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Advertising is used to masterfully engage the mind of the consumer to motivate him or her to buy the advertised product.

Proffesor John Philip Jones of Syracuse University remarks that: "All successful commercials are an amalgam of emotional and rational values. The emotional ones are normally the more important. However, it is vitally important for them to be a small nugget of rationality embedded in the comercial." This essay is about how advertising works and how the range of emotions evoked by advertising play a unique role in the consumers behaviour. Emotional advertising frames and shapes perception and it can influence persuasion. Visuals affect persuasion over the emotional route. An advertisement can catch peoples eye and touch their heart in a lot of different ways. It needs to do it. The best way to reach this goal is to be in keeping with peoples desires,situation and needs. And above all, people should like the advertisment. Otherwise, its downhill. Talking about advertising industry is talking about a'world' where everything is possible, where brilliant ideas get shape and persuasive messages arouse the desire of people to buy the products. According to White (2000) advertising works on two different bases the rational and emotional. It follows the rules of creating awarness to the brand but also informs, educates, entertains and persuades people. Furthermore it is important to "create some sort of emotional or attitudinal bond" between costumers and the product. The advertisment follows aims of "regular purchase" and fuctions as a reminder in the consumers mind (White, 2000, p. 42). (There are 2 types of advertising, the ones which inform and persuade the people and the ones which remind people about the product.) Cohesive with the aim it is necessary to see directions advertisment can track. White (2000) divides between the emotional and rational direction of a brand. According to his rational-emotional model, the position of advertisements should be balanced between both abroad. Brands are defined as ways companies use to "identify and differentiate a

product or service" from others in a speciffic market segment. Combining functional characteristics such as the taste or quality of one product "with an attractive set of emotional associations" gives the brand an unique touch (White, 2000, p. 43). This combination of benifits and attractive communication is also called UAP (Unique Advertisement Proposition) and leads to a retration from compatitives. An example for using an emotional message to differentiate from others is the advert for Courtency Toylor Guitars. Therefore the company uses persuative words such as "sweetest sounds" or "desire" to show the difference between their product and others in the market. A significant emotional slogan is i.e. as follows. "In one pair of hands, a piece of fine wood can become a livingroom coffee table. In another pair of hands, that piece of wood can become the sweetest sounding guitar. This is for everyone who has no desire to play the coffee table" Primary the aim of good advertising is the highest possible impact on receivers of messages. Over the years impact was defined with the help of several models such as the AIDA formula which represents a common explanation "how advertising works". St. Elmo Lewis defined around 1900 the different steps an advert has to follow to get the highest impact as Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. Consequently other hierarchical models developed within the years. Therefore the Think-Feel-Do-Model is an extention of AIDA and was founded in 1970s. It is also called the FCB Grid Figure which was developed as a "strategic planning tool" with the aim to motivate audience to think about the message. The matrix is devided in the parts of think vs. feel and high involvement vs. low involvement. The combination between high involment and think has to be seen as economic based as they are in context with necessary information of products. Theorists are talking in this case about a learn-feeldo process as consumers are attempt to search for knowledge before they buy a product. Secondly there is a combination between high involvement and feelings which is also mentioned as psychological based. Consumers have to feel and learn (feel-learn-do) to make a dicision.. The emotional aspect can be found in the example of holidays, where a desire of holidays leads to learn about the destination and finally book the trip. The second part of the figure describes combinations of low involvement of costumers with thinking and feeling. Low involvement and thinking result together a do-learn-feel combination while a low involment in cohency with feeling a do-feel-learn direction effects. Emotional advertising gets peoples attention, in the part of the head that thinks leading to the heart. Advertising companies try to make the consumers react first and rationalize after. Emotions like contentment, happiness, love pride release feelings like peaceful, encouraged, hopeful thrilled enhusiastic passionate sentimental pride etc. In AD LAND, Mark Tungate declare:

"Let's face it: advertising is simply one of those industries that makes you itch to pull back the curtain anf take a good look behind the scenes"
If the advertising companies make the viewer feel something, they already got their attention which is the first aim of advertising, to get the viewer attention. The second aim is to involve the audience, make them remember what is to be remembered as can be seen for example in the NSPCC Charity poster.:

"One in every eight people who walk past this poster was abused as a child"
For Japanese the theme of "discovering yourself" is very important. A poster created for a Japanese department store named "Seibu" shows a small baby swimming underwater having his eyes open. The rest of the picture shows the beautiful blue water around him and carries the capiton "discovering yourself". The advertisment was placed all over Tokio in order to anounce Seibu's relaunching. The poster is very persuasive and emotional not just because of the image, but because of the culture and the symbol of descovering the own ego. Seduce the audience and also "taps into the richness of the imagination"(Marie Dru,1997). People are not usually rational. They buy things for emotional reasons, become friends with the brand and once that happens they are faithful. Nothing in the world can change people's oppinion about Guinness,Heinz, Coca Cola, Mc Donalds, Shell and the list continues. Because thess brands never dissappointed, they succeded to hit on the rational attitude of the audience and to touch emotional chord at the same time. Advertisings associate their campaigns with what people believe touches their emotional part. People believe in a better world, reaching their goals, ideals, dreams, in the little wonders of everyday life.However, in some societies the strongest belief people have is in God. Advertising uses this method esepecially in India where people have special rituals and gods. The Hinduism religion makes the difference between matter and spirit. Spirit is understood as the invividual self, or soul and the Supreme Self, or God. More than 16% of the advertisements have a Hindu theme and 9 of 11 of those advertisements contain religious or spiritual symbols such as: "the value of salvation, sense of accomplishment, pleasure, exciting life, comfortable life, world of peace, world of beauty etc. One of the most important advertisement ever made was in year 1913 when the D'Arcy agency developed a specific winter campaign which had a big emotional response and it still has. Haddon Sundblom created the characher that we now call "Santa Claus". Before the winter of 1913 Father Christmas had different appearances. Pictures of him, which survived from that era, portray him as a "well-nourished bearded man dressed in a long green fur-linded robe"(wikipedia). This winter we celebrate 96 years since Haddon Sundblom created the character of Father Christmas who has a jovial image and wears the Coca Cola colours(red and white). Since then, every child around the world waits for the

red Santa to come and give him/her presents on the Cristmas Eve. All this because of a "brilliant mind" that Sundblum had. To conclude, "succesful advertising appeals to both head and heart, to reasons and emotions" because people react to situations that involve themselves, "families, continuity of life, and oher timeless things that they might imagine their own lives to have been about". An adv of high quality is the one that creates a strong impact on the customer. An impact that stays with the person for a long while and, at last, makes a kind of bond between the product advertised and the perspective buyer. The advertisement images, the buyers needs and the product attributes connect deep in the heart and mind of the perspective buyer. It is important for people to like the advertisement as, the more likeable ads are, the less likely people will avoid them; the more likely people will become attentive to the message the advertisements convey. And such positive attitudes evoked by the commercial will transfer from the commercial to the product proper. Clever, worth remembering, appealing, sensitive ads will make people like them and create the crave of the type I have to have this. Its the way the message sells the goods.

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