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Water management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources.

In an ideal world, water management planning has regard to all the competing demands for water and seeks to allocate water on an equitable basis to satisfy all uses and demands. This is rarely possible in practice.

[edit] Water resources

Visualisation of the distribution (by volume) of water on Earth. Each tiny cube (such as the one representing biological water) corresponds to approximately 1000 cubic km of water, with a mass of approximately 1 trillion tonnes (200000 times that of the Great Pyramid of Giza or 5 times that of Lake Kariba, arguably the heaviest man-made object). The entire block comprises 1 million tiny cubes.[1] Water is an essential resource for all life on the planet. Of the water resources on Earth only three per cent of it is not salty and two-thirds of the freshwater is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. Of the remaining one per cent, a fifth is in remote, inaccessible areas and much seasonal rainfall in monsoonal deluges and floods cannot easily be used. At present only about 0.08 per cent of all the worlds fresh water.[2] is exploited by mankind in ever increasing demand for sanitation, drinking, manufacturing, leisure and agriculture Much effort in water management is directed at optimising the use of water and in minimising the environmental impact of water use on the natural environment. Successful management of any resources requires accurate knowledge of the resource available, the uses to which it may be put, the competing demands for the resource, measures to and processes to evaluate the significance and worth of competing demands and mechanisms to translate policy decisions into actions on the ground. For water as a resource this is particularly difficult since sources of water can cross many national boundaries and the uses of water include many that are difficult to assign financial value to and may also be difficult to manage in conventional terms. Examples include rare species or ecosystems or the very long term value of ancient ground water reserves.

[edit] Agriculture: water's biggest consumer

Agriculture is the largest user of the world's freshwater resources, consuming 70 per cent.[citation needed] Industry uses a further 20 per cent and municipalities account for the remaining ten per cent. As the world's population rises and consumes more food (currently exceeding 6%, it is expected to reach 9% by 2050), industries and urban developments expand, and the emerging biofuel crops trade also demands a share of freshwater resources, water scarcity is becoming an important issue. An assessment of water management in agriculture was conducted in 2007 by the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka to see if the world had sufficient water to provide food for its growing population.[3] It assessed the current availability of water for agriculture on a global scale and mapped out locations suffering from water scarcity. It found that a fifth of the world's people, more than 1.2 billion, live in areas of physical water scarcity, where there is not enough water to meet all demands. A further 1.6 billion people live in areas experiencing economic water scarcity, where the lack of investment in water or insufficient human capacity make it impossible for authorities to satisfy the demand for water. The report found that it would be possible to produce the food required in future, but that continuation of today's food production and environmental trends would lead to crises in many

parts of the world. Regarding food production, the World Bank targets agricultural food production and water management as an increasingly global issue that is fostering an important and growing debate.[4] The authors of the book Out of Water: From abundance to Scarcity and How to Solve the World's Water Problems, published in 2011, laid down a six-point plan for solving the world's water problems. These are: 1) Improve data related to water; 2) Treasure the environment; 3) Reform water governance; 4) Revitalize agricultural water use; 5) Manage urban and industrial demand; and 6) Empower the poor and women in water management. To avoid a global water crisis, farmers will have to strive to increase productivity to meet growing demands for food, while industry and cities find ways to use water more efficiently.[5] [edit] Managing water in urban settings Half of the worlds people now live in towns and cities, a figure expected to reach two-thirds by 2050. In the areas surrounding urban centres, agriculture must compete with industry and municipal users for safe water supplies, while traditional water sources are becoming polluted with urban wastewater. As cities offer the best opportunities for selling produce, farmers often have no alternative to using polluted water to irrigate their crops. Depending on how developed a citys wastewater treatment is, there can be significant health hazards related to the use of this water. Wastewater from cities can contain a mixture of pollutants. There is usually wastewater from kitchens and toilets along with rainwater runoff. This means that the water usually contains excessive levels of nutrients and salts, as well as a wide range of pathogens. Heavy metals may also be present, along with traces of antibiotics and endocrine disruptors, such as oestrogens. Developing world countries tend to have the lowest levels of wastewater treatment. Often, the water that farmers use for irrigating crops is contaminated with pathogens from sewage. The pathogens of most concern are bacteria, viruses and parasitic worms, which directly affect farmers health and indirectly affect consumers if they eat the contaminated crops. Common illnesses include diarrhoea, which kills 1.1 million people annually and is the second most common cause of infant deaths. Many cholera outbreaks are also related to the reuse of poorly treated wastewater. Actions that reduce or remove contamination, therefore, have the potential to save a large number of lives and improve livelihoods. Scientists have been working to find ways to reduce contamination of food using a method called the 'multiple-barrier approach'. This involves analysing the food production process from growing crops to selling them in markets and eating them, then considering where it might be possible to create a barrier against contamination. Barriers include: introducing safer irrigation practices; promoting on-farm wastewater treatment; taking actions that cause pathogens to die off; and effectively washing crops after harvest in markets and restaurants

