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JULY, 2011

The Great Gas Giveaway


iBooks Author

July 3, 2011

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Social commentary in the pro ranks must be testing waters. I used to get my news from the usual outlets, the tv, newspapers etc. Then I began to get it online. Definitely a wider scope. These days I'm usually drawn only to articles or content posted by people who may have some interests similar to mine. There's pros and cons to that, depending mainly on the subject matter of interests. But it works out mostly, except perhaps in the subject of the Arts. There would be many reasons for that. Sundays are always good days for catching up. Tuning out recently has been beneficial as it means more dedication to the pursuit of a visa so one can make a move. Staying in Ireland seems more pointless with each passing week. I don't see the potential in government anymore and once that's gone, well i think you realize the game is up. Better to be bitter and paid I reckon than bitter and on the dole. There was a work-for-free program launched last week in Ireland to hopefully give 5,000 people an opportunity. A chance for the top companies to have a round of cherry-picking at the tax payers expense. One wonders if the money was invested in actually letting the 5,000 people off the leash with their ideas, would we actually have a chance to sort out the mess we are in. The pace of change has been painfully slow whenever it has come to addressing any of Ireland's historical woes and despite all its promise, the opportunity that was there over the past 20 years, so 'carelessly' let slip away, was wasted. And yet you feel with the lack of a challenge to the nation or some sort of a vision for the future that actually steers away from the absurdity of all that has gone here since 2008, the biggest opportunity we may ever have as a country is also being let slip away. With little to lose one would think that would be the call, wouldn't you? Which again beggars the question. Why is it so? Orchestration in my opinion, and with austerity being the buzzword in so many countries these days, it's hard to see Western society in the circles that impact on human life doing anything but continuing on its anti-evolutionary way to the detriment of us all. It's unfortunate, but it's where the world is at in 2011. Image

iBooks Author

July 10, 2011

iBooks Author

Seven days can be a long time in anything, but when it comes to writing the blog lately, it's not long enough. I said to myself most evenings I should go upstairs and do some writing, but overcome with a dose of ICGAF, I didn't bother. Sometimes I try to fit more into a day than the day allows, but other things were more important this week, and when you don't feel passionate about something it's best not to do it. This form of writing felt like that this week, but with a little better news toward the weekend the other forms didn't suffer as much. There's no doubting the big news story of the week. The demise of the News Of The World newspaper over a hacking scandal that threatens to expose the threat of media conglomeration for what it is, and may even have some political consequence as well. Famed for its probing investigations and sensationalist headlines the News Of The World was Britain's best selling Sunday newspaper for many years. Worthy in minor cases, but generally celebrity clap trap. Bought because its cheap, it delivered with the same. Where do I stand on the right to privacy? I think everyone is entitled to it. If Jude Law is a womanizer or Ashley Cole has a fondness for a bit of rough after a few drinks, well, where is the public interest in that? Do I give a 4x about who was caught whispering in whose ear at some celebrity bash? Couldn't give a toss to be honest. It does interest some people, it's accepted and most importantly, it sells. It's one of the greatest cons of modern times. Ordinary people actually propping up the tyrannical way established forces continue to turn them and the planet into an environmental and social waste grounds. I'm not sure for what at the end of the day, but it's a pity people don't learn through their education how the world really works. No, people are groomed to be a number in a Capitalist World which in turn spits them out time and time again... if their 'Western' that is. And what profits from misery. Funnily, entertainment is one of those things. So, who's 'entertaining us?' The same guys that will hack into your phone to get a story and if that is what Journalism aspires to, then the media are no better than the politicians with power or the bankers who thieve from us all with government approval. And it's ordinary people that put them there in popularity contests, in which aspirate's have to be 'chosen to run.' Democracy?

