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The present syllabus is designed to support a skills-oriented,
activity-based approach to the teaching of English. This descriptive
label implies that :
i. The emphasis is on the development of language skills and
not on the content of the prescribed texts ;
ii. These skills are developed through the student's active
participation in different classroom activities, rather than
through lectures.
Conventionally, the English syllabus has been little more
than a list of prescribed texts. The examination earlier tested mainly
the student's mastery of the "content" of these texts. The new
syllabus, on the other hand, is based on an assessment of the
language skills which students should be expected to acquire.
The textbooks are used as aids in the development of language
skil ls. The syllabus also includes two workbooks which are
designed to provide additional practice and intended to be "worked
through" in the classroom.
The Scheme of Evaluation, at the end of the syllabus,
specifies the allocation of marks for each skill, which is an index of
its relative importance. Teachers are advised to follow this scheme
in the choice of classroom activity as well as the allocation of
classroom time. (It should be noted, for instance, that the texts
prescribed for detailed as well as "non-detailed" study have been
allotted only 40 marks out of total 200 and that questions based on
unseen texts carry exactly the same quantum of marks as those
based on the prose texts prescribed for detailed study). It would be
inappropriate, therefore, to devote the bulk of classroom time to
the detailed exposition of prescribed texts, as has been the common
Before we discuss the teaching of individual skills, some
general principles need to be established
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1. The inter-dependence of language skills
Although the language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading
and Writing) are tested separatedly in examinations, they are
closely interrelated in real life. For example, when we sit down to
read a book, the activity of reading may have been preceded by
an activity involving Listening and Speaking (e.g., producing a
review of a book that one has read, for publication in a magazine).
This natural principle of the interdependence of the language skills
should be utilized in planning classroom activity. It is desirable to
link up (for example a Reading activity to a preliminary Speaking
activity in the form of an oral discussion), and to have a follow-up
activity involving Writing. (All these activities would have a common
2. Interactivity Language Learning
While it is possible to use language in isolation from other
human beings (for example, one's personal diary), as a general rule
we use language to interact with others. Language is naturally linked
to interaction. It has been found that language learning becomes
more purposeful and effective when learners are allowed to interact
with each other in the classroom.
Traditionally, interaction in the English classroom is restricted
to "one-way" communication between the teacher and the students
(in the lecture mode). However, the approach to language teaching
adopted in the new syllabus envisages a lot of pupil interaction, in
addition to teacher-pupil interaction.
3. Group activity
Usually, language activity by Pupils in the classroom (e.g.,
giving an answer to a question asked by the teacher to writing an
essay on an assigned topic) is done individually, but experience
shows that such activity, is in many cases, more beneficial when
carried out in small groups (of 4-8 learners) The activity designed
by the teacher should require students to interact, in the first place,
with other members of the same-group and subsequently, with other
groups. When students are communicating with other members of
the same group, they are less inhibited and are able to express
themselves freely; but when participation involves "whole -class
discussion" with other groups, they are more careful in monitoring
their own use of English.
The organisation of activity in groups is also a means or
overcoming the problems posed by large classes. It must be
admitted that ideal conditions for group activity do not exist in most
classroom, but if teachers are willing to experiment and innovate,
in collaboration with their students, the handicaps can be overcome.
Students, we can reasonably expect, will co-operate with the teacher
if they are able to perceive tangible gains in language ability through
active participation in classroom activity. The present indifference
on the part of students may largely be caused by the expectation
that no learning will take place in the .'general" classroom"
A. The Comprehension of Prose Texts (prescribed as well
as "unseen")
The reading of prose texts enables students to develop the skill
of Reading Comprehension, which serves as foundation for several
other skills-notably, Vocabulary skills, Study and Reference Skills
(including Note Making and Dictionary Reference) and Summarizing
(all of which expand and enrich their linguistic resources. Reading also
provides a platform for Writing activity as well as Speaking and Listening
(in the form of Group Discussion, etc.) It is appropriate, therefore, to
treat the "reading lesson" as the most important part of language learning
at the Higher Secondary level.
Students have to be trained to read and understand any prose
text and not just the pieces which are taught in class. This can be
achieved through guided practice in the independent reading of texts.
1. Pre-reading activity
a. Activating background knowledge
The reading of a text involves a process of interaction between
the readers background (of the text) and the "new" information being
presented through the text. Hence, students have to be prepared
for reading by activating their background knowledge, through a
review and discussion of the information which they already possess,
either through personal experience or through previous reading (in
English or in their first language).
The use of the mother-tongue
Since "pre-reading" is only a preparation for reading, it may
be carried out-if necessary-in the mother-tongue. Teachers should
be very clear about the situations in which the mother-tongue may
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or may not be used. If the objective is to provide practice in reading
or writing in English, then the 'main' activity (of reading or writing)
must be carried out in English. Any preparatory activity which leads
to the main activity (e.g., the oral discussion of a story which the
students have already read) should also be preferably conducted in
English. (The greater the amount of practice in English, the better
the chances of learning the language). But if students are unable to
carry out a discussion in English and the choice is between
discussion in the mother-tongue or no discussion at all, then clearly
the mother tongue must be resorted to. Students should be taken
into confidence and the rationale for using English, vis-a-vis the
mother tongue, should be explained to them. In general, students
should be treated as active collaborators in the learning process
rather than mere "receptacles".
