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http://www.acadjournal.com/2005/v15/part1/p1/ system of monitoring and control of electric power distribution networks is also called as Distribution Automation (DA) system.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has defined Distribu tion Automation System (DAS) as a system that enables an electric utility to remotely monitor, coordinate an d operate distribution components, in a real-time mode from remote locations [2]. The distribution automation syste m is based on an integrated technology, which involves collecting data and analyzing information to make control decisi ons, implementing the appropriate control decisions in the field, and also verifying that the desired result is achieved [ 3]. The location, from where control decisions are initiated, is generally called Distribution Control Centre (DCC). There are two key software elements Master DA Software and Engineering Analysis Software at the DCC [4],[5]. The mas ter DA software acquires the system data (both static and dynamic) and converts it into an information system. The engine ering analysis software provides the control decision utilizing the system information, available at the DCC. Th e decision making feature of the distribution automation distinguishes it from the normal Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Power Distribution Automation is an emerging field in the area of electrical en gineering.

distribution automation are: reduced technical and commercial losses, improved c ash flow, \ lower electric service restoration time, reduction in equipment damage, better availability of system information, improved operational planning, remote load control and shedding, and enhanced po wer quality and reliability [6]. The functions that can be automated in distribution systems can be classified in to two categories, namely, monitoring functions and control functions

The data monitored at the system level are not only useful for day-to-day opera tions but also for system planning. Distribution supervisory control and data acquisition (DSCADA) systems perform s ome of these monitoring functions. The control functions are related to switching operations, such as switching a c apacitor, or reconfiguring feeders. The function that is the most popular among the utilities is fault location and service restoration or outage management. This function directly impacts the customers as well as the system reliability.

Power system communication protocol to achieve interoperability Communication system to make it commercially viable Switchgears and transformers to make them self intelligent through IEDs

Intelligent Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) Intelligent instrumentation system Power system algorithm to provide quick and accurate control decision SCADA vs DCS.....(Andrew) http://members.iinet.net.au/~ianw/archive/x4371.htm.....

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