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Kellys Limu Experience

Let me begin with a history of Kellys (my wifes) condition. Kelly suffers from fibromyalgia. This disease has been extremely debilitating on Kelly and has seriously limited her quality of life. There are days that she can neither get out of bed nor even dress herself! Putting on makeup before work, or most any other time for that matter, was out of the question. She has been to every type of doctor imaginable over the past 5 or 6 years and has had several stints in the ER and hospital stays. She has been told, over the years, that her pain comes from stress, or it is psychosomatic or there is nothing wrong with her, she may have arthritis, it may be lupus and finally she was diagnosed with the fibromyalgia. Her face and body swells at times, her eyes sink back into her face, she cant get her rings off of her fingers, she gets headaches along with other symptoms (tingling feelings in her fingers, anxiety). She takes 5 or 6 prescription medications each and every day that have their share of side effects. The lining in her stomach has been breached and she gets infections in her stomach that cause her great pain. She has been advised by one physician not to take NSAIDS for pain, but then another doctor prescribes them to her. She takes medicine to sleep, medicines for inflammation, medicines for pain, medicines for reflux, you name it, she takes it. When she wakes up for work, she cant even get out of bed without a struggle, EVERYDAY! In 2010, she had to take a leave of absence from her job. She was out for 4 months and when she returned, she had to step down from being the store manager to a department manager, a move that cost her, and our family, over $20,000 per year! She had no choice, her body and the fatigue and pain from fibromyalgia gave her no choice (stress causes fibromyalgia to flare up and this was a very stressful period for my family due to a situation that came to pass with my job as a police officer). She still struggles constantly. The medication had provided her some relief but she still has regular flare ups with her condition which causes her to miss work. She often prays for the rapture! She is really at her wits ends, there has to be an answer. I was introduced to Limu and my mind started rolling. Call it desperation, or seeing the possibility of becoming financially able to survive in this economy if Kelly is able to quit her job by promoting Limu, or whatever, but I was immediately intrigued. I attended a Limu meeting where Justin Martin presented Limu to me. I was encouraged by what I heard. As a biologist, the idea of a well balanced source of organic nutrients leading to a better quality of life made sense, but what is this fucoidan? What makes it a super nutrient? What is so big about it? Is this a marketing tool to take advantage of people in real need? I had to know more. Later that same week, there was a nationwide conference call that I joined in on. The caller was Shannon Pardue, Limus top promoter. In that call, Shannon allowed a lady to share her experience. She was a nurse with a son that had severe autism. What she said amazed me! I still needed to know more. Sunday, February 26th I decided to research this Limu, fucoidan in particular. I got on line and went to www.pubmed.gov, the website for the national library of medicine/national institute of health. This web site is not associated with Limu in any way, period. It is where scientists from all over the world publish their research. Rutgers, M.D. Anderson, USC, and other top research institutions from all over the world. I searched Fucoidan and was amazed! At the time, there were 49 pages of results

