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Pharmaceutics Practical 24Week 9: October 24-28 (Oct 25, 26, 27) 2011 Graded: Evaluation of Suspending Agents agents.

Exercise: Compounding of suspension using various suspending agents. Assessing which is the most ideal in formulating/ suspending that preparation. preparation. lab: Practice lab: Compounding of emulsion ______________________________________________________________________________ Topic: Evaluation of Suspending Agents Aim: To assess the suspending agent that is most ideal in compounding a stable preparation for a chosen drug substance. For this lab Chalk is the chosen active ingredient. Formulation: Chalk 5% w/v Suspension 100 ml Ingredients: Chalk powder Suspending Agent of Choice Graded Lab & 1 Emulsion Practice

Suspending Agent 1. Tragacanth 2. Compound Tragacanth 3. Methyl Cellulose 4. Methyl Cellulose 5. Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose

Concentration in Formulation 0.2 % 2% 0.5 % 1% 1%

Method: Prepare 100 ml of suspension containing 5 g of Chalk. Chalk suspension with suspending agent 1.0 Sieve and weight six (6) batches of Chalk powder 5 g 2.0 Perform calculations and weight the required quantity of suspending agents listed in tablet above. 3.0 Compound five (5) batches of chalk suspensions using various suspending agents. Mixing - Make paste in the porcelain mortar & pestle with chalk and suspending agent - Make pourable and transfer to the 100 ml measuring cylinder (may use a funnel to assist). - Make up to volume in the 100 ml cylinder

Control: Chalk suspension with no suspending agent 1.0 Sieve 5 g of chalk powder 2.0 Make a paste with water 3.0 Make pourable and transfer to the 100 ml measuring cylinder 4.0 Make up to volume to 100 ml mark.

Assessing suspendability (stability) of suspensions Suspension stability may be assessed by measurement of the ratio R of the sedimentation layer volume (Vs) to total suspension volume (Vt ) The height of the sediment layer (hs ) is usually measured against the height of the suspension



As the volume of suspension that appears to be occupied by the sediment increases, the value of R increases as well. The value of R ranges from 0 to 1 and may be expressed as a percentage. Interpretation of sedimentation ration Where R = 0.75 This means the total volume in the container occupied by the insoluble powder i.e. the loose, porous flocs is 75 %. As the sedimentation value approached 1 or 100 % this means there is no sediment and insoluble particles are fully suspended.

Taking Measurements 1. Compound the suspensions 2. When taking readings measure the initial height of the suspension at times zero (0) i.e. after compounding and making up to volume, this is known as ho. 3. Stir the suspensions with a long stirring rod to re-suspend all particles. Begin reading initially after stirring and at 15 minute intervals for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Use a ruler to measure the height of the sediment at time t. This is known as hs the height of the sediment layer. Write up 1. Title 2. Introduction/Theory Discuss suspension dosage form, properties, challenges in formulating with aid of Stokes equation, role of suspending agents with suitable examples. State the suspending agents being studied and the active drug being used. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aim Specific Objective(s) Apparatus & Materials Method for preparing suspensions with and without control Table showing calculations for suspending agent used for each formulation Results/Observations Table 1 Suspending agent and sedimentation heights over time Table 2 Suspending agents and sediment ratio over time Graph Sediment ratio over time for each formulation

9. Discussion - Interpretation of results linking to theory and implication based on ideal properties of a pharmaceutical suspension. 10. Limitation (s) 11. Conclusion Select the most suitable formulation with justification of choice

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