval. can Essentials be foundin the to All gaps relating conformance eachof the SubElement with link throughthe fotlowing to the Oetin6O GapAisessmentWorksheet whichmay be accessed the OMSportalset-upwithin GoMD&CSharePoint site: DxC AssessmenUGoM Gap htto://qondni.boweb.bp.corn/sp/oms/SharedTo20Documents/Gap ResultsAdiong.xls Asspssment { t

Activity $eUAnnual Fllan 3.4 lsrionitized

in Team Town Hall the 2009 Context, GoM D&C communicated the Februarv2009 Leadershio Collective AgendasanO Priorities,

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GoM D&C Operaung Plan/ Local OMS Manual

Kevin Lacv

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Action Evaluation and Gorrective 5 Measurement, D&C Metrics and Reviews S.t Gotrlfi Ferfonnancs
generally be can performance are metrics usedin the GoMD&Cteam. Mettics Numerous quarterly, annually. and downby rig andby asset,as wellas monthty, broken o Environrrpntal, Regulatory and D&GMetrics Safety, Cases(DAFV\Es) # of DaysAwayfromVVork lncident DAFV\IC Rate # of RecodableSafetyIncidents lnc'rlent Rate(IRIR) TotalRecordable lncidents # of HighPotential lncident Rate HighPotential # of NearMisses # of FirstAicls # of Fires/Explosions # of Dropped Objects # of STOPcards Cards # of SafetyObservation # of Job Safety/Environ mental Analyses # of Spills # ofLeaks # of Regulatory Non-Compliance lssued # of MMSMsits # of MMSCitations

Activity, Timeand OperationalPerformance Metrics - # of DrillWells(Plan& Actuat) Year by (Plan&Actuaf)by Year # of Completions Interuentions Year # of actual\lVell by DaysandDrilling Drilling Days/10k Evaluation DaysandEvaluation Day910k Completion Daysand Days/Completion - NPTDala and7o - NPTBreakdown Code{days,%) by - NPTBreakdown Sub-Gode (days,%) by - Drilling to BestWellType Gap - Bost-of-Best (underdevelopmenl all for Drillingand Completion PhaseBreakdown teams) - Benchmark (by Dillling Quartile benchmarkwelltypes) Feet(perday) Drilling Cost(perfoot) Drilling - MudCost(perwelD MudCost(perfootdrilled) - # of Bits(perwell)

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coM D&C Operatlng Phn/ Local OMS Manual lGvin Lacv

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and 4 lmplementation Operations

'rts the lt by outlines ftamework whlchGoMD&Cconducls Operations. includes the Thissection Essentials and and the underlying Elements of GoM D&C application the OMS Principles, the across organization. Recommendalions

Frarnework 4.a Openating

practices, operating drivenby a seriesof consistent in Aetivilies GoM D&C are fundamentally acrossihe SPU. At times,there also are procedures processes and that are implemented that programs/processes GoM D&C develops intemallyand uses to promote continuous with whichcan be directlyidentified in areas. Theseprocesses, impiovement specificdelivery during are each OMS sub-'element, collectedas "Evidence" 'GoM the OMS Gap Assessments; Inventory.' D&CEvidence from can information be referenced AppendixA, supporting a to that are There twostandards provide foundation ourprocesses: for r BtB holds a strong foundation continuous for improvement GoM D&C through the of Tech application NDS,Rightscoping, LimltandDVA. and . D'\A/OP associated for ETPS define minimum standards engineering operations. and has been includedin the Navigator relatingto other key GoM SPU processes Information by wilh GoM D&C documentation year-end will described below.The Navigator be populated 2009. ,, ,,

4.2 OMSDocuments
referencedto ''the OMS The official 'library' of operating framework docurnentation, is to The NaMgator available all BP is via Sub-.Elements, accessible the E&P OMS Navigator. who the and employees contraclors canaccess BP Intranet. GoMSPU or GoM D&C tool This onlinenavigation allowsusersto easilylocatedocumented processes programs the OMSSub-Element Essentials and strudure. Gro1tp procedures, via and plus E&P Requirements and Practicesalso are'included, lnformationis Fractices/ETPs key botha treeandstandard word through by can organized OMSSutrElementand be accessed practices fromotherSPUswill be visibleas a way of sharingwith otherBP search. In addition, link via The is businesses. OMSNavigator accessible thefollowing ator. bo.com htto://omsnavio bpweb.

Title of Docurnent: OMS Manual

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Mark \rurhster






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drilling) # of Trips(perwell- ad hocby development with new well seMces per well (to be updated scorecardmetricsof indivklual GVVSI 2010) D&CSPMtoolin January Segment . CostMetrics CostperWell Actual AFEWEIICOST FM Gosts CAPEX TotaiD&C Costs TotalCash D&CCAPEX Development :xplomtionD&CCAPEX CAPEX AppraisalD&C D&CCAPEX MajorPFoject CAPEX Wellwork OPEX Wellwork reported metric) NPTCosts(nota directly (e.9.,RigContractor, casing, etc.) mud,cement, categories Gostsper GL Account Projectcosts o Metrics Production mboe/d Delivery yearvolume) NewWellsProduction Sn (n Delivery yearvolume) mboeid Production MajorProjects (in Produclion Delivery yearvolume) VVellmboe/d Wellwork SkinFactor Date New\filellCompleted w. Plan FirstProduction lnjection or Datevs. Plan NewV\lell o Mettics Planning Select Define, Execute # of Wellsin Appraise, # of Wells<90daysfromspudbutnotyet if Defineor Execute include: and rneetings Someof the key performance reports review . .@ A summary dailyoperations of fiom DIMSof eachwell and rig DailvDIMSReoorts A complete dailyrecod of activ'rty costsof eachwell and rig and

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GoM D&C Operaung Plan/ Local OMS Manual

DocumentNumber: 22qr-T2-DM-t\rA-o001
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" Reviews DailyOperations and staCI engineering support rig and Eachrig team(offshore leadership Houston-based plan operations theforward and reviews measures tracked are Keyperformance Ooerations Reoort V\*beklv plan progress, forur,ard and risks,planvs. actualtime graph, Reports weeklyoperational costs,and HSEmetrics site on Updated everyWednesday aftemoon posted the D&CSharePoint to be used and Meetings in the SPULT Operations Rig Weekly CoslMeetings and stalfand BP rig leadership rig clerkreview engineering support and Houston-based to and lookfor opportunities reduce coststo ensureaccurate reporting, discussissues, cost Scorecard Endof WellCompletion to scorecard has been developed report key performance A standardcompletion at measures the end of eachwell End of Well Drilling Scorecard (exists within Exploration;under developmentfor Development) and Posl Endof WellReports Operational WellReviews completions, Thesereports and reMews completed within60 daysof eachdrilling, are forthese located the GoM is on Pradice andwellintervention event.TheRecommended D&CSharePoint site and Benchmark Drilling Completion Reports reportis submitted At the end of everydrill and completion event,a benchmarking documentingkey performance melrics and submittedto Rushmore,an industry backas BP benchmarfting receives benchmarking company.Results fromthe industry benchmark data on key well as information from scoutticketsare usedto establish performance on metrics. lnformation can be found on benchmarking the GqM D&C SharePoint site