that popped up, over 900 studies on fucoidan. My first thought was, Justin was not lying! The research IS out there! I started browsing the publications and the amazement continued to grow. I found that fucoidan is being used in the labs to treat various cancers (lung, skin, brain to name a few), high cholesterol, diabetes, neurological disorders, cytoprotection from radiation treatment and chemotherapy (fucoidan protects the cells during treatment), antivirus characteristics, antibacterial characteristics, various other infections, immunostimulation, lupus, heart disease, liver disease, gastrointestinal disorders, hair growth, blood thinning, rheumatoid arthritis, and even FIBROMYALGIA! There were several hundred more, but I was highly impressed already. Every study concluded that fucoidan showed positive results in the study. My research continued. I found an article that said fucoidan increases apoptosis (cell elimination, bad cells, such as tumerous cells, being removed from the body), another that said fucoidan increases the bodys immune system by stimulating the production of lymphocytes and macrophages and dendrite cells (all associated with apoptosis). Another spoke of hematopoesis, the stimulation of blood cells, and one on improving the bodys T-cell function (THE bodys immune system). I could go on and on, but there is no need, impressed is an understatement. Next I researched testimonials. I went to youtube and the Limu Company web site for the testimonials. I read several dozen and watched video after video. Being impressed continued! Limu is helping improve the health of countless people all over the world! Aids patients, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetics, weight loss/management, skin disorders, cancer, lupus, ADHD, autism, Alzheimers, gastrointestinal disorders, joint pain, inflammation, reflux, insomnia and yes, again, fibromyalgia!!! I was now ready to give this a fair shot ON MY OWN! I wanted to find out for myself the reality of the benefits of Limu. As a biologist, I knew this was no miracle cure, I understood that what Limu does is improve the bodys ability to take care of itself when its given the right balance of fuel (nutrition). Limu, or brown seaweed, has been helping the people of Tonga for thousands of years; it was created by God for this function. Its time for me to give it a shot. I ordered my fast track kit on March 2, 2012all that is left is to try it and share it with others if the Limu works. I chose at the front to be a promoter, as opposed to just being a customer for a couple of reasons. One, either way, I am buying the product and two, when it works, I want to share the experience and grow towards a financially secured future. There are those that will want to be customers, which is GREAT! I want them to live a healthy life and share the healthy life with their loved ones, and there are those that will decide to be promoters so they can share the product and experience the financial freedom that I hope to experience one day. The following is my journal, if you will, of our Limu experience:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 We received our fast track shipment and Kelly and I both drank our first 2 ounces of Limu. I made a video, using my cell phone, of Kelly taking her first drink of our Limu. She looked and felt terrible! I will make another video later in the week.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Kelly got up for work, tired as usual, and drank her Limu original (2 oz) and brought a BluFrog to work with her. I brought a BluFrog to work and had a Limu Lean shake for breakfast. The Limu lean (chocolate) was pretty good and it contained my first two ounces of Limu for the day. It controlled my hunger until lunch time, which was great! I drank my BluFrog energy drink at around 9:30 AM. . I was amazed at the energy that I received from the BluFrog. It was a focus energy, no jitters, no crash! It was an energy that I felt for the rest of the day! I spoke to Kelly when she left work. I called her on her cell phone. As soon as she answered her phone, I heard something that I had not heard in a while, ENERGY! I asked her if she drank her BluFrog today and she said that she had. I then asked her how she felt. She said something that I had not heard come out of her mouth in YEARS, in relation to her body. Her words, I feel GREAT! I repeated it back to her, I said, did you say you felt great? Her response, Yes, I feel GREAT. I wasnt ready to jump up and down for joy and victory yet, but I was excited! Kelly arrived home and she was bouncing around the house in a way that I had not seen in longer than I can remember. She ate supper and then got up and started helping to clean up! I was shocked! I was thinking to myself, One day, really?? It is important to note, she worked over an hour this day! Normally after a 9 hour day, she drags herself up the steps to the house and literally collapses on the couch or goes straight to bed! Not tonight, something was different. She said she could still feel the pain of the fibromyalgia but she was not tired, there was no fatigue and overall, she felt really good. Kelly went to bed around 10:30, after her handful of medications, and went to sleep Thursday, March 8, 2012 Kelly woke up EARLY! She popped out of bed before I left for work! This has not happened in years! She was supposed to be at work at 9:00, but she went in an hour early! This really impressed me, out of bed easy AND went to work an hour early? She took her 2 ounces of Limu and brought a BluFrog to work with her. She had to leave work at 1:30 PM because one of the twins, Matthew, was sick. She had to take Matthew to the doctor. Once Kelly and Matthew returned home, we had to leave almost immediately and go to a Limu meeting in town. The meeting was at 6 but got delayed and did not end until 8. After the meeting, we stopped to eat supper and returned home. Kelly said once again that she was feeling great! One day of feeling great was impressive, but TWO IN A ROW? I have not seen that in many years! Once we got home, Kelly sat up and watched TV, helped Matthew finish his homework (plenty of homework since he left school early) and then went to bed at around 10:30 PM. Side note: I had Limu lean and a BluFrog today as well and felt great! Still energetic and alert. I have had 3 surgeries on my left knee, which hurts all of the time. Today, I am noticing that the pain in my knee is really decreasing. I LOVE it!! I ordered 2 cases of BluFrog and some Limu appetite suppressant today!

