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by Rev. W. V. Grant

. CHAPTER I WHY DO WE PREACH THE GOSPEL? Is it to just savesouls and get people to become Christians? Is it to give them better living conditions? Is it our purpose to Americanize them, or get people to accept our ideas, principles, and scruples? We must have a goal and an ultimate purpose in mind. The Lord looks at our motive and will judge us by our intensions as well as the work we are doing. Do we preach to get people converted so they will be healthy and happy? Is it to evangelize the world so Jesus will hurry and return? Can you define your goal, aim, and purpose? If you can't, then maybe you had better take inventory of your work and turn the Holy Spirit's x-ray machine on yourself today. It is possible that some ministers are on the field as a vacation, as a doctor or an attorney would follow their life's work. Is it a profession with some? Are they working for their salary, or as a meansto earn their bread and butter? Could it be because their parents were preachers, or could it be because they know of no other way to make a living? Are some too lazy or too full of pride to do physical work? The above purposes have some merits, but is there not a higher, more noble purpose in the mind' of Christ? WHAT IS THE MAIN AIM OF CHRIST IN OUR LABORS? Jesus Said, "1 will build my church." Everything that an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a teacher, or a pastor does is part of an ultimate purpose. It is to build the church of Jesus Christ. Did it ever occur to you that Jesus loved the church and gaveHimself for it? He purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). The church is God's will. To do the will of God, we must be busy building the church. We must build a strong church which follows the example given to us in the New Testament. If you don't follow the New Testament example, you will have no New Testament church.

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If we have the mind of Christ, we will do the works of Christ. If we do the works of Christ, we will be busy building the church which He is building. ARE MISSIONARY INSTITUTIONS EFFECTIVE IF THEY DO NOT ,BUILD CHURCHES? It is similar to getting baby chickens hatched out and then not caring for them. Different institutions have tried getting people converted in foreign fields. They say their job is to witness to all the world and to hasten the return of Jesus Christ to this world. Unfortunately, very little of their work remains. Jesus said He wants us to bear much fruit and He wants that fruit to "remain." Some trees bear fruit, but the fruit is not cared for. It does not remain (John 15:16). The fruit of a Christian is another Christian. The converts must be formed into churches. They must be taught, not only to resist the devil, but to teach other converts how to resist Satan. The purpose of evangelizing is to call out a people for the Lord Jesus Christ. The church must evangelize. Paul told Pastor Timothy to "do the work of an evangelist" (II Tim 4:5). We must conform to the long range method of establishing the church of the Lord Jesus. IS NOT THE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE POPULATION COMMENDABLE? It is good to build schools, hospitals, agricultural projects, and similar institutions, but these are only side lines, as by products. Build a strong church and these other things will take care of themselves. If we only build institutions other than the church, then the struggling church is too weak to meet a Communist crisis, or any other enemy. Sometimes crisis causes the home country to withdraw funds and missionaries. Then the enemy can take over. So we see how we must teach the church to be strong and self-supporting. Many missionaries never teach the converts to give offerings or to pay tithes. They have done the natives a great wrong. No one is too poor to tithe. The nine-tenths of your

salary with God's blessings will go farther than the tenth tenths with the curse on it. If we teach the full gospel we will teach the converts that God's will is the home church, pastor, teacher, and Christian worker. Without these, then the convert is not in the will of God. WHAT WAS THE NEW TESTAMENT PATTERN? The converts were brought together by Brother Paul. It was often in a home of a Christian. Sometimes they met in a school house, a synagogue, or some public place. There they would teach the converts in Christian doctrine and conduct. Deacons, elders, pastors, and teachers were chosen. Paul was led by the Spirit for the right leadership. Paul taught in a school in Ephesus for two years, All Asia heard the Word of the Lord (Acts 19:10). Paul left a church after each revival. In some places, Paul left a self-governing church in a short while. Most of the time, this church could support itself and carry the gospel to others. We don't find that the home church at Jerusalem or Antioch sent support to keep these churches going. At one time he asked the new church to send relief to the Jerusalem church during a famine. Each new church was self-supporting in the New Testament. It could expand by its own power. It was a healthy church. It was self-qoverninq, The Holy Ghost put overseers over the church (Acts 20:23). It did not depend on foreign money to exist. MUSTWE HAVE A NATIONAL CHURCH? The New Testament Church was a "National Church." We must have a national church. A national church does not have to depend on a church in some other country. It does not need support or leaders from a foreign nation. It must not exclude Christians of other nationalities, but it must not depend on outsiders for support. God has no respect to persons or nationalities. There are large churches on the mission fields which are still unable to support a full-time pastor. Ten families that tithe can support a pastor on the same living standards that they have.

Suppose all the missionaries were forced to go home. Could the church survive? If the church is built according to the New Testament pattern, the gatesof hell can't prevail against it. CAN WE REALLY OBTAIN THIS GOAL? Is foreign aid God's plan? The New Testament and the gospel never changes. It is the samein our time as-in Bible days. The gospel is universal. It can be adopted to any race and any country. It can grow on any economic or social level. If we have New Testament methods, we can see New Testament results. God has so designed this gospel so it meets the need of people in all countries. The true gospel can produce an indigenous church any place on earth. The Holy Spirit can work in any country. It shows a lack of faith, and is an insult to the new converts to believe that they can't exist by God's power without depending on the wisdom and help of foreign mission boards. WHO DOES JESUS HOLD RESPONSIBLE TO WIN SOULS? Christ's agent to win the souls in the surrounding territory is the church. An evangelist may have a revival in a new place and leave an organized church, but that church is expected to win the lost in every direction. Each believer must become a soul winner. All of us must be witnesses. If we have divine life, we must impart that life to others. Some havea rule that no convert must be baptized until he wins a soul to Christ. A growing church is a witnessing church, a dynamic preacher or melodious singers can't take the place of every member becoming a soul winner. SHOU LD A PASTOR BE INTERESTED IN OUT STATIONS. As a pastor, your ministry is not complete in the church house. If the sinners don't come to the church, then the church must go to the sinner. We are commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospelto every creature. As a pastor, you can influence your people to reach the

sinners in every direction. Services may be held in open air, brush arbors, tents, school houses, or somewhere in the nearby communities. WHO SHOULD THE PASTOR GET TO HELP HIM? Since the pastor cannot do this alone, he must depend on the capable and faithful members to serve as lay preachers in cooperation with the church. The pastors can give a worker's certificate to these workers to show they are working under his authority and direction. After they have been loyal workers six months, they may be given ministers' license. Then they must become evangelistswho hold revivals planned by the pastor. When the local ministers ure so successful that they must go out into full-time revivals, they must go into the regions beyond them (II Cor. 10: 16) and not work in competition with the pastor, on the sameterritory. In this way, the lay preacher becomes a full-time minister with the sincere recommendation and endorsement of his pastor, who stands behind the minister, when he is going out into full-time work for God. TO WH0M IS THE LOCAL MINISTER RESPONSIBLE? The pastor, with his official board, makes a local minister responsible for an outstation. It is the responsibility of the pastor, in cooperation with the official board, to name works from the home church to work in the out station. With talents from the home church, a new Sunday School may be organized. The new group must never consider themselves independent, or more spiritual than the pastor who sent them, regardless of how the Lord may bless. If the certificates are given to the local minister by his home church and pastor, he will recognize that the pastor has the authority in building the outstation. SHOULD THE NEW CHURCH BE ORGANIZED AND SET IN ORDER BY THE MOTHER CHURCH? There must be unity, fellowship, and harmony between the mother and daughter church. The instructions should come from the pastor who is a spiritual father to the new church. It is good for the mother church to have a workers training class at least once per week to furnish qualified workers for