Tltle of Document: OMS Manual

Authoritv: l(evin Lacv

LioM uaru uperaung PrarvLocal

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Scorecards SupplierPerformance is scorecard completed event, G\l\lSlcontrac{or a At the end of everydrilland completion and contradorreviews, performance metrics. Theseare usedto do bFannual with key presentations securesite) from:latesicontradorreview can be accessed @P Plan Long-Tenn costs,production, activity, plan (5 years)is workedprojecting a Eachsummer long-term into a Globatcommercial are inputted perconnel, key D&Cmetrics. Thesemetrics and database MIDAS (GFOs) Outlooks GlobalForecast 's yearwhich setsthe annual a ln November, formalplan (GFO'O) set for the following plan for number of wells deliveredand timing, costs, productionrates and timing, the throughout year(about personnel, high lelrcloperational metrics. Periodically and every other month),the latestforecast(GFOupdate)is madetrackingactualmetrics into are the versusGFO-0and projecting GFOupdate. Thesemetrics inputted a Global on slideoacks GFO'spostedonthe GoMD&C database IPMS. Supoortinq commercial site SharePoint Scorecads GoMD&GPerformance Monthlv for monthly eachrig, asset andGoM are Scorecards completed GoM D&GPerformance actualmetricsversusthe GFG0 totals. Theseare largelyfocusedon reporting SPU plan and meetings GoMD&CCostReMew Forecast Monthly and Each monthupdatesare madeon actualspendin CAPEXand OPEXcategories, are to and updated compared the GFO-0plan. Meetings heldwitheachAsset forecasts basedon the data issues, takeaction and the to review data,diso.tss Review Meetings QuailerlyD&CFunc'tional which perticipates global funciionalmeetings, in Each quarter,GoM D&C leadership metrics review keyhighlevelperformance of a include performance Review TeamPerformance D&CLeadership AnnualGoM plan will reviewperformance and set key goals and Each year the D&C leadership planandan OMSreview the GFO-0 based on milestones

Title of Document:

Authority: Custodian/ownet: MarkWebter Rstentlon Code: AAAOOOO

GoM D&G Opera(ng Plarv Local OMS Manual lcvin La6,

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Review and lmprovement 6 Management Review 6.1 GoMD&CManagement

and meetings review management the GoMD&CLeadeahip tableoutlines various The following information reviewed. management



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Sleering HSSE Committee HSSEPerformance Manaoement VTISL HSSE Call Confercnce

HSSE Staff


AfterAction Review/Lessan Leamed LT Forum People LT Awav Dav



Annual 2Nr

Title of Document: OMS Manual Authoritv: Kevin Lacv Custodlanrownen MarkWeb$er RetentionCode: FvqA0000

GoM D&C Opgratlng Phn/ Local

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Meetinq 6.1.1 Pre-Tour

Team convenes twice per day meetingwhere HSSE and the a The Rig Leadership as Drilling,Completion InterwntionPlan are the key focus. Measures, described or effciencyand review and actionsare taken to improveoperating above,are reviewed will the wilh the e)gectation thoseaccountable adMse RB Team unfavorable trends, that beingtakento improve. of the actions

task-at-hand safety.and Rlg Teamconvenes meeting a beforeeachjob wherepersonal and are are the keyfocus. Measures, described as above,are revisr,red actions takento that operafing with improve efficiency focustask and riskawareness, the expec{ation and thoseinvolved commit operating and will to efficiently safely. 6.1.3 Grew Enqaqement Meetinq The WellsTeam Leaderconvenes meetingbeforea single,or series,of well spuds a Planare the key focus. beginwhereHSSEandthe Drilling, or Completion Inteffention are as operating Measures, described above,are revialad and actions takento :mprove efficiency reviewunfavorable and that will trends,withthe expectation thoseaccountable

Title ol Docurnent:

GoM D&C Operating Plan/ Local OMS Manual

l(evin Lacv

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made to advisethe group of the actionsbeing taken to improve,and commitments efftcienfly safely. operate and 6.1.4 AfterAction ReviedLesson Learned Meetinq {Riq Site}

meetingwhereresultsand The WellsTeam Leaderconvenes end of hole sec*ion an above,are reviewed as future improvements the key focus. Measures, described are and reviewunfavorable efficiency and actionsare taken to improvefuture operating trends,with the expectation thoseaccountable advisethe groupof the actions will that taken improve. being to 6.1.5 Dailv Operations Meetinq The Rig Leadership Team convenes once per day meetingvia teleconwith the dg a Plan qre the key focus. where HSSE and the Drilling,Completion Intervention or operating are Measures, described as above,are reviewed actions takento improve and that will efficiency review and unfavorable withthe expectation thoseaccountable trends, advise group theactions the of being taken improve. to 6.1.6 Welts Team Leader Meetinq with WellsTeam The Wells Operations Managers convenea twice per week meeting as Leaderswhere sharingresultsand improvements the key focus. Measures, are operating efficiency and described are above, reviewed actions takento improve and are will reviewunfavorable trends,with the expectation those accountable advisethe that groupof the actions being takento improve. 6.1.7 HSSE Steerinq Gommittee Meetinq on basis. HSSEManager convenes HSSESteering Meeting a bi-monthly a Commitee the The committee accountable execution and monitoring D&C HSSEAgenda. is for They are also the goveming body thatrapproves HSSE ac{ivitiesand initiatives is associated with the Drillingand Completions ogan2ation.The steeringcommittee D&C Diredor comprised the Drilling HSSEManager, of Operations Drilling Managers, members also include and seniorrepresentatives the drillingcontractors. Advisory from the D&CVP andthe SPUHSSEDirector. 6.1.8 HSSE Performance Manaqement Meetinq Review that A nominated WellsTeamLeader Meeting is a convenes HSSEPerformance The held bi-monthly, week following D&C HSSESteeringCommiteemeeting. the the focus of this meetingis lo reviewcunent HSSEperformance, HSSEAgendadelivery the itemsand to provide for context current events. Attendees this reviewinclude on Steering Committee OfficeHSSEstafi, WSLS(thatare Members, WellsTeamLeaders, in the office), thedrilling and rig contractor managers.

Trtle of Docafiient: Authoritv:

GoM D&C Operating Plan/ Local OMS Manual Kevin Lacv

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6.1.9 Well Site LeaderHSSE Conference Call

A Wells Operations Manager convenes Well Site Leaderconference everysix a call weeks.The intentof thesesessions to engagethe field, sharelessonsand discuss is cunentevents.Themes be developed eachsessionby the Steering will for Committee. The intentof thesesessions for the fieldto relayissuesin theiroperations for them is and to tell Houston whattheyneedto helpthemdo theirjobs moreeffectirely. Attendance for theseconference callswill be the l/\rsLs, FieldHSSEstatr,ng OIMandthoseinvolwdin the HSSEperformance review meetings.

HSSEStaff Meetinq 6.1.10

The HSSEManager convenes stafrmeeting a with the Houston OfficeHSSEstaff on a purpose to deliverconte*, discussupcoming basis.The meeting bFweekly is initiatives andraisecunentHSSE issues.

6.1.1IAfterAction Review/Lesson LeamedMeetinq(Town)

The Rig Leadership Teamconvenes end of hole sedion meeting an whereresufts and future improvements the key focus. Measures, described are as above,are reMewed and actionsare taken to improvefuture operatingefficiency and revievrunfavorable trends,with the expectation thoseaccountable advisethe groupof lhe aclions that will being taken improve. to 6.1.12 LT Meetinq The D&C Leaderchip Team conrenesa meetingtwice per monthto reviewthe LT CollestivePrioritiesand discuss LT actionsto progresstheir agenda and well as financials appropriate reviewing at timing.

