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NOVEMBER 7, 2001

God Offers Us A Sword Of TRUTH

Were the raids on New Gaia legal? Of course, anything the forces want to do is legalalthough it RE: LEGAL POSSIBILITIES. SILVER COLLOIDS. may be quite Constitutionally unlawful. Plus, there has CENTRAL BANKS AND IMF. WHERE CAN YOU GO to be a way to bring you to heel by force and FEAR. It works every time, for who can stand or afford to speak FROM GROUND ZERO? out against the beast? It is nicely structured so that you as a citizen CANT SUE THE GOVERNMENT. WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT A class-action suit would bring enough SUCH AS SILVER COLLOIDS attention to cause a reconsideration of the foolish AND OTHER HARMLESS choices of the FDAfor ye little folk. And NO, BUT EFFECTIVE THINGS? I will point the direction but we have fish to fry in a much larger frying pan. TAKE IT TO THE CENTRAL NERVE CENTER AGAINST THE FDA. WILL MY PEOPLE STAY THE COURSE? HatonnIf someone was willing to test the gold manipulation losses, why is no one willing to bring It is difficult to contemplate the next steps in the action to SHOW CAUSE why, at the least, harmless ongoing turning of worlds. However, we have finally Silver Colloid is declared some kind of New Drug reached recognition and in writing, we have CAUSE when it is as ancient as time itself, AND how can to confront the Central Bank of the Philippines. No, the FDA-FEDS actually bring criminal charges even the President (GMA) states publicly that she has against the brothers and sisters, called citizens. no control over the Central Bank. That means that it is now acknowledged that the Central Bank is a PRIVATE FIRST-CLASS MAIL CONTACT U.S. POSTAGE PAID P.O. Box 27800 BAKERSFIELD, CA Las Vegas, NV 89126 PERMIT NO. 758 11/2/01#1 (15-078) BANK and not of the National Government. Therefore there is no REAL law preventing bringing charges against that institution. Without giving information, we are faced with a joining-in (of sorts) with GAIA project joint venturers to burst the bubble of the IMF-WB in its control of the Philippines, and thus, every other nation controlled by same. We feel exceptionally good about these events which have now given actual cause for action and demand for attention. One group already aboard includes 15 million participants and we can go from there to the numbers of Livelihood groups ACTUALLY ALREADY HOLDING DEEDS and WAITING to bring in their gold holdings to support with hard-commodity collateral. There are lawyers in virtually every circumstance as involves GAIA in any way. This is the best news that could come your way and we have worked diligently around the clock for over three years to achieve this one miracle. We have the backup established to bring class-action suits, damages suits,

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World Trade Center Bombing: Where Are All The Bodies?..........................page 3


Cipro: Big-Gun Drug With Devastating Side Effects........................................page 5 Doris Corner, by Doris & E.J. Ekker............................................................page 7 Know That Evil Is Real And Satan Beats The Drum......................................page 10 The News Desk, by John & Jean Ray............................................................page 16

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IMMEDIATE peace in such as Indonesiawhere the ALLIANCE could kick off a time of progress unheard of in all historical annals. IS THIS THE SECOND COMING? Well, perhaps. It certainly is, my friends, the very next-best thing to come along in your history of tales for the archives. God offers a sword of TRUTH. However, as is always the fact of life itself, there are double edges on that instrument and that very weakness in the metal-tempering itself, rests confusion upon the minds and hearts while FEAR takes as much control as is allowed. The big concern is that as GAIA is accepted as a working instrument, it will by necessity become a future possibility for, yes, some goodly use in the U.S.A. You know without a doubt that at least 200 million dollars in gold and silver was stashed under the World Trade Center and that does NOT even touch the real amountor the records UNDER the underground tunnels KNOWN. There are still at least 13 levels remaining under the site of the old Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City where it too houses gold and silver siphoned off from the places of security under your Constitution. CAN YOU CHANGE THE WORLD? In a heartbeat, citizen. And, you certainly do not need to go to war or demonstrations with guns and swords. Those trying those daring rallies and demonstrations will be duly met with death, incarceration, and/or total restraint by force. JOY AT THIS CHRISTMASTIDE? Yes indeed. As the major decorations have gone up in the mid-garden of the Ayala Avenue in honor of Christmas in Makati, the heart skips a few beats to realize, by Ekkers, that this is the fourth to be experienced here. This, while again, the very place where they stay is for sale or to be pulled down. The positive thought, however, is that nobody but them would want to buy the place (for future use by team participants) and the owners are in such debt as to be unable to tear down the place. The same is true for so many of the immediately adjacent hotels, etc., as to be shocking and each of those are far more inviting than is this little place in the very heart of MakatiTHE business hub of the Philippines. Foreigners are pulling out by the thousands as investments dry up in waiting for the give away of the nation itself. What a wondrous event if the PEOPLE could reclaim it ALL for the citizens themselves? Is THAT not, after all, what we are about? Rejoice, readers, for we stand at the threshold of miracles. What if the Central Bank disclaims the document itself? Well, they have TOLD so many people the same thing that it wont sell. Moreover, it matters not when full focus and attention is turned onto the stage called Central Bank-IMF. Everyone, literally everyone, knows that the full control of the nations economy and financial circumstances is totally controlled by the IMF and the IBC. This will undoubtedly uncover, before the world, the secret Central Bank that handles criminal deals. Life is just full of these interesting things which are buried in the dark recesses of evil intent and practice.

NOVEMBER 7, 2001

business-losses suits and general citizen-demands. Can such causes be won? Actually, it doesnt matter IF ENOUGH ATTENTION CAN BE BROUGHT TO THE PUBLIC. This is not some EKKER-EKKER-GAIAPHOENIX case, in case you think otherwise. THIS WILL BE A CASE BY THE PEOPLE where, at most, GAIA would simply be a joinder. It must be accomplished by THE PEOPLE. Believe me when I say that out of the mouth and heart of every Filipino visiting the cemeteries this connect-with-soul day, there is a prayer for show us the way, how do we change things, help us, please, Oh Godso, in Gods typical way of offering responses and answershere it is, people, who will stand for SELF? How long would this take? (???) It is, however, difficult to ask my own teams to struggle longer in such opposition at incredibly high political powerbut I find them ready, willing and able to stay the course if we but get the support to enable such a stand. What is necessary? The most important ONE ISSUE of all to any individual, especially Dharma in the momentWHEN IS ENOUGH TOO MUCH ALREADY? CAN WE DO IT? These questions to self must have thought and heart-rending response. It obviously means longer in Southeast Asia and particularly even less freedom to move about and then a full blast of publicity. We do have, however, citizens who can and would love to, take the lead in this arena. We have enough people just in Southern Mindanao to number into the millions, as well as elsewhere in the Philippines. They, however, prefer to do business with ones they can trust, i.e., Malaysia. But, they are Filipinos and would join a cause which unites, through equal rights, the nation as a whole while building the nations in alliance in Southeast Asia and then working both North and South. Just as, I remind you, the Plan 2000 of the Adversary is in a push-and-shove mode of terror and threats, so too, is Gods Plan 2000 lining up the ducks with continual checkmates. You who understand can recognize it, as one window after another opens. If, for instance, a group would demand response of reasonable proof from the FDA regarding products, Diane would have no case against her. The other charges set against her are even more fragile, for the Feds, than the colloid lapse of information flow. BUTyou also have to understand that for you to get the enemies against YOU named officially and brought into the LIGHT OF DAY, there has to be some ACTION. SHOULD we do it all? No, it has no meaning if we do it all. Im sorry, people, THIS is THE WAY you have to go about peacefully changing thingsbutYOU have to do it. In the case here in Manila, the one case who sent the documents from the Central Bank in response to their petition for funding, is big enough to do the rebuttal program. Their project is HUGE, for they plan to clean up, rebuild and have a whole working project of reclamation and building in the Gen. Santos area down South. I wont speak more on that but we certainly have opportunity after opportunity in readiness. In fact, we have around 2500 opportunities which involve MULTI-MILLIONS of people right here. Furthermore, if it passes muster here, it will be fully acceptable elsewhere and there would be

Ekkers, for instance, make the commitment to go just as long and as hard as required for as long as YOU stand beside them. No, not behindWITH. People have carried, recently, a big burden and yes, it has made it possible TO BE HERE. We will get help pretty quickly now, if and when it is understood that there is some security in the system in control. It will be sufficient to carry the task through a bit longerbut it is not yet accomplished, so choices are always at hand and that is a necessary part of the journey itself as people make their choices and take their individual stand. There are so many OTHER things bashing and crashing into Ekkers as to be staggering but family is taking up some of that slack. Close family is willing but pretty uninformed as I have asked it to be for the security of everyone along with the program itself. You can see what happened with Diane when Rick and Ed got angry and took over. Well, it wasnt Dianes from which to take overand so you have debacle after debacle piled one on top of the one before. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED, YOU SEE, TO EVERYTHING ELSE. We are now reaching the point that in these other connected distractions YOU are the ones that can and shall make the necessary impact to carry things beyond the individual and into the healing of the people. This is the way it must come to be: through the people and unto the very lands themselves. You must take up the cause without weapons other than the pen and unity of said cause. We can only commit to stay the course with this ship until it either reaches port as intended in goodness, or, it sinks because of the shark-bites to the hull. You can still bail out the water taken on board and then repair the vessel in dry dockbut drifting hither and yon aimlessly wont get you home. Satan is making his presence known through every day and in every dastardly deed foisted off onto your senses. Your own government is foisting off the TERROR, readersit is NOT any person from a cave in the netherlands of anywhere. And, the leader of the U.S. is going to meet with the leader of Israel within the week it is said. Wake up people! There is no RIFT between the controllers in the U.S. and their manipulator handlers in Israel. It is simply the game ALWAYS played just prior to a BIG EVENT. (Make it appear this is a problem, to fool the watchers.) And the holy lands? WHAT holy lands? Merry Christmas. Wouldnt it be a wonderment if you just let Christ in for a change? Can human grow? Not unless given opportunity to root in worthy soil IN TRUTH. God is creationSatan is destruction and it has ever been thus in the annals of history and again as you move back into the caves just to survive. When the thistles and opium poppies have taken the fields, it is difficult to harvest grain for the feeding of the people. Furthermore if all of the grain is shipped OUT, what are you who grew the grain to eat? It is long until the next harvest, friends, as winter comes in its cycle. Im sorry, foolish dreamers, if you think blowing up hydroelectric facilities and dams is going to help you angels in the bombers, you are WRONG. This causes you to not only be the beast but surely globally to be recognized as the beast. You dont care? Why wouldnt you care, traveler? Not in your dooryard?

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OH YES IT IS! Death to an individual if it be you and most certainly is 100% as a statistic if the deaded be self. You will be lost when the power shuts off. Why do you think you had all those trial runs this year? What will you do when the water is poisoned or infected? What happens when the fuel lines break and there is no gas for your fires or cook stoves? Mostly, what will you do when the electronics fail? You see, it is worse for YOU because the ones in the World Trade Center KNEW IT WAS COMING. It is such that with brazen bragging even MerrillLynch now says they are almost fully up and running and have surpassed trades and profits beyond what was happening prior to the Trade Center bombings. And, say what? It seems that they didnt have to train any personnel as almost everyone made it to safety from the towers. WHERE ARE THE BODIES? YOU CAN FIND GOLD BUT YOU CANT FIND MISSING BODIES? MOREOVER, WHERE ARE ALL THOSE CARS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE PARKING STRUCTURES? Now it is legally set forth that ye shall not ask about those things which hurt peoples feelings. This is exactly as with the Holocaust, good friendEXACTLY. YOU may not even inquire, much the less get answers about anything. Note it and weep, for it is for National Security. Too bad the citizens are not under National security consideration. National Government, Incorporated is the only consideration as the guilty are protected while the innocent are bound and gagged. It is the way of the Plan 2000 New World Order of the Bankers Cartel. Now, does George Bush fit in that committee? Perhaps, but there is trouble in Camelot. George Dubya Bush does, at the least, have an opportunity to make so much good as to stagger the world. Which will he ultimately choose? It is a hard question because you must have more security, citizens, and yea, you demand more for very intelligent reasons. You have just, however, turned over your chicken houses into the care and feasting of the foxes themselves who just wait for the feast to beginwith you as the main course at dinner. Opportunities pass if not acted upon in timely acceptance and recognition. Which will it be for you? I am here and about, no matter what is your choice, for that is simply the way it IS. God and Hosts do not jump ship or run awayMAN is the one who chooses those routes to try to hide and grab. YOU TURN AWAY FROM GODNEVER IS IT THE OTHER WAY, STUDENTS. You can walk out of the classroom and leave your professor any time you choose and so be it. That does not ensure your getting passage on the wagon headed home. On this All-Souls Day, please consider YOUR OWN very carefully as opportunities roll past you at lightning speed in these days of confusionfor it is, after all, the time of Kali (chaos). Satan is THE PRINCE of confusion and darknessdont for a minute overlook the truth here in this recognition. Dharma, enough for now. Thank you for your identificationfor my identification means NOTHING if you are unwilling to give yours. Take care, Mr. Latona, for the game is shortening for ye cowards of the journey. You do not take the name of the Lord in vain, nor of HIS compatriots, and that too, is simply the way it IS. I AM and that which I AM is recognized as: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (Aton) dharma

World Trade Center Bombing: Where Are All The Bodies?

10/28/01#1 (15-073) RE: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS: LETTER HOME HAUNTED HOUSE ON ADAM DRIVE, TEHACHAPI, CALIFORNIA First, I want to thank you for responding, friends, to my petition for action. WHAT YOU DO DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE and, at the least, allows us to move on with our work instead of meeting deadlines back in memory land. It is time to move the antics over that one piece of property on up the ladder where the Federal Court HAS TO LOOK AT THE TRICKS AND SUBTERFUGE. I will cover that later but I wish to right up top here, THANK YOU for responding, for several responded INSTANTLY from at least five states (although source is not noted in e-mail unless intentionally given). Within the hour, the sale was off, at least: NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FROM THE KERN COUNTY AGENCY INVOLVED, THAT THE PROPERTY HAD BEEN REDEEMED, THE TAXES HAVE BEEN BROUGHT UP TO DATE AND THIS PROPERTY WILL NOT BE SOLD AT AUCTION. THESE UPDATES WILL SHOW ON OUR WEBSITE BY MONDAY 10-29-01. Please, each and all, continue to contact those people at the auction site so that this ALL goes into the file for permanent record. And, please, everybody (in our behalf) check on that site to make sure, indeed, that the updates will show on that Website Monday. This property has such a string of unlawful actions as to be a worthy focus for an example of actual criminal actions against you-the-people. I do not want to go into that here at this moment, for it is all old recognition. But you do need confirmation that YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCEand until you have confirmation in a positive way, you dont seem to understand that realization. Dr. Carlson has, in fact, given a whole plethora of information regarding laws and regulations which should be handled in legal recourse. Thank you for circulating the responses around the loop, for it is through this awareness that each can participate and SHARE. However, today we can move on a bit to focus on other circumstances. * * * TERRORISTS NEW TARGET: AMERICAS FOOD SUPPLY WASHINGTON (AP)After attacks from the air and the mail, officials worry Americas food supply could be next. The government considers potential targets to be fruits and vegetables that people eat raw, and cattle that could be infected with fast-spreading foot-and-mouth disease. That was the major headline yesterday, Saturday, 10/ 27/01 in the leading newspaper in Manila, Philippines. Look just a moment at that topic: To deter potential terrorists, Congress is considering proposals to hire hundreds of new food inspectors and lab technicians and empower the government to seize or recall tainted products and inspect food makers records. The Agriculture Department has put veterinarians on alert and wants more guards to protect its labs around the country that work with food pathogens... The article is lengthy and totally ambiguous and nobody takes responsibility for making even the statements. Neither The Government nor The Agriculture Department are responsible parties. Those entities are made up of INDIVIDUAL PERSONS, readers. WHO IS HIDING AND IS ACTUALLY THE TERRORIST? Is this a new thought? I hope not. Todays headline is worse, readers: U.S. ANTHRAX TRACED TO IRAQI CHEMICAL. Try this one on for horror and lies to cover past actions and transactions: WASHINGTONInitial tests on anthrax sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle found a chemical additive that keeps the spores airborne and is a trademark of Iraqs biological weapons program, ABC News reported Friday. NOTE NOW, THE TOTAL LACK OF CREDIBILITY: Three well-placed but separate sources told ABC News World news Tonight that the chemical agent, called bentonite, was discovered during a series of tests on the Daschle letter performed at Fort Detrick, Maryland [H: Where, of course, the AIDS virus was CREATED.], and at other sites.... The substance helps keep the tiny anthrax particles in mid-air by preventing them from sticking together... There is no identification of anyone and not even further identification of other sites. Moving on, however, becomes far more interesting than the anonymous announcement (which can only be a terrorist intent against you readers, now even, yea, unto the global community in major headlines). Ah but, and finally comes an individual with a name, real or conjured: The White House quickly denied that tests on the letter to Daschle had shown the presence of bentonite. Its not true, spokesman Ari Fleischen told AFP.... [E.J.: Bentonite is a common clay-like mineral used as the basis for drilling mud all over the world by oil companies and drillers such as BIG Richards Halliburton.] Gee whilikers, readers! Now what could be behind such contradictions? Well, go a short way back and look prior to that infamous Desert Storm. Remember that George Herbert Walker Bush (Sr.) was a business partner of the closest kind, with Saddam Hussein of Iraq. They had such a close relationship that arms, biological weapons, chemical components and weapons, and of course, gold and oil, were readily available as a part of the rotating wheel of enterprises while never are you to discount the poppies in (never mind Flanders field) throughout those countries handled by Sir Armitage (specifically) in the GOLDEN CRESCENT DRUG-KILLING FIELDS. Proceeds of these business arrangements were sent by and through such as bank, BCCI, where George and Saddam HAD JOINT ACCOUNTS. The operations themselves flowed THROUGH the U.S. Agriculture Department. Now, readers, these are KNOWN facts, not my hype for a Sunday morning. ALL THOSE SAME PLAYERS ARE RUNNING, NOW, DUBYA BUSH. But Dubya is his own man as

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NEITHER DO YOUR RELATIVES where one dead boy may serve to be the son of a hundred or more sets of parents. The more flags and hero awards passed out can well be the clue you seek to know you are being appeased as you accept the lies. How, for instance, can you accept the deliberate smart-bombing of a Red Cross Center, not just once but accidentally TWICE IN A ROW? WHAT OF THE PHILIPPINES AND ONGOING EFFORTS? Well, the same as ever, just wading through the muck. We could offer daily items that are worse than anything we might say about the place and/or the governance, poverty, graft and/or corruption. I think you can add two-and-two and come up with why Ms. GMA (President) is getting lots and lots of attention these days. After all, Daddy Bush was a MAJOR participant in the Marcos programs. I would also remind you to notice that James Baker III is often on tap for comments on the State of State (and terrorism) affairs. Remember that during the building of the Marcos/Reagan gold currency plan (and yes, the perfecting of Peruvian Bonus 3392-181), Baker III was the Treasury Secretary of the U.S. and then became the Secretary of State. Since Daddy Bush USED, albeit unlawfully, the Bonus 3392-181, it surely CANNOT be denied reality. The point is to disallow any leader to get it into the system on its own merit. THAT IS WHY WE ONLY OFFER IT WITH GOLD (HARD METAL) CO-COLLATERAL. We are not in competition nor is it our intention of putting Mr. Bush, Ms. Arroyo, or George Soros out of business. If you people want to shut them down, THEN THAT IS UP TO YOU, NOT US. GAIA did offer the Philippines several options, starting immediately with Sir Erap Estrada (Joseph Erjecito) as the newly elected President. Over the next year-and-a-half people directly from Malacaang (Government) came to dicker. One group asked if GAIA was ready, immediately, to make LARGE deposits into Mr. Eraps accounts. When the answer was no, we dont do that, the inquirers didnt return. Then again people directly from said party came and this time they said that He (Erap) always gets 40% of everything. Then people have told us that the IMF controls 100% the Central Bank and all financial dealings of the Philippines. Oh well. So, it takes time, chelas. Meanwhile we have built a foundation which is now unquestioned as to integrity, intent and consistency. We have parties which are equally as unbending as in handling the gold itself. In time, it will not only flow but will do so properly, openly and in security. There is no intent here, readers, to enhance the already powerful Elite. Ours is to offer that which the people can use to pull themselves out of poverty, have jobs and grow, bring their workers HOME and build a nation in peace and prosperity. The people have the wealth, they simply find no way to secure it or be able to use it. So, everyone dies a slow and dreadful death. And that is not new terrorism in actionit is the direct outcome of total evil in the system that manipulates. That source is from the International invaders, i.e., the U.S., British Commonwealth, Germany and yes, to some extent, Australiafor the British. The Muslims are made the scapegoats here in this game but they are only a minute part of the nation and its problems. They are THE ones stuck most dreadfully, as with the indigenous tribal peoples. The rest of the Filipinos are just stuck in

