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rape is never okay

it is interesting how after staying up all night reading about honor killings and shariah norms of controlled "legal" sex with slaves and the lifetime of irrevocable consent guaranteed by marriage---and the crime of fornication and homosexuality--the zina how the honor killing culture spoken of by racists and antiracists hides the ways western culture has codified into law very similar notions of the woman's body as property, real estate, chattel--and that these laws under-ride the US jurisdictions reluctance to amend the archaic and barbaric notion that one consensual act guarantees ongoing consent. the anti-islam accusatory western male violence towards women is not seen as a culturally specific sickness even though it is---as a media and government and propaganda induced brainwash of power and entitlement. the rideout case in oregon was among the first modern successful challenges, although women had been suing for their sexual autonomy for centuries---faced with the prospect of courts accustomed to treating their bodies as property. i found that the islamophobic outrage and accusation employed by western accusation against islam, was a tragic cover for the very recent, modern and ongoing barbarities against women in the pompous "1st world." where clearly the stoning of a woman for being raped is morally offensive. women on all sides of the planet need safety and full human rights. but name calling her and death threatening her if she reports rape is okay and normal in england. the implication being her pink sweater=consent. or previous consent=future consent. that is where michelle j. anderson/s work astounds me. formative work: showing the english common law norms and disparate jurisdictions in the USA that give spouse-rapists and beaters preference before the law. i wrote my sister and said "don't get married" this is unbelievable: the law protects your husband if he goes rapey. in almost half the USA jurisdictions the residua of sexist husband/rapist protecting laws remain. everybody acts law-illiterate and blames islam. in korea the family integrity is more important than the woman's body or happiness. similar ireland. dear old sweden was first to outlaw marital rape in recent modern history among the nordic states. but the state was still coercively and racistly enforcing eugenics until 1976.

punished before the law are the women raped by former boyfriends the reason article is good---but not as complicated as anderson's work on marital rape and consent theory. Anderson.maritalrape

christine vohberger writes:

Dear Mary,

as a reader of your blog, WikiLeaks supporter and also women's rights supporter I'd like to write to you, I hope you don't mind. You quoted Jessica Valents article in the Washington post. I think you should read this article by Cathy Young which shows that Valenti also omitted facts. http://reason.com/archives/2010/12/22/julian-assange-feminism-and-ra I also enclose a pdf about the Maryland case. best regards

i reply: i appreciate so much your kindness---http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm? per_id=285700 the marital rape one is especially impt.http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm? abstract_id=439504see the work of michelle j. anderson on consent theory, the force requirement, marital rape---i did not mean to imply that valenti's op was authoritative---but i do believe it offerred some light into problems of law which hurt rape victims in the USA. there are many in sweden as well.goran rudling of samtycke.nu has been extremely helpful with that. i have been let down that wikileaks doesnt take her work to heart.better sourcing would help them now. thank you so much for reading my blog--other projects in a somewhat chaotic state arehttp://hijabniqab.blogspot.com/http:// rapeisneverokay.blogspot.com/ i appreciate any insights you could send to me as well i appreciate anything you send---especially so politely.bless---mary engi put the doc on my scribd----thank you here is what she sent me, about my sexist country. the reason the laws are sexist, is that they are made by male bodies which exclude female representation. no taxation without representation. women need to rise up from male controlled government and laws--and become a part of bringing down the war machine and the pepper spray economies of control. a revival of the Equal Right Amendment and rape is never okay (Rape) MAOULOUD BABY v. STATE OF MARYLAND

mary rose lenore eng 5 april 2012 @braingarbage

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