6.1.13 D&GPeople Forum

The D&C Leadership Teamconvenes annually, usually over muftiple days,to discuss various issues related to D&C leaders and staff successionplanning,employee satisfaction surveys,performance salarymanagement, and organizational issues,HR policies, etc. Theseare facilitated the HR fundion,with decisions by takenthat are implemented HR or various by leaders across D&Cincluding Segment the D&CDirector of Organizational (for Capability development succession purposes). planning and

6.1.14 AwavDav LT
The D&CLeadership Teamsetstimeasidetwie a yearto assessprogress, redefine and priorities.This sessionprovidesan opportunigto problemsolve and the collec*ive consider continuous improvement simplification and opportunities themselves the for and organization.

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GoM D&C Operating Plary'Local OMS Manual Kevin Lacv

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. 6.1.15ELT Meetinq to Leadership Team meetstwice annually providecontexton the The D&C Erdended collectiveprioritiesfor the coming period.This group consists of the entire D&C leaders fromthe and Team,theirdirectreports, otherkeyAssetand Function Leadership accountability expectations, clarityon performance havestronger business.Participants Leadersutilize this Framework. the and their role in implementing BP Leadership forthe future. information defineactions to

to meetsmonthly jointly reviewall Wellsadivitiesand movespecific SPU Leadership review. gates.Thiswillalsoinclude Rigschedule a various stage wetls through

Practice This entailsa reviewof D&C risksas set forth in the D&C Risk Management being developed.

M.eetinq 6.1.1 Cost,Reyiew I


at reviewof D&Ccost. The D&CP&Obudgetis reviewed eachGFO This is a monthly P&o reports and with the Headof Finance GoMFunctions the vP D&c. Additionally, basis. Owner(BRO)on a monthly Budget areset outto the respective Responsible 6.1.19 OMS Steerinq Team Meetinqs The D&C OMS SteeringTeam meets on a monthlybasis to providedirectionfor g9p closure OMSplan and D&C high priority Progress the overall on implementation. to plans are reviewedin this meeting. As D&C transitions OMS post MoC, this will part become of D&CLT meetings.

6.1.20 Tiam t-,ea$ei,MeeJinq PE

Engineering meeting. Staff Drilling 6.1.21GETeam LeaderMeetinq Engineering meeting. Staff ""rt"t""" Meetinq 6.1.22Enqineerinq/Operations for and Leadership Meeting Engineering Operations. Team

Title of Document:

GoM D&G OPerathg Phn/ Local OMS Manual

Kevin Lacv


DocumenlNumber: 2200-T2-DM{4A{)001 0 Revlslon

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Surprises 6.1.23 DrillinqlGompletion No
and managers meetwiththe Subsurface Wellsteamtv/iceper The D&C Engineering joint issuesanddiscuss Time. to Non-Productive methods reduce to month review

6 . 1 .2 4 @
progress wellsandshare on to for Openmeeting all D&C;meetstwiceper month reMew plans. into br leamed duringactivities integration well and rig operation lessons

Meetinq Partner 6.1.25

on are Variousmeetings held to reviewAsset and D&C issueswith co-owners an as basis. needed


Title of Document: OMS Manual

Authoritv: Custodian/Ownen Kevln Lacv

GoM D&C Operaung F|ail Local

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Appendix GoMD&GEvidence A: lnventory: "TheWayWeWork"

The following describes processes/practicesplacethat conform the 48 OMSVersion the in to 2 Sub-Elements, GroupEssenlials E&PSegment their and and Requirements Recomrnendations. \Mile comprehensive, ls nof an exhaustive Manyof the processes/pradices fhl's lisf. outlined belowstem from the Groupand/orSPU levelmandates.Also"shown beloware the individual positions in the Drilling and Completions organization accountable that SubElement. for 1. Leadership 2. Organ2ation 3. Risk 4. Procedures 5. Assets 6. Optimization 7. Privilege Operate to 8. Results ElementI - Leadershio Prlnciple: Our openting leaders are competent" exhibitvMble, purposeful and sy#ematicleiadership and are respected the organizations leadby they


LeadershipBP operating leaders provide cleardirection to the people their in organization thenact and in accordance it. with

o a a a a a a o O

Mce President GoMD&CMsionStatementwith Values Business updated Plan annually Leadership Ind ual Performance and Md Contracts HSE Annual Plan GoMD&CPeople Agenda DCLT Collective Priorities D\,\OP ETPs and Complia Management nce System BPEngineering Authorities Manage GDP Compliance APDandAPMApproval MMS by SafePractices ManuaUBridging Documents

Decision Support Packages BtB StageGateReviews MajorAccident Mitigation Risk PlanswithVP Sign-Off TechLimitProcess

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GoM D&C Operating Plarl Local OMS Manual

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. 360FeedbackforLeaders r Zoomerang Surveys PAS and o LeadershioFrameutork OperatingStrategy- BP r SPURiskManagement Policy integrate leaders o GoMD&CRiskManagement Plan operating activitiesnto i r SPUBusiness Strategy strategies business and r DeepWater GroupMeeting Operators' to objec{ive deliver Extemal Benchmarking continuous reduction o Rushmore risk . Regulatory into Teamlinked MMSfocus and performance Planningand Gontrolsformulate BP leaders plans annual aligned to policy the localoperating risks, to address performance delivery and performance impro\Ement and opportunitles, contols to establish deliverintended outcomes. Resourceand lmplementation BP provide leaders sufiicient nesouroes manage to risksand deliver performance improvement, apply and controlmechanisms 1o identiffandconect deviations fromthe plan. annual r r o BtB Annual Planning Process GoMD&CVP AnnualConlract formsthe basisof AnnualPlan o Annual Transformation Agenda incorporates HSE, WellControl, etc. . RigSchedule r GFOPrccess e OpsLessons Leamed meeting r \t\beklySPULT Opsmeetings o Monthly Scorecards . o o o e o r e . r r o . r Accountability- BP operating leaderscreate andsupport clear o r RigSchedule Resource Plan LTP GFOUpdates lndMdual Performance Objectives Interface through SDDN Annually Performance Scorecards all metrics on is Resourcing Model(people, monies) rigs, applied against schedule thatgapsare so identified conecled and WeeWOpsmeetings DailyRigcalls StageGatemeetings LongLeadForecast meetings RigSchedule meetings ProjectTeam meetings GoMD&GEngineering Authorities (e*emal to Engineering Marine and Authorities

coM TirllcofDocurnent: OMS D&c op.raung Plan/ Local Manual Authoritv: lcvin Lacy

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and delegation r AnnualEngineering heldby SPUEA Plan accountability consistent o EAs'ownimplementation ETPs of with BP requirements. o . ETPsareauditable Grouplevel at o Dispensations design GoM approvalthrcugh and of Strategy D&GFAswithendorsement Techni,cal o Marine RiserAssurance for rigs plans and o RACI r DOA r Individual Contrads Performance o Semi.Annual reviews Performance Communication and with Townhalls allstafi Quarterly Engagemert-BP wherein meetings, Periodic andELTofFsite LT their leaders, thmugh performance's reviewed actions behaviors, and performance includes newsletter Quarterly createan environment in highlights whictrthewbrKorce are is with Agenda,which aligned Performance and informed, involved SPUandwells,is prorrided scorecards forAssets, jobs. to enabled do their via weekly/month[ emaitandvia portal Cedmcation Ethics Auditand annual Compliance discussion Codeof Conduci includes GiftRegister STOPCards


and HR'spolicies procedures Reviews,. Semi-annual Performancs ) is Process : ' lmprorrement Performance wherC needed implemented 36! Fqqdbackfoqfea{en Fram_eworks Competency by Career Atlases discipline performance, process e.g., assesses Reward SpotBonus Prcgr.am, eve_lts Recognition and SPUandGoMD&CLT communicate adhere action of of to the policy notoleration retaliatory (HRmonitors will for reporting issues and on objectively follow-up anybreaches) setstone Agenda D&lAgendaPeople is OpenTalkprcgmin available/in-place anonymous ' an GoMD&Cperforms annual ' are resutts posledon, survey; Zoomerang SharePoint site


