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Formula for geometrical figures

pi ()=3.1415926535 ...

Perimeter formula
Square Rectangle Parallelogram Triangle Regular n-polygon Trapezoid Trapezoid Circle Ellipse 4 * side 2 * (length + width) 2 * (side1 + side2) side1 + side2 + side3 n * side height * (base1 + base2) / 2 base1 + base2 + height * [csc(theta1) + csc(theta2)] 2 * pi * radius 4 * radius1 * E(k,pi/2) E(k,pi/2) is the Complete Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind k = (1/radius1) * sqrt(radius12 - radius22) side2 length * width base * height base * height / 2 (1/4) * n * side2 * cot(pi/n) height * (base1 + base2) / 2 pi * radius2 pi * radius1 * radius2

Area formula
Square Rectangle Parallelogram Triangle Regular n-polygon Trapezoid Circle Ellipse

Cube (surface) 6 * side2 Sphere (surface) 4 * pi * radius2 Cylinder (surface of side) perimeter of circle * height 2 * pi * radius * height Cylinder (whole surface) Areas of top and bottom circles + Area of the side 2(pi * radius2) + 2 * pi * radius * height Cone (surface) pi * radius * side Torus (surface) pi2 * (radius22 - radius12)

Volume formula
Cube Rectangular Prism Sphere Ellipsoid Cylinder Cone side3 side1 * side2 * side3 (4/3) * pi * radius3 (4/3) * pi * radius1 * radius2 * radius3 pi * radius2 * height (1/3) * pi * radius2 * height

Pyramid Torus

(1/3) * (base area) * height (1/4) * pi2 * (r1 + r2) * (r1 - r2)2

Basic math formulas

Find here a comprehensive list of basic math formulas commonly used when doing basic math computation

Average formula: Let a1,a2,a3,......,an be a set of numbers, average = (a1 + a2 + a3,+......+ an)/n Fractions formulas:

Converting a mixed number to an improper fraction:

Converting an improper fraction to a mixed number:

Formula for a proportion:

In a proportion, the product of the extremes (ad) equal the product of the means(bc), Thus, ad = bc Percent: Percent to fraction: x% = x/100 Percentage formula: Rate/100 = Percentage/base Rate: The percent. Base: The amount you are taking the percent of. Percentage: The answer obtained by multiplying the base by the rate Consumer math formulas: Discount = list price discount rate Sale price = list price discount Discount rate = discount list price Sales tax = price of item tax rate Interest = principal rate of interest time Tips = cost of meals tip rate

Commission = cost of service commission rate Geometry formulas: Perimeter: Perimeter of a square: s + s + s + s s:length of one side Perimeter of a rectangle: l + w + l + w l: length w: width Perimeter of a triangle: a + b + c a, b, and c: lengths of the 3 sides Area: Area of a square: s s s: length of one side Area of a rectangle: l w l: length w: width Area of a triangle: (b h)/2 b: length of base h: length of height Area of a trapezoid: (b1 + b2) h/2 b1 and b2: parallel sides or the bases h: length of height volume: Volume of a cube: s s s s: length of one side Volume of a box: l w h l: length w: width h: height Volume of a sphere: (4/3) pi r3

pi: 3.14 r: radius of sphere Volume of a triangular prism: area of triangle Height = (1/2 base height) Height base: length of the base of the triangle height: height of the triangle Height: height of the triangular prism Volume of a cylinder:pi r2 Height pi: 3.14 r: radius of the circle of the base Height: height of the cylinder

Formula for percentage

The formula for percentage is the following and it should be easy to use:

We will take examples to illustrate.Let us start with the formula on the left An important thing to remember: Cross multiply It means to multiply the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other fraction Examples #1: 25 % of 200 is____ In this problem, of = 200, is = ?, and % = 25

We get: is/200 = 25/100 Since is in an unknown, you can replace it by y to make the problem more familiar y/200 = 25/100 Cross multiply to get y 100 = 200 25 y 100 = 5000 Divide 5000 by 100 to get y Since 5000/100 = 50, y = 50 So, 25 % of 200 is 50 Examples #2: What number is 2% of 50 ? This is just another way of saying 2% of 50 is___ So, set up the proportion as example #1: is/50 = 2/100 Replace is by y and cross multiply to get: y 100 = 50 2 y 100 = 100 Since 1 100 = 100, y = 1 Therefore, 1 is 2 % of 50 Examples #3: 24% of___ is 36 This time, notice that is = 36, but of is missing

After you set up the formula, you get: 36/of = 24/100 Replace of by y and cross multiply to get: 36/y = 24/100 y 24 = 36 100 y 24 = 3600 Divide 3600 by 24 to get y 3600/24 = 150, y = 1500 Therefore, 24 % of 150 is 36 Now, we will take examples to illustrate how to use the formula for percentage on the right Examples #4: To use the other formula that says part and whole, just remember the following: The number after of is always the whole The number after is is always the part If I say 25 % of___ is 60, we know that the whole is missing and part = 60 Your proportion will will like this: 60/whole = 25/100 After cross multiplying, we get: whole 25 = 60 100 whole 25 = 6000 Divide 6000 by 25 to get whole 6000/25 = 240, so whole = 240 Therefore, 25 % of 240 is 60

Examples #5: ___% of 45 is 9 Here whole = 45 and part = 9, but % is missing We get: 9/45 = %/100 Replacing % by x and cross multiplying gives: 9 100 = 45 x 900 = 45 x Divide 900 by 45 to get x 900/45 = 20, so x = 20

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