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Introduction to Databases and MySQL -

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Introduction to Databases and MySQL

Table of Contents
Audience and Pre-Requisites Introduction How Not to Design a Database Other Important Concepts What is MySQL? Getting Started with MySQL Setting Up the Tables Entering and Updating Data Doing Queries Transactions in MySQL Finishing Up References

Audience and Pre-Requisites

This tutorial covers the basics of databases and MySQL. The pre-requisites are access to a MySQL database.

One of my summer jobs during high s chool was working for a company called Plastronics in St. Joseph, MI. They made packaging for all kinds of different products. The founder of the company, George, was the first manufacturer of the styrofoam peanut.

He was also my father's golf buddy (which is how I acquired this s timulating summer position). Usually, I worked in the factory cutting up styrofoam with big frames of hot wires, but one day, I was asked to come and work in the Office. I was given the task of sorting about 200 order forms, and typing the various pieces of information on those forms into a paper grid on a typewriter. Now, computers did exist at that time, but Plastronics did not have one. So, all order processing was done manually. A computer would have saved me much time. But then, I didn't really mind typing when the alternative was burning my fingers on hot wires. Nonetheless, what I needed was a datab ase system. A database is a collection of structured information; like the 200 order forms, all with the s ame information. Contrast this to unstructured information, like the text of a book. A datab ase system would have allowed me to enter my information into a grid, but it would have been stored in a computer, rather than on paper. Once stored, I could sort the orders, organize and manipulate the data anyway I like, print various reports based on conditions such as: "print the name, phone number and order size for all orders where total_amount > $1000000". This would represent our biggest customers, and potential new golf buddies for George and my father. In databas e terminology, the grid is called a tab le. The information corresponding to one order (or row in the grid) would be stored in a record. The individual data elements, for example, name, phone number, order size (s tored in the columns ) are called fields. Mos t databases consist of more than one table. In fact, it is the norm to have multiple tables in order to, among other




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things, avoid storing redundant data. For example, maybe several of the 200 Plas tronics orders are all from the same customer. It's inefficient to store the name, address, and other contact information multiple times, as shown in the following with Fred Yo:

One of the things we most want to avoid in designing our databases is redundant data. Here is a more efficient structure:

Notice each table has a field that contains a distinct identifier for each record. These are called primary keys. A primary key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identify a record in a table, so that an individual record can be located without confusion. Such keys make it possible to relate the tables to one another, so we can, for example, find the customer information given a key value in the order table. A foreign key is a key us ed to link two tables together. Typically you take the primary key field from one table (customer) and insert it into the other table (order) where it becomes a foreign key (it remains a primary key in the original (customer) table). This type of structure is called a relational datab ase: we have multiple tables that connect to one another via keys.

How Not to Design a Database

When we talk about database design, we mean the organization of the fields in each table, and how keys are used to relate the tables. It's surprisingly easy to create a bad database des ign. Watch me do it right now. Let's go back to that summer at Plas tronics, only this time George gives me a computer and a database sys tem to organize his orders . This was long before I knew anything about computers, databas es or programming. So, my firs t pass would probably mimic the paper grid. We saw earlier that this was a bad idea because of the redundant customer information. We created a customer table and related it via a customer number. The following diagram shows the actual contents of the order grid, once we have broken out the cus tomer information.

This second design has some serious problems too.




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Practice: Take a moment and see if you can fix the problems in this table by normaliz ing, that is, coming up with a design that is free of redundant data and that can be consistently and correctly modified.

Here are s ome of the problems we need to fix: 1. Was ted space: Some cus tomers did not order a third item, so we're wasting space on those records. This is not a big deal with four records, but with 200 or more, it can build up. 2. Data insertion problems: What if a cus tomer comes along and s he wants to order a fourth item? We don't want our order process ing system to limit our ability to make money! Maybe we can add another record for that cus tomer and just fill in one of the item fields . But that would violate the primary key rule which s ays each record mus t have a distinct identifier. 3. Redundant data entry. What if the price of item #34 goes up to $1200? We'd have to find each record with item 34 in one of its three item columns, and change the price. 4. Querying problems: What if I want to find all customers that ordered item #34? I'd have to query all three item columns . 5. Redundant data s torage: If 6 customers order item #34, we have to enter both the item and the price each time. 6. Inconsistent data: Notice that there are conflicting prices for item #21? Should it be $740 or $750? This happens when one record is updated and another isn't. We can fix some of the problems by removing the recurring items from the table, that is , item, count and price.

