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Challenges of secularism to muslim country.

O you who believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful. Al Hujurat(49:6) Secularism began since Middle Ages where the effect we can see it today. Secularism not only being practises in Western country but also be a practises in muslim country, such as Turkey for example. This ideologies separated between the religion practises and daily activities, not only for public people but also in country level. The law practise in the muslim country and muslim majority country are the human-made law not the application of the hudud. Why the government choose human-made law rather than Allahs law? The influence of secularism transfer from one side to other side. It start to change the education sector, economic sector, political sector, society culture, and religion practises. In the country level, the political stage being misuse easily because of not practising the shariah. The leader can easily misuse the power for private mission, the corruption spread to every level. The law can easily change due to personal use of the leader, because it is the human-made law. The politic arena start to be so dirty and no honesty where each leader has their own agenda on govern the country. The secularism ideology make the whole muslim country become weak and suppressed. Modern people think that religion only for old man, where the teenagers been taught that life are for enjoying your time for worldly things. No time for religion practises when you are young. The religion only for old people that waiting for the death. The education of religion are the option for parents whether they want their children learn it from kids or not. The practises also became an option to them. Rather you want to do it or just know and do nothing about it. Until it become a situation where among your crowd, practising the religion is embarrassed thing. The ideologies has separated the religion practise from daily activities. The phenomena has promote the teenagers to social problems such as crime, violence, drug abuse, suicide, sex before marriage, abandoned babies and disrespect elders.

In manner aspect, secularism drive the community to be free thinker and hedonist and start not to practise the good manners. In the East country, where the good and soft manner have been practises since long time ago, begin to flush away with the wave of secularism especially in local environment nowadays. The good and soft manner where always be promote with the religion practise start to sheer off from the practise of the local society. We can take the example the youngest nowadays are not respect the elders. We can see in the bus where the young people not giving a seat to the elders who stand in front of them. The secularism also challenge the education system in local school starting from primary until to higher level. The syllabus of education are promoting the development of physical. The religion aspects are option to student, from the practise until it start to effect the believe. The lack of attention to Islam education of religion drive to the apostate issues. The believe to the only Allah has drown away because of the simple thing, the lack of education and practise since kids. Secularism also promote the hedonism and influence the society with the entertainment 24 hour, 7 days non stop where we can see it in television, radio, newspaper, internet and social networking. Until we cant see any space without any of secularism effect in muslim daily life.

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