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. - 1"""' ---.,.--. - '--.- . 'r .__. T
1"'- ......

No. J

OlU0ul I6pteaber lS'44
302400 .iepteaber 1944
Vnit: (a.30t.it i'n.
jj;,:.te: 1 October ..
C;oor(;,: 777713.
1. ..y,
a. Two .. l' z .aJi v oonai stint of S. ftoE,'illr.en t ;)er b\Ulrer, ..... t. iJ;.;;
Reicil, Xepl...c_ellt iDa-ctilion, 1st 1n, 3() Mo=scr . .II :..,-ttr-1ion,
CT, .le,fjlein, CT. Rint 8l'1.( cr. Trefental. JiJ'tiller:/ Lnits consist 4':-:. F.;' f.n,
FA in a.nd 14tR 015 Do.
t. No actual knu'lTn to .;;:yjst.
c. Does not
d. consists oi ""1 rru):U. ... tely L::..CO to 5CGO Ii.en. I.e hj;.5 ': :: is ,:li.s-loS;a.l C:l
tJiia froat a1cut t-,en artillerj rtttGes ... in size fr:41. t,c
tk8 Sa=..8 llUJ:lCer of tiUlks "uutA r.A 1-' .,ua i.J.. f f s. TLe;:, t::ne;;"j' is l,e
cause of scarcity vi l.o1:h fvorl no'{,erer "ce correct;:':.... ron;;....... r":"-L:.
Aii.V8 ... to eacll i..'rj, to }.. 98r: li:.&,U frOtr.o. I..... ;l,ti:J.t. ......:0(':' O.E' 1.. 0:'(..1:..: .L.;..
the fact 'tilat tlnel'e is 1: Id ...rtiilerj' iA.nc:. fJ.l"ll.ol'ea sU;-"l... ort. i.!..s __ (: .);
cur sltuiLtio.L.. lilt u..is G.ia::.e is l.roi.. ..tlj fairly '.:l1b to
c-i.. tured sE::v:rlLl of cur i.e':l.
e. 1"C onelly vi ". t &Ill taa to C UUll t8!'w.vt 0.':' sui 0n G;:; i!l"GS'
..is line lfith a fQI'Ce uf ",-':.;CJllt OIle t"tt-.liou or .Lni' ..ntl'i ..nc. l:-tj . "
tii.nks. It; vU';:' .. t, r"'::':./-:' !.L:"'in..:, clct,:'
nieJits t:. 1 'vision,. t:8 rJi..; e.lso ili.Snem'l.J.e ;"ctil(; 10rc;o (;'.Ai.
rri sE;d cf .lnide;ltifiec.: uni uf L.I'; 1st.. f;; ,.ji,i zicn L!;;E; for C OUL 1__ (,.10,
p\lr':-oses to '..If '.:..'Ur into! i.s
\1) l''rcm ti.le } .... :'CCGl .ell. 44 v) (/)2.1..,(,,,-, ':;;e::;t 44 ene..y ,.,;; lu.i. t-;
to ll,ht del"-.}'in( :"j ;;;!18!i,; :rc..i, .. i.. l;ortb ... .... t
1 Se:;t 44 to ;... t sL: \'..1) :l.S'11 over ou r .# l.Jri?:' 1.'::;':
the oneil;.' aelay)nt i:.'':'" 1.::: L ....
(2) Fr::'i t,he : i
,) .' ','. : '.l.. i,0 .:.!::::C, 6ne1t1Y ticL 11:.. 1 : ..
te lit,;,t .. 8f t10i/n \.._
';"Cl.otJ roads l-.r:e r.r .. c,(..:"::,s 'clown. jyE::::.... . .:..lo1'f1! acr'(,'.;;...i :'.O.n./ ...
W;t;f;. :u t. " ..rJ: . :;" :0rjl":r' _ .. s:. cf (1-1'/,::'70).
(3) he. .;te;.t. fA':.-, >,24(;0 t f).., or.. .. x
of liC1.t. cOI..4nter .. tt".cks 0 .... :- lines 1.r1 -u,e ':7enl-, c't'
t. VIi. sClie vcc .. I,e ocr li!1es :'0 rfcccuIJ _
".:... '1 "...:':'ClI,..;.t,-:t r-;. =":".I' t.t.E fDllo';"(i:.t !".cr:lin,:r. ;.s '{':: liCVr;.j i:.:.i,o .-::..itictl
the .. ....:. 'u: ii::It.= 1 s:j $ ".nC-9 t.:J.t:
1 tile ::eCOa ,.:,( t1
0....;5 tr.e t:JneaiY J'_ ;'':'.J..: ;',: o"-J.: ; ... -:.:f rLi.l'coxts .J.;'r'
",...r i,.; erioj ...... : e :':';:-'11.:" 1...4 S .... frctn r,' 5=L.. tr.1 ;; lC.;-,;!.:: ;"lL:. ;.,(,i :'"
i''':'': c=. ::.: ... .;.;j ,'. (: .-.: .1/. :}',.!
C::'3J,."j he.u " .. :.'v.... .!..! . __ u.s :.c': -:: :.: ;_ J-t.
si. s t-C1Ct: ':.f. -', 73; , - ; :...! ..., ..
... or.[;istin.;: 1..1. .;!.1': ... .... . :"'('''::'':'. ,_ .. ,
:,...C2:: ....
t.i(,:.5 of :> ..n.d ":'Gr.e :';' .. ',-13 : ''':6. '':-2'':' ..
::r..l ..u:.::.. c;' c.....lic-:-r 1: '.'" :_ r
fil'E: .. f;'(f rv"_-!"'..:.l.s L.-c..::. ':'n& .:. c _i. ,;'7,:'
.. t ($) of ti.e i-t;.r:..c.d t...E: ..
:.1 ::_'.
llut itt::l ,l:'t tic'
\. \ \.' , : : r ,:)
'-.. ...
. ,.' h ... \.fCbJ). PQtrols in stren,th fraru 5 to 50 Klan infiltrAted tAru.
.:: <: y... the Q;a dur1nc bOtll Jark and aaylic;ht _ours. In one inst
.;.. ;.;;everu GcrllLiill ;301didrs in clviliiil.n clowes huteo. Or..e of our
l..uok (..he vehicle 'tmd C'l'ew :'-.ck lute Genlany. In one other instaIJce Ii.
, -.)f ... :...t:2011r:-th OverC..:1.. an ruti-'os't of five Jf:ell IIIJl.d carr1ec in
:,' \....11 lines. iJ.so cluriIlt: the throe (3) days of this Jr.uch evidence
,:.C r L'Y tLe eneilJ was in evidenl!e ..11 the line.
li'vl.i.Xlui\ C,
"". InfLl'1try. latrols active in ;All sectors _,ith SIltil scue ccunter.. tt&.ck
of from to .200 alan in size.