The teacher should simulate the initial discussion through
probing questions and "hints". One thing that the teacher must never
do, however, is to tell students, in advance, what the text contains
thereby destroying the motivation to discover what the text is about.
a. Predicting the content of the text.
It becomes possible to read and understand a new text
because, to some extent, we know what to expect from it. Our
understanding is guided by the framework of expectation that we
bring to the text.
The skill of prediction or being able to guess in advance what
the writer is likely to tell the reader is central to reading, and the
pre- reading activity should help students to develop this skill.
b. Providing a purpose for reading: the use of focusing
question ("advance organizers")
As part of pre-reading activity, it is helpful to give students -
in advance one or more "focusing questions", the answers to which
he / she is asked to find out by reading the text. Such questions
are sometimes called "advance organizers" as they help to organize
the activity of reading by providing a sense of purpose to the reader.
(Instead of reading at random, the reader is now specifically
searching for information which he/she needs.)
The pre-reading Activity introduced in the textbooks (Invitation
to English, 1 and 2) includes several examples of "focusing
questions" (It was not possible to do this for all the passages as
not all texts lend themselves to such questions)
c. Removing "obstacles" to reading
For a learner, the activity of reading an unfamiliar text is like
taking part in an obstacle-race, in which different obstacles have
to be overcome before the runner can reach the finish. The obstacles
are mostly linguistic. There may be too many unfamiliar and difficult
words, which cause the 'runner' to stumble. There may also be long
and invol ved sentences which the learner has di ff iculty in
Other obstacles may be "extra-Iinguistic" : they may be
caused, for example, by lack of familiarity with the culture that is
being presented though the text or, the ideas being discussed in
the text may be too complex for the student to grasp.
When there are too many such obstacles in a text, the reader
will give up the attempt to read. Hence, it may become necessary
for the teacher to help the student by removing some of the obstacles
during pre-reading. (As a rule, the teacher should not make things
so easy for the student that there is no challenge left.)
The teacher's "help" can take the following forms :
i. Glossing of difficult words :
A well-designed "Reader" (textbook) generally provides a
glossary for difficult words occurring in the text. Usually, the glossary
comes after the text, but in Invitation to English, the Glossary has
deliberately been placed before the text. It is intended that the reader
will study the glosses before reading the texts, so that he/she has
some idea (in advance) of what to expect. (If necessary .the reader
can go back to the gloss when the work is actually encountered in
the text) The teacher should guide the students through the glossary
as a part of the Pre-reading Activity, providing additional help if
necessary. 'Generally, it is not advisable to provide mother-tongue
equivalents for difficult words, as they can be misleading. They
also give rise to habits of "linguistic laziness" in students, who
should always be encouraged to "grapple" with language.
ii. Providing help with difficult syntax
A passage may contain sentences which are difficult to
understand because of the complicated syntax. In such cases, the
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teacher can help by analyzing the sentence to show exactly how it
has been constructed. Occasionally, a little teaching of grammar
may become necessary during pre-reading.
iii. Providing cultural information
When cultural elements in the text create difficulties for the
reader, the teacher should provide the necessary background
iv. Reading the text
When the pre-reading activity has been completed, the teacher
should direct students to read the passage individually silently and
at an acceptable speed (of at least 200 words a minute). Starting
them off with a focusing question ("Look for the answer to this
question in the text") is a helpful practice.
For most students, independent reading will be an unfamiliar
activity, and the teacher may first have to "iron out" a number of
bad habits which hinder effective reading. Many students have a
tendency to "vocalize" (i.e. to read out the text aloud) or to "sub-
vocalize" (to move the lips as if reading aloud, without producing
audible sounds). Others may tend to move finger across the page
as a "pointer" while reading. All these habits slow down the speed
of reading. Below a minimum "threshold" speed, reading is not
effective as the reader is not able to integrate the different bits of
information which are being picked up through the words.
To improve reading speeds, the teacher should provide "timed"
reading exercises occasionally. Here the number of words in a
passage is counted in advance and the teacher asks students to
record the time taken by them to reach the end of the passage,
while reading at acceptable levels of understanding.
How large a portion of the text can the student be expected
to process (read and understand) at one "sitting"? If the amount of
text being processed is too little, it will not be meaningful; but if it is
too much, it will impose a "memory overload on the reader.
The paragraph serves as a convenient unit of meaning. In
most cases, however, a text can be divided into logical "chunks"
consisting of a number of paragraphs, which are linked to each
other by meaning. The teacher should divide the text into such
chunks and ask students to read one chunk at a time. (Invitation to
English attempts to do this, but the divisions therein are not intended
to be rigid.)
Global and Local Comprehension
A novice reader tends to focus on the individual details of
the text and loses sight of the total, over-all meaning. But the skilled
reader constructs a "global" (over-all) image of the text, focusing
on the main idea or ideas and filtering out the small details. This
usually happens during the first reading of the text, which is
performed (or should be performed) at a fairly rapid pace. The reader
goes through the text more than once if he/she feels that it is
important enough to deserve a second or third reading, and it is
during subsequent readings that the details are picket up. In the
classroom, students should be trained to undertake repeated
readings of texts intended for "intensive" or "detailed" study (The
searching for new Information each time), whiles the texts intended
for "non-detailed" study should (ideally) require just one reading.
Different reading skills are involved in "detailed" and "non-detailed"
reading, but unfortunately these differences get blurred in the
classroom since all prescribed texts, whether "detailed" or "non-
detailed", are taught and examined in the same way at present.
