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~ APAM GULA HANGUS~ 3 bji tlur 3 1/2 cwn tpg gndum 1 1/2 cwn gula 1 1/2 cwn air

1 cwn majerin / butter lg sedap 1 cwn gla merah 2 sdu kfc soda bikarbonat 1 tin susu ideal.. cara2: 1)masak gula pasir hingga hangus ( ht2 jgn hitam sgt nnti pait) patu masukkn air td n n masak smpai mndidih n cair gla tu semula.. sejukkn n ketepikan 2) masak gla merah ngn 1/2 cwn air n masukkn majerin n bia cair n sejukkn jga.. 3)pukul / blend telur hingga kembg.. + 2 titik esen vanila + gla merah td + gula hngus td + tepung sket2..kacau gna tgn jer..last masuk susu n kukus 1 jam.. siap.. petua masa kukus tutup ngn kain bru cntik.. dh 1 jam buka tutup kukus tu n trus kukus dlm 5 / 10 minit lg

Roti Gulung : ( resipi asal dari mat gebu blog) BAHAN-BAHANNYA 140 ml air 1 biji telur gred C 30 g mentega ( 1/3 cup ) 60 g gula halus 1 camca teh garam 2 1/2 camca besar susu tepung 1/2 camca teh bread improver - tak letak pun 1/2 camca teh bread softerner - pun tak letak juga( 2 1/3 cup) 270 g tepung roti (high protein flour) - tak campur dgn superfine, guna semua skali 320gm tepung high protein.( cup) 50 g tepung halus (tepung Hong Kong yg best sekali) - tak letak 1 1/2 camca teh instant yeast Kari Daging cincang,Blueberry,strawberry or whatever u like filling secukupnya

CARA MEMBUATNYA 1.Masukkan kesemua bahan2 ikut turutan ke dalam Noxxa Bread Maker, pilih setting for dough dan tekan "ON". Tunggu hingga siap. 2.Keluarkan doh dan bagi kepada 4 - 5 bahagian yang sama besar (bergantung pada saiz tin masing2), canai dan sapu filling secukupnya, gulung seperti swiss roll dan alihkan ke dalam "mini loaf pan" yang telah disapu dengan mentega. Buat hingga siap. 3.Biar naik sampai double the size and bakar for 20-25 min at 190 deg C in yr NOXXA breadmaker. 4.. Sejukkan atas jaringan sepenuhnya sebelum dipotong akoi Sumber: Zanaz Bahan 400 gm tpg gandum 4 gm yis segera 1/2 sdb shortening - guna sepenuhnya shortening (letak 2 sudu besar) 1 sudu besar marjerin - tak letak pun 1 biji telur 1 sudu kecil gula 1 sudu besar susu pekat/ gula - guna sepenuhnya gula, x guna susu pekat secubit garam + - 1 1/2 cwn air Cara membuatnya: 1. Cairkan marjerin & sejukkan. Campurkan telur dlm marjerin cair & kacau rata. 2. Masukkan yis & gula dalam air dan biar hingga yis kembang. 3. Satukan tepung, garam, shortening & susu pekat. Digaul sebati. 4. Masukkan campuran marjerin + telur tadi dan juga campuran yis & air tadi. 5. Uli hingga betul2 rata. Adunan biarkan agak lembik sedikit. 6. Perapkan adunan sehingga lebih kurang 3 - 4 jam. 7. Bentukkan dan goreng dlm minyak panas yang byk. Cara membentuk cakoi: Pastikan taburkan tepung gandum secukupnya di atas papan canai anda. Sapukan juga tepung pada tangan anda secukupnya. Ambil 1/4 bahagian adunan dan letak di atas papan canai. Tabur tepung atas adunan td & canai memanjang setebal >< inci. Gunakan pisau yg sesuai untuk memotong adunan yg dicanai tadi selebar >< 1 inci. Ambil lidi atau chopstik dan celup dalam air bersih (dlm gelas) kemudian basahkan hirisan tepung tadi. Tangkupkan tepung tadi menjadi sepasang biar melekat (fungsi air tu sebagai gam). Bila minyak dah panas.. tarikkan sedikit hirisan yg dah dilekatkan tu sebelum dimasukkan dlm minyak panas yg banyak. Gorenglah spt biasa. Cakoi sedap dihidang bersama kuah kari ataupun kuah santan yg manis.