another new church in another nearby town. Thus the work of the Lord grows. SHOULD THE YOUNG PASTOR HAVE BIBLE SCHOOL TRAINING? Not all workers will grow into a full-time minister, but a few will. If the pastor really wants to see the gospel go into all the world, he will have a selfless spirit. He will want to build the home church, but he will also want to build for God other places. He will recognize the ones who have a real calling into the full time ministry.
thou "The things thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others." III TIm. 2:2.>






HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO TRAIN A MINISTER? The old methods of attending a Bible School for four years will not be the answer for all the God-called ministers. Some of the ministers already know more than sqme! who have finished Bible School. God has taken them through a preparation. However, it would be a great help to these ministers for the pastor to have a few weeks training school at the local church. A real qualified pastor from another city could be brought in for this training. This course may last for two or three weeksdurinq vacation months at night. A course in Sunday School work would fit into a great advantage here. This would be a good time to train them in literal soul winning and passing out tracts from house to house. The night services in a fifteen-day school could be given to soul winning. More than one church could join in this effort. A boy really learns to plow by plowing. An organist learns to play by playing. A preacher learns more about preaching when he preaches. After he preaches awhile, let him attend another course next year. DO WE HAVE GOD-CALLED EVANGELISTS? No evangelist calls himself. God has set the evangelists in the church just as He sets prophets and pastors in the church. His ministry should be mostly in new fields and not to teach the old saints in established churches. His object is not only to win souls, but to leave them in an organized church. It is better not to win souls than to let them die because they do not have a shepherd (II Peter 2: 21 ). Never leave Iittle lambs to the wolves and lions without a shepherd.

One good way is to organize a group to put out literature from house to house. He may begin services in open air, a tent, hall, or in a large dwelling. Many people will listen in open air, or near a tent, who will not go inside a building. In this way the converts will see the need of a place to meet. Most of the time, they will give their time, labor, and means to provide that meeting place. Most of the time it is a mistake to build a house before you build a church. If the Lord build not the house, they labor in vain that build it (Ps. 127: 1). Some ministers build a building costing much money. After ten years, they have ten people who can't pay the overhead. Unless the candlestick is there, why build a church house? After the Lord brings the people together, it is not hard to get the people to build a building. SHOULD THE LORD CHOOSE THE LOCATION? Most of the time it is better to go in the heart of the city and work in every direction. It seems that is the way Paul did it. Then all the villages round about may be reached. Above all, the Lord must place the location on the heart of the evangelist. If the evangelist and workers spend three days in fasting and prayer, God will put a certain location on their hearts. If several truck loads of workers gather at the place in praising and singing, the crowds will come out. Testimonies from these workers are valuable. It must never be a one man's show, or a Hollywood style, show-man-ship evangel ist. Jesus must be magnified; then the souls who listen will be convicted by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit will not convict men of sin when we magnify a man. Philip, the evangelist, gives us a good example of a New Testament revival (Acts 8). He preached Christ unto them WHAT IS A GOOD BEGINNING IN A REVIVAL? The most powerful proof of the gospel is to have eyewitnesses. A firsthand report is better than "hearsay". A voice is always better than an echo. Suppose a former drug addict, alcoholic, or witch doctor stands up and declares he has been set free by God's power.

Suppose everyone in the city knows their former life. That is strong proof; and is more convincing than preaching a theory taken from a book. Suppose a man who was demon-possessed is delivered. He stands and says, "I opposed this group and tried to break up the revival. I tried to keep them out of town. Now I am converted. I have what they have. I am saved and set free." Suppose a woman stands and says, "I was in the hospital with cancer. These people prayed. I have been discharged and pronounced well." Suppose another one says, "I was bound by demons. I was in and out of that jail one hundred times. Now I am set free. My record is down at the city hall." The revival will be on! The ones who testify become charter members of the new church. They will soon be trained to become workers, who will get others set free. MUST THE EVANG-ELIST PREACH LONG? It does not take a long sermon. After these powerful testimonies, the evangelist can simply bring a short, anointed message and draw in the net. After many people come forward, they are asked to kneel and surrender to Christ. You can tell when the Spirit of God settles over the place. Many will give their hearts to Christ. That is a sign that a shepherd must be left to take care of the lambs. HOW MUSTWE KEEP THE PEOPLE SAVED? While some go forward in building a new church house, others must remain busy building the church, by the power of Christ. They must meet together for instructions. There they must teach the new converts about the Holy Ghost. In these gatherings, many will be filled with the Holy Ghost. Names and addresses of interested people must be put on file. Each interested person must have a visit for potential church workers. It must be remembered that the enemy will contest each effort. Therefore, a prayer band that will pull down strongholds, is very important. HOW SHOULD WE ORGANIZE A CHURCH? God has set the members in the' church as it has pleased

Him (I Cor. 12: 18). If man does it, he will usually make a grave mistake. He will be sorry later on. We only recognize what the Lord does. For instance, the church sent out Paul and Barnabas on the missionary field, but they only recognized that God had put the call on them
"As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy GhOst said Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them." (Acts 13: 2.)

Organizing a local church causes the converts to be strong. They feel their responsibility. When a man is converted he has a new relationship to God. When he becomes a member of the local church, he feels his relationship to his fellow man. So, the converts have a sense of responsibility, unity, and zeal. They have a spirit of sacrifice which causes the church to be self-supporting. SHOULD THERE BE A BASIS OF COOPERATION? There must be some agreement between the members for methods, purpose, and doctrine. Two can't walk together unless they agree (Amos 3:3). This does not always mean that they believe exactly alike on each point. They can agree not to criticize one another or make an issue about non-essential points. For instance, Paul refused to make an issue on circumcision, baptism, keeping of days, or eating meats. His members made that teaching an agreement among themselves. They wouldn't let anyone judge them in keeping of days (Col. 2: 16). When it comes to the essential points, which determines our salvation, there must be an understanding. Some of these points are the divinity of Christ, the virgin birth, the atonement, etc. Some teach that the Holy Ghost is our guide, and so He is. We must have someone to judge who is guided by the Spirit when two people are guided in different directions. Some teach that the Bible is our creed and guide. Still two men may teach opposite to one another and say they found that teaching in the Bible. We can't follow everyone's interpretation of the Bible. It is good that there be an agreement between the believers on salvation, Holy Ghost, sin, hell, second coming of Christ, church support, etc.