:':'. V..:-ry few tanks havl:: 'teen reIorted .nd tben only in concentrations
01 ft11Q six. h"'''J"E; been used i:1 ..cks.
(!. A,vL"ti u11. Cne l.E 109 fle':l OVUl" our pOJi tions .!lJ str..feJ ant; neiLr'.:.'J '.lui t.
jo otkl' G.ir h":;i l8dl;' ol-dBrved.
c... l..u2'ine'ar. jlic. S c: i!16 .. 01 er.tions In froa t ..jf his
r:i1l"i.oxt:s ...:I..l alan: our sector to ket.:i' our tank dozer3 frem coverin!;
e. Artillery. or ...dic fil"e of frOlli '75mJ: to Ras fa.llen on our
froat, frOi.. 10 wrt 44 to tilU end of ,t.-sriud. MoLile euns have teen extensively
nSt)d, alone OUr' f:t'on t. One rail\,aJ' piece has buen re: orted,
:. 1H.lC not tol fly.
:E-e f.ttac!H,d incleSlre til.
c. to Infantry Division Artilldry.
d. Go.. !!. ".. 1:.1 2(!lersl SlJTrort of 109tt 1'::-:-. ,t (.' ".- , '31d ir.
J::risi.)il r(;{; . to ;;ove on cuI. E'L' 811..:'(,: .. t'A.rau,h
tL.G !.::':T .. ..riv"_!'l('IJ.? r.: : oS:::;:L':.Jle, '.. r':)ckcts of resis(;Q(lcE:
:;:;..L ...tecc!'.".r.. rlatoon, ..rlj tI .. contir..u.':i reconnai
,,1.t close of leriod ..u crossed -:.!.e Alsne .liver .. 5
brid:,:e s n - t (! OJq,lete, .
':;or.. '-..;;'1Y ": II en ;J,)ve t-.:.t llOtr. I:l:Ci.ntr) .. t .re:i.Jli.
,:-; h II:.. ,. enOl1 U. crt oi llLth itCT. 1 os1tior.:.s di C. lcunds
s:c:. rocte ':'CC-C:'l:1Ct! ..1..... ; j-;:::.= tie:1 Cl:lI to
i: c;.nc5. tu fIT.. :'. l1e l: rid.:;es were 'clCTtn and tae
.;.n'_'e; S ';jt-.n"(; L er s for crossi::"-l, or .ui vi tr u0,i-- !:l. In 'th e vL: itli ty
... I.c.Gli.'!.) th 1st. fli.tOurl, \;Li f th r t fl ..n.k aid
:, _ i;:l.':.:..n ITi t... tj I;., r 1.::.!l int,,) .... r OkO tlxy. :; r vt.8C:'j J Cj' uu G 100 meli.
l.::(:; .; - i:J.cl, $ed lUsi tion 1y J eC:I iIl..n6 .aJ. 0':; ;l..1d twv (2) '.
uE f::"lt.:u i.at,) I.:hle risoners t;,ii.{en, 4 ;:.. >i.118-1. l'h(;
.rl.::'r :';or}:3 (s..llec1 cn l::1-Jck :)ltt ':-e l'oc"d 1J.ock c:r !l.(;(;l)11n, .. wd cne
of c_'!' r,,811 ',':::-r (IC.e to ;;.ir s1l.T:.:crt. 32 trucks 4i.;.'1d LiLf'S,
1 . j le,;.. ;; } I';.LL ...i . .,.:11." :\'.&c\ ::':H'; :-li1S
__ c',.:'" ::..), .. :::l:JGi3 0: 1 i'Lit;.l1 ;',,,-l"t:';:'l... to cress
..J:", .. ".: ... 0.,. ( -- .. .... _ ... - - c.r
!.,o,),.,l!..vf:-..'J .. .;;.L'-J<) '. _.... . . ..,.
, Itt-I'=' 0: .y.,. _f t.'1
. c' ... " ..,. "'., '.' ,". - .... ... ". ," ,., -l. ,/ +16 fl-n"- oi JO '" ,-,:' 't"':'
-l_i._:.,'l:"i.'J ... ;.) . . c .......... J.. J..,.;:Lo . _.1,.;_ .... .. .L ....-, - ,_ r .... ,.'
...... ' . ';"'1' :-r,r {,or.- 'j"J Dr.. 'III ::;or. \:i tc (...l:" .n:
_ .A.J.A.... ....... .-..... .. "-..... ...
n,l':.,:cec ./o,lrtJ.:a. Infi'ntr:l to our 11,:;re i:-. sUPI-'':'l't
lJl .. I E:..,. were .ovint ,vi t:.1 tneJ'.
(.) ,_ "l".il 'i'li :':--... 1(/ tn :-:.Sc....
'... ,:, ,':"1/ 1I,-!1 ';'i t!! ilOth T.
C) n,__ il 112ti: .... 1..;l'
.h,t U;(,C;(jl:) ti.l. ;. G.l. v"L:.l-L.:1i
L,-- ._ ... rt.r.
Unit Renort No. 3 (Cant t c .
2d (Cont'd)
At ell" C.P. l-"Ulled off road and halted until 0130 when 10Dg march began agaill. At
1200 it was reoorted to Battalion OOMln8nder that a small grcmp at Gcw.ans were :in
a house in vicinity CANDOR. Three K-20
8 and one auarter ton m.oved to the area and
sqrrounded the hotlSe with a ttJIR rounds or ammunition exnended. '!hree Ge.nuna ware
killed and five eantured. IJ.)e Battalion Executiye Of't1csr was k111ed in the acticm
lIovement to Borth continued cluriDg att,ernoon and night am at the C.P. lmlled
into area, V'i.einity of NAUROY.
Comnazo" "... with 109tb RC1' vic1nit7 at' CCJlPDUtl am aOV'ed
during the c:1.q.
Cc:.maB7 "Bit began movement over OISI RIVER at 1.600 aDd raaainder JI09"ed duriDc
afternooD and night ana dar:lng day of 2 SeDttlllber arer route HA1l toward ST. QUDI'l'llI.
CasmaD;Y' "C" spent night ot 1st, in vicinity at CCIlPImNE with 112th Ref ad
ranained in this area during the da7. '
No encounter with e DeIlY" was ma.de by battaliOft chriDg -period, bat lloth Inf'm
try encountered resistance hl ST. QUarrD' just bef'arfIJ CcanaD;y "Btt Sayed
Operations for 1)8riod -
At the begin1Dg of the neriod, ; Seotember OSOO, this oattalioD 1fU attached
to the V eorm, attl :In sunnart ot 28th Infantry Division. The Division WeB meld", a
fast move to the Worth along ma:ln roat. HOIOB, HAll, QUHlltlN, toward
final objective ATII, BELGIUK. CCIIl'DartY'''A" was ill direct SUl)l)Ort or the 109tb 1mI
Com."09l\Y liB" of the llOth ReT, and CCJar)I.1'J7 "C" or the 1l2th Bet.
