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May, 2011



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May 2, 2011

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In an alternative universe, a little known writer going by the name of Tom Clancy pitches a publishing exec a storyline that begins with the world's worst terrorist atrocity and ends with a burial at sea by a crack commando going by the name of Chuck Norris, who has hunted the world's most wanted man for almost a decade. Clancy leaves the office with the laughter from the exec ringing in his ear. He drifts off into obscurity, aided daily by cheap whiskey, until his death in a cheap motel just off Sunset Boulevard. Found in his coat pocket by the motel porter - let's call him Dan Brown - is a page of code which sets Dan off on a hunt that leads him to places the world dare not go. But alas, like it or lump it, believer or not, alternative universes are not the reality for many, except the most die-hard of quantum physics buffs. It's this universe which our sense of reality dwells. With people dancing in the streets and Osama is Dead parties being set up on Facebook, the figurehead of terrorist group, Al Queda took a couple in the head following a raid on a compound in Pakistan overnight. He was buried at sea in the aftermath, and as the conspiracy theorists around the globe begin to form their arguments, the leader of the free world claimed the world is now a safer place. But, is it really? The world changed on September 11, 2001. Of that there is no doubt. But it changed for the worse. Before that, I felt an air of hope for humanity, but what I discovered since and what has unfolded in terms of war and attrition before the eyes of the world, that air disappeared and so far has not returned to this day. Not when one takes a worldly view on things. I've stated before that I think there are more unanswered questions than answered questions which stem from the events on that tragic day when over 3000 innocents lost there lives. Will the world ever get the truth? Probably not. What has Obamas Presidency meant to the world? Three years in, Id have to say it has been disappointing, especially having viewed Inside Job, the brilliant Oscar winning documentary which lays bare who really has control on the way the world is run. When we look at what has happened here in Ireland over the past few years, it's easy to see some similarities, with the exception of some stimuli. We bottomed out, so we really didn't have that choice, so it's good old austerity for us. And you really wonder why? In a world of plenty. There will now be reprisal of course. That is unavoidable. And further down the gutter the peace and stability of a world always on a knifeedge goes. With uprisings in the Arab World, a turbulent Middle East, a European Union in economic chaos and an America divided, it's like a perfect storm which have those apocalyptic projectionists among us, soon marching us to Tel Megiddo to have it all out once and for all.

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I'm sure some people do try to make sense of it all. Why is Gaddafi is being bombed from the skies, but in Syria, Bashar al-Assad, can order the shooting of his people at will, round up boys under the age of 15 and take them away to stamp out dissent, and yet the Americans don't go bombing him. Of course there are worse atrocities taking place across the planet, but these are rarely covered. Why? Well, maybe that's a question you have to ask for yourself. In another universe, a foul mouthed Irish Rocker going by the name of Robert Geldof takes over the world's mainstream media with the help of a hacker by the name of Marko Zuckerburg and a blogger, Donald Booker. Robert proclaims a week of dance the world over. Everything shuts down and those urging us back to work are sent to the Arctic where they have no choice but to join in the festivities in efforts to stave off hypothermia. And on the seventh day they rested and nothing was ever the same again.

As me old mate Leon used to say, 'Life's an absurdity. Accept it, get on with it, and add to it if you can... It's about all you can do.'