Nota Haniss: Adunan agak lembik dan melekit selepas keluar dari BM, jadi haniss tambahkan skit tepung dan uli sikit2 lagi secara manual dan perap semula 1 jam, alhamdulillah jadi elok sikit dah. semasa mencanai dan potong cakoi ni pun kena banyk main2 tabur tepung skit kat dia, kalu tak melekat jer kat papan pencanai tu.

Printer friendly version 1. FLOURS, STARCHES AND MEALS Item Ingredients Sources and Functions Additional Notes


High protein flour, Strong flour, Hard wheat flour or Bread flour

Milled from hard wheats. Contains high quantities of proteins, glutenin and gliadin, responsible for forming gluten when mixed with liquids. Gluten is necessary especially for bread making as it forms a network which traps gases produced by 13-14% protein yeast. content Not suitable for making quick breads, muffins, cakes and cookies. For making yeasted breads, croissants and pau. It is sometimes mixed with other flours like cake flour and superfine flour to lower its protein content. Milled from soft wheats. Contains low quantities of proteins. Soft and smooth. For making high ratio, chiffon cakes and pastries, and for preparing gravies and sauces.

Cake flour, High ratio flour

7-9% protein content

Pastry flour

Milled from soft wheats. Has slightly higher protein content than cake flour. For making pie dough, pastries, cookies, etc. Not popular in Asian countries. Easily be found in countries like America. Substitute with cake flour when pastry flour is not available. Milled from soft wheats. Contains low quantities of proteins then cake flour. Soft and smooth. Used when fine texture is required in cakes, muffins, quick breads etc. Contains slightly lower protein content than bread flour. Readily available in most grocery shops For general baking, or can be 10-12% protein compromised for making cakes content when cake/superfine flour is not accessible. It is sometimes mixed with high protein flour, or just by its own for chinese pastries. 9.5-10.5% protein content

Superfine flour

All purpose flour, Rose flour, Plain flour

Pau flour, Hong Kong pau flour

Specially bleached medium protein flour to give pure white colour in paus. Some brands contain additives for tender and soft pau texture.

Self-raising flour

White flour where baking powder and salt are added. Typical content: 1 cup selfraising flour = 1 cup cake flour + 1 tsp baking powder + pinch 9-11% protein of salt content Usage is limited as its amount of baking powder may not be suitable for all kinds of bakings. For making quick breads, muffins, cakes etc. Milled from whole wheat kernel, consists of bran, germ and endosperm. Cannot be used alone in bread making although its protein is high. This is because of bran flakes in this flour will cut through gluten, ~ 14% protein content resulting in dense and heavy bread loaf. For making wholemeal bread loaf, use 33% of total flour in recipe as wholemeal flour (1:2 = wholemeal flour: bread flour). The flour obtained from wheat from milling after bran and germ are removed. Will be categorised into different grades of flours according to colour and the contents of moisture, fiber, protein etc. Clearest and purest wheat flour in the market Made of the center portion of wheat's endosperm Graded as extra short, short, medium and long patent flour; long patent flour being made with

Whole wheat flour, Wholemeal flour

Straight flour

10 Patent flour

90-95% of straight flour.

11 Clear flour

By-product of straight flour after patent flour is removed Graded into fancy, first clear and second clear. Fancy clear flour is milled from soft wheat and is used to make for pastry flour. First clear flour is often blended with low protein flour to lighten the texture of baked goods. Second clear flour contains high ash and is not normally used for food. Ground endorsperm of durum wheat. High in protein. Used to make pasta and add flavour to cakes. By product of semolina flour. Higher protein content than semolina flour. Used for making pasta. Functions as thickener for sauces, puddings and pie fillings. Able to stay thick even after the product is cooled. It is sometimes added to cakes to give a firm texture, e.g. swiss roll. High in protein but does not form gluten. Can be replaced as part of flour to add flavour and nutritional value to breads, cakes and rolls. Coarsely ground dried corn containing 7-8% protein. Forms gluten when moistened.