Friday, March 9, 2012 I am really still reeling from the fact that Kelly has been so energetic and active for two straight days, today was no exception! Kelly got up early ON HER DAY OFF! She took the kids to school then came home and had a cup of coffee. I got up about 7:45 and I asked Kelly why she was up so early. She said, I feel too good to stay in bed! Ok, now I am really astonished! Its her day off and she feels too good to stay in bed? I didnt know that was even possible! I like the bed on my day off! I guess I sort of knew the feeling, its my day off and I was up early too actually. Kelly went to her sisters house early, then to her dads house and then went to get her hair cut and colored! After the hair do, Kelly met my oldest daughter at a sandwich shop and had lunch. They had lunch together and then returned to her dads house. She visited with him and her step mother for the rest of the day and then went to the dollar store to pick up a few groceries (on her own without me asking her to stop). When she got home, we took the kids to eat supper and then returned home. Once home, we sat up and watched TV as a family for an hour or so then went to bed. Today, Kelly had two ounces of Limu and a BluFrog. Her energy level was still high and she felt great all day! Her sister, Leslie, came to the house and signed up to be a promoter and a friend of mine, Kelly Ann Shull became a customer today and made her first order! People are seeing and wanting a better life, I am HYPED! Saturday, March 10, 2012 Kelly got up early and left for work. After being at work for a few hours, she called me. I was not sure why she was calling me, but it alarmed me. Kelly NEVER feels good enough to just call, something had to be wrong. My heart sank then I answered the phone. On the other end I hear, Hey honey, what are you doing? Kelly sounded energetic again and even excited. I replied by telling her that Matthew and I were watching tv (Saturday westerns on the AMC channel). She said that she was on her 15 minute break and just wanted call me to share something with me. I said, okwhat? Kelly said, I just wanted you to know that for the first time in years, I got up early and put makeup on before I came to work! I sat silent for a minute, then said, you put on makeup today? She replied, YES! Can you believe it, it has been years since I did this! I am usually hurting too bad to put makeup on for anything but today I put it on before work, can you believe it? I was totally amazed, Limu is REALLY working for her!! Already I want to share this with the world. If people would just open their mind to the real opportunity to improve their nutrition and experience a higher quality of living! EVERYONE can benefit from this, EVERYONE! On another side note, Limu Incite is happening in Dallas, TX this week and I am getting to miss it, not liking that at all, but I feel great, Limu lean and BluFrog are in my system! I am waiting on Kelly to get home from work, so I will continue this later today. Kelly got home from work, a little tired from a 9 hour work day, but again said that she felt great. She had a little pain from the fibromyalgia, but she was not fatigued and said she felt great. She was bragging more about being able to put makeup on before work, which made me smile. I made a brief video entry into our video journal. I snuck the phone out while she was sweeping and stopped her and had her talk about how she was feeling. After dinner, we sat in the living room with Matthew and

watched a movie. After the movie, she cleaned the kitchen and went to bed, without taking her sleep medicine! I had my Limu lean and BluFrog again today and felt great. The pain in my left knee is really about gone! I LOVE BluFrog! Sunday, March 11, 2012 Today the time changed, lost an hour of sleep. Kelly had to be at work early, but not as early as me. She got up after I left for work. I called her at around 10:30 and she said she was a little tired, probably from no sleep medicine and the loss of the hour of sleep due to the time change. She said she is feeling better as the day goes by. Now, I am just waiting on her to get off work and come home. She has Limu original this morning and she brought a BluFrog to work with her. We only have a couple of BluFrogs left, so I am saving them for her until our shipment gets here, which should be tomorrow. O had my Limu lean shake for breakfast and I will have a 2 ounce shot of Limu tonight. I still feel really good, but I really hate losing an hour of sleep. I stayed up late last night and got up early and lost the hour, bad combination, but thats ok, loving Limu! Kelly got home from work and still felt great! Her sister, Jamie, came in from Houston and we had a little birthday party for her and shared Limu with her. She was amazed at Kellys progress!! Monday, March 12, 2012: Kelly was off from work today. She spent the day running around with Jamie while I was at work. When I got off, Kelly went to Shreveport with Jamie to do a little shopping. After she got home, all the adults (Kelly, Jamie, Leslie, Kellys other sister, Larry, my daughter Kristi and her husband Shiras) all went to eat Mexican food. Kelly was feeling really good after a long day, so we sort of celebrated with a few margaritas at the restaurant. We were out late and got to bed late. Another amazing day for Kelly! Oh, we also received our two cases of BluFrog and a container of Limu appetite controller. Kelly drank 4 ounces of Limu and had2 BluFrog drinks, I think she is hooked! Tuesday, March 13, 2012: Kelly was off from work again, but got up early so her and Jamie could enjoy the day together. Once Jamie went back to Houston, Kelly and Leslie went to the grocery store. I grilled turkey burgers for supper then we went to a Limu experience party at 6:00. Kelly shared her story, got three new customers! People were amazed at what Limu has done for Kelly!! We got home and watched TV for a little while, then it was bed time. Back to work for Kelly tomorrow. This is two weeks, so now I will start recording on a weekly basis instead of daily. Kelly feels better than she has in years, we are SO excited!!

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