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May 9, 2011

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Wow, four days since I wrote. Could life actually be getting a little more interesting of late? Truth be known I wish it was the case, but it gets tiring and downs the spirit when all one can write about in a country under enormous strain, is that strain. So over the last week, concentration was on tightening up business plans and getting together material for another attempt at getting something off the ground. If the effort fails again, well... It's almost like being caught in a cocoon, and especially so, the longer one finds themselves unemployed. It's like there is much you feel you can do, there is words of encouragement from those that matter, but words they remain, as when it comes to the practicalities there is miles of red tape in front of you. Except it's not red tape anymore, it feels more like barb wire. What sickens me more is the growing divide that seems to be taking place by workers, ravaged over the past two years whist being told they are lucky to have a job, and the unemployed, who, for the most part want to work, but there are no real jobs out there. I remember all that back in the 1980's, before i even worked. It's just one example how the previous government drove this country back 30 years. And still they'll mouth their moralistic bullsh*t to us all and the crazy thing is, some actually buy it. You meet various people along the road of Sh*t Creek and sometimes you stumble over people with difficulties far more than your own. Of course they see the bigger picture, that Sh*t Creek is actually a twenty mile radius around Fuckishima, or a bedroom where you are about to be Binladened. I think it is then you realize that in many ways we are actually lucky for what weve got despite all the recent woes to befall us as a nation. And because of that luck I think it is important to bounce on, for whatever reason. Bounce on into what? Well, that's open to anyone's interpretation nowadays. Take the last week on this absurd planet. Navy Seals take out the worlds most wanted man. What ensues is rather disturbing, given the serious amount of news propaganda to be gained from it. It reminds me of a movie i seen a good few years ago with Robert De Nero. Wag The Dog. It's all quite surreal sometimes, don't you think? Assuming you do, of course. The flexing of muscles is rather distasteful. Sure the world can do without the likes of Bin Laden, but playing it out in a juvenile fashion in the mainstream, we can also do without. I mean, this is being beamed into living rooms around the world. Are the misinterpreted points of Darwin's theory the only ones that come into play in our media centers. The one about the survival of the fittest and the how it has destroyed a Planet in pursuit of Capitalist gain. It would make you wonder what humans may eventually evolve into. Then there's Europe, and its important people running around like headless chickens after Greece threatened to pull out of the Euro at the weekend. Inroads are now being made on a reduced interest rate and a revised bailout package. Good news for us? We will see. Just disappointing that it wasn't us that grew a spine when it comes to dealing with these pariahs of society who drive people into constant mediocrity while selling them everything they ever want via a screen of many sizes. Might have given the people a lift, no? To think we have 5

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leaders capable of standing up for what is right. Time Ireland found her own direction. We are capable. Not enough faith put in that though. That's unfortunate. Seve Ballisteros died today. Fifty-four. Legend of the game of golf. When asked once in an interview if all his success was a surprise to him, he spoke like people should think. He dismissed the reporters viewpoint by saying he disagreed as he had visualized all his success before it happened. The guy, let's face it, inspired a continent of golfers. The benefits of that can be seen by European prowess on the tours these days. Now that's a legacy to be proud of. One person. Not bad, hey? A Life Hall of Famer any day of the week.


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May 11, 2011

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I focused in pretty quickly when it came to finding the root cause of what it was that made the Irish Construction Industry fall like a deck of cards in the late Summer of 2008. It got personal when it became clear after a few months on the queue that Ireland was in trouble. Deep trouble as it turned out. Over the years I've been used to watching the drip-feed nature of the way we run things here in Ireland. Whether it's addressing the multitude of wrong-doing in the white-collar sector or a good old fashioned economic collapse, the news comes slowly, in the interests of the State, of course. I quickly formed views based on other elements of world affairs that unemployment afforded me the time to explore, and as a result was able to write about what is being done to this country of ours since the blog's first day online. We may never get to the bottom of it all, but it is good to see a leading member of our Judiciary speak out publicly on matters concerning the top-tier of Irish society. It's commendable that some people are able to see past the economics and see the bigger danger to Ireland in the short term. Austerity breeds nothing but contempt among people, and although I believe loyalties and cronyism bed deep in this land, that notion is changing, and people will make that known at the ballot box more effectively over the next twenty years. That's assuming we can hold it all together in the mean time. And we all know what assumptions do... The problem is this. People now see how ineffective government in this country has been. Politics has lost its credibility, and it is a long way back. When you couple that with the bailout for the thievery that took place here over the past number of years and what people have had to pay for that, then people begin to think what is the point when your saddled at every juncture with a burden that proves to big for some. That's the tragic side of it, the equally worrying aspect is the fact that others will think the same, but instead of a tragic outcome, crime and social problems will fester. That's what the government don't see. That doesn't rank on any agenda that's going anywhere, anytime soon. There are worthy politicians, don't get me wrong. But minorities are ineffective when it comes to the way we do things in this country. That's across the board. Ireland has always had its fair share of homelessness, addiction problems and problems stemming from mental health. With cutbacks and austerity each of these will become even more apparent over the coming years. Yet, it seems those in charge do not care. Foolish, if you ask me. The jobs initiative announced yesterday was poor. Indeed, so has the opening two months of this governments tenure. Not much they can do under the present circumstances after we lost our sovereignty late last year to the IMF and the ECB. The government is being told what to do, its pretty simple to see. So that tells you how worthless government actually is when all you are is 'Yes' men to financial vultures who deal in the misery of others. To be effective leaders, this government needs to think more radically. Smartly, but radically. Sadly, with the start they have had to date, it isn't looking good. 8

