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HISTORY OF PROGRMMING LANGUAGES Early Languages Pseudocodes q Block-Structured or Procedural Languages q Object-Oriented Languages q Languages for Distributed Programming

Fortran q FORmula TRANslating System q created by John Backus and his colleagues to provide the efficiency of hand-coded programs and the ease of programming of interpretative pseudocode systems COBOL q COmmon Business Oriented Language q created by a short-range committee courtesy of the US government, particularly the Department of Defense to come up with a standard data processing applications ALGOL-Based Languages ALGOL 60 q created by GAMM (German acronym for Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) to come up with a language that would be as close as possible to standard mathematical notation and be readable with little further explanation, it should be usable for describing computing processes in Publications and finally, it should be mechanically translatable into machine programs

c BASIC q the first widely used method of remote terminal access to a computer q created by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1960 q easy to learn q can be implemented on computers with very small memories PL/1 q used to perform both floating point and decimal arithmetic q used for systems programming q used for lists processing abilities c PASCAL q created by Niklaus Wirth q most useful as a teaching tool q employed as a beginner s programming language q by the mid-1970s, it was the most widely used language for instruction. C q created by Dennis Ritchie q designed for systems programming and was implemented in the UNIX operation system on the DECPDP-11 c ADA q created by Malcolm Curie, Director of Defense Research and Engineering after 7000 comments and suggestions from 15 Nations 1980s and Beyond c PROLOG

q acronym for Programming Logic q introduced in 1972 q based on the predicate calculus and represented a new paradigm in programming languages logic programming q used mainly in artificial intelligence research and is considered by some to be an attempt to create intelligent machines by moving away from imperative languages c C++ q an evolution of the C programming language q designed by Bjarn Stroustrap and was developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories q provided support for creating data abstractions and object-oriented programming 1980s and Beyond c Java q created by James Gosling q developed by Sun Microsystems q increased the level of interactivity in the Web, providing real-time, dynamic and visual interaction between the user and the application c Visual Basic q object-based programming language q allows an application to do more than one thing at a time q supports encapsulation, inheritance, and Polymorphism

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