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Clean Theme Documentation

Clean Theme is a simple, customizable, minimalistic blog theme for WordPress.

Theme Options Nivo Slider integration Animation Time Play Length Pause on hover Animation Effect Custom Colors Link Color Background Color Border Color Inner Border Color Slides Adding new slides Post Featured Images Short Codes

Theme Options
From the Slides Tab, you can view a list of created slides, see the current order of slides, as well as add new slides.

From the Add New link, you will be able to create new slides. Enter a slide title for future identification. Next in the Image URL meta box click the Insert Image button. The WordPress Thickbox will appear. Upload or find your image then click the Insert into Post button. This will add the image to the slide. Finally, enter your order number under Attributes in the second column; this will be the slides order of rotation. Click the Publish button.

Theme Options
Nivo Slider has a number of customization options. The most important being: Animation Speed: Enter an integer for the number of milliseconds you want each slide to animate for. Play/Pause Time: Enter an integer for the number of milliseconds you want each slide to stay on the page for before animating to the next slide. Pausing Slides on Hover: Enter the Boolean value TRUE or FALSE to pause slides when visitors hover over slides. Animation effects: The type of effect you want slides to use when animating. Theme Colors give your blog a unique personality. Each option is accompanied by a custom color picker. Link Color: This is the color of all link on your website outside of the navigation system. Background Color: This is the main background color no the content background color. Border Color: This is the border color of the main content container.

Inner Border Color: This is the color of the borders within the content section of your theme. This includes but is not limited to the search box, sidebar border and post meta data borders.

This themes shortcodes are as follows: button code alert

The button shortcode uses the following syntax, we will break down each part in turn: [button id=my_id color=your_color href=http://example.com]Button Text[/button] The button shortcode lets you wrap a single line of normal content in a button like style. The id attribute lets you set the HTML id attribute of the buttons element. Its color attribute gives you access to 10 different options, you can set this using color=your_color where your_color is:

1. grey (default) 2. red 3. orange 4. yellow 5. green 6. blue 7. indigo 8. violet 9. white 10. black
The button shortcode also gives you access the the anchor tags HREF attribute. You can set this using href=http://example.com as with a normal link where http://example.com is the link you want to use.

The code shortcode uses the following syntax, we will break down each part in turn: [code style=inline]</a>some code</a>[/code] Many lines of code

[code]<ul> <li></a>some code</a></li> <li></a>some code</a></li> <li></a>some code</a></li> </ul>[/code] When using the code shortcode you will need to enter the HTML view to remove extra lines. The shortcode removes any extra html that WordPress adds. WARNING: The code you write my be escaped HTML so write it first in the Visual Mode and when done remove the white space in the HTML View.

The alert shortcode uses the following syntax, we will break down each part in turn: [alert id=my_id color=red ]Alert Information[/alert] The alert shortcode is used to wrap sections of content in a bordered block. These blocks of content are unfiltered. The id attribute lets you set the HTML id attribute of the alerts element. Its color attribute gives you access to 10 different options, you can set this using color=your_color where your_color is:

11. grey (default) 12. red 13. orange 14. yellow 15. green 16. blue 17. indigo 18. violet 19. white 20. black

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