NOVEMBER 7, 2001

well, no wimp thishe was in business in all the same places including with one resource THE BIN LADENs of Saudi Arabia, very closely and DIRECTLY in business with Osamas BROTHER Salem. The fact that there is desire to restructure the direct control over these wicked Muslims terrorist groups is because you will note that the Supply of Opium was STOPPED in its open flow to the drug-cartelBY THE TALIBAN. Furthermore, there is now, ALREADY, an indication that the fields will again grow poppies as the fields are being readied for immediate use once the Taliban is squashed and bin Laden murdered. Oh yes, dont either forget that the Taliban had stopped a MAJOR oil pipeline across Afghanistan that is directly associated with the Bush Oil Cartel, UNOCAL, and ARAMCO. Now people, this is NOT somehow revelations for this lovely morningTHIS IS BEING PUBLISHED IN YOUR INTERNATIONAL PAPERS, right here, even, in beautiful downtown Manila, swamped in garbage and where paper is too precious in price to even wrap dead fish. It is also noted right here in this same location that Mr. Bush is so courting Lady President GMA as to be nauseating, especially to her opposition people who, as we write, are planning a major coup, it seems. She is off to China now, for several days of high-level diplomatic causes. She spent time with Bush at APEC and gave away the Philippines in total. She signs treaties, it is said, set up by former President Amboy Ramos. After being unable to wangle at any expense a visit to the U.S., suddenly she is the focus of full floodgate opening and will be attending Mr. Bush in November ON A STATE VISIT, YET, at his invitation. I still ask, about New York Trade Center: WHERE ARE ALL THE BODIES? We note that there is now a blackout on any availability of gaining data other than that specifically offered. Money pours in from gifts, donations and events to help the victims of that terrorist actbut the distributing and authorized services cant even find enough information to distribute the fundswhile the funds targeted for assistance are swallowed into the organizations chosen by the government. Sir Silverstein who built THAT Trade Center building (with twin towers) now demands it be considered two buildings so he can collect twice the available insurance as allowed on THE building itself. He will, that way, make five times the value of the building in TWO insurance claims which will have to be PICKED UP, TA-DA, BY YOU TAXPAYERS. Plus there are billions of $$$ already allocated to bail out the already failing insurance corporations. And YOU still think the terrorists are in a cave in the outback-desolated mountain desert of Afghanistan? Check EVERYTHING they dump on you and consider the exact OPPOSITE and you will have met the LAW OF THE BUREAUCRACY (SERIOUSLY, THERE IS ONE) in which the conclusion in every projection is exactly the opposite of what is stated. It REFLECTS the intent and objective of the guilty. If, for instance, there is a claim of poison in process, by Iraqand the accuser is the U.S. government, know that it is NOT Iraq that is guilty, but you will eventually get poison dumped on YOU to achieve their aims. The world always buys, literally, into these games every time. Lives are totally non-consequential as long as they be YOURS. THEY do not go to warthey kill off your kids, loved ones, and of course the innocent opposition people. In fact they dont even count as other than collateral or acceptable lossesand frankly

the middle of every hell-apparatus used on them. You cannot force or legislate goodness, readers. We can only, therefore, build up through the evil and present a better way to go. This hopefully will be before the death of a planet comes via nuclear and particle-beam games loosed on the world. The U.S. is prepared to start that game NOW. How do you know? Because the reports are that bin Laden possibly has nuclear capability and must be stopped. KNOW THE CODEAND YOU KNOW THE NEXT STEP EVERY TIME. As these things unfold, you will then have a good guide as to when to get the fresh lettuce for your shelter system. Can it get worse, say, in the Philippines, where it seems the pit bottom is about reached? Oh my, YES. Certainly the dollar as established value base must be maintained and any gold system will hurt that badly if not totally controlled. Well, we have offered to control that until it can be achieved by the U.S. dollar MACHINES. We shall see, wont we? I would guess that the nasty little players, however, are about to get their laps to overflow in direct reward for their dirty little deeds. NOW, A BRIEF REQUEST AND COMMENT ON NEW GAIA. Since Federal charges deal ONLY with Diane Kunick, I ask the following: Please, if you have had business or conversations directly with Diane while dealing with New Gaia, please write so that we can keep records to present in court. There is nothing necessary or elaborate: Did she at any time personally advertise to you that any product carried by New Gaia or in her registry (list of products) ever sell you anything as a CURE for anything? Now, that does not mean that there might not have been some suggestion as to use BY OTHERS which gave good results. The point is did Diane Kunick at any time sell anything TO YOU under the guise of a CURE or in any way practice medicine (with or without a license)? This would especially be relative to new drugs offering cures. Since about the only advertising came through CONTACT, then you might just send your note to CONTACT. And no, your privacy will not be FURTHER invaded. SPECTRUM groupie already supplied mailing-list information and the Feds seized the computers. YOU are not in question in any way whatsoever. Furthermore, I do not believe you will even find that in MY write-ups that we have ever offered medicine, cures or anything without the very strict ramification of the laws themselves. We have right to expression and pressand you have right to benefit from such educational material. I personally, and now you see why, have offered AVAILABLE research material where everything can be checked out and counter-checked elsewhere. These are the places where you and you and YOU can make but a small statement which can save a brother/ sisters very life. I remind you that there is a hard push to even get vitamins out of your reach, citizen. Further, as the secrecy cloak tightens around youyou will have no ability for input on the matter, for laws will be brought forth without ability to question or comment. You ask what you can do? This is it. There is NO RISK here, reader, for we have never claimed cures for anything. The fact that some of the things offered might well cure something amiss is not at point. We do not claim cures, for that is a no-no. This whole thing is a setup and followed through by

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a couple of little Federal Prosecuting junior attorneys out for the kill to gain the record of a win, nothing more. But this will never stop unless somebody stands and says enough already. Furthermore, it is desirable to get this into court before a jury so that everything is laid on the tableunder the law. We will then KNOW the players and dirty tricksters now being protected under the secret informers act under which these dirty little miscreants even get PAID OFF for a conviction under the LIE. If you are not willing to assist with even a word of support, then JUST WHO DO YOU EXPECT TO CLEAN UP THE MESS FOR YOU? People, every day, are doing all they can to help and we recognize that with such appreciation as to be ever humble at the efforts, caring and sharing. So, please, clutter the mail with something good instead of the terrorizing puffs of powder here and there. Please jot a note and the people at CONTACT WILL BE DARING ENOUGH TO OPEN IT AND HOLD IT. I do suggest that everyone, including those at CONTACT, pay attention, however, for you do have enemies in your own dooryard and those tricksters not only like to, but indulge in, totally dirty tricks and terror games. Rick Martin even warned that he would do exactly what he has done, aided and abetted by his buddies, no matter who it hurt, i.e., the Millers, no less, who never did anything but HELP them. Be careful but let it be known who is around that would do these tricks and then if it happensgo immediately to the police, for THAT is what those officers are SUPPOSED TO BE FOR. By the way, peopleSTOP THE TERRORIZING OF SELF. If you are concernedput on some latex gloves to open the mail, then wash them afterwards. Thats all there is to it, friends. Feel silly? Well, silly is often the wise move of the day. By the way number two: Foot-and-Mouth disease of cows is not a human disease. By the way number three: It isnt even a very serious disease to the animal and which can be EASILY treated and wow, just with silver colloids, no less. I dont think that even a blue cow should be any great negative outcome. You can, after all, get blue milk just by removing the CREAM. Perhaps that is a good REASON to have silver colloids: to treat your cats, birds, dogs and especially the family cow or horse. This could even include sheep, goats, pigs and Santas raindears. Anything, that is, with foots and mouths. WHO EXACTLY ARE YOUR TERRORISTS? WELL, I WOULD SPECULATE THAT IT IS NOT A CAVE DWELLER IN OUTBACK AFGHANISTAN. THE NEW WORLD ORDER HAS COME TO CLAIM YOU BEFORE HIS SELF-IMPOSED DEADLINE OF DECEMBER 31, 2001, SMILE, YOU ARE ON CANDID CAMERA! Thank you again for your follow throughyou made THE difference and lets now go for number two as we simply offer a supporting word for Diane who has to go before the executioner. The Feds have NO CASE and yes, they do know itand that is why the absurd terrorist activities. If, however, no one antes to the terror, they have NOTHING but a very expensive and unpleasant public show that can last into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for the government and continue for years in the unfolding. We LIKE the unfolding part. Who knows, by the time this makes it to trial perhaps all of you out there in readerland can make a vacation trip to downtown Fresno, California for the show. Know you are loved and appreciatedDAD dharma

Cipro: Big-Gun Drug With Devastating Side Effects

11/1/01#1 (15-077) RE: GOLD UNDER THE NEW YORK TRADE CENTER? MORE ON SILVER COLLOIDS. TREATMENT OF THE DISEASE CAN BE WORSE THAN THE DISEASE AND THE PATIENT MOSTLY DIES ANYWAY. LETS TALK ABOUT FINDINGS ON CIPRO FROM GOOD OLD BAYER. AND, IS THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT INVOLVED DIRECTLY? GOLD IN THEM THAR HOLES HatonnStill want to argue over gold, my friends? Well, the diggers got down to the level where at least one bank (of Nova Scotia) had a very large gold stash. Now, note that it was into the value of hundreds of millions of DOLLARS. However, it was not Fort Knox gold which was long ago emptied and ended up with these massive PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CARTEL BANKS! I would guess the gold was not even melted. By the way, it doesnt matterit has to be melted to better handle the commodity for exchange. Gold may well melt but it only further purifies the end product. Wow, what a neat thing God has given you for laying up treasures on Earth. TERROR, ONE STEP AT A TIME May we first today, please, speak of that old buga-boo, silver colloid. I dont even need to address any other types of metallic colloids, for the principle is the same except for the frequency of the element involved. You are dealing with crystalline viruses even if you have presented a bacillus or spirochete or even simple bacteria. We will write on that nice fought-over drug Cipro as we move on todayjust discussing WHAT IS NOW MAKING THE PAPERS and by the time it ends up in Manila, we are safe enough to write on the topics presented. Now readers, I AM NOT here daring to go against the FDA in any way whatsoever. I AM suggesting you use your heads because the treatment offered by the Government and Drug Houses is simply NOT WORKING. You just had another death of someone hospitalized where the very BEST available treatment was being poured into her. This is definitely not good, citizen. Today it seems that tainted mail pouches (with anthrax) came right OUT OF an office in the State Department. My goodness, how COULD you explain that one? Oh well. For you who have that old silver colloid you got from approved days, perhaps you could consider diluting it into a spray which you can use to lightly spray the things you consider possible sources, including even your Handi-wipes. In fact, a very good idea is to take your wipes and pour off the existing fluid and replace with a solution containing sliver colloid. This, of course, is for those WET WIPES which you now rely on to clean yourself even away from home. Or, just leave the solution in the container and put in additional solution with silver colloid. If you take dried-out wipes and wet them with a colloid solution, you can package them in carry-plastic bags with ziplocks and they wont ever mildew. An ounce of prevention is often worth pounds of nonavailable cure. Silver colloids do not bring about resistant strainsthose are modified after man-tampering intentionally and then circulating through the body host. Do we want to fight over drugs vs. natural supplements? No! I will no longer jeopardize any of my team to the hounds while the world of nappers sleeps on. All you have to do is LOOK at the news and you can see EXACTLY what has been pulled over your eyes and just who are the enemies. I could tell you until hell freezes and still you would not wake up until you are directly involved in some NASTY happening. How nasty? Well, who knows? The latest edition of Mark Metcalfs book, COLLOIDAL SILVER, is THE book I recommend, even though expensive,. We dont need MORE books when one is superbly offered, and he speaks on the topic of ANTHRAX. Even if you cant longer just get easily, silver colloid, I suggest that there are myriads of uses with these new suggested plagues that can assist you in PREVENTION rather than needing treatment by chemically-synthesized drugs. Rather than go into that, if you wish to get a copy I suggest you contact CONTACT and lets see if someone there can arrange to get copies for your convenience. It would, as well, help the paper because the entire support system of the paper is wiped out with the latest deliberate raids on New Gaia. It would make available a better pricing which can be turned back in to more supply as distribution would increase. Im confident someone can find Mr. Metcalf and discuss it with him. I suggest everyone who is going to make your own plant solution would enjoy the book as it discusses what was, could be, and might yet come again after death by other means. There is a HEAVY cost, in addition, for anyone taking the colloids and converting the labels and instructions for use. Which, by the way, must only reflect, basically, external use which may or may not have any value, and use for non-edible plants. If, in fact, it is used as a spray or wash for vegetables, etc., it must read that it is probably of no value AND should be washed off the item prior to consumption. I have no intention of bucking city hall or the FDA, except as regards Diane-New Gaia and the brother who did the dastardly turn-in secret informer trick which is against ALL OF YOU, not just a young Mother in beautiful downtown city of hate. You may think I josh about plants and animals as to use of colloids in question. No, when the spray from the sky comes, my friends, it will become extremely important to clean those plants, animal fur and feathers, etc. Get a load of the chemtrails, which we will also

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Watching a panicked nation stockpile Cipro makes Linda Baldwin want to cry. That drug absolutely ruined my life, says the 61year-old woman of Oxnard, Calif., who was given Cipro and its sister drug, Floxin, for a urinary-tract infection in 1996. She blames the drugs for causing blurred vision, excruciating muscle and joint pain and a cascade of other disabling side effects that have left her unable to work or even play with her grandchildren. The former election technician for Ventura County says, I never in a million years thought an antibiotic could do this to me. It makes me heartsick watching people on TV grabbing up Cipro when theyre not even sick and letting themselves in for so many adverse reactions that their doctors may not even recognize. Yet thousands, if not millions, are grabbing up Cipro. In recent weeks, public health officials have prescribed the drug to postal workers, congressional staff members and others possibly exposed to anthrax. And countless more Americans have bought Cipro on their own, wanting it on hand just in case they develop symptoms of the potentially lethal infection. Cipros manufacturer, Bayer, says it has cranked up production to make 200 million pills within 60 days, enough to treat 12 million people. The tremendous potential for misuse of this powerful drug has some health professionals worried. The very strengths that make Cipro and other fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as Levaquin and Floxin, so effective against serious infection also raise their potential for severe side effects. If Americans who have hoarded Cipro decide to inappropriately self-medicate at the first sign of a cold during the upcoming flu season, drug experts say, they will needlessly expose themselves to the risk of an alarming array of adverse reactions. Although its not widely recognized, Cipro and other fluoroquinolones are associated with serious, rapid side effects that can be devastating and sometimes permanent, says Dr. Jay Cohen, an associate professor of family medicine at the University of California at San Diego. VARIED SIDE EFFECTS

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reprint an article sent by Two-by. Serious times have come upon youand you are all but helplesswhich was the secret intent all the time. The point is to get everything off the market so you are helpless in the New World Order. So be it. It is time to awaken and use your God BLESSED gift called MIND. Start with the brains and work UP from there. So, on page 102 of the book under the topic of Silver Projects we have the following notation: ANTHRAXThe microbiologist from Texas, who prefers to remain anonymous, performed one experiment in particular that may answer a question I have been asked many times. Does colloidal silver work against anthrax? Mr. X used a bacteria he referred to as a kissing cousin of anthrax. He explained that this particular bacteria was not restricted and was safe to work with. Mr. X went on to say that while the zone of inhibition was limited to a petri dish, the bacteria was completely eliminated once placed with a few drops of approximately 10 ppm colloidal silver in an 8-ounce glass of water. [H: Note please, it didnt say anything about drinking the stuff.] OK, what about this anthrax that supposedly comes in three or more varieties? First they are telling you that it is not passed human to human. BS, with a hyper reminder that they said that about AIDS as well. They also, through the World Health Organization, infected the whole of Africa with AIDS virus, including HIV and Hepatitis, even seeing to it that the workers from Haiti were included and therefore took AIDS back home when they all got sick. Now THAT trick was done, ta da, when there was a massive focused intent to eradicate SMALL POX from Africa. Wow, and now they are back to treating you in the world to a return encore. That nice Mr. Bush has ordered up at least 300 million doses for vaccination against what you know is planned. The cute pretend-game of a just a few months ago is NO ACCIDENT, CHELAS. I would also remind you about this nasty old anthrax. Once upon a time there were some tests taking place at a place in Utah called Dugway Proving Grounds near Tooele Ordinance Depot less than 60 miles west of Salt Lake City. The area is also used for major sheep pasturing so being that just a dab will do you, the test stuff got loose, intentionally or unintentionally was never discovered OR AT LEAST MADE PUBLIC. THOUSANDS of sheep died almost instantly. The clean-up operation was extensive and expensive. So, be aware. And as you walk through polluted areas such as where heavy traffic with pollutants are belched, put, at the least, a handkerchief RINSED with silver colloid or sprayed just before you leave home, OVER YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH. Saving your life is going to BE UP TO YOU. I further suggest you spray up your nose and rinse your mouth with a colloidal solution of silver to stop entry microbesIF POSSIBLE. You have to understand the reason that anthrax is sent with silica or other drying agentsbecause it sticks like glue to a wet or mucous-covered surface on the way to the recesses of your lungs. Would antibiotic (Penicillin) or Cipro solution work as well? There isnt any, is there? What about that CIPRO? [QUOTING Orlando Sentinel, October 30, 2001; yes indeed, hot off the press:] A DOSE OF CAUTION: CIPROS SIDE EFFECTS CAN BE DEVASTATING By Carol Krucoff, National Correspondent

In recent weeks, public health officials have been struggling to inform Americans that antibiotics other than Cipro, such as doxycycline and penicillin, are effective against anthrax and to urge them not to take any antibiotic without the advice of a doctor and clear indication that exposure to the organism may have occurred. All antibiotics can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, such as stomach upset and diarrhea, and kill good bugs in the body, setting the stage for problems such as yeast infections and the growth of drug-resistant bacteria. Yet penicillin and doxycycline are less risky than Cipro, whose very strength makes its side effect profile much wider. Cipro is basically a big gun whose benefits outweigh its risks in certain circumstances, says David Flockhart, chief of clinical pharmacology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. He is considered by many to be the countrys foremost expert in fluoroquinolone-related side effects. But the bigger gun you use, the more damage you can expect as collateral. For a variety of reasons, from anthrax hysteria to incentives from drug companies, Flockhart says some doctors start with the big gun rather than the lower-level antibiotics, such as penicillin, which can be just as effective, less expensive and less risky. Fluoroquinolones should absolutely not be given to kids or pregnant women, says Flockhart, because they can interfere with bone growth. Cipro and other fluoroquinolones also have been associated with ruptures of the shoulder, hand and Achilles tendons that required surgical repair or resulted in prolonged disability. This prompted the Food and Drug Administration in 1996 to ask manufacturers to add a warning to package inserts advising patients to stop treatment, inform their doctors and refrain from exercise if they experience pain, inflammation or tendon rupture. Some sports medicine specialists now say they avoid prescribing fluoroquinolones to athletes. ACCEPTED RANGES

Two kinds of side effects are most commonly linked with fluoroquinolones: musculoskeletal problems such as tendinitis, tendon rupture and joint pain, and central nervous system problems such as insomnia, hallucinations, depression and paranoia. Less wellknown are the adverse reactions that affect the peripheral nervous system such as tingling, burning pain, twitching or spasms, Cohen says. Adverse reactions to fluoroquinolones are often simply overlooked or blamed on other factors, says Cohen, who contends that the drugs are much riskier than is widely believed. He has written a report, scheduled for publication in the December issue of the Annals of Pharmacotherapy, documenting severe sensory disturbances associated with fluoroquinolones. Baldwin is one of 45 patients cited in the study. Although warnings about most of the drugs side effects are listed in the Physicians Desk Reference, Cohen says, Many patients reported that their doctors either failed to recognize the adverse events or dismissed their significance. They were told to continue taking the drug, when its imperative that someone with these reactions discontinue use immediately unless medical circumstances, such as severe infection and no alternative treatment, warrant otherwise.

Although there are no firm figures on how many people have suffered tendon rupture or any other serious harmful reaction to Cipro, the accepted range for common side effects from any drug is 5 percent and for uncommon side effects is less than 1 percent, says Daniel Albrant, a spokesman for the American Pharmaceutical Association and president of the health care consulting firm Pharmacy Dynamics in Arlington, Va. So, for every million people who take Cipro, as many as 10,000 might experience the less common, and often most serious, side effects. One of Cipros strengths is its ability to penetrate the central nervous system, says Flockhart, who adds that the downside is that this increases the risk of harmful psychological reactions. About 30 percent of patients given intravenous Cipro and about 10 percent of those who take oral Cipro tablets may experience psychological side effects, he says. These range from feeling out of it to being anxious and jittery to, in extreme cases, having seizures. The adverse reactions generally go away when the drug is stopped, says Flockhart, who notes that in rare cases, an underlying psychiatric concern may be worsened by the drug and persist.