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In three months time Ireland will elect someone to be the President of this country for a seven year tenure. The main political parties can choose their candidate and citizens can run if they secure nominations from four county or city councils which are all controlled to the best of my knowledge by 'the main political parties.' All very Roman, isn't it? In Ireland, that is part of the problem. You either sell your soul to the political or media gentry, or you're not worthy. The perks are big, no doubt about it. Our next President with have rent free accommodation, a host of perks, 250k a year and have to pay for nothing. Let's face it - and I don't mean any disrespect to previous incumbents, but who wouldn't want that number. I'm sure Fianna Fail are not ready to be pro-active in their own recovery just yet, but here's an interesting take on something I'm sure a few of them will be reading today. I don't think they are so brave, but then you never know. They are in danger of falling apart. It's time they came back to being a Republican Party and not extensions of European Bureaucrats who control them. If they don't do that soon, they're doomed. They really need to turn their think-ins back to that and not the travesty it became in the days of Bertie and Brian. Three grand a week from the nations coffers for helping to bankrupt a nation? And people are supposed to be an evolving species? Wake up! I've quoted Freud's alleged comment about the Irish before. He was supposed to have said, " This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever." Case in point being yesterdays election by the Fine Gael part of Gay Mitchell to be their candidate for the upcoming election. Enda seemed rattled as his favourite Pat Cox was soundly beaten into third place. It shows how weak Kenny's position is within his own party. I still have visions of Enda turning the tide under a 'Who's Your daddy' banner, but visions can get you locked up, so best not to dramatize. Ireland still awaits it's next great States-person? Step up, please...

iBooks Author

July 13, 2011

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With broken election promises, hacking going on all over the place and Italy within weeks of going under barring divine intervention, the need to not only get out of Ireland, but perhaps the Northern Hemisphere altogether is at an all-time high. So with that in mind, I'll be taking a few days to remind myself of what I'll be missing when I'm gone, by taking a camping trip down the country. She is a beautiful country despite the fact we are being run by and controlled by people who ruin it for the rest of us. They know who they are and trust me, if wearing a suit and acting the big-shot is the mark of respect in this country after all she's been through for the past three years, well I'll take Mick Wallace, Gerry Adams, Joe Higgins, Richie Boyd and Ming Flanagan any day of the week - dress-code included. With politicians soiling the practice with each passing day the world over, the majority give those worthy of political practice taunts and then laugh about among themselves, but in my world what a person wears is no longer the mark of respect or competency. Nope, in many cases that's failure, because justifying the obscene pensions some of our esteemed establishment made away with, when measured against the human and social cost to the nation. it can't be looked at in any other way. Irish folk may cop on one of these days but we are a day or two away from realizing it yet, and perhaps even longer away from changing it, if indeed such a thing is possible at all. True democracy is not the choice of who is chosen and put before us by our esteemed elite who continue to suck up to European bureaucrats who penalized hundreds of millions of people for banking failures. If that's democracy, then democracy is dead. Politicians need to think for the people who put them there, not promise the earth and only deliver to moochers. At the end of the day they can answer that one for themselves. The good among them may one day turn our fortunes around... but I doubt it!

Peace out. 'Tis Summer. Time to chill before the winter of discontent... Hopefully on an Australian beach watching sunsets after a day in the surf. Maybe emigration may not be so bad after all... Image

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Piggy Gate
July 15, 2011

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So I return to see I've made a fool of myself. It isn't the first time! After sounding out the good Mick Wallace as someone who might practice a better brand of politics and that it didnt matter how he dressed, good old Micko duly went and had a bit of a go at fellow TD, Mary Mitchell-O'Malley, in which the grey assasain referred to his fellow TD as Miss Piggy. In the great scheme of things, it's small. It's unfortunate that it happened. Humans will be humans. He's apologized, and in the spirit of things Mary Mitchell-O'Malley accepted it. End of story? Probably not, as other voices will try to turn it inside out with 'their angle.' And all views are important to an evolving society. I remember the night Wallace said he was running for office. I raised my eyebrows. Wallace is a builder who got in a little deep during the Tiger. In the great shark pool of those who got in deep, Wallace is small fry. His election made me think, 'Only in Ireland,' but he has been known as voice of discontent toward the establishment in times past, and sure, who would blame a lad for trying to get ahead without getting married to the mob? No matter how you view Wallace it's hard not to admit he is a colorful character and perhaps even needed at this dreadful time in Ireland's woe. Elected he was, and one hopes he gets the chance to stay in the Dil, though usually when you voice against the order, you lose. Good luck Mick. No sooner had I read Piggy-Gate, my eyes widened in astonishment as it came across the airwaves that Enda Kenny is fast becoming the Artful Dodger, minus the Artful of course. Mayo native Enda will not be attending the Connaught Final on Sunday. One wonders if the opposition has anything to do with it, considering how they were spun by the Gaelers pre-election with false promises. Perhaps a ruthless effort to rid the Dil of Ming Flanagan, another dissenter? A political tactic to see can they get rid of him before the next election perhaps? Hoping the people of Roscommon will realize Ming is no good as an Independent and with their services rapidly declining, they fling him from office? Only for Ming to fight back by launching a new political party, The Brand New Greens with help from singer Dan Boyle, to win a landslide in the Summer election of 2014. As we all know it is not the first time Enda has done a bit of dodging after running from Vincent Browne during the election. On that occasion you might recall he wanted the chair to symbolize the thousands lost to emigration. Well here's one for you Enda... Theyre still going in their droves. Quit avoiding the issues and get on the saddle and if your genuine in your excuses then face the damn questions and people if necessary. Leaders lead, remember? Speaking of positions of importance it was another shameful day for the Catholic Church with the publication of The Cloyne Report. You can read the main points here.

