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Open: off remotely by hand or a piece of equipment to prevent electrical current elpaso.

Operation Management: Plan, direct, supervise and control as areglas, standards, methodologies, policies and guidelines for the correct operation of the National Electrical delSistema. Insulator: A material that, because the electrons of the atoms attached to their nuclei estnfuertemente, practically does not allow their displacement and, porende, the passage of electric current, when applying a voltage difference Entredos points thereof. Nonconductive material which, therefore, does not pass laelectricidad. Electric feeder: Circuit normally connected to a receiving station, quesuministra power to one or more services directly to variassubestaciones distributors. High voltage: Rated voltage exceeding 1 kV (1000 volts) Alternator: AC electric generator which operates on the principle of electromagnetic deinduccin mechanical movement. The mechanical movement puedeprovenir turbine driven steam, water, hot gases or other medioimpulsor. Amper (*): Unit of measure of electric current, symbol A.Se defined as the number of charges equal to 1 coulomb to pass through a point unmaterial in a second. (1A = 1C / s). Its name comes from the French physicist Andre MarieAmpere. Area of Control: The entity that is responsible for control and operation unconjunto plant, substations and transmission lines within specific geographic unrea by the steering group CENACE. Start: Set of operations manual or automatic, to commission unequipo. Black Boot: The boot that makes a generating unit with its recursospropios. Self-supply: The electricity for own satisfaction denecesidades individuals or corporations. Autotransformer: Transformer with windings connected in series. Suconexin effect in reducing its size. Bank of transformation: Set of three transformers or autotransformers interconnected to operate in the same way that a three-phase transformer oautotransformador. Busbar (bus): rigid electrical conductor located in a substation to serve as a connector lafinalidad two or more electrical circuits. Lock: It is the means to prevent the partial or total change of the status of operacinde a device, equipment or facility of any kind.

Coil: winding a conductor wire around a solid or hollow cylinder, whereby, due to the special geometry important caractersticasmagnticas obtained. Cable: Conductor consists of a set of wires, either twisted or crooked. Wiring: Permanently interconnected circuits to perform specific aFunction. Usually refers to the set of wires used for local area network formaruna. Voltage drop: The voltage difference between transmission and reception. Quality: It is the condition of voltage, frequency and waveform energaelctrica service, provided to users according to the rules and reglamentosaplicables. Calorie: A unit equivalent to 4.18 joules. Channeling: metallic and nonmetallic accessories specifically designed paracontener and protect against mechanical damage wires, cables or bars conductoras.Protegen also the firefighting equipment for electric arc produced porcorto circuit. Capacity: A measure of the ability of a generator, transmission line, detransformacin bank of batteries or capacitors to generate, transmit and transform electrical lapotencia a circuit, usually expressed in MW or kW, and puedereferirse to a single element, a plant, a local system or a sistemainterconectado.

Generating Capacity: Maximum load that a generating system puedealimentar, under conditions established for a period of time. Transmission Capacity: Maximum power that can be transmitted through transmission unalnea, taking into account technical constraints operating as ellmite thermal, voltage drop, limit of steady state stability, etc.. Available capacity (in a system): Sum of lasunidades effective capabilities of the system in service or in a position to give serviciodurante the time period considered. Effective Capacity: Maximum load that can take the unit queprevalecen conditions and corresponds to the nameplate rating dedegradaciones corrected by permanent effect on computers that make up the unit and disabling algenerador to produce the rated power. Installed capacity: Rated power plate or a generating unit or Biense can refer to a central, a local system or an interconnected system. Rolling Capacity: The maximum power that can be obtained from the

