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Animator Profile - Norman McClaren

Norman McLaren (1914 1987) was a Sco0sh-born animator and lm maker. He was a pioneer in a number of areas of animaCon and lmmaking, including drawn on lm animaCon, visual music, abstract lm, pixilaCon and graphical sound.

Early Works

Camera Makes Whoopee (1935) used pixillaCon eects, superimposiCons and animaCons to tap into the aestheCc sensaCons supposedly produced at an art-school ball (BFI)

Seven Till Five (1933), a "day in the life of an art school", was clearly inuenced by Eisenstein and displays a strongly formalist a0tude. (BFI) Hell Unltd (1936) had heavy communist inuences. The lm is one of the most remarkable made in the inter-war period, a complex mixture of found
footage, anima=on, and graphics, combined in a

rapid montage for didac=c purposes. (BFI)

1939 onward

Maclaren was Working for the Na=onal Film Board of Canada, where he enjoyed a signicant degree of arCsCc freedom, making a number of innovaCve animated and abstract lms and acquiring an internaConal reputaCon as a visual arCst. (wikipedia)
Le,: Pas de Deux (1968) Two dancers against a black background, their bodies lit in luminous outline. Through mulCple exposure and opCcal prinCng, their movements are relayed in rhythmic images of innite grace and beauty, as the whole shape of the dance composiCon the 'Pas de Deux is revealed in its development from solo movement to transcendent dialogue. (BFI)

Right: Beyond Dull Care

Led: Boogie Doodle (1940)

Right: La Merle (1958)

Refs and IllustraCons : BFI - h`p://www.b.org.uk/lmtvinfo/publicaCons/performing-arts/ dance/avante-garde.html

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