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There is always a rogue element in every institution, but when the very top of the church are involved in the cover-ups, in anyone's terms, that's appalling. Government and Church have ruled over this land since its inception and charged with the moral and social guidance they both preach about, but seldom deliver. They set the mark. Well, look around you. I would never deny anyone a belief, but those carrying the message are of a disturbingly poor standard and one must ask the reason why? My money's on money. Yours? It just highlights everything really. For the Irish who were made suffer in silence for generations. As Absurdism suggests in its philosophy, once you accept it, an individual can pursue their own meaning. It's easy to turn to philosophy when Church and State offer little truth with each passing day. For those still servant and in a proper way, it must be a test of even their faiths. To have given a life for a hierarchy that tried to cover-up abuse. Perhaps Absurdism can offer solace to some along the way. On my little tour of Galway and Clare over the past few days I finally got to read my third book of the year. Tuesdays with Morrie. The book was placed in my hands about six months ago. After reading it, I knew why. Within its rusted pages I found the words i might have been looking for. A kind of thinking that frees a person and perhaps even allows for happiness along the way. Well, at the very least, a decent pursuit of it. Far removed from the world by a lakeside, miles from anywhere, was just what the old batteries needed. I read some good wisdom between the pages. Might just have been what I was looking for right now to keep ploughing on regardless. One statement made by the books protagonist, Morrie Schwartz was how the people of the planet are so easily brainwashed by the most simple of methods. You just keep repeating stuff to them. If you look around you see it at work everywhere. It's hard to avoid. Yet, life can be simplified. Perhaps even down to a soulful final beat. It takes a little time and a lot of looking, but looking in the right places for any individual certainly open the doors. At this stage in life, I could not be more far removed from the Ireland of my youth as I am today. I guess the words of a dying man were said for reasons unknown. But at the time of writing, I found them all perfectly true. So with all that in mind one might hopefully begin the search for a new chapter somewhere. World's too big a place to be sitting around waiting for something to change in Ireland. Took nearly three years now to figure that out. Is it time well spent? For a lesson in life, best time I ever spent. Good form kinda grows on you when you allow for down time. A more living approach to life than simply waiting...and waiting...and waiting...and waiting... and waiting for - let's be harsh shall we, for, nothing to change. With the Western Australian Minister for Energy, Training and Workforce Development Peter Collier saying this week he could take a third of Ireland's unemployed and present them with boundless opportunity, the time might be now to get out of dodge before the Dollar and the Euro and News Corp explode in our faces.If you want me to sell Perth for you Mr. Collier, here I am... and I work for cheap. I won't be political, I promise... What ye think? Hello, Mr. Collier... Mr. Collier... Mr.Collier...

