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Slide 1: DIAMOND CHIP -PREPARED BY ANAL DESAI introduction : introduction Electronics without silicon is unbelievable.

Today, we are using silicon for the manufacturing of Electronic Chip's. But, it has man y disadvantages , when it is used in power electronic applications, such as bulk in size, slow operating speed etc. Silicon chip, which has supplied several dec ades worth of remarkable increases in computing power and speed, looks unlikely t o be capable of sustaining this pace for more than another decade . Contd : Contd Carbon, Silicon and Germanium belong to the same group in the period ic table. They have four valance electrons in their outer shell. Pure Silicon an d Germanium are semiconductors in normal temperature. So in earlier days they we re used widely for the manufacturing of electronic components. Contd : Contd But later it was found that Germanium has many disadvantages compare d to silicon, such as large reverse current, less stability towards temperature etc. So the industry focused in developing electronic components using silicon w afers. Now research people found that Carbon has more advantages than Silicon. B y using carbon as the manufacturing material, we can achieve smaller, faster and stronger chips. What is diamond chip? : What is diamond chip? In single definition, Diamond Chip or carbon Chip is an Electronic Chip manufactured on a Diamond structural Carbo n wafer. OR It can also be defined as the Electronic Chip manufactured using car bon as the wafer. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? : HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? Firstly, diamond structural carbon is non-conducting in nature. To make it conducting - doping process is performed. B oron--as the p-type doping Agent Nitrogen--as the n-type doping agent. This proc ess is similar to Silicon chip manufacturing. But this process will take more ti me compared with that of silicon because it is very difficult to diffuse through strongly bonded diamond structure. INVENTION : INVENTION A diamond semiconductor operates on 81 GHz frequency, and is more than twice the speed of earlier devices. Developed by the Nippon Telegra ph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan. According to NTT, this latest develop ment will allow amplification in the millimeter-wave band from 30 to 300 GHz pos sible for the first time. ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP : Smaller Components Are Possible It Works At Higher Temperature Faster Than Silicon Chip Larger Power Handling Ca pacity ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP : ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP Smaller Components Are Possible As the size is smaller -- it is po ssible to cut very smaller lines through diamond structural carbon. We can imagi ne a transistor whose size is one-hundredth of silicon transistor. ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP : It Works At Higher Temperature A t very high temperature, crystal structure of the silicon will collapse. But dia mond chip can function well in these elevated temperatures. Diamond has an extre

mely high thermal conductivity, can withstand high electric fields, and can be m ade into a semiconductor -- ideal for power devices. ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP : It Works At Higher Temperature ( contd..) They can work at a temperature of up to 1000 degrees Celsius, while sil icon chips stop working above 150 degrees Celsius Diamond can also resist voltag es up to around 200 volts, compared to around 20 volts for a silicon chip. Due t o this power electronics, such as an inverter, can become made much smaller in s ize. ADVANTAGES..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP ADVANTAGES ..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP : Faster Than Silicon Chip Mobili ty of the electrons inside the doped diamond structural carbon is higher than th at of in the silicon structure. As the size of the silicon is higher than that o f carbon, the chance of collision of electrons, with larger silicon atoms increa ses as compared to carbon chip. ADVANTAGES ..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP ADVANTAGES ..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CHIP : Larger Power Handling Capacity Diamond has a strongly bonded crystal structure. So carbon chip can work under h igh power environment. It is assumed that a carbon transistor will deliver one w att of power at rate of 100 GHZ. The inter phase between low power control circu it with a high power circuit will not be needed as we can directly connect high power circuits with a diamond chip. ADVANTAGES ..OF DIAMOND CHIP OVER SILICON CH IP LIMITATIONS : LIMITATIONS Much more expensive than silicon A four-millimeter-squ are diamond substrate costs several tens of thousands of yen compared to virtual ly nothing for silicon. Electricity cannot travel smoothly through diamond Resea rches are seeking impurities that can be added to aid electricity flow. Conclusion : Conclusion The chip would be most useful in devices located near ho t-burning engines. Thus Diamond Chip replaces the need of silicon chip in every aspect in future generations Thank you..!!! : Thank you..!!!

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