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uoM u6u uperaung rrafl Local .l OMSManua.Krevln LaCV MarK weo$er

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. r r r r e Afler-Action Reviews RiskReduction Performance and lmprovement Opportun discussions ity PeerAssistsrPeerReviews HAZIDs EltEl Process "BP'sBehavioral Expectations" brochure discusses behavionfor receiving feedback about management style BP Leadership Model Behavioral Expec{ations broch ure Performance Management Process, inctuding mid-year annuel and discussions 360Feedback Career Atlases Competency Framework SDDM PDPreviews feedback individuals and for planning Succession Safetystanddo$/ns Stopthe Job Townhalls processes place Reward in Quarterly teleconsfom Andy lnglis GoMD&CVsion Statement PASPulse Checks Zoomerang Yearly:nten/al Codeof Conduc{/Ethics of Certification People Aqenda Lacybreakfast lunchwithemployees or SafetyPulseChecks SOCtrending assess to cufture Bi-weekly meetings rig ffomoffce lo discuss with

takeactionto develop and maintain culture a and behaviors enable that safe,responsible and reliable operations.

a a a o a a o a a a a o a t a

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(joM Lr&c operating plan/ Locrl OMS Manual

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" Element2 - Organization sfafigd wtth mmpetent peopleand Prlnciple: We have fit br purposeand agile organizations competentteuns.

- BP entities establish that organizations allolrr themto deliver their planned business effectively objectives the through deployment people of competent and resources. adequate

Peopleand Gompetence 3P deployand entities maintain competent employees with qualifi cations, appropriate skillsandknowledge for rolesthat impactintegrity andoperaling performance to meet and eunentandfuture needs. business o

Drilling \MtitePapr, GoMD&COrganizaiion Transition Engineering 200E(to be the "WayWe Work"document, Manager replaced LOMSHandbook) with MoCs Organiiational R&R1-pagers RACIchartfor all in neworgan2ation Plan GoMD&CRiskManagement Meeting \filells Advisory WAM Authorities Engin eering/Technical at level reviews segment MCPChasmandatory and VPs Discipline on Cat.1 projec{s selfthrough o1 verificalion Cat.2 projeds and Mgrs.meetings bi-monthly AnnualWells teleconferences ngrs and M structure engineer Organizational risk independent operations mgrsprovides verification to exists withOpsManagers Clearaccountability manage contrac{ors rig officeand Opsmanagers TLs in officemanage basedcontractors PSCM of and organization the existence a Functional population hugely helptul in are healthy contraci plans business in uncertainty strategic managing populated the r LTPincludes in Forecagt People RPD,refreshed -annually e Managed supported withinfunction moveprccss by DoC r PDPsilform candidate pool r The'lWayWe \fVork' addresses document (to with organization be replaced LOMS Handbook) o Sr.1/Vell Leader defined competencies Sile . Gompetency Line On r Challenger process DAPS robustthrough r program robust, is of WellSiteLeaders the Future

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GoM D&C Oprating Plan/ Local OMS Manual


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^ -

and WA kJentifies tracksindMduals'training status Appraisals donesemi-annually Performance training catalogs maps, Produdion Essentials attendManaging TeamLeaders Atlas Gareer with OpenPDPdiscussions DoC,HR, LT involvement indudion haw rigorous rigs Offshore andfacilities in place at Process Westlake lnduction NewEmployee BP" "Discover hires Experienced go through program whilein building Visitonto be escorted SOCusedat ofiice STOP, processes place in Management Performance andadhered to Perbrmance the SDDM ensures Business planning, of succession Management people, stafi and employing developing (ndudes PDPa) Discipline Operating holdthe BP entityleaders for accountable worftforce performing workin their with accordance procedures and operating practices. stop C1 SPMControl \Atork .L discusses work of authority of traininghasan element employee Short-seMce StopWorkAuthority systerns co Dril contradors re managernent ling mandate stopthejob if unsatu to at "Stoplhe Job"issues reviewed safety are g for nizing indMduals takin the recog meetings, work timeto slop unsafe documenls SPM for Bridging rig DallyOperations calls prooess place(office) in STOPcardobservation Codeof Conduct Certification AnnualCodeof Ethics employees to requires contrac{. language Contract policies alllawsandcompany follow of include consequences Rig meetings/reMews noncompliance program orientation lncluded offshore in (onboarding; license go ofthore program) BP to

Tifle of Documenl: Anthorltv:

GoM D&Q APefathg OMS Manual

IJlail Local

Docunent Number: 2200-T2-DM-S,A-000r Revision: 0 lssre Date: 11t1rzof)g Next Review Date nnm10 lif eoollcablel:

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in beeninvolved any majorincident Basedon auditresults, TRIR announcements. input, and a safetyperformance SectorLeader to statusis assigned the contractorthat HSSE wasaudited. BPleadinteMewsof potentialcontradors the Contractors erplained HSSErequirements are of before execution contrads HSSESteering Committee Drilling Contractors' of HSE perfurmanca operations manages ongoing whichcovers: is BP'sCodeof Conduct applied security the environment; and safety, health, govemments partners; and employees; business assetsandfinancial company communities; integrity SPM G\il/SlScorecards Reviews Performance Semi-annual 'Scope of lenel risk of lAbrkis ratedto determine thatis beingcreated HSSE Plansaddress JointBusiness Requirenents/Goals with established drilling Bridging documents apply that contractors definewhichrequirements @P'sor contractor's) to BP- License go ofthore (&in-1),TWC and for for Safe-Gulf required all, andscreened at helibase WellsTeamLeaders BP fieldpersonnel and worksafetyactivity employee monitor contractor (onsite) induction Facility priorto projed DWOPs Cl/\lOPs and per in Accountability Contract lmplement lM Section rev.D document 5. twicea year; Reviews Cunently holdPerformance for Done intentionally 80%of ourspend job to system provide GWSI scorecard Utilize performance leedback localandGlobal tur

Title of Document: OMS Manual Authorthr: l<evinLacv RetentionCode: Securlty Classiftcaiion:

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GoM D&C Operatlng Plan/ tocal

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Element - Risk 3 Principh: Theworkforw at all tevels our organizationunderdands of and manages operatingrisk to prcventacodenfs aN harm to people,to reduce damagoto the environmerrt to achieve and pe rma nm peb'tfue rfo nce.