Sustainable water management

Water has emerged as one of the primary environmental concerns for the 21 century. Many parts of the world are currently facing water shortages, while others must contend with severe water pollution. The consequences are bleak: social, economic and political instability leading, in the worst case scenario, to violence over dwindling water resources. Immediate action is needed to stall the emerging crisis and to begin reversing many of the trends we have set over time. A number of organizations around the world are working towards resolving these issues. It becomes apparent, though, that there are no easy solutions. Since water flows irrespective of political and even cultural borders, cooperation amongst the various stakeholders must become an essential part of the global effort. Communication is key. While the larger initiatives on the part of governments and prominent international organizations have been well documented, there is little information regarding the efforts of smaller, more local projects in sustainable water management. This on-line module on Sustainable Water Management Initiatives was developed to highlight the various small scale and community-led projects in sustainable water management undertaken by some of the worlds leading non-governmental organizations in Sustainable Development. As members of the Sustainable Development Communication Network (SDCN), these organizations work together to develop, promote and share information on sustainable development using the Internet and other electronic media. The work of the various partners, including previous collaborative projects on Sustainable Livelihoods and Sustainable Cities and information regarding membership, can be accessed via the SDCN portal site: SD Gateway This module integrates the work of four member organizations, based in Africa, South Asia and Europe, as well as draws on the experiences of other organizations in various parts of the world. The following is a breakdown of the module: World Water Scenario: Presents a background to the current water crisis and describes past and present initiatives. What is Sustainable Water Management?: Definition and key concepts.


Advantages and Barriers to Sustainable Water Management: What can be gained by adopting Sustainable Water Management practices? What factors are currently hindering the adoption of these practices and how should we proceed to overcome these barriers? Regional Initiatives: Divided into five main areas, this section describes regional water concerns and the approach taken by each organization to address these issues. Case studies and lessons learned will illustrate the gains made and help identify new directions in sustainable water management.

Relevant Resources on the Internet: Comprehensive listing of information on water resources found on the Internet. Enter here to find other organizations, publications, etc.









What is Sustainable Water Management? The term uses two important concepts with respect to water: sustainability and management. In order to understand Sustainable Water Management, it is important to define these concepts. Sustainability The Bruntland Report popularized the term sustainability for human and environmental development when it was published in 1987. In the report, sustainable activities were defined as ones where the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the needs of future generations. What the Bruntland definition implies is an equitable distribution of the resource not only spatially between users in a given location, but temporally between users over time. The idea is to allocate the resource in such a way as for all, including the environment, to have an adequate share without making any one group worse off, both now and in the future. All this is wonderful, but is it a realistic goal to achieve? Well, yes and no. There are inherent problems with introducing high-concept ideas into mainstream society. However, it is not impossible without some changes in the way we all think about the resources we use. To achieve sustainability, there must be a rethinking of what we consider a basic need. It is common in our society to say that we need a given resource, but how much of it do we really need to use? Also, how do we decide what the basic needs of our ecosystem and the organism living within it are? Defining what constitutes a basic need is perhaps the greatest challenge to adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives, as interpretations of need vary widely from region to region, village to village and even from person to person. Management There has been a shift in recent years from the traditional top-down approach to a more open management system where all levels have a say in the allocation and use of the resource. If properly done, this system ensures that the needs and concerns of those most affected by the use of the resource are addressed, without loosing sight of the wider issues touching the society as a whole. But how does one manage a resource?