Some of the "sub-skills" of reading in which practice should be
provided are :
i. Skimming: Reading through a text at high speed in order to
form an over-all impression of it, without focusing on details.
ii. Skipping: being able to judge which parts of a text are
redundant (unnecessary) and can, therefore, be "skipped
over" without losing the thread of the main idea.
iv. "Post-reading" activity
When the text has been read through, the usual practice is
for the teacheres as to lead students through the "comprehension
exercises" appended to the passage. Often, this activity Is reduced
to a test of comprehension: the teacher reads out the questions,
students attempt to answer them and the teacher informs the
students if their answers are correct or incorrect. However, the aim
of post -reading activity should be to aid the development of the
skills of comprehension, and not merely to test them. Each activity
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can and should be turned into a lively discussion or a competition
between groups. Students should be asked to justify each answer
that they provide, quoting the relevant portion of the text as
supporting evidence.
Students need to develop comprehension at three different
i. The literal or Factual level information which is clearly and
explicitly "stated" in the text is retrieved.
ii. The inferential level Information which is implied but not
explicitly stated is "inferred"
iii. The evaluative level The reader responds to the writer's
tone and attitude and evaluates the
truth and the value of the information
converyed to the reader, responding
to the aesthetic qualities of the text.
In addition to comprehension, post-reading activity can
include exercises intended to help :
i. Vocabulary skills
ii. Dictionary / reference skills
iii. Note-making
iv. Information transfer (verbal to non-verbal forms)
v. Summarizing
vi. Writing skills
vii. Grammar
All these can be taught without reference to any text, but by
relating them to a text that students have already read and
understood makes the activities become more meaningful. We shall
discuss the teaching of these skills separately.
B. Vocabulary Skills
With the increasing use of English in different spheres of
activity and the development of new branches of knowledge (such
as information Technology) the vocabulary needs of students have
increased rapidly. Learners should not only have a large stock of
words (available for use but to be able to "update" this stock as
new words) come into use. The learner has to be introduced to
certain learning techniques which can enable him/her to keep on
adding new words to the stock.
The vocabulary skills required by students at the Higher
Secondary level include :
i. The ability to quess the meanings of unfamiliar words from
the context.
ii. The ability to relate words to each other by meaning (word-
families, synonyms and antonyms) as well by form (derivaties,
compounds, etc.)
iii. The ability to use a Learner's Dictionary efficiently and retrieve
from it the different kinds of information available, for the
correct and effective use of words in speech and writing.
Since the learning of vocabulary is intimately related to the use
of the dictionary, we shall deal next with Dictionary / Reference skills.
C. Dictionary / Reference Skills
Students should be trained to consult and use Learners'
Dictionaries and be able to retrieve the different kinds of lexical,
semantic, syntactic and stylistic information that such a dictionary
provides. In particular, they should be able to :
i. Locate words qui ckl y i n t he di cti onary, usi ng
alphabetical sequencing, word indices, etc.
ii. Locate syllable divisions in words, following the
dictionary entries.
iii. Locate primary stresses in words
iv. Identify the "part of speech" (noun, verb etc.) as well
as the subcategory (transitive verb, countable noun,
etc.) to which a word belongs.
v. Distinguish between the different shades of meaning
that words carry and be able to identify which particular
meaning of a word (indicated by the dictionary) applies
to an example occurring in speech or writing.
vi. Distinguish between formal and informal, as well as
"approving" and "disapproving" or "taboo" uses of words.
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vii. Identify usage errors, following information provided in
the dictionary.
By the end of the Higher Secondary course, learners will be expected
to acquire the language skills specified below :
Learners should be able to
1. read authentic expository, argumentative and narrative texts,
demonst rat i ng f act ual , i nf erent i al and eval uat i ve
2. recognise the structure and organisation of a text-that is,
how a text lends itself to division into logical or rhetorical
"chunks" and how these chunks are related to the another
and contribute to the meaning of the whole text.
3. identify the main points and the subordinate points in the
text and the logical and rhetorical relationships between them.
4. identify the cohesive devices employed to establish links
between different parts of the text.
5. guess the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items using contextual
6. consult a dictionary to obtain information on the meaning
and use of lexical items used in texts.
7. convert the verbal information contained in a text into non-
verbal representations and vice versa.
Students should be able to
1. express themselves in clear and grammatical English, using
appropriate punctuation and cohesive devices.
2. write in a style appropriate to a given communicative purpose
3. plan, organise and present ideas coherently in paragraph form
4. describe objects, people and places, habits and customs,
processes and events.
5. identify and establish logical relationships: cause-effect,
problem-solution, comparison/contrast; identify and describe
a trend, etc.
6. compose essays expressing personal views and opinions on
social/cultural/economic/political issues of topical interest;
expressing a personal response to an event or experience
(e.g., a cricket match, a book, film, television programme,
7. write formal and informal letters for various social and
"business" purpose: applying for a job or admission to a
course, making and responding to inquiries, placing orders
for goods and services, registering complaints, extending
invitations, seeking permission, etc.
8. prepare reports: news-items. events, experiments, messages,
etc.; reports of meetings; business reports, etc.
9. produce notes from articles and books.
10. prepare summaries and abstracts of different types of texts.
11. convert information from one text-type to another e.g. a diary
entry into a letter, an advertisement into a report, a telegram
into a letter, etc.
12. convert information from diagrammatic to verbal form.