iBooks Author

July 22, 2011

iBooks Author

Yesterday proved to be an historic day, dependent on what emphasis you place your historical importance. Let's start with the bottom feeders in my own particular history book. EU leaders, under market threat of toppling the Spanish and Italian economies, scrambled to Brussels yesterday and in record time decided to lighten up a little and dealt debt-ridden countries a few minor concessions in how that debt can be paid back. The 'savings' could amount to 600-800 million over the lifetime of the repayments. It might be something, but in an ocean of debt it will still drown us. While the fiscal deficit remains a challenge, it is the debt laid on the nation by the previous government which sunk us for the generation to come. And all for what? So the Establishment could play in the biggest casino of them all without fear of losing. Lives will be lost as a result, the social consequence will be devastating and we should not forget the exodus of a hundred thousand Irish people to foreign shores. And this is an acceptable way for those charged with direction to govern? Not in my world! The big question though for the layman must be how do financial sharks make World leaders jump to the beat of their drum. A little investigation will make you realize that in fact it is the sharks who control everything and our puppeteer leaders may carry themselves with the suave exterior of importance, but even they must envy the power at the very top. Many will know how they have continually failed the Planet in every way possible. Silent voices mainly, for whatever reasons. The problem is the Planet is run for the most part by a Capitalist driven agenda where 'survival of the fittest' is paramount even at the expense of those around us. Sometimes, even those closest. Yet people remain lost, unhappy, caught up in the endless spin of chasing all that's fed to them through the mainstream in terms of what we think we want and the pursuit of that, only, if lucky, to realize the chase is just not worth the ride, especially when the game is rigged. With the US having reached it's debt ceiling, the leader of the free world face having to raise the their own debt level once again. Austerity is the name of the new modern game. If you're lucky, I guess. And there probably lies the irony. Because it really doesn't have to be that way, nor should it be. Power should come with a mission statement to eventually eradicate itself when humankind is made responsible for itself. The problem is a few don't want it that way, the rest of us unfortunately for the most part remain blissfully ignorant, hence no change that is making any sort of impact. With the Americans out of money, the last Space Shuttle flight concluded yesterday morning with the safe return of Atlantis from the International Space Station. Not only will the Americans not be going into space in the short term, but thousands of jobs now cross from human endeavor to corporate type space Trekkie companies taking the super rich on day trips into space.

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We have no resources to explore an infinite universe, but plenty to rage wars and plunder the planet. One hopes that there is no-one watching in. I think the word delusion would have another meaning on Super Planet. I guess a little humility goes a long way sometimes. To get to it may be a worthwhile undertaking, but it's a tough nut to crack at times when one looks around at the world we share. The one thing I do know is if we choose people to lead us who are involved in one of the greatest manipulations of all time then we are doomed. Because if 'leaders' can invent money to bailout countries and starvation, wars and social inequality is still the norm, then you have to ask the question. Is it them or the people that put them there in the first place that are at fault? When individuals ask that question of themselves and can answer it properly, then maybe the chance for change will remain a possibility.



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The Patriot Prism

July 24, 2011

iBooks Author

Once again events around the world conspire to bring home the absurd world we live in and with the weight of those horrors being too much for people, it can also be at times the saddest place to be. Some people are doomed to spend their lives enclosed between walls, their minds stretched to the limits under the weight placed on them by the sadness that exists among us every single day, even in ordinary day lives. So many things happen on a daily base which help us form the opinions we all carry with us. Freedom to express that opinion is, in my working-class opinion, everyone's right. Without them you can't sway opinions on issues, hence any real change open to mankind seems to only come about after extreme acts of violence toward our fellow man. I haven't looked into the background of what has unfolded in Norway over the past 36 hours, but one thing I know is the killer is nothing but a murdering coward, for no ideal is worth the lives of innocent people and has no place in any democracy. There has to be better ways to get your point across than slaughtering people and worse so, your own. I reckon when they sent Tim McVeigh to the table he was glad for the release of the burden of seeing the faces of innocent women and children haunt his every waking hour and I believe even he knew in the end, brutal slaughter serves no purpose, however justified warped thinking and twisted idealism's can be at times. How one person can inflict so much damage to the psyche the world over will be the subject of much discussion in the short term. The longer term will bring about a more stringent approach, with a further shadow cast across society as it slowly closes in on itself by the censoring of any open and constructive debate. I've seen it in Ireland. Top politicians who delete 'friends' on Facebook for asking the wrong type of question. The Patriot Act did it State side. And the phone hacking scandal in Britain. All a perfect storm, or what? Open society may very well be the fault for so many losing their lives in Oslo at the end of the day. To commit the atrocity that was perpetrated on Norway's darkest day since the war, severe lapses in security probably contributed more to the death toll than any other single contributory factor apart for this individuals need to make his point. How do you balance it? It is terrorism, but I did not like the way many analysts jumped down the throat of Muslims as a primary reaction. I guess people are better keeping trap closed in certain quarters. The standard of Journalism being delivered is also appalling. One Sky reporter was saying that McVeigh carried out his bombing in Utah. It was Oklahoma. This is the main stream media?