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One of the best known of these cases is the experience of Philadelphia fiction writer Diane Ayres, who in 1992 took a single Floxin tablet that her doctor prescribed for a minor urinarytract infection and wound up delirious in the emergency room six hours later. She is now diagnosed with manic-depressive illness triggered by the powerful antibiotic, for which she has been treated with medication for nine years, says her husband, journalist Stephen Fried. Fried chronicled his wifes struggle as friendly fire in the war on disease in the 1998 book Bitter Pill: Inside the Hazardous World of Legal Drugs. Cipro is the quintessential kind of drug that people take like candy because they think all drugs are safe, says Fried, whose article probing drug safety for Philadelphia magazine set off a Food and Drug Administration investigation. With so many horrible things going on in this world, some people want to believe that if they take this pill, it will protect them. But thats not how it works, and what people dont understand is that these drugs can cause illness. More than 100,000 Americans die each year from adverse drug reactions, making legal drugs the fourthleading cause of death in the U.S., Fried says. Yet the public and some doctors often dont consider the risks vs. the benefits when selecting medication, he says. Certain people may be at greater risk of experiencing bad reactions to fluoroquinolones, including the elderly, people with psychiatric or neurological symptoms or a history of head trauma, impaired kidney function and those taking certain medications, including caffeine and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. Fatal actions have occurred in patients taking Cipro with the asthma drug theophylline. A lot of people get these drugs for the most minor infections, says Fried. But there are a lot of people who should think twice before taking a quninolone for anything. [Carol Krucoff is a correspondent for the Los Angeles Times.] [END OF QUOTING] And there you have it, readers and frightened playmates. May the FDA always save you from the dreaded silver colloid which cant even turn you blue. And if you think this is NOT a planned insult to you-the-people, check it out again. We are stunned as we witness the Philippines having a five-day holiday starting with Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day and we arent sure what the other two are forrecovery from the first three, we have to assume. This is a time of lighting candles and honoring the Saints who didnt make it for a day of their own. Then there is the All Souls so nobody is left out but then we have the incredible disasters in between. Some of the cemeteries are actually standing in knee-deep water and what do you think that might give a boost to, Silver or Cipro? Sometimes, I cant stand it either, friends. Love, and may wisdom strike you. And may the U.S. President of the World always feel brave enough to pitch balls in Yankee Stadium. Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn dharma

Doris Corner
10/30/01#1 (15-073) By Doris & E.J. Ekker RE: STATE OF THE OLD FOLKS AWAY FROM HOME LET ME COUNT THE WAYS Life begins at 40, is that old and wondrous statement. Well... that was a hundred years ago so you can guess the rest for the remaining few of us who have finally made it past that particular restriction on life. Joyous birthday to me! Happy has no real meaning in our stream of intent. It just IS, as Dad would say. I note that if something comes into my attention after several days of it being so, it becomes an immediate reaction when the only thing different is that it now is recognized and can be thus confronted, enjoyed or accepted in reality rather than in supposition. IT IS A GOOD DAY IN THE PHILIPPINES. First, I am asked, How are you, today? from the one who brings the paper and from our precious family around this hotel? Well... let me check: I actually, for perhaps the first time in 30 years, have clear lungs and that is in the heart of the second most polluted city in the world. Since we have chitosan to block fat retention and blocker to kill carbs, we are managing to still make gainson lettuce and water. It is a perfect diet. It is fine to learn that you dont have to lose weight by starving. Furthermore, if stress causes debilitation of the general welfare of the bodywe are in really good shape, for we have learned how to avoid stress: YOU DIE. Now, this morning I actually got up at six, ran for 3-1/2 seconds on the glider machine and didnt even breathe heavy. I then did my breathing exercises which consist of holding my breath for 30 secondsuntil I pass out. Then I looked for the new wrinkles and FOUND NONE. Of course, I have to admit that I was sans glasses (to the 3Xpower). Oh well, between E.J. who cant hear and me who cant seewe have it covered. Keep the news OFF and things look pretty good in this sand-pit where we store our brains. Now, as to the things of the dayGOOD, GOOD AND BETTER but it takes a minute to see it. Several people are working their fannies off to get some regulations, if any (which there are none), on colloidals of the various kinds. THERE SHALL BE SILVER COLLOIDS IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE THERE OBVIOUSLY IS LITTLE ELSE. We no longer refer to anything as antiquated as silver colloids. We HAVE FOUND that if you stick the electrodes on the thinga-ma-jig into a pitcher of water, you instantly have positivelycharged-ion waterfree of lifeforms. So, for several days now we have used that procedure even to renewing the positively-charged ionic state of our gaiandrianas. We found it was still positively charged BY GODS OWN HANDS and the Drias ate the particulate within a couple of hours. I have swished my mouth out with that leftover silver diluted with water, of the new ionized kindto clean my teeth of course. I have also sprayed it up my nose and hung over the side of the bed to let it run up my sinuses instead of accidentally down my throat where it might enter the major part of my body. It must be a miracle: The sinuses ARE CLEAR and residual stuff is out of the lungs where a deep breath no long hurts my belly-button or knees. AIR actually reaches the bottom of lungsan entirely new sensation. Several things are happening here, friends in travel; it MUST be the positively-charged ionized MICROWATER that does it. As Cmdr. has instructed, we bring our tap water to a boil with an ELECTRIC water heaterboil it a bit WITH THAT HEATER (which only works when the electric power is on). Then we cool it and filter it. We always added a bit of colloid to enhance the POSITIVELY-CHARGED IONS, filtered it through a silver-enhanced Brita pitcher. (We started adding the silver because we couldnt find the treated filters over here in Asian land.) So now, I just pour the filtered water into a glass pitcher and immerse the little thinga-ma-jig Twoby sent. It clouds right up, so it only takes a few seconds to get that fully charged (positive ionization). We drink nothing else. We even make instant coffer or tea with it so that we dont deionize it. We happen to only have silver electrodes but knowing the FDA of the great United States of America COULD NOT BE WRONG, we surely cant be getting any silver as colloid. The fact is, nobody can find any such thing in the beverage. But wow, the skin is clearing incredibly as if we never had the Philippine air plague, or plaque (as the case may be). We keep the, especially the positive, electrodes clean and sparkling so as to prevent any salts from forming because the FDA claims it might turn us blue. After 937 gallons, neither of us are blue and after years of purple fingernails from lack of oxygen, the nails are pink and white (and yes, I do have long ones for the first time in my life that have to regularly be cut to prevent typing on two sets of keys at the same time). We have loaned some of our positively-charged, particulated water to several people who were sickand they immediately got better and claimed a miracle. We hasten to say that we accept no thing as a cure for anything. We tried to say that the water cures dehydration problems, but even stopped that to avoid any recognition of practicing

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It is interesting, as well, that President GMA has gone on public record as stating that she doesnt have any control over the central bank. She does have control of what is acceptable to the Treasurybut no control over the central bank??? This continues to identify the IMF as the bad boys of the hood. And, since they have failed to name us, it is more than obvious that that was an intentional point but an INFERRED statement. Since it has now been three full years of validating this program, it is certainly past time for hiding behind sham insinuations. WE DEMAND TO MEET THEY HIDE. AND, people, when we find that such as Gene Orejana have checked it out only to find this garbageit is going to get rough over here. It is KNOWN that Erap Estrada KNEW all about GAIA and did in fact send secret people to negotiate. He is still incarcerated but the government is terrified over his possibilities because the whole process of putting GMA into the hot seat was fraudulent. It is now said that Erap HAS A PLAN for getting the poor on their feet. Well, could it be? It is like that danged silver colloidwe only offer ionized water! And, if the laws are protective of people here with colloids on the open marketthen there are ones coming tomorrow who will get some in the making. It (that silver colloid that used to be handled by New Gaia) has been found to be phenomenal in getting Dengue, Malaria and other viral victims immediately back on their feet. Those have also had access to a bit of ionized (positively charged) Gaiandriana. The only side effect that has been established is that the disease process seems to reverse in short order with full clearance of symptoms in a couple of days. So, the assumption, FROM OTHERS WHO KEEP ASKING FOR SOME MORE, is that it seems to also keep the infections AWAY. We have one person who brings his bottle and periodically asks for some more, saying, in fact, that he and especially his little boy (who calls us Lolo and Lolagrandy and granny) have never had such flu-free times. Are WE nuts? Perhaps, but something sure seems to make an almost immediate difference in the positive direction and the only side-effect reported is a remarkable increase in feeling good. Why, I have even noticed a decided darkening of my hair. E.J. says it is the hair dye but, in the Philippines, go with the truthit has always been this colorsort of. Lady Clairol by any other name is just as colorful and sometimes even more colorful than one would wish. Never mind what the label says. If ever there was an Alice in Wonderland, I wouldnt recognize Alice, for sure, but this is surely Wonderland. This is next to, of course, the incredible United States of America and the farces of WAR, anthrax, Cipro and bin Laden. The end may be at hand, after all, as the Oil Barons clash with the Elite Banking Cartel. It always spirals down to oil pipelines, Caspian oil fields and Opium poppies. So be it. I also must tell one other thing that is so precious I cant resist. We have a little sweetheart that works for the hotel and thus is our floor person. She has become like a child of ours and calls us, in fact, Mom and Dad. She sends text

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medicine sans a license or possibility of suggesting some drug use or medicinal possibility. Nobody can find anything in finished Gaiandriana except a positive charge. How interesting, dont you think, because I stand right there and put a variety of minerals and vitamins right in that growing jug. Wow, those little crystalline forms just eat it and the FDA says WATER while the little Drias manage a DNA structure to match themselves. You can see the light streams but surely it IS A MIRACLE. ARE WE GOING TO GET THIS JOB DONE? YES. We finally caught the CENTRAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES in their games. They have actually sent to some of OUR friends and contacts something in writing which I will not give away hereBUT IT IS A DANDY. They actually lumped our paper, unnamed, in with whole groups of known con games while stating it (still unnamed) as fictitious. They actually listed con games so prevalent as to be totally entertainingsome of which were founded by the U.S. as in counterfeit currency (to catch the ransom-gainers of the CIA-Abu Sayyaf). The lawyers are meeting ASAP to nail the crooks in this high place. Do I quiver in my own boots to confront the IMF and World Bank along with THE Central Bank of Southeast Asia in Amboy land? I ask you: Does a bear poop in the woods? Well, of course a bear poops anywhere he chooses. THIS FINALLY CROSSES THE LINE AND THEY MADE THE FATAL MISTAKE OF PUTTING IT IN A FORM OF WRITING DIRECTLY TO A JOINT VENTURE PARTNERAND ATTACHED A COPY OF A GAIA LETTER FOR REFERENCE TO THE PARTY INVOLVED. The person cried foul and wanted a response from us. GOOD SHOW! That bunch at the Central Bank call even their own documents fake, and the verbal response to even Mayors and politically important people is that GAIA is simply one of those things not recognized. Carefully worded always while indicating that there will be no allowed use. The governor, however, made another blunder, as he told Erick San Juan personally that if we produced the gold, he would use the documents to cover it which would protect the accounting as to integrity AND protect the commodity holderthrough at least one other registered third party. He has since denied that but we have Erick. We told Erick that it had been denied by the governor, supposedly himself, but Erick insisted it was the governor and directly to him. I DONT BELIEVE ANYBODY PERIOD! It will, however, cause (we hope) a confrontation where a lot of things can be covered, (or uncovered) including working out the $400/oz gold program which ultimately requires the banks [or National Treasury] services.

messages just to wish us well and has held my head on a couple of very sick occasions when I thought death might be far better than whatever I had (but which responded immediately on both occasions to a whopping intake of that old silver-ionized, positivecharged water). Well, anyway, Ludi has watched the sparrow population on the balcony grow from two to about 350 (third and fourth generations now). So, she brought me a birthday gift: A white porcelain angel with gold tipped wings, with two little birds and a dish of birdfeed in her lap. She is so beautifulboth Ludi and Ludi Angel. Ludi has a three-year-old child that she is raising alone but lives with ten other people in a small place that doesnt even use electricity (because they cant afford it) and I just melted, for this Angel would have been at least two days wages. Ludis little girl said it was too booteefull and wanted to have it. People, we (you and we) are truly touched by angels and may they all forgive us our impatience that we might do this job right. I am also caused to think on this a bit while realizing that many depend on US to do our job so that they can do theirs and it is a bit like not minding to carry someone because he aint heavy, hes my brother. THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU REALIZE HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE WAITING TO GET THIS DONE, FOR THEY KNOW IT IS THEIR LAST AND ONLY CHANCE. A LOAD? YES, BUT IT SURELY IS NOT A BURDEN. THE PLEADING COMES TO GOD THAT WE NOT OVERLOOK ANYTHING WHILE HE CAUSES US TO WALK EVERY INCH OF THE JOURNEY ON OUR OWN POWERBUT CARRYING US MOST OF THE WAY. It is going to get so much worse for these Filipinos (also called Pilipinos as in pill or pillow) as thousands of overseas workers are coming home, not even from evacuation needs but simply that the world economy is so bad that countries like Malaysia, as the example of the moment, will be sending home over 30,000 workers immediately, as are ALL of the neighboring countries. There are no jobs here, no funds to feed anyone and graft and corruption continues to lock out all of any good worksand drugs are THE only thriving business. It has become such that the businessmen now with failing businesses are making up the slack in full-blown drug trade. The enablers, of course, are the very police and politicians who cover for themfor a price, of course. It is THE economy base. And, never mind money laundering through the banksthere is a fully recognized secondary underground network central bank system here. How do I dare write about this? It is the daily news. Wait long enough and these people tell on themselves. Remember, the Central Bank Governor is THE one who said that over 96% of the Philippine GOLD RESERVES had been sent OUT OF THE COUNTRY, MOSTLY TO London, for exchange credits, etc. GONE WITH THE WIND ON AIRPLANE WINGS AND SHIPS OF STATE (U.S. and British mostly). The other big dealings are with ARMS and WEAPONS and junk hardware as in castoffs but at great trade value.

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were being even better run from INSIDE the prison on the cell-phone networks. And yes, I am serious. E.J. has been working all morning calibrating and testing all the pots and bottles of everything on deck. Thank you, Two-by, because we now have some good scientific readings which do a better job, actually, than a spectrophotometer for charge presence and what kind of cellular ionization. We just need to quantify, standardize and qualify the apparatus for ionizing and positively charging fluids. Any concentrated liquid can be easily adapted, suitable for inedible plants and algae inhibition in decorative fountains. We can guarantee that it will, if used according to directions, not harm any pet which might drink accidentally from the fountain in the decorative classification. We recommend NOTHING and if anything is cured, it is absolutely 100% accidental. We can suggest, however, that applied to cotton plants the numbers of viruses in the cotton ball will be zilch but we dont think it would damage the boll weevil too much. Now, one other application which might slip by unnoticed, except for the greater scientific minds, is that to use the proper calibration equipment you have to have alcohol to clean the something (the mind is the first to go). If you have no alcohol, you can use undiluted vodka. So, take your readings first, then just drink the vodka and call it square regardless of glass shape. But, be sure you calibrate the instruments in at least two ounces of alcohol per testing and then, well, who the heck cares what the testors readright? RIGHT! Just now E.J. reached over and as he was putting the testor electrodes into one of the master solutions the BIG phone-ringer rang. He and I both about passed out from sheer surprise in thinking we had reached the warning bell on the device. Oh gosh, if we live to be 104 (next year) it wont be much more interesting than now. May the angels not stumble over our bent bodies. Please let this find youeach one and allin both good health of body and mind (we know the soul is fine). Love and our very best, The E-Es P.S.: Ok, so I lied about closing. I went forth and picked up the paper and here it is as a perfect wrap. And that, without even going into the news or columns for the day. This sums up things pretty much for me as we even think about air travel to anywhere. We have now been exposed to this rare International Airport and ridden on smoking planes (their engines, not cigarettes, whiskey or wild, wild women). There have been dozens of run-off-the-runways by cargo planes here as to be part of the regular news, complaints constantly about the bumpy ride AFTER you land, etc., as to make todays lead Editorial entertaining, if you can stand the humor regarding home away from where you used to have home. [QUOTING The Philippine STAR, Tuesday, October 30, 2001, Lead Editorial (with picture that tells more than 10,000 words but no way to share it). The cartoon depicts an airliner making a u-turn away from the airport as it approaches the warzone terminal, tower and runways:] IN A RUT AT THE NAIA

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There are now almost daily bombings in public places, especially in the major centers in Mindanao. People dont have to wait to die of starvation or diseasewait a day and get shot and/or die of lead poisoning or dynamite bombs with nails enclosed. There IS one thing these people know and laugh about and that is that after watching the demolition of the World Trade Center towers they laugh at the U.S. claiming it was a collapse from airplanes. But we get our flags and wave them frantically about, try to kill our brothers in some dastardly way to gain something for ourselves, and shout patriotism. Well, there is a stench of rotten fish in Denmark as the saying goes. I think it may well be mixed with the stink of oil and opium. And what will we do about it? Well, just like me: DEMAND MORE SECURITY and that means a LOT LESS FREEDOM. However, I dont want the plane Im on, after all, ramming the Transamerica Tower in passing through San Francisco on the way home or, for that matter, hitting the Los Angeles Transamerica building where E.J. worked for near a quarter of a century. That is, of course, if there are any planes left flying. We have noted that the named criminals in the Philippines do not concern over such trivial pursuits nearly all of them have now flown TO THE U.S. for their protection. Well, that is silly because the safest place for a criminal is right in the Philippines while in the judicial harangue. The more amusing point of the day is a suggestion that Mr. Arroyo move out of the house and sever social relationships with Ms. President Arroyo until her office term is over. That, it appears, is the only way they can keep him from sneaking in his opinion onto her duties. Well, good idea, guess you can kick out Laura in the U.S. and wouldnt that have been a good one on dear Hillary? This is, of course, based on the assumption that the one in power wouldnt get in trouble on his/her own. By the way, it is now known that the Rich pardon was all about and over BIG BUSINESS in very shady dealings of arms and drug routings. Bill did his best right up to the end and now continues on his own account. But, the Bushes like WARS to accomplish their endsso be it. A truly bigger fuss here right now is being made over the cable-TV mess because Star Cable pulled the channels which would carry Michael Jordans comeback games and the World Series that has nothing to do with the world except for the world gambling that is. DRAT! We have yet to even know who might be in the seriesconfound that Star network. They still, not to concern, manage to keep a few Sex in the City episodes running enough to capture the girl on the farm and raise the number of rape cases in the nation. In addition, there are almost no intact families although divorce is not legal in the Philippines. Moreover, AIDS is reaching incredible levels of concernnot to mention the population growth right off the charts. Rape runs right, barely, in front of kidnap for ransom (usually ending in murder). There are nearly 2,000 convicted persons on death row. The law really has cut in on the lucrative practices of those within the prisons. They finally had to restrict cell phones because the drug trades

The only good thing about the latest incident at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport was that it was detected before an accident could happen. Late in the afternoon of Oct. 23 NAIA personnel checking the runaway (runway) for an asphalt overlay set to start next month spotted a depression three inches deep and 33 feet wide near the center of Runway 06-24. Smoothing the runway pavement took several hours. During that time incoming international flights of six airlines had to be diverted to Clark Air Field in Angeles City, Pampanga. [D: Surprised there was room at Clark with all the U.S. forces back in town.] Outbound flights of nine carriers including Philippine Airlines were also delayed. Airport officials said the runway depression was caused by regular wear and tear. Amid terrorist threats, tighter security at airports and mass layoffs of airline employees, air transportation has been chaotic in many parts of the globe. The uneven runway paving at the NAIA, however, had nothing to do with terrorist threats. The countrys premier airport has become too small for a major hub and has long needed a major facelift. The luggage carousels are inadequate and heavy rains can flood the runway. During the rainy season blackouts hit the airport, disrupting flights. A few months ago in Europe a Concord jet exploded as it took off, killing all on board. Reports said the plane had hit a metal object as it taxied down the runway in preparation for takeoff. A well-maintained runway is crucial for safety in air transportation. And an airport that runs efficiently is crucial if the nation wants to lure more travelers amid a worldwide economic slump and terrorist threats. Compared with airports in several neighboring countries, the NAIA is near the bottom of the heap. The diversion or delay of all those international flights because of a big rut on the runway certainly did not add to Manilas appeal as a travelers destination. Even if the government is exceeding deficit targets, it should seriously consider a major investment, under a long-term program, to upgrade the nations air transportation facilities. [END OF QUOTING] Well, to appreciate the airport, you should see the roads, if of course, you can find them neath the garbage. Response of the government? NO FUNDS! Golleee, Long live GAIA! Then finally: Berends sent greetings on the Big Bday. One message said, and I paraphrase just a tad to get the guilty: Randy had tried to solve our problem of moneybut Janis pulled him out of the fountain before he could get very much of the money. Are we, I need to be reminded, looking for a pot of gold or a gold pot? It gets confusing after all the probe-cleaning for particulate counting. What we really find is that we SHOULD NOT BE DRINKING THE WATER HERE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCESWITH OR WITHOUT SILVER ELECTRODES. AGAIN NOW: LONG LIVE GAIAif we ever get it out of delivery.EE