SHOULD A LOCAL CHURCH HAVE ELECTIONS? When the majority rules, God does not rule. God is not always in the majority. Had they voted on Jesus, they would have voted Him out at times. Moses would have been voted back into Egypt. Gideon would have received three hundred votes out of 32,000. Paul had only Luke with him at one time (II Tim. 4: 11). God's business is not a democracy. It is a theocracy. That is when God rules. God puts up and puts down. Promotion does not come from the East or from the West It comes from God (Ps. 75:6). A man's gifts make room for him When Moses died, God had a Joshua to take Moses's place. The workman may die, but the work of God moves on. We merely recognize the officials God has put in the church. God sets the members in the church as it has pleased Him. Feed the flock of God. The Holy Ghost makes you overseers (Acts 20:28). Just as there are God-called pastors, there are God-called teachers, elders, deacons, singers, choir directors, or janitors. We recognize what God has done, whether it be by appointment or by election. Both can miss the mark when the Spirit does not direct. The Biblical way is for the people to look out qualified people that the pastor may appoint over certain matters (Acts 6:3). Jesus is the Good Shepherd. The pastor is the under shepherd of the flock (I Peter 5: 1-4). The pastor has the spiritual responsibility of the church and must be directed by the Spirit. The Spirit gives him the spiritual gift of the word of wisdom to take care of each problem that presents itself. WHO SHOULD BE ON THE OFFICIAL BOARD? It is an age-old custom for men to be nominated from the floor, and a vote to be taken. The man who gets the most votes becomes a deacon, elder, or some official board member. Many times these people are nominated or voted in because of their popularity, social standing, finance, or because they have a business and are well known in the community. Too many times, it is because they know how to play politics and can organize the people. Sometimes it is because they pay the most money into the treasury to support the church. People

reason that the "church cannot do without their support," Many times these prominent men are carnal; a carnal mind is God's enemy. It stands against everything that is spiritual. Th us, the church becomes another organization without organism. The board ties the pastor's hand in the spiritual moves he makes. A church will not rise above its leaders. If the blind leads the blind, they all fall into the ditch of formalism and carnality. These men reason that they are more spiritual than the rest of these people or they would not be put in as leaders of the church. IS THERE A BETTER WAY TO HAVE AN OFFICIAL BOARD? We have found that an official board should be made up of the leader of every department. The Sunday School superintendent and all the teachers should be on this board. The leader of each department, such as the men's fellowship meeting, the ladies' missionary society, the young people's department,. and the children's church must be on the official board. All these people are appointed by the pastor because of their faithfulness. They love the Lord or they would not be faithful. They pray and are anointed of the Lord. They are close to the people of all ages and feel their heartbeat. They know what the people need. They are in each service and are in touch with the people. The official board is an advisory board with whom the wise pastor will counsel. They will offer him their suggestions. It is much as the advisors to the president of the United States counsel with him before the president makes an important decision. They know what the church needs. They do as the early church was commanded to do.
"Wherefore, brethren look ye OUt amo 06f3the Holy Ghost and w'lsdom whom we :ri~yy~upposevlnetn tOhflhonestreport, full men : .) over s business." (Acts

WHAT DOES THE PASTOR DO NEXT? The wise pastor prays and med itates over these suggestions for a few days. Then he tells his board the decisions he has

made. Most of the time they .will see the wisdom in what the pastor says. He makes the appointments and decisions. Then it is ratified by the church the next service. If there is too much opposition, the wise pastor will table the matter and wait until the next board meeting to see if anyone has come up with a better suggestion or recommendation. SUPPOSE THAT A FEW PEOPLE WANT TO VOICE? There are a few critics in the audience who may want to throw a monkey wrench in the machinery. They kick and snort, and stick their feet in the ground and balk. Had they been faithful they could probably have been teaching a class and been on the official board. They trade with A and P or Safeway. Yet, they don't vote on everything that manager, or owner does. They trade at the bank. Yet, they do not tie the banker's hands on each decision. The president of the United States makes some decisions without asking you. He can't please us all. WHAT IS THE DUTY OF A PASTOR? He is the spiritual head of the church. Jesus is the Shepherd. The pastor is the undershepherd. The Holy Ghost has made the pastor the overseer (Acts 20:28). The pastor is responsible to the Holy Ghost who appointed him. The church belongs to Jesus. He is the head (Col. 1: 18). The pastor has the spiritual responsibility of the well being of the church. He wants the good will of everyone. He is the one who suffers if people stop coming. So, the pastor watches for your souls as the one who gives an account to God. If you don't think the pastor makes the right decision, pray about it. Then if things don't change, there could be something wrong with your prayers. The pastor is the head of the official board and the chairman of each committee. There must be no meeting called unless the pastor calls it. The official board must never act independently of the pastor. It can transact no business without him. IS THE PASTOR'S AUTHORITY UNLIMITED? No one is infallible. No one is indispensible. The pastor who says, "I'm going to do this or know the reason why"

usually knows the reason why. He will wake up some day to find that his followers have quit him and gone to another church. He rules the church, but not with a broomstick. He rules it with love, just as Christ has authority over his people. The pastor is in Christ's stead. He is Christ's representative. The Apostle Peter tells us not to be lords over God's heritage. God won't stand for it very long. A minister is a servant (J Cor. 9: 19). The pastor is a servant of the church, just as Christ became a servant. A wise pastor will not put new names on the church roll, or take them off, if he knows the church is displeased with it. A good pastor will not show a dictator spirit. A good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. He will establish a relationship with the church which is cooperative and harmonious. HOW CAN THE PASTOR ESTABLISH THIS RELATIONSHIP? He should take the initiative. He should have a monthly meeting with the official board to consider church business. If the members of the official board do not attend a monthly meeting, then he has no right to complain about any decision which might be made. In the official board meeting, the people should bring solutions instead of problems. They must bring a suggestion and a plan, how to reach more people , . gain new territory. If he and has the Spirit of Christ, he will not become upset if his plan is not chosen when it is first presented. WHAT ARE THE DUTIES OF A DEACON? The Bible deals more with the qualifications of a deacon than with their duty. The seven men appointed over the matter in the early church were not called deacons. There were seven men in a church of about 20,000 people. A church of 100 only needs one if that many. These men were working full time, it seems, taking care of the business that the men of God had "appointed" them to do (Acts 6: 1-6). God has set the deacon in the church as it has pleased him. He is God-called. We only recognize what God has done, and appoint that man. A deacon should be on the official board with the other leaders to help counsel with the pastor to offer their advice.