Risk Assessment& BP Managementprioritize entiliesassess, and manage opeiating risksconsistent BP with requirements.

produced Riskregisters eitherusingBP-MT or usingoneof a number different of Excel-based (Registers spreadsheets include risksassociated performance, reduction withoperating risk measunes pr+response impacts and and probabilities eachidentified risk; some for post-response impacts; registers include abo registers updated regularly the teans and by are partof the GVPstage{ate process withthe process process facilitated the common by coordinators Annual to by reporting London SPU- GoMD&C feedsthat reporting Policy SPUMajor RiskManagement measures Communication riskreduction of is a of ranging achiewdthrough number methods fromstagegat6meetings during planning the process, project and teammeetings, oneregular meetings between riskchampion the and on-one the riskoirrnerr sending riskupdates the out to to teams BowTies MAR hanebeenusedto communicate the risksto the drilling contraclor operating rigson BP platforms RootCauseFailure Analysis putting standards around risks(e.9., lessons leamed one-pagers; incident ad RCFAs) reports; hoctaskgroups; Gapassessment identified against the resutts are eniityrequirernents captured recorded and in Theselessons are Lessons Leamed sessions. phases by incorporated the futureproject into plans,procedures equipment existing or updating into requirements lhey are incorporated new or projec'ts awsy right Teamlink BtB,MPcpae two mainprocedures usedwithin eachGoMD&Cteamto identiff,assess and

Title of Document: Authoritv: custodian/Ownen Retentlon Codc:

GOM lJ&(; Opcratng OMS Manual



DocumenlNumber: 22fi)-T2-DM-MA{oo1

lGvin Lacv


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3.2 provide safe a entities by workingenvironrnent identiffing systematlcally safety' andassessing hazads and mitigating potential dsksto people. followthedrilling operations Rig-based whichis system safetymanagernent contraclors' (SPIO to brklged the GoMSaft PradlcesManual of andiafety requirements D\AOP process Contradorshaverisk assessment to procedures aretieredaccording riskof the that operation and use operations the policies lntervention procedures withinthe SPMandsafety of requirements D\I\OP processis in placeto assess A self-veriftcation with compliance theirmanagement contrastors' mandated requirements and sygtem the additional document in the bridging '' '8 Rules'arevisibleat fu andat safety Golden meetings and JSEAsor equivalent contrectors BPeach process have on "HazaldHunt"Processes rigs with broad Somerigsusesafrty commitees representation are Leamed reviewed Lessons Localandextemal meetings safetY weekly during has operation a behavioral-based Eachdrilling are established Observations safetyprocess are actions actedon andtrending documented, established rigs drilling usethe BP Safety BP personnelon ptooBSS Conversation Obsenation arei Obse rrration/conrrersationnputintoT@ction, trendsare reviewed is actions a Quqrterly, GoM-wideanalysiswith shared withGoMD&CleadershiP are FieldandHSSEadvisors trainedas SOC & GoMMajorHazard Risk GoMD&Cusesthe in and MgmtPolicy the SPUsefforts PS and classification, mitigation identification', andBtBcpguidelines GoMD&CalsousesMPcp bothprocesses however, to govemriskreviews; matrices havedffierent forenti$useandprooess BP-MT's planned simplification Safe Gontrol Manual, RPsexistin the formof Vl/ell Rigsand Operations/lM Assurance Manager

. . r o o

o r o the entities manage integrity hazardous of operating systens and e processes applying by gooddesignprinciples, and engineering o which opeEtionpractices prevent control and r incidents havethe that

Title o[ Document:

GoM D&C Operatrng Plan/ Loczll

f)MS M.nrEl

DocumentNumber: 2200-T2-DM-MA-0001
Revlsion: NeIt Reviflv Dalo o

Kevin Lacv
Mark \ruebsler

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or materials hazardous energy.Suchincidents @n causetoxicefiec{s, fireor e:plosionand resultin couldultimately seriousinjuries, imPact, environmental property and darnage lost production.

. casingDesQn Manual r Integrity Mgrntbook o BP FLUX Guidelines of o ControlofWorvcontractors'Control Wotk . OpenWaterLiftGuidelines o Pmcess for SafetyDefinition D&C loss identified of well r SPUMARassessments damage; objectinfrastruclure and control dropped and thesewereindudedin the SPUregister MAR and to roll-up Segment Group;havean agrced Planin placefor LoWC,havean RiskMitigation AssetRMPin placeforthe TH (dueto highrisk) objects by to fordarnage infiastruc'ture dropped o TwoEnginbering Authorities (Seoment) o Technical Advisors Manager Assessment HSSE and Industrial Riskand Exposure Health Employee Hygiene- BP entities Plan to theirbusiness manage Manual in Procedures SafePractices lFl/Health prevent harmto the exercise HealthMaP Annual healthof employees, documents Bridging visitors and contrac:tors, participation in \/\hll Representative SiteLeader in neighbors local workshoP HeafthMap communities. part assessment's of the ergonomic \,\lbrkstation plqram campus by Plan;managed \I\,lton Hygienis{ staff Certified lndustrial positions for Fitfor DutyProgram oftshore PoticY U.S.DrugandAlcohol PolicY GoMDrugandAlcohol Program Assisdance Employee loT-compliantD&Aprograms D&APrograms USCG.compliant for conducted all Program Wellness BPhit sites sn employees BP-owned Process CaseManagement Center l/Vellness Westlake SYstem & Group Health Hygiene Manual SafePractices Assessment RiskandExposure Health Employee Plan Protection Sources of Handling Radioactive Program

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@M D&C Operaung PhrY Local OMS Manual l<evin Lacv Mark Websfer



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Program Conservation Hearing I Procedure \Alater Potable I Program RespiratoryProlec{ion I Plan Control Exposure Pathogens Bloodbome Procedure Treatment and Sewage Blaclwater Program Benzene for lH rigs BP-owned include nnnitoring all rig periodic monitoring conduct MODUs employees; on an ad hocbasis program ergonomic usesthe Westlake Onshore Umits Exposure Occupational everythreeyearsutilizing Auditsperformed ad Additional hoc quantitative monitoring; (as requests needed) Health in are results maintained Global E:posure and System ftlingsystem and Hygiene Traction Plan) ed staff notifi (lncidentNotification Marlical Testing Function Pulmonary Pl Elacuation an (oftshorc) Emergency R(l Medics prcgram all ofbhoreand for BPhitwellness personnel onshore per information medical Mediccotlecti'onboarding PolicY and Medicines Reporting o prccesses place to in the of maintain security . premises, theworKorce, and equipment facilities, lnformation. o r o r ident8 risksand GSRAnnual'Assessmentto forrisk mitigation provide process a 'BP meetsMTSA Program SeqrrityCompliance with requireme'nts,' a $year regulatory assessrneiUu PdatecYcle CodeofCondud Talk Open System FraudReporting and GoMSPUGSRAssessmert SMPcompleted 2oo7t8 Credential ldentification r Transportation ll\torker sites complianeon aPPlicable (the o Facility Plans(FSP)as required Security everyfive and annualty updated FSPsare audited FSPs alsomaintain facilities years):non+egulaGd itratareuSated everylirteYeals

GOM UatU UPerallng Title'of Document: 'OMs Manual AUmOnrY: Kevin Lacv


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o o o . o r r o . Environment- BP and entitiesidemiry manage systematically the lmpaclof their on activities the and enMronrnent enMronmental integrate into requircments the localOperating System. Management r o . o r r o r o r o o o r o r

Security Business GoMSPUhasan embedded at (BSM); GoMSPUis turthersupported Manager Advisor(RSA); Security Grouplevelby a Regional GoMSPUassetshavean assbnedBusiness (BSR) Secu Represontative rity Standard of lnformation Security D[italSecurityStandard CodeofConduct Conffdentiality & Privacy Employee Digitalsysterns security and e.9., inturmation, of GoMD&Ccontrol sensitive DIMS, schedule ilg on Accesscontrol filesharesandservers Standard of Secunty lnfurmation (secure Ma controlled badgeaccess Bldg.ffoors floors) Awareness Security 2008Informetion Manager HSSE and identification prioritization Aspect/lmpad Matfix Aspect/lmpact and HSERiskidentification ranking/rnatrix and EMPsestablished Objectives Targels and Operationalcontrols(SOPS/STPs) controls and Compliance matrices associated a Drilling wellas a project pICVPPhase reports Compliance Environmental STP EltB DV1DP ETPs StatementAPD,DOCD, lmpact Environmental POE to site) operating certified ISO14001 SPU(major produced every Statement Verified Environmental