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NOVEMBER 7, 2001

Know That Evil Is Real And Satan Beats The Drum

(PART 9) SATANS DRUMMERS THE SECRET BEAT OF EVIL SATAN IS ALIVE AND WELL BY SANANDA dharma PHOENIX JOURNAL #9 (1989) CHAPTER 17 REC. #1 HATONN FRI., NOV. 10, 1989 7:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 086 Hatonn is present with greetings in the Light of the Radiant One. Let there ever be peace between us, for we have much to do and learn one from the other. I petition you to watch very closely the events as they unwind in Berlin, please. Do not misinterpret that which is happening. The communists are not being such nice brothers and parentsthey are in economic disaster. From your contributions to stabilize these foundering countries coming into self-government and freedom of movement, you will be further distressed as a nation who, too, is in economic devastation without additional load. IT IS PLANNED TO THE LAST DETAIL AND YOU ARE BLUNDERING RIGHT INTO THE TRAP. YOU DO NOT WITNESS YOUR PRESIDENT IN GRAND SPECTACLE OF EXCITED MERRIMENT OVER A WALL WHICH HAS COME DOWN. YOU ARE GOING TO NOW WATCH YOUR PRESIDENT BECOME A MOST CALCULATING AND EFFICIENT WORKER. YOU MUST HAVE ATTENTION DRAWN FROM THE FAILURES OF YOUR DRUG WAR, WAR ON CRIME AND CENTRAL AMERICAS PLIGHT. WATCH MOST CAREFULLY FOR THAT WHICH IS HIDDEN IN THE UPCOMING MEETING WITH SHAMIR OF ISRAEL MOST CAREFULLY INDEED. Yes, Dharma, the Anti-Christ leader is soon to make a movehe is presently in your state of Egypt; he is quite unknown but being tutored most diligently for his task ahead. He is not of Egypt. Watch most closely that place I have spoken of so many times before, Syria. Of course, I shall not tell you whoyou ones dont seem to ever understand the danger in up-front information. Keep your eyes open and minds alert and you will find your own answers popping forth. You ones are simply curious and want inside information for salving that curiosity. You continually forget this computer is hooked directly to CIA surveillance systems and this house is electronically bugged. Do not ask me questions which I must refuse to answerand please do not push me for answers and discussions if I have declined to respond. I do not mind that you ask, just please understand if I must refuse to respond. I must caution you regarding your cattle-mutilation thrillers and your abductions, etc. Your government does not hesitate a minute to destroy and murder. Yes, there have been animals taken by our brothers in this mission. But they are taken and placed in various locations for stocking purposes of mother ships and other placements for you ones at massive relocation time. Yes, we have inspected many of your cattle and sheep because your government has introduced cattle bovine leukemia viruses and sheep visna viruses into your sheep herds. These are the causative mutant factors which when combined with your vaccines such as smallpox, measles, etc., produce the AIDS virus in human culture. No, we do not mutilate, drain blood nor utilize ritualistic parts of carcasses. Most of the mutilations are not done by your Satanic brothers, either, except that many are utilized in that manner but mostly in your neighborhood locations. The major findings of stock mutilations are perpetrated by your government in a most intentional manner. Most are staged in locations where they are sure to be found and made public. Further, many incidents from your mid-to-late 60s and 70s were in areas where dual discounting could be effective. One prime location is in the mountains of Utah and Colorado where known UFO bases are in place. Further, around your city of Salt Lake, a major effort was, and is, thrust forth to discredit the Mormon Church. I make no comment, mind you, on the Church of Latter Day SaintsI simply tell you there is an all-out thrust to pull the church down. How many of you are aware that Morman means devil or top head demon in many places of your world? In Japan, for instance, the Morman church must use another label and avoid the term Morman, for that is exactly what it meansSatan. It requires most primitive equipment to go and find a rather isolated place and butcher a few cows. You further have all manner of pumps for extracting blood (you have had that availability for years and years in your mortuaries). Further, it is most simple to tranquilize an animal, take it aboard an aircraft and replace it with no disturbance whatsoever to the flora. It is equally as easy to plant UFO landing patterns on the ground itself. Moreso, it is quite easy to have hovercraft which are literal flying saucers (you have them, dear ones) and have sightings and proof of alien presence. It is well planned and most effectivemost effective indeed. Yes, a great deal of the information came to your military from aliens; but most of your happenings are the actions of your own Earth humans. In areas where these happenings are prevalent, we patrol most openly. Australia is a prime location. Further, we utilize the ley lines. We also must monitor your tectonic plate movements and your Earth upheavalsAustralia is a hotbed of activity. Further, your U.S. government has a major underground installation in Australia with most secret and clandestine activities taking place. WE DO NOT PLAY STUPID GAMESWE HAVE NO NEED OF SUCH. There is another thing you must remember from our past lessons; we, too, have the use of androids who are most delicate and most sophisticated. There are many reports which claim apprehension in abductions which result in the introduction of location or beings of higher form and larger stature. In a deliberate attempt to damage none of our own, you are cared for most carefully and graciously. We do not harm and we do not mutilate if you find a mutilated or burned body laying about it is not your Lighted Brotherhood of space. WE HAVE NO SUCH PRIMITIVE NEED AND OUR ENTIRE THRUST IS TO KEEP YOU CALM AND IN EAGERNESS FOR OUR PHYSICAL ARRIVALNOT PANIC AND BREED FEAR OF OUR PRESENCE.

Yes, you have all shapes and forms of aliens who are suited to various life conditions. Further, there are species who will take your planet after your species can no longer physically survive. There are ones who have comeat your governments requestto help you in a growing atmosphere of carbon dioxide, and you captured them, made hostile public statements about them and incinerated them. You are overfilled with evil energies, for you are the dwelling place of the cast-out energies. Let us speak for a moment of one such as a Charles Manson who is a completely absorbed satanic energy. What happens if you give him a death sentence and do in fact kill him? Oh, what a mistake you perpetratehis energy cycles back immediately and you birth a Ramirez or a Hitler oror! These energies can always find reentry instantly, for they have breeders upon your place which have bodies in preparation at all times and of all ages. Bad backgrounds? Of course, for preparations are most carefully made far in advance. Tis nothing but the blink of an eye in higher dimensions but tis a necessity of growing time on your dense placement. Just as you ones all have needed to be birthed, grown, learned and arrived at todayso needs the dark energies. The dark energies do have it easier than do we of the Lighted God source. THEY CAN AND DO HAVE THE ABILITY AND PERMISSION TO COMPLETELY OVERTAKE AND UTILIZE A BODYESPECIALLY A PHYSICAL BEING IN COMPROMISE BY ANY ABUSIVE ALTERING SUBSTANCE. The game is usually pretty fair in the beginning, for you are of soul God creation in purity and goodness. Then the impact of experiences hit you and your experience can go any way it chooses. There are, what I think you might callbad seeds, which is a truly foolish identification but will suffice here, whereby an energy is recycled into an infant. It will always come from the lower levels of experience whereby the forming infantat your dimension is attacked and the higher energy first claiming the physical body in formation is removed for some reason. Many babes who would be stillborn are taken by these energies. Many babes who are malformed physically and would not ordinarily be birthed in living manner are accepted as vehicles for particular energies needing particular growth experiencefrom the higher levels. Most malformed persons are grossly good and pure of intentchildlike. Most handicapped persons who overcome the handicap at great odds, are wondrously good and God-like. Evil attacks the beauteous and perfect shells if they can at all arrange it, for those ones pull the most followers either to the physical being or to the projections of thought and intent from the evil mind. You see, anyone can be made to believe anything if the circumstance is proper. Let me example here a moment. Say Billy Meier is most crediblefor a while. Then the intent becomes aimed at the discrediting of this contact. Someone will ask to assist him to mock-up a flight craft and/or any number of other thingsthen wham, instant discreditallow the model to be found in his barn make a public statement that Asket looks exactly like the local model in Munich and there you have it. Let us look closer to homeright in this dwelling. The house is filled with books on UFOs because Colonel Stevens daughter sent all the books Wendelle has written and others provide an endless supply of information pertinent to the facts under discussion. I do not wish to injure any feelings but practically none of the UFO books have even been opened and NEVER before the writings at this computer. WE do give her as much good confirmation as soon as possible from some public resource to allow comfort in security. Please continue to share all you acquire with these ones, for she is guided to those which are correct and given information regarding those that are incorrect. For instance, there are exchange training programs with higher cosmic locations set up in various places of your

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Mr. Nostradamus is writing just as rapidly as are we. Mr. Tesla, Mr. Russellwondrous and powerful beings who have literally walked your path are available to give unto you information in proper sequence. When I say proper sequence, that is exactly that which I mean. Nothing will be given before its time for protection and securitysome things will simply not be allowed to come forth through greedy, evil or self-centered persons. For instance, the total cure of AIDS is being stalled out by no more than a handful of persons who literally have the information at their fingertips but are awaiting the windfall of money involved. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN IN THAT MANNER! IT SIMPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO COME FORTH IN THAT METHOD. FURTHER, ONES SHALL RETURN TO THE TEACHINGS OF GOD AND CREATION IF THEY WISH TO FLOURISHTIS SIMPLY THE WAY IT IS. THE RULES ARE QUITE REMARKABLY REASONABLE, SUCCINCT AND QUITE WITHIN LOGIC AND REASON. THERE IS A THING CALLED EMOTIONAL FEELING AND PHYSICAL BEHAVIORYOU AS A SPECIES HAVE CONFUSED THE TWO. SO BE IT. May I please be excused from this task, Dharma, for I am heavily occupied this morning. I realize that I have so much more on this subject of craft in your attention and ones who have interacted with brethren of the higher realms, etc.but ones must accept that I speak truth and the fantasies must taper off and the truth filter within. Further, I nor you, have the time to spend longer on the subject until after we finish the information regarding evil. This should only require a few more days and we can move on to other subject material. To speak of the evil energies does in actuality summon them, and we must put these portions behind us, for the impact is too great on you ones within this space. I request that you take a great deal of time in rest today, for you cannot depend of gaining rest until after our baby is birthed. You will be given that which you need. In love and respect I take my leave; please find interim comfort in this which I have shared and be patient for a bit longer and we shall fully cover these subject matters. I salute you for both your patience and service. SALU, SALU, SALU; circuits clear, please HATONN TO STAND-BY CHAPTER 18 REC. #1 SANANDA SUN., NOV. 12, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 088 Sananda present to resume work on this Journal. I would suggest that you determine if there are portions of the past three days of Commander Hatonns responses to G.G.s questions to be inserted. It is often good for ones receiving these Journals to understand that we are as close as your telephonewith an unlisted number of course. Just dial GOD, the operator knows our extension numbers! We will do as much work as possible this day, for you will have a babe to cuddle most soon now but we do have to arrange for stars by night and clouds by day, etc., so you have a few hours in which we might put this Journal to rest. If so, we can allow you to simply stay in your mobile covered wagon in the town so that you can catch up a bit on your rest as well as birth the babe. I would most like this Journal to be out to the public by the Christmas holidays if at all possibleadvertisement could go with the shipment of the prior books as distributed but this year a heavy thrust is intended by the Satanic troops at holiday time. That might well be mentioned in the notification of availability. It is not mine birthday, nor Jesus birthday (which was in August8th I believe you count, the symbol of infinityI have a most thoughtful father, by the old calendars it was also 8 B.C.) but it is the accepted time of celebration and there is a demonstration planned this season in the underground. All ones must tend of the little

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continents. In Africa, there is a most acceptable, to your human citizens, installation and experience program in operation with Koldasians. These ones play no major role in transitionthey come for the experience and observation of a species in great trouble. Pleiades has several major installations (bases, if you will) around the areas of the Andes, Belize and other places which must remain unnamed. It is no secret that there are major installations within areas of the Tetons, Mt. Shasta (although that one has been almost cleared for volcanic reasons), the Uintas, etc. These are centers where cosmic councils and command officers can hold council gatherings. There are ones in the high Tibetan mountains and thus and so. This is not the forum for production of this informationand I only present it for your interest. Each nation upon your orb is of different purpose of belief and intent. You cannot deal with all those ones from, let us say, India. Why would you even bother to do so except of curiosityyou are located in the United States of America for a most specific reason and your teaching will be different from that of India. It is much as with physical business, if you tend your own instead of that which is none of your business, you will flourish; if you effort at tending all, you will fail at all. At any rate, back to discrediting. Anyone could walk into this dwelling and simply announce Dharma is nuts, subversive or any number of thingslately a satanic worshiper because of the literature about the dwelling. When discrediting is set aboutall is utilized to pull credibility from the source. This is the major reason that so many of these Journals have been produced in such a remarkably limited span of time; she would not have been able to read, retain, format nor produce this quantity of valid, provable material in the human physical form. She is the mother of nine, grandmother to eight with a most special one whom she must walk through the birthing process alongside. The way is completely burdened with legal hearings, title fights over the dwelling, no incomeall things which destroy the human psyche; all heaped on at once. Ah yes, the testing has been cruel and relentless. It has required days without sleep and writing at all hours of your time spans. We had weeks of writing at 2:30 to 4:00 a.m. until dawn. She will tell you she does not understand why or how it is done; she has been targeted and literally killed three times within the past year and a half and she sees it not. It was necessary, for truth must come forth and it may not come haphazardly. She has been deserted and attacked by ones whom she trusted and revered beyond all others, she has lost her root physical familyand yet she knows not why she is driven to continue. (I write this here for she and Oberli [E.J.] to see as well as others, for they do not understand what has happened here.) Look within, you who receive of this information, for you will be touched in a most personal mannerit comes forth as a calling tool. The publisher is compelled to get this into print, just as is the printer of these Journals and they cannot tell you why. The testing is horrendous as the emotional energies are in conflict. Recognize it and you will more quickly come to balance with what overflows within as you receive of these documents. The intent goes so much farther beyond monetary gain that these ones would spit upon mention of it. Ones who are close have had to wait and wait and wait in patience (or simply went away) for directions and individual purposes while we trained and made ready the foundation. If this information lights up your imagination and stirs your desire to actionso be it; allow it to flower, for you are hearing the callthe knock. THERE IS HOPE FOR THIS BELOVED LAND AND CIVILIZATION IF ONES BUT HEED THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR THAT WE MIGHT WORK TOGETHER. YOU MUST, HOWEVER, COME INTO TRUTH INSTEAD OF THE LIES THAT YOU HAVE FED UPON FOR EONS OF TIME. Beloved ones of past experience are at your call now.

children most closelynever leave them alone for a moment and check your tenders most well if you leave them for holiday events. I cannot stress this need enough! If there are events, take them with you if possible, or do not attend! Let us now move on with this distasteful Journal. * * * I left you at last portion with a discussion of one, Sean Sellars. I shall leave him now but shall return to him, for you must know the workings within his mind at the time of his terrible crimes. He has turned unto me and I would petition that he be left in the state of aliveness, for he can do much good from his place of incarceration. But he must reap his just rewards and be an example to other children who are tempted into the evil path. KING DIAMOND Most of you reading this document will not even know who this is. He is one of your up-front, heavymetal stars. I believe his name is David. By his own words, I am a practicing Satanist, but we never try to preach that religion to anybody Satan has nothing to do with concerts. So be it! At the concerts by this creature the children are frantically maddened by symbols, lights and mind-blasting noise. The song lyrics are literally laced with references to death, coffins, graves, evil, rape, murder, suicide, etc. The results are prevalent all over your planet and in the U.S. from coast to coast. In your country satanic activity is increasing dramatically. In Maine, a dozen of your orthodox churches were completely defaced with satanic symbols and threats. In California, New Jersey, Alabama and elsewhere police have found inverted crosses, pentagrams, mutilated animals and all sorts of satanic paraphernalia. TEENAGE KILLERS The most pathetic, though not necessarily the most horrendous, are those crimes urged on by so-called adult practicing Satanists and music-crazed-minded children. In Douglas County, Georgia, the judge sentenced l7-year-old Milissa Ernest to life in prison with these words, Im sorry for you, young lady, and I sentence you to a life in prison. And Im sorry for youI can only wish you good luck. Seventeen-year-old Melissa Ernest and two other teenage members of her coven admitted drinking her 15-yearold victims blood, then dancing around her still-warm body. From a small town in Maine: Yesterdays conviction of Scott Waterhouse for the murder of 12year-old Gizelle Cody may finally bring to an end talk of a satanic cult in the town. Long Island, New York: Police arrest 17-year-old Rick Casso for the ritual murder of 15-year-old Gary Lauer. Casso gouged out his victims eyes. It is most horrifying to realize the level of violence involved in these crimes and the total lack of remorse at any level when first confronted. The violence in Satans name is appalling and savage, brutal enough to sicken even the most hardened of police investigatorsunless they, too, are practicing Satanists. Consider the next instance: In New Jersey, officer Paul Hart saw the unthinkable a boy just turned 14 years of age, Tommy Sullivan, murdered and mutilated his own mother. Tommy had written a contract with the devil before he butchered his mother with his Boy Scout knife. The murder took place in the basement of the Sullivan family home. Tommy died as brutally as his mother, through wounds self-inflicted first to his arms and wrists. Following that, he literally slit his own throat from ear to ear with the same three-and-a-half-inch knifefrom the windpipe, all the way back to the spinal columnto the point of almost taking his head off. A couple of years ago another youngster, in Missouri, and three of his friends who had been dabbling in Satanism

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when my husband and I were through eating and had left the kitchen, then Pete would come in and eat. Then he would go back to his room. He really avoided us. There stopped being any family life and his friends didnt come around the house any more. I love him so much. I think I love him now more than ever before but I am angry with him because he knew right from wrong. I asked Pete one daylong after the trial, because I just couldnt talk about it for a long time, How could you kill a friend? And he told me that he had no regard for his own life, therefore he had no regard for Stevens life and Steven was involved with this, also. He knew Steven had no regard for life, even his own life, so it seemed it didnt make any difference to anyone at the time. Yes, I still love him and I always will be here for him and I have to accept that this is his life, this is just the way it is and I have no choice! I should have paid attention because I saw the record covers and I saw satanic symbols on this book work and I even spoke to him about it. He said it didnt mean anything and I wouldnt have even known what to look for anyway. I assumed all that was a passing phaseI assumed wrong. Please, you other parents, dont ignore it. It doesnt pass, it is something I will never get overnever. And again, Pete: The music was like when we killed animals, it was like it just went around and around in your brain. I can see the thoughts just like they are real. Yes, it just went completely through your mind. I can see the hurting someone you know, torturing people and just all saying Hail Satan and whipping of tied-up ones around you. After you listen to this hours and hours a day every day, for years or even months, it can get to you. Steve got chosen as the victim just because he was a human and was therejust because we could deceive him easy. When he was hit the first time I looked down and it just kind of sounded like pop and I knew what it was so I looked up and Steves eyes were real big, you know, and he just said, you know, Why me? He just looked like he was really sad and someone said, Because its fun, Steve, and were all just like vultures, you know. We just went crazy. I dont know how many times we hit hima lot. I look at my hands and I think these cant be the same hands that killed him and I mean, I know that they are, but it doesnt seem like it, you know. I would never want to kill anybody ever again. Right after we did what we did I just well, I felt real empty inside. I felt I could never love again, you know, like a zombie. The devil really double-crossed me; he just leads you on to destruction and here I am in jail without even parole.

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and listening to a minimum of five hours a day of heavymetal, acid-rock, carried baseball bats, a cat and a length of rope to an isolated spot near their home town. By the time the night was over, the cat had been mutilated and one of the boys beaten to death by the other three, then dumped in a well. I shall only speak of one of the boys, for he has come forward and is most willing to speak publiclyalong with his mother whom I give great honor for sharing. This beautiful-in-appearance young man, Pete Roland, is in prison in Fulton, Missouri, sentenced to life without parole. His two friends are also sentenced to life. For the record you will find their labels to be Jim Hardy and Bud Clemmons. Pete Roland said he and his friends started out by listening to the heavy music, and using drugs, and then killing animalsthis by his own words. In the frenzy of the fatal night, the bloody ritual ended with Pete and his friends striking 19-year-old Steven Newberry, some seventy blows with the bats. After the first blow Steven asked, Why me? and one of the boys responded, Because its fun! Pete cant remember how many times he personally struck Stevenjust a lot. This is one of the most beautiful young men you will ever encounterperfection in physical appearance, handsome, well spoken and now one of mine own. Now, important that you hold the following close to your hearts, for this is truly the way the evil leader works! When asked about his feelings regarding Satan the young man replied, He lied. He promised us power and control and now we have nothinghe lied and doublecrossed us, he just leaves you empty and destroyed after it was over (the killing), I was just empty. I dont know how I feltI guess I really didnt feel anything. And he goes on, I didnt think right or wrong because it just didnt mean anything. I just had no appreciation for good or bad, but just from what I was intoI just needed to do badit was like, in my head to do it. There is really no way to explain it. I really never felt good about myself, I had really low self-esteem and the things that Id seen in the SatanismI thought Id get power and popularity and I felt like I had a place of belonging in my and it did make me feel like I belonged When questioned about whether or not the killing made a difference, he replied, It didnt really make a difference to me because I considered thoughts of suicide myself and I felt like he was me in a way because he had the same beliefs as me and he was kind of like me. If I didnt care about myself, then I really wouldnt care about someone like me. The guy who got me started into this was really popular, he was the president of my senior class. I got curious, and just like I said over and over again power. I just felt a sense of machoism or somethingmade me feel big like a king in a sense of how he feels over all his servants. But then, I dont feel really too good now, as far as all thats happened. But in a way I feel better because Im away from that stuff and I know that people do love me in a real way and I am a Christian now I guess Ill have a long time to think about it. WHAT OF THE PARENTS? And what of the grieving parent? Who eases the pain of the grieving, guilt-ridden parent? May we please look at a picture of what happens: Petes mother, Penny Baert, There were some things that I saw that I should have paid attention to. I saw the album covers and they are hideous. I just assumed that if they sell them, its got to be OK. I assumed it was a passing phaseI had my things at that age. I assumed that he had hisI assumed wrong. Well, I think what I mostly noticed was that Pete began to avoid us as a family. He didnt want to be around us. I remember mostly when I would come home and fix dinner, he would come home, go to his room, and

once youre hooked inside. Ones trying to get out sometimes call me or their parents calland, well, one in Texas called about her daughter but said she didnt want her daughter out just to become a Jesus freak or anything like that. Well, I just couldnt help her because there isnt any other way outyou have to turn to a Christ of some kind because that is all that can get you out. And the destruction just goes right through families, for instance that Texas girl destroyed three other lives because she went to live with her Aunt and Uncleand the mother ended up insane in an institution. I sure do believe in the devil but I dont worship the devil any more. I am a ChristianI stand up boldly and proudly and say I am a believer in the Christ way. There is just no other way out of Satanism except through the Christ path because Satanists curse everything that is Christian in truth. The big problem about this whole issue is that the lies from the orthodox Christian churches causes the kids to be turned off. They go to church and preach one thing and then go right back to doing all the stuff they just denounced. Its really hard, man, really hard to understand. The problem is that the crimes are so heinous that people dont want to believe that any adult would do these things to a child and I dont know specifically about the Church of Satan and Mr. LaVey or The Temple of Set and Mr. Aquino, but these awful things and sacrifices really do take place. I went out and killed that clerk just because I had broken all the laws but the one of murderI just chose the first one that was handy, really. The night I killed my parents, I did my thing with the rituals and boy, I really got worked up over them butting into my business and I listened to the music and got really worked up I just decided to do it. I didnt remember for a long time about itthe killing, I mean. And now I have nightmares every night and I nearly go out of mind in remembering. I see myself standing there by their bed and blood is pouring out of my mothers face and spurting all down the wall and puddles on the bedand Im laughingIm hysterical and laughing and laughing and laughing. I dont know about dying here. I guess whatever they decide is what will happen. But I think you should look at what I was before I got hooked and what I am doing nowthe good that I am doing nowbecause I can reach a lot of people with my own storywell, I could just do a lot of good. So be it, so be it. Pray for your children and open your eyesfor some it might not be too late. Selah. Let us close this portion and have a rest break, Dharma. SEAN SELLARS I choose random geographic locations in these inputs, for And now let us go back briefly to Sean Sellars, you must come to know that it is everywhereeverywhere! I move to stand-by.I AM SANANDA condemned to die by lethal injection because of the murder of his mother, his step-father and a CHAPTER 19 convenience store clerk. Let us hear what this youngster says after hearing denials that Satanism or REC. #2 SANANDA music has anything to do with brutal activities. Oh, Ive heard all that before. The Satanists say SUN., NOV. 12, 1989 10:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 088 that it is not the teaching that is wrong, that it is the person that is wrong but, I cant use Satanism as a cover Sananda present to continue. Let us consider what for my own violence because it all boils down to being ones own responsibility as to what you do. But they is, most unfortunately, a rather typical case of tell lieslies all the time. You see, Satanists believe entrapment into Satanic underground activities without good is evil and evil is good and of course that is the the willingness of the participant. More than you can basis of the whole satanic thing. They, the Satanists, imagine, children are abused from birth and sold into the pornographic activities which are pre-association with believe evil is goodand that is what I believed. They will claim the satanic bible is not taken literally Satanism or are actually an offspring directly from Satanism. Here is where you have the involvement of your childbut we all take it literally. Millions of people are taking it literally all around the world. The facts are that teenagers care centers for theretake a deep breathis a worldwide are drawn into the cults and a lot are being used for the cult computer network where international arrangements can be sacrifices and theres been so much denial, but it is true. made for the services of children. Either sex can be rented, What is worse is that there is so much pain and gore and or both, any age of preference and, for a few cents more, blood and stuff but really, no one shows you how to get out death of the child while engaged in activities are willingly