This is better, but we still have the problem of inconsistent prices ($740 vs . $750 for item #21), and having to change a price increas e or decrease in multiple places . We can try breaking out the pricing information into its own table:




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The design process we jus t illustrated is called data normalization. As mentioned earlier, this is the process we go through to develop a design that is free of redundant data and that can be consistently and correctly modified. It's important to go through the iterative s teps involved in data normalization, or at some point later, when it is much more difficult to fix, you might find you have problems keeping tables in sync.

Other Important Concepts

As one goes through the data normalization process, there are some rules to keep in mind regarding primary and foreign keys . Recall that primary keys uniquely identify a record in a table, and foreign keys are used to relate tables . Here are the rules regarding primary keys : Every record must have a value for a primary key. It cannot be empty or null . Primary keys mus t be unique. Primary keys should not be reus ed when the record is deleted. A primary key should not be reass igned to another record because it will cause errors with foreign keys. Here are the rules regarding foreign keys: Since the foreign key in a linked table is a primary key in the original table, the primary key rules apply in the original table. The data in a foreign key needs to match the primary key in some record of the original table. This is called referential integrity and assures there are no broken links between tables. Note that if you delete a record in the original table, for example, you delete one of the customers from the cus tomer table, referential integrity requires that you delete all references to that customer in the order table. Mos t database s ystems allow you to establish constraints which make it impossible to break the rules defined above. For example, in MySQL when you create a new table, you can define right in the CREATE s tatement that a particular field is a primary key. Then in the cours e of using that table, an error will occur when you try to INSERT or UPDATE a record that causes a primary key violation, say if you tried to INSERT a record with a duplicate value in the primary key field.

What is MySQL?
MySQL is an open-source databas e system with which we can do the following things: design the s tructure of the tables (called schema) and how they relate to one another add, edit and delete data sort and manipulate data query the databas e (that is, ask questions about the data) produce listings based on queries To interact with MySQL, we enter commands on a command line. These commands, s uch as CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, etc. are based on a more general language called SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL has a long and colorful history, starting at IBM in the 70's (based on the research of E.F. Codd who developed the relational data model in 1970), and later through the work of a small company called Relational Software, Inc. In 1979, this group produced the first commercially available relational databas e system and implemented SQL as its query language. They called



the product Oracle.

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Getting Started with MySQL

The first thing you need to do to start learning MySQL is get access. We'll as sume that you have access and can start up the command line interface. It will look something like: mysql -uroot -ppassword You should see the following:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \q. Your MySQL connection id is 2129621 to server version: 3.23.58 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. mysql> In the exercises that follow, we will create a database and a set of tables for Plastronics order-processing. Then, we'll learn the basic commands for entering, editing and manipulating orders , customers, etc. We will spend most of our time learning how to query these tables, since that's the most interesting part. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

If you have worked with other SQL systems or with MySQL in other environments, the following articles and documents may be helpful: Comparison of SQL Server and MySQL Comparison of Oracle SQL and MySQL MySQL Documentation

Setting Up the Tables

Step one is to create a database which is a container for our tables. Enter the following command: create database plastronics; Note that the commands and names are not case-sensitive. Als o, note that the ending s emi-colon is required or you'll see something like this:

mysql> create database plastronics -> If this happens to you, jus t type the semi-colon on the line with the "->" and pres s Enter. mysql> create database plastronics -> ; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> The "Query OK" is your signal that the command was accepted and the task performed. Creating a databas e does not select it for us e; you mus t do that explicitly. Enter the following command: use plastronics; The sys tem will res pond "Database changed". Now, we can work with the database. Let's take a minute to review the final s tructure we designed for the order processing databas e.