A'! the Battalion C.P. pa.l.led :into are&. vicinity NAUBOY with Read
QUarters; 28th Division Art1llery "B" sunnortbJ 110th RC'l' waa in TJOSition
to Bortheas1i at FSl'REES., (81 During mommg CamlAltlY "CIt moved If. to T1oinit,
HOIOH, c108ing at "An moved N. with lQ9t,h RC'l' to vicinity ARCBJSRf. Bo
ccmt;act was r'lC.o. with erlfJJJ;1 by battalion dur:l.ng dcr.
At Division and BattaliOll began aewe South and East on t.o routes (ODe
thro11gh NOION and ODe through CCIlPDJlD) to D- assaab17 area heW.. LA.OW and BITHEL,
nrenared to JlOVflt to the East. At lAOO C.P. closed in new area at WIZY IE CCIi'1'B.
CO!I1m.ny "An closed into a"'ea. rlcinitJ' HANlIJGNB with 109th ROT at 1200. liB"
rtllla:Jned in position at ESTREES. Cc:apaD.J" "C" 1IlOV'ed tram HOYOI and, at 1.1,$ closed 1Ja
area. RFOUVRANCE. 'three prisoners were take ent'Ollte. !l1 'I'D CCIIl'Danies mewed with
!rU'antr.r BOT's. No contact waa JIIUle dariDg
At 0,0730 the 109th am 112th BC'r'a (Cca,MlI7 nAn "'and CaJman7 C" in nl1QCrt
moved Bast encounteriD 'Yf!II!'T little Little reaistance was
encountered and advanoe was Caapanies per.tarmed ncmaal. support mi2jaiOll!,) At
0511hO CaroazI7 liB" d.el>arted and arn-nC! .3 mil. I. of GRANDCBAKP at
, 2330. Battalion c.P. ,,,.,,,,*_14Nx6'.I""" mewed to hOAl.92 (.6 m:n. of
WAGNON) and spent Digbt there. Ouns rL Canna.n;y ".1- and C" were in -pos:f:tiOD duriDc
night. No contact was made dariDg daJ'.
Dl1r1Dg night S-6 SeDte!lber Cc:anaDI' "A." was attached to Taa1c rorc. sn aDd
0aIma.t\T liB" placed in direct ot 109th R01'. CCIIl1lEd1:Y "C continued in sunnort
ot ll2th Infantr.r BC1'.
Caamuy nArt aaved. Be toward m2IERES at (lS0700 and 8T)eIII; d.,- ill movement. At
dark Canna.nY' "Aft had closed in assemb:q ar- at 818282 (0118 m.ile B. at BOULZICOURT).
Cc:anan;.r "B"- mewed with 109tb BCT and Dilbt in vicinity Sf( or lIIZIEHES. O<a".,.
"C. moved with ll.2th arr and S1)eIl't night in area with ll2tb RC!' Oft West bank
of KIDSE 1lVD. At 1610 Battalion Caumaml Poet DlOYed am at 1800 olos.ci in ar- at
(1.5 m:Ues E. or BOULZIComr.r),. 10 contact was made with ea.., da7.
- 3
Unit Beuort; .,. 3 (Cout'd)
kt 070930 ".1
began aoY-.t E. 'With '!'ask Force as oYer route FLlZK,
DOEHERI, W. SIDAI, and at 1900 Task 'orea we ordered to take town at TDiTIGIlY
()96228) usiq route II to P'tDREJIVILLE thea I. on main road toward ARIml. DuriDg
hours 2200-2ltOO en..;y ...n a:nas tire and a tfJfl' rotmd8 fired iD<ij.reot. f'rc:'tm a tank
.ar. directed at or Task 'orce in area ot FIDffi2WILLE.
Cc:anaD7 -B- !loved Jut 7 with 109th latantlT (Her route HJHOJI, LUIlES,
ST. JmlQES, VIVOHDm, LACB.APPEL!, and plaoed ges iD positicm in vicinity 1827
(1 .ne W. ot FONTFJWII..LB).
Ccaoa.ny "C lI09'ed with U2th RCIf oyer same route TF S followed. Second
Platoon was !)laced in S'1l1JOC)rt of rask Force or Battalion, ll2th Inrantr7', ",4Ihich
.aYed I. at 2000 to take area betwee ST. RDa AND ETBI. "C" placed guns in
position tor Di&bt 111 v1oin1ty at CAlIGIIAlf. One eDB1V -personnel halt-brack was de
strG7ed aroam 2300 aDd ODe gua nea'trallzed. One ot:f'icar was killed
in actiOll.
it 1 c.P. Be OYer route of ll2th Intantl7 ani S1)e!1t night at ai6?60
(,S lI1le E. of lXXI'll).
DurlJJa dq 8 Sept_b.. flA- lIOV'ed E. with Task Foroe and was in assembly
area rae' Di&bt in area 39S;227 (Wwt. or '1'IITIGII). .
liB- mOYed I. with 109th rcr aver rou.te FLCIlENVILlE, JAGNOILLE,
aDd KARBmAI' and nlaoed I\\DS tn position near RaJ at .
"c" (-aecODd ))lat00ll) moved with ll2th 1m' to last an:! P4ced gam in
J)08ition tor Digbt in v1c1Jd.t7 or VILLBRS - LA - 100 (3all). 'lbird platoon supp<?rt
3rd Battalion, Intantry, was in 1)Osition tor night in vicinity or .382083
Batta1108 C.P. moved at 1330 to (.5 mUe '1'. or FLORINVILLE).
50 en., wa!! encountered battal.1cm dariDg dq, with axoeotion at three
prisoners c&pt1Ired b.1 CClll"OBD1' ftc and two wisoners b.Y' Secoai Reconnaissance
PlatOOA. ..
Dari:ac dq 9 &mt_bcr, "J.- contiDued in attachment to Task Force "S"
aDd rr=11Ded iD us_bq area. giT_ abov., as C;th Armored. Division moyed through
!uk oro.. 3rd Platoon was moy1ng E. at l<nSOO. I
< aB- (-1st' Platoon) COBt1ml8a .aYe B. am at 1 tired 12 rcranda HI
at _..,- intaDtl7 m woOds at S632. 'I rdU l11I1wowD. At 2100 or ssoCJd am
]Ilatoou "... ill ,..1tions at CI at and RJ at r8l!1:)8Ctive1y.
r:!rst p1.atooa attached to llOth r.taalirJ' at and in JlonWtg moved with
109th P1el.c! lrt1ller.y Battalioll to assembb' area to Korth with Intantr.r. Xight
of 9 Se"t_bc- "Dlat00ll wu :1D 1)OsitiOll ill area 38OhO!) with lloth lDt.in.trr.