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before. Boiling water from a douche syringe into the rectum was a most befitting reward given by her mother. She was finally so terrified that even at school she dared not communicate and became all but a total recluse and yet no one helped. She was then sold into the practice of going with men to places where she had to do their callingfrom relationships with dogs to all manner of debasing things with both men, women and other children. All these things were done while being photographed. All these things she wanted to believe her mother could not knowuntil she found magazines under her mothers bed which featured her on the front covers in oral relationship with men. She finally ran away, but with no one to go to and no-where to go, she was forced to go to the police department of a nearby town where she convinced the officers that she dared not go home. She was then turned over to the custody of her father who had separated from her mother some few years prior. Things were fairly good for her for a year or so and she began college. Then, her mother located her and it became obvious the father had been privy to the activities all along. Men again began to pick her up, now at her fathers house, and take her various places to be photographed. She had become zombie-like in appearance but the afront went on and on. She was decorated with makeup and the scenes worsened. She then was made a part of a group which belonged to a creature she referred to as Victor. He offered services to all types of porno movies, child pornography and catered to the expensive, select city politicians, police department officers and notable towns men. Every deviant manner of sexual perversion was utilized and handsomely paid forbut the child received nothing. She finally ended up becoming Victors favorite slave and the situation finally became an even worse nightmare. Victor was often completely bored with his perversion or witnessing perversion and hit upon Satanism. The only thing Lauren had to hold to as her truth was her belief that somehow Jesus would finally rescue her. To participate in such horrendous anti-Jesus activities was beyond her acceptance. This infuriated Victor and there followed a hell in the years ahead. He forced her to participate and finally to the most heinous act of allthe sacrificing of a baby by her own hand. I will let her tell you about it and let us see if you have the stomach left to continue. The night came when Victor said he was giving me to Satan. He pulled me up to the altar, and two coven members lifted me onto the slab of stone. My clothes were removed and I was positioned and held down so that my private parts were on top of the circle with the upside down star. I screamed and begged the men to let me go. But the more I screamed, the more excited they seemed. Louder. Louder. Satan is pleased, they chanted. Then the abuse began. One after another, members of the coven brutally abused me sexually on the altar. After each one was through, he drank from the bowl of urine and blood mixed with wine and announced, Satan is pleased. With each vulgar act, my will to resist lessened. I felt myself weakening physically, as though I would pass out. As each man climbed on me, I felt truly as if Satan himself, were assaulting. Finally, after the last man had taken his turn, the high priest picked up the bowl, took a drink from it, then flung the remainder of it over my body. With that he threw his head back and laughingly mocked, Satan has had you! The entire coven picked up the chant. Satan has had you. Satan has had you. Satan has had you. My spirit was crushed, I was too weak to even move, too bruised and ashamed to desire to liveI was more humiliated and degraded than in all of my previous vile life. Victor had to literally carry me from the place and in an insane voice he mocked me: Now we both belong to Satan.

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arrangedby telephone. I will, however, allow one woman by the name of Lauren Stratford, to tell her own story in very brief format herein. I ask that you get her book called SATANS UNDERGROUND, for it is most extraordinarymostly, in the fact that she escaped. It can be located either in your bookstores or through Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402. LAUREN STRATFORD This is a story which is exactly that which the Satanists love. It is so vile that no one will believe the horrors and tortures from infancy on into the years of adulthood. Further, who would believe a child who is telling such horrendous tales about good people that it defies being truth. Well, that is exactly what the Satanists count ondisbelief and discounting. I urge you not to follow your instincts and simply discard this information, for the circumstances are spreading like a dreaded contagious disease to all parts of your world. They no longer involve just the small minority of crazy peopleit is happening all around you. Victims across your country are telling stories very much like Laurens. In virtually every city and town ones are coming forth in weeping, frightened whispers of rituals, abuse and human sacrifice. Hundreds upon hundreds of children in preschools and kindergartens across your country are talking about grown-ups, teachers and baby tenders in robes and using funny pretend names, chanting in a strange guttural language while they perform dark ceremonies that include sexual abuse. They tell about watching animals and little babies being tortured and killed with knives called funny names. The stories these children tell are so inconceivably horrifying that few individuals in the court system believe them. But then again, it was only a few short years ago that you had a problem in believing that incest was rampant in your family society. Well, you have parents, teachers, doctors, lawyers, ministers and other pillars of the community who are involved in Satan worship and ritual abuse of children. Law-enforcement officers and detectives are often involved but those who are not, and witness these events, are stunned by the brutality and the total inability of proving anything. Satans cults cover their evil tracks in perfection. In dealing with children it is even more easily coveredfor the child can be told anything and made to believe it. The child is therefore discounted before even an examination of the child is performed. The truth is finally coming forth to you in the public by ones who have managed to break away and live in terror every day of their lives. Give honor to these brave few. At less than four years of age, Lauren first stumbled into her parents basement for a basket of laundry only to be apprehended by the newly hired handy-man. He threw her to the bed and raped her. She cried out for her mother and no one came to help. This continued through ensuing years of tormenther parents gave her to these men in exchange for their services. Lauren was birthed into evil, conceived illegitimately and given away at birth. She was never allowed to forget it. She was called a bastard, a nogood, an unwanted and a product of a bad seed. She was forced to repeat these words while standing naked in front of a mirror until she totally believed them. The mother had plans for this little child. This child, through her young years, tried every possible way to get helpher school counselor and even her church minister. Always she was disbelievedfor her mother was a devout and practicing church member in a Christian church. When returned to the home following an attempt to tell, she was more brutally tortured than the time

Silently my heart spoke for me that I would never belong to Satan no matter what they would do to me. Little could I imagine it could become so much worse that my mind would not even comprehend the horror. VICTIMS OF RITUALS Nudity and sexual lewdness and perversion are commonplace at rituals. It does not matter if the female is willing or unwilling. In fact, it is believed to bring more pleasure to Satan if she is unwilling. Most certainly it brings more power and pleasure to the men involved. The female sacrifice is put on the altar, which is commonly draped with a red velvet cloth (red being the satanic color for anything of a sexual nature). She is raped, oftentimes brutally, by any of the male members who wish to have her. They are so often drugged by heroin, coke, or some other drug, or so bombed-out on alcohol, that the rape becomes pure sexual torture that can go on for hours. To satisfy their own perverse cravings and do what they think will bestow upon them stronger satanic powers, the male members perform crude sexual acts, often of a bestial-like nature. Sometimes the female is seriously injured physically. Sometimes she is even slain during the act, for it is deemed more powerful if the woman is killed at the same time as the male reaches his climax. This type of ritual is usually photographed and later sold as snuff material. The ones who are simply abused are next made the victims of summoning upon demonic spirits to do something of such a diabolical nature that she will be frightened into silence. She might well be frightened, for this is not only an evil threatthe spirits are real. The victims are not allowed to ever reach the police to reveal the story. SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN I witnessed the ultimate sacrifice of a baby skinned while still alive. I heard its screams which must have reached to the heavens. But even God seemed to turn a deaf ear. I often wondered why He allowed the hideous torture of a helpless, innocent little child. Victor told me that the purest sacrifice, the sacrifice that pleases Satan most, is none other than an infant or young child. Because children represent purity and innocence, they belong to God. Animals are offered to Satan. Adults, willingly or unwillingly, are offered to Satan. But Satan revels in the most macabre, inhuman, and bestial evil he can conceive in the diabolical machinations of his mind. There is no evil more perverse than the murder of a little one whose life has been robbed from God and sacrificed to Satan. Where do they get the children? That is a most valid question. Im sure it is difficult for people to believe that children can be used for sacrifices, especially in this country. If I had not witnessed this atrocity, I would ask the same question. Believe me, I would like to deny it, or at least doubt it. But I cannotI learned the answer in an even harder and more personal way. Let me simply tell you of one incident so that you can understand where some of these babies come from. Victor had a pregnant girl being cared for in the pretense that he was finding a home for the baby. He and his friend, Tom, decided to get a teenage boy and girl off the street and bring them to the coven meeting. They would then take the pregnant girl and deliver the baby. Then they would require the boy and girl to sanctify their marriage union by having sexual relations with each other on the altar. Then the teenagers and the baby would be sexually abused by the coven members. The grand finale would be the sacrifice of the baby. The other children would be held or released depending on the whim of the grand high priestwho was now Victor. I pray people hear this next, for it is truth. Tom and Victor, and occasionally some coven members, discussed

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am with you. I have never left you, nor have I forsaken you. Your darkest hour is upon you, but I will be with you in it, and I will bring you out from it. My God had finally heard and answered me. I felt I could now stand against the evil which had pervaded my existence. My joy abruptly ended when Victor jerked open the door and yelled, You will make a sacrifice to Satanyou will do so now! TERROR AND BRAINWASHING I refused and the next few weeks were uncommonly quiet and I lived and waited in terror. Life seemed totally hopeless. I couldnt think of anything to do except to somehow endure until I couldnt endure any longer. Then what? Would I simply go completely crazy? It was four weeks when hell began. Victor had a particularly horrible man who always did his bidding, by the name of JohnI was turned into the hands of John. John stripped me naked and pushed me into a large box. There I sat in a cramped position, naked and in total darkness. After what seemed an eternity I felt something slithering over my body. And another. There were snakes in the box with me. I froze, afraid to move or even breathe. After another eternity, the box was opened. As soon as John released me from the box, he asked, Will you willingly make a sacrifice to Satan? Instantly I thought of the words, Your darkest hour is upon you, but I will be with you in it and I will bring you out. With the reassurance I felt courage and said, No! I will not make a sacrifice to Satan. Time ceased to exist as this went on for days, perhaps weeks in that dark basement within that box. All basic essentials of life were taken away and then I became so weakened that I could hardly sit but I was kept awake hour after hour and required to sit straight and silently. There would be intermittent times in the total darkness and then hours with a spotlight in my face. I lost all contact with life itself. Then suddenly I was simply left alone in the box. Then the horror of the wordsFor every week you refuse to make a sacrifice to Satan, we will sacrifice a baby for you in your name. You had better understand me, for this is what we will do! This was repeated to me over and over. I continued to sit in the box day after long day. The next Saturday night I was abruptly awakened by the horrible screams of a baby being sacrificed. The sounds were coming from a tape recorder that John had put beside me. He shot at menumber one and next week number two. I held on, for I thought they were just trying to trick me and still the days passed into the inability to count. HELL IN A BOX It had again come to a Saturday night. Sometime around midnight, I was awakened. Before me was a large barrel, like an oil drum. I was lifted from the box and up and dropped into the barrel. A lid was closed over my head. It didnt seem to matter, for without lighting the basement was totally void of light. The darkness was total and so was the silence. A few minutes later, the lid was opened and something was dropped on top of me. As it slid down my skin, another something was dropped on me and another maybe three or four. The last object was positioned directly in front of me, on top

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where and how they would get babies. I learned that there are fraudulent people who represent themselves as caseworkers of adoption agencies or heads of placement homes. They carried so-called legitimate identification papers, but they were either satanists or were acting as go-betweens. Their purpose was to get the unsuspecting and well-intentioned unwed mother to sign her baby away and give it over for assumed adoption. Ads were even run in the paper and responses would simply flow in. The satanic cult can arrange for babies at specific intervals throughout the year. On other occasions some coven members would sit around and talk about their breeders. The word breeder was new to me. One of the members explained that breeders were women who were born, marked, and raised for the sole purpose of having babies that would be used by Satanistseither to be raised in Satanism or used in ritualistic sacrifices. Since there was never any published record of their births, they were never missed when they were abused or killed. I finally thought I had heard it all until a high priestess approached Victor after a ritual as he and I were about to leave. She informed him that she had completed the assignment given her: I convinced Judy (a new female coven member who was eight months pregnant) to assume the highest honor. She agreed to give her baby by C-section while lying on a purified altar. A licensed doctor was brought in from another coven, since Victors was at the time without a physician. I thought that what took place in that basement of death was as bad as anything could ever bebut I was wrong, for little did I know that the next ritual I would be forced to attend would take me into the pit of hell itself. HELL A few weekends later, Victor was boasting to me that he had received it all from Satanpowerreal power, everything. Then he continued by telling me it was time for me to take an active part. So far I had only been forced to attend the meetingsnow he was determined to have total control and power over me. He had always known of my Christian belief and I screamed that I would never participate in any of their evil upon another. Victor simply shouted, You will do it. You will! How could this man have gained such control over me? From the four-year-old and the dirty men, the cameras, the degradationfinally I had nothing leftI had become nothing. But I still somehow felt I could hold on to my allegiance to Jesus Christ, not Satan, no matter what they made me witness. Victor was equally determined to break my will and destroy me and then he would be finished with me, for I would no longer be of any value to him as a toy. He came into the room where I was kept waiting and said to me, The father has chosen you to present your purest offering to him. Not only will you present that offering, but you will lay that offering on the altar and sacrifice it to the father, who will be pleased to accept it. Horror seized my mind. Terror froze my heart. The purest sacrifice, the most pleasing sacrificethe one sacrifice I could never make unless my mind and will were completely brokenwas the sacrifice of a child to Satan. It was murder. I would not do itthey could not make me do it. But they were not through with me. I even reasoned with myself that God would never hear me. I finally started to pray to Satan as I had witnessed the others do. At some point in my terror I felt a warmth surround me and a soft voice speak to me, My child, I

of my stomach. Then the lid was slammed shut. Again, there was only darkness and silence. There was a smell. A horrible smell. What could it be? With so little room in my small prison, I slowly maneuvered my arms and hands above my knees so I could grasp the last object that was put in. There is no right way to tell this. There are no right words to choose. However, this experience is so crucial to your understanding of my decisionthe impossible choice between the yes and nothat I must include it. Slowly, fearfully, I touched the object that was pressing against my stomach. It took only a few seconds to realize it was a small body. A babys body. It was lifeless, but not stiff. It had probably been sacrificed just that evening, just a short time before. Something within me wanted to cradle the baby in my arms. But fear gripped me. I knew what they did to babies in their sacrificial rituals. Mutilation. Skinned alive. I could not bear to explore any further. I thought I had known fear. I thought I had known rage. I thought I had experienced every emotion possible. But at that moment I felt emotions that I could not put into words. For I realized that the objects Victor and John had dropped into the barrel were bodies of sacrificed babies. Three or four weeks had gone by since I had first said No. There were three or four objects in that barrel with me. I tried to scrunch myself into a tiny ball so the bodies wouldnt touch me. It was useless. Even in the darkness with my eyes closed as tight as possible, vivid images of the bodies of these babies flooded my mind. I could not take it anymore. I began to scream in torment and anguish. No wordsjust screams. Suddenly the darkness turned to light. The lid of the barrel was taken off. One by one the bodies were removed. I shut my eyes. I refused to see. Ever so slowly I heard Victor say number one and John, number two. They took turns counting the bodies as they removed them. With each number I felt another sentence of guilt descend on me. I began to scream again in a vain effort to block out their pronouncements of Guilty! They made me sit on a chair facing the babies and forced me to look at themit was over. I was broken It was Halloween night, one of the most important dates on the satanic calendarTHE CELEBRATION OF DEATH! I was dragged into a waiting car and driven somewhereto a church. Victor laughed at me and said, Yes a church. A church is just the right place for someone who worships God, dont you think? The car rolled to a stop in a dark corner of a parking lot behind the church where it could not be seen from the roadway. Victor knew he could destroy me further by the mere knowing that the leader of the church, himself, was of the group. The darkness was suffocating as we entered the building and moved to the room prepared for the ritual. Candles were lit, all the trappings of a satanic ritual slowly came into view: the goats head, the upside-down cross, the velvet cloth on a table, the crucible. Hooded robes were donned by the handful of members in attendance while I was seated in a corner. Victor occasionally glanced at me as he whispered comments to someone I couldnt recognize. It was obvious that I was the center of attraction for that evening. I wanted to disappear. I wanted to wake up and find that this was just a dream. I almost felt that if I held my breath, the whole scene would

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THE CEMETERY How long I was unconscious, I do not know. The next thing I remember was my being led through a wire gate into a cemetery. Stumbling over the rough hillside, two of the members took hold of my arms and led me to the bottom of a ravine. We stopped at the base of a tree. A deep, oppressive stillness hung in the air. The cries of the little ones were silent that night. The sobs of teenage and adult victims were silent that night. Even the overpowering grief that was exploding within me could not shatter the stillness of that night. I understood why. It was the stillness of death. The ending of a ritualistic sacrifice was usually an occasion of jubilee, of making merriment and indulgence in every conceivable lust of sexual perversion. But tonight was different. The mood was a total antithesis to the usual reveling. There was no jubilation and no merrimentno sexual orgies. The small group of coven members who had followed the high priest into the cemetery silently formed a circle around a small plot of ground near the tree. Even as they began their usual humming and chanting, they did so in such hushed voices that I could barely hear them. I couldnt put my finger on the reason why, but something was different. My body, still supported by two others, stood in the circle. But my mind had mercifully turned itself off. I was in a confused state of mental and emotional shock. Mental comprehension was impossible. I could only obey orders mechanically, not mentally. Victor, the high priest, raised his arm. The chanting ended in obedience to this signal. Not a sound was to be heard. I began to tremble uncontrollably. Even though I felt very cold, beads of perspiration rolled down my face. At that moment, light from the candles revealed the outline of a shovel that a coven member was holding in his hands. Victor motioned for two of the men to do something with the shovel. Carefully they placed their lighted candles upright in the dirt where they had been standing. It was crucial to the burial ritual the circle remain unbroken. As they dug, the chanting started. Dust to dust. Earth to earth. Back to Satan whence it came. Dust to dust. Earth to earth. Back to Satan whence it came. Though the words were chanted in hushed voices, the words seemed to reverberate throughout the ravine and grow, as though they would surround every hillside, mountaintop, valley, and city across the country. Nausea swept over me, and those on either side strengthened their grip, bearing more of my weight, for I could no longer stand alone. Just as suddenly as the chant of death began, it ended. Once again a shroud of deadly silence settled on the group of evildoers like a cloak of dense fog. The two coven members had finished digging a shallow hole. They returned to their places in the circle, being careful to pick up their candles without putting out the flame. The flame must not go out just as the circle must not be broken. Then I saw the object. It was covered with a cloth, lying in the center of a pentagram that had been drawn on the ground with chalk. I heard Victor call and I saw the evil in his eyes. He raised his right arm, the two gems in his ring focused my attention. Those gems represented the eyes of Satan. I was ordered to step from the support of the ones on either side of me and as I stepped forward the chanting began again.