Semolina 12 flour, Sugee flour

13 Durum flour

Corn starch, 14 Corn flour

15 Soy flour

Corn meal, 16 Polenta

Common example of usage of cornmeal is in the making of corn bread. Made from ground whole, dried potatoes. It thickens when mixed with water and heated. Suitable for making gravies and sauces. However, sauce thickened using potato starch becomes watery again when cooled. Due to this reason, bakers prefer using corn starch as thickener for puddings and pie fillings. Mixed in bread dough to yield higher volume bread. Embryo of the wheat kernel which is separated from wheat being milled for flour. Free of sodium and cholesterol, and rich in nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, thiamine and zinc. It is also high in fiber. Because wheat germ contains fat, proper cold storage is necessary to prevent spoilage. Added into muffins, breads and other baked goods for aroma and nutritious value. Available in powder form. Used as additive in bread making to increase the gluten content of bread. To improve volume of breads and to increase the ability to hold more moisture as a result of a stronger gluten network in dough. Addition to bread flour: 5-6%

Potato 17 starch, potato flour


Wheat germ


Wheat gluten

20 Bran

Hard outer layer of cereal grains like rice, wheat, maize, oats and miller. By-product of milling in the production of refined grains. Rich in dietary fiber, starch, protein, fat, vitamins and dietary minerals. Used to enrich breads, muffins and breakfast cereals.


21 Rice flour

Contains protein that does not form gluten when moistened. Used frequently in chinese dim sum like turnip cake and yam cake, and local desserts like kuih lapis and kuih talam. Product of glutinous rice. It becomes thick when mixed with water and heated. Chinese dim sum and local desserts made from glutinous flour are smooth and shiny. Starch obtained from wheat where all gluten has been removed. Suitable for making chinese dim sum like prawn dumpling (ha kau), nian gao and turnip cake. Cooked glutinous flour used for making Ping Pei (chilled) mooncakes and banana rolls. A white powder extracted from the root of the marantha arundinacea (arrowroot) which is indigenous to the West Indies in America. Used in diets requiring bland, lowsalt, and low-protein foods. It is, however, mostly used as a


Glutinous flour

Tung Min flour, 23 Wheat starch Koh Fun or cooked 24 glutinous flour


Arrowroot flour

thickening agent for sauces, fruit pie fillings, glazes, puddings, but can also be used as a flour substitute mixed with rice flour for gluten-free baking. Arrowroot flour will thicken any mixture at a lower temperature than using wheat flour or cornstarch.

Water 26 chestnut flour

Also called water chestnut powder. It is a starchy flour ground from dried water chestnuts. Does not contain much fibre. Its best uses are similar to those for corn-starch, e.g., as a thickener and breading material. It is mixed with a small amount of water before being added to the hot mixture to be thickened. Gluten free flour made from cooked, dried and ground potatoes. Gives smooth and transparent result when used as thickener in soups or sauces. Sauces thickened with potato starch turns thinner after cooling. Produced from white sweet potatoes and is off white in color and has a somewhat sweet flavour. Normally used as thickener and in making of chinese dim sum. Gives crispy skin when used as coating of fried food.

Potato flour 27 or potato starch

Sweet 28 potato flour/starch



Hoen Kwe flour, Green 29 bean flour, Mung bean flour

Obtained from green beans that have been roasted and powdered. Comes in various colours of packaging. Green coloured bean flour comes in green packaging (as shown on right). Commonly used in making Malaysian kuihs (like pandan layer cake, cendol) and Indonesian desserts. Starch obtained from trunk of sago palm, a type of fresh water swamp tree found mostly in Indonesia, 60-80% starch Borneo and Papua New Guinea. depends on Used to produced sago pearls and sago palm local desserts in Malaysia. species When boiled, normally with dessert like red bean soup, sago pearls will turn translucent. Tapioca is a Brazilian word, which translates as juice of cassava. A fine, white starch extracted from pulped tapioca roots. Consumed as a vegetable, or used in bread baking or as a thickening agent in liquid foods, custards, puddings etc. When cooked, tapioca swells into a pale, translucent jelly. Malaysians use this flour frequently in kuih making, e.g. kuih bangkit, kuih bongkong and onde-onde.