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Yesterday's job package could have said something. It didn't. The main points include Employers PRSI for workers on below 356 a week will be halved. The minimum wage to be restored to 8.65 per hour from July 1st. Extra funds for roads and schools. Back to education initiatives and internship scheme. It's hardly ground-breaking, is it? By way of a stimulus its about as useful as George W. Bush. Small plaudits can be given to the restoration of the minimum wage to its previous level. But in terms of reward for work done it's devaluing of human effort. Back to education initiative is positive, but having been through that and found it stunk with elitism, i wish the ordinary Joe soap luck. Top civil servants earn hundreds of thousands in this country for running departments in ways that defy logic at times. We only have to look at Health, Education and the serious lack of funding to start up enterprises across this country to see that. I read 'Tricky Dickie Bruton's statement earlier where he announced more measures to be implemented by the Autumn. That's only a season away, but why wait? Why wait until we are further in the mire before we begin the fight back. Unless of course, there is not going to be one? Internships are just another form of cheap labour. I've been on one of my own for nearly three years now. Haven't paid myself a cent. The cost of losing my job is well over 6 figures by now. Who's compensating the many like me for that? Certainly won't be the banks, as they continue to hound their majority shareholder for debt repayments on threat of all sorts of legal proceedings, while, wait for it, the majority shareholder backs them up until the eventual default in the coming year or so. It's then people will understand real problems on a social level. But no sense in being negative! It is Hump Day! Have two pamphlets to write over the coming weeks. 55 ways to oust Enda and 31 ways to be Taoiseach for life. Might stick them out as ebooks, that's if Enda and Richard don't commission me for something else first. All very draconian on a damp Wednesday night. But not so in Cannes, where writer and director and ex-addict Philip McCarthy is showcasing his short film, Dark Room before the world. No mention of it though in the IFB release. That's a shame. Filmmakers could do a lot for this country. But will they ever be let? Time, like everything, will tell.

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May 14, 2011

We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English.

Winston Churchill.

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I remember one Summer way back in the day when my old Granny giving me a spoon of honey. Upon entrance into the mouth, my legs took off and made for the back door. I immediately lobbed it from my mouth in a very ungentlemanly way, causing chickens to scatter in all directions. Today at a Communion gathering I ate sausages that were baked in an oven with a honey glaze, and asked my significant other to put it on the menu at home. How times change, hey? I guess the years can change the palate. The blog has always challenged the issues of the day as it saw fit. It has always tried not to dodge the big issues either. So I guess it would be wrong to dodge the rather sensitive issue of the visits of The Queen and Barack Obama next week. Whether we like it or not, there are people on this island who would not be very complimentary towards either at the best of times. All those views have formed in different ways over the history of the past, recent or otherwise. Everyone is entitled to their views, without them nothing would ever change, but how we handle those views will be the key if we ever get around to challenging our direction as a civilization. I guess thats what it comes down to on the island this week. People have the right to voice their protest. That protest should never be silenced, but it has to be voiced in the right way. Others will choose to cheers the celebrity factor, another thing the world should move away from, but that's popular culture in its present form. Hard to see people getting away from that anytime soon. That's a human factor. It's an expensive gathering for the important people to lavish upon themselves. Apart from the sheer madness of the expense of the weeks 'festivities,' especially when it comes at this recessionary time, I don't have a problem with either of them being here, but I certainly won't be up sending my wrist arthritic flag waving at them. It's an important week for Ireland. I do see it as an opportunity to sell what we are as a people to the world. I do believe there are those watching in from abroad capable of knowing the heart of Ireland is still intact and can see past the total inept way we are governed here on the island. I do believe those people want to invest in Ireland and her people. Capitalism and present day democracy will unravel itself with time. When people finally cop on that they play an untenable game they will look for a different way. Freed from those shackles one wonders what people might achieve in the decades ahead. The people of Ireland have a chance this week to show the world, that we still have some dignity and self respect left and that the deeds of many that will hang with the important duo this week are not the way the ordinary people of Ireland behave. There is still some ethical value left.We achieved hugely as an island putting differences to one-side so peace could reign on the land again. Despite the efforts of a few, all of Ireland's people are united on that front. That's not what we are about anymore. Our focus is getting Ireland back, our sovereign nation standing on her own two feet taking an active and constructive place on the World stage.


