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As time is passing by is it only me or is everyone else turning a blind eye to the absolute fascination which there is between the

modern youth and drugs. The statistics are there, the proof is there, but yet as a modern society we seem to turn away from recognizing the major problem which is there when it comes to our youth and drugs. Three generations ago, anybody suspected of using drugs was an absolute social outcast and nobody would have anything to do with them in general. Then gradually it became more acceptable for people to make use of antidepressants and recreational drugs and so this trend has continued to the point where if a child is not making use of some sort or other of substance to cope, then they are the outcast. Now I ask you once again, what is the fascination between our youth and drugs? Well, let me answer this simple question. The fascination between our youth and drugs is one which has been in the making for a couple of generations and one which we are going to find very hard to break the day that we suddenly wake up and realize that this problem is destroying the future and very possibly threatening the fabric and stability of future society. The bond between our youth and drugs is one which is strengthening all the time and will continue to do so until it gets to the point were nobody is able to control it anymore. The reason for this truly lays at the feet of every parent in the world, the medical facilities, big business and the media. Now this might seem a bold statement to make, but let me ask you a simple question, are parents nowadays not far more lenient so far as their children experimenting with or using drugs than a couple of generations ago? Is it not far easier to get a prescription for highly scheduled medications such as calmatives, antidepressants and pain killers than it was a few generations ago? Let me be honest, I believe this is in the interest of big business and the world economy rather than what is good for our future generations. Children are being put onto scheduled medication for no apparent reason, adults are on antidepressants and all the rest in order to cope and we still ask, what is the fascination between the youth and drugs? But back at the ranch most adults are abusing prescription medication themselves! As I explain in my FREE 10 WEEK MINI COURSE, drug addiction is becoming the norm, it is no longer unacceptable for our kids to be on drugs, for heavens sakes it is normally the adults or parents who are prescribing these medications for them and then we throw our hands up in the air and cant believe it when they end up turning to street drugs at a later stage.

This however is only the beginning of the moral break down of our society, there are so many aspects which contribute to the fascination between the youth and drugs, but we are all too happy to continue wearing our blinkers and denying the problem, it is easier that way. Family bonds are breaking down, mutual respect is dying out and peoples willingness to take responsibility is already an endangered species. We are living in a world which is degenerating in the name of progress and nobody wants to actually acknowledge it, if you ask me, it is a crying shame!

60% of teens admit that drugs are either used, sold or kept in their schools 25% of students in grades 9-12 admit that they have been offered drugs while at school Teenagers are 4 times more likely to try prescription drugs before they move onto illicit street drugs The number of arrests which relate to teenage drug use, abuse and addiction are on a steady increase, sometimes by as much as 121% every two years There are currently more than 17 million teenagers using and abusing drugs More than 180 000 teenagers get admitted into facilities for addiction treatment every year Every day more than 2500 teens will try prescription medication for the first time There are more than 25 000 teen deaths related to drug abuse every year

Most adults and parents go through life ignorant to the startling teenage drug facts out there, whether this truly is due to true ignorance or denial, I am not sure. I find it really strange that so many childrens lives are being ruined by drug abuse and addiction but yet most people choose to simply turn a blind eye towards the magnitude of this problem. When it comes to nailing down the causes of drug abuse, it is very easy to get involved in the blaming he said, she said type of scenario. Very often people will look for every reason under the sun in order to give the blame to someone else. Let me tell you as a person who was consumed by addiction the real truth. There might be many causes of drug abuse, but the decision at the end of the day to actually commit and follow this path is taken by no one other than the user themselves. Believe me as well when I tell you that this same addict or drug user will turn around and look for any opportunity to blame his/her loved ones, friends, situation, work environment or any other possible option they have for their addiction Have you ever been in love with something so much that it hurts, but yet you know it will destroy you, but it simply does not matter? Well, that is what it is like in the life of someone suffering from heroin addiction, the pain is insufferable, but the love affair is torrid and demanding which makes it very difficult to break. Heroin addiction is really no normal addiction, it affects the user on every possible level of their being and simply consumes their belief that they too can actually recover. It gives just enough to keep them hooked (in the beginning anyway) and thereafter becomes a brutal and demanding slave master.