CCll1XUl1' C tollGhd ll2th JI:! aM night 9 in useabl..., area at
Dur1DI week DO tanks were eBeoatered b7 battaliOJl and mtalltr.t' enoounWred onl.7
e11&ht reeistao
Operations tor 100>00-170500 Stmt h4
aea..al - BattaliCID relined att8ched to l"ittb CQI1)8 in d:lrect su'Poart or 28th
Imtat17 D.1:rialc:a darJJIII..... .... to Wertb aID Jut .... aade in __ -part at
Diyiaica ia JTorth8l'B DJIlIIBOOBOJ jut "e-' or the OUR R1VIR aDd the
Sbeaq ..... r ..1skaoe wueacourtC'e4, iDclud.1.1lR aaM1_ gaDS, aaall
uu, ..-kr am artUl817 tire ue at t-a (ather tha1l aoattared el..ate) were
re,,0rbe4 1B Dirlai_ .....
.. - 10 Ida.
At bec:'II'". or 'P8riod --J.W wu attached to DirldOD 'fut Ff!lrce "S aDd
hi ...-b17 .... ft.c1a1t7 390228. {.'"ailee W. or 1'IITIGJI!). the third
,,:tatoaa lIGYed !be stqms in sr. tar the Jl1gtrt.. .it 07"C;, balance
of mO"f'ed--ca. with tuk. ore. O'IItfr route ESTALLI, VAlCI, HEIDEl, to take
.A.lW3. Pirst IeoGnna1asance P.LatoClll attached to Comnanv "A entered ARUlW at
At 1600 orders Tuk Force. "'laced guns in eat"'" tOWD ;md,
Msition around .A.lW3.
At 1800 -11
(?D:l Pkt) 1IU mO'ri.Dg NE with 109th Be!' fran DRAY-1a
IDJVE 'tIlN HEDlSlR! to redMDta1 objective (BJ at Fc'OUte, at 170(,
12 rounda HI at .,.,. 1n.tant%7 in 1100<18 at Sbi2. Second am thh-d
Natoons ..... -o1aced :1n 1:)Osition guarding th1::; area tor n1Grt. day ComtmlY'
continued moYe with IrIraIIfaT to I. and 111 over route llARTEtAJIGE, WARMACK, BAVIGHE,
MYmIlK, WILTZ, 1IElCHERDAHCI. At close at 1)el'iod CQItnUXy was on road in vic:bdty
UICHERDABGB. Seocmd Reconnaissmce Platoon served as reconrurl.8s&nC8 agency tar
regiJieDt on move. Second Platoon, CaJrnany nBIt continued move with llotfl F'1' Cftfer
rou.te through BAS'l'OGIiE to D.
c.na.JJ "CIt contiDued move with ll'-th ReT objective VES,sAHCY. enetrt
Ilight ill ase.mlJ' area at ,.B.;.t26. In aorning began movf1l1ent tr..rough CHATILLOIf,
1lEII - le - TIDE, toward lIESSAHCt. At Caana.n;,y was in assembly arAa at
at -c10,8 o "period QaIllJ8!IY was moving.
At 1100 Battalion Canmand Po8't 1l000ed to area at ",-82A2 (2 miles E. or HABAY
1a-NEUVE). Rear echelon moved to close vicinity. No enemy activity was encOt,ntered
by' battalloa.
11 Seotember 1 QJ,h. CCIIlnany"Aft nlaced enns in 1)881tion tor 1lUht giving de
tense of Task Poree ns aroaJXl ARID!. At 110710 TF beg8ll Ilove Horth to new assanbly
area tar Divie10n tollow:tng route of 109th Intantry. It 11.00 TD rejoined lO9th
Iatant r7 in vic1J1ity of CLERF am IIA" relieved CaanaJv' "Bn in SUtft.ort of the
RC'1' and moved with BeT to new r.ea, nlaeing guns ill l)Osit1on to give TD defense.
C.P. located at 7Q?709 (HOLLER
,lin! t Repert lic. 3(&ont'--': ",J
fired 19 rounds of t;J9ra.uada da:. '--'i4I1l_1." was destro1_ ad
tllree pillboxe8 .,.,;" :-"at'llatooa, CavdJ>.lI.'.,iIIIDcrie4 by rtr.t lt8oonn
uss..nce ooatimied '54':;oa1t101l ,tY1.q TX. &LIpport. to
ri::ht (ioutR) flank of til. Di,.",.toa. ,', " . .
'CcaF5.l1Y "in'laad h position durin, n1cJat at!S8774', 8917;0, &ad 891
. 953, 'Neat of .Xhese foa1tioaa were occuF1ed alurin& aal. Tkirtl rCAl.D.da of !IE
lias fired durinc period. "
" iecond Reoonnaissallce ilatoon continl.t.. 81pport of CC8fU1 .i

CCDPallY "C;" contiDU.ed iA direct Sl190rt ot 112t1l am .u.ck .....ttaoked
to FUta Aplored Division. ' . ,
COJiIaeAd .... ia p08j.tion 77771), 1 kll.e NW of iINi-
l5 .iapt9llber 1944. II An Coapany contUiuecl ()t lD9t11 ie.oad.
, ..nd tltir<i platoons displaced forwar'd .l1CkUY dltr1n, nipt, secORd
in: and to ii, taird platoon, First
vicinity itVENIG ,at (824712) ,dd J:..t. OIle aeot101l, tAird at
(S24712) fired 39 jpC ud 2 rOUAda __1 at 88J'94 &Wi
waS oredited wita two oAine (Una and tAree ,1l1oox8s dq. lMIIee to pill
boxes co..i.l.d not ooserved cloaelT, , First Platoon, CClipatiy "1." ricinity .r DIl'iD
'by tile AecOIl,lad.s8aao8 Flatoc, cOIltinued to rrotect icutk
Flank of Division Area ilest ot QJ!l.iIJJll. ;It 172S:itU. platooa r ....
I..:orted enemY' observers on b.i1l at 8'S(nOaad GIl. pa,wa8 Moved' to pOliti. to fin
OIl 't1iea.' Twent;.v -one rwnd.s ot H, uQ't1aree rwnQa.. J1f. were QJelldetl, ..orinc'
. lUtll -on, tllree -plae4!Ullta.' ' Qb8erTad "ter
. QOIlpany lritll contiJm.ed ,d:ireet 1I1"ort of lJOtJa ...-x in ,eneral, arealt .
of liutG. iE;JGond Jilatoon moved at '4qlt to n ,oa1ti, "; Xk1rci I"latooa .oved. up
duriJa: day. Ql8ll1 pUlboxea were .. obaervat1oD,lMt _to m.tu..Uon were )lot
tired upon. At 151.,,0, Firat PIa"" _Ured to aove U ...:frP..t C.l., -aDd
a.t 1700 movin.:. . _
ieaond R.eoonnaisSaDce Plri* coatimled" ."o.nr'4lf',:M,.,' "in. . \ ""
, ' aOlipany ftG" contiml.ed clir_t 8.1pport of ; .8".attaoJaecl to
F1ftA',Araored Division, 112tA'l:l at.9327 " '. " .