unidadesgeneradoras synchronized to the national electricity system. Capacitor: electric charge storing device and is formed (as mssencilla) by two metal plates separated by a nonconductive sheet odielctrico. These devices are used, inter alia, to reduce devoltaje falls into the distribution system. Also known as a condenser. VerCapacitor Load: The amount of power to be delivered at a given point of a sistemaelctrico. Interruptible Load: The load that can be terminated in whole or parcialmenteconforme with the provisions of the current rates for this effect. Average Load: Load hypothetical constant in a given period would consume much energy lamisma actual load at the same time. Generating station: Place and set of facilities used to produce electric deenerga. Depending on the medium used to produce this energy, he received the corresponding name. Hydroelectric: Central generator that produces electricity that leverage utilizandoturbinas potential and kinetic energy of water. Thermal Power Station: Central generator that produces electricity that leverage utilizandoturbinas heat energy from steam produced in boilers Wind Central: Central generator that produces electricity using kinetic energy turbinasque advantage of the wind. Geothermal: Central generator that produces electricity that leverage utilizandoturbinas heat energy from steam produced in lasentraas land. Tidal power: Central generator that produces electricity that leverage utilizandoturbinas the potential energy of the tides. Nuclear-power plant: Central generator that produces electricity utilizandoturbinas that harness the energy released by water vapor. The vapor is producidopor heating the water in contact with the nuclear fission process unreactor. National Center for Energy Control (CENACE): The entity created by the Federal Electricity lacomision for the planning, management coordination, monitoring and dispatch control and operation of the national electricity system. Circuit: Route or path of an electric current, consisting of drivers, quetransporta electrical energy sources.

Cogeneration electricity is produced in conjunction with steam or thermal energy kindof secondary or both, or when the thermal energy processes aprovechadaen not be used for direct or indirect production of electricity, fuels produced orthe used in their processes for directao indirect generation of electricity. Conductor: Any material with minimum resistance to the passage of a corrienteelctrica. The most common conductors are copper or aluminum and can estaraislados or bare. Reliability: It's Electric System's ability to keep integrated ysuministrar power requirements in quantity and quality standards, taking into account the probability of occurrence of the contingency mssevera simple. Consumption (expense): Amount of a moving fluid, measured in terms of time, the fluid can be electricity. Power consumption: Power supply used for all or part of unainstalacin of use for a specified period of time. Power consumption: Total expenditure of energy in a given process. Contingencia: Anormalidad en El Sistema de Control de la UNA central, subestacin de seccionamiento opunto alternativo Instalado en El Sistema de la Distribucin Elctrica deenerga. Continuidad: Es El Suministro ininterrumpido del Ingls Servicio de Energa uno los Usuarios, deacuerdo a Las Normas Y aplicables reglamentos. Control de Automtico de Generacin: Es El Equipo Que Manera Automtica de ajustalos Requerimientos de Generacin de las Naciones Unidas rea de control, manteniendo SUS Ms intercambiosprogramados La Respuesta Natural del rea ante Variaciones de Frecuencia. Control Remoto: Control a Distancia Por Medio de Seal Elctrica, Mecnica, neumticao Combinacin de estas. Conversin de la Energa Elctrica: Cambio o Transformacin De parametros Y de laenerga Elctrica a Traves de Uno o varios conjuntos Dispositivos. Corriente:. Movimiento de Electricidad Por el conductor de la ONU / / Es El flujo de electrones atravs de conductor de la ONU. SU INTENSIDAD de Se MIDE in amperios (A). Cortocircuito: Conexin accidental o Voluntaria de dos bornes una Diferentes potenciales.Lo Que provocacin sin aumento de la INTENSIDAD de Corriente Que Pasa Por esse punto, pudiendo Generar las Naciones Unidas Incendio o Dao al estilo de