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We need to set up four tables, that relate to one another as defined in the s tructure above. We us e the CREATE TABLE command which allows us to specify the fields and their contents, as well as primary keys and constraints . Here is the command to create the cus tomer table: create table customer (cust_no int not null auto_increment, name varchar(40), address varchar(40), phone varchar(12), primary key(cust_no));

After the "create table" part of the command, we name our table "customer". Then, in parentheses , we define the fields. The minimum information required is a fieldname, and a type, indicating what kind of data we want to store in the field. For cust_no, we want an integer (whole number), which is abbreviated "int" in MySQL. Then, we indicate that cust_no cannot be null (which means empty) and we would like the system to fill the value in for us by auto-incrementing from the previous value, every time we ins ert a new record. The other fields are of type "varchar" which means variable-length strings, or sequences of characters. The numbers following "varchar" in the command above indicate maximum length for the data stored in the field. So, the name, address and phone fields are all sequences of characters with maximum lengths 40, 40 and 12. Finally, we set cust_no to be the primary key. You can find more information on types and how to use them in the MySQL documentation. For more details on the CREATE TABLE command, check the MySQL reference. Here is the command to create the orders tables: create table orders (order_no int not null auto_increment, FK_cust_no int not null, foreign key(FK_cust_no) references customer(cust_no), primary key(order_no)); There are only two fields in this table. The order_no field is a primary key, and is an integer, not null and it will auto increment. The cust_no field is a foreign key. We have named it FK_cust_no in the orders table to distinguish it from the cust_no field in the customer table. Recall that a foreign key is a field that references a primary key in another table. In the command, we indicate that the FK_cust_no field is a foreign key referencing the cus t_no field in customer, indicated by the "foreign key(FK_cust_no) references customer(cust_no)" part of the command. By s etting the table up this way, MySQL will enforce constraints, that is , any order that we enter into the orders table must reference a valid customer in the customer table. If we enter a cust_no in orders that does not exist in customers, an error will result. Note: If you want MySQL to enforce foreign key constraints, you need to add "type=InnoDB" at the end of the CREATE TABLE statement as in: create table orders (order_no int not null auto_increment, FK_cust_no int not null, foreign key(FK_cust_no) references customer(cust_no), primary key(order_no)) type=InnoDB; "type=InnoDB" may or may not be available in your MySQL installation (Note: in some distribution, to avoid "ERROR 1005", you have to add "type=InnoDB" on both table creation s tatement, customer and orders ). Support for InnoDB tables requires a specific compilation parameter when compiling MySQL from source. Let's see what we have so far. Enter the following command:



show tables;

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Then enter the following command to look at the s tructure of the orders table:

describe orders; Here is the command to create the items table: create table items (item_no int not null auto_increment, price int, primary key(item_no));

Practice: Take a couple minutes to make s ure you understand all the parts of the command for creating the items table. Using the CREATE TABLE command, create the fourth table, which has two foreign key fields and the count. Call this table "item_details".

Here is the command for creating item_details: create table item_details (FK_order_no int not null, foreign key(FK_order_no) references orders(order_no), FK_item_no int not null, foreign key(FK_item_no) references items(item_no), count int);

If your table does not match the structure defined in this command, jus t delete it by entering: drop table item_details; Then, enter the command given above for creating item_details.

Entering and Updating Data

Now that we have our tables created, we need to populate them with data. Enter the following commands. Jus t copy the whole block and paste at your MySQL command prompt. insert insert insert insert insert select into customer set into customer set into customer set into customer set into customer set * from customer; name="Joe Boo", address="123 West", phone="412-773-5322"; name="Rich Wrack", address="332 East", phone="412-773-8374"; name="Ken Bend", address="225 Main", phone="412-773-9822"; name="Kim Slim", address="415 Bent", phone="412-773-6721"; name="Tom Plom", address="633 North", phone="412-773-4156";

The INSERT command sets the fields to the corresponding values. The SELECT command with a "*" outputs all the data. Notice how the cust_no field auto incremented. Next, we populate the items table: insert insert insert insert select into items set into items set into items set into items set * from items; price=666; price=700; price=450; price=1200;

Now, the orders table: insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert select into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set into orders set * from orders; FK_cust_no=4; FK_cust_no=3; FK_cust_no=4; FK_cust_no=1; FK_cust_no=2; FK_cust_no=1; FK_cust_no=2; FK_cust_no=3; FK_cust_no=4; FK_cust_no=5;



Finally, the item_details table:

Introduction to Databases and MySQL -

insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert select

into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set into item_details set * from item_details;

FK_order_no=1, FK_item_no=4, count=12; FK_order_no=1, FK_item_no=3, count=56; FK_order_no=2, FK_item_no=1, count=10; FK_order_no=3, FK_item_no=2, count=43; FK_order_no=3, FK_item_no=4, count=16; FK_order_no=4, FK_item_no=2, count=87; FK_order_no=5, FK_item_no=1, count=62; FK_order_no=5, FK_item_no=2, count=48; FK_order_no=5, FK_item_no=3, count=5; FK_order_no=6, FK_item_no=3, count=87; FK_order_no=7, FK_item_no=2, count=32; FK_order_no=7, FK_item_no=1, count=27; FK_order_no=8, FK_item_no=4, count=91; FK_order_no=9, FK_item_no=2, count=34; FK_order_no=9, FK_item_no=3, count=72; FK_order_no=10, FK_item_no=4, count=2;