13. compose telegrams, notices, slogans, head-lines, etc. in
appropriate language.
Students should be able to
1. listen to and comprehend talks, oral presentations, reports,
etc., identifying the topic and main points.
2. listen to and understand instructions, advice, requests,
warning, etc.
3. understand and interpret natural spoken discourse in real life
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4. retrieve the information required for a specific purpose from
broadcasts, commentaries, announcements, talks, etc.
5. identify cohesive devices, keywords, etc.
Students should be able to
1. take part in spontaneous conversation on familiar topics in
real life situations.
2. respond to queries, requests, warnings, advice, instructions,
3. present oral reports on incidents, events, processes, planned
activities, etc.
4. take part in group discussions, showing the ability to take
turns using language appropriate for different communicative
5. narrate familiar events and incidents and express personal
feelings and attitudes.
Although learners are exposed to a great deal of grammar at
school , t he exposure i s most l y t o i sol at ed and
uncontextualised grammatical forms. Students get little
practi ce i n usi ng grammar f or genui ne purposes of
communication and are therefore unable to communicate
spontaneously and effectively in real life situations.
At the Higher Secondary level, grammatical items should be
presented in authentic contexts of communication. Learners
should also be exposed to the pragmatic functions associated
with different grammatical forms.
The areas of grammar to be covered are the following :
i. Countable and uncountable nouns
ii. Tense, Patterns
iii. Imperatives
iv. Modal verbs
v. Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
vi. Verb patterns
vii. The passive
viii. Conditionals
ix. The Direct and reported speech
x. Interrogatives
Since translation is recognised as a useful device for second
language learning, apart from being an important skill in its
own right, the examination will include a question requiring
translation from an Indian language to English. However,
translation, like grammar, should be taught and tested in
meaningful contexts and not through isolated sentences.
1. For intensive Reading (details study) : a "reader", which will
be an anthology of prose texts and poems, together with
exercises and suggestions for classroom activity designed
to foster the skills of comprehension, vocabulary development
and use, study-skills such as note making and the skills
required for effective use of a dictionary etc.
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Iii . Tree
Iv . Rubai
2 . For Extensive Reading ( non- detailed study): a collection of short
stories, short plays, excerpts from biographies autobiographies,
etc. has been prescribed. These texts are to be read primarily
for enjoyment and should not be taught in the same manner as
the pieces in the intensive Reader, where the detailed study of
texts will be expected.
Book Prescribed:
Invitation to English -2(Stories, Plays and Biographies)
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Text Book Preparation and
Production, Bhubaneswar
Pieces to be studies in the Ist year
1. A Fishy Story
2. A Hero
3. The Submerged Valley
4. The King Who Limped
5. Lal Bahadur Shastri : Morning Shows the Day
6. Balraj Sahni: The Man behind the Star
Pieces to be studied in the 2nd Year
1. First Day
2. A Day with Magumaster
3. The Kite Maker
4. The Never Never Nest
5. Reaching for the Stars
6 Biju Patnaik : The Sky is the Limit
3. A work-book on Writing, designed to provide practice in different
forms of writing and to promote the different skills of writing is
specified in the syllabus.
Book prescribed:
Invitation of English - 1 ( Prose and Poetry)
Published by Orissa Sate Bureau of Text Book Preparation and
Production, Bhubaneswar.
Five prose pieces and four poems are to be studied in 1st

year and the
same number of prose pieces and poems are to be taught during the
2nd year.
Pieces to be studied in the 1
A . Prose:
1. The Long Distance Runner
ii. On the Road to Jaipur
iii. The Ramayana on Television
iv. The Pied Piper of Delhi
v . The Gotipua Dance of Orissa
b. Poems :
i . Little Jonnys Final Letter
ii . The Stockdoves
iii . Cock Fight
iv . The Eagle and the Beetle.
Pieces to be studied in the 2
A . prose:
I . Can we Stay Young?
ii . The People that Time Forgot
iii . Growing Ozone Hole
iv . The landlady
v . Feeding Indias Millions
ib . Poems :
I . Waterpot
Ii . Lord Ullins Daughter
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iv) Prepositions and Phrasal verbs
v) The Imperatives
vi) Interrogatives
vii) Translation
Units to be studied in the 2nd year
i) Revision of Tense Patterns and Modal verbs
ii) Verb patterns
iii) The Passive
iv) Conditionals
v) Direct and Reported Speech
There will be a college examination in English at the end of
the first year. This will be English Paper I carrying 100 marks. The
final examination, to be conducted by the CHSE at the end of the
Second year of the course, will consist of one written paper designed
to test the skills of reading and writing as well as the ability to use
grammar in context.
Paper -I (To be evaluated at the College Level)
1. Reading Comprehension
a) Prescribed Prose Pieces (5 questions to be
answered including inferential ones, each
carrying 2 marks) 10 marks
b) Prescribed Poems (5 questions to be
answered including inferential ones,
each carrying 2 marks) 10 marks
c) Prescribed Extensive Reading Texts
(2 questions to be answered carrying 5 marks
each; only global, inferential and evaluative
questions to be set) 10 marks
Book Prescribed:
Invitation to English - 3 (Steps to Writing)
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production, Bhubaneswar.
