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2nd Grade Language Arts Fall Week 14

December 1-5

Teacher: Mrs. Sharon Davis

Phone: 469-675-1918 E-Mail: sdavis@ccawarriors.com
Class Time: 10:15-11:40 a.m.

Monday (in class)

 Teach /oi/ can be spelled oy as in toy or oi as in boil
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for Classifying Practice Sentences TE.228
 Class classifies practice sentences together from board.(TE.228-229)
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for a skill builder. TE.229
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for Subject-Verb agreement
 Students complete resource practice sheet for subject-verb agreement
 Send home Classroom Practice 29
 Students do a key word outline of the clownfish paragraph from Shurley
Grammar TE.243.

Tuesday (at home)

Student responsibility:
Choose a book to read. You will do a “book share” on this book. I have attached
the “Book Share” ideas that you may choose from but you may not choose the
same one you did the last time. This will be due next Wednesday 12/10.
Make vocabulary card the word earnest p.194
Make synonym cards for grateful/thankful, bashful/timid and antonym cards
sweet/sour and follow/lead
Classroom Practice 29
Listen to Shurley Grammar jingles 10 and 11
Spelling Power
Parent responsibility:
Assist your child is selecting a book for the “book share” project. Make sure your
child is able to read the book he has chosen independently.
The “book share” will be due Wednesday 12/10. The project chosen must be
different than the one chosen last time.
Review vocabulary and synonym/antonym cards with your child.
Spelling Power
Print and assemble Toys for Boys (from Renweb)

“Partnering with parents to build a firm foundation in academic excellence and Christian discipleship.”
Wednesday (in class)
 Read Toys for Boys together in pairs.
 Students underline words that say /oi/.
 Listen to jingles 10 and 11
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for the pronoun and subject pronoun TE236.
 Class classifies practice sentences TE.236-237 together.
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for adding the pronoun to the parts of speech.
 Send home classroom practice 30
 Students rewrite clownfish paragraph using key word outline from Monday

Thursday (at home)

Student Responsibility
Read your “book share” book.
Classroom Practice 30
Recite vocabulary card for earnest and synonym/antonym cards
Spelling Power
Parent Role:
Initial Classroom Practice 30 in upper left hand corner.
Review vocabulary and synonym/antonym cards with your child.
Spelling Power

Friday (in class)

 Q is always followed by u in English words such as in quite.
 Class classifies practice sentences TE.241-242 together on the board.
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for a skill builder: Noun check with pronouns
 Students complete Classroom Practice 31
 Teacher reads Teaching Script for Discovery time
 Write “Love Letters” to parents

Weekend Homework:

Parents print and assemble Are you a quitter? from Renweb and place in your child’s
folder for Monday.

“Partnering with parents to build a firm foundation in academic excellence and Christian discipleship.”

1. Make a book jacket.

2. Prepare a one-page newspaper based on the book.

3. Make a diorama.

4. Do a pantomime or modern dance that tells part of the story.

5. Write a letter to the author, telling him how enjoyable his book was.

6. Dress up as a character from the book and dramatize a scene from it.

7. Create a “to tell the truth” panel.

8. Give an oral reading, with expression, of selections from the book.

9. Make a poster.

10. Pretend to b a salesman and “sell” the book.

11. Draw a picture illustrating part of the book.

12. Read a series of descriptive passages from the book.

13. Write a letter to a friend recommending the book.

14. Prepare a TV or radio broadcast of the story.

15. Write a business letter to a librarian stating why the book should be


“Partnering with parents to build a firm foundation in academic excellence and Christian discipleship.”
16. Keep a diary for a character from the book.

17. Make a comic strip telling the story.

18. Write a ballad or folk song telling the story.

19. Make a puppet of the main character in the story.

20. In a lunch bag, place 6-10 items that represent things from the story.

“Partnering with parents to build a firm foundation in academic excellence and Christian discipleship.”

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