. ' . " Artillery ,and -0J:taz; : reeei. dq - ,0&
GOIl:p8ll1 itA" : '" J,' l' :' ,
, iattaIiOA C.}J. ,r_aiucl u.:, pa-ea.t' area ,(71h13) 11', or
.' , . U. 8eptMber"19A4. DiriaC,'rddlt Of lS ..,teaber QoapaQ A.....a1rl... :t.a
positiG,ll, &1v1ac '41reot .,port BQ1" * fit &&nUll (874'112) '.,. ,;'
:ELT, (Sg)922) witA aeoolld,-aAd .. ' DII'....4.1. poa:1tiAJu .""'8l.1PtlJ."
'At l4JO second Platoon 'destroyed Ltark y .. ,gat ..t 900710. Dirac,
day also Qestro1eci Olle fortifted _..., 1. (88-.) pIl,
post, aa.q, 3 aapA1M paa _plao....t ..' , ',. W ilke. 25ar.. ..e
Jvecl 01 Fir.t r....a1.....'.:',' >.
-.latoOD, te:.w;-,ot&o, ,t .. . ,.I$U,ILi, ./;"
.. oc..'i.cfkou.... . .::: ", ,.. , ". " " ,'" '" . ':
' .tAucl ,
wer. . ill .;
URa qd ' .. Ii ,titiwc .. ::7 t""
coatr1JlUed.lI1ai1oa .,r, petelUDc' '." ,', ::,' ... '
-:'"1' ", .

'. leoiAd .', .
reo' -'-....,' ......0111-; .
Gener&l. week lS44, ti::e ;" 7.: u": L- ::.t.
ro;;!e,r i ...t.LUion contin1.'.ed to SUFPort the 2CtLl Dl.visi0.. , "-O"'-...l to
V Corps. TDe ltCI', +11th C(.Gi ... IIG" in dirt::ct SUe; Dr"" tv c.},e
Fifth il,l'aorud Division. uivision t:f.tti.Ljon ccr.tinued tho::
LLJta, but little i-ro:;res;; Qun t.DtcC.J.5 l'eIl.:J.:'llE;0 In 5;..1.6 . ", :... _ .)1' .(;
tintire Videk, witu thO r1f:,too.:.. s f;;:llt;i..:i"l[ in inoi:"sct i'i!'8 l't;
sulta. i-ttalion :.}. t 777713, .:1 a.il;;3 of l.....
.iJaily Urerationa - It''IOi.C(.-170eCO. a: y II r.lI C SlL r ()1' lLS l
.. ... iii L.
.ROX witk second iJld third pla:'.oons in vioiLitj' ci.' .\I:.I Ul'-
9S2), as Division Qontinued drive thrwr;ll be L1.. :....
of ru{;:iJRent and did not ;::-,.y rl... tocr;, "n." 2.11
f...t au: t.ort,a t:' t rotect.in r
Fl-.n.K, ,.ast of u.:a At, 1355, '('He sect.' en ort:e:oe i.
to reli&vt-J Ir!fantry A,r...ti:"Xank .. t tAat pOsition .. .. .ti,:e
,iYen mis.sion of +14is secticll.
lI0t'lOlY (;ontinueQ dirtiC t SUr!:ort of llCti ReT'. iiJ.i;:-,L t :,oye;::ent
in rositions,iiita see(,uti Jlili.toon in are;,. of i..J.'1:" t:,ir:i :n ,,::.:::i:11tJ
of First ll...tooh cor..tinued .',ission of Livisi('n
'CarTallY nAn c'JDtinu_ed surFort vf .iitil
ano -t;J...1rd platoon. in position in vicinity of It.''il''(l 1-2., tcc,n p\' >:11C: :C4
71.3) and Nort..iJ. of (second f1atuon ...t wd 8:-,5'; .::.ir6 :-llolt. 0:-1 ex
pen9sd a and rcunds t.X durin, day knockin{ out 1 1 i.ll(; em
placerlent, and 1 pillbox. TLe first platoon re'ii'.::'ned in f.v5i;:.i un Fro':... 9ct.'i.;,.:, t 2
jruth tlae lJivision Area .iest of ti;,.e I.,;ne vicii:ii../
supported We First lleconnaiss;.Uloe at t.;.L
. tion located ...t suPJlorted S.econd :1,t:}c.on:1&.issu.nct:: fl(.tc.)::.
, . C<lilJ:any "ill support of liCth 'tJith S0COl!.U ',C.: t. (II'
and third in Foosition .,round No ent:y action was enCot:.uter6J
C,*panyI Infa...'1u'y encountered. strou, resistance. First Pl ..toon jll
poSitioD in vi'cirdty d'f IJivisiioll Co_and ost, lest del'ense
.A.t1530 platoon to 7ge"2 &Jld fired 120 rounds U (5 cuncentration&)
at East of aJ'R ltIV.ilal. Flatoon at returned too cl'ilinal I,osi
lSl!OO -'19lS00. ainus first pl&.tccn contilnled to "ive flhD.l..;.
8lpport to tlte lC9th.RCT; tkird Jilatoon vicinitl of second .. of
10 act.ion reForWd durin( period except enay artillery. ilfol.tuoL1,
Cc:apariJ' "A" contiDUed'to protect Divi.ion iouth Flank of ';Ult, R.lif.r.Jl. Cne sectiol'1,
wita aupport ot first rec;onnaissaace platoon reaa,ined in }-osi"tion vicinity
iilEm and tae aecond, IiUpJlorted second flatoon, Il'otected rOI...l net
at , 0 t "
Caapany "I1t1 Jl:im1s first platoon, contimal tile 110tR RGT. second
natoCM West ot iERQ, tll1rd platoon vicinity of !!ECl':JTJi!lEID. No &.ctivi t.
except en-l artillery. First Flatoon, Ocapany "itt oontiRued in FC'siticn .t1 Jivision
CQIlraand Poat Defense. At 1030 platoon ,moved to ..o..ere it went into indirect
tire poaition. ooncenti.tlona, totum: .30' roo.nds, were fired Ii.t enemy work
troops, pUlboxe8, etc., across (.iaat) WR ltIYBlt' in area DA,iiURG, ll,A.."'l.N..,;,N I '
XW.JTJlIN. ..,
19l1!OO - ,2Q,].!OO.... '1capany "A" continued -nort ot 109t1l wit. second Flat(1(
at 87t.72! atld !!47':l! and titird Platoon at awl e73714, }lrotectin: reciment's
flank. Ho activit)' was reported.until 1745 wRen tJl:1rdplatoon kaoaked cut one eneay
.&.nti-tank CW1 and me l4auine Qm .plac8llant witJa..:tkr'ee and tired ei,ht
, at dj.lpW88d en.,., ,
..' ".... . 8tapeJl1 .contimlei ,to }Zrqtect ioutll Flank west +
I at: tile, 1r1t1: -'0. alpportW. br -.lteooraJl!-iance Platoon at . to.
