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Acknowledgement Objective & Scope of the Project Technology Used (Front-End & Back-End) System Requirements Introduction to Visual Basic Data Dictionary Snapshots of the Forms Coding of Forms Testing References


We would like to take the opportunity to thank the many people who helped us in our project. Mr. for initialize this project and encouragement;

the review of teachers maximizes the willing attitude toward the project. And other staff members for their valuable comments and very helpful suggestions that actually took the project on new heights.

Lastly, we would like to thank all other researchers working on original idea of Student Enrollment & Registration System for making this project an extremely interesting and challenging. We must also thank all others who directly or indirectly tried to help us out in some way or another .

Objective & Scope of Project

Objective:Project Student Enrollment & Registration System is basically a computer program to solve the problems coming in the Manual system to manage the Employee Information efficiently. It actually performs well in Information Management for a Employee System before this the Operator is dealing lot of problems while storing, manipulating and retrieving information.

Scope:Now on computers with the help of this Enrollment & Registration System they can easily perform their basic operations timely and accurately. Also this project saves their lot of time while dealing with reports. It can help them to generate reports which was very difficult and time-consuming task in the manual system and now in fraction of second they can get their details.

TECHNOLOGY USED The most popular operating system in almost every part of the world is obviously Microsofts Windows Family Operating System. The main reason of the popularity is the simplicity and ease that they provide to the users. Even an unknown user can work upon it with a little advice given. The graphical rich environment that they provide is quite smoothing and makes work easier.

FRONT END USED Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 provides a well-known and popular tool named Visual Basic 6.0. Visual Basic is one of the most simple and powerful program language available in the market. The robustness and powerfulness of VB makes it the most demanded and popular enterprise in the market BACK END USED Back end used Microsoft Access In this application we have used Microsoft Access as Back End to store our data. Microsoft access is very power full data base and is very easy to use, also VB and Microsoft Access is made by Microsoft so they are compatible with each other. The connectivity of Microsoft Access is very much simple when you are using VB. Database made in Access is easily transferable to any other machine so we have preferred Microsoft Access to any other database.


Hardware Requirements 1. Processor 2. RAM Minimum P2 (Recommended P4 or above) Minimum 128 MB (Recommended 256 MB or Above) 3. Screen Resolution 4. HDD 5. Keyboard 6. Mouse 7. Printer Software Requirements 1. Windows XP or Above 2. Visual Studio 6.0 3. MS-Access 2000 4. Microsoft Internet Explorer (To print Reports) Around 600*800 Pixels Minimum 10 GB (Recommended 40 Gb)

TOOLS/ENVIRONMENT USED: Languages: This project used VISUAL BAISC-6 is development environment that runs under Microsoft Windows. It is used to write programs that also run under Microsoft Windows. Visual Basic is a Window programming language developed at Microsoft Corporation. Visual Basic is powerful programming language to develop sophisticated window programs very quickly. Visual Basic is one of the RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools as it enables the programmer to develop application very easily and very quickly .It contains the same BASIC-like language extensions required to produce Window programs. Visual Basic application is very popular as front-end to many Client/server database systems like SQL/SERVER, MS-ACCESS, and ORACLE etc. Visual Basic language is having several faces. One is visual, which comprises of objects and tools that easily assembles themselves into a modern window interfaces. Another face is Visual Basic language, which is an outcome of the original Basic language. Basic (Beginners all-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Basic was invented in the early 1960S.It was intended to be as easy to understand and as close to layman language as possible. Visual Basic user interface : Before you can draw your programs user interface and write basic code, you have to know how to use the user interface of Visual Basic itself. The eight main parts of the visual basic interface are given, although all parts do not necessarily have to be visible are given time. Pull-down menus:

Provide access to every available Visual Basic command, although these menus can be confusing and intimidating to use. File Edit View Project Format Debug Run Add-ins Window Help Fig 1: Menu bar Toolbar: Display icons that represent the most commonly used Visual Basic commands-which may still be confusing to use. Toolbox: Display the types of objects (such as a command button or check box) that you can draw on a form. The Toolbox may not list all possible objects you can draw on a form .To get a complete list of objects you can display in your Toolbox, press Ctrl +T. Project explorer: Show lists all the files that make up a single Visual Basic program. Properties window: Displays the properties of the currently selected from or object.