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Civil society has no place for people who carry out such acts. Some put them to death, others lock them up. One thing is sure, they can't be allowed to walk among us. Until we get to the stage Spielberg got to in Minority Report, it's always going to be a social conundrum that one. Earlier this evening I found me pipes getting hot for a few reasons, mainly stemming from a disturbing fact I read earlier today where it was said that 1 billion people in the world now suffer from malnutrition. It was nowhere to be seen on any front pages of tomorrows newspapers. Not one. The headlines were split between Norway and the tragic death of Amy Winehouse, as she became the latest entry into the 27 Club. Singer Winehouse shot to worldwide fame with her 2006 album, Back To Black before a slow slide into drug and alcohol addiction, culminating in her death today at just 27 years of age. With the world at her feet, addiction slaved over her every waking minute as she fought her demons under the glare of a tabloid driven frenzy which can have done nothing more than make her close further into addictions arms. I'm all up for a bit of banter. I'd laugh at some strange jokes. All good. But I did find some comments in the world of social media tonight more than distasteful. Addiction is classified by the W.H.O as being a disease. It's clutches are hard to break free from. I'd even go as far as to stay damn near impossible, such are the odds against anyone battling any of its forms. So in a world where people are entitled to an opinion, I guess you have to let anything go. But calling her 'Junkie Scum' is probably among the most distasteful thing I've heard in a while. I blame education, as I'm more than well-voiced in human flaw, but even sometime people need to take a little charge of themselves. I'll comfort myself in the fact that out there somewhere in the universe, what energy remains of her maybe singing vocals written by Bill Hicks alongside Kurt Kobain, backing vocals from Ollie Reed and Ronnie Drew. Trombone and Bangles from Richard Harris. Perhaps a little jazz or blues. Been that sort of day.


iBooks Author

July 28, 2011

iBooks Author

It's great to see that some areas of life are free from recession and austerity. Shell and BP posted combined profits for the quarter of 7.2 billion for the FIRST quarter of this year. Yes, I wrote billions, it is not a misprint. That amounts to something like 30 million an hour. That's not a misprint either. BP, who were responsible for the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill last year and Shell, whom the previous Irish government gave our gas reserves too, proves that the destruction of the planet and its environment are not only good for business, they have government backing to do it as well. Wake up people! In Ireland this past few days rumours of a white collar boxing showdown between Pope Ben and Enda Kenny are exactly that, and highly unlikely to take place. As Rome considers its latest excuse and response to the Cloyne Report, the battle between Church and State enters a new era. Trouble is most are wising up to them both. 800 million kids on the verge of starvation in Somalia and The Vatican, one of the richest states in the world? Ireland lobbing a million here and there, but hundreds of billions to give back crooks the money they lost gambling... with everyone's lives. Come on... really! I think quote of the day yesterday came from Alan Shatter as he defended the governments latest stealth tax on society in the shape of a property and water tax. Yes, I wrote water. In Ireland."I dont believe that the vast majority of people who have a great deal of common sense are going to get overexcited about what is a very small charge in circumstances in which this State and this Government is bound by the EU/IMF agreement to put in place some property tax provision," Shatter said. I guess I'm a moron so. Plus it makes me wonder how Shatter can pawn off blame for the charge on the IMF and EU and keep a straight face, because if that's the case we don't need the 166 TD's in the Dil because they have no power. Lots of talk about boycotts and refusal to pay will soon be wrapped up in its usual way. If you don't pay, you'll be fined. Non-payment of that and it's Mountjoy. Yes, A common criminal. With no common sense. Oh, the stigma.The thoughts of being in there with Bertie and Seanie Fitz and Mick Lowry is sure to have people quaking in their boots and ... oh wait, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Those are free men. We deal justice out in this country at pace for some, in reverse for other. Examples? There are many, but I'd need to be paid to go into all that. I wonder why despite all the anger and protests nothing changes. It's because if it was not for the Internet we'd know nothing about any protests. But Facebook, I'm beginning to see, is not the way forward. There probably will be a much larger website that connects people to emerge soon, one that is not so fond of personal information. As a tool to unite common people with common goals it's not hitting its mark. I can think of the reasons why, but hey, that's another story...