Pieces to be studied in the 1st Year
1. Writing a Paragraph
2. Developing Ideas into Paragraphs
3. Writing Personal Letters and Notes
4. Writing Applications, Official Letters and Business letters
5. Writing Telegrams, E-mails, Personal Advertisements and
Short Notices
6. Using Graphics
7. Developing a Story
Pieces to be studied in the 2
8. Interpreting Graph, Charts Tables and diagrams etc
9. Reporting Events and Business Matters
10. Note making and summarizing
11. Extended Writing:
4. A work book of Grammar, designed to provide practice in the
use of selected grammatical items, in meaningful contexts
Book Prescribed:
Invitation to English - 4 (Grammar in Context and Translation)
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation and
Production, Bhubaneswar.
Units to be studied in the 1st Year
i) Countable and Uncountable Nouns
ii) Tense Patterns
iii) Modal Verbs
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d) Unseen Prose passage 10 marks
(5 questions including inferential ones,
carrying 2 marks each)
2. Reading- related skills
a) Vocabulary skills (to be tested on the
unseen passage) 5 marks
b) Information transfer (70 words) 5 marks
(Converting non-verbal information into verbal form)
c) Dictionary/Reference skills 5 marks
3. Writing skills
a) Report writing (200 words) 10 marks
b) Guided Note -making on a given passage 7 marks
c) Summarizing on the same passage 8 marks
d) Essay writing (250 words - on given outlines) 10 marks
4. Grammar in context. 10 marks
Total : 100 Marks

2. Reading - related skills

a) Vocabulary skills. 5 marks
b) Information Transfer 5 marks
(Converting verbal information to non-verbal
forms, such as diagrams, charts and tables)
c) Reordering/sequencing sentences 5 marks
d) Dictionary/Reference skills 5 marks
(2 marks on the order of words in a dictionary,
and 3 marks meanings of a word)
e) Cohesive Devices 5 marks
3. Writing skills
a) Letter Writing (personal/official/commercial:
Word limit: 150) 10 marks
b) Description of object/event/process
(Word limit: 150) 10 marks
c) Slogan/telegram/caption writing (Word limit: 10) 5 marks
3. Grammar In context 10 marks
4. Translation/story-developing. 10 marks
Total : 100 marks
Paper- II (To be evaluated by CHSE Orissa)
1. Reading Comprehension
a) Prescribed prose Pieces 10 marks
(5 questions including inferential ones,
carrying 2 marks each)
b) Prescribed Poems 10 marks
(5 questions including inferential ones,
carrying 2 marks each)
c) Prescribed Extensive Reading Texts 10 marks
(2 questions to be answered carrying 5 marks
each, only global, inferential and evaluative
questions to be set on a passage of about 250 words)
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c_ a - oa-.c -- (-x=:)
-.-.c - (x=r)
<-.--.c -- (-x=:)
(-) oa-. - ..c a.ccc- c-icc..- c-.a - (o|e+
o|o+o oo oco c o o|c |, o cco) ( o o o )
() -.- - -o-. - c.J.-.a c.o - aJ.c. (o|e+ o|o+ooo
oco c oo|c |, occo) ( ooo)
(aa.c -ic.a.c-c -c-ci ao)
(c) <-.--. c. <-.--. J.c. - (o|e+ o|o+ooo oco c
oo|c |, occo) ( ooo)
. |o| - co|o|o ce|o|o (
. | eoc - oc|oo oo (
+. ac| - io| oac eooc (
23 22
Arts Stream Arts Stream
a|uo o|ocio o|a|
(|uc|noo) ca|
cio a : oo| cc ci
o u+| - .o - - c .
ooo u+| : |@|eo (|ao r ooo)
cio ao |ao ooio| o|o cn|e ncc ooc a|c+o(
oan <oo :
ac|u ooioc ( ooo) ( x = )
a.c- . - c a.-..- - - o - cc.- < a- c
a c-( c - c_ a a.o- + ac- ac o c c-.-
ao+| o|o o|o+o : o|co|oo ca| o|a| (+c. c.~ a.c
aa- aco- + a-.- ., c-c-c)
cio <oo : e|no u oo| ( ooo)
(o) |oco ei c eoc oc cn|oo oe oo| ()
-cc.- --J .. a.J.c a- ac- . cac cc.--c
o c o .cc co-.- c-(
(u) ocu c ou|o u ()
-q c -.c ~ - a + -.-.a -.c c.a .c c- a
ac-,cc.--c o c c-.- c- .
ao+| o|o o|o+o : o|co|oo ca| o|a| (+c. c.~ a.c aa-
aco- + a-.- ., c-c-c)
ccio <oo : +|e|oo +|ooc ( ooo)
(-) a -cac - acc c-c.- -.- a.o- . cac -.ccc.-
a- cc.- -c.o.ca- . ao...c- c cc.- cc-
-c& -. -c&c -cac -cc- . ()
() c. : acc .cc.- c. ac- . ao...c- cac -.ccc.-
c.- -.-cc aco.c -cc- . ()
(c) -.-ac- - - acc -.ccc.- -.- a.o- . acic.ai..c-
cac c-c ac- - -c coc- . c- - ~--, ~-- -
co'c- <- co'c-- c- -. ~-- - c- .