Form layout window: Enables you to arrange the location where your forms appear on the screen. Form: Provide a window where you can draw objects to design your programs user interface. Immediate window: Enables you to debug your Visual Basic program. Database Management: A database can be viewed as a set of interrelated data. Database management deals with the storage, retrieval and editing of the data within the database. One of the most important functions of Database management is the Database security and Database validations. Visual Basic makes it simple by supplying a variety of tools and approaches for data management. For significant database applications, utilizing database functionality that already exists becomes necessary. Visual Basic 6.0 provides full-fledged database engine called Jet. This engine contains virtually all the database functions that applications may need. The simplest and easiest way to access the Jet database engine is through bound data control. Data Access Object (DAO) has been the standard database access method for Visual Basic programmers. DAO was the first database interface included with Visual Basic in its third version. Remote Data Object (RDO) was then introduced to make dataaccess more flexible and functional in VB 4. The most recent release by Microsoft with Visual Basic is the ActiveX data object, which is in a short while going to take over all the other methods of data access.

VISUAL BASIC The Development Environment Learning the ins and outs of the Development Environment before you learn visual basic is somewhat like learning for a test you must know where all the functions belong and what their purpose is. First we will start with labelling the development environment.

The above diagram shows the development environment with all the important points labelled. Many of Visual basic functions work similar to Microsoft word eg the Tool Bar and the tool box is similar to other products on the market which work off a single click then drag the width of the object required. The Tool Box contains the control you placed on the form window.

Understanding the tool box. You may have noticed that when you click on different controls the Properties Window changes slightly this is due to different controls having different functions. Therefore more options are needed for example if you had a picture then you want to show an image. But if you wanted to open a internet connection you would have to fill in the remote host and other such settings. When you use the command ( properties following come will up provide ) you the a will find that a new set of

description and a property.

Data Dictionary
Table Subject

Table Test

Test Type

Grade Table

Main Form

Misc Form

Registration Form

Grading System

Test Form


Coding Of Main Form

Private Sub Command1_Click() frmstudent.Show Me.Hide End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Me.Hide frmcalcgrade.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() frmmisc.Show Me.Hide End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

frmtest.Show Me.Hide End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click() Me.Hide frmreport.Show End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) Set adCon = Nothing Set adRS = Nothing End End Sub

Misc Form

Private Sub Command1_Click() flgTBL = 1 Me.Hide frmgrading.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() flgTBL = 2 Me.Hide frmgrading.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() Me.Hide frmuser.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() Unload Me

End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() flgTBL = 3 Me.Hide frmgrading.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click() flgTBL = 4 Me.Hide frmgrading.Show End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click() frminputgrades.Show Me.Hide End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) frmmain.Show End Sub

Registration Form

Dim Lname As String Dim Fname As String Dim studID As Long

Private Sub Combo1_Click() Call ParseName(Combo1.Text) With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblstudent WHERE txtstudentlname='" & Lname & "' AND txtstudentfname='" & Fname & "'", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then Exit Sub If Not .EOF Then Call LoadData End If End With

End Sub Private Sub LoadData()