They are never independent of the pastor, but they cooperate with him. A real spiritual deacon can hold the church together while the pastor is on a vacation, or has to be away for any reason. If the deacon cannot attend the board meetings, he should hand in his resignation and make room for someoneelse to take his place. Some people stand in the door. They won't go in and hinder others from going in (Luke 11:52). ARE THERE GOD-CALLED DEACONS? A God-called deacon looks after the spiritual needsofthe church, but he also carries on a spiritual ministry. Stephen, Philip and others who had been chosen to carryon church business were full of the Holy Ghost. God used them to hold revivals and work miracles (Acts 7 and Acts 8). A good deacon will work under the direction of the pastor on committees. He helps the pastor to minister the Word and carry on outstations. As he is faithful, he will also have the qualification of an elder. An election is not entirely ruled out; although, they have caused more trouble in some churches than forty revivals can cure. If there is an election for deaconsby the people, then the people must never nominate from the floor. There should be a nominating committee. The committee must be instructed by the pastor and told exactly the qualification necessaryfor deacons.The pastor must screenand okay each one who is nominated before they vote. Even then, the qualifications should be explained to each candidate so he can withdraw before the voting if he feels he can't meet the requirements. Above all, we must remember that God has set the members in the church (I Cor. 12: 18). We only recognizewhat he has done. ARE WE RESPONSIBLE TO GOVERN THE MEMBERS? Yes, but only through love and the anointing of the Spirit. If we attempt to govern as the world does,we will make a ship wreck of things. The scripture must always be the guidlines. It is actually the Holy Spirit doing the governing through us. There is such a thing asdivine discipline.
"Moreover If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: If he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But If he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And If he shall neglect to hear them ten It unto the church: but If he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee an heathen man and a publican." (Matt. 18: 15-17.)

These are instructions spoken by Jesus. If you follow these, God will work with you. Don't stop, and tell anyone before you get to the offending party. Go in the Spirit of Christ. If you will confess your faults first, he will come nearer confessing his. Never tell it to a mixed multitude where there are sinners around. Let not the left hand know what the right hand does. Don't tell it before a public gathering. Simply put the Christians wise asto the stepswhich have been taken. ARE THERE ANY OTHER INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING DISCIPLINE?
"Brethren, If a man be overtaken In a fault} ye which are spiritual} restore such an one In the spirit of meekness; considering tnyself, lest thou also De tempted." (Gal. 6:1.)

Remember' before anything is done, the man must be overtaken in the fault. Do not accept a rumor or an accusation. You must have two or three eye witnesses (I Tim. 5: 19). You will make a fool of yourself if you go to him with a rumor. Who is to go to the man in a fault? It is the one who is spiritual, and not a carnal man who tries to fix things and makes them worse. You must also consider your own faults. You must go in the Spirit of Christ in all humility. You must restore him, heal hirn, cure him preach him in and never preach him out. Remember he is a human being. Use the golden rule. How would you feel should you be in his place? WHAT ELSE MUSTWE DO ABOUT DISCIPLINE?
"Now I beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." (Rom. 16: 17.)

Mark them. We do that when we tell it, as a last step to the other believers. Mark the man or woman who is a chronic trouble maker. We do this so others will know them and be on the watch out. Know them that labor among us (I Thes. 5: 12). Do not have any fellowship with them. Say, "Hello, brother," and keep going. Avoid him. Walk the other direction. Refuse to get in an argument with him. Do not listen to his gossip or arguments. One place we are commanded to reject him (Tit. 3: 13). Do not accept him, visit him, or bid him God speed, or listen to his story, or give him any sympathy. Do not pet that spirit. Ignore it. MUST WE STOPTRYING TO HELP HIM? There comes a time that we spend our time trying to help


someone else that appreciates it. God told Samuel not to pray for Saul anymore, becauseHe had given Saul up and let him go.
"Now we command you, brethren, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us." (II Thes. 3:6.)

every other effort, we can pray the trouble makers out of the

One time some people came to arrest Elisha and the prophet struck them blind (II Kings 6: 18). A devil-possessed man tried to block Paul's altar call and hinder a man from being saved. Paul struck him blind 'and let the man who was under conviction get sa~ed(Acts 13). Paul turned some men over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh because they withstood the messagehe preached (I Tim. 1:20). WOULD IT NOT BE BETTER TO JUST LET THE TROUBLE SLIDE BY? We must care for the sheep. Sometimes we must take action to saveour testimony. Paul prayed about the offender, but he also took some kind of action, and told us to do the same. We must have only a feeling of love and compassion toward anyone who is in trouble, or the trouble maker. A mother or dad corrects the child, but still loves the child. They look on the child with compassion. We must not fail to perform our duty merely becausethat duty is unpleasant. The public could believe that we condone sin if we fail to act in certain matters. For the sake of the offender's soul, for the sake of the church, and for the sake of the town who is watching, it is sometimes necessary to take action. We must fulfill our responsibility . We must move forward with love, praying for guidance. The Lord expects us to act where the interest of the Kingdom is concerned. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO IN SUCH A CASE? One time Jesus was called on to handle the case of an accused offender. He said, ''Where are thine accusers?"No one would stand up as a witness that they saw the woman commit the sin. Jesus refused to condemn her. That ended the case (John 8: 1-11). There may be a rumor about a certain man. All we can do is to ask for the evidence. If no one is willing to witness against

It is your part to withdraw yourself from him. It is not your part to keep the Lamb's Book of Life and say the man is saved or not saved. You don't turn him out and turn him in. The Lord takes care of that. Jesus is the Door into the sheepfold. He opens and no man shuts. He shuts and no man opens. Let the wheat and the tares grow up together. If you try to root up the tares, you might get somewheat. God will let the angels separate the wheat from the tares. That is not our job (Matt. 13:29).
"A man that 15 an heretlck after the first and second admonition reject; knowing that he that Is such Is subverted, and slnneth, being condemned of himself." (Titus 3:10-11.)

IS THERE SUCH A THING AS DIVINE DISCIPLINE? As a last resort, after everything else has failed, we may turn one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.
"Of whom 15 Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom that ttley may learn not to blaspheme." (I TIm. 1:20.) I have delivered unto Satan,

This is 'what Peter did to two liars that hindered the progress of the church. By the gift of miracles, divine discipline was used on them (Acts 5:1-11). The church was purged of the trouble makers. The revival moved on. Things like this took place quite often in Moses'sministry. The earth opened up and swallowed thousands of trouble makers (Num. 16). Leprosy took hold of complainers (Num. 12:10). This gift operated through Elisha and let leprosy that could not be healed, cling to a liar as long as he lived (II Kings 5:27). Elijah called down fire from heaven several times and destroyed the enemiesofthe Lord (I Kings 18:38). IS THE CHURCH COMMANDED TO USE THAT KIND OF GIFT?
"It Is reported commonly that there Is fornication among you, and such fornication as Is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife. And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. For I verily, as absent In body, but present In spirit! have Judged already, as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this deed, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." (I Cor. 5:1-5.)