If you need to edit a record, MySQL provides an UPDATE command:

update item_details set count=12 where FK_order_no=7 and FK_item_no=2; select * from item_details where FK_order_no=7 and FK_item_no=2; Notice how we can define the exact record for both UPDATE and SELECT using the WHERE clause. We have also used the AND connector. UPDATE can also be used to edit a group of records. For example, we could set count=12 for both of the items in order #7:

update item_details set count=12 where FK_order_no=7; select * from item_details where FK_order_no=7; We can also DELETE in a similar manner:

delete from item_details where FK_order_no=7; select * from item_details where FK_order_no=7; Let's put those records back in now:

insert into item_details set FK_order_no=7, FK_item_no=2, count=32; insert into item_details set FK_order_no=7, FK_item_no=1, count=27;

For more information on thes e MySQL commands, check the MySQL Documentation.

Practice: See if MySQL checks for primary key constraints by trying to insert a new record in a table with a primary key that has the same primary key value as a record already in the table. Note that foreign key cons traints are only checked if you created the tables using "type=InnoDB".

Doing Queries
We have already seen the use of the SELECT command. This is the command we use to query tables. We can s ee all the fields in a table using "*" or we can specify certain fields. We can also limit the output using the WHERE claus e. Here are s ome examples:




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Practice: See if you can create SELECT statements to find the following data. All orders that include item #4 (only list the order numbers once). Answer: orders #1, 3, 8, 10. All orders for customer #2. Answer: orders #5 and 7 Try entering a query that returns no results. How does MySQL communicate this?

We can also search within varchar fields us ing LIKE and the "%" wildcard: select * from customer where address like "%West"; select * from customer where name like "%o%"; This last command outputs all records where there is an "o" anywhere in the name field. Note that us ing LIKE is very slow on large databases - this is not something you would do on the Ads database. The real power of the SELECT command becomes evident when we join tables using foreign key relationships. In order to illus trate how this works, we need to add some records to the orders table:

insert into orders set FK_cust_no=10; insert into orders set FK_cust_no=11; Notice that we have entered orders for customers that do not exist in the customer table. Take a look at the following command:




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In this SELECT, we have combined the orders and customer tables using the customer number. This is called an inner join. We are listing fields from both tables , and the ON claus e makes the connection between the primary and foreign key. Notice that the records are listed in customer number order. Thus, an inner join takes all the records from the orders table and finds the matching record(s) in the customer table. Another type of join is the left join. It returns all the values from left table (orders) and the matched values from right table (customers). In this join, if there are records in the left table that do not match records in the right table (orders with customers #10 and 11), then MySQL will output records for these orders with NULL values for the customer fields.

Practice: See if you can create joins for the following: List the price field with the item_details fields. List the price field with the item_details fields, but ordered by order number, not item number.

Another thing we can do with SELECT commands is GROUP BY. We can also us e mathematical functions on numeric fields. Try entering the following commands and s ee if you can figure out what GROUP BY does :

select * from item_details; select FK_order_no, sum(count) from item_details group by FK_order_no; We are summing the count fields by order number. So, we can use the GROUP BY clause to group together the values in a given column. We can then use the HAVING clause to exclude groups.

select FK_order_no, sum(count) from item_details group by FK_order_no having sum(count) > 100; This outputs only the rows where the sum of the counts is greater than 100.




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For more on the use of mathematical functions in MySQL, click here. For more on the use of GROUP BY and HAVING, click here. Practice: Can you lis t the total amount for each order as well as the s um of the item counts? This requires a join along with GROUP BY.

Here is the solution to the practice exercise. It's important to understand how this works - it illustrates some of MySQL's most powerful features .

Practice: See if you can design a SELECT s tatement that outputs the three columns above, along with the customer name for each order. Hint: It is possible to have s ucces sive joins in a single SELECT statement as in: select ... from item_details left join items on FK_item_no=item_no left join orders on FK_order_no=order_no ...