Information. Understanding the needs of the stakeholders, as well as the possibilities and limitations of the resource, is needed to manage it effectively. This requires sharing both indigenous and modern scientific knowledge, as well as establishing a dialogue between individuals and large institutions. With the right information, appropriate strategies can be formulated to deal with the realities of resource management, such as distribution, access, rights, etc. Needless to say, effective communication is the key to managing a resource shared between various users and managed by different levels. Only once the needs of each user are understood can the resource be allocated and managed in a sustainable manner. Sustainable Water Management: A definition

Now that we have defined sustainability and management, it is easy to understand the purpose of Sustainable Water Management (SWM), which is simply to manage our water resources while taking into account the needs of present and future users. However, SWM is involves much more than its name implies. It involves a whole new way of looking at how we use our precious water resources. The International Hydrological Programme, a UNESCO initiative, noted:

"It is recognised that water problems cannot be solved by quick technical solutions, solutions to water problems require the consideration of cultural, educational, communication and scientific aspects. Given the increasing political recognition of the importance of water, it is in the area of sustainable freshwater management that a major contribution to avoid/solve water-related problems, including future conflicts, can be found." Therefore, SWM attempts to deal with water in a holistic fashion, taking into account the various sectors affecting water use, including political, economic, social, technological and environmental considerations. Since the Mar del Plata Water Conference hosted by the UN in 1977, SWM has been high on the international agenda. Later conferences and workshops have addressed the issue and have attempted to refine the concept as more and more research has been done in the area. The current understanding of SWM is based primarily upon the principles devised in Dublin during the International Conference on Water and the Environment (ICWE) in 1992, namely:

1. Freshwater is a finite and valuable resource that is essential to sustain life, the
environment and development.

2. The development and management of our water resources should be based on a

participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy makers at all levels.

3. Women play a central role in the provision, management and safeguarding of water

4. Water has an economic value and should therefore be seen as an economic good.
These principles reflect the importance of water in our daily lives and the need for proper communication, gender equity, and economic and policy incentives to manage the resource properly.

Water is a renewable resource fulfilling multiple functions

Water is a renewable resource that fulfils multiple functions. Yet we often use it non-renewably, and we treat its many functions in isolated and singular fashion. In contrast to the fragmented sectoral and administrative structures and jurisdictions that characterize society, water flows through the landscape where it 'lubricates' both the natural and social components of the Earth. Through this flow, and through the manipulation of it, the basic needs and wants of people are possible to satisfy. Water's vital role for the environment and humans is linked to five main functions (Falkenmark and Lundqvist, 1995):

1. maintaining human health : clean water is essential for maintaining human health; 2. maintaining environmental health: the health of aquatic ecosystems is essential for fish/seafood 3. 4. 5.
supply, is a major determinant of biodiversity, and provides for many other vital goods and services; supporting two production functions : a) biomass production, necessary for the supply of food, fuel wood and timber; and b) economic production, since industrial development has traditionally been "lubricated" by easy access to water; supporting two carrier functions : a) water plays an active role in diluting and transpiration wastes; and b) in the natural erosion and land processes of the global water cycle; Psychological function, which makes water bodies, water views, fountains and so on fundamental components of human preferences and desires. Water also plays a role in many religions and cultural activities. Regional, local and global water imbalances: the issue of scale

There is no such thing as a global water problem - all problems manifest themselves at smaller scales. For example, at the global average level, there is sufficient water to meet the needs and wants of every human being. At the continental level, per capita water availability still seems more than adequate, though large regional disparities appear. In Europe, each million cubic meters of water available per year is "shared" by over 150 people, on average, while in South America only 25 people must share that much water. Comparisons with Asia show even more extreme differences The figures are, however, elusive in terms of real problems in various continents. The situation in Africa, for instance, is significantly different from the situation in Europe although availability figures are at the same level. Growing scarcity at the regional and local levels indicates imbalances between overall availability and growth in need and demands. These imbalances will have implications far outside the areas under stress. An important example is the issue of food production. If more and more countries do not have sufficient amounts of water to grow the food that they need, the deficit must be covered from somewhere else. And there must be arrangements, agreements and institutions capable of (i) creating a surplus large enough to cover the growing regional and local deficits, (ii) providing logistical capacity and procedures for the actual transfer of food and other essentials from surplus to deficit regions, including the poor, and (iii) guaranteeing a political commitment to transfer food to deficit areas and the poor, even if people in these areas do not have the means to provide their own supply. Make water a "first thing" in development strategies

Water resources must now be recognized as a major determining factor for socio-economic development (UNCNR, 1996). During the period when human demands on water were low and when hydrological cycle behavior and the climate were thought to be fairly predictable, water was the last thing to be considered in the development decision-making process, if it was considered at all. In the past hydrologists and water managers tended to concentrate on gathering scientific knowledge about the hydrological cycle, paying little attention to socio-economic and environmental values, to the point that most development activities naturally assumed that there would always be water available for projects Today, due to the increasing pressures on water resources and the recognised variability of the

hydrological cycle and the climate, the position of water in the decision-making process has been completely reversed (G. Matthwes, personal communication). Now, water must become the one of the first things to be considered in the context of development and security objectives, including the day-today management of water allocation for socio-economic activities and the preservation of natural resource capital. It is now imperative that decision-makers in all sectors, and particularly those responsible for socio-economic planning, financial analysis and security, make development decisions with explicit attention to water resources. It is now imperative that decision-makers in all sectors, and particularly those responsible for socioeconomic planning, financial analysis and security, make development decisions with explicit attention to water resources.