Instalacin Elctrica. Cuchilla: Es El Instrumento Compuesto de la ONU Contacto Mvil o navaja y de las Naciones Unidas contactofijo o recibidor. La Funcin de las cuchillas consiste en seccionar, Circuitos Elctricos odesconectar Conectar el pecado Carga Por Medio de la UNA o pertiga Por Medio de unmotor. Cuchillas de Apertura Con Carga: Son las Que estan diseadas prrafo interrumpircorrientes de Carga HASTA Valores nominales. Cuchillas de Puesta a Tierra: Son las Que Sirven Conectar para a tierra sin Equipo. Degradacin: Se UNA Qu Dice la Unidad degradada ESTA CUANDO Por Alguna causa nopuede gneros-la palabra capacidad, Efectiva. Demanda Elctrica: Requerimiento Instantneo la ONU Sistema Elctrico de Potencia y normalmente expresado in megavatios (MW) o kilovatios (kW). Demanda Mxima Bruta: Demanda Mxima de las Naciones Unidas Sistema Elctrico incluyendo losusos Propios de las centrales. Demanda Mxima neta: Demanda Mxima Bruta Menos los Propios obligaciones de servicio universal.

Average demand: Demand for an electrical system or any of its partescalculada dividing the energy consumption in kWh by the number of units detiempo interval that was measured consumption. Dispatchability: Feature operation of a generating unit or generation modificarsu connected or disconnected at the request of CENACE. Load Dispatch: The allocation of the generation level unidadesgeneradoras, both belonging to licensees and foreign companies had entered into agreements conquienes for the acquisition of power, considering the power flow in transmission lines, substations and equipment. Potential difference: Voltage between two points. It is responsible for that circulecorriente by the driver to operate the receptors that is conectadala line. Shot: Opening a device for automatic operation of the safetyglassesor disconnect one or more elements of a circuit, substation or system. Load Shot: How to disconnect, deliberately, in response delsistema load or generation loss and in order to maintain sufrecuencia at face value. Availability: Feature with energaelctrica generating units, to produce power at full

capacity eldespacho moment they load demands. Disturbance: The disruption of normal Nacionaloriginada Electric System by accident or force majeure, usually brief and dangerous for normal theTerms National Electric System or one of its parts and queproduce an interruption in electrical service or decreases the confiabilidadde operation. Distribution: It is driving power from the delivery points latransmisin to the point of supply to users. Downstream Effect: Damage or benefits that could lead to transfer water devolmenes a later section of the dam, considering the direction of the river. Joule Effect: Warming the conductor to the passage of electric current through wholes themselves. The value produced in an electrical resistance is directly proportional to laintensidad, the potential difference and time. Emergency: operating condition of some element of a system elctricoconsiderada high risk and could degenerate into a riot accident.
Energy: Energy is the ability of the body or set of these for efectuarun work. All material body moves from one state to another occurs fenmenosfsicos that are nothing but manifestations of some transformation of laenerga. / / Capacity of a body or system to perform work. The energaelctrica is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Atomic or nuclear energy: The one that holds together the particles in the atom nucleus decade. By joining two light atoms to form a larger one is called fusion alpartirse an atom into two or more fragments called fission, to be released any deestos processes and radiant heat energy. Wind energy: kinetic energy is used for air movement alaccionar a fixed or movable blades which becomes unturbogenerador coupled mechanical and electrical energy is transformed, its use goes funcinde wind speed and technology wind turbine. Geothermal energy: The heat energy from the core of the earth, the cualse moves upward in the magma flowing through cracks in the semi rocasslidas and inside the earth which is used to generate energamecnica and electric. Hydropower: It is the potential energy of water from rivers and lakes seaprovecha a waterfall, by the difference in height of a dam or desta step, which is transformed into mechanical energy by the passage of water through a ruedahidrulica or turbine coupled to a turbine that turns into energaelctrica. Tidal energy: Is that harnesses the ebb and flow of the tide in a lugaradecuado, such as a bay and allows you to use the kinetic energy of water paratransformarla in mechanical and electrical energy. Gross energy required: Energy required to meet the demand for electric unsistema,

