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THE ENVIRONMENT OF LIFE CYCLES Course Number Duration : AIF200820 : 126 hours (42 hours of class meetings, 84 hours

of individual studies) Course and Syllabus Originator: Prof Gunawan Tjahjono Instructors : Ir. Herlily, MUD; Rini Suryantini, ST, MSc Office Place and Hour : Dept of Architecture, level 2; by appointment Prerequisite: Preferably for students of upper division, students at their freshman year need to catch up with other of advanced status. Open to all discipline inside the University for graduate standing students with special evaluation standard. Objectives Students understand, up to the ability to evaluate, the environmental quality for the users of different life cycles, such as: pregnancy, infancy, early childhood, school age, adolescence, adults, aging peoples and the deaths according to the place and rites. Format This course employs semi seminar format. In it instructor introduces the contents as a trigger for class discussions based on the reference materials assigned prior to the class meetings. Contents will be discussed in minimum 12 meetings and remaining times, if any, will discuss proposed term papers. Participants should do all the assignments in the form of report, individually or in group, the result of observation releted to the phases of life cycles discussed in class. Evaluation and Grading All students of this class are required to do all of the assignments, including the term paper. Ability to advance a theory with evidences or facts according to reliable sources become the minimum requirement for the grade around C. the abiity to analyze the facts with articulated theory indicates that the person is worth offering the grade around B. the ability to criticize, evaluate, and propose critical opinion on cases related to the class is the indication of the standing of A range grade. Medium If possible, during cass meeting, students are encourage to bring lap top computer with internet (Wi-Fi) conection. It is possible to have access to the sources from network together so the discussion will match the state of the arts of the cases of environment of life cycles. Reference: Erik H. Erikson:The Life Cycle Completed. New York: Norton, 1998. Koentjaraningrat. Ritus-Ritus Peralihan di Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1979. Van Gennep, A. The Rites of Pasage. Terjemahan M. Viadon dan G. Caffee. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960.

Supportive Readings: Articles distributed during or after class meetings. Meeting Schedule: Week 1 Learning Outcome 1 Understand the outline of the course including scope, assignments, and reading list after explaining the contents. Topic Introduce the meanings of the environment of life cycles. Explain reading materials, requirements, task, and the grading method. Assignment: Read about the environment of pregnancy. Assessment Criteria No assessment required. Week 2-3 Learning Outcome 2 Understand various environments of pregnancy women involving mothers or to-bemothers, fathers or to-be-fathers, and new born. Topic The psychological condition of pregnant women; birthing environments such as: hospices, hospitals, and home delivery; rites of birth. Resources Internet access, projectors, movie on birth condition, reading materials. Assignments Observe a birthing place; interview the to-be-mother and those who had experience of giving birth. Record the observed environments with appropriate media. Assessment Criteria The clarity and degree of detail of group report. Week 4-5 Learning Outcome Understand various early childhood environments, from infancy to pre-school age.

Topic The environments of early childhood age children and the parents; the psychological and physiological development of children; environments of play, near home environment, kindergarten and play group. Resources Movie on childhood condition; internet access, reading materials. Assignment Observe the environment of play such as: play ground, garden, yards of preschool buildings, shopping mall. Present the report and formulate the ideal environments for early childhood children. Week 6-7 Learning Outcome Understand environment of school age children and the alternative environment in the countryside. Topic Environment of elementary school; school and village; playing condition; the role of parents, teachers as role models; discipline formulation. Resources Movie on the condition of remote elementary school; projectors; reading materials. Assignment Observe elementary school; interview teachers; play field and sport field; record and comments. Assessment Clarity and detail of group report. Week 8-9 Learning Outcome Understand the environment of adolescent; puberty; transition to adulthood. Topic Spatial range of the adolescent; physical and psychological change during the puberty; heroes and role models; idols; energy release; comparison to those in the traditional community; rites of passage. Resources Movies on the adolescents and their environment; internet access; reading materials.

Assignment Reflection on personal memory on own adolescent years; comment on mass fighting phenomena in big cities. Assessment Criteria Clarity and detail of personal reflection in the report. Week 10-11 Learning Outcome Understand the environment of adult especially the working atmosphere that affects the psychological well being of the laborers and executives. Ability to formulate the state of adulthood: wedding as a sign of independency from parents. Topic To be an adult and the economic independency from the parents; societal approval of the adult status; wedding rites; comparing the urban and rural condition of adult environment; establishing home. Resources Internet access; reading materials. Assignment Observe a working environment; interviewing parents for wedding ceremony. Assessment Criteria Clarity and detail of group report and presentation. Week 12 Learning Outcome Understanding the environment of late adulthood: aging Topic Being aging and its physical and psychological condition; feeling alone or being left over by the society; being senior citizens in rural and urban environments. Resources Internet access; field data. Assignment Observe an aging home; interview senior citizen of diverse condition: at home with family and alone in senior home.

Week 13 Learning Outcome Understand the environment of the death including the rites around it and its affect on the left behind. Topic The death and various condition it left for the living; tomb/graveyard, crematorium and columbarium; urban and rural treatment of the death; rites of passage of the death. Resources Field data and reading materials. Assignment Observe an environment concerning the death covering the place and interview the survivals. Assessment Criteria Clarity of group report and presentation. Week 14 Learning Outcome Understand the entire course by summing up and distilling the contents. Topic Personal term paper proposal as a way to deliver knowledge acquired during the entire course. Guidelines to prepare the term paper. Resources All reference materials, logbook, and notebook. Assignment Term paper as the final proves of understanding the class materials. Assessment Criteria Argument structure of personal statement and the line of thought concerning the topic selected.

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