"tID.. MCtiOR, "IUFPorted b7 Platoon at lIW't

. . ".," ,., " ":.:. ,'\ ,,: ", .' .
Jn1t aeJort No. :3 .. :d)
to cive flank protection to 110tJt r..GT iii tb
second. ..ft. of' JEftG and tilir<t Platoon is in ,eneral area of :'J;.Cl.>LI2. Uj.
Fir.t Platocm, Company "iN, continued it's Eissi.on of of
e<amand Post.
At 1000 First OrCOIiJ:any ",,}I and u:," n;oyed tv vicinity
of and. went into innirect firu !;osltLon. wrirll
Cumpany "AU tired 210 rounus of 11:, COllI an] Jll) It, 294 r-:-ujd f; of
Indirect f1r1nc; Via .. directed on 1 roaci. tlock h L /i- ',21; 2 .... tC; ],
road. and barracks or fortified l.ouses on 1'0.. (1 r; of C:rid 6;:.) j 4 i'ersof..!,]JJl
and veAicles ot l..VJ!BNi 5 Personnel and vehicles at lorti":"i.;;,r; j;c..u:,tS

'No en_I encountered li batt-.li:.Jn durin: l-eriod.
21l!00-22].tOO. COIIlrany flAI' con1jinuea of l09th :!LT j'iiti: i
at and and tl-.ird l-la.toon e7V717 '.nd >'7J71C
First Pl..toon, "A.", to i rctoct !.r'_":isicn ... lJI..lt...h
deat of tile UJR ItInilt, WiUi one section, SUFlortf;Q. 1;;] tile i ... ce
oon at and sec tion SUl-Eorted by l1r.. tocn '"t
CQ,.lFiU1Y Itl,; II continued to t i ve flftTJ( ; rc t' I...r1 0 llG _' . 'itl. 'n: 1
llatoon west vi ... J.:a;.tG (t!'..d third i 14j.toon s in ;.::.r4;:. (;. of ; . .:.Ci._'-:-l. ... .L:;.j,j.
7irst llilitoon, GOf:;:,Q.l1Y tlJ.", continue:] itl s c.,I: cef.:;ns{; of .,Jivieiu.:.
t' 0 s t.
At 08(( !1rst Plc..toons of COltlJ-'-:1Y II A" wv! Cat} b.\Y ::. :1 ';.' to ut:e. .. b6e
of .. rl.d t4'est Into inc!irect fire! c.. s: tior.s. !;t:.l.:,L 'a;.jf,} l .. tc,oi. cf
Ccepany "AU fired rounds-LA kIlO rl.. toon of ,:c'"-l-rAJ f'ir
e' :; !::.
Indirect :ire w,-s directed .. r.; 1 veLicles ;.J)bvr;r .::l i..:.:':; ..al.l;
J I.;. 5 to n:'L';. fl
rior to l::VC.
() enbU.::. t.,C was U 2..I'f;'':; t..l.j e:1C I 'l :_ 1. ':, ::..li on, r 1.... ,0! tv!.", ',,-'
rObitiv;as of n:." ...... . IIi:" ..i;< .. fi.re 2:1
,r.1-:::.1$ S:L._L'':''r
Feriod. at 0325, J!J.:.a.issancb . I' :.;-..J.f:at..LJ crt:::-, vi ::."1
KkLi(l!tN Lll"';. dirj nut ir:. at: v[, .:.';,:1Zt (..J
- ;"lj.. '(,I..C. Vi:.l}: ii.:!j' 111." C L' i- t 0 .i.( St,: ..... ,_ \. i SE-:C '.-'(
Platoon at S7e72Slnd f:.."!-47'i:t and ti.iru lli. tlJon t";'C'7l7 . I it.', .. c':..
fl.Uk. J..t'. 23JZC(;, one I:. ..Ul it.. . t,v.n l:r.c:::k";c: ":i..: l.y 3rr.: Ilr:
"LI! ':.c Ire>>::':' .. ;, .?l.LL, ....
or thf.: O!.l: ::E:;c;:,':'on, t t:c flrst].f:cr-u.... Ilctccn:t
EEnSast!.It, anu scc-:.ion :-L} :0rte(1 .eccn:, f:li.:'('('. lJ., :
CC4U: -.nJ Il lO " :,(j :",,-'_ . ,<..a
. ebt of W'"d .1./3. toU" i.,;. .::.;. .tn'S.... .. rea ...:. .._......... ..:..llJ.
lil'st rlg,'toon, 1...>...;iI!.&llj' "1..':, B,- .it's ::.._'" :1:; c:'
\';olOta..a.!1c lost.
No .: 1 8rh'(.1, C', .. (..;.:: . '
contl!.1Ut-d "t,o f "..l1 irJ. .. t.S (,.. fOr-f:-..l:c.l ! Ill. i..C'l ;"'15.
a,t close of ,:, .. ;':'2- ... (,C, i_c;>,C.a1:it'l elt}lc.'J:':" .. .s j:c ... . (;:;,'-.j(.; ... IL:
' i'or -"- t.o '<,l :.,'...:. ... :
Ufsr'l :OllS - . ..
QE.:n6r",,1. l'tt;:eL 2,+:J;(>( .... .: \. ... 1.. l C t, '..J ..
1;,1' :ir.':::l:tr'i i.Jiv':'s:'(;n, 1 ....tQd or Ji"v'':'.::,::''cn i'l'Cl(;::, -::. t,c
.:...c;.S t, .lone .. wi tJ. 0':' V;, 5 ion ,:;' ,i,., .... - ..' .... c:rtr, srn ....
.outfiern iUlG ';'ks'turu ;L:.;. Fcur:;' '... =.1. .l.::;n .1-.