Understanding these characteristics of water resources has helped water planners to begin rethinking long-term goals and approaches. It is now widely accepted that criteria for sustainable water use and management must include more than simply measuring traditional biological or physical indicators. They must also provide guidance for the individuals and institutions that use and manage water, resolve conflicts over water, and deal with the unavoidable uncertainties and risks in decision-making. Accordingly, sustainability goals for water must apply to the role of public, private, governmental and nongovernmental parties. Gleick (1996) provided a broad definition of sustainable water use: "the use of water that supports the ability of human society to endure and flourish into the indefinite future without undermining the integrity of the hydrological cycle or the ecological systems that depend on it". Table Sustainability goals for water planning

1. 2. 3.

A basic water requirement will be guaranteed to all humans to maintain human health. A basic water requirement will be guaranteed to restore and maintain the health of ecosystems. Water quality will be maintained to meet certain minimum standards. These standards will vary depending on location and how the water is to be used. Human actions should not be allowed to impair the long-term renewability of freshwater stocks and flows. Data on water resources availability, use and quality will be collected and made accessible to all parties. Institutional mechanisms will be developed to prevent and resolve conflicts over water. Water planning and decision-making will be democratic; ensuring representation of all affected parties and fostering direct participation of affected interests.



6. 7.










New principles for water management and planning must be adopted. These principles began to be defined nearly 20 years ago at the groundbreaking conference on water at Mar del Plata, Argentina, and they have been further developed and refined at several important meetings since that time. Significant advances were made at the 1992 Dublin conference in preparation for the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Below, we summarise and elaborate on four principles, which should be used to guide water decisions into the next century. Rather than continuing to search for more and more water to meet the anticipated demands, it is time that we adopt the idea that water is a finite and vulnerable natural resource and that excessive withdrawal from natural water bodies is exponentially costly and is likely to cause considerable harm to ecosystems functioning and downstream areas generally (Gleick et al. 1995, Postel 1996, Heyns et al 1997). Rather than thinking in terms of augmenting supply by increasing rate of withdrawal, we -- as society, communities and individuals -- must decide what we want to do with the amounts that can feasibly be developed. Identify and meet basic human and ecosystem water needs.

Among the concepts raised nearly 20 years ago during the 1977 Mar del Plata conference was that of meeting "basic needs". The 1992 Dublin Conference statement reiterated that principle, which was then strongly reaffirmed during the 1992 UNCED in Rio de Janeiro. International organisation, national and local governments, and water providers should adopt a basic water requirement (BWR) standard to meet basic needs and guarantee access to it. Unless this basic resource need is met, large-scale human misery and suffering will continue and grow in the future, contributing to the risk of social and military conflict. Priority should be given to the unserved and underserved poor who are a greatest risk. The basic needs of natural ecosystems must also be identified and met as a top priority. National food self-sufficiency should give way to the concept of national food self-reliance The view that all countries must be responsible for their own food production hinders rational solutions to the problem of true food security. The ultimate goal must be a world that grows sufficient food to meet the worlds needs somewhere, and the institutions and mechanisms to deliver that food where it is needed. Thus "global food security" - where enough food is produced and distributed to feed everyone - is absolutely vital, while the goal of "national food self-sufficiency" - where countries seek to produce all their food needs domestically - is already unattainable for a number of countries. It will be increasingly problematic and costly, in financial and environmental terms, for a growing number of countries. This shift in thinking requires a shift in national water policies, the functioning of global trade, access to agricultural markets, and the design of import-export policies. The benefits and risks of relying on international trade to ensure food security are at the heart of the debate between those alternative food strategies. In particular, mechanisms to help shift poor water-short countries away from water-intensive agricultural production must be coupled with the development of robust trade or aid programmes. Over time, changes in diets and new forms for food production like 'urban agriculture' can also play an important role in boosting global food security. Water is an economic good. Its economic values should be given due attention when apportioning scarce water resources among competing uses, without infringing on the basic rights to water services for all people at affordable prices