With adRS studID = .Fields("intstudentid").Value Text1.Text = .Fields("txtstudentlname").Value Text2.Text = .Fields("txtstudentfname").Value Text3.Text = .Fields("txtstudentmname").Value Text4.Text = .Fields("txtstudentmobile").Value Text5.Text = .Fields("memstudentaddress").Value Text6.Text = .Fields("txtstudentphone").Value Text7.Text = .Fields("memstudentemail").Value DTPicker1.Value = .Fields("dtestudentdob").Value If .Fields("txtstudentgender").Value = "Male" Then End If resetControls Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = True Command4.Enabled = False End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close If Command1.Enabled = False Then .Open "SELECT * FROM tblstudent", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic .AddNew ElseIf Command2.Enabled = False Then .Open "SELECT * FROM tblstudent WHERE intstudentid=" & studID, adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic End If .Fields("txtstudentlname").Value = Text1.Text .Fields("txtstudentfname").Value = Text2.Text .Fields("txtstudentmname").Value = Text3.Text .Fields("memstudentaddress").Value = Text5.Text For xCTr = 1 To Len(nameSTR) If flgName = False Then If Mid(nameSTR, xCTr, 1) <> "," Then Lname = Lname & Mid(nameSTR, xCTr, 1) Else flgName = True End If

Else Fname = Fname & Mid(nameSTR, xCTr, 1) End If Next

End Sub

Grade Form Dim colType As Collection Dim colGrades As Collection Dim Lname As String Dim Fname As String Dim studID As Integer

Private Sub Combo2_Click() Frame2.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() List2.Clear Call GETType Call CalcEachTtype(studID, GetID(Combo2.Text, 1)) Call GetFinalGRade Command2.Enabled = True 'Call putColtolist End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close While Not .EOF List1.AddItem .Fields("txtstudentlname").Value & "," & .Fields("txtstudentfname").Value .MoveNext Wend

next2: If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblgrading", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then Exit Sub .MoveFirst While Not .EOF Combo2.AddItem .Fields("txtgradingname").Value .MoveNext Wend End With End Sub Private Sub GETType() Set colType = New Collection

With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tbltesttype", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then Private Sub GetFinalGRade() Dim xCTr As Integer Dim Varsum As Double For xCTr = 1 To colGrades.Count Varsum = Varsum + colGrades.Item(xCTr) Next Label2.Caption = CStr(Round(Varsum, 2)) Set colType = Nothing Set colGrades = Nothing End Sub Private Function getGrading(ByVal typeid As Integer, ByVal gradeid As Integer) As Integer Dim adRSTemp2 As New ADODB.Recordset With adRSTemp2 If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblgradingsystem WHERE inttesttypeid=" & typeid & " AND intgradingid=" & gradeid, adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not .EOF Then getGrading = .Fields("intvalue").Value End If End With End Function Private Sub ParseName(nameSTR As String) Dim xCTr As Integer End Sub Private Sub List1_Click() Command1.Enabled = True Call ParseName(List1.Text) With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblstudent WHERE txtstudentlname='" & Lname & "' AND txtstudentfname='" & Fname & "'", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then Exit Sub If Not .EOF Then studID = .Fields("intstudentid").Value End If End With End Sub

Dim Lname As String Dim Fname As String Dim studID As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click() If Combo1.Text <> "" And Combo2.Text <> "" And Text2.Text <> "" And Combo3.Text <> "" Then Frame1.Enabled = False Frame2.Enabled = True Else MsgBox "You Must Complete the Following Information First", vbInformation, "Test Settings" End If End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Frame1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True Command4.Enabled = False 'Command7.Enabled = False

Command5.Enabled = True

clearControls End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click() Frame1.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = False End If End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click() If Text3.Text <> "" Then With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close If Command2.Enabled = False Or Command7.Enabled = False Then If checkDuplicate = True Then MsgBox List1.Text & "'s Score already Exist", vbInformation, "Record Exist" Exit Sub End If