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vanish. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift. Victors voice aroused me from my desperate thoughts. Come forth. Satans time is upon you. I had been totally unaware of the proceedings of the ritual up to this point, though it obviously had been going on for some period of time. I slowly, agonizingly, was pulled to an opening in the circle that the members had made around the altar. My gaze was directed toward an object on the table, impossible to distinguish in the flickering candlelight. Was this my sacrifice? I gasped and froze in my tracks. Come forth! Victor commanded. My feet would not move. I felt the arms of the hooded members on either side of me push me forward toward the altar. My feet began to move, taking me closer to the inevitable moment. There it was. The sacrifice. My sacrifice. Hidden under a piece of cloth. What it was? I didnt know. I did not want to know. Pick up the knife! a voice commanded from the head of the altar. Offer your sacrifice to Satan as you have promised! Again, I could not move. It seemed as if my arms weighed a thousand pounds. My mind could not force them to move. I could not even look at the knife lying on the altar. My eyes were riveted on the object, the sacrifice now immediately in front of me under the covering. I heard Victor whisper, Well have to put the knife in her hand. Shes in too much of a daze to act on her own. He had given me more drugs than usual to keep me from resisting further. He was wrong. It was surely not due to drugs that I was incapable of following his commands. I was simply paralyzed with horror. As I stood there unable to moveunable to even take a breathI felt someone grab my right hand and pry open the tightly clenched fingers. The knife was placed in the palm of my hand and my fingers closed around it. I wanted to release the knife but my fingers were cramped shut. Then as the hand pulled mine up, something snapped within me. The numbness left. The fear fled. In their place, I saw the faces of all the people who had ever used me, abused me, and tortured me. I saw that each face was laughing cruelly at me. Then I began to hear the laughter. Louder and louder it swelled, like the roar of an ocean. I felt as if my body was going to burst with an overpowering and uncontrollable rage. The fury grew as the laughter of my tormenters pounded in my ears. I felt my arms being raised, or raising themselves, the knife was now firmly in both hands. I began to scream, a scream that reached beyond the present and echoed back through all the years of my tortured life. To my mother. To every bum who had assaulted me in the basement of my home. To every single coven member. And to Victor himself. I was screaming at them. They had destroyed my life and now they would destroy my spirit as well. But they were wrong. They could never have my spirit. Never! Down came the knife with all the force of my strength. Up, down. Up, down. Up, down. Until the faces no longer laughed at me. They were gone, every one. In my mind, the knife had impaled each one of them. It was over. They thought they would finish me. But I fooled them. I had finished them. I had won! The knife slipped out of my hands. I crumpled to the floor in total physical and mental exhaustion.

Suddenly I thought, Oh my God, theyre going to bury me alive! I cant say that I became more terrified, for I was already as terrified as one could get. But I felt a sudden panic to run as fast as I could. I realized however, that I would never be able to break through the covens circle. I stumbled as my foot touched something, freeing my eyes from the spell of Victors ring. I looked down to see what my foot had touched. There it was againat my feet. Instantly my thoughts returned to the church altar. Bits and pieces of the ritual flashed across my mind. The altar the faces of my tormenters the knife the rage screaming... Round and round the memories flashed in a frenzied whirl. Waves of nausea swept over me but there was nothing left within to vomit forth. I felt myself beginning to faint. Victors strong and stern voice jolted my thoughts back to the graveyard. Your sacrifice. He was pointing at the object on the ground in front of me. Dust to dust. Earth to earth . . . Obviously, I was expected to pick up the sacrifice. I let out a scream that should have wakened the very dead. NO! Im certain that my involuntary scream spared me from having to touch the object. Victor must have realized that I was beyond my limit of endurance and that I was in danger of risking their safety. Victor bent down and laid the object in the shallow hole. He hurriedly ushered the coven members away from the graveside. I looked back only one timeto get a glimpse of a coven member who remained behind to disguise the grave or move the object to another place which would never be found againor probably to utilize the object in some future manner. I was never given to know what became of the object. Satanists rarely leave a sacrifice buried. It is too dangerous. But also, the parts of the sacrifice, especially if it is human, are too sacred to abandon. The few parts that are not used for another ritualistic purpose are cremated to destroy all remaining evidence of the sacrifice. I had seen enough. I looked away from the gravesite, unable to think any more about what had just taken place. A heavy grief consumed me. I wasnt certain what had taken place. I knew only one thing it was over. It was finally over! It was the last time I ever participated in a satanic ritual. *** This could not be? You refuse to believe? Oh, my precious children, heed well these lessons lest you be forced to learn through the pain of harder lessons. It is true, beloved ones, it is true and mine own heart weeps for you who must face the truth of it. Nay, I am not yet finished, for ye must know the scope of it. Ye must know that evil is real and Satan beats the drum. Ye must be in the knowing of it. Dharma, we must have a break, chela. I grant unto you objectivity as ye print the words, for ye cannot carry of the load. Peace be unto you beloved ones who carry this burden of truth unto your brothers. I AM SANANDA [END OF PART 9] For Part 1 of this Phoenix Journal #9 (SATANS DRUMMERS) please see the 7/26/00 CONTACT (page 9); Part 2 (3/14/01, page11); Part 3 (4/4/01, page 7); Part 4 (4/11/01, page 9); Part 5 (5/9/01, page 8); Part 6 (5/23/01, page 10); Part 7 (6/6/01, page 18); Part 8 (10/17/01, page 11) Call (800) 800-5565 for ordering information.

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NOVEMBER 7, 2001

The News Desk

By John & Jean Ray
BUSH FACES ISRAELI BREAKAWAY ALLY THREAT By Dean Andromidas, EIR, 10/26/01 On Oct. 12, American statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. warned, With the state of increasing tension between the present U.S. Bush Administration and the kill-crazed, present leadership of Israels military command, the world situation has reached the combustible state of affairs, in which something like the old 1970s breakaway ally syndrome can not be considered unlikely. LaRouches warning refers to Henry Kissingers 1970s scenario in which Israel would launch a war against its neighbors, aimed at dragging in the United States, and thus provoking generalized warfarein effect saying, We have started the war; now, you are going to have to fight it. Five days after LaRouches warning, on Oct. 17, Israeli right-wing extremist and Sharon government Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi was assassinated outside his room at the Hyatt Hotel in Jerusalem, claimed by the anti-Arafat Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The assassination puts the Middle East on the brink of war, precisely as the Bush Administration stands poised to sink into a Central Asian quagmire as it hunts for Osama bin Laden in the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan. Without a moments hesitation, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon blamed the assassination on Arafat. The Israeli governments expected brutal response to the assassination against the Palestinian Authority could lead to an even wider war, should Israel retaliate against Syria, Lebanon, or Iraq. And if the Bush Administration, in concert with Europe and Russia, does not deliver a message for peace to Sharonand one that sticksthere will be no stopping a war that could become a Clash of Civilizations, stretching from the Middle East deep into Central Asia. Zeevi was no ordinary Tourism Minister: he was an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) veteran, a Major General, who had played a leading role in Israels covert assassinations of Palestinians in the 1970s known as Terror Against Terror. He was also the advocate of the mass expulsion of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories. Zeevi, and fellow National Union party member Avigdor Lieberman, had resigned from the Sharon government on Oct. 14 in protest against Prime Minister Sharons apparent capitulation to the Bush Administrations demand that IDF tanks be withdrawn from the Palestinian territories on the West Bank. Zeevis resignation was intendedwith the backing of significant war-monger forces in the U.S. government and U.S.-based Israeli lobbyto stop the U.S. and European insistence that Israel return to peace negotiations. George Bush had even gone so far (in their eyes), as to state on Oct. 11, his support for a Palestinian state. I believe there ought to be a Palestinian state, said Bush, the boundaries of which will be negotiated by the parties, so long as the Palestinian state recognizes the right of Israel to exist, and will treat Israel with respect and will be peaceful on her borders. Bush made his statement during the same week that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak called for a Palestinian state, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi called for a Palestinian state to be created with a Marshall Plan for economic development. With these developments, the international pressure was on Sharon to get to peace talks, especially after Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres had gone public with the accusation that forces inside the IDF are planning to assassinate Arafat. When Lieberman and Zeevi resigned, Lieberman made no secret that their aim was to stop this pressure for peace. On Oct. 14, he told the press, Today the holy challenge that Israel faces is how to foil the American initiative... [where] the starting point would be at which the Camp David talks ended with [Prime Minister Ehud] Barak. He added, Obviously so long as Shimon Peres is in the Foreign Ministry... there is no possibility either to oppose or foil the American initiative. But within hours of Zeevis death, Sharon announced closure (lockdown) of all Palestinian territories, and cancelled all contacts between Israel and Palestinian officials. Zeevi was the first Israeli cabinet minister assassinated by Palestinians since Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the June 1967 war. One leading Israeli commentator told EIR, Zeevi has accomplished in his death what he could not accomplish while alive: the end of the peace process and a full-scale attack on the Palestinian Authority. Zeevis assassinationclaimed by the PFLP in revenge for the assassination of its chairman, Abu Ali Mustafa, on Aug. 27is just another bloody confirmation of how far the situation in the region has deteriorated. More than a year after the beginning of the Al Aqsa Intifada, few Palestinians believe that the Sharon government will ever agree to the formation of a viable Palestinian state. Nor do they have much faith in the diplomatic maneuverings of the Bush Administration. After the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, Sharon and his security chiefs all but ignored Bush Administration requests to move toward solidifying a cease-fire and implementing the May 2001 Mitchell peace plan. This led to behind-the-scenes threats delivered to Israel from Washington, after Sharon denounced Bush as an appeaser. Sharon, in fact, had escalated the policy of assassinations, closures, military attacks, and occupation of Palestinian-controlled territory in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, despite Bush Administration requests. But the seeds of this disaster were found in the Bush Administrations policies, one of the biggest weaknesses of which has been Washingtons tacit approval of the Sharon governments plan, to systematically take out all Palestinian leadership in the name of preventive assassination as a means to fight terrorism. That assassination policy can lead only to disaster. A senior Israeli intelligence source underscored for EIR, that the assassination of an Israeli was predictable after Israeli forces had assassinated PFLP Chairman Abu Ali Mustafa, considered to be from the moderate wing of the PFLP. As the head of the organization, Mustafas position was analogous to Arafat, and his murder signalled the intention of the Sharon government to assassinate any senior Palestinian political leader, including Arafat. Also, given the fact that the PFLP has

strong ties to Syria, where a faction of its leadership is based, the Mustafa assassination was a clear threat to Damascus as well. The source underscored that, being among the more radical factions, the PFLP would predictably strike back. Indeed, at Mustafas memorial service, PFLP leaders said that revenge could be expected. Although this source rules out that Syria in any way supported the attack, Israel could use the PFLPs ties to Syria as a pretext to attack Damascus. The source further stressed that this dangerous situation is the result of a refusal on the part of the Israeli political class, and the Bush Administration, to make the hard decisions that have to be made if peace is to be achieved. They include the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, evacuation of the Jewish settlements, and regional economic initiatives. Unless these decisions are made now, the attempt by the Bush Administration to simply reduce the level of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, will not only fail but lead to the widespread war they hope to avoid. Whether Zeevis death will be used as a pretext for the breakaway ally syndrome about which LaRouche warned, is the central issue. In this repect, the Zeevi assassination brings to mind the assassination attempt on the Israeli Ambassador to London in 1982, which served as a pretext for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. That attempt was made by Palestinian terrorist for hire Abu Nidal, whom many believe was under contract to the Israelis themselves. Zeevi was the embodiment of some of the most extremist views, including for the transfer of the Palestinian population from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to other Arab countries. His party, the National Union-Yisrael Beitenu, represented the most radical elements in the Jewish settlers movement. Zeevi was also one of the key architects and organizers, along with Sharon, of the Jewish settlements, and allegedly used connections he enjoyed with the Israeli mafia to fund the projects. Two days before his assassination, he and Lieberman resigned in protest over what they claimed was Sharons caving in to pressure by the United States to cooperate with the Palestinians on a cease-fire plan. PFLP spokesman Ahmed Maher, in an interview with Al Jazeera television from Damascus, said his organization took responsibility for the attack. We announced that the PFLP would react to the crime and that the blood of Abu Ali Mustafa was very precious to us and will not be spilled in vain.... The resistance will continue, there is an occupation and a legitimate resistance. He said the cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians was a farce we will not abide by. By contrast, the Palestinian Authority officially denounced the assassination. Palestinian cabinet member Ziyad Abu Zayad declared that the Palestinian Authority is interested in the cease-fire and in returning to the negotiations table. He also said that the Palestinian Authority would arrest the assassins. Under tremendous international pressure from the United States and Europe, Arafat has declared the military wing of the PFLP to be illegal and has conducted several arrests. But these demands put Arafat in an impossible position. To the Palestinian public, there is no difference between the assassination of an Israeli politician by a Palestinian group and an Israeli helicopter gunship killing a senior Palestinian leader sitting at his desk in an office in Ramallah, as in the killing of Mustafa. Even senior Israeli security officials know that Arafat is in no position to crack down on Palestinian militants without losing his credibilitya fact that Sharon and his generals are well aware of.

NOVEMBER 7, 2001


Schiff underscored that this meeting took place long after the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, and was part of Sharons intention to increase his harsh measures against the Palestinians, despite U.S. pressure. The scenarios whereby Israel operates as a breakaway ally are numerous and horrible. It is in order to avert that disaster that Lyndon LaRouche released his warning on Oct. 12 (see p. 26). For decades, British-connected operatives in the United States, such as Henry Kissinger, who is now a member of the U.S. Defense Policy Board, have run simulated war-games, counting on the insanity factor in Israels military coming to the fore as the breakaway ally. They know Sharon could use the PFLP excuse to launch a strike against Damascus, or against Lebanon, where the PFLP has bases. Sharon could also launch a full-scale assault on the Palestinian Authority. They also know that the threat of such Israeli actions could tip the balance in the United States where, within the Bush Administration, extremists led by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz are calling for attacks against Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon as supporters of international terrorism. And the war-gamers know that any of these actions would galvanize massive protests throughout the Arab and Islamic world, and even lead to the overthrow of key Arab governments, such as Egypt. Either way, if the United States does not take action as prescribed by Lyndon LaRouche, generalized war will be inevitable. SHARON INSIST TO REMAIN OUTSIDE INTERNATIONAL LEGITIMACY Arabic News, Egypt-Israel, Politics, 10/27/01 Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher Thursday said the Israeli escalations against the Palestinian people, despite the denunciation of the entire world including the United States, proves the insistence of Sharon on remaining outside the framework of international legitimacy and laws of ethics and defying the world. In statements during a stopover in Paris en route to Agadir, Morocco, to take part in the Mediterranean Forum, Maher said the stance of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon makes it necessary for the civilized world to take measures towards halting such acts. He called on world countries to take swift steps to force Israel to pull out from the Palestinian territories occupied over the past few weeks and show goodwill towards joining serious negotiations to reach a final settlement based on international legitimacy. Maher was Thursday informed that the UN, the U.S., the European Union and Russia agree on the necessity of Israels immediate withdrawal from Palestinian self-rule areas it has reoccupied in recent incursions. Speaking on phone with the Egyptian official, UN envoy for the Middle East Terje-Roed Larsen said that representatives of the four partners planned talks with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat while German foreign Minister Joschka Fischer would meet Sharon. Maher told Larsen that if the UN Security Council met on the situation in the Palestinian territory, the council had to issue a clear-cut resolution based on the key principles, including the necessity of Israels cessation of the assassination policy and observance of a cease-fire. Israels fresh pushes into the Palestinian selfcontrolled towns and brutal crackdown on inhabitants drew rebuke from U.S. President George W. Bush who demanded Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian areas as soon as possible.

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Will Sharon Assassinate Arafat? Sharon immediately moved to cast the Zeevi assassination in the same light as the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, as part of transparent ploy to get U.S. support. Sharon constantly refers to Arafat as Israels Osama bin Laden, a comparison the Bush Administration has rejected. Nonetheless, Sharon used the anti-bin Laden rhetoric of the Bush Administration, stating before the Knesset (parliament), Everything has changed, and the situation is different today, and will not again be like it was yesterday. Calling on the Almighty to avenge his blood, Sharon threatened Arafat, by declaring him personally responsible for the assassination. Despite Sharons declaration, the response from President Bush, and other international leaders has been to press even harder for Israel to get to the peace table. As of this writing, violence has escalated. Israel issued an ultimatum to the Palestinian Authority to arrest and extradite the assassins, and to suppress the PFLP and other Palestinian organizations. Within hours of the ultimatum, Israeli helicopter gunships assassinated three Palestinian militants on Oct. 18. Israeli forces have moved in strength into Area A, under Palestinian control, killing a ten-year-old schoolgirl in the West Bank. But Sharon is only implementing what he intended to do prior to the assassination. In an Oct. 15 meeting with the Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settlements, Sharon became more and more angry as the settlers accused him of capitulating to American pressure to negotiate with Arafat, until he blurted out: I havent changed my mind about that murderer Arafat for the last 30 years. According to media reports, he raged, Write this down! and proceeded to declare that he would never allow the Palestinian Authority back into East Jerusalem nor give up the Temple Mount/Al-Haram AlSharif, the holy of holies. He told the settlers, Friends, you are heroic in this campaign. Youve been through a difficult year. But the armydespite your impressionshas broad room for maneuver. It has no limits.... My way is to go for small, consistent actions at three levels: a reaction to every attack, special operations like Beit Jalla or Abu Sneina [this refers to occupying Palestinian territory bit by bit], and focussed preventive attacks [assassinations]. He cautioned that broader moves could bring the Egyptians into Sinai and create the danger of a regional conflict. When settlers confronted him for saying he supports a Palestinian state, Sharon replied, What I didnt say [publicly] is that state would be demilitarized, that we would have responsibility for its border crossings, there will be limits on its air space, and well still hold security areas. Those areas we dont holdlike Nablus, Ramallah, Kabatiyeh, Jenin, or Jericho, theyll control. Earlier, Sharon was equally blunt. Senior Israeli military commentator Zeev Schiff, in the Oct. 18 issue of Haaretz, revealed that in early October, Sharon convened a meeting of his senior security and military chiefs, where it was decided to step up targetted prevention, the term used for liquidating Palestinians involved in terrorism. And the Israelis have a long and detailed list of targets. So extreme were the measures and the dangers they would create, that the head of the Shin Bet domestic security service felt compelled to declare, I want it to be clear... that terror against Israel will then increase! According to Schiff, Sharon himself made the most extreme proposals, declaring action must be taken against Yasser Arafat. The proposals were so radical that most of those present refused to support them.

ISRAEL LAYS DOWN TOUGH NEW CONDITIONS FOR WITHDRAWAL U.S. DEMAND FOR IMMEDIATE RETREAT FLOUTED By Suzanne Goldenberg, The GuardianUK, 10/27/01 Israel issued tough new conditions for a withdrawal of forces occupying Palestinian-ruled cities yesterday, flouting the U.S. demand for a full and immediate retreat. Last night, Israeli and Palestinian security officials meeting under CIA auspices at a secret location in Tel Aviv decided the first withdrawals could begin as early as today in the towns of Beit Jala and Bethlehem. The decision was reached hours after three men were shot dead in the Gaza Strip, raising the death toll in Israels offensive against Yasser Arafats authority to more than 50. However, the promise was accompanied by a warning that the withdrawals would be halted unless Mr. Arafat cracks down on Palestinian gunmen. The conditions, and the sheer fact of the meeting, was a measure of Israels success in redefining the rules of the 13-month conflict. However, if Israel maintains that Mr. Arafat is not cracking down on militants, that withdrawal would still leave Israeli tanks in four other cities, all of which are supposed to be under full Palestinian control. Six months ago, such a hardline posture would have been unthinkable, and it is all the more striking given the U.S. desire to restore calm in the Middle East to maintain Arab backing for its strikes on Afghanistan. Israel ended its first invasion of Palestinian territory in the Gaza town of Beit Hanoun within hours in April after a protest from Washington. But yesterday, nine days after launching its most serious affront to Mr. Arafats self-rule in seven years, Israel would not commit to a timetable for withdrawal. Israel reserves for itself freedom of action according to security needs, an Israeli government statement said. Departure from areas will be made possible to the extent that the Palestinian Authority implements its commitments. The withdrawals also promise to be short term, further eroding the viability of Mr. Arafats administration. At a late-night meeting of the security cabinet on Thursday, Israeli generals argued that the re-occupation had helped prevent attacks on Israeli targets. Yesterdays delay in withdrawal led to accusations from Palestinian officials that Israel does not intend to fully pull out. This Israeli procrastination should come to an end, said Ahmed Abdel-Rahman, an aide to Mr. Arafat. The international community should stop Israels rude challenge for not complying with their demands. Even if the Israeli troops do begin pulling back this weekend, the occupation has produced lasting rancour, deepening hatreds. [JR: Israel has always managed to redefine the rules when pressed to pull back or curb her hostile actions in and around Palestinian towns. Sharon will not back off and will defy the U.S. or anyone else who dares to make demands or get concessions from him. I wonder how many U.S. cities will have to be targeted before Americans wake up and realize who the real enemy is. Our government makes demands on us. Its time we assume our responsibilities as citizens and patriots and reverse the roles.]

