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This Edition Of The ForeclosureGate Gazette Contains Active Links









ForeclosureGate Is A Public Service Homeowner Coalition And Cooperative, Created To Exchange News And Information And To Advance Justice For American Homeowners

Occupy takes foreclosure protest to Wells Fargo CEO's home The foreclosure protests got personal on Saturday as Occupy protesters gathered in front of the home of Wells Fargo chairman and CEO John Stump in San Francisco's Russian Hill to deliver their version of a foreclosure notice. Why the mortgage settlement is a fair deal Earlier this month, I was proud to join Attorney General Eric Holder, colleagues from across the federal government, and 49 state attorneys general to announce a historic mortgage servicing settlement on behalf of American homeowners -- one that addresses foreclosure processing violations by the nation's five largest mortgage servicers.

Foreclosed: ReHousing The American Dream The Buell Hypothesis, at its most basic, argues as follows: Change the dream and you change the city. The private house and the city or suburb in which it is situated share a common destiny. Hence, if you change the narratives guiding suburban housing (such as that of the American Dream) and the priorities they imply including spatial arrangements, ownership patterns, the balance between public and private interests. Former Clinton Accuser Kathleen Willey Whistleblowing Foreclosure Fraud Kathleen Willey, the former White House volunteer who accused President Clinton in 1998 of sexually harassing her in 1993, is trying to expose potential robo-signing foreclosure fraud from her home state of Virginiaand shes already gone on national television to get the word out to her fellow Americans.

The U.S. foreclosure crisis, Beverly Hills-style The careworn house not far from Santa Monica Boulevard resembles millions of other homes that have been foreclosed on since the calamitous U.S. housing crash four years ago. Garbage spews from trash bags behind the property. A smashed television leans against broken furniture. A filthy toy dog lies on its side, an ear draped across its face. The garden is overgrown. The house needs a paint job.

"preyed on the most vulnerable homeowners" The defendant told HomeFront clients that the money would be used toward loan modifications to prevent foreclosure on their homes. However, after receiving the funds, Macakanja used the money for her own personal use, including gambling, and failed to obtain the loan modifications for the victims.

On Brink of Foreclosure, Duluthian Keeps Home After Community Support We first brought you Duluthian Ann Lockwood's story when her home was on the brink of foreclosure and the community was rallying around her. Now, that support has paid-off. From the community effort from the group "Project Save Our Homes" good news emerged.

Federal Mortgage Insurer Headed Toward Collapse We are watchingin not-so-slow motionthe same gradual descent into insolvency that occurred with Fannie and Freddie a little more than three years ago, reads the outlook for FHA authored by Edward Pinto, an executive vice president and chief credit officer for Fannie Mae until the late 1980s, and Peter J. Wallison, a general counsel of the U.S. Treasury Department during the Reagan administration.

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