including its own uses of the plant. Net Energy: Energy required less raw power lacentral own uses. Chemical energy: It is obtained from the chemical reaction that is achieved by the flujode electrons between two poles of different polarity placed in an electrolyte, eg a stack. Radiant Energy: The energy is vibratory motion producelas magnetic waves, lighting or sound, such as gamma rays, X yultravioletas, rays of light or infrared waves hertizianas. Solar energy: Energy produced by the effect of heat or radiation of the sun. Estaradiacin is used to drive electricity-producing photovoltaic cells. Thermal energy is the energy obtained from combustion calorific fuels dediferentes which converts water into steam that drives a generator turbinaacoplada to produce electricity. These units employ comocombustible gas, coal fuel oil, diesel and sugar cane bagasse. Energize: Allow the computer to acquire electric potential. Computer: A device that performs a specific function using oen as part of an electrical connection to the operation. Equipment Available: It is he who is not affected by any licensed and operating puedeponerse at any time. Team Location: You will be energized. Team Dead: It is he who is not energized. Librado Team: This is one in which the action was brought to fight. Stability: The condition in which the national electricity system or part of elpermanece electrically connected to the occurrence of disturbances. Station: The facility is located within a designated area that tieneuna or more of the following functions: create, process, receive, transmit power ydistribuir. States Electricity System Operation NORMAL. Is that in that WILL operate without violating operating limits and sufficient reserve margins modoSistema that can withstand the most severe single contingency without operating in violation delmites postdisturbio ALERT. It is that which operates without violarlmites operating and reserve margin such that the occurrence of a contingenciasencilla may cause violation of operational limits sinsegregacin postdisturbio load and the integrated EMERGENCY. Is one that seopera violating operating limits and reserve margin such that the occurrence of simple unacontingencia can cause segregation of cargo and / or disintegration delsistema

EXTREME EMERGENCY. Is that in which operational, impaired charge gap formation of islands or combination thereof, this state of operation of postdisturbio estpicamente RESTORATIVE. That where the islands electrical supply quepermanecen active part of the application and where the efforts of the group of operators decontrol Electricity System are designed alograr a state of normal operation, which could be reached gradualmentedependiendo of resources that count

Load Factor: Ratio of consumption in a specified time and that it would consider elconsumo peak demand continuously in esemismo period. Demand factor: Relationship between peak demand and load totalconectada registered to the system. / / Relationship between the maximum power absorbed by a set deinstalaciones during a specified time and the installed capacity of esteconjunto. Operating factor: Relationship between the hours of operation of a unit ocentral the total number of hours in the period. Plant factor: Also known as utilization factor of a power is larelacin between the electrical energy produced by a generator or set degeneradores, during an interval of time and energy that would sidoproducida if this generator or set of generators would have worked during eseintervalo of time, at its maximum power possible service. Expresageneralmente are in percent. Power factor: Cosine of the phase shift angle between between latensin and the current in an alternating electric circuit; utilizacinde factor represents the electrical power between the apparent power or plate with the actual power. Fault: 1. Is an alternation or temporary or permanent damage anywhere delequipo, which varies its normal operating conditions and that usually causes undisturbio. | | 2. Disturbance which prevents normal operation. Photocell: A device constructed of silicon that enables the transformation of solar energy a electrical energy. Frequency: Number of times the AC signal is repeated in a second. His unidadde measure is hertz (Hz). Alternative Energy Sources: Other sources of energy in its natural form, talescomo wind, solar, biomass and tidal power. Fuse: short circuit protection device that, if greater than the circular unacorriente nominal interrupts the passage thereof. Cabinet medium voltage: Surround designed to protect and support services team