There is a death penalty pronounced on those who commit adultery (Lev. 20: 10). As the last resort, after we have made

the accused, then we cannot convict anyone without evidence. Receive not an accusation without two or three witnesses (I Tim 5:19). SUPPOSE WE HEAR A RUMOR ON SOMEONE? We should trace the rumor back to the one who started it. If the one who started the rumor cannot furnish proof, then the one Who started the rumor is the gUilty party. Judge not that you be not judged. He who judges does the same thing (Rom

2: 1).
No one must carry on a rumor unless he is prepared to sign his name to it. We must not accept a rumor without two or three eye witnesses (I Tim. 5: 19). About ninety-eight per cent of the rumors flying around are without foundation. The only thing worse than a gossipper is someone that listens to the gossip. Where there is no wood, the fire goes out. Where there are no listeners, there are no gossipers. We cannot follow a man around night and day to see what he does. Jhat is the office work of the Holy Spirit. Remember this: Your sins will find you out. You can't hide your sins. Everything hidden will come to light. If we pray the sinner will willfully drop out, confess or meet divine discipline not for down the road. ' HAVE YOU METWITH ANY SUCH CASES? This book would not hold the cases with which we have dealt. Some of these cases we have published in other books. I shall relate two more recent ones: Brother X was a good song leader and an elder. He had the good will and influence of the people. Rumors began to fly around that he drank whiskey. No one believed the rumor and he denied it. Everyone refused to witness or have their name used. Then they began to tell that he went with women. One night the Lord told me, "Leave it alone. I will take care of it." Soon, Brother X left his wife and went off with another woman. We dropped him and the church rolled on. Had I acted too soon, I would have lost about half of the church. Rumors kept coming that Brother A had acted in an unseeming way with women. He denied it each time we confronted him Each time we had one witness rather than two. that single case, it was one against one. He promised to be

careful. He had a lot of friends. We could not root out 'tares without getting some wheat. We fasted and prayed. Not many weeks went by until he went to the hospital and suddenly passed away with cancer. The church needs the gift of the word of wisdom to solve problems (I Cor. 12:8). HAS GOD S'ET GOVERNMENT IN THE CHURCH? That is one of the ministerial gifts that He has set in the church. I can't accept the fact that it is like the carnal governments of this world (I Cor. 12:28). The Holy Spirit actually rules through us. A husband is the heat! of the home and rules the house, but he rules it by love and not with a broomstick. Love is the strongest force in the world. There are certain rules for us to go by that will govern the church. These principles are given us by Christ. In Matthew, Chapters 5, 6, and 7, these principles came by the Spirit of Christ. They are powerful and will work when they are applied in the right way. It takes patience, but patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5). WHAT ABOUT THE NATIONAL CHURCH GOVERNMENT? The most important part is the local church government. When it works perfectly, there is not much need of a national government. The true government is neither a dictatorship, believing that the man at the top is infallible, nor a democracy, letting the majority rule. In the church government, the Lord rules. It is a theocracy. God sets the men over the church as it has pleased him. In most cases, the voice of the people is no more the voice of God than the voice of a pope. There should be some form of government to hold the local churches together in the faith and to keep out false doctrine and immorality. Let us suppose that a pastor seeks to become a dictator in the bad sense of the word: or if the pastor turns out to be a drunkard and an adulterer; what must we do? We know the church should mourn and turn him over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. There is a solution in God. God has set intercessors in the church (I Cor. 5: 1-10).

Suppose the church scatters and fails to exercise its throne rights. The national government can step in and save the church. If the pastor resigns, the general government can assist in getting the right pastor. The national government is only to help when help is needed. Even a football game has certain rules of the game. You can't play a game of checkers or chess without abiding by certain rules. If worldly people have rules of the game, so must God's people. God's people must believe in and practice fair play. DO WE HAVE SCRIPTURAL EXAMPLES FOR THIS? It seems that the mother church, that started the local churches, were responsible for their protection from grievious wolves that would come in and try to destroy the flock. There were the churches of Asia, the churches of Judea, and the churches of Jerusalem.
''Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedon la." ( II Cor. 8: 1.) "For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achala was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath provoked very many." (II Cor. 9:2.) "For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which In Judaea are In Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews." (I Thes. 2: 14.)

Our faith can be larger and more powerful when we see the bigness of God and His overall plans. WAS THE GENERAL CHURCH CALLED ON TO SOLVE PROBLEMS? After the gospel was preached through the Roman Empire, and Gentile churches come into being, certain problems arose. Some of the Jews who had become Christians tried to demand that all Christians keep the law of Moses. The Gentiles believed they would be saved by faith, without being circumcised. This teaching became a threat to the doctrine of faith. No local church could solve this issue. It was causing confusion. The overseers came together at the mother church and sought God. They sent a message from the Holy Ghost to all the local churches, and settled the question that was tearing down the Christian faith (Acts 15).
"For It seemed good to the Holy GhOst; and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; that ye abstain from meats offered to Idols and from blood, and from things strangledl, and from fornication: from which If ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well." (Acts 15:,829.) "For what Is It wherein ye were inferior to other churches, except It be that I myself was not burdensome to you? Forgive me this wrong. Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not your's, but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the Children." (II Cor. 12: 13-15.)

In Paul's ministry there was a sort of inner church relationship. Each local church should recognize that it is part of the whole body of Christ. It has some responsibility to the mother church. WHY IS THIS RELATIONSHIP SO NECESSARY? There is a need for Christian fellowship. An isolated church can be lifted up with pride, thinking it is.more spiritual than others, or it can become discouraged needing a lift. We need to practice the unity and fellowship that we tell the laymen to practice. Contact with other local churches helps our spirit, doctrine, and fellowship. Where there is unity, there is strength. Cooperation between churches can carry out projects that one church can't carry out. They can do missionary work, start and establish training centers, and lift many burdens. God looks at things from an overall standpoint. He has organized the planets, stars, sun, moon, and all the universe. We must try to see things from an overall standpoint as God looks at things.






JERUSALEM COUNCI L? Representatives were there from all the churches. The entire body of Christ was considered. All elements were presented, such as Jews and Gentiles, apostles and elders, delegates and missionaries. People told of what God had been doing in their revivals. The problem came into focus. No one man had all the authority. James was recognized as the presiding elder because he was the recognized leader of the mother church in Jerusalem. First, they all took part in a general discussion. Peter, the recognized apostle to the Gentiles at that time, related his experience. James summarized the matter and made a suggestion to the whole group. All of them seemed to agree with James. They put the decision in writing and sent it by two faithful men to the local churches. The names of approved workers were certified. The letter refused to endorse false doctrine and false teacliers. Men carried out a commission in the name of the church. These men of God were certain that the Holy Ghost

had given them the solution by the spiritual gift of the word of wisdom This solution has been handed down to us (Acts 15). It is profitable for doctrine, correction in righteousness that we go into perfection (II Tim. 3: 16). WERE THESE MEN GUIDED BY A VOCAL UTTERANCE? It seemed they were guided by a revelation gift, which is the word of wisdom. Paul was present. He usually received a word from God by revelation.
"Then took Titus that gospel reputation, fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas and with me also. And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of lest by any means I should run, or had run, In vain." $Gal. 2:12.)