Title of Do.xrmeng OMS Manual AuthoritE l(evln Lad/ Custodlan/Ownn Mark Vl/ebster Retentlon Code: 4AA0000

GoM D&C Opetaung Phn/ Local

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Transportation BP evaluate and entities transportation manage land,sea riskscorrering andair travelto prevent injury people. to deliwrsthis use BPTravelWebsite (which Operations per is element) required BP TravelPolicy Manager AssetLevel Bow Mitigation Tiesat joumeysin GoM(although covered is No high-risk 9 Chapter [DrMng Manual in SafePractices traveltohighGoMemployees Safetyl) \l\ihen they riskcountries, bllow the localplan -SPU RiskRegister Asset includes Aviation Levelrisk AircraftGuklelines GoMContract on Prac'tice Aviation Group Recommended Guidelines Manalement OGPAircraft and Operator Manuals Guidelines FM Approved to for Aviation audits compliance standad by Trarrel-flightspreapproned BPAviation GoMVcsselVettingProcess:VesselInspections BP GRPOMS5.6-001, OMS5.6(Marine Marinb DPTrials Operations standard), (for Review (Dynamic Structural Posilioning); > vessel 25 yrs old) Instructions Vessel Operating Safety) Chapter (Driving I Manual SafePractices standard of contains allelements thisdriMng guidelines rental cars on Tqavel Defensive DrMngtraining , business is use Motorcycle for company


Title of Document: OMS Manual

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Element4 - Procedures Prtnciple: We document and rlgorouslyfollow poedures for safr, responsibleand retiable openting.

Practices- BP entities document, maintain and followpractices and procedures the safety for of theirworkforce the and safe,responsible and reliable operation their of assets, facilities, floating struG'tu andtransport res equipnent.

LocalandSegment D&Cpmcedures p Operationsrocedures covernormal conditions, start-up, shutdown,upsetand emergency conditions Industry standards/procedures l/tbllPlans Recommended Practices DefinedPractices Equipment Operations Procedures Mainlenance lnspection and Procedures Contractor rations Ope Proced ures Standard Procedures Operating Emergency/Crisis Plans (owned others Installation Procedures by within BP) (owned Assets) SIMOPS by STPs plansarereadily Vlbll-specific rigspecific and accessible Pre'spud meetings JSEAs Techlimitmeetings Procedures reMewed updated are and before eachwell procedures reviewed Contrac{or are thnough the rig auditprocess DI/VOP BtBare updated regular and at frequencies SOPsarenowbecoming controlled will be and updated regularly MoC(BPandContractor) GoMD&CSharePoint maintains lateslversions of documents

Engineering Manager


Title of Doctrnent AUtnOntv:

GoM D&C Operating Plan/ Local OMS Manual l(evin Lacv

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: ;


.j I


t ', t I

Management of - BP entities employ a formal, systematic prooess document, to evaluate, apprcve and communicate temporary and permanent changes that couldimpact safe, responsible reliable and lnformation Management and DocumentControl- BP develop, entities review andmaintain secure and available readily the necessary and appropriate information, documents recods. and ManagementBP entities report and investBate incldents; determine immediate and system causes and implement appropriate corrective actions; and sharethe learnings to reduce likelihood the of recurrence improve and performance. operating Gontrolof Work-BP entities employ formal a Control Workprocess of to pioMde work a environment will that allowtasksto be completed safelyand without unplanned of loss containment causing enMrcnnental

o o o o

GoMD&CRecommended Prac{ice for Management ofChange GoMDrilling Completion'Quick and Reference Guide BizFlow MoCtoolsnd GoMD&Cworkflow GoMRegulatory NoticePradice

Performance Manager

1 n
t I A r*

i ,'l iE

r o o o o

GoMDocument Management Procedure (Bcet) D&CTier2 Document Register (DCTM query) GoMDD&CDocument Register Guidance GoMD&CSharePoint site on Documentum

Performance Manager

1... li.

o . r o o . o o o o r

---. L..:r. -.:-.




1: I.l

'lncidentNotification, HSSE Manager GoMSafePractices l\ilanual procedure Reporting Investigation" and GoMD&Con-call investigation leaderand root rota causespecialists qualityreMew HSEPostAccident Investigation Tr@ction PeriodicTr@c{ion reports closure GoMtrending analysis ' GoMD&CHSEManagementSteering Committee Manager Work(BPRigs) HSSE SafePradices ManualControlof prooesses (verified) Contraclor Control oJ\ltbrk lsSoWsystem6P Rigs) PTW Contrector-specifc andSIMOPS JSEA meelings




ii '5

i! :.



& t

': *

i! '?t ii

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:4. i


Local Titla of Documeirt: GoMD&COperating.Plar/ OMSManual

Authority: Kevin Lacv

Document Nrrnber: 220GT2-DM-i/,|A{0Oi


Custodian/Owner: MarkVvebder RetentionCode: AAA0000

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! - ,

. & Management Response Ernergency prepare for BP entities prompily to and respond crisisandemergency events threatening harm to BP employees and company contractors, and assets, neighboring and communities interuptionin business operations. o o . o r e o o o o

Aflantis Wells (BART), Common template forcrisisresponse risks,environmental, including majoraccident and Operations Manager security risks plan SPUBusiness Continuity OilSpillResponsePlan Facility ERPs Pandemic Response Plan MMSdrills(unannounced) BP drills(including USCGparticipation) rota lncident Commander and DOA lMTsystem GoMSPUPOBreporling RUOK

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coM D&C Operating Plar/ Local OMS Manual I(evin Lacy

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, Element5 -Assets Ow plants, facilities, P_lincinle: assefs and floatingsysfemsarc ft for pryose throughoutthe Iifeqcle of ttteoperation.

ProjectManagementBP entities manage projedsfor design and construction newor of plant,facilities, modined asselsandfloating prevent strucfuresto injury people, to damage to the environment and achieve competitive performance overthe lifecycle.