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DEFIANT ISRAELIS ABANDON PULL-OUT By Peter Beaumont (Bethlehem), The ObserverUK, 10/28/01


The province of Bethlehem, which was once a symbol of Palestinian economic success, is now one of the worse areas in terms of income. 65 percent of the provinces population are now living under the poverty line. Chamber of commerce also estimates that untold future losses are also imminent considering that very a few are those who would be interested to invest in the battered town. $12 million of the citys losses is a direct result of the Israeli blockade. The rest is the estimated cost of facilities that were completely destroyed or damaged by Israeli bombs and missiles used during the attack. Despite the losses, Palestinians say that the Israeli attacks have solidified Christian and Muslim unity for the two groups fought the Israeli soldiers together and are now working collectively to rebuild the city. [JR: The Israelis targeted Bethlehem to destroy not only the town but its economy and its initiative as well as to demoralize its citizens. Isnt this what the allies did to Dresden, Germany when it bombed it into rubble during WWII and more recently how about Belgrade, Yugoslavia? Bethlehem is of no strategic importance other than it is occupied by Palestinians who tried to make a success out of their labors. Have we become Zionist militarists or have they become US.] SOME GOT RICH OFF TRAGEDY A SELECT FEW SEEM TO HAVE PROFITED FROM ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TERROR ATTACKS ON AMERICA By Christopher Bollyn, Exclusive to American Free Press, 10/28/01 Sept. 11 marked a devastating loss for the nation, but shrewd financial speculators with ties to the highest levels of the CIA appear to have profited from the disaster, raising questions about exactly who had prior knowledge of the terrible tragedy. The day two passenger planes crashed into the World Trade Center ended differently for different people. For some 10,000 children it meant the loss of a mother or father. For millions of Americans it marked the end of normality. For a select group of financial speculators it meant increased profits. There have been numerous reports of unusual activity in financial markets around the world suggesting prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In Chicago, home of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), the largest of the five options exchanges in the nation, brokers and speculators known as options traders wage bets daily about what a stock price will do. In options trades there are winners and losers regardless of the outcome. The catastrophic events of Sept. 11 were no different; the devastation at the World Trade Center resulted in some speculators winning millions of dollars from options purchased at the CBOEwhile others lost their lives. A $2.5-million winning that resulted when the United Airlines share price fell after two of its planes crashed remains unclaimed more than six weeks after the tragedy. Investigations into the unusually high number of put options, betting that the price of United Airlines (UAL) and American Airlines shares would fall, have revealed

NOVEMBER 7, 2001

In an unprecedented act of defiance of the United States and international opinion, Israels Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, last night cancelled the scheduled withdrawal of Israeli troops from Bethlehem, blaming continuing Palestinian violence. The announcement came after a day in which Israeli tanks continued to make provocative incursions into refugee camps in Bethlehem, prompting gun battles. Sharon seemed determined to set himself on a collision course with the US, his main ally. America has insisted that Israel quits West Bank towns immediately and without conditions, and has warned Sharon that his war against the Palestinians threatens Americas fragile coalition against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Israeli soldiers occupied a Palestinian building in Bethlehem and held seven Palestinians hostage yesterday. The soldiers fired rockets and machineguns out of windows. Israeli troops entered Bethlehem and five other West Bank towns and cities in reprisal for the assassination of its Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi by Palestinians. In a week of fighting more than 40 Palestinians have died, including four women and five children. Sharon had promised his soldiers would beginning pulling out of the West Bank. By Friday Sharon said that Israeli forces would pull out of Bethlehem but only if there was complete calm. But yesterday a senior Sharon official said: The pullback has been suspended as a result of continuous Palestinian fire, repeated shooting throughout the day and lack of implementation of the agreement reached with Palestinian security forces in Beit Jala and Bethlehem. [JR: Well see how long the U.S., UN and the rest of the world will tolerate Israels defiant attitude. Her incursions or conquest of Palestinian towns is a blatant move to gain more territories for occupation. She is a conqueror, and as a conqueror she does not have to abide by the dictates of the U.S. or the UN. It is their right for the security of Israel and its domination over the Palestinian people since they are engaged in a war against the Palestinian people. There is no peace until Israel is forced to do so.] CHRISTIAN TOWN DEVASTATED BY ISRAELI INVASION By Hatem Anwar, Middle East News Online, 10/26/01 BETHLEHEM, PalestineAccording to the chamber of commerce of the West Bank town of Bethlehem, the city suffered losses estimated at $17 million within the period of Oct 18- 25. During that week, the Israeli army invaded the city and its surrounding areas, with attacks resulting in the death of 21 Palestinians and the wounding of 150. The economic impact was as well devastating. The chamber of commerce say that much of the citys infrastructure was destroyed. The city is almost crippled after the Israeli army destroyed its water tanks, electric generators, telephone and other public facilities. Dozens of cars and buildings were also totaled by Israeli tanks and bombardment. Palestinians say that Israel intentionally attempted to destroy the achievements of the Palestinian economy of the past years, and has in fact succeeded in doing so.

that Alex Brown Inc., an investment banking firm, purchased many of these option contracts. Alex Brown Inc. was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now the executive director of the Central Intelligence Agency, A.B. Buzzy Krongard. Krongard, 64, former head of Baltimore-based Alex Brown, Americas oldest investment bank, joined the CIA three years ago as a counselor to Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet. Krongard switched careers shortly after helping engineer the $2.5 billion merger of Alex Brown and Bankers Trust New York Corp., gaining $71 million in Bankers Trust stock in the process. President Bush appointed Krongard executive director of the Central Intelligence Agency on March 26. From February 1998 until March 2001, Krongard served as counselor to the director of central intelligence. Until 1997 Krongard was chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown, having previously worked in various capacities at Alex Brown. Krongard was quoted on the relationship between Wall Street and the CIA in an article by The Washington Post. If you go back to the CIAs origins during World War II in the Office of Strategic Services, Krongard told the Post, the whole OSS was really nothing but Wall Street bankers and lawyers. Between Sept. 6 and 7, the CBOE saw a dramatic spike in the purchases of put options on United Airlines stock compared to call options. A put option increases in value when the stock price falls, while a call option increases if the share price rises. The ratio of put options to call options was 12 to 1, with 2,372 put options purchased, betting that UAL stock would fall compared with 198 call options. The winners on these options deals walked away with untold millions of dollars in profits. On Sept. 10, speculators in Chicago purchased put options on American Airlines, the other airlines involved in the hijackings, at a ratio of 6 to 1 against call options. Traders bought 2,258 put options as compared with 374 call options the day before the crashes. There were similar spikes in put option contracts on the shares of the investment firms of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co., major tenants of the World Trade Center, occupying 22 floors each, who were both devastated by the terror attacks. In the three days of trading prior to Sept. 11, Morgan Stanley put options spiked dramatically. According to figures provided by Options Clearing Corp. of Chicago, during the two trading days before the attacks the total number of put options jumped to 7,647 compared with a daily average of 2,384 during the month of August. Morgan Stanleys shares fell from $48.90 to $42.50 in the aftermath of the attacks. Likewise, Merrill Lynch put options jumped to 64,445 in the three days before the attacks. On Sept. 10, 28,960 put options were purchased on Merrill Lynch compared with a daily average of 5,430 during the month of August. Merrills shares fell from $46.88 to $41.50. [JR: The implication here proves the connection between the CIA and Wall Street. Just who the insiders were that made a killing on Wall Street before Sept. 11th we can only guess. You can bet that any investigation (if any) as to the whos will be handled as Classified Information and all evidence will be sealed for 20 years to protect the guilty. The Bush and twigs sure find the CIA a convenient asset.] [MM: To subscribe to AFP, call 1-888-699-6397 toll free.]

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contaminated food to be shipped widely around the U.S., said Caroline Smith DeWaal of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group. Food moves quickly and is consumed quickly so in a short amount of time it can cause a significant outbreak. For consumers, the best defense against such bioterrorism is to cook foods properly, or at least to peel or wash them, said Michael Doyle, a food safety expert at the University of Georgia. Good food-handling practices are to be considered all the time, but more so today, he said. We as consumers do have a lot of control over the safety of the food we eat in that we can cook food. The threat of bioterrorism has renewed a push in Congress by Durbin and others to consolidate the governments food inspection system, now divided between FDA and the Agriculture Department. FDA, which is responsible for safeguarding nearly all foods other than meat and poultry, has 750 inspectors to check 55,000 food plants. USDA has 10 times as many inspectors for just 6,000 facilities. The U.S., more by luck than design, has not experienced a major agricultural or food-related disaster in recent memory, Chalk said. [JR: First off, we needed food inspectors long before these terrorist actions hit America. Think tanks like the Rand Corp. are the purveyors of thought transforming information to keep us sheeples in a continuous state of confusion and stress. Notice the bottom line as to how many more billions the government will need to secure America. Sen. Byrd proposes $30 billion for biosecurity and Bush wants another $106 million for food and agriculture security. New agencies and staffs are being created weekly and its all to create a monolithic Big Brother system of government. If this keeps up more people will be working in government jobs than in the private sector. Guess whose side theyll be on?] U.S. TO HELP PHILIPPINES TACKLE BIN LADEN-LINKED TERRORISTS By Patrick Goodenough, CNSNews.com Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief, 10/10/01 The Philippines looks set to become a key Asian player in the U.S.-led international war against terrorism, with Washington to provide help to Filipino forces battling Islamic militants whom intelligence experts believe have close links with Osama bin Laden. Philippines national security advisor Roilo Golez told reporters that a sizeable group of American military advisors, led by a general, would arrive in the country shortly, to help local troops. Although the Philippines had seen nothing like the suicide-hijackings in the U.S. last month, Golez said in a radio interview, the government was monitoring any possible threats from Filipino groups sympathetic to Afghanistans ruling Taliban and to bin Laden, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Abu Sayyaf, a separatist Islamic group, is one of several fighting for an independent Muslim homeland in the southern Philippines. Kidnappings for ransom have become its trademark, along with the brutal beheading of captives on occasion. The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) currently holds an American missionary couple, Gracia and Martin Burnham of Wichita, Kan., and more than a dozen Filipino hostages captured last May 27. They are holed up on

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CONGRESS TRYING TO GUARD FOOD SUPPLY By Philip Brasher, YAHOO NEWS, 10/25/01 WASHINGTON (AP)After attacks from the air and the mail, officials worry the nations food supply could be next. The government considers potential targets to be fruits and vegetables that people eat raw and cattle that could be infected with fastspreading foot-and-mouth disease. To deter potential terrorists, Congress is considering proposals to hire hundreds of new food inspectors and lab technicians and empower the government to seize or recall tainted products and inspect food makers records. The Agriculture Department has put veterinarians on alert and wants more guards to protect its labs around the country that work with food pathogens. Food security can no longer be separated from our national security, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), said Thursday. Terrorists could poison a limited amount of food and still create a general atmosphere of fear and anxiety without actually having to carry out indiscriminate civilian-oriented attacks, Peter Chalk of the Rand Corp. think tank recently told Congress. Fresh produce may be the food most vulnerable to attack because its often eaten raw and is subject to little inspection. The only known terrorist attack on U.S. food occurred in the 1980s, when a cult in Oregon contaminated salad bars with salmonella bacteria. There are dozens of labs that work with pathogens, but terrorists wouldnt necessarily need to get their bacteria there. Salmonella can be found on supermarket chicken and grown in a lab. A strain of E. coli is commonly found in cattle manure. But it would take a lot of bacteria to contaminate food, and some bugs are dangerous primarily to people who are sick or old, said Susan Sumner, an authority on food safety at Virginia Tech. You could pour it on stuff in the supermarket. But if your goal is to disrupt the economy and make a lot of people sick, youre not going to do it that way, she said. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, meeting with Republican lawmakers Thursday, assured them the food supply is safe. We have been looking at where the critical points are and taking all the precautions that we can in dealing with the private sector, she said. Her biggest concern, she said, is that terrorists would contaminate a big feedlot with the virus that causes footand-mouth disease. Its harmless to humans but it could be devastating economically. This years outbreak in Britain forced the slaughter of nearly 4 million animals. The virus is not found in the United States outside of a high-security Agriculture Department lab in New York, so a terrorist would have to bring it into the country, possibly in contaminated meat. The Bush administration has asked Congress for $106 million in emergency spending for food and agriculture security. FDA wants to hire 410 new inspectors, lab specialists and other personnel to check fruits, vegetables and other products, primarily imports, and buy additional equipment to detect pathogens. FDA currently inspects just 1 percent of imports. The chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), is proposing a $3.1 billion biosecurity plan that will exceed the administrations request for food safety, aides said. There are clear gaps in food regulation that would certainly give the opportunity for intentionally

the southern island of Basilan. A third American seized in May was reportedly killed by his captors. Western and Filipino security specialists believe the ASG was financed and supplied during the first half of the 1990s by bin Laden and his al-Qaida network, and that contacts have been maintained ever since. Philippines army chief of staff Gen. Diomedio Villanueva told a European news agency this week he was certain bin Laden was still supplying weapons and training to the ASG. The ASG has been designated a terrorist organization by the State Department since 1995. On October 5, it was one of 28 foreign terrorist organizations re-certified as such by Secretary of State Colin Powell. Among other effects, the designation aims to cut off any funding to the groups from whatever source, and to deny members visas to enter the U.S. Golez said the U.S. visitors would discuss with Filipino officials possibilities where we can help each other with respect to planning, training and adjusting our program addressed to the local [manifestations of] international terrorist problems. But he denied claims in a U.S. media report earlier this week that U.S. forces would likely themselves conduct military actions against bin Laden-linked terrorists in the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia. The Americans shall help by way of extending to us additional special equipment, additional training and probably a sharing of intelligence information, Golez said. Any effort that would target these terrorist groups, particularly the Abu Sayyaf, would involve exclusively Filipino troops, he said. There is no possibility that the Americans could be conducting covert or overt military action using their own troops because this is impossible under the Philippine constitution. Golez added: What we are talking about is how they can helpnot by dispatching troops, but on providing the equipment we need so we can improve our capability in battling the Abu Sayyaf. Filipino troops have since Sunday been engaging Abu Sayyaf forces in Basilan. President Gloria Arroyos government has come under fire from some local leftist and Muslim groups for its support for the U.S.-led military campaign against the Taliban and al-Qaida. Arroyo has granted the U.S. permission to overfly Philippine airspace and to use its airports as transit points as it carries out its continuing anti-terror campaign. As protestors demonstrated in front of the U.S. embassy in Manila Wednesday, the president met with local Muslims leaders. Some activist groups have threatened to send members to Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban in the event of any U.S. invasion. One such organization, the Islamic Movement for Good Government, claims to have already enlisted around 48,000 Filipino Muslims to fight against the U.S. and its allies. Manila newspapers reported in early Thursday editions that members of the ASG were in the capital, planning to carry out bombing attacks in response to the air strikes on Afghanistan. Planned targets included the U.S. embassy, military installations, oil depots and shopping malls, the reports said. Arroyo plans to visit Washington next month for talks with President Bush and other top officials. She will also address the United Nations, and has requested a visit to the sites of the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York and at the Pentagon, officials in Manila said. Yossef Bodansky of the U.S. Congress

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and perhaps for the long run as well. The governments interest costs are rising because of additional borrowing to finance the public debt. The deteriorating budget picture does not bode well for a country that had been counting on a large budget surplus to help meet Social Security costs in the next decade. Quantifying the costs of the attacks is filled with uncertainty. If major incidents of domestic terrorism recur, analysts said the impact on the economy could be greater. The biggest post-attack uncertainty is the mood of the consumer. Job anxiety on top of fear about terrorism could cause consumers to hunker down and save their money despite the heavy Washington stimulus in the form of more tax cuts, government spending and lower interest rates. Such entrenchment could escalate the costs of the attacks. Michael Drury, economist at McVean Trading Co. in Memphis, said he is concerned that one of the hidden costs is higher inflation. While prices are stable now, he said, the extraordinary easing of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve and tax cuts and higher federal spending could generate inflation after the economy rebounds. The economy was weak before Sept. 11, but until then most analysts were predicting the country could avoid a recession. The Sept. 11 attacks brought the economy to a standstill and caused widespread job losses. Since the attacks, according to the AFL-CIO, more than 528,000 workers have been laid off, and the number is increasing. Embedded in every job is a certain amount of productivity that makes the world go around, said Jared Bernstein, economist at the Economic Policy Institute. He said the jobless rate, now 4.9 percent, could rise to 6.5 percent next year, requiring more money for unemployment compensation and other assistance to laid-off workers. David Hale, chief economist at Zurich Financial Services in Chicago, said in an analysis that the extra security costs alone resulting from the attacks could total 2.5 percent of total economic output, or roughly $250 billion. He included the cost of higher insurance premiums, security costs by private companies and the government, and increased military spending. He said the cost of personal insurance likely will rise 5 to 10 percent, and business insurance premiums will jump 100 to 150 percent. Those costs will be added even though the Bush administration has proposed a plan to have the government pay for the bulk of the costs of the terrorist attacks over the next three years. Hale predicted costs for private and public security will go up 10 to 20 percent, or an estimated $25 billion to $50 billion. This would have the same economic effect as higher taxes, he said. Defense spending has risen sharply since President Bush took office and now, with the war in Afghanistan and calling up of reservists, the military budget is escalating. According to Stan Collender, a budget analyst for Fleishman Hillard Co., a public-relations firm, it will likely be $50 billion higher in 2002. Hale estimated the cost of the conflict in Afghanistan at $30 billion to $40 billion, compared with the $65 billion spent on the Persian Gulf War, but he said that spending on the military could go higher if the Afghan campaign spreads to other countries. Pierre Ellis, an economist at Decision Economics in New York, took a more optimistic view of the costs associated with the attacks. He said while the economys resources may be directed toward security and defense purposes, it

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taskforce on terrorism and unconventional warfare wrote in a 1999 biography of bin Laden that the Philippines Islamists were the first major network supported by the Saudi-born terrorist leader. Bin Laden traveled to the Philippines in 1993, bought property and opened bank accounts, according to Bodansky. From early 1994, groups of mainly Arab Afghansveterans of the campaign against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, as was bin Laden himselfbegan to arrive in the Philippines and establish operational cells around the country. [JR: It was announced on TV Halloween, the U.S. is sending 12 assessors to the Philippines to advise them on how to fight terrorism. In addition to that the U.S. again has control of Clark Air Base and will be more than happy to supply any and all equipment, training, intelligence (CIA/Mossad) and eventually troops. We need to have a presence in the Philippines (strategically) more than they need us. Either way, it is not a good deal for the beleaguered Filipino people.] NATION BRACES FOR EXTENDED ECONOMIC HIT By William Neikirk, Washington Bureau, 10/28/01 WASHINGTONPresident Bush says the U.S. economy has been shocked by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The costs of the shock could be bigin the hundreds of billions of dollarsand could serve as a drag on the economy for years. The initial shock is the prospect of a recession, the first in a decade, complete with rising unemployment, lower business profits, canceled trips, empty hotel rooms, fewer sales and general retrenchment by businesses and consumers. The second is a lasting blow to the American standard of living. More money will have to be diverted to security, higher insurance premiums and higher defense spending, and away from discretionary spending and job-creating investment, according to economists. This diversion of cash will erode, though not destroy, the sparkling business and worker productivity that had contributed largely to the 1990s boom, economists said. Just like a tax, these costs will brake economic growth and job creation. No definitive estimate is available on the attacks total cost to the economy, but many analysts said it likely is higher than widely assumed. David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poors, said the nation could lose 3 percent of annual economic output, or $300 billion, as a result of the attacks. That figure does not include public expenditures to deal with the aftermath of the attacks. When higher military expenditures, greater airport security costs, airline bailouts, worker relief, tax reductions and other anti-terrorism measures are included, the public bill could tack on $200 billion more. Economists emphasized such costs will not sink the $10 trillion U.S. economy. They said America will be able to survive the attacks economically and prosper after the recession is over, but they conceded that extra security costs will trim the ability to grow and create new jobs. Americans also will see insurance costs go up, particularly for property and casualty policies. And there is a cost that cant be measured: to the psyche of the public. If skittish Americans save more instead of spending, the economy may not snap back quickly. The budget surplus has disappeared in the short run,

will not undermine the nations production. We would still be using a lot of resources, but not in our preferred way, he said. We would not be as happy. Sung Won Sohn, chief economist at Wells Fargo, said the attacks will add to the costs of producing goods and services. Over the long term, he said, that could take onehalf of 1 percent away from growth and affect. It also would have an impact on consumer attitudes, Sohn said. The loss of economic well-being could be much greater. [JR: Mr. David Wyss and Jared Bernstein are in a position to know what is forthcoming in our economic future. The actual jobless rate has to be over a million since workers were being laid off long before the tragedy of 9/11 because of downsizing and a slowing economy. Higher taxes are a given as the government is on a massive spending spree. Our postal rates will increase as well as our insurance for our homes and businesses. Most of the cost of the airline industry for increased security will also be ours to pay for. The only ones assured of a job are those who work for the government or are in the military, defense, security and surveillance technologies, insurance companies and the ever successful banking industry. The rest of us will have to invent a job or rely on the government to take care of our needs. The only other alternative is to join the military and secure the world so the rich and the mighty can feel safer. That will assure you a lifetime of securityhowever short it may be.] LEADERS ESTABLISH THINK TANK TO HELP EMERGING DEMOCRACIES By Jerome Socolovsky, Boston Globe, 10/27/01 MADRID, SPAIN (AP)Political leaders from 25 countries, mostly emerging democracies, agreed Saturday to form an international think tank to give them advice on overcoming obstacles on the road to establishing fully free societies and pluralistic governments. The Club of Madrid will have about 100 top scholars offering expertise on how to deal with terrorism, corruption, the illegal drug trade and other destabilizing factors threatening the development of democracy, said former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell. The organization will convene annual summits to follow up the recommendations of the two-day Conference on Democratic Consolidation and Transition, which concluded here Saturday after meetings between political leaders and democracy experts from around the world. Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who chaired the conference, will head the Club of Madrids permanent committee, comprising the 33 current and former leaders who attended the conference. Campbell told a news conference that the club was unique in that it brings together heads of government, heads of state, and gives them very good access to the opinions of experts, very fine scholars with different perspectives, and enables them to learn from one another. We fill a niche in that broad mosaic of attempts to try and promote democracy, she said, because if we look at the difficulties in the world if we look at famine, if we look at disease, if we look at wars all of these problems boil down to qualities of government. No details were given on funding for the Club of Madrid. The conference was sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation of North America and the Spanish Foundation

