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#1: VISION CDEP o goals o action plans with roles, responsibilities, etc. o building progress reports o plan for measuring Guidelines for continuous, sustainable improvement (could be the CDEP) Self-reflection on progress of implementing vision SMART goals Committee meeting agendas, minutes, presentation materials, action plans, progress reports, emails, etc. (from various stakeholders) o Building leadership team o Inquiry/data team o PLCs o BOE o Etc. Classroom observation write-ups Professional Development moodle with forum VADIR Report Managing resources (staff) in the most effective way

ISLLC #2: CULTURE PD Days o Agenda o Minutes/write-up o Surveys Being visible (documentation = anecdotal records from observations and discussions) o Informal visits o Formal visits Structure of Staff Schedules o Common planning time among and across grade levels/content areas Team/department meetings (minutes) Curriculum plans/maps with documented resources and assessments o Unit development w/ feedback from principals o Common formative assessments w/ feedback from principals Monitor and adjust course content and offerings o Student choice and voice (honors, G&T, electives) Character Ed. Program/PBIS documentation Discipline reports RTI data Distributed leadership o Various stakeholders o Teacher Leaders (promotes risk-taking) Calendars/logs Newsletters to/from community, staff, parents, students, etc. Digital photos Surveys

ISLLC #3: MANAGING RESOURCES AND SAFETY Aligning grant funds with district and building goals documented Master Schedule Duty schedules for teachers (AM/PM) Committee rosters, agendas, minutes, progress reports o Health and wellness committee o Building safety committee o Building leadership committee o Character Ed. Committee o Etc. Emergency/safety plans o With documented procedures and responsibilities Safety walk-through (documentation = anecdotal records from observations and discussions) Safety/fire drill logs Number of people trained with AED Classroom websites Parent portals/letters to parents/communication with parents Discipline reports Endpoints of student management reports VADIR reports PBIS Documentation

ISLLC #4: COMMUNITY Communication with all stakeholders (Keep a log) o Newsletters/monthly mailers o Phone calls o Facebook o Twitter o Websites o Surveys Communication logs (phone, email, letters, electronic postings etc.) Community/School Contracts Community Events (documentation= flyers/handouts, agendas/minutes, write-ups, photos, etc.) o Community education classes o Community service hours o Service learning projects o Senior citizens/veterans/etc. events o College/Career/Health Fairs o Principal/Parent chat nights/coffee hours o Make it/Take it Nights o Guest speakers from various agencies and community organizations PTA o Meeting agendas, minutes, presentation materials, etc. o Event agendas, minutes, materials, logs, etc. o Parent volunteer logs Service memberships o Rotary club o Lions Club Student Opportunities o Internships/partnerships (w/ local organizations/colleges/ etc.) o Off-site classrooms o Graduation celebrations o Focus groups with graduate students Field trip write-ups Data charts, reports, visuals Title I parent meeting minutes BOE presentations

ISLLC #5: ETHICS Student recognition awards (helping hands award) Dignity for all documentation Character education o Curriculum o Posters o Meeting agendas, action plans, minutes, progress reports, data records, anecdotal notes etc. o Bullying programs (Rachels Challenge, D.A.R.E., etc.) o PBIS o RTI o Student Safety Committee o Student Council o Parent Meetings Use of technology contracts Class meetings establishing expectations Codes of conduct / codes of ethics/ student handbooks Discipline reports Fair and equitable decision making consistently documented Empower staff distributed leadership consistently documented Equitable access to rigorous coursework Student success plans Data warehouse reports SPED surveys

ISLLC #6: CONTEXT Committees and building leadership teams Hearings/Pre-hearings o Superintendents o Nexus o Manifestation Communication logs in all forms o Phone o Email o Letters/Newsletters o Petitions o Websites o Blogs o Reports o Minutes o Etc. Communication logs in all contexts o Parents o Social services o Local agencies (law, fire, etc.) o Senators, state reps, other elected officials, etc.) o Liaisons o BOE Responses to draft state proposals Managing/balancing urgent things and important things CSE (Superintendents can assist principals with this standard by bringing them into the agendas of cabinet meetings, etc.) Appropriate educational programs CTE, Alt. Ed. Memberships/subscriptions to professional organizations Participation in state, national and local agencies, organizations, conferences, etc. (SAANYS, ASA, ASCD) Community information nights coffee breaks Legislative breakfasts PINS JASC / TASC (probation meetings) Analyze free/reduced lunch data

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