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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Intestinal Parasites Intestinal parasites infect and reside your gastrointestinal tract.

You can beco me infected with two types of intestinal parasites--protozoa and heleminths. Pro tozoa are microscopic parasites, where as heleminths are worms that are visible to naked eye in their adult stages. Either of these parasites enters your body t hrough contaminated food, water or skin contact. Abdominal pain, gas, dysentery, nausea and vomiting are some of the common symptoms of an intestinal parasitic infection. While there are prescription medications to eliminate these parasites , there are also home remedies you can try. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds contain numerous beneficial constituents like amino acids, carbohy drates and fatty acids. Also, they have a high vitamin and mineral content. Pump kin seeds provide natural remedy for roundworms and tapeworms. According to the University of the Maryland Medical Center, Ascariasis, a disease caused by round worms, affects nearly 1 billion people globally. Mashing pumpkin seeds and mixin g it with a juice of your choice will help you get rid of roundworms. Alternativ ely, mix pumpkin seeds and onions with soy milk to help your body fight roundwor ms. Garlic Garlic is known for its qualities to fight roundworms, giardia lamblia and pinwo rms. Giardia lamblia infects the gut, disrupting functions of your digestive tra ct. According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC), giardia h as been primarily responsible for waterborne illnesses in the United States. Gar lic, young birch leaves, linden tree ashes and cognac are recommended for treatm ent of giardia lamblia. Mix grated garlic with horseradish. Add 1/2 liter of vod ka to 50g of this mixture. Filter the mixture and consume it twice a day before meals to get rid of giardia. Wormwood Also known as Artemisia annua, wormwood has proven effective in treating intesti nal parasitic infections. It acts as a tonic for the digestive tract and has the ability to calm the digestive juices. Wormwood is not recommended for use for l ong periods. Tea prepared from wormwood seed is used as a common remedy to get r id of hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms. Carrots According to Vitamins to Health, carrots are recommended for treating threadworm s. Carrots have a lot of vitamin A and are rich in beta carotene, which gives th em the ability to resist penetration by the threadworm larva. A juice prepared b y grating carrot and mixing it with honey is a good way to fight pinworms. Consu ming 1 tbsp. of this mixture is recommended with breakfast and before going to t he bed to keep yourself free from pinworm infection. Goldenseal Goldenseal works as an antimicrobial agent and aids in digestion. It is availabl e in various forms such as tablets, salve and powder. Goldenseal enhances the ab ility of herbs with which it is blended. Goldenseal contains berberine, which wo rks against intestinal parasites such as giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and pinworms. Combining goldenseal with cloves provides resistance against pinwo rms and liver flukes. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Hookworm Infection World Health Organization: Weekly Epidemiological Record Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Enterobiasis Great Home Remedies: Intestinal Parasites Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Giardiasis

Article reviewed by Matt Olberding Last updated on: Mar 28, 2011

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