SDP- MPcptur D&CMajorProjects Projects SRP- BtBcp- Beyond BestComrnon the Process Manager BP Intemal audit(3-year cycle) 30 CFR250Codeof Federal (APDs, Regulation APMs,EPs) Equipnent (ElA)guidetin lntegriU Assurance es ESORsystem placeto feedadministration in and workflow ofTLAPs out SDP- D\,\OP Drilling \i\bll Operations and Practice RigConstrucilion Manual Project Execution Plans \fl/ellIntegrity MgnrtProgram forGoM ProjedQuality Plan(Quality Management Syatem procurement, usedfor project design, construction, commissioning, startup, and handover) MPcpEngineering Quality and Management Guidelines ETP50 and32 series GP @WGoM 5G2O,50-10, 32-10 19) to Quality Requirements Request Quotations for for (RFO) Requirements Construction Quality br Contractors HAZOP-partofGDP3.1 HAZID-partof GDP3.1 'No Drilling Surprise'workshopspartof BtB 'Well on Papef sessions pail of Drill/Complete BtB PeerAssists Peerinteraction and SIMOPS strategies plans and RlgAudit(Pertof DV\/OP) plans new-build GRP Marine Assurance for rigs (Marine 5.6-001 Operalions) whichis mandated fortheE&Psegment Projec{ EDR/PHSSER First-YearOperabilReviews

Title ol Document:

('rrM u<tt;()pefauig P|aru Local OMS Manual

DocumcntNumber: 22m-T2-DM4rA400l
Revislon:. lssNreDrie: o
11 t1 f)(XE

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phnt" conslruGt, modiry assets, facilities and floating structures to prevent injury people, to damage the to environnent achierre and performance competitive overlhe lifecycle.

o a a a a a a o a a a a a a o a a a a a

GoMWelllntegrity Management Program (Element 1-Sub Element, Design Codes, Standards Regulations and Compliance, and Element 2-Well Operating Procedures) Segment Defined Operating (DWOP) Practices D&CDefined oprating practices ETPs + (18 BtB) D&CRecommended Pradices(Surveying, Tubular Deslgn, WellControl, Cementing) and BHADesign Downhole Reliabitity and Tool Guideline lA/ell BoreStability Guideline Oganizational Guldelines Sidetracking Guideline FlutJs Management Guidelin e Perforating Gukleline Cavings FieHGuide StuckPipeLibrary WellCost Estimating Exploration (Ecp) cp MajorProjects (MPcp) cp Beyond Bestcp tBcp) the BaseManagement (BMcp) cp Integrated FieldPlanning (lFPcp) cp Production Effidency lmprovement (PElcp) cp Supplier Perbrmance Management (SPMcp) cp plans Supplier Quality plans Merine Assurance MarineProcesses Rig Acceptrance Audits DV\OPDispensation Process detailed as in

Asset Operation- BP plant, entities operate assets, facilhies, floating struc'tures transport and equipnentto prewnt injury people, to damage to theenvironment and

o . o r o r e

OEMManuals Equipment Opemtlng Procedures MoC Control Work of Seryice updates/bulletins Co. lM Audit Wellsspeci0operating limitsandtech limits

Thrnder Horse Wells Operations Manager


I .I

t I
I i i


. r r r o o o Inspectionand Maintenance BP entities inspect and plant,assets, maintain facilities, floating struclures transport and prevent equipmentto injurytopeople, damage to the environment and achievecompetitive performance the over lifecycle. o o o o o o o o r o o e o r o r r o r o o o o o

SafeOperating Limits Integnty Management Manual Ovenide Log plan SIMOPS Safetycriticallists Maximo Bi-weekly Pridereportof KPlsandoverdue safety Maximo OEMmaintenance intennals policy Pridemaintenance BP-owned equipment rig maintenance strategy document APIguidelines Bi-weekly Prideovedue safetycritical reviews D&CIn-service audits(perGP 10-40) ri,g Equipment failurerepoils program Tr@ciion BizFlow MoCSystem Control WorkPlocess of Pre-startup and checklist review HSSEchecklist Re-commissioningprooess Prqoperationalchecklist BP ETP,STP,and Pglicydocuments MMSregulatory requirements ETP(GP1G6O) Zonatlsolation ISDGP4&04 BtBcpRiskManagement forWellsP&A operations RiskManagement Processes Sec{ion of the Drilling \l\bll Operations 26 and (DVllOP) Prac{ice RegionalOilspillPlan GoMSafePractices Manual Wells Operations Manager

Remediation-BP planfor and entities manage the decommissioning or gbandonment plant, of asset,facilities and floating struduresandthe remediation the of resulting HSSEimpacls andrisk

Operations Manager

Title of Document:

t'oM u&q operagng F|arVLocal OMS Manual

Keun Lad

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MarineOperations-All o ac{ivity the BP marine in Gmupis canledout in such a way as to prevent injurytopeople, damage to the environment to r and achieve competitive r performance the over

GoMVesselVetting Process:Vessellnspections GRPOMS5.6-001, OMS5.6(Marine BP Operations standard), Marine DPTrials (for Positioning), Structural Revlew @ynamic vessel> 25 yrs old) VesselOperating lnstructions D&CDIiVOP

Thunder Horse Wells Operations Manager


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t I i
Element6 - Optimization Principle:Our operatiltnsare antinuously optimizedto improve pefiormanceanddeliveryftom our assefs.

entities identiff,evaluate a andcapture opportunities a to improwoporating unit a performance.

a a a a a a

Technology to DfMS(moving Openwells) Tools (tvll /E & SV'|/E) Manager D&CWellcost Estimating and Standard KPlsof Days/10K Days/Completion for Operating Envelope Depth& Departure GateReviews MPcplBtB Strage EOWReports scorecards Weekly standardized MoC report Rig Downtime monthly Limits all equipment SORA for SafeOperating (or for deviations MoC) Maximo Spillreports Air emissions monitoring TechnicalLimit information bulletins Vendorproduct RFAsystem to NotApplicable GoMD&C GoM NotApplicableto D&C .

Energy- BP entities o employ energy strategies o Scheduling and Inventory BP entities manage feedstock inventories schedule and operations meet to production requiiements thatsatis! business and customer needs. entitie assure quality the of theirmaterials, operating activities, o

to NotApplicable GoMD&C

Title of Document: GoM D-&COperabg Phn/ Local

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| BP-|{ZN-MB|001935{

Technology- BP entities identiffand implement to technology improve performance. operating

. o . . .

Technology Plan GoMD&CTechnology Manager plans Asset andprojecttechnology Annual LTPprocess project reviews withthe EPTD&C annual Detailed projects flagship MPcp RigsandWells BPGISstandads forquality manufacturing SeMces Supplier Auditprocess Quality Manager it ability Pre-q cationaud for manufacturing ualif Goods/Services andQA program lM process GIS deviation appro\ral Supplier Standard Integrity Assurance Specification the for Equipment Drilling for & Procurement Critical of excluding TubularProducts Completions, (ETP1C50) Spcification the for Integrig Assurance Products Connec-tion and Procurement Tubular of (for Services usein \lt/ells) Manufaduring ReMew for Completions, Design Process Drilling, andSubsea Equipment Assurance Guidelines Equipment Integrity Suppliers Drilling Procedures for & forAuditing Completions Drilling Completions & Equipment Surveillance Process PSCM Common control audit PSCM lntemal audits suppliers of Financial quali$audits Periodic SPM- market for KPlsused during intelligence U.S.andalsoglobal Marketi Intellig ng ence/Contracting llence Exce

Procurcment BP purchase entities materlals and feedstocks, services meet to specifications, standards, and delivery, operating requirenents which lifecycle cost. address

Materials Management -BP entitiesmanage materialsto providethe required quality and availabilityto deliver operatingperformance.

e o o r

GoMmaterials equipment and Msibility lists MAETraxtool Legacy and MMS and Houma Presen/ation Maintenance Faciltty (PMF) information process and site procedures, aviation/boat GoMLogistics contacts schedules. shorebese and

Services Manager

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GoM D&C Operating Plan/ Local OMS Manual Kevin Lacv

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t i

lmprovement-BP entities develop culture a to in thewgrftforce improve operating performance through defectidentification, measurement, and elimination.

i. ii t i'n t:.

e r o . e e o o o o o . r o r o o o . o o o o r o o o o o o o

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'it: '.lj :!: :n

ii a

: :.t
I ?,

Reviews Performance Quarterly PeerAssists PeerReviews Meetings RigGrewEngagement sharingmeetings Bi-Weekly Lessons Learned Townhall meetings StageGateReviews Project Meetings VVeeklyTeam reviews AnnualPerformance Reviews AflerAction BP IntemalAudits Endof WbllReports (Safety, Time) Non-Productive lncident Investigations EIAG PlPs KPls Rig auditandActionPlans plans improvement Continuous plans RigAuditaction plans Completion Excellence DWOP CWOP meetings Leamed Bi-weekly Lessons V\EPF Drilling, Ops, Excellence, Completions Networks lntervention BtBcp Process Common Major Project Team Link Tr@ction PerformanceScorecads . Benchmarking

Drilling Engineering Manager

n i ,i { t


!. I i.



