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The Syllogism of Spirit

Anthony T. Poindexter

"To be, or not to be: that is the question." - Shakespeare, Hamlet "I think: therefore, I am." - Descartes "The crux of the mystery of existence... is summed up in the question Why is there something rather than nothing? William James called this question the "darkest in all philosophy." The British astrophysicist Sir Betrand Lovell observed that pondering it could "tear the individual's mind assunder." Arthur Lovejoy, who founded the academic field known as the History of Ideas, observed that the attempt to anser it "constitutues one of the most grandoise enterprises of the human intellect."" - Jim Holt

Introduction Setting off to embark on the universal odyssey from mystery to mastery always involves a distinct curiosity regarding the true identity and nature of everything - reality. Some people's curiosity is coupled with a sense of dread: frightened by prospects of death, life, infinity, nothingness, meaninglessness, etc. Others may feel more optimistic: with thoughts of afterlife, omnipresence, meaning, self-fufillment/realization, etc. Bravely and/or eagerly, these people start a life-long journey of mind-travel via basic study, self-reflection and discovery. The biggest and most common mistake most people make at some point along their journey is deciding that the absolute truth will not and/or cannot be known due to its very nature: this premature presumption is never based on any empirical nor logical observation, but rather motivated by an underlying sense of defeat. Surely, they think, if all the thinkers to come before me havn't yet found the answer, there is no means by which I might stumble over it with the sight to also see it. Such naysayers take for granted the fact that their are the latest and greatest product of a progressive hostorical collective of knowledge which requires the present to constantly learn and continue to build upon: this situation always gives one a prime potential to break through past impasses. I know that one of the factors which led me to the solution was my intuition that the right answer did exist latently within the english lexicon. Advances along the path of self-discovery can often times be marked by the piecemeal realizations, regarding direct and related Q&A on what we can &/or can't know about what does or doesn't exist, which build upon one another to form a more and more elevated perspective of self and world. For example, my own desire to know the truth was motivated by this curiosity, left in me by Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha, which drove me to seek an understanding of the Buddha's nature and teaching; which evolved into a general interest in eastern, and eventually western, philosophy and theology: progressively proceeding from many simple questions to

learning much of the sophisticated thinking & terminology required to answer a few and lead to new ones. As far as most people on this journey are aware, humanity's thinkers have succeeded thus far only in asking atleast some number of the proper questions and positing a vast variety of theoretical answers. I, however, have arrived at a much more distinct and definitive solution - the only one capable of being proven as such: the supreme/absolute being of God's self-same, exclusively all-inclusive omnipresence! The central issue to the pursuit of ontological truth is the epistemological theory that absolute - universal - truth must be barred from the finitesimal form of human individuality. First of all, there must be a chance, considering our possibly limited perspective, that the above theory is invalid: that there can be nothing blocking any existent being from knowing Being. However, finally, there is one possible alternative which would eliminate our allegedly human limiations: the ontological formula which posits one's self as the Absolute in-itself (thereby being limited by literally nothing [which is nothing])!

Presummation First, one must notice the personal phenomena of one's exclusively self-aware experience as guarenteeing the existence of not-nothing; thereby negating the 'pure void.' Second, one must explain why a primordial reality must have always-already existed. Third, one must ask whether this omniversal ground-state was something or nothing and, of course, proceed to find out why... Fourth, one must list all the self-evident reasons why everything must always-already begin as an infinite (formless ground), uniformly static, solid and preconscious omnipresence. One must also explain why the autogenesis of causal-consciousness - cosmic continuum - requires the unmoved mover of sense; which in turn also helps to explain why everything must always-already be notnothing. Finally, one explains why all these ontological conditions will sustain the current omnipresence as such ad infinitum!

There is no conceivable way in which any Spinozian modality could simultaneously take on a mutually exclusive - separately distinguished - modality's immanent reality: this must be as true subjectively as it is objectively (especially if a mind-matter duality is superficial). There is no consistent superimposition or juxtapositioning capable of unifying regions which are determined by their mutual exclusion: this is self-evident since, in order to exist in the first place, everything must immanently occupy the existential domain as such, thereby leaving no room with which to ontologically superimpose mutually exclusive existential regions within one another. The very reality of any proposed entity that isn't reality - everything - in-itself is negatively determined by all that is not said entity - the external environment proper. Any theoretical model or method for achieving dual-identity couldn't be a universally implementable mode since it is clear that dimensions such as number, shape, color, and sense are indefinitely incapable of contradicting

themselves. "1. The law of identity The law of identity states that an object is the same as itself: A A. For the law of identity, Aristotle [1] wrote: Now "why a thing is itself" is a meaningless inquiry (forto give meaning to the question 'why'the fact or the existence of the thing must already be evidente.g., that the moon is eclipsedbut the fact that a thing is itself is the single reason and the single cause to be given in answer to all such questions as why the man is man, or the musician musical, unless one were to answer, 'because each thing is inseparable from itself, and its being one just meant this.' This, however, is common to all things and is a short and easy way with the question.)" - Metaphysics, Book VII, Part 17

That which is must exist.

"2. The law of non-contradiction In logic, the law of non-contradiction ... states, in the words of Aristotle, that "one cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.""

The alternative to which is nonsense.