( x = )
(c) c . c.J- - () - a cc ~cc.- c .(a)a a.o - .
acic.ai..c- cac -c ca coc- . ()
() -aci aa c-.J- - acc ~cc.- a.o- .
acic.aicc cac - c -aci aac-.J- coc- .
o|o+o : oco|oo ca| o|a| (cc| o|e+ o|o+ ooo oco c
oo|c |, occo)
oca <oo : . ao- ( ooo) -
c + a . - (-) -.a cJ.c. + aJ.c. a.caa-c
- -.- c + ac - co.< ic a ac - cac acic.ai-
cc.-< -c o c co-.- c- . o c cc- .cc c-.
o- . (+)
() - . cc a c,a + c. a a-c o a.c a u ..--
r- co. < c _ a ac - . aci c.a i a c- - c.cc -
25 24
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Time : 3 Hours Full Mark : 100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks. The duration of
Examinations will be three hours.
1. Multiple Choice (from Unit-I, II & III) 1x10=10 Marks
2. One word answer (-do-) 1x10=10 Marks
3. Correct the Sentences (-do-) 1x5=5 Marks
4. Fill up the Blanks (from Unit-I, II & III) 1x5=5 Marks
5. Write notes on any five (From Unit-I, II & III) 3x5=15 Marks
(Answer in Two to Three Sentences)
6. Explain only (From unit I & II) 5x3=15 Marks
(Only Bhavarth)
7. Four Long questions (From Unit-I, II & IV)
(Eight questions to be asked) 10x4=40 Marks
Total = 100 Marks
-||=| -||| |||r| |||||| I..... | ||-|| )-| ||=-|
c| )-||||| |-||
Unit -I (||) 18 Classes
|--|| (All)
Unit -II (|||) 18 Classes
|--|| (All)
co.< a c o c cc- .
a- - x =
--. - x =
c. - x =
(o) oe : o+u|o| (o|e+ o|o+ ooo oco c oo|c |,
occo) ( ooo)
() .c a.. ~i--- cc.- - .
() a.-i- -cc - + c--o. - -.Jc -..
(-) --. a. .- .
(u) oc| - o+u|o| (cc| o|e+ o|o+ ooo oco c oo|c
|, occo) ( acoc)
() <c -ca. cc c..c - ~c-.a .
() c.. ~i-- ac -c- aca.o- ci.cc.c
(-) a..o - cu.Jc c.cc
() -c. a - c-
(o) oe <o|wo| u|o| - (cc| o|e+ o|o+ ooo oco c oo|c
|, occo) ( acoc)
() o|oo - e|c o|
() oao| - auo cn|e o|oo
(+) oen co| occ| - c|e on|o a|o|+ (

27 26
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit -III (-||-|| ~|||-|) 18 Classes
|--|| (All)
Unit -IV (|-||-|) 18 Classes
|-|||-|||| ||-||
Time : 3 Hours Full Mark : 100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks. The duration of
Examinations will be three hours.
1. Multiple Choice (from unit-I, II & III) 1x10=10 Marks
2. One word answer (-do-) 1x10=10 Marks
3. Correct the Sentences (-do-) 1x5=5 Marks
4. Fill up the Blanks (from Unit-I,II & III) 1x5=5 Marks
5. Write notes on any five (From Unit-I, II & III) 3x5=15 Marks
(Answer in Two to three Sentences)
6. Explain only (From Unit - I & II) 3x5=15 Marks
(Only Bhavarth)
7. Four Long questions (From All units)
(Eight questions to be asked) 10x4=40 Marks
Total = 100 Marks
-||=| -||| |||r| |||||| (II) | c| -||-||-| -|||r|
c| |-|-||-|| |-||-||
Unit -I (|-|) 18 Classes
|--|| (All)
Unit -II (|||) 18 Classes
|--|| (All)
Unit -III (||r|-||) 18 Classes
|--|| (All)
Unit -IV 18 Classes
(|) (-|| -|c|-|) || |||| )| ~|||:-| -||)
(c|) -|--||-|
29 28
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Full Mark -100
Time : 3 hours and consisting of four units
The Present Syllabus in Bengali is designed to improve the
knowledge in Bengal literature and Indian Culture. To strengthen
the national integrity a profound sense of patriolism and nationalism
tempered with the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kuluorbakam.
The Syllabus has been divided into two parts. The first part
is meant for the students of XI class and the examination of the
first part shall be conducted at the end of the XI class at college /
H.S. School level.
The second part of the syllabus is meant for the students of
XII class and the examination of this part shall be conducted at the
end of XII class at council level.
The examination shall be conducted at the end of XI class at
college / H.S. School level.
According to the educational policy and guidelines given by
the council the syllabus is prepared as follows :
Unit - I
Books Prescried :
Prose : Uchha Madhyamik Bangla Sankalan. (Gadya) for
class XI & XII.
The following pieces are to be Studied in the first year.
1. Bangladeshe Nilkar - Pyarichand Mitra
2. Sitar Banabas - IswarChandra Vidyasagar
3. Sudra Gagaran - Swami Vivekananda
Unit - II
Poetry : Madhukari - Kalidas Ray (Published by orient
book company, Kolkata-12)
The following pieces are to be studied in the first year :
1. Srigoura Chandra - Gobinda das Kabiraj
2. Bhabollas - Vidyapati
3. Premer Tulaka - Dwija Chandidas,
4. Avagir Akshep - Gyandas.
Unit - III
Novel - (Non-Detailed)
Srikanta - Sarat Chandra Chattopadhya (Chapter 1 to 7
(one to seven to be read in the first year)
Unit - IV
Grammar - Proverbs and Idioms, Sentence and word
formation, Annonyms and Synonyms.