Operattng Plary Local Title of Document: OMS Manual Autllorlw: Retention Code: Kevin Lacv

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Element7 - Privilegeto Oprate Prtnciple:Wb deliverwhatis promisd andaddressissues nised hy our key s:takeholders. RegulatoryCompliance - BP entities comply with legaland applicable requircments. regulatory (CMS) r Gompliance System Management r Facility CMSMatrix o GoMRegulatory NoticeProcess o TheCMSteamannual audit o Operational controls r CMS'BestPracticesRecommendation" . Tr@ction o Stakeholder Relationships BP entities to enhance ac{ with their reputation key as stakeholders a partner, neighbor, and employer investment the and of choi@, engage on stakeholders the Responsibility deliver BP entities operations responsible to conforming BP and Requirements seek to ha\e a positive on influence the communities which in . to NotApplicable GoMD&c to NotApplicable GoMD&C

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GoM D&C Operadng Phn/ Local OMs Manual l(evin Lacv

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i 1


t t

o entities develop and r maintain transparent, o sustainable customer BP o relationships. : r r o o o o o r o e r BP entities manage produdsthroughout their lifecycleto satis! legal and regulatory requirements and potential communicate LTP GFO Monthly cosl reconcillation Monthly Performance Scorecards Performance Contracts Leadership SPUobjectives EOR AFEs RLGsurvey ,\ssetVPs of WellHandover Process AssetD&GPerformance Reviews Annual Codeof Conduc{ certification GoMD&CScorecads Assetpost-wellreviews neetings SIMOPS review Firctyearoperability to NotApplicable GoMD&C AtlantisWells Operations Manager

Title of Docurnent: GgM D&C OperatlngPhn/ Local OMS Manual

Kevln Leci,

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Element8 - Results Principle:Measutemenf usedb understand is andsusbin performance.
Metrica and Reportinq a a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a

BP entities establish metrics monitor to and delivery report of business operating and targetsandto promote continuous improvement.

Wbekly Operations rcpons Monthly forecasting cost performance Monthly scorecards GFOupdates LTPprocess EltB Common Pmcess Projedexecution readiness index Tr@ction SAP DIMS LongTermPlan GFOforecasts CodeofConduct Purple Book Orange Bookfeeds Partnerand intemalBP audits(CETs, P\l\rC) Reporting requirements rig commitments Leadeship visits site KPls lntemalaudits AuditPlan Audit Guidelines AuditSchedule SOCs(targets developed) EMSManagement Revievr GoMcommunication tools S&OAudit GoMFieldChecklisls procedure GoMActionTracking GoMDrilling HSSESelf-Assessment System GoMBP-owned lM AudiUReview Rig GoMBtBcpAudit RlgAudits Marine Audits DI nOP reviews Dispensation Compelency Assessments GoMAdionTracker Tool

Performance Manager

Assessmentand Audit - BP entities perform assessments audits and perfu of operating rmance and management processes assure to compliance legaland with BP Requirements, and driveriskredudionand performance improraement.

o a a a a o a a o o a a a o a a a a a a o

Operations Manager

Title ot Docllmcnt:

(jOM Uatt; Operaong tshil Local OMS Manual l<evin Lacv

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t r

t ,

ReviewPerformance BPentities the use ' results assessments of andaudits, wellas as inputs fromotherintemal leaming ac{ivities to periodically review the continued adequacy and appropriatenessthe of existing localOMS and drivesystematic improvements in
E |r[|gE] |Ytattagetltgltl -

; o e ! r r . r Workshop Mce President Leadership Team2009PfiorityRevietrv Review Annual PlanManagement Review MomingMeeting Rig PlanProgress Planmilestones Annual LT focusareasfor GoMD&C(Cost,CE, HSE) Projects'MilesloneTracking StageGateReview

BPentities operate safely planning andprofitably, andmanaging financial andhuman resources consistent the annual with plan, to deliver and performance. operating

o o o o o o . o e o r o

CAPEX-OPEX GFOprocess LTP GFOZero GFOOne RAC|Charts Px9(costcenterbudgets) planning (resource database) Headcount Process Monthly Forecast AFECostTracker Timewriting Process GoMD&COne-Pager


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Go D&c M oMs,u*o, #f3"f.1i1,3;andAccou bit es nta iti

Msion& Stratery Development OMSlmplementation . Reftesh r Communicate . Support assure and consistent imflementation of OMSaligned the SPU witfr A-Mce President R-D&CLT A- Performance Manager R - OMSProject Lead A- OMSProjecl Lead A- Performance Manager R -OMS SubElement SPAs A- Director R - WellsandEngineering Managers A- OMSProject Lead R - OMSSub-.Element SPAs A- VicePresident R- D&CLT

OMSGeneral Administration r lncorporate OMSarchitecture updates OMSGovernance r Prcrvide direction communication OMS & on

Risk Assessment and P rioritization

RiskManagement Processes r Driveappropriate assessmenb actions risk and



r Defineplanandimflement appropriate self assssment, a givenyear for r Coordinate prioritization gap o Set direction r Incorporate mitigation, dcure, audit gap risk fi ndi ngs,baseope ea rations, pitalexpenditu re activities . Develop approve andAnnual & LTP Plan . Develop plans closing priority for Assetgap r Update OMSOperating Plan(Locat OMS Handbook) annual on basis, coordinate revierrra & approvals Manage ensure to safeandreliable operations Ensure compliance OMSEssentials to and Prac.tices r Embrace continuous improvement risk for mitigation, eficiencyandeliminating defecls . Update/maintain Navigator OMS content
a a

Planning and Controls

Annual Planning

OMSGapClosure Planning OMSOperating PlanUpdate

A- OMSSteering Team R - OMSProjeet Lead A- Performance Manager R - OMSProject Lead

Imp Iementation and O peratio s n

Dayto DayOperations A- VicePresident R-D&CLT

OMSNavigator Content Management

A- OMSProjedLead R - SharePoint Coordinator

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Evaluation and CorrectiveAction

OMSGapClosure r Trackand Evaluate Status Coordinate SEtus& PlanExecution . Takeconective dosure to action ensure Updates r Evaluate Maintain Auditefiectiveness Self and r Ensure timelyauditactiondosure.. r Comply withSPUS&OAudt schedule . for Report on findings/recommendalions out ac'tion . lmplement ac{ions for Participate SPUandAssetOMSreviews in etc. leamings, to nsure alignment updatee, phase in consistent embedding earlysustaining Revi LT'Management ews' r Defined Operating Plan in . Review and overall Assetactivides results . DrMe whereneeded improvement continuous Manager A- Performance n -OutS Project Lead Manager A- Performance Lead R - OMSProjec't Manager A- Performance R-D&CLT

Reviewsand Imp rovement Processes

Manager A-Performance Lead R -OMS Project A - VicePresident R-D&CLT

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