A common need in working with the Ads database sys tem is doing queries on dates. We can add a date field to our orders table to indicate the date the order was placed:

alter table orders add column order_date date; Then we will populate it like this. Note the date format required for a date type in MySQL

update orders set order_date="2006/11/01"; update orders set order_date="2005/11/01" where order_no < 6; To do queries , we use comparison operators as in:

select * from orders where order_date < "2006/06/01";

For more information on the SELECT command, check the MySQL Documentation.

Before we leave this section, we should mention that there are other ways of setting up tables. Instead of marking foreign keys with an FK prefix as we did above, it is als o common to name the keys the same. For example,

create table customer2 (cust_no int not null auto_increment, name varchar(40), address varchar(40), phone varchar(12), primary key(cust_no)); create table orders2 (order_no int not null auto_increment, cust_no int not null, foreign key(cust_no) references customer(cust_no), primary key(order_no)) type=InnoDB; Then, when you do selects, you need to identify the table name with cust_no, s o MySQL knows to which one you are referring.




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select * from orders2 inner join customer2 on customer2.cust_no = orders2.cust_no;

Transactions in MySQL
A transaction is a sequence of individual databas e operations that are grouped together. A transaction will never be complete unless each individual operation within the group is s ucces sful. If any operation within the transaction fails, the entire transaction will fail. Transactions are a relatively new addition to MySQL but not to relational database systems in general. A good example where transactions are useful is in banking. Say you want to transfer $100 between two accounts. In order to deposit money into one account, you mus t firs t take money from another account. Without us ing transactions , you would have to do the following MySQL operations: 1. Check that the balance of the first account is greater than $100. 2. Deduct $100 from the first account. 3. Add $100 to the second account. If we think of this sequence as a transaction, then if any one operation fails, the whole transaction fails and we rollb ack , that is , the tables and the data ins ide them revert to their previous state. If the transaction is s uccess ful, we commit the changes to the database. This is much eas ier than dealing with poss ible errors between each s tep. For example, without transactions we need to skip steps #2 and #3 if the balance is less than $100; we need to skip s tep #3 if for some reason, we were unable to deduct $100 from the first account; and so on. Transactions can simplify the proces sing. Transactions have the following four properties, usually referred to by the acronym ACID: Atomicity: An atom is meant to be something that cannot be divided. The operations that make up a transaction mus t either all be carried out, or none at all (as with our banking example). Cons is tency: The database changes state upon a s ucces sfully committed transaction. Is olation: Data being used for one transaction cannot be used by another trans action until the first transaction is complete. This enables transactions to operate independently of and transparent to each other. Durability: This ensures that the res ult or effect of a committed transaction persists in case of a system failure. To use transactions in MySQL, you must use a transaction-safe table type. The default MySQL table type, MyISAM, does not support transactions. BerkeleyDB and InnoDB are the trans action-safe table types available in open s ource MySQL, vers ion 3.23.34 and greater. Support for InnoDB tables requires a specific compilation parameter when compiling MySQL from source. If your MySQL ins tallation s upports InnoDB tables, s imply add a "TYPE=InnoDB" definition to the table creation s tatement. You can check if you have InnoDB s upport by entering the following command:

show variables like 'have_innodb'; In MySQL, transactions begin with the statement BEGIN WORK or START TRANSACTION and end with either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK statement. The SQL commands between the beginning and ending statements form the operations of the transaction. Going back to the banking example, the following statements :

update account set balance = balance - 100 where acctnumber = 1; update account set balance = balance + 100 where acctnumber = 2; are written as transactions like this:

start transaction; update account set balance = balance - 100 where acctnumber = 1; update account set balance = balance + 100 where acctnumber = 2; commit; The updates are done in one trans action s o that both must complete successfully before the changes are committed to the database. If either update fails, you can issue a rollback statement to undo the changes . For more information on MySQL transactions, refer to the MySQL Documentation.




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Finishing Up
When you are ready to leave MySQL, jus t type "quit". When you come back, just remember that you have to select your database before you can access the tables as in "use plas tronics;". You won't need to create the database or the tables again - everything will be there when you return. One other quick tip: In many MySQL interfaces, you can use the up-arrow key to access a list of commands that you have just entered. This can save a lot of time if you are experimenting with queries.

Additional Examples and Exercises

The following webs ites have MySQL tutorials, if you need more practice or want to get into more of the details. MySQL Tutorial Database Journal MySQL Series

MySQL Documentation

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