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Axia College Material

Appendix 7 Eastern Religion Elements Matrix (Once again it is advised that you use your textbook for the answers)
Hinduism Country of origin.
List just one country where the religion had its earliest beginnings. Be sure you list a country and not a city.








Historical People and events

List one founder or important historical person associated with the religion and one significant historical event that took place Be sure to describe them and give dates

Ramakrishna (18361886) was a devotee of the Divine Mother in the form of Kali. He fed a cat some food that was meant to be a temple offering of the Divine Mother and also placed his spiritual bride Sarada Devi, in the chair reserved for the diety, honoring her as

Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was not God or a god. The event that took place is when he attained full Enlightenment through meditation and showed the path of spiritual awakening and freedom.

Kong fuzi (Master Kong) also known as Confucius, developed his teaching call Juchiao. After the death of Confuscious in 479 BCE, interstate warfare increased and Confucianism was replaced by laws and state control. Reunification of China

Laozi, a curator of the royal library of the Zhou dynasty wrote the Daode jing before leaving society for the mountains at the age of 160. It is reported this took place approximately 350 BCE.

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the Great Goddess. The pure devotion and universal spiritual wisdom Ramakrishna embodied inspired what is now known as the Ramakrishna Movement or the Vedanta Society. One major belief
List one belief that distinguishes this religion from the others. Hint: Don't pick something that all four believe exactly the same. Turn to Fisher for your answers to this.

during the Qin and Han dynasties revived the virtues Confucianism. This lasted until the twentieth century.

Samkhya is the belief there are two states of reality. One is Purusha, the Self, which is eternally wise, pure, and free, beyond changer, beyond cause. The other is Prakriti, the cause of the material universe.

One belief of Buddhism is the belief that salvations and enlightenment are available to all through removal of defilements and delusion and a life of meditation. Buddha means one who is aware.

One belief in Confucian is the goodness of human nature and the virtue of yi, or righteous conduct.

The teachings of Daoist philosophy is a practical concern with improving harmony in life. It says that one can best harmonize with the natural flow of life by being receptive and quiet.

Sacred Writings
List at least one major sacred text that is used by this religion Don't list a quote, but the name of the Book.

The Vedas includes hymns praising the cow, which is still beloved and treated as sacred by Hindus.

The Lotus Sutra, is a compilation of parables, verses and descriptions of innumerable forms of beings who support the teachings of the Buddha.

The Yijing (I Ching) or Book of Changes.

The Daode Jing (Tao-te Ching, The Classic of the Way and the Power). It is second only to the Bible in the number of Western translations.

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Ritual and practice

List at least one ritual practice or ceremony that is important to this religion. Describe what it means to the believer. Do not list beliefs here, but ritual practices

The first food ceremony is extremely meaningful in Sanatana Dharma. The paternal grandfather or the mothers sisters offers the child its first solid food.

A popular ritual in northern Thailand is a network of threads attached to a large statue of the Buddha used in special ceremonies to conduct his spiritual power to the sangha, to holy water or amulets, or to new images to ne consecrated.

Rulers perform classical rites and music properly so that they can remain of visibly high moral character and inspire the common people to be virtuous.

The Daoist service for the dead begins with a mandate to the major gods to attend the event. Daoist priests perform a ritual drama of descending to the underworld to deliver a writ of pardon forgiving the person of sins and delivering him or her from punishment.

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