quealimenta transformers or medium voltage. Are modular. Cabinet low voltage: envelope designed to protect and support its current-limiting interiorfusibles other low voltage equipment.
Power Generation: Production of electricity consumption by dealguna another form of energy. Generator: The electromagnetic device by which becomes mechanical laenerga into electrical energy. Generators: Are all those units for the production of energaelctrica. Giga Watt (*): Multiple active power, which equals one million watts ycuyo symbol is GW. Conductive fat: fatty compounds that allow to decrease the resistance decontacto, splices are used in bars, and operating bajotensin movable contacts. Gauzes silicone: fatty compounds used to increase conductividadtrmica between two elements. Hertz Hz (*): One hertz is the unit of frequency alternating currents and wave lateora. Is equal to a vibration or a cycle per second. Filament: A system in which light is generated as a result of step Deuna electric current through a filament conductor. Induction: The electromagnetic induction is the production of an electric depotencia difference (or voltage) along a driver located in a field magnticocambiante. Is the root cause of the operation of generators, motoreselctricos and most other electrical machines. Installation: The infrastructure created by the electricity sector for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, as well as the licensees that WILL interface with the system. Interconnection: The electrical connection between two control areas or between a Permittee and instalacinde Control Area. Adjournment: The suspension of power supply due to causes greater defuerza, acts of God, to carry out maintenance work, omodificacin expansion of facilities, to defects in the user's premises, neglect or default thereof, to the lack of timely payment, the use of electricity Through installations that prevent normal functioning of the instruments or measuring decontrol, to the user's premises do not meet the regulatory normastcnicas, the use of electricity in conditions that violate loestablecido on contract concerned when no

corresponding agreement has been concluded; And when a service is connected without the authorization of the Commission

Switches: Electromechanical device that opens or closes electrical circuits and has lacapacidad than at rated current conditions or in extreme case of short circuit, opening and closing can be automatically or manually. Joule: A unit of energy used to move a kilogram mass Interspersed throughout a distance of one meter, applying an acceleration of one meter per second and is abbreviated Alcuadrado J. Kilowatt (*): This is a multiple of the unit of measurement of electrical power yrepresenta 1,000 watts, abbreviated kW. Kilowatt-hour (*): Unit of energy used to record consumption. Ridding: You leave a team without potential electricity, steam, water pressure and without otrosfluidos dangerous for staff, completely isolating the rest of equipomediante switches, blades, fuses, valves and other devices, asegurndoseadems against the possibility of accidental or mistaken can quedarenergizada pressure or using for this purpose, block and placement of tarjetasauxiliares. License: The special permit granted to an employee for this and / oel their staff are protected, observe or perform work on CONUN equipment or part thereof, or nearby equipment, "in these cases is said equipoestar in the license. " Transmission line is the physical conductor through which energaelctrica transported at high voltage levels and a half, mainly from the degeneration centers distribution centers and consumption. / / Element deenerga transport between two power system facilities. Maneuver: The term as done by an operator, directly or controlremoto, to operate any item that may or may not change this and / or elfuncionamiento of a system, whether electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic or any otrandole. Maintenance: The set of activities to maintain the works and installations properly functioning. Scheduled Maintenance: A set of activities required anualmentepara inspect and restore the computers in a unit generadora.Se program well in advance, usually at the beginning of the year and can seratrasado or modified according to operating conditions.

Primary adjustment range: The range of available generation in the primary regulation unidadpor. Secondary Regulation margin: The spinning reserve available for the generation controlautomtico. Mass: Set of metal parts of equipment that normally estnaislados of the parts. Megawatt (*): Multiple active power, equivalent to one million watts; seabrevia MW. Metrology: Field of knowledge about the conditions. Includes both theoretical and practical losaspectos that relate to measurements, whatever their level of accuracy and in any field of science and latecnologa. Electric Motor: A device that allows the transformation of electrical energy in energamecnica, this is achieved by rotating a magnetic field around unasespiras or winding. Ohm: Unit of measurement of electrical resistance. Equals the resistance to the passage electricity dela produces a material which circulates a current flow unamperio, when subjected to a potential difference of one Volt. Its symbol is . Operation: The implementation of organized collection of techniques and the use and operation procedimientosdestinados adequate to meet unobjetivo elements. Operator: Is the worker whose main function is to operate the equipment or system and assume office effective and constantly monitor its operation. Stop: The set of operations, and automatic annual whereby unequipo is brought to rest. Patronificacin: Contrasting patterns more accurately detrabajo patterns. Small Production: The generation of electricity from individuals omorales fully intended for sale to the CFE, with a total capacity delproyecto, in an area not exceeding 30 MW. Alternatively to the above a form of self-sufficiency ycomo referred to Section IV of the Act artculo36 Public Service Electric Power, the Permittees destinenel total production of electricity to small rural communities or reasaisladas grow in the same and to use for its own use, provided n quelos Permittees constitutes consumer cooperatives, condominiums, asociacioneso civil societies, or enter into agreements of cooperation for dichopropsito and projects, in such cases, not exceeding DE1 Mw. Disturbance: Action and effect of disrupting the steady state power system.