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Too long has Ireland been sold short by our very own. It's almost like being taken for a fool. But the one thing this recession has given us is an education on how things work in Ireland that they don't teach in the education sector. No longer are Ireland's children prepared to be taken for fools. And when we get there, the island will be the better for it. Swallowing bitter pills is never an easy thing to do, but I think once you do, the future always seems a little brighter and the load a little lighter. Well at least that's how Booker sees it. Let the week pass peacefully and we will reap the reward eventually. Who knows, Obama might open the gates to a few hundred thousand of us and lighten the financial woe on Enda? So Liz and Barack, you're both welcome to drop by for a cuppa tae. I make a mean cup these days. After a little chat about foreign policy and breeding corgi's, perhaps you both could pose with copies of the book in your arms, smiling wildly. I'd shift a million copies then, make Thunder Alley and retire to Finland... but thats another story...



iBooks Author

May 16, 2011

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How the mighty fall at times. The head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a man with more power than our entire political 'elite', was arrested on board a plane bound for France over the weekend after a maid at a $3000 a night hotel in Manhattan made serious allegations against him. DSK, as he is known in the French media, was subsequently charged with various counts including attempted rape and bail was denied until at least his next court appearance this coming Friday. One suspects he will be granted it then, but not before the American media have their own little field day. Strauss-Kahn was fore runner to be the Socialist Candidate in the French Presidential election next year, but this episode puts pay to any long-held hopes of becoming French president. The allegations alone are damaging enough as DSK is known to be a bit of a philander at the best of times. Thrice married, he has had to apologize for infidelity misdemeanors before. It's a case in 2007 which makes these allegations more damaging. French writer Tristian Banon made accusations against him then, when she alleged he attempted to rape her in 2002, though she did not proceed with charges against him fearing she would not be believed. Rumours are abound today that she will now proceed. Strauss-Kahn faces life imprisonment if found guilty of the charges. It comes at a time when the future of the Euro remains a concern with Greece on the brink of default, despite an IMF bailout. European Finance ministers are meeting today in secret to trash out how they should proceed to inflict pain on society and drive down living standards of ordinary people so banking fat cats can continue to swan around the globe with all the trappings of your taxpayer money. Democracy at its finest!


iBooks Author

May 17, 2011

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On a symbolic day when it came to light that Arnie Schwarzenegger had fathered a child with the help, and Dominique Strauss-Khan made his way to Riker's Island, didn't the Queen of England look radiant in that shade of Green she wore as she became the first reigning monarch to set foot on Irish soil in almost 100 years? Greeted by Eamon Gilmore on the tarmac, she was quickly whisked to The Aras where she was greeted by the President who in turn introduced him her to Enda, before the camera's were told to leave so the VIP's could have a spot of lunch and The Queen could be bathed and re-dressed to a more sombre grey for her visit to The Garden of Remembrance. On the way the cavalcade was a sight to behold such was the pomp and ceremony, but only witnessed through TV screens as Dubliners were banned from their own streets for fear of hostilities being shown toward the English Head of State. With the streets empty it resembled a scene from a post-apocalyptic Dublin, where the people have been eaten by a posse of Northside Zombies and only VIP's with an antidote dare to travel the streets by day. Poignant moments were shared as wreaths were laid in what was the standing image of the day, before her Maj was whisked the short distance to Trinity College where more VIP's awaited to show her around. It was nice to see Brian Cowen out and about looking unfit as usual, and there was even an appearance from a worried-looking Bertie Ahern. I tried to lip read what the former leaders may have been saying between them, but I can't be sure. I think it went something like this Cowen : You've got some nerve showing your face here. Bertie : That's rich coming from a face like yours. Cowen : Call yourself a republican? Bertie : At least I never sold the country. That's all I managed to attempt to read before the camera's quickly realized they were embarrassing the country and turned their attention once again to Ma'am. I swore I saw Prince Philip laughing at Cowen... and rightly so!


