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1. Training is a way of communication.

By building up confidence between people and animal, people can communicate with the animal even we have different languages. We can provide the best we have to the captive animal in order to maintain their mental and physical health. By building up a positive relationship between people and animal, we can have a better understanding of animal; also we can educate people with real model and help conserve their wild population. 2. Operant conditioning is the learning process of which the individuals increase the probability of a behavior to occur due to the consequences of the behavior. 3. Classical conditioning is a process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to respond in a desired manner to previously neutral stimulus that has been repeatedly presented along with an unconditioned stimulus that elicits the desired response. 4. Positive reinforcement training is the training that upon the addition of positive reinforcers to reinforce the behavior that we want. Positive reinforcers, such as food or petting, is used to encourage the behavior we want in order to increase the frequency of the behavior to occur more and more again. Colorful stickers ( the things the subject wants ), which is the favorite of kindergarten students (subject), are given by their teacher to praise the quiet kids, to encourage the students to keep quiet during the class (increase the frequency of the behavior to occur again) 5. Negative reinforcement training is the training that the removal of the negative reinforcer to increase the chance of the behavior to occur again. Negative reinforce can be anything the subject do not like, such as unpleasant noise. The noise from the refrigerator ( the things we do not like ) when we (subject) have opened the door of refrigerator for a long time. This encourages us to close the door after opening the door of the refrigerator. (increase the probability of closing the door after opening it)

6. Primary reinforce is a stimulus that aims to fulfill a primary and unlearned drive, such as food or water to fulfill hunger or thirst. While secondary reinforcer is a reinforcer that do not have the reinforcing properties at first but then gains the reinforcing properties by associating with primary reinforcers. When touching is linked to food when it is fed to a pet, touching is a secondary reinforcer and food is no longer needed to praise the pet as touching can already praise the pet. 7. Shaping is a successive approximation of behavior that will not occur naturally to a desired instrumental response. Shaping is a series of small steps that links together and modifies the initial behavior into a desired behavior. 8. By targeting, teach the animal to touch the target, and then move the target into a desired posture or movements. Mimicry, let the animal to learn the behavior by observation. Modeling, touch the animal and lead it to move according to the teachers, by repetition the animal will learn how to move. By capturing the right moment when the animal do the desired behavior. 9. 1. Raise criteria in increments small enough that the subject always has a realistic chance for reinforcement 2. Train one aspect of any particular behavior at a time, 3. During shaping, put the current level of response onto a variable schedule of reinforcement before adding or raising the criteria. 4. When introducing a new criterion, or aspect of the behavioral skill, temporarily relax the old ones. 5. Stay ahead of your subject; plan the shaping program completely so that if the subject makes sudden progress, we can still reinforce the next moves. 6. Dont change trainers in midstream, the trainee should stick to one shaper per behavior even it may have several trainers. 7. If one shaping procedure is not eliciting progress, find another. 8. Dont interrupt a training session gratuitously, that constitutes a punishment.

9. If behavior deteriorates, go back to kindergarten and have a quick review of the whole shaping process with a series of easily earned reinforcers. 10. End each session on a high note if possible, but in any case quit while the trainer is ahead. 10. Shoot the animal, to avoid any unwanted behavior from that individual. Punishment, to link up the undesired behavior with something undesired to the individual. Negative reinforcement, the addition of something undesired to the individual in order to increase the probability of the occurrence of the desired behavior. Extinction; to let the behavior go away naturally by itself. Train an incompatible behavior, let the individual to do something else and reduce the chance of the occurrence of the undesired behavior. Put the behavior on cue, reinforce that undesired behavior when it is on cue and no reinforcement would be given when that behavior occurs without any cues. Shape the absence, to reinforce any behavior that is not the undesired behavior, in order to reduce the probability of the undesired behavior to occur. Change the motivation, find out the reasons of the behavior occurred and tickle with that thus to prevent the undesired behavior from occurring.

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