Floor: Synonym for central station whose function is to generate energaelctrica. Power: The transfer of energy or work done in unit time. Semide in Watt (W). Power supply: rate of production, transmission or use of electricity, usually expressed in Watts. Installed power: Sum of power ratings of the same class machines (generators, transformers, converters, motors) in an electrical installation. Maximum: Maximum value of the load that can be maintained for tiempoespecificado. Real Power: Part of the apparent power that produces work. Commercially EMWIS in KW. Real power installed: View effective capacity. Production of a central electric power actually generated by a centraldurante a given period. External Producer: The holder of a permit to conduct electricity generationof activities in facilities not owned by CFE. External Power Producer (ESP): The holder of a Contract Commitment deCapacidad Electric Power Generation and Power Purchase ElctricaAsociada concluded with the CFE., In accordance with the provisions of the Act ServicioPblico Electric Power and its regulations. Independent Production: The power generation of people fsicaso moral intended for exclusive sale through the supplier agreement term extension cord. Protection: The set of relays and associated devices that shoot losinterruptores failed equipment needed to separate, or make otrosdispositivos operate as valves, fire extinguishers and alarms, to prevent damage or deproporciones increase its spread. Electrical Interconnection Point: The point where delivery is agreed deenerga between two entities. Distribution Network: A set of interconnected and radial feeders quesuministran through the power feeders to different users. Backbone: Depending on the sector means: A: Physical environment decomunicaciones primary network. B: Set of generating plants, electric transmission line yestaciones due to its

function and / or location are considered vital for a system deimportancia. Primary regulation: The automatic response as Mw. unidadgeneradora on activation of the system of government thereof, to a change in electrical lafrecuencia the system with respect to its nominal value. Secondary regulation: The contribution MW generating unit in formamanual or automatic power to set the frequency to its nominal value of 60Hz. Repowering: Increasing the effective capacity of a unit generadoraexistente. Power Reserve: The amount of generation that could be provided even after dedespachar units to satisfy the demand curve considerado.Se period calculated by subtracting the energy of the total possible generation periodof system under study. Expressed as a percentage of gross energy needed. Book Available: Excess Capacity to meet demand after mximaconsiderando units actually available, ie, excluding units that are down for forced departures oplaneadas. Cold reserve: The amount expressed in units resulting Mw generadorasdisponibles and not connected to the System. Installed Reserve: Book cover design capacity of planned outputs forced ysalidas generating units, is calculated as the difference between real lapotencia installed and peak demand in the period. Op reserve: The spinning reserve area that can generate more serconectada to a period of time (typically 10 minutes), more lacarga which can be stopped within the same period of time. Rolling Reserve: The quantity in MW of the difference between demand and capacidadrodante Electric System every moment. Resistance: Quality of a material to resist the passage of a current elctrica.La resistance depends on the length of the conductor, its material, its section and latemperatura it. The units of resistance are . Restorer: A device used to interrupt fault currents, has lacaracterstica to discriminate permanent faults through snapshots deapertura and automatically reclosing under a predetermined sequence sinnecesidad feeder breaker. Isolator: A device isolation in case of failure delalimentador branch where it is installed, open your contacts automatically, thus isolating the fault, its operation is connected to the switch or restoring as the case may have opened the lack suscontactos Potential three times.