30 Sago flour


Tapioca flour


LEMON CHICKEN Ingredients:

Serves 6 Chicken breasts of 2 chickens

Marinate: 3 tbsp cornstarch tsp salt tsp sesame oil Dash of pepper 1 egg Coating: 5 tbsp all purpose flour 5 tbsp breadcrumbs Oil for deep frying Sauce: 1 tbsp plum sauce 3 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp vinegar 4 tbsp sugar 2 tsp cornstarch

Method: 1. Clean chicken breasts and dry with kitchen towels. Marinate with the marinating ingredients for overnight or for at least 2 hours (Pic. 1). 2. Combine all purpose flour and breadcrumbs in a large plate. Heat oil in a wok until bubbles rise rapidly to the oil surface when a wooden spoon is immersed into the oil. Reduce heat to medium. Coat meat with coating mixture (Pic. 2) and deep fry until golden brown. Place on to double layers of kitchen towel to absorb excess oil. 3. Chop fried chicken breasts into small pieces. Arrange on a plate. 4. To prepare sauce, mix all sauce ingredients in a bowl. Heat a pan. Pour in sauce and bring to a boil. Cook sauce until it thickens. Drizzle on to the chopped chicken breasts. Serve hot with white rice.

PUDING JAGUNG 1 tin creme jagung, 1 tin tepung custard, 1 tin gula, 4 tin santan..... gula ngan santan sukat pkai tin tepung castard tu je.... lebur suma.... kacau pelan.... smpai dia meletup letup dan x melekat dh..... pastu dh sejuk bole mkn dh....... dpt resepi dari mak sedara saya..... sedap..... Puding Karamel Feqah Bahan-bahan : Untuk gula hangus:1 cawan gula pasir 1 cawan air panas Untuk Puding:4 biji telur 1 tin susu cair 2 sudu besar esen vanila 2 sudu besar tepung jagung/tepung kastad Cara Membuatnya : 1. Masak gula hangus hingga cair. Tuangkan air panas.Kacau hingga sebati. 2. Kisar telur hingga kembang dan masukkan susu cair. Kisar lagi hingga sebati. 3. Masukkan esen dan tepung jagung dan kisar sebentar. 4. Tuangkan 1/2 adunan gula hangus dalam loyang 8 inci.Tuangkan adunan puding. 5. Kukus 20 minit hingga masak. Tips membuat puding karamel: 1. Untuk membuat gula hangus, masukkan gula ke dalam periuk dan panaskan dengan api perlahan.Kacau supaya tidak hangit .Jika ia hangit, rasanya akan pahit. 2. Setelah gula hangus cair dan bewarna keperangan, tuangkan air panas atau air paip. 3. Kacau segera supaya gula tidak berketul. Kacau hingga cair. 4. Telur dan susu dikisar hingga sebati. 5. Tapiskan adunan sebelum dituang ke dalam loyang. 6. Biarkan puding sejuk dalam loyang sebelum diterbalikkan dalam pinggan. KEK KUKUS 7up By: mrsdayat Bahan-bahan ( loyang 4 segi 9" )

5 biji telur 220 gram gula 150 g Tepung Cake (Bluekey) 150 g Tepung Gandum

1/2 sudu besar ovalette 180ml - 7- up/Cream Soda 2 sudu besar susu pekat pewarna merah,biru,hijau

"DO IT YOURSELF" Pukul telur dgn gula sampai kembang masukkan ovalette , pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung diselang selikan dgn air 7 - up tadi.kemudian masukkan susu pekat, kacau sebati Bahagikan adunan kpd 3bhgn utk dibubuh color.kukus selapis demi selapis. setiap lapis lebih kurang 7 minit *utk elak air kukusan menitis atas permukaan kek, tutup loyang ngan aluminium foil atau balut tutup pengukus ngan kain notes: rasenye..kalo every layer tu kite letak perisa lain2 lg sdap kot.(i.e, kaler merah+perisa strawberry..n so on)

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