"3. The law of the excluded middle Aristotle wrote that ambiguity can arise from the use of ambiguous names, but cannot exist in the facts themselves: It is impossible, then, that 'being a man' should mean precisely not being a man, if 'man' not only signifies something about one subject but also has one significance. And it will not be possible to be and not to be the same thing, except in virtue of an ambiguity, just as if one whom we call 'man', and others were to call 'not-man'; but the point in question is not this, whether the same thing can at the same time be and not be a man in name, but whether it can be in fact. (Metaphysics 4.4, W.D. Ross (trans.), GBWW 8, 525526). (3)" - Wikipedia A critical debate regarding this ontological inconsistency is taking place amongst settheory ontologicians who attempt to explain reality as a collective Void point incapable of containing what is an infinitesimal plurality of ontic entities - realities. Many of these pure pluralist would see the scientific standard truth itself extinguished via a "project of truth" which would seek to treat the inconsistency of multiplicity as a directly apprehendable set of phenomena; the clear issue with which is that experience - a cohesive moment of conscious presence - is epistemologically barred to only knowing the one reality of the self.

Nothing is that which is not; as it is clear that not-nothing is. Below I will propose that everything must always-already be not-nothing because temporal

reality requires the phenomenal medium of presence (to establish the default past from the future; by establishing itself as the "unmoved-mover" of the "uncarved-block") which in turn requires not-nothing with which to experience anything...

Reality is truth. Truth exists. Existence is everything. Everything is everything.
The "Word of God" translated in 7 steps of linguistic (english) reasoning/ontologic: 1. Experience explicitly reveals reality - everything in existence - as being not-nothing.

2. Nothing or not-nothing, reality must always-already be the absolute ground-state - status quo; truth. 3. Reality as such must be a self-same existence: everything is always everything as nothing must always be nothing - nowhere. [If nothing is nothing, not-nothing is not-nothing.] 4. To learn whether everything - not-nothing - came from nothing or not-nothing, we must first determine whether or not time itself - past, presence and future - requires an absolute genesis: 5. A primordial past is made explicit by the simple fact that if time were to extend infinitely back into the past, every point - moment; now - therein would signify the blatantly impossible end of an endless continuum. It is this ontologic which directly conditions the default necessity of temporal genesis. 6. Since there is no time with which to always-already prefer any one infinitesimal abstraction over another, the primal domain's ontic architecture is predetermined by the minimum default - natural reality -of what is and isn't possible. [/Without any time with which to spontaneously select any one infinitesimally abstracted form of existential division &/or virtual modality over another, the existential domain's default form must be a static and infinite state of formless uniformity.] 7. Temporal genesis requires the automation - unmoved-mover - of experience which requires not-nothing with which to establish the relative moment - phenomenal (pre)sense determining the past from the future: therefore, mind always-already requires matter. (Without a phenomenal presence to establish a relative present - now - within which to determine the past and future, not only would events have no unmoved-mover with which to carve the (uncarved) block, but they would also all have to be contained within the same gound-zero/"block-time" of phenomenal absence - nonsense.)

Primal Multiverse - Any formality whatsoever - of ontic division &/or in/finitesimal modalities must assume one out of infinite potential abstract forms for which, given the infinite spectrum of

equally pointless choices, there is nothing with which to always-already require any one over another. The primal ground-state is forced to presume a default domain of not-nothingness because the alternative Void is not ontologically consistent/possible: Pure (placeless) Primal Void - Without a positive existential-extension/domain with which to determine default scale & (non)locality, the primordial Void has no place within which to establish anyplace (let alone anything for which no latent potential is present). Empty Primal Space - Since the uniformly neutral solidity of the primal ground-state is the most natural - simple - ontology, the reality of pure infinite space should be regarded as a greater abstraction to primal reality's natural - default - intuition than the above monism: as such, there is nothing with which to always-already determine such an infinitesimally arbitrary - unnecessary abstraction. Both the pure and spatially extended primal absences above are lacking the proper potential for the spontaneous magic of getting something from nothing. If everything were always-already nothing - void - then an experience could never arise since experience - the unmoved-mover of itself and all causality - requires not-nothing: without anything to carve the uncarved block, nothing must remain itself. Everything would remain static and paradoxically timeless - mindless - without anything to cause causality. The only fundamental force capable of such automation would be the default requirement for time itself: a phenomenal presence to indefinitely establish the relativity of a past and future. Henceforth, the primal ground-state was always-already a preconscious, uniformly static and neutrally solid existential domain of endlessly extended not-nothingness: the exclusively

all-inclusive reality.

If what is most simple is most natural, it would be more natural to proceed from one to one than from zero to one. The most natural - simple; consistent - ontic architecture for primal reality consists of an infinitesimally extended omniverse of uniformly static and solid (neutral/default density) notnothingness - ground-substance: always-already latent with the unmoved-mover of preconsciousness. This ground-state is consistent with the taoist's "uncarved-block."

"The Chinese word "Pu" is often translated as "the uncarved block," and refers to a state of pure potential which is the primordial condition of the mind before the arising of experience. The Taoist concept of Pu points to perception without prejudice, i.e. beyond dualistic distinctions such as right/wrong, good/bad, black/white, beautiful/ugly. It is a state of mental unity which places the Taoist practitioner into alignment with the Tao." about.com
The illusion of space & time is provided by the reality of psychic energy - the self-

grounded material-mind. Space is the illusion of the vast & diverse spectrum of various energydensities occuring in natural juxtapostion which, as one senses it from some abstract perspective, can make the quickest and lightest energy appear as empty space (or dark matter and energy) in relation to the much more slow and dense. The organic vantage point of phenomenal perspective registers a certain sense of the body-environment immanently conditioned by the body's contingently evolved sense-organs: it is this situation which determines which energy will be too quick to comprehend. The illusion of multiple realities is provided by the default domain of sense signifying the default multi-dimensions of experiencing the cosmos. Experience cannot literally know anymore than itself which always counts for one.

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