Sync: The set of actions to take to connect to the National SistemaElctrico at every moment. Distribution system: The set of substations and feeders dedistribucin, connected electrically, which are interconnected in a radialpara provide electricity. Electrical system: generating facilities, transmission and distribution, fsicamenteconectadas each other, operating as an integral unit under control, administration ysupervisin. National Electricity System (SEN): The set of facilities to laGeneracin Transmission, Distribution and sale of electric power utility entoda the Republic, whether or not interconnected. National Interconnected System (SIN): The portion of the Electrical System Nacionalque stays together electrically. Substation: Electrical Joint located in one place, yedificaciones necessary for the conversion or processing power orfor the link between two or more circuits. Distribution substation: Substation which serves to feed an electric power network dedistribucin. Substation transformation substation including transformers. Supplier: The Federal Electricity Commission or the Society of Light and Fuerzadel Center. Supply: The set of actions and work to provide electricity Scholarly user. Control Panel: Within a substation, are a series of devices designed to hold quetienen control apparatus, measurement and protection, the mimic bus, the lights and alarms. Voltage: Electric Potential of a body. The voltage difference between two puntosproduce electrical current flow when a driver to vincula.Se measured in volts (V) and it is often commonly called voltage. The supply voltage inthe homes of Mexico is 110 V. Transformation: The change in the nature of stress and electric lacorriente suit the needs of transmission and distribution of electric laenerga. Transformer: A device used to convert the value of an electric flux aValue different. According to its use is classified in different ways. Transmission: The conduction of electricity from generating plants opuntos

interconnection to the delivery points for distribution. Turbine primary motor powered by steam, gas or water, which becomes kinetic energy movimientogiratorio medium. Unit: The rotary machine, comprising a prime mover either: turbinahidrulica, steam, gas or diesel engine, coupled to an electric generator, also seincluyen boiler and power transformer. Automatic Control Unit Generation: This is when the generation of controlled and supervised unidadesta from a control center, as appropriate, travsde equipment and / or programs automatic generation control, within limits established ycondiciones. Moored Unit: The condition of a generating unit that operates at a steam generation fijode, you can vary the generation manually but does not participate in secondary laregulacin. Cold Reserve Unit: Any unit Nacional is disconnected from the electrical system that is available. Hot Reserve Unit: Any unit plugged ElctricoNacional System, available and maintains service team in order to reduce eltiempo employee in sync, or at your property is quick to susincronizacin. Limited Unit: The condition of a generating unit that has a value lmitede generation to operate, provided that this value is less than their rated capacity and partially involved in regulating primary and secondary ElctricoNacional decreasing its generation system with increasing frequency. Master Terminal Unit: The set of hardware and software, which procesaninformacin from remote terminal units, master units and otrosmedios, using the operator to carry out their duties and seencuentran located in the centers of operation of the hierarchical levels. Remote Terminal Unit: The set of electronic devices that receive, transmit and execute the commands requested by teachers and seencuentran units located in the premises of the National Electric System. Release Unit: The unit that is not tied or limited. User: A person or company that uses electrical power provided Porel supplier prior contract entered into by the parties. Volt (*): is defined as the potential difference across a conductor cuandouna ampere current of a power using a Watt. SistemaInternacional Unit.

Volt-ampere (*): Unit of apparent electrical power and is abbreviated VA. Volt-ampere reactive (*): Unit of electrical power and is abbreviated reactive VAr. Watt (*): The unit that measures power. Abbreviated W and its name is due to James Watt fsicoingls. Area: Minimum unit of the National Electric System estudiodel considered for purposes of the electricity market.

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