- ,
\.. ./
Unit Report Nd. 3 (CoD,"""1)
North, the .AjrRor.cI Divisi_ to t1l. ioo.ta. Tlt. D!T1e:1. coathued to _old 1j",_
':positiona on ta_ o;r, attack , 'lanCa&d. Tlle battalion
enoountered tanka tlItrillc tae welt anC, .ad tact wit1t t1a. --7
Dally, Opel'ationa. Qc.PaD1 l1A" oontimad
suI:port of l09til ReT witR second PIatoOD a.t S7!72! and axxl tll:ird Platoon
$79717 cmd proteotin, relimentf 8 fla.nk: ,One aao1line cun eeplacelDsnt neutral
ized and arproximlataly 10 etleilY killed. Ten round. !E. and 4 rounds i1C tired
direct. One captured. .'
, .c'irst OosnrWlJ' "Aft oontinued to protect Division nank,
West of 'OOR lUVJ:;R, 'wi tJt one seotion, IJ.tpported by tAe First ReconnaIssance flat ..
oon'at section supported b1 ta. Second Reconnaiaaance Platoon at
I1.ARi.1A.CH. At .515 battalion ordered to al tar tllese positions and to eatabllsh. road
blocks a.t g13'30 (w"itR 2Sta Reconnaissance Xroop_) and at 823'75, in order to Goor
dinate and'improve protection ot tbis flank.
Comj',any continued to give fiank: protection, to llOth RCT wita Seoond
Platoon Vlest o.f ERG and 'laird Platoon in :enaraJ. area of
First Platoon, GomP&ll1 -itt contiIl1.e d l.t
s ai1551011 Qf derense ot U1v1sion
GoPand 1'0st.
Carpany uGu continued Slpport of 112tlt ReT (RG'r attached to A,rIlored
Di vision) i att alion Fost rf*airled a.t 717713.
241800-251800. GOCiFarlY It!n continued a1pport of 1(Y7tJ;. ltCT with second
Flcttoon at 878728 and and tAird platoon S7rJ717 and e73710 proteotln, rec
' a
flank.. . .
"in continued to ,ive flank F-roteotion to llOtA ltGT with a
flatoon ..edt ot .ERG and thjrd Platoon in general. arsa of
Flatoctl, GOl;.PQ.l1Y ni" continued it's Jlission 0': defense of Division
fast., .
2irtit CcmratlY "Aft ant2 [;.:..tL fl&toons l\econ..'1..isslL.'1ce ,'tera placed
under l"i'.rision T"i..sk nx
ni{lht of 24 Septl.;uter. TiI.Sk Foroe 1...5 1:.y
E.xecutive Officer, and had the miss-ton cf lJivision
i.est of tbe (l;l\ :tIV&i.. Included in task FOrce were Reconna.issance IroOJ',
GOffi}.a!1Y ttjJll, r/41s-::' and elelients of thi s batt.lion. At
three Germ.ulS Viere killeci a.t In afternoon, seven otners were ca.r tured.
UG" continued ...tt&c1.:ncnt of RCr I a.ttach ed to
Division. _attuion GOl':'J.:!r.nd fostreliainad lit 777713.
" 251S00-261f;OO l:icrtember 19/j,. Catf:any nbo" continued 01' lC9th ftgf
wi tL secone. l:.latoon fa.t m'd72J3 and and tilird Platoon 87ml? and 873710 pro-
tee ti ret;: imen tis flc.nk. .
COir'l-ii.ny u:n contirmad to :ive flcU1k to llOt.h. ReT witli
-.-;est of :2l:;rtG t-..::a third platoort in area of
lire-t Ilatoor:, Get.ri.ny Hi" continued it
s zissior.. of defense of the Divi
sion lost.
, First l-l:it.Loo11, Coo.}:.rr.l.ylla
, a.nn cotlt Platoons, continued
.. s pftrl 01 Task Force "Xlt, cOIlJIianded by ...J.ion Executive Offic.r.
r''Lissiun of tl-.. e Task .1as to Frotect tile Division $outb Flw, ,'jest of tl.a CUR
Dur:L'\!; .1 s.truls r:el'e sent cf corder 5J1d e.t night road blocks
&-'1C 'wtl ',;",i'e ll.nn8U.
. . 112tb. (:,.,.. 'f r81ieved frca .tt... to Fii'th
.iJivision" arl(l to Area.).
1atti.linn GO:.l.:a,no. Foat remained at 777713.
At 11.30, 1; ton sui-'J ly vehicle of "A" c"f.iwed b:v' GeI1:.QllS lJ.1.
civiliA).l.. clotl:'c;3 {it I--0h.PATS!: md into woods and ast to i.:lO i.cross
t.'1e ilia _ .
261800-271800. CcaFlIUlY tlAII conti!Ll.ed su!,port of l09th ReT WiT.h S69cnd
at 87S728 and gS472.S and tllird Flatoon B70717 and 8';3710# protectilre&l.iIent' s
flLiK. vc,,:,
' ....
Unit ?.epo:bt .3 (Gor.. ,-
COBlf&JlY "ill eontinued suprort i..."l 1-.J.11< Frotection to llGth R":':'
i-;:' ti: sec ond F1Q.toon riegt' of &.nc. thir0. 113.toon in .. cf
. Cor.,;:allJ' .nit", it's mission of Jji vi
sion. fost. .
. . 7iy;:.t ;';oc>8lY "A", Loth :Pl&.toons, continuer
as l-&.1.. t of T&s1'. iorce II X" , .:!&ttr.:.lion 'o(;!
j .. iGsiof.of Task 20: ..."3 to :i. ...::'.A, .jest of t:. e
C&Y l .. tluls ViEa'e sent last to ';cl'de:- ar.;; :...t !liritt ro.C:
clocks a..nc ri&J."G !'..acned.
Cor:_} ii.ny - une ;;.d,l1 -dounci:J,j ... t lLC:C t'J f.!ortar fil'(;;. Thr ..:e rrn.:.:::.r]s I4A
;:.::rJ rOl:lds iJ<': firE; d at 173C Q1.t !-,illLoxes <i.!ld ty ti. ':':-j ;'lfltoor..
Tlr(.; .
c;;,l U;II - ' .. '", !.1.. ..c...:.tn 1:.0 i!1to
.:.':.rc; !.,Gsit:'on. 2<)4 rcunt::; :-..E .t 'LA-.: 7, 0..:.1;]
:.CX;,.:.: .....: ...1 ::C!l:'::"w3 in t,;'.';;i:c
.At r;,.o{(: ,;itr 11:d.L tv np", w.,rr:.. ...
cf G.nd ir.to a:;;;:;c;ll'tl:r ..,r'8;-. at In e.fter
:r..e: of '27 tcrr.tc,r, ,:', w;.ci r.alf- tr r.:.ckfJ t.t1rncyJ to l' t;ci: elon f(j:,' II aint('Ll
.:rlce. ic,&itions fer fl::.n.j Lljina ir. c1 .o.tt.ilor:,
tL try.
..n.d l'0st 77?7l3.
Cor::::.it!'oLJ continuFJ'J Oi' ;.c,r,;u" .. second 11.
