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DECLARATION OF REMOVAL OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve

the political
bands which have connected them with the Federal Government and Invoke our rights as WE THE PEOPLE are guaranteed under the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE & THE CONSTITUTION of the United States of America. That was written to protect our rights given to us in the Declaration of independence. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as too them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Due to the overwhelming corruption in voting and state and local officials including SOME law enforcement officers. With the Laws and Declarations formed under the Founding Fathers to insure America and Americans would never fall to a oppressive government unless We The People intend to let it . And our 2nd amendment Rights to bear Arms gives each man and woman the power to uphold their law in a time of crisis in a organizes manner in militia as all able bodied people have military and police power in a time of crisis. Before WE THE PEOPLE are forced to invoke our 2ndAmendment right. We The People Declare it is time to Remove the Federal Government as a whole due to the Unlawful and intentional installation of a foreign born Radical with no proof of documentation of who he really is and known from here on out as Barack Hussein Obama to overthrow the constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and undermine our rights and ability to defend our self and country.

As of this Day MARCH 19, 2012 All federal Employees will be removed from state & local offices
with nothing more then the cloths they need to leave with. All material of the Federal Government belongs too in a whole the American People. Any Attempt too destroy or cover up information leading too the crimes that have been committed by Government personal will Insure a Death Sentence for HIGH TREASON.

As of this Day it is the SWORN duty of the closet law enforcement officer to arrest and detain Barack
Hussein Obama and to be held in a safe secure undisclosed jail until trial can be set up. And High Treason Charges pressed with the DEATH SENTENCE mandatory if found guilty

As of this day All Paper work if any at all even exist in the vaults of Hawaii will be turned over. All
Hawaii officials involved in this Act of High Treason will be arrested immediately and will stand trail for HIGH TREASON with the DEATH SENTENCE mandatory if found guilty.

As of this Day all high ranking officials in the FBI, CIA, SS and all other Federal agency's will step down
and await charges if any are to by filed.

As of this Day ALL high ranking military officials that have never Questioned

Their Commander and chiefs Authority of never being a Natural Born American Citizen will step down and will report to the brig until or otherwise told. within the ranks of the Unit they commanded a New Commander will be picked. And the citizens will Have final say. Until a New President of the United States is Elected.

As of this Day all Bank Accounts and assets belonging to known politicians involved in this treasonous
act will be frozen and Secured and immediate incarceration of such persons will take place. And charged

with High Treason

As of this DAY All financial backers and major supporters that have ties to this treasonous act will be
frozen and secured and immediate incarceration of such persons will take place. And charged with High Treason

As of this Day Each GOVERNOR that has not publicly spoken out about the Fraudulent paper work
and been publicly active to remove and expose this crime of HIGH TREASON Barack Hussein Obama and the government has perpetrated on the American Citizen Will IMMEDIATELY STEP down and the citizens will elect a local volunteer from their area to oversea New elections process and vetting of all Politicians. And this person will be vetted properly by WE THE PEOPLE.

As of this Day Each MAYOR that has not publicly spoken out about the Fraudulent paper work and
been publicly active to remove and expose this crime of HIGH TREASON Barack Hussein and the government has perpetrated on the American Citizen Will IMMEDIATELY STEP down and the citizens will elect a local volunteer from their area to oversea New elections process and vetting of all Politicians. And this person will be vetted properly by WE THE PEOPLE.

As of this Day ALL political elections underway on this date will be suspended until The mess the
politicians themselves have created is sorted out and new fair elections with Only people willing to show ID and swear an oath to the United States Constitution to never attempt to overthrow will be a loud to vote in all new public elections. Each State has the sole responsibility too Govern them selves until a new Federal Government is established. With a New Constitution Written to Insure the Original Constitution will never be Questioned again. Every state and city will resort back to Their laws of the day January 19, 2008 and Any law created after that day will be null and void. And will only be signed back into law by a NEW elected official. As anything after January 19,2008 is not valid. Nobody will go hungry and nobody will suddenly be out of a place to live and things will basically look the same and work the same as they have always been. As Long as the People understand that this is to Avoid a Civil War Among our self. So as this time has come where We The People of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA are no longer united in ideology, the time has come we need to allow states the opportunity to succeed the Union and form their own state If the Majority rules to let such happen. On this day the Law Enforcement is put on notice It is up to the local Sheriff in every county to control and keep Peace. It is Their duty to UPHOLD their oath. It is time They Uphold the constitution and perform the actions described above or step out of the way and resign. As We The People CAN & WILL take care of this if they do not. To Avoid Civil War I. William Gregory Blasingame, Author of this Declaration Written on March 4, 2012 Hereby declare my Rights under the constitution & Declaration of Independence to Force the removal of the Federal Government and incarceration of Barack Hussein Obama and all Evolved in aiding this perpetration This Document may be copied as a whole with no changes and signed & delivered to anyone under youre right given to you by the Founding Fathers.



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