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The camera's were sent packing to add commentary to the events of the day for historic importance for broadcasters, national or otherwise. A republican element had a few running battles with Gardai and snatch squads managed to grab 21 of them, but apart from a bomb threat or two, the day passed off peacefully. Ireland in that regard has changed it would appear and in the interests of a peaceful Earth someday off in the eons, well that's a great thing. Even Gerry Adams appeared to down his guard and let bygones be bygones. Who'd have thought we would ever see the day? How the history of this old country of ours pans out, today does mark an enhanced opportunity for the old enemies to move forward. With respect to Bertie Ahern he was instrumental in bringing that peace to this country. With respect to Brian Cowen... So as Ma'am beds down for her first night in Ireland, my insider in Riker's Island, Pimpy X (not his real name) has said that DSK and Bernie Madoff have had lunch today in the private quarters of the warden. It's an important world, after all. Right, I better be off to make a start on some writing. One piece is a post-apocalyptic political based dystopian epic. Provisionally titled, The Enemy Within. It will take about 13 years to complete. The other is a bio of Arnie. That's called, Terminated. It's tough at the bottom!



iBooks Author

May 19, 2011

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It's with a touch of sadness to write about the death of former Taoiseach, Garret Fitzgerald tonight. One of the islands elder statesmen, he was Taoiseach on two occasions in the 1980's in almost Jekyll and Hyde combat with his chief political nemesis, Charles J. Haughey. While one was trying to move Ireland forward and liberalize it somewhat, the other was feasting from the her coffers. Fitzgerald's hands were largely tied during his years in office due to. Yes, you've guessed it, a deplorable economic situation. An establishment lifer, Garret Fitzgerald was spoken about with great affection today, but not exclusively by that jet-set. In an Ireland so often afraid of change, he did what most fought against at the time, a more modern Ireland. He didn't quite get there, but it may be fair to say he set the foundations for what would ultimately become an ultra-modern society and all the downfalls that came with that. One suspects under the politic of Fitzgerald, Ireland would possibly not have ended up as she did after successive Fianna Fil governments drove everything but the final nail into our sovereign coffin. Like Haughey, Garret Fitzgerald will be buried with a State funeral. A true Statesman, a noble practitioner of politics and a life worth endorsing. That can't be said for all.



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May 24, 2011

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I watched Barack Obama a few years ago on the day of his inauguration. People with tears in their eyes as a historical change took place in the United States. After watching the world take a sharp downturn thanks to the foreign war-mongering of Kindergarten President, George W. Bush, the world did need a shake-up and it seemed that the man to do that was Barack Obama. After a promising start he steered away from austerity and went for stimulus instead, as well as being the driving force behind just and social equality when it came to health care in the country he was elected to preside over. He even won a noble peace prize. As time has slipped by, the wars raged on, we've learned that the stimulus money has gone to the failed, and most disturbingly of all, the ones that governed over the economic collapse of 2008 are still steering the ship and allowed to do so by whom? Yes, Mr. Obama. They say hope springs eternal and let's face it, people buy into it in more ways than i have time to write about. And so it should, for without hope people go their own way and the results of that are evident in every major city of the United States of America today. The Americans seem to invent wars that are by their nature, not-winnable. You wonder why - until you see military spending makes up 21% of total spend in the US and yet the world continues to fall to pieces. That's a heck of a lot of profiteering by some. The truth is the Presidency of the US is not what people make it out to be. It's a Wall Street position, and any president who went against the economic thinking of their time, well it's recorded in history what fate they met. I do believe Obama's hands are tied and he can't begin to be effective in the way he thought he might have been. There's no doubt the guy has charisma, talent and even an aura about him. His speaking prowess and the way he can capture and engage throngs of people is testament to that. I'd reckon a lot of folk would like to shoot a few hoops and drink a bud with him. For a day yesterday, Obama and his wife did themselves proud as they wooed every single person aware of their visit. They did all the right things and it came natural to them. Greet and meets, speeches we have all heard and bought into before, and even a pint of the black stuff. As an opportunity to secure a high proportion of the Irish vote in next years election, and a chance for Ireland to show off her charm it went off spectacularly well. Enda must be in dreamland with all this attention deflecting from the way this country has hit a brick wall and is fast on her way to defaulting on the criminal debt put upon us by people who walk around to this very day, accountable to no-one. It's alright shouting, 'Yes, we can' to people who buy into most things on any given day because their TV tells them to, but perhaps the best question that no-one seems to be asking right now is, 'How can we?' There may be reasons for not asking that question, because the only answers you will ever hear come from financial sharks who are in total control of everything. To say otherwise is being ignorant of fact. They continue to do as they see fit without fear of any retribution, here, in America, and in many more lands. 21