Distribution of marks of unit wise
Unit - I
Prose - 25 Marks
A- Two long questions with alternative
2x10=20 Marks
B- One explanation with alternative/short type question
with alternative. 5 Marks
Unit -II
Poetry - 25 Marks
A- Two long questions with alternative
2x10=20 Marks
B- One explanation with alternative/short question with
alternative 5 Marks
Unit - III
Novel (Non-detailed) 20 Marks
A- One Long question with alternative 20 Marks
Unit -IV
Grammar - 30 Marks
A- Very short type choesive devieces 6x5 =30 Marks
100 Marks
31 30
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Time : 3 hours Full Mark -100
The examination shall be conducted at the end of 2nd year
at Council Level.
Book Prescribed :
Unit - I
Prose : Uchha Madhyamik Bangla Sankalan. (Gadya) for
class XI & XII.
The following pieces are to be Studied in the Second year.
1. Bangla Bhasa - Haraprasad Sastri
2. Tota Kahini - Rabindranath Tagore
3. Naisha Avijan - Sarat Ch. Chattopadhyay
4. Aranyak - Bibhuti Bhusan Bandopadhyay
Unit - II
Poetry : Madhukari - Kalidas Ray
The following pieces are to be studied-
1. Baisakh - Debandra Nath Sen
2. Lohar Byatha - Jatindranath Sengupta
3. Swarga Haite Viday - Rabindranath Tagore
4. Rupai- Jasimuddin.
Unit - III
Novel - (Non-detailed Study)
Srikanta - Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
(Chapter (8 to12) eight to twelve to be studied in the second
Unit - IV
Grammer and Essay
i) Pada paribartan
ii) Somas
iii) Somouchhyarita Bhinna Thark Sabda
iv) Uses of word in sciences considering its different
meaning in the field of application.
Distribution of marks of unit wise :
Unit - I Prose - 25 Marks
A- Two Long questions with alternative
from the same prose 2x10=20 Marks
B- One explanation with alternative /
short type question with
alternative 5 Marks
Unit - II
Poetry - 25 Marks
A- Two Long questions with
alternative from the
same prose 2x10=20 Marks
B- One explanation with alternative/
short type question with
alternaitve 5 Marks
Unit - III
Novel (Non-detailed) 20 Marks
A- One Long question with alternative from non-detail
portion 20 Marks
Unit -IV
Grammar & Essay writing 30 Marks
A- Very short type question
with alternative 3x5 = 15 Marks
B- Essay - One with Four
alternative 15 marks
100 Marks
33 32
Arts Stream Arts Stream
There shall:be one paper carrying 100 marks of 3 hours duration and
consisting of six units.
The examination shall be conducted at the end of 1st. Year of college/
H.S. School level.
Unit - I
POETRY 25 marks
One Prati Padardham 1 x 5 = 05
Two Explanations 2 x 5 = 10
One long type Question 1 x 10 = 10
Unit - II
PROSE 25 marks
One Long Questions 1 x 10 = 10
One Short Questions 1 x 5 = 05
Ten very short Questions 10 x 1 = 10
Unit -III
NON-DETAIL 20 marks
One Long Questions 1 x 10 = 10
One Short Questions 1 x 5 = 05
Five Very short Questions 5 x 1 = 05
Unit -IV
A) GRAMMAR 20 marks
B) Letter Writing / General Eassy 10 marks
Total 100 marks
Unit - I POETRY:
Ekalavyudu - Nannaya Bhattu
Balivamana Samvadamu - Bammera Potana
Subhashitamulu - Enugu Lakshmana kavi
Tokachukka - Gurajada Apparao
Pushpa Vilapamu - Jandhyala Papayya astri
Unit - II PROSE:
Mitra Labhamu - Paravastu Chinnayasuri
Vemana - Dr. G. V. Krishna Rao
C.P. Brown Sahityaseva - Prof. K. Sarvothama Rao
A I D S - Dr. Singupuram
Narayana Rao
Unit - III
Raja Raja Prasasti - By Prof. S. Gangappa
Unit - IV
Vibhaktula - pratyayalu, Aksgara Dosgalu, Padadoshalu, prakruti,
vikrutulu, vyatireka padamulu, paryaya padamulu, Jateeyalu -
B) Letter Writing / General Eassy
Books Prescribed :
1) Poetry & Prose : Sahitee Vipanchi
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
2) Non-Detail : Raja Raja Prasasti
By Prof. S. Gangappa
3) Grammar : Vyakarana Parijatamu
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
35 34
Arts Stream Arts Stream
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks of 3 hours duration and
consisting of four units. The examination shall be conducted at the end
of 2nd. Year at council level.
