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La galette des Rois La galette des Rois (literally "the flat pastry cake of the Kings"), a cake celebrating

Epiphany, is traditionally sold and consumed a few days before and after this date. In modern France and Quebec, the cakes can be found in most bakeries during the month of January. Two versions exist: in northern France and Quebec the cake (which can be either circular or rectangular) consists of flaky puff pastry layers with a dense center of frangipane. Tradition holds that the cake is to draw the kings to the Epiphany. A figurine, la fve, which can represent anything from a car to a cartoon character, is hidden in the cake and the person who finds the trinket in their slice becomes king for the day and will have to offer the next cake. Originally, la fve was literally a broad bean (fve), but it was replaced in 1870 by a variety of figurines out of porcelain ormore recentlyplastic. These figurines have become popular collectibles and can often be bought separately. Individual bakeries may offer a specialized line of fves depicting diverse themes from great works of art to classic movie stars and popular cartoon characters. The cakes are usually sold in special bags, some of which can be used to heat the cake in a microwave without ruining the crispness of the cake. A paper crown is included with the cake to crown the "king" who finds the fve in their piece of cake. To ensure a random distribution of the cake shares, it is traditional for the youngest person to place themselves under the table and name the recipient of the share which is indicated by the person in charge of the service. Formerly, one divided the cake in as many shares as guests, plus one. The latter, called "the share of God," "share of the Virgin Mary," or "share of the poor" was intended for the first poor person to arrive at the home. The French President is not allowed to draw the kings on Epiphany because of the etiquette rules. Therefore, a traditional galette without figurine or crown is served at Elyse Palace in January. Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galette_des_Rois#French_king_cake Questions: 1. When is Galette des Rois eaten? Choose an item. 2. What is in the centre of the galette? Choose an item. 3. What is the name of the figurine found in the cake?
Comment [D3]: Multiple choice questions work on PC, no idea why they dont work on a Mac

Comment [D1]: Successful picture insertion

Comment [D2]: Link works, on PC press Crtl and click to open



Lucky charm

Comment [D4]: Same here, I noticed when I tried filling in the rubric the other day on a Mac and was wondering why isnt it working.

4. What year was the feve as a bean replaced with porcelain? 1870 1859 1763 5. Along with the feve, what else is included with this cake?

6. In how many pieces is the cake divided?

Comment [D5]: With this assignment, I learnt how track changes work! There is a way to tell Word to warn you before saving/printing a file that contains comments. That way, you can review them and hide them before sending the file to someone. :D

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