This had a tremendous influence on the churches. It formed a pattern for us who want' to stay on Biblical grounds and be safe. We would be safe today should we come together and seek God in fasting and praying until the Lord reveals His will to us by the Holy Ghost. In Acts, Chapter 15 those men made "minutes" of their gathering. It seemed they were all men. They were guided by the Holy Ghost. Everyone seemed to approve the decision. The life and ministry of the leaders were known. They gave chosen men a commission. The men who were approved were of a sound character and teaching. They rejected false doctrine and approved good doctrine. The problem was freely discussed by everyone. No one man was dictator. Ministers and delegates were gathered in one location, CAN A GROUP OF CHURCHES DO THE SAME TODAY? No one group of churches make the complete body of Christ. No one group may be complete and perfect on all doctrine. But they can carryon work for God and help one another. We have commissioned men in our time. Some men have a gift of government to counsel with the local church group and solve their problems. Some take the oversight over a group of churches. Some are evangelists in a given area. Others encourage weak, struggling church groups. Some are gifted in carrying on projects to build. Others may begin a Bible School to train new workers. One local church may never do all of these things. There is unity in strength.

At the same time the local church can be a local sovereign body until they need help. HOW MANY LOCAL CHURCHES MUST BE GROUPED TOGETHER? That depends on who God used to begin the churches and who helped them to exist. We must consider language, geographical features, transportation, etc. The Lord may use some Brother X to start fifty churches. There may be three churches started from each of these fifty. That would be 200 churches. God also gives Brother X and his helpers a certain amount of influence over these 200 churches. Brother X is responsible to God, who gave him the influence, to use it in promoting and helping those churches. Brother X must give in account to God of the way he usesthat influence. DOES THE SUPPORT OF THE LOCAL CHURCH BECOME A PROBLEM? When the church is in its babyhood, we sometime wonder how it may be supported. The missionary goes into a new place and begins a church. He is sorry for the converts because of their low standard of living. He helps the converts financially. After a few months, or years, they have been taught to look to the missionary, or pioneer preacher, for a job or for financial help. Most pioneer preachers have taught the natives wrong. The natives may lose their individual initiative and the pioneer preacher is largely to blame for teaching them wrong. SHOULD THE LOCAL CHURCH BE '>ELF-SUPPORTING? When God raises up a church, He puts the candlestick there. He sends the people in. He sets the members in the church as it has pleased Him. The same faith that brings healing, miracles, and deliverance will supply finance. The young converts must be taught the whole gospel. Jesus came to set us free from sin, sickness, spirits, and suppression of poverty. If we teach the young church that God will bless those who take care of His work, they will believe it.
"Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? Who planteth a vineyard, and eatetn. not of the fruit thereof? Or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milK of the flocK? Say I these things as a man? Or salth not the law the same also? F or it 15 written In t_helaw of MoseskThou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that t readeth out the corn. Doth God ta e care for oxen? Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in

hope and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. If we have sown' unto you spiritual things, Is It a great thing If we shall reap your carnal things? If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ. Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? And they which walt at the altar are partakers with the altar? Even so natn the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." (I Cor. 9:7-14.)

DID GOD BRING THE TITHE SYSTEM OVER INTO THE CHURCH? In the preceeding verses, the word "even so" means that God has ordained that God's people, in our time, must live off of the tithe, as they did in Old Testament days. We don't find where Paul taught the young churches to depend on the mother church to support the new church. That was all planned by the Lord when the church was born. It is alright for a pioneer preacher to do as Paul, support themselves until the church is established. Then the new church should be taught to tithe. The tithe should be brought into the storehouse and let the full-time workers be supported. WHAT OTHER ADVANTAGE DOES THE SELF-SUPPORTING CHURCH HAVE? The home church becomes more aggressivein building the church and winning souls. The pastor feels responsible to the people rather than to the home church or missionary board. He feels that God has called him and is supplying his need. The pastor's faith mounts high when he must trust in God for support. He must be prepared to trust in God for all things. He can say, "My God shall supply all your need by Christ Jesus" rather than by the "home church or missionary board," The pastor must not be considered by his people as a mere employee by the home country. The home country may believe the pastor is a "spy" sent in by a rich nation for political purposes. He could be considered an agent of a foreign religion, The self-supporting church can survive in time of war. IS THERE A GROWING SPIRIT OF NATIONALISM? This spirit makes people jealous of foreigners or the outside people. There is a worldwide feeling against colonialism. People want to keep their own language, customs, and identification. In foreign countries there is an urge to Americanize the natives rather than Christianize them. They speakof foreign imperialism. Those who pay the bills want to dictate the policies. The

self-supporting church must begin to make some decisions and solve its own problems. If a church has not been taught to support itself, how can it ever reach out and begin new churches around it? HOW CAN WE OBTAIN THIS GOAL? We must teach the workers this Biblical fact. They can sell it to others if they are sold on it. The time to teach tithing is when the convert is tender and feels his responsibility to God. We can expect the blessings of God on our church if we line up with the scriptural teachings, and depend on God. The pastor must teach tithes from a Biblical command and not from the standpoint of need. Don't give because of necessity. Give because God loves a cheerful giver (II Cor. 9:7). The giver givesbecauseof his own benefit. When the writer was about twenty, he was living with his uncle who had a large family. One day his uncle told him th t he must board somewhere and could no longer live there. I thouqht it was hard. How could I ever pay room, rent and board? As I prayed and trusted God, I not only paid board and room, but in a few years, I owned and operated six prosperous businesses, and built several self-supporting churches. If a young convert can do that, what can a young church do? I appreciate my uncle pushing me out and making me trust God. Had I stayed with him perhaps I would have still been depending on his help and support. Faith multiplies by use. IS THE RIGHT ORGANIZATION WHAT WE NEED? Organization is not enough. We need organism Adam was organized. Then God breathed into him the breath of life. We need the form but we must have life in that form. A Cadillac may have every part in place but not have any fire in the battery. We need fire in the pulpit and pew. Methods are not enough. We need dynamics. We need both mechanics and apostolic power. Without an atmosphere of prayer, a church will die. In Acts, Chapter One, the disciples were ten days in prayer. In Chapter Two, they were "continuing in prayer." In Chapter Three, they went up to "the hour of prayer." In