.Open "SELECT * FROM tbltest", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic .AddNew ElseIf Command3.Enabled = False Then .Open "SELECT * FROM tbltest WHERE intstudentid=" & studID & " AND dtetestdate='" & DTPicker1.Value & "' AND intgradingid=" & GetID(Combo2.Text, 1) & " AND inttesttypeid=" & GetID(Combo1.Text, 2) & " AND intsubjectid=" & GetID(Combo3.Text, 4) & " AND inttestitem=" & Val(Text2.Text), adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic End If .Fields("intstudentid").Value = studID .Fields("intscore").Value = Val(Text3.Text) .Fields("dtetestdate").Value = DTPicker1.Value .Fields("intgradingid").Value = GetID(Combo2.Text, 1) .Fields("inttesttypeid").Value = GetID(Combo1.Text, 2) .Fields("intsubjectid").Value = GetID(Combo3.Text, 4) .Fields("inttestitem").Value = Text2.Text .Update End With Frame2.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = True Command5.Enabled = False

Command4.Enabled = True Command7.Enabled = True Else MsgBox "What is the score for " & List1.Text, vbQuestion, "Save Error" Text3.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Function checkDuplicate() As Boolean Dim adrstemp As New ADODB.Recordset With adrstemp If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tbltest WHERE intstudentid=" & studID & " AND dtetestdate='" & DTPicker1.Value & "' AND intgradingid=" & GetID(Combo2.Text, 1) & " AND inttesttypeid=" & GetID(Combo1.Text, 2) & " AND intsubjectid=" & GetID(Combo3.Text, 4) & " AND inttestitem=" & Val(Text2.Text), adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not .EOF Then checkDuplicate = True Else checkDuplicate = False End If End With Set adrstemp = Nothing

End Function Private Sub clearControls() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Combo1.Text = "" Combo2.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click() If Combo1.Text <> "" And Combo2.Text <> "" And Text2.Text <> "" And Combo3.Text <> "" Then Text3.Text = "" Frame2.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = True Command4.Enabled = False Command5.Enabled = True Command7.Enabled = False

Else MsgBox "You Must Complete the test setting first. Click New TestButton.", vbInformation, "Test Settings" End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() List1.Clear Me.Caption = "Test :: " & Date With adRS If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblstudent", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then GoTo next1 .MoveFirst While Not .EOF List1.AddItem .Fields("txtstudentlname").Value & "," & .Fields("txtstudentfname").Value .MoveNext Wend next1: If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close

.Open "SELECT * FROM tbltesttype", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then GoTo next2 .MoveFirst While Not .EOF Combo1.AddItem .Fields("txttesttypename").Value .MoveNext Wend next2: If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblgrading", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then GoTo next4 .MoveFirst While Not .EOF Combo2.AddItem .Fields("txtgradingname").Value .MoveNext Wend next4: If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close .Open "SELECT * FROM tblsubject", adCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If .BOF And .EOF Then Exit Sub

.MoveFirst While Not .EOF Combo3.AddItem .Fields("txtsubjectname").Value .MoveNext Wend

End With End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) frmmain.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub ParseName(nameSTR As String) Dim xCTr As Integer Dim flgName As Boolean Lname = "" Fname = "" xCTr = 0 dumstr = "" flgName = False

For xCTr = 1 To Len(nameSTR) If flgName = False Then If Mid(nameSTR, xCTr, 1) <> "," Then .MoveFirst While Not .EOF List1.AddItem .Fields("txtstudentlname").Value & "," & .Fields("txtstudentfname").Value .MoveNext Wend End With

End If End Sub

In every software development System Testing is most Crucial part. In system testing, individual modules or forms are Assembled or tested as subsets of the software end product. The end goal is to prove that the software meets its functional and performance requirements operational environment. It ensures in the the that

Software fulfills all the validations applied on it and according to the requirement of the user .

I have already tested my project. First I tested my project by testing all the forms individually and then testing the project as a whole by simply entering the dummy data into it. It is successfully running all its operations. Thus my system is fully tested one.


1. 2.

Visual Basic 6.0 (PU B.A.Final) Visual Basic 6.0 (Vipin Arora)

3. Microsoft Office 2000. BPB Publications

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