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Objectives of Bursting: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Discuss report Bursting. Configure ReportNet to perform Bursting. Create Burst Keys and Tables.

Burst reports to E-Mail. Burst reports to web.

Discuss Report Bursting: 1) Use bursting to run a report once and divide the results for distribution of multiple users. 2) Each recipient only view the subset of the data. 3) Burst reports can be distributed by email, saved to a directory (or) both. 4) While authoring the report, you would specify in the burst options to burst to email addresses or to a directory. 5) If you specify directories and your authentication provider contains email information for user accounts, then you can burst the report to a directory as well as email the report to the recipients. 6) Just as with regular reports, burst reports can be distributed in multiple formats. Configure CRN to perform Bursting: To Burst Report data, you: 1) Specify burst recipients from data source. 2) Create the report and specify a burst key in report studio: In order to burst a report, you must create a burst key that tells ReportNet who the intended recipients are and by what method you intend to distribute the reports. 3) Set burst options in report studio. 4) Run the report with bursting enabled in cognos connection. You can distribute burst reports to: Users Groups Roles Email addresses and distribution lists.

Specify Burst Keys: 1) When authoring a burst report, you must specify a burst key to define how the report will be distributed. 2) If you burst to directories, you can also burst to email addresses if the authencation source contains email addresses. 3) If the burst key is an email address, you will only burst the report to email recipients. If you only want to email the report to various recipients and not burst to the web, your burst key must be an email address. In the Burst options dialog box, you must specify that you want to burst to email addresses and not to a directory. Obtain Burst Key Values for LDAP Namespaces: 1) You can obtain the values for burst keys by examining the search path of target recipients in Cognos Connection. 2) You can copy and paste the CAMID into burst key expression. If your authencation provider contains the user`s email address or you enter it manually in cognos connection for each user, then you can burst to both the directory and the user`s email address. Using this CAMID syantax, you can substitute a static user ID with a dynamically generated user ID when creating your burst key. Create Burst Table: Create a burst table to map recipients or groups of recipients to specific data that they are allowed to see. The burst table typically contains the following inf: Id 1 2 recipients CAMID(:canada) CAMID(:US) Countrycode 4 3

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