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Many economists consider private property along with reforms in the banking and judicial systems to be one of the critical elements of building a true market economy in Russia. The Kremlin also hopes the new land code will help ease the way for Russia to join the World Trade Organization. Putin will face a bigger challenge if he allows agricultural land to be put on the block, as he has promised. Many farmers and their supporters in the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, remain adamantly opposed to any sale of farms, seeing it as a repudiation of long-standing Russian tradition tying peasants to the land. Still, in legalizing urban land sales, Putin succeeded where his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, failed. Although Yeltsin enshrined the right to private property in his 1993 constitution, he could never pressure the Communistdominated Duma to pass legislation implementing it. As a result, Russians who were given small plots of land during the privatization programs of the 1990s have bought and sold property only sporadically through the black market or under local law, never knowing if such transactions would last. The vast bulk of land in Russia remains in the hands of the government, which leases it to farmers, businesses or other individuals. Russias 1993 constitution permits citizens to buy and sell land, but parliament had balked at passing legislation that would put that right into effect. The government was finally able to muster a majority because unlike in Yeltsins era, parliaments lower house is dominated by pro-government parties. The move, coming against the backdrop of an improving economy, sent a strong signal to business and political leaders who are meeting this week in Moscow for a World Economic Forum session. The World Economic Forum is highlighting Russias economic good news during its meeting in Moscow. The idea is to show that Russian authorities are dedicated to real political and economic reforms. [JR: The sale of urban land may be Russias timid way of slowly adapting to a bourgeois economic system to entice investors and to gain a foothold in the door of the WTO. Russia could compete very well in the WTO given her enormous amount of mineral resources. The Russian government still owns RUSSIAN LAND AGAIN CAN BE BOUGHT, SOLD the vast majority of land to maintain its power and control over its people. Farming in Russia is still based on the feudal system and the only difference By Peter Baker, The Washington Post, 10/28/01 today is that the peasants are being referred to MOSCOW (AP)Russia made it legal to buy as farmersso says the Washington Post.] and sell urban land for the first time since the Bolsheviks seized all property for the state, finally MARRAKECH MEETING TO FINALIZE abandoning one of the central tenets of communism a THE MOST COMPLEX TREATY EVER NEGOTIATED decade after the fall of the Soviet Union. President Vladimir Putin signed a new land code By Arthur Max, Boston Globe, 10/28/01 into law Friday despite fierce resistance from communist lawmakers who still wield influence in (AP)Capping a tortuous four-year effort, Russia. However, in a major concession to the negotiators from more than 150 countries are opposition, Putins land code exempts farmland, heading to the Moroccan city of Marrakech to put leaving that politically explosive issue until later. the final touches on an accord aimed at limiting While that means just a fraction of the countrys humanitys influence on the climate. property will be opened up for saleestimates run from The big question is how much difference it can make 2 percent to 10 percentPutin and his economic without the backing of a skeptical United States. reformers say that will stimulate the development of a A two-week conference beginning Monday genuine housing market and attract foreign investors hopes to complete a set of rules that will affect the long wary of building plants on leased land that could way countries produce energy, will influence heavy be taken away at any moment. Foreigners will be industry like car making, will encourage forestry permitted to buy property except in border areas projects and new farming techniques, and will pay and problem regions such as Chechnya. rich countries to help poor ones. for International Relations and Foreign Dialogue. Conference participants included Yugoslav Prime Minister Dragisa Pesic, Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Albanian President Rexhep Meidani, former Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki and Prime Minister Martin Siguele of the Central African Republic. They agreed in a closing declaration that in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, democracy is under threat from terrorism, reactions to globalization and growing inequality. Only through the preservation of our values can liberty and democracy survive, they said. The participants agreed that democratic systems must have clear divisions of power, effective instruments to fight corruption, and civilian control over military and defense policy. They noted that an independent media is a guarantee for freedom and political criticism. The declaration said that fair economic and social conditions go hand in hand with democratic stability, echoing warnings by participants that poverty is a key threat to democracy. Gorbachev told reporters the Club of Madrid would function as a mechanism for implementing what we discussed. He said that democracy was not a kind of panacea and cautioned established democracies against trying to impose their style of government on other countries. Democracy should be brought to life depending on the particular circumstances of each country, Gorbachev said, adding that if not, instead of democracy we would have an authoritarian system. [JR: All these attendees at the Club of Madrid Conference are handpicked puppets selected by the UN. The promotion of democracy (socialism) is what is creating the chaos, disorder and unrest in this world. The main agenda of this meeting is to protect the expansion of democracy and it has nothing to do with values, principles or individual liberties. The faade is that through democracy, smaller nations will be allowed to compete economically and socially with the bigger nations. Sorry, Gorby, but democracy IS an authoritarian system called communism. Why else would you be in charge of meetings of such world importance?]

The objective is to write the legal language governing the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 treaty drafted in Japan that would oblige industrial countries to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases blamed for warming the Earth. Cabinet ministers and policy makers from most countries will arrive in Marrakech for the last three days, Nov. 7-9, to approve the final document. Described by diplomats as the most complex international agreement ever negotiated, the value of the protocol has been cast in doubt since it was rejected by the United States, source of 24 percent of the worlds greenhouse gases. President Bush calls the treaty unfair and harmful to the U.S. economy, and says the United States wont be bound by it. Environmentalists are watching Australia, Canada, Russia and Japan, which they fear could try to weaken or undermine the Bonn decisions, or reopen debate on key issues that were only loosely tied up in Bonn. The protocol is the foundation of a grand coalition of countries pledged to limit their artificial contribution to a natural atmospheric warming that has changed the planet in a host of ways, raising sea levels, melting ice caps and changing rainfall patterns. The treaty would require industrialized countries to slash emissions of gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, primarily carbon dioxide from power stations and vehicles, demanding a costly shift away from coal and dirty fossil fuels toward cleaner energy. But the agreement reached in Bonn offered various ways to ease the pain and delay industrial action. Countries can offset part of their quota of reductions through afforestation, buying credits from countries that exceed their targets, or helping developing countries control their emissions. The experts in Marrakech must translate those agreements into UN legal language, and resolve such issues as how to report and verify emissions so that countries cannot cheat. Perhaps the toughest problem is setting penalties for the noncompliant. Michael Zammit Cutajar, the top UN official on climate issues, says once the rules are in place, the Kyoto partners can focus on how to re-engage the United States in a process it once championed, then abandoned. Reversing Clinton administration policy, the Bush administration says U.S. industry would become uncompetitive if Washington ratified the Kyoto accord. In Bonn, it stood alone while 178 other countries endorsed the final political agreement. Promises by Washington to present its own plan to fight climate change have been sidelined by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Theres no indication that its need to hold together its anti-terrorist coalition will lead to a change of heart about Kyoto. Right now, climate change is low on Washingtons agenda, Zammit Cutajar said in an interview. Any fallout from Sept. 11 will come later and it could go either way. The United States is sending a small delegation to Marrakech, mostly to observe. Under heavy pressure from its European allies, Washington agreed not to obstruct an agreement. To take effect, the treaty must be ratified by 55 nations responsible for 55 percent of the emissions recorded in 1990, the baseline year. [JR: This meeting is to finalize the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and set the rules into proper UN leagalese for world compliance. This gathering should set off alarms in the U.S. We will be targeted and made to comply since we are the biggest user of fossil

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the Bill of Rights, the court said that, while Emerson may have forfeited his right to own a gun, other Americans still have the right because history shows that the framers of the Second Amendment intended to guarantee the right of law-abiding individuals to have a gun, just as the First Amendment protects the freedom of speech of individuals. We hold that it protects the rights of individuals, including those not actually a member of any militia or engaged in active military service or training, to privately possess and bear their own firearms that are suitable as personal, individual weapons, the judges wrote. This ruling explicitly rejected the view, advocated by gun control groups, that the Second Amendment was intended only to guarantee state militias access to weaponry. Gun control groups had argued that the Supreme Courts 1939 decision in U.S. v. Miller, upholding a federal prosecution for possession of a sawed-off shotgun, meant that the government has the right to control possession of all types of weapons. But the judges yesterday held that the Miller case was concerned only with a narrow category of weapons made specifically for illegitimate purposes such as crime. [JR: With the weekly announcements from D.C. alerting us to possible terrorist attacks anywhere and at anytime it might be politically correct for Americans to protect themselves by any means possible: from gas masks, to even guns (for now). Under Martial Law though, Ashcroft could be pressured to make it illegal to have a gun unless you are wearing a uniform.] PRESIDENT SIGNS ANTI-TERRORISM BILL AMID PRIVACY CONCERNS By Christine Hall, CNSNews.com, 10/26/01 President Bush signed a terror-fighting bill into law Friday, telling the nation that it represented an essential step in defeating terrorists while protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans. Police will now have greater authority to secretly search the homes of suspected terrorists, tap telephone conversations, detain immigrants for seven days without charges and track Internet use. The law will also allow officials to share grand jury information regarding suspected terrorist operations and investigate suspected money-laundering operations. Some of the surveillance provisions expire in four years unless renewed by Congress. But, the sunset provision does not apply to the sharing of grand jury information with the CIA, the secret sneak and peak searches, or the Internet tracking. Nor does the sunset provision apply to investigations that are still in progress. The laws provisions were subjected to much criticism and negotiation in recent weeks, with some arguing the legislation failed to go far enough in freeing the hands of law enforcement authorities and others saying it went too far and will trample civil liberties. Supporters of the new law say changes were necessary in order to enhance communication between law enforcement and surveillance agencies, to strengthen control of border abuse by foreign terrorists, and to increase penalties for terrorist activities. Were dealing with terrorists who operate by highly sophisticated methods and technologies, some of which were not even available when our existing laws were written, said Bush. Our overall goal must be stopping terrorists in their

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fuels despite the fact we have next to nothing left of our manufacturing base. More than our way of life is at stake here. The ultimate goal of the UN planners is to restore much of the earth back to its original pristine state. The UN has a program in place to do just that and its called depopulation. Wars, terrorism, genocide and man-made plagues are the means to that end.] U.S. COURT UPHOLDS OWNERSHIP OF A GUN AS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT By Charles Lane, Washington Post, 10/17/01 A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the Constitution guarantees individuals the right to have a gun, the first time in recent history that such a high-level legal authority has explicitly endorsed such a view. The decisions immediate impact will be felt in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, which are within the jurisdiction of the court that issued the opinion, but the ruling is likely to embolden opponents of gun control to press their cause in federal courts around the country. Well obviously look for other cases to make the same point, using this case as a precedent, said Jim Baker, chief lobbyist for the National Rifle Association. The courts decision also amounted to an endorsement of the legal position taken by Attorney General John D. Ashcroft in a letter to the NRA in May. At that time, gun control advocates criticized Ashcroft for adopting an interpretation that they said was at odds with legal precedent. Yesterday, however, the Justice Department had no official comment on the case, saying its lawyers are still studying it. One official seemed to emphasize that the court ruling will not cause any short-term change in the departments policy. This is not inconsistent with the departments obligation to defend the constitutionality of statutes dealing with gun control, the official said. At least one prominent gun control group argued that the decision was a victory for its cause because, even though the court recognized a general right to own a gun, it also ruled that the federal government could still deny that right in the cases of people who are violent or mentally unstable. It does not get the NRA any farther in terms of challenging federal criminal laws that prohibit gun possession by people Congress wants to prohibit, said Mathew Nosanchuk, litigation director for the Violence Policy Center. He noted that only two judges in the three-judge panel explicitly said there is an individual right to carry a gun. A third judge said that he disagreed with the courts discussion of the Second Amendment and that the discussion has no value as a precedent because it was not necessary to decide the issue before the court. The case, U.S. v. Emerson, involved a 1994 federal law that prohibits people who are under restraining orders because of domestic violence from owning a gun. A Texas man, Timothy Joe Emerson, said a federal prosecutors effort to indict him for breaking the law violated his Second Amendment right to possess a gun. A federal district judge in Texas agreed and ordered the indictment dismissed. In yesterdays 77-page ruling, the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the district court was wrong to dismiss the indictment because of Emersons violent and unstable behavior. But in a long and detailed discussion of the history of

tracks rather than wasting precious time, energy and resources fighting bureaucratic legal hurdles, said House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). Some privacy advocates, however, say the legislation is an infringement of civil liberties. This bill has been called a compromise, said Jerry Berman, executive director of the Center for Democracy and Technology; but the only thing compromised is our civil liberties. This bill does too much damage to the Constitution, said Steve Dasbach, the Libertarian Partys national director. [It] massively increases the governments surveillance powers, diminishes Americans privacy and restricts our fundamental civil liberties. Other groups were unhappy with the impact the new law will have on immigrants. According to the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), the national association of more than 7,500 practicing immigration attorneys, the law will cast too large a net in allowing for the indefinite detention of people engaging in innocent activity and speech. We are a nation of immigrants and a country with a constitution that upholds individual rights and liberties, said Jeanne Butterfield, AILAs executive director. We cannot compromise our security or our values. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), however, expressed some disappointment that the new law doesnt go further. Hatch, one of the architects of the bill, is especially opposed to the sunset provision. In my opinion, a sunset will undermine the effectiveness of the tools we have created and send the wrong message to the American public that somehow these tools are extraordinary, said Hatch. Furthermore, as the attorney general stated, how can we sunset these tools when we know full well that the terrorists will not sunset their evil intentions, said Hatch. I sincerely hope that we undertake a thorough review and further extend the legislation once the four-year period expires. Hatch is happy about some of the changes made to the legislation, like requiring prosecutors to notify federal courts when they have disclosed grand jury information to other federal agencies for national security purposes. He also supports a provision requiring law enforcement to provide detailed reports concerning their use of the FBIs so-called Carnivore computer surveillance system. WHAT DOES BIN LADEN REALLY WANT? While the U.S. government and mainstream media refuse to discuss the foreign policies that breed resentment against America in the Islamic world, ignoring these fundamental issues can only perpetuate the conflict. Exclusive to American Free Press By Christopher Bollyn, 10/22/01 It was late on Sunday morning when President George W. Bush began his war against terrorism by launching 50 cruise missiles and bombing raids on Taliban targets in Afghanistan. Within hours, Osama bin Laden, the alleged mastermind behind the terror attacks of Sept. 11, responded with an effective counter-offensive in the war of words. Bin Laden spoke to the world through a taped message broadcast by Al Jazeera, the most widely watched television news channel in the Arab world.

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two competing factions in the Saudi royal family over how to deal with American requests to neutralize bin Laden, Wihbey said. One week after the terror attacks it was reported that the ailing Saudi king, Fahd, had flown to Geneva with a massive entourage and is now in seclusion. If bin Laden survives and returns to Saudi Arabia, his supporters will greet him as a Mahdi (messiah). This would mark a dramatically new geopolitical landscape, Wihbey said. Bin Laden today stands accused by the U.S. government of masterminding the kamikaze terror attacks in New York and Washingtonalthough evidence linking him to the crimes has not been presented to the public. Neither I nor my organization al-Qaida is involved in the attacks and the U.S. has traced the attackers within America, bin Laden told the Karachi daily Ummat. The attackers could be anybody, people who are part of the American system yet rebel against it, or some group that wants to make this centurya century of confrontation between Islam and Christianity. Bin Laden has always carefully denied involvement in terror attacks such as the U.S. embassy bombings, saying it is not his job to organize such attacks. His role is to create awareness about the injustices done by the U.S. to Muslims. He rails against the corrupting influence of the West on the Muslim world. What has the West given the world? A lust for power and a license to loot and plunder the poorer countries, he said in a recent interview with an Arab journalist, as reported in The Washington Times. We are against the American system but not the American people. Islam does not allow killing of innocent people, men, women and children even in the event of war, he said to Ummat. Although bin Laden denied personal responsibility for the terror attacks, in the taped speech, broadcast as Bush began the bombing of Afghanistan, he accused the United States of hypocrisy, murder, and occupation of Islamic lands, articulating widely held grievances which resonate throughout the Islamic and Arab world. Bin Laden said that the suffering America is tasting now is insignificant compared to the humiliation and degradation the Islamic world has suffered for more than 80 years. Its sons are killed, its blood is shed, its sanctuaries are attacked, and no one hears and no one heeds. Millions of innocent children are being killed as I speak. They are being killed in Iraq without committing any sins, bin Laden said about the human toll of the 11 years of U.S.-led sanctions on Iraq. Israeli tanks infest Palestine, bin Laden said, in Jenin, Ramallah, Rafah, Beit Jalla, and other places in the land of Islamand we dont hear anyone raising his voice or moving a limb. To America, I say only a few words to it and its people, bin Laden concluded. I swear by God, who has elevated the skies without pillars, neither America nor the people who live in it will dream of security before we live it in Palestine, and not before all the infidel armies leave the land of Mohammed, peace be upon him. The enmity between us and the Jews, bin Laden said in 1998, goes far back in time and is deep rooted. There is no question that war between the two of us is inevitable. The leaders in America and in other countries as well have fallen victim to Jewish

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The American mass media portrays bin Laden as consumed by hatred for the West and misrepresents his primary political goals of restoring integrity to Saudi Arabia and confronting American abuses in the Middle East. Bush and Blair may tell the world they are going to win the war against terrorism but in the Middle East, where Osama bin Laden is acquiring almost mythic status among Arabs, they have already lost, Robert Fisk of The Independent said on Oct. 10. A resident of Cairo told Fisk that Arabs believe America is trying to kill the one man ready to tell the truth. Bin Laden, who is hardly a madman, according to experts, despises the Saudi royal family, which he regards as corrupt surrogates of American rule. In 1998, bin Laden said he expects for the ruler of Riyadh the same fate as the shah of Iran. Because the Saudi royal family sells the interests of its own people and betrays the nation, bin Laden said, They shall all be wiped out. The United States is committed to defending the House of Saud against any internal political movement that might want to get rid of it, or perhaps even reform it, Writes Said K. Aburish, author of The Rise, Corruption, and Coming Fall of the House of Saud. The American troops in Saudi Arabia are seen as protecting the royal family, which is becoming less acceptable by the day, Aburish says. The House of Saud is not unlike the regime of Saddam Hussein, according to Aburish, People still disappear in the middle of the night in Saudi Arabia; people are imprisoned without being charged; people have no voice in the running of the government, and they have squandered the countrys wealth the country is not only broke, they are heavily in debt. Saudi Arabia operates in very mysterious ways. We are talking about a closed society, he said. The royal family is dedicated to keeping the kingdom closed because outside influences would include calls for human rights, equality, democracy and things of this sort that the House of Saud is not about to tolerate, Aburish said. The oppressive conditions in the country are causing massive unrest, although due to suppression by the government, Islamic fundamentalism provides the only vehicle for political reform movementsand these are becoming increasingly violent. Osama bin Laden is the prophet of these movements, Aburish says, whose number one issue is that American troops should leave Saudi Arabia, and secondly that there should be a Muslim Jerusalem where Islamic holy places are protected. Bin Laden has developed a stunningly deceptive regional war calculus that stands a reasonable chance of success, according to Paul M. Wihbey of the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in Washington. His strongest belief is that Saudi Arabia can be brought to its knees, the House of Saud deposed, Wihbey says. His overriding goal is to return to Saudi Arabia in triumph and put an end to the existing regime. Support for bin Ladens political program to reform Saudi Arabia comes from all levels of society, Aburish says, including from members of the House of Saud who belong to Islamic fundamentalist groups. There is an ongoing power struggle between

Zionist blackmail, he said. They have mobilized their people against Islam and against Muslims. Our mothers and daughters and sons are slaughtered every day with the approval of America and its support, he said. And, while America blocks the entry of weapons into Islamic countries, it provides the Israelis with a continuous supply of arms allowing them thus to kill and massacre more Muslims. The American government is leading the country toward hell. We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests, not the interests of the Jews. Al Jazeera, often called the CNN of the Arab world, reaches 35 million viewers and is the only news organization with a correspondent and direct satellite link in Kabul, the Afghan capital. Secretary of State Colin Powell appealed to the emir of Qatar, where Al Jazeera is based, to stop the flow of information the network was sending from Afghanistan. Al Jazeera resisted American censorship saying that in order to be seen as credible by its viewers it must show both sides of the conflict. Bin Laden is a party to the conflict and has a point of view that deserves to be heard, a spokesman for the network said. The Voice of America, however, pulled an interview with Mullah Omar Mohammed, the Taliban leader, following objections from the U.S. deputy secretary of state and senior officials of the National Security Council. America controls the governments of the Islamic countries they are in the grip of the United States, Omar said. America has created the evil that is attacking it. The evil will not disappear even if I die and Osama dies and others die. The U.S. should step back and review its policy. It should stop trying to impose its empire on the rest of the world, especially on Islamic countries. Irans supreme religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei condemned the American-led attack on Afghanistan as cruelty and a major mistake for the United States and Britain. The government of Iran is opposed to the Taliban but is not assisting in the U.S.-led attack on Afghanistan. Khamenei said that it was not true that the strikes are part of a campaign against terrorism. Their real purpose is to expand their [U.S. and U.K.] power and domination, he told a meeting of clerics in Tehran the day after the bombing began. What can justify this oppression that will lead to the killing and wounding of people and forcing many innocent Afghans to leave their homes? The Americans must know that they might be able to achieve their short-term goals with military strikes, he said. But they will be hurt in the long run. Without doubt, their acts will bring instability for them. Irans Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi condemned the attacks and expressed Irans concerns that such military operation could provoke extremist reactions. We stressed from the beginning that terrorism cannot be eradicated through military actions, he said at a news conference the day after the bombing began. Its causes must be identified and eliminated. [MM: To subscribe to American Free Press, call 1-888-699-6397 toll free.]

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