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The Feasibility of an Online Museum Education Program at MAS

The Museum of Arts and Sciences (MAS) would like the opinions of the educators in the community to assist in creating an interactive website for public and school use. If you could please take a little of your time to answer the survey your answers will be beneficial in evaluating how best to serve the educators, parents, the students, and the community. Thank you, Jeniffer Sams, University of Florida, jenfredsams@ufl.edu

* 1. Research Consent I agree to take part in the 'The Feasibility of an Online Museum Education Program for the MAS' Survey which is research toward creating an online database of information for the MAS for educational purposes for use by the community, teachers, students, and parents. This research is also part of a research process toward a Master of Art Education degree at the University of Florida. There are no benefits to you for participating in the study. I have had the project explained to me, and I have read the information statement about the project which I may keep for my records (This information was included in the Introductory Email you received). I understand that this project will be carried out in accordance with the University of Florida's Code of Research Ethics. I have read, and I understand the information sheet. This information was provided in the introductory email you received.

q Yes q No
* 2. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the project, and they were answered to my satisfaction.

m Yes m No
* 3. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time.

m Yes m No
* 4. Please indicate the level of confidentiality you wish to obtain. Select all which apply to you.

q I give permission to utilize my real name and my school affiliation in connection with any words I have said or written or with any information I have provided. q I request that my real name be used in connection with any information I have provided or comments I have made.
are presented anonymously but permission to contact my school affiliation with my q I request that my commentstitle of my position). comments (but not with the

q I request that all my information remain anonymous. q If other, please specify

* 5. Electronic Signature Please be aware that by typing your name into the box below you are consenting to participate in this survey and your answers will be utilized as part of this research.

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Page 2 - Identifying and Statistical Info (Anonymous Unless Otherwise Stated) * 6. Please note that any information which identifies you personally will be utilized for follow-up purposes ONLY. All answers will remain anonymous unless you specifically stated otherwise in the previous section of this survey. Name Preferred Email What subject(s) do you teach?

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

* 7. What grade level(s) do you currently teach? (Click on all that apply.)

q Kindergarten q 1st q 2nd q 3rd q 4th q 5th q 6th q 7th q 8th q 9th q 10th q 11th q 12th
* 8. How many students are in your class on average?

q 1-7 q 8-15 q 16-22 q 23-29 q If other, please specify

* 9. What is the name of your school and In what city and state is your school located? Name of Your School City, State

____________________________ ____________________________

* 10. How many years have you been an educator?

q 0-5 q 6-10 q 11-15 q 16-20 q 21-25 q 26-30 q If other, please specify

11. What technology is available to you in your classroom? Please check all that apply.

q Computers q Computers with wifi/Internet q Projectors q iPads q iPods q If other, please specify


Page 3 - Field Trip Information * 12. Do you take your students on field trips? Why or Why not?

m Yes m No
Additional Comments

___________________________________ ___________________________________
* 13. How many field trips do you typically plan during a typical school year? (X only one.)

m None m 1-2 m 3-5 m More than 5 m If other, please specify

___________________________________ ___________________________________
* 14. If you do take your students on field trips, where do you take your students for their trips?

q Art Museums/Galleries q Symphony/Music Concert q Planetarium q Aquarium q Government Offices q Parks/National Park q Amusement Park q College/University/Education Association q None of the Above q If other, please specify

___________________________________ ___________________________________
* 15. What challenges, if any do you encounter when attempting to take a field trip?

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

* 16. Is your school provided funding from the State of Georgia for field trips?

m Yes m No
Additional Comments

* 17. Approximately how much is your class budget for field trips for 2011-2012? (Click on only one.)

m Nothing

m $1-100 m $101-$250 m $250-$500 m $501-$1000 m $1001-$1500 m $1500-$3000 m More than $3000

Page 4 - What Features Are Important To You for Online Resources * 18. What type of museum resources have you utilized?

q Lesson Plans q Resources for the Classroom q Multi-media (Images, printouts, films, ect.) q Professional Development q Teacher Exchanges q Visiting the Museum q Planning a Visit Link prior to a Museum Visit q None q If other, please specify

___________________________________ ___________________________________
* 19. What subject areas would be most beneficial in your classroom with regard to lesson plans and education material? Please check all that apply.

q Math q Science q History q Language Arts q Culture q Fine Arts q If other, please specify

* 20. Which features would you like to see on a museum education web-site? (as it pertains to education)

q Lesson Plans q Access to Images of Artwork online and for printing q Art Vocabulary q Teacher Exchange Blog q Professional Development q Webcasts/PodCasts q Lessons linked to Performance Standards q Planning a Visit Information q Scheduling In the Museum Visits Customized for Your Classes q If other, please specify

___________________________________ ___________________________________
* 21. Would you consider utilizing lesson plans and online resources in the classroom even if your class could not physically take a field trip to the museum?

m Yes m No
* 22. How could the Museum of Arts and Sciences (MAS) be of the most helpful in your class and in achieving the Georgia Performance Standards?

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Page 5 - In Closing 23. What other comments and/or suggestions would you like to share to assist in the development of an online curriculum and resource website by the Museum of Arts and Sciences?

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

THANK YOU for your time and participation in this important study

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