Unit - I
POETRY 25 marks
One Pratipadardham 1 x 5 = 05
Two Explanations 2 x 5 = 10
One long Question 1 x 10 =10
Unit - II
PROSE 25 marks
One Long Question 1 x 10 =10
One Short Question 1 x 5 = 05
Ten very short Questions 10 x 1= 10
Unit -III
NON-DETAIL 20 marks
One Long Question 1 x 10 =10
One Short Question 1 x 5 = 05
Five very short Questions 5 x 1= 05
Unit -IV
A) GRAMMAR 20 marks
B) Re-translation 10 marks
Total 100 marks
Unit - I :
Sanjaya Rayabharamu - Tikkana Somayaji
Hanumatsandesamu - Atukuri Molla
Piradausi Lekha - Gurram Jashuva
Pakee Pilla - Jandhyala Papayya Sastri
Jateeyata - Dr. Nagabhairava Koteswar Rao
Unit - II :
Mitra Bhedamu - Paravastu Chinnayasuri
Rayaprolu Streevada
drukpadham - Prof. K. Yadagiri
Samajika Drukpadham - Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
Goutama Buddhudu - Dr. Vedantam Rajagopala Chakravarti
Unit - III
Rudramadevi - Smt. P. B. Kausalya
Unit -IV
Paribhashika Padamulu,
CHANDASSU : Utpalamala, Champakamala, Sardhulamu,
Mathebhamu, Ataveladi, Tetageeti,
ALANKARAMULU : Upama, Rupaka, Utpreksha, Ardhantaranyasa,
Anuprasa, Yamaka,
B) Re-Translation (English to Telugu)
37 36
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Books Prescribed :
1) Poetry & Prose : Sahitee Mandaramu
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
2) Non-Detail : Rudramadevi
By Smt. P.B.Kausalya
3) Grammar : Vyakarana Parijatamu
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
Time - 3 hrs F.M. -100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks consisting of 4
units and duration of examination will be of 3 (three) hours at the college/
H.S. School level.
1. Reading Skills
i) Comprehension of an unseen pasages
(Factual) about 100 words followed by
four Questions: 2x4=8 Marks
2. Writing skills - paragrah writing 08 Marks
3. Applied Grammar 15 Marks
4. Letter writing 10 Marks
5. Prose :
i) One long question with an alternative from the prescribed
portions of the books. 15 Marks
ii) One long question with an alternative from the prose
portions 08 Marks
iii) One long question with an alternatives from the non-
detailed 15 Marks
6. Poetry :
i) One long question with an alternatives from the prescribed
poetry portions - 15 Marks
ii) Two expl anations with an alternati ves from the
Ghazaliyat 06 Marks
Unit -I 18 Classes
Prose - MIYAR-E-ADAB :
Compiled by Prof. Soriya Hossain to be had from
Educational Book House Aligarh, U.P.
Portions to be studied :
1) Sair Pahle Darwesh Ki - Mir Amman
2) Lakhnow Ki Raisona Zindagi-Ki-Ek Jhalak - Sharar
39 38
Arts Stream Arts Stream
3) Khotut - Mirza Ghalib
4) Bahadrun - Ke -Karname - Hasan Nizam
5) Namak -Ka-Darogha - Premchand
6) Kalim Daulat-A bad Men - Nazir Ahmed.
7) Ghalib - Ka Shairi-Hali
Unit - II 18 Classes
Poetry - Portions :
Book -Prescribed : Miyar -E-Adab :
Portions to be studied :
1) Qaid Khane-Ki-Rat - Mir Anis
2) Jogan Aur Chandani Rat - Mir Hassan
3) Tazhiq - e-Roz gar = Sauda
4) Asraf - Hali
Ghazalyat : First two Ghazat from the following poets :-
(1) Meer (2) Ghalib (3) Momin (4) Atish (5) Walli
Unit - III 18 Classes
Non-Detail Study : Any one of the following books. Only
first half of the books in the 1st year.
Book -Prescribed : Miyar -E-Adab :
1) Musaddas-E-Hali : By Allaf Hossam Hali.
To be had from Educational Book Houre Aligarh, U.P.
2) Taubalation Nasooh: By Deputi Nasir Ahomed
To be had from Maktaba-E-Jamia
Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025
3) C lholi Bahoo : By Dr. Ibne Farid
To be from Baitus Swalina
Ram Pur (U.P) Mahanama Hejab
Unit -IV 18 Classes
Letter writing and applied Grammer.
Book-Prescribed : Urdu Zoban-Quwaid Part-I by Shafi Ahmed
Portions to be Studied :
1) Ism Ki Qismen
2) Fail Ki Quismen
3) Mahaware aur Unka Jumlon men Istemal
4) Sa beake our Lahake.
Time - 3 hrs F.M. -100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks consisting of 4 units
and duration of examination will be of 3 (three) hours at the council level.
1. Essay :
There should be one general essay with four alternatives 15 Marks
2. One Comprehension followed by four questions (carrying 2
marks) 2x4=8 Marks
3. Grammar 15 Marks
4. Prose :
i) One long question with alternatives from the prescribed
portions of the books 15 Marks
ii) Four short questions with alternatives from the prose
portions 08 Marks
iii) One long question with alternatives from the non-
detailed 15 Marks
5. Poetry :
i) One long question with an alternative from the prescribed
poetry portions. 15 Marks
ii) Three explanation with alternatives from the prescribed
Ghazalyat 09 Marks
Total 100 Marks
There shall be one paper carrying 100 mark and the duration of
the Examination will be 3 hours.
Unit - I 18 Classes
Books Prescribed :
Complied by Prof. Soraiya Hossain
Portions to be Studied :
1. Kutte - Patras Bokhari
2. Nazir Ahmad Ki Kahani : Farhatullah Baig
3. Acchi Kitab : Abdul Haque.
41 40
Arts Stream Arts Stream
4. Hali - Aale Ahmad Sorror.
5. Ek-Khat Abul Kalam Azad.
Unit - II 18 Classes
Poetry Portion :
Portions to be studied -
1. Bazmein Anjum - Iqbal.
2. Kashmir - Chakbast.
3. Badli Ka Chand : Josh Malleeh Abadi