,,!.-r:j andZi!:-472f: ;1o.;J.;; tr!ird 1-1 toon c70717' h.ll<l 37Yl1C recient's
fl.. .
v01;r_ny continued to give fian/: r-rotection to 1101;;1 HGT i'litk iecond
lId-toot: t of ;::LiiC, :tl"toon in :eno.c...l ci Fir:3t J:'lat
oou, '111" at to vicinity f!.2C782 Ritl'l 'of I,rotcctioH first
112tL 1:-1f!i11tJ::" .. m",s in T;ivisio:c. aeserve.
lirst l'kt.oon, ComI/ar.:r "A" foi.'1d botb ll .. continuecl
..ctio:1 of '::.,: ::;,rce "X", l" Ci'f.:c ere The
.. ou cf the Ti.;..s]: j?orc(; WG.S to I rotcct .the Division south Flank, He of CUR
Dlrin:f:: d&.,Y pL1.trols ..,ere sent "ut to border and at t road blocks
awl cutI'osts 'Hore m .
.n.t 10)0, .. n(:" (lli::lUS six a-uns _.nc1 ..cks at bi,tti.ion rear,
echelon) troved ..ad 8:J.tire Car.pany rlli.ced in indirect tire positions Hith pla
[.t '-.l1d l,!ission (.f C(;kf-.nY7'l'as to fir!3 at tarlets in
sGctor of lJiv:i.sio:l n,re&i., East of t:-.. e wli RIVSR, a1din( Tc,;.3k Faroe "X". '
. .;iGcond :t;l;;,toon, "G" :iven L"'.ission of suppleclsntint: defense of
Diviclon Cor.u;and !'03t VietS to these :rosition.,s lit 1700.
Ga-;:rany support of lCY9tb ]leT witt swcond Fl,too:1 Cit R.n1
88472a :lila third fl.toon S70717 iJld 871710 r::- otectinr rezir.ient l. s flank.
At fired" rr.undG [nd th;r86 rounds ll'C fira, indirect .
C.omrany u:_:tt continuer] to give nank Frotectlon to 110th iteT iecond
.iest of :;:L:'tCr &Jlc.' 'bird Platoon in ;;,;an0ral j'irst Pla-.
toon to oin CO!JI,C.l1Y when rct11eved by "fin.
Jirst Cor.:lJ&.ny rtAt
, and both i'1a toons, continued
as part of Force nx", 'by :'attalioll Executive Officer. ,i'Ae
mission of the T .. sk Force was to prcte6t tlae Division IOuth !1.ank, weat of tae
aJR RIVER. day pat-rols were sent 6ast to QEaMN border and. at nicht road
clocks -.nd oo.tliosts ware aa.nr.IG d. Dt.triq nil,ht, probably -.round an outpost or
the first RBconn&issanae Flatooon was captured &t P!34702. Five men were taken
prisoner and 1/4 ton veh.ale .at on tire by' Qermans. ,prisoners were apparently
teken 'down dri.W to and toward tile QJR RIVElt. '
.. .
. .
'!" .... ", r,"
1Leport lio. 3 lCor.:t' d)
liUrinCniCllt 28-29 Se}t, HGIl b.ad tlUc.:. ll&.toont
in indirect fire i-0aitions (:.1. at F7S4i77j \first i.t (t.Lirc Cit fr;-S:C r{c).
Tart18 llWldred and sixty ruunds LA fired rrior 'tc CfiOO &"0:.. ta':
jj iii Lrnrt!;l In lilcrnir4,: seconci }lll.t:cn in jl1c:irF)ct
fire. ,At 1200 CCltF5llY "e': (second ;,).e. tocn) rL j cin 112t!. ,,;1(.1 :-: C'I E:.d
N. to lU' ... a vicinit) ft807t.2 during i.ft.Lr:.G::n. l-1:.tov:1
to position to suvport Division COl..I.&.nd F0St. 95 !'ounos fired in
l.attalion Ca.wand fost reaained at 777713.
29100 - 010.-00 uctcber 1944.
IIA" SUr'I-ort RG:' Hl.t.L .t 7'':T7::F:
ar..d 8!",Z! and third ila.tcl'n 870'717 and Jrotectinr:: rt:,::in..ent'.:; .
uay 9 rcur.ds fired direct
COIr.l auJ"_U continuo\.: to rrotectiolt tc llClti.: i-'.S.;:', If:.tb seGcnc:.
11&toon ',;est of iJ:.RG and :ilatoon in &eneral ar;a C.:::' !'!... &.nd fir st
p16l.toon at 1-9137.S L"ld F924.
First Ila.toon, Cc.pany "All, and !tee onnJssar.ce teens, continued
action ItS pr..l't of Task. Force nx", c(W;1UlltJldec uy iatl ... lion Cffice!"'. :"j:e
aission ot tile Task FOrce was to ttle IJivisicn .;est of til.e
alR &IfEd. l).lrint patrols were ",st to t order ab niZht road
and outl-,oats were aanned. Enemy ..cross ct.::t \F,r .... det
eoted alld . fired upon. .
< Comi-allY !leN.,. (minus second rlatoon) rtjj oineti ll;z. tr....!.",T tE..fore ci.ark,
wi tk 'first J..la.toon in ready pesition at and third J-latocn \,i th iLuns in
position at fS91779, eS4714, !957'74, Ci .. t iet27e4. first
pla.toon tied in with l"lield Artiller ie.ttal ion for indirect, fire. Se,cond
platoon continued to defend Division CQIIIl. ..."1d Fost.
"attalion COIlJiand Post remained at 777713.
At 010.00 units were in Foaition &5 shown &bove on overlay.
ActUtl Reylloeaents needed
Ofr - J2; - 2; III - 6S.. 01't - None; -,/0 - None; EM - L.2.
iattl. Casual ties: 2 Oft & 4 Kll; E El\; lilA.; 1 Off & , .;.1'1.;
12 D1 2 LIA.
NOIl-iaitle Casual ties; 1 J.:al killed; -44 iLl.j 9 boL. Inj.
e. 'Prisonera captured: 82.
d. E'Yacuation: Noraal.
e.. Location et. iatt&11ca Supply ;:'ointl: P7707':tt) It t.li . of
t.' ita of .PPlY, 2 d&1s rations; 2 days , .. s; 15 dlJ's oil; 2 days a.nwunition.
&- Road t ltoads wddy and slipper,. dur to rain. Circulaticn ,;ood.
, a. Tk, aaJorit1 of or,dars civen b1 tAis cOl!ltand tor _f1oyJ1ent of tuns are
'eive verbally over radio or tarou.r;h };eraonal oontact b,. staft offioer c(1!'np
P1 .--.ad..., taflretQr., order. IlIt inclolUres are

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