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May 28, 2011

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I could easily have dedicated a blog to being a long suffering Arsenal fan if Nick Hornsby had not already written the definitive book of the 'joys' of that particular experience. Over the past two years I have written about their nemesis' Barcelona when it comes to Arsenal's pursuit of Europe's top prize, the Champions League. The trophy is one that has yet to grace the trophy cabinet of the North London club and I'd be delusional if I thought it was coming any time soon. Barcelona tonight won their fourth Champions League when they simply played Manchester United off the Wembley pitch that played host to a master-class in total football. While Arsenal honour the beautiful game with their approach on how to play it, they never quite manage to secure the players that can deliver the promise of playing their own particular brand of total football. Barcelona, on the other hand can get them. They are, quite simply, the best footballing team I have ever seen. Their talisman Lionel Messi again delivered the goods with a commanding display worthy of any final and was ably assisted by the players around him, players that believe the ball belongs to them and only them. When not in possession they hunt in packs to get it back, before effortlessly easing back into their pass and move philosophy, ready to exploit fully even a momentarily switch off from the opposition. They surpass the invincible Arsenal of 2004 and even the treble winning United of 1999. Even the great Liverpool teams don't compare and Real Madrid, for all their history in the competition, lag behind when it comes to the practice of how football should be played. I've seen the Brazil team of the 1970's, but they were not of my lifetime. This Barcelona team are. They refuse corporate sponsorship and instead brandish the name UNICEF on their shirts. Their fans own the club. Tonight they not only showed their class on the pitch, but off it as well. Defender Eric Abidal lifted the famous trophy tonight. Two months ago he had an operation to remove a cancerous tumour from his liver. Captain for the night Xavi and club captain Puyol stepped aside to allow the man a moment he truly deserved having faced such adversity to be there tonight.

There is no substitute for class of the purest kind.


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Bo o k e r s Wor ld M ay, 2011

This ebook series is a comment on issues in Ireland and abroad. It is covered in real-time against the backdrop of what is really happening in Ireland at this time. The series cover events as they happen through the eyes of the ctional Don Booker, an unemployed recluse as he attempts to write himself through his personal woes and an Ireland in decline. The novel, Booker's World is separate from this series of ebooks, though both worlds do cross at certain juncture as the months go by. An ebook version of the novel is now available. All ebooks in this series may be used for reference and may be distributed freely once adhering to Creative Commons License and crediting the author.

With cuts to depression & addiction services being implemented in Ireland, please consider these when making a charitable donation in the future.


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Also in this series...

5 Days in September Deathly Quotes November Nightmares Absurdities Purjurious Times Forgetful Directions Chill Dark The Loaded Taoiseach Independence International Mutha-F*ckrz The Cost of Living Last Daze 25

The Artful Dodger Planet Bonkers 45

All available to read or download at www.fbooker.blogspot.com www.scribd.com/don_booker

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Also by Noel Farrell

Novel Bookers World

Sonny Strange


Free download

Contact :jasepub@gmail.com
Noel Farrell 2012


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