iBooks Author

Hitch Hiking
July 29, 2011

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What country gave away, at a conservative estimate, 420 billion of gas reserves to a big oil company and cracked down on the dissenting locals with force and imprisonment and then allowed a regulator lob a 22% hike on domestic gas prices on citizens of _______ struggling in every quarter with the exception of the established one? Answers on a postcard please to Who Wants To Be Taken For A Ride? at P.O Box, 56232265569, Plankville. Seriously though! Political sci-fi writers would be laughed at. But yet it happens. It would not be so bad if the wealth was coming ashore for the benefit of the Irish people and then the world, but no, the only thing coming ashore is pollutants, be they oil or radioactive. Ireland is being continually wrapped with a leather belt for failings by those who escaped the label of failure because the government of the day said so. Haven't we not had enough of those damn belts in Ireland yet? Ireland's CEO, AJ 'Chopper' Chopra was in town today to give an insight into the 3.6 billion of cuts and tax hikes to come in December's budget despite Enda and Eamon's insistence there would be no cut to social welfare payments nor any tax hikes this year. Have we Statesmen willing to stand up for the Ireland at long last? Or will Chopper continue to wear his 'I can do what I want' look every time he graces us with his presence? Here's how I think it will all play out. Tomorrow the media will fill us in on the minor details. The 'debate' will begin. Labour will have massive pressure put on them. Fine Gael will stand firm. Cracks will appear, but like most coalitions they'll limp on until it comes around to saving their bacon. Unfortunately that can sometimes backfire. Ask The Incredible Hulks! Let's face the reality. Ireland's going to be tramped on again, thousands more will leave, the economy will constrict because money fueling what's left of it will be put in State owned zombie banks so the ride at the top can go on and many remain ignorant of it, bought for the price of a medical card to access an inept health service. And that's being kind... NAMA posted first year losses of over a billion euro yesterday. With nine years to go and everything the world over on the brink of economic collapse, it's hard to see the Agency going anywhere but alongside the many, many other costly pearls of wisdom previous governments have implemented. Overspends, inflated wages and pensions, rent of prefabs, e-voting machines, cash bonanza's for those that bankrupted us, etc, etc, etc, etc efeckinctera............. The blog started nearly two years ago. It's been a sharp dive down the graph ever sense. At this rate of going the running joke in the Third World will so be, 'The First World...(laughs) ... tomorrow's third world. And no-one saw it coming.' (more laughs)

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Well at least RTE have spent some of their cash wisely in the production of a special with Christy Moore hosted by Gay Byrne tonight. I was listening to Christy once on a CD Player when he walked past me in a place - but that's another story. Modern day and proper Irishmen. Both of them. People Ireland can be proud of. In an age when people like that are harder and harder to find. It's a shame Ireland has gone the way it has... yet again. It's almost a generational phenomenon by now. 50s-80s-10s. Will that cycle ever be broken? It's a tough thing to say, but it's looking like it won't, well, not in my lifetime anyway. Those who brought us to our knees should be ashamed of themselves, but for the lost part, I'm confident they're not. History can't be faked anymore, and history records. Unfortunately the world don't spin on the creation of some semblance of legacy or contribution to life that befits existence. It spins until the Sun says we don't anymore. Scientific fact that one...



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This ebook series is a comment on issues in Ireland and abroad. It is covered in real-time against the backdrop of what is really happening in Ireland at this time. The series cover events as they happen through the eyes of the ctional Don Booker, an unemployed recluse as he attempts to write himself through his personal woes and an Ireland in decline. The novel, Booker's World is separate from this series of ebooks, though both worlds do cross at certain juncture as the months go by. An ebook version of the novel is now available. All ebooks in this series may be used for reference and may be distributed freely once adhering to Creative Commons License and crediting the author.
With cuts to depression & addiction services being implemented in Ireland, please consider these when making a charitable donation in the future.


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Also in this series -

The Artful Dodger Planet Bonkers

5 Days in September Deathly Quotes November Nightmares Absurdities Purjurious Times Forgetful Directions Chill Dark The Loaded Taoiseach Independence International Mutha-F*ckrz The Cost of Living Last Daze

45 Visitors Dead Peasants

All available to read or download at www.fbooker.blogspot.com www.scribd.com/don_booker


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Also by Noel Farrell

Novel Bookers World

Sonny Strange


Free download

Contact :jasepub@gmail.com
Noel Farrell 2012


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