Water must no longer be considered a free good. The recognition of water as an economic good, which was one of the cornerstones of the Dublin and Rio statements, implies that planners and users recognize the true value of water in all its competing uses and functions. Recognizing the varying ability to pay and with due consideration to social objectives, water users must assume a larger responsibility in recovering the full cost of providing water-related services, including development, provision, maintenance and treatment costs. Mechanisms should also be set up to help water marketing and trading, but such mechanisms must include broad social and environmental values not considered in traditional narrow market approaches. Commercialization of water systems may be a valuable tool to apportion water to its highest value. But there must also be governmental and social mechanisms for ensuring affordable basic access to water for people and ecosystems and to provide legal and institutional framework for the proper functioning of commercial water systems. Provision of heavily subsidized water services leads to inefficient water use and inappropriate water allocations. Such subsidies also mean a significant drain on limited public financial and other resources. In order to meet basic human and environmental needs and to stimulate long-term sustainable development, it is imperative that the prevailing notion of water as a free good be changed. Responsible and proper use requires, among other things, that charges and fees reflect the various costs for water with the due consideration to the significance or water in all aspects of life and social activity. Water planning and decision-making should be democratic; ensuring representation of all affected parties and fostering direct participation of affected interests. International organisations and official water conference statements for nearly 20 years, going back to the 1977 Mar del Plata conference have enunciated the principle that water planning and decision-making should involve the fullest participation by affected parties. The goal was also one of the prime recommendations from the Dublin meeting. "Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy-makers at all levels. The participatory approach...means that decisions are taken at the lowest appropriate level, with full public consultation and involvement of users in the planning and implementation of water projects." (ICWE 1992) Sustainable water planning and use should ensure comprehensive public representation; open and equitable access to information about the resources, and direct participation of affected interests in decisions about allocating those resources. The success of policies and programmes for water management, planning, and use now strongly depends on the extent to which the water users and various interest groups become actively involved. This requires new institutional arrangements that are conducive to fostering such involvement and enabling the various stakeholders to play a constructive role. Ways must also be found to incorporate and protect the interests of future generations - a fundamental criterion of sustainability as defined by the United Nations in Agenda 21.

Advantages and Barriers NEW PRINCIPLES FOR WATER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Beginning nearly 20 years ago at the groundbreaking Conference on Water Development and Management at Mar del Plata, Argentina, new principles for water management and planning began to be described and defined. These principles have been evolving as the nature and magnitude of the worlds water problems has become evident. Significant advances were made at the 1992 Dublin conference in preparation for the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Below, we mention these principles, which should be used to guide water decisions into the next century. Identify and meet basic human and ecosystem water needs National food self-sufficiency should give way to the concept of national food self-reliance Water must be treated as an economic good Water planning and decision-making should be democratic; ensuring representation of all affected parties and fostering direct participation of affected interests

Alternative Futures
More than any hydrologist or urban planner, it is women in the developing world the drawers, carriers and household managers or water who understand what water scarcity is and what its implications are for families and communities. What is needed is better opportunities for women to translate their knowledge and their energies into action and personal control over natural resources such as water, and over their own lives. Real opportunities for women in education, in economic and political life, and in family decision-making could vastly improve the management of water and womens own well-being. Women also need the opportunity to make decisions about their own fertility and the capacity to put those decisions into effect. Efforts to improve the lives, health and status of women can be justified on their own merits, and together they would act powerfully to reduce fertility. Over the last 30 years, a number of counties have demonstrated that rapid declines in birth rates are possible through a combination of relatively inexpensive measures, especially widespread provision of high quality, voluntary family planning services. Because record numbers of people will be moving into their childbearing years over the next two decades, the impact of lower birthrates will not be fully felt until well into the next century. But the momentum of population growth is such that policies and programs contributing to eventual population stabilization must be initiated today - at the same time that improved water management technologies, programs and projects are being developed to meet higher future levels of water demand. Substantial worldwide experience has demonstrated that making high quality, voluntary family planning widely available to men and women of reproductive age can bring down fertility rates independently of other social and economic factors. Recent research also suggests how powerfully family planning programs work in concert with improved opportunities for women especially secondary-school education for girls. Efforts in family planning and education may seem far from the concerns of hydrologist and engineers, but they may matter just as much and over the long term even more to the future of water availability around the world. If sustainable development is not a mere platitude, if the nations of the world take seriously the Earth Summits charge that natural resources must be used in ways that ensure their availability to future generations, then early stabilization of population size is vital to any strategy. We need to develop water supplies in ways that assure every human being abundant, renewable quantities of clean and healthful water for life, prosperity and well-being. And we need to stabilise our numbers at a level that respects not just the quantities of water we can produce today, but that the earth can provide forever.

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