Many a heart broken parent is left wondering why do teenagers do drugs and this question in itself might seem impossible to answer. There are so many different reasons we can use or blame we can choose to give regarding this question, but the true answer is a simple one, because they can! The truth be told, the increase in teenage drug addiction is as a result of changing times, growing frustration and anger amongst our teens and our inability to do anything about it. So when you begin to ask Why do teenagers do drugs? rather ask what reasons are we giving them to not do drugs. What is the price you might have to pay for experimenting with teenage drugs? Well, I started off just experimenting with and using drugs when the opportunity arose and let me tell you a little secret. The other day I decided to do the calculation and what seemed to be simple experimentation and occasional use eventually cost me more than U$1,500,000.00. Now this might sound like quite a large figure, but in reality that is more or less what it cost me to support my decade long habit. The truly scary part is that that is not including medical bills, mental scars, lost time with my family and the cost of my recovery, that figure is purely what I spent on drugs for personal consumption! I believe that one of the biggest reasons why teenagers use drugs is the fact that as a modern society we are gradually loosing the ability to communicate on a personal level. This one single aspect of modern life is affecting people in millions of different ways, but most importantly it is robbing the youth of the sense of security and belonging which they so need during the emotionally turbulent teenage years. It is only when our basic human needs are not being met that drug abuse and addiction steps in and can be used to fill the void which we feel emotionally. Lack of quality time as families due to high paced hectic lifestyles in modern society are robbing families of the ability to communicate and leaving many of our teens confused and insecure. Then to solve the problem of teenage depression and anger we put the youth onto all types of scheduled medication in order to make them normal. This is all good and well for the drug company, but it is making addiction acceptable without us even realizing it. Instead of addressing the cause of the abnormality and emotional instability of the youth, once again we opt for the quick fix in the form of a pill and I believe this is why teenagers use drugs on an ever increasingly growing scale. There are many reasons why teenagers use drugs, but as I discuss in my FREE Mini Course, the lack of basic human needs will always be at the core of why teenagers use drugs. As soon as we can address the core issues, the sooner we will be able to begin to win the war against teenage drug addictionWhen one begins to look at the topic of teenage drug addiction, people tend to limit their focus to the teenagers who are using, abusing and becoming addicted to street drugs such as crack, heroin, lsd, cocaine, marijuana and the like. As a recovering junkie, I would like to open your minds as to the far wider spectrum which this problem entails. Yes, teenage drug addiction is definitely on the rise when it comes to street drugs and this truly is a problem. There are many reasons why we are seeing an increase in this problem and it truly is a sign of the times, we are beginning to loose more and more of our children to teenage drug addiction and this can be attributed to many things such as:

Increased stress and depression amongst our teenagers Instability in the home due to increased divorce rates Outside influences on our children in the schools and in peer groups

Increased acceptance of addiction and the actual propagation thereof by big business Negative role model leads and influences The need for a feeling of acceptance and being cared about

These are but a few of the reasons why we might be loosing ever increasing numbers of our children to teenage drug addiction. We as a society seem to be loosing our ability to keep it together and supply our children with stable and secure homes to grow up in and in which they can feel a sense of importance and belonging. Many people are mistaken when they think that teenage drug addiction is limited to the completely dysfunctional homes where mom and dad are permanently drugged or drunk. There are far more contributing factors which play a role, even in the more well of homes (very often even more so in these homes) we are loosing our children to teenage drug addiction. Could it be that we as a society have gradually embraced the subtle break down of family bonds and actually sacrificed this in order to maintain high standards of living by working longer hours simply to have a good social image? Could it be that the most important aspect to any family bonds, being love and communication are being given away in exchange for our social status? This is just the beginning of what I feel is causing us to loose so many of our children to teenage drug addiction and in my FREE 10 Week Mini Course I begin to go into this in far more detail and in my pending e-book I will deal with it in far more detail. But think about it, if your child is not having his basic human needs met at home, what is to stand between them and teenage drug addiction as a way to fill these needs? I personally feel that teenage drug addiction has a lot to do with our changing society and far less to do with a youth which many feel are out of control. It is time that we all start looking at the cause rather than trying to treat the symptom! Now in my opinion, these are some very disturbing teenage drug facts, especially considering that these statistics are continually increasing and that more and more of our youth are being robbed of their futures every day, very often this happens as they are curious and before they know it they are in deeper than what they can handle. Luckily there is another teenage drug fact which many people are unaware of which gives us all a glimmer of hope when it comes to helping our children from falling prey to this truly epidemic proportion problem and this is:

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