Chapter Four, thousands lifted up their voice in prayer. The entire book is saturated with prayer. All through the book of Acts, we see that the Holy Spirit was given His riqhtful place. They waited on the Spirit, imparted the Spirit, and the Spirit spoke and told them what to do. The Holy Spirit convicted sinners, filled believers, worked wonders, and empowered the church. HOW CAN WE HAVE NEW TESTAMENT RESULTS? We must have the New Testament experience. We are now living in the same dispensation in which Peter and John lived. The Holy Spirit is still here. Jesus is the same today. In fact, God wants to do a greater work today as the church age comes to a close. We have seen miracles in our time equal to anything we read about in the book of Acts. Many miracles of divine power are taking place. If Jesus builds the church, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. If man builds it, it will crumble to the ground. They still go forth and preach the gospel everywhere, the Lord working with them confirming the Word with signs following (Mark 16:16-18). WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH? The people came together to worship God in Spirit and in truth. There is no other way to worship God. One lady told me she could feel a lot better by herself than she could at church. Anyone can feel better alone with God. Jesus went out in a solitary place and stayed there all night in prayer (Mark 1 :35). But He was found at the House of God every Sabbath day. He was with the people much of His time teaching, preaching, healing, or answering questions. I'm sure He felt better by Himself where there was no one with evil spirits around. The people needed Him. We need one another. Someone needs you. That is why we go to church, to help someone. Jesus came not to be ministered to, but to minister and give His life to others. Except you have the Spirit of Christ, you are none of His. If the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, we have fellowship with God's people. If we do not have fellowship with other children of God, then the blood of Jesus Christ does

not cleanse us from all sin. God's will is the church. If we do not have a home church, we are not in the will of God. The Lord commands us to assemble ourselves together (Heb. 10:25). He tells us to meet often, pray with and for one another. Where two or three gather together, He is there to own and to bless. One can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight. Where there is unity, there is strength, man lives to himself and no man dies to himself. WHY CAN T WE LISTEN TO SOME SERMONS ON TELEVISION? It is not the will of God for us to substitute television or radio for church. No doubt you have heard of the lady who dreamed she died and went to heaven. They could not find her name. "You know me," she said, "I am the lady who watched that preacher on television every Sunday morning." "Oh, yes, let me look in this book," a voice said, "Here is your name. You don't love fellowship with other people of God; so we are going to give you a television and let you sit just on the outside and watch us enjoy the blessings of heaven." How can you help others be delivered from spirits, sin, and sickness? Suppose everyone was like you; there would be no churches. Jesus purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). It pleased God by preaching to save the world (I Cor. 1: 21). Remember the Pharisee wouldn't get near the publican. He thanked God that he was better than the publican (Luke 18: 11). We have Pharisees today; they won't get near other people because they think they are in a higher class, Remember the man who fell among th ieves on the road to Jericho. The priest went by on one side. The Levite passed by on the other side. The good Samaritan went where he was (Luke 10). We need some good Samaritans today who are not too good to go where the poor fallen people are, sorn:one. to,~our in the oil and the wine. Jesus said, "Go ye and do tikewtse. Jesus put the church here as His agent to help those who are naked, in prison, and starving. You should do your part in

lifting the load of the sick and suffering. Some dav, he will say to some people, "Inasmuch as ye did it not to the least of these, ye did it not unto me" (Matt. 25). A CHURCH IS THE WI LL OF GOD.
"And If he shall neglect to hear them tell It unto the church: but If he nejllect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.' (Matt. 18:17.) "Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, !lnd were edified; and walked In the fear of the Lord, and In the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied." (Acts 9:31.) dLet the word of Christ dwell In you richly In all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace In your hearts to the Lord." (Co I. 3: 16.)


"All scripture Is given by Inspiration of God, and Is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for Instruction In righteousness: that the man of God may be perfectl thoroughly furnished unto all good works." I I Tim. 3:16-17.) "And he said unto them, Go ye Into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16: 15.)

coming after a church without spot or blemish. Don't you want to be found in your place when He comes. HOW DO WE KNOW WHICH IS THE RIGHT CHURCH? The Lord has not left us in darkness. He tells us how to know the right church. In Arkansas, we had a mountain range where the cattle grazed. Many of the cows look very much alike. We know our cows from our neighbor's cows, for they had a crop and two splits in the right ear. No other farmer had that mark. God has marked His church in such a way so we will all know it when we find it.
"And God hath set some In the church first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then g\fts of heallngs, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." (I Cor. 12:28.)








WHO IS THE TRUE HEAD OF THE CHURCH? Jesus is the real head; although He sets us as undersheperds over the flock.
..... nd hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all A things to the church. (Eph. 1:22.)

"And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which Is his body, the fullness of him that fllieth all In all .. (Eph. 1:22-23.)

The church is Ii.kened to a temple (I Cor. 3:9,16; I Peter 2:6,7; Eph. 2:20-22). We are likened to stones in that temple. Christ is a foundation on which the church is built. The church is likened to a vine (John 15:1-2). The believers are all abiding together in the same vine. We are God's husbandry (I Cor. 3:9). We are the royal priesthood, the holy nation. We are likened to a full-grown man (Eph. 4), as the bride (Rev. 21 :9), a wife (Rev. 19:7), and many other symbols are used in the Bible. We are the body of Christ. Jesus set the gifts in the church (I Cor. 12; Eph. 4). DO YOU REALIZE WHO YOU ARE? You are a stone in that building. You are a lively stone. A dead stone will crumble. You cannot cut it in shape. Each stone must fit in exactly (I Cor. 3:9). You are a bone in His body. We are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. When every bone gets in its place, the body will work. Ezekiel prophesied to some dry bones. Each bone came in place. They stood up an exceeding great army. You are part of the bride. The bride is preparing herself. She is making everything ready for the bridegroom. Jesus is

ARE WE LIKENED UNTO A TEMPLE? Yes. but that temple can grow larger all the time. We are a habitation in which God dwells. We must fit in, to remain in this building.
"In whom ye also are bullded Spirit." (Eph. 2:21.) together for an habitation of God through the

ARE WE LIKENED TO A FAMILY? Just as a perfect family lives together as one, so we must consider that the church is one big family. We are a new creature. We have new kinsfolk now. We are to be faithful 'to our new family. If your old kinsfolk come to see you, leave them and go to church. Put God's family first. If you are visiting, go to church when it comes time for church.
"Of whom the whole family In heaven and earth Is Darned Unto him be glory In the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end." (Eph. 3: 15,21.)

ARE WE TO HAVE UNITY IN THE SPIRIT? How pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity (Ps. 133: 1). Can you imagine how a husband and wife are one, how they work together and live together as one?
"For the husband Is the head of the wife, even as Christ Is the head of the church: and he Is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church Is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands In every thing. HUsbandSllOVeyour wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for It; tha he might present It to himself a glorious church, not having spof, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that It should be holy and without blemiSh. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated

his own flesh; but nourasneth and cherlsheth Itheven as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of Is bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife.l and they two shall be one flesh. This Is a great mystery: but I speak concerning cnrrst and the church. Nevertheless let everyone of you In particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." (Eph. 5:23-32.)

"1 Jesus have sent mine anoel to testify unto you these
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things In the churches. I am the root and the offspring of DaVid, and the bright and morning star." (Rev. 22:16.)

ARE WE COMPARED TO A HOUSE? A house takes care of people. and keeps them alive. So does the church, a house is plumb and straight, or it would not stand. A house is not divided against itself. A house is founded on a rock A house shelters us from the storm, rain, sun, sleet, hail, snow, wolves, lions, and ravanous beasts.
"But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, If we hold fast the confidence and'the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." (Heb. 3:6.)

IS THE CHURCH LIKENED TO A PILLAR? Just like a I~rge pillar that goes deep into the earth and rests on a solid rock, so the sky-scraper cannot tumble down in a storm, so the church is anchored on the Rock, Christ Jesus.
"But If I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself In the house of God, which 15 the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." (I Tim. 3: 15.)

IS PART OF THE CHURCH ALREADY IN HEAVEN? There are some people there now waiting until their brethren on earth give their lives for the gospel as they did (Rev. 6'11 ).
"But ye are come unto Mount Slon, and unto the cIty of the livIng God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an Innumerable company of angels." (Heb. 12:22.)

HAS GOD ORDAINED MINISTERS IN THE CHURCH TO HELP US? Each church has elders, leaders, and pastors put in the church. They are over you to watch for your souls.
"Remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the 0rd of GOd: whose faith follow, conSidering the end of their conversation. Obey em that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your SOIUlfS, they that must give account, that they may do It with Joy and not with as gr e : for that Is unprofitable for you." (Heb. 13:7, 17.) ,


IS JESUS INTERESTED IN HIS CHURCHES IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS, THAT IS THE LOCAL CHURGHES? He is so interested that He is walking among them right now. If He puts the candlestick in a church, He will walk in the church, which is a group of His people (II Cor. 6: 18).
heav~~~~~e~aJr~~s~~r~~:'Zg~~n';dY{o~~/~~~~~:" (~~~~h~~~n from God out of nd on the midst of the seven candlesticks one llke unto the Son of man ~:~Jre~ (~I!~. ~)ent down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden

DOES GOD ORDAIN THOSE LEADERS TO HELP US TO GO INTO THE MINISTRY? Paul told Timothy to stir up the gift that was given him as the presbyters laid hands on him (I Tim 4:14). Paul laid his hands on people and imparted the Holy Ghost to them (Acts 19: 1-6).
teach'~~~:s ~~~~~b~:r~n~ stl~~~~';,ca~ ~~~t c~f~ a~I~~tl~~ C~~~~nof,<?pree,:: :nd ~!~a~~d ~Z~f~d haddbeen brought up with Herod the te'trarcht and Saul. And Wh~ (Acts 13: 1,3.) an prayed, and laid their hands on them, tney sent them away."

IS PETER THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH? Peter is part of the foundation of the church, just like all the rest of the apostles are part of the foundation.
all th';~~al~IC~~I~td~gf~~~?~ of t7e ~ulness of times he might gather together In one And are b lit 'th care n eaven, and whk:h are on earth' even In him being the C~lefu~o~~er ~f300~lesand prophets, Jesus Christ himself

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Does God use leaders to establish the churchs? All Christians need to be established. God has anointed certain men who are already established to do this.

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~?rf~:~p~S~I;;t1e~d ~~~~r~:!~I~ae,!~~ ~~~u~~:.:s;~ churches established In the faith, and Increased In number dally:" (Acts


. Yes, but it is not earthly. Christ is in the church. He is our Kmg who rules ana reigns. We are priests and kings unto God. We have authority if He is in us.
th k'I'WhO hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us Into ngdo~ of his dear Son ... And he Is the head of the body, the church: who is the bel9lnnln'1l the firstborn from the dead; that In all things he might have the preem nence. (CoL 1:13, 18.)






. Y_es, but ~od also lets other ministers recognize the anomtmq and discern that God is leading that direction (Acts
"And from (Acts 20: 17.) Mlletus he sent to EPhesus, and called the elaers of the church."

ARE THE ANGELS INTERESTED IN THE CHURCHES? His angels are ministering spirits sent to minister to, us, to roll back stones too heavy for us. Angels encamp round about us to deliver us (Ps. 34:7).

DO PEOPLE IN THE CHURCH HAVE DIFFERENT CALLINGS? It reminds me of the notes on an organ. Each note is in

tune and in its place. When the people get in one accord, God sent a Pentecostal revival.
"And there are differences of admlnistratlbns, but the same Lord." (I Cor. 12:5.) 'How Is It then, brethren? When ye come together, everyone of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a 'revelation, hath an Interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying." (I Cor. 14:26.)

WHAT ARE THE ASCENSION GIFTS? When Jesus ascended on high, He put certain gifts in the church. No one has ever changed this. They will be there until we reach perfection. If you are already perfect, then you don't need pastors, teachers, and evangelists. Those Christians who just won't attend church think they are already perfect.
"And he gave some, apostles' and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and solmle, pastors and teachers; for the perfectln?, of the salntsJ. for the work of the m n stry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. ' (Eph. 4: 11-1L_)

MUST MEMBERS CALL ON THE CHURCH WHEN THEY ARE SICK? The church is put here to supply our need. We should attend church and supply its need. Some Christians called me today and wanted to borrow money. I said, "Where do you go to church?" They said, ''We don't attend church anywhere." I was always sorry for a little dog without a home; I was one of 8 million hobos in the depression in 1932. We had no home or responsibility. We went the way of least resistance and let others do the work. You will need help some day. You will need someone to conduct a funeral, a wedding, or to pray the prayer of faith.
"Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him anointing him with 011In the name of the Lord." (James 5: 14.)




SHOULD THE ELDERS FEED THE FLOCK? Yes, but not all of them came for the food. A sick sheep will not eat. One woman said, "1 will'come to church if I ever get straightened out." One day she got straightened out. They rolled her down the aisle in a casket. What kind of church would this church be if all the people were just like me? Maybe there would be no one there Sunday morning for the pastor to feed. Maybe Russia would take over America.
"The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which Is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock." (I Peter 5: 1-3.)

I am going to send you 60 of my best faith books, on casting out devils, It.ollng the sick, faith, Holy Ghost, prophecy, and almost every subject of the Ilbl. You will be on my prayer fist every day until Jesus comes. I'll pray that Q... you will have a double portion ministry. I want you to be my partner and pray _ '01 me, When you finish reading these books and filling out the test papers we will nd you a diploma which you can frame and have on your wall. It will I.mlnd you that I am praying for you every day, that you are my partner in V') 'tl0Y.' If you are a minister you may receive a license to preoch, There is no f horv. for the packing, boxing, storage, shipping, postage, exam papers, IIlodlng ecretary expense, diplomas, or ordination papers. Your dues will be ,"lid up for lif. (Others charge $12.00 per year and up). You can pay for them , ~O per week or nd in the name of one new student per month, either one you you choose. If you send one name per month all the textbooks are free. Q.. I>.or TVD Staff: _ I will send SO cen who wants this course. \/') time each





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