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SPA112 Format for the First Written Exam (24.II.12) I. Written answers to oral questions.

I will ask five questions in Spanish. You will answer in complete sentences in Spanish. Numerals may be used if any questions call for numbers. Each question will be said twice. The five questions are listed below. I reserve the right to ask these questions in any order I choose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dnde ests? Qu quieres hacer maana? A qu hora empieza la clase de espaol? Cmo eres? Qu ests haciendo ahora mismo?

5 items @ 2 points = 10 points II. Years. I will say 5 different years (chosen from the ones weve done in class). You simply write the numerals for the years. (1974, etc.) 5 items @ 2 points each = 10 points III. Commands. In this section there are two columns. The column on the left has the Spanish words for 10 commands youve heard in class. You simply write the number in front of the word I say. Then you match the five Spanish words with their English equivalents in the column on the right. I will only say five commands in Spanish. So there will be five commands that are left blank in each column. 10 items @ 1 point each = 10 points IV. Regular verb conjugation. This section deals with REGULAR verbs only. These sentences all are missing the verb. All you have to do is correctly conjugate the verb in parentheses so that it matches the subject of the sentence. I will only use infinitives that I used on the worksheet on regular verbs that you did at the beginning of the semester. 5 items @ 2 points = 10 points V. Present Progressive. In this section you will find five present tense verbs that you will need to change into the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. This is like what you did on the worksheetminus the circling. And these verbs are not in sentences. So you shouldnt have any trouble picking out the verb.

-2Example: leemos You turn it into estamos leyendo (Cause help me. Im eskeerd.) 5 items @ 2 points = 10 points VI. Stem-changing verb conjugation. This section deals with STEM-CHANGING verbs only. These sentences are all missing the verb. You conjugate the verb in parentheses so that it matches the subject of the sentence. This is exactly like the worksheet on stem-changing verbs. All infinitives in this section are ones used on the worksheet. 10 items @ 2 points = 20 points VII. Ser or estar? This section is like the worksheetexcept that you dont have to give me the situation. You will just supply the correct form of ser or estar that completes the sentence. 5 items @ 2 points = 10 points VIII. MySpanishLab. I will choose an exercise from MySpanishLab that youve done. You will simply follow the instructions and answer the questions. 10 points IX. Family vocabulary. You will fill in the blanks with the correct family terms that complete the sentence. The vocabulary will not be provided. You must have it in your coco. Example: La madre de mi madre es mi _____________. (You should fill in the blank with abuela.) 5 items @ 2 points = 10 points Extra credit. There may be a question or two for extra credit. I will ask whatever I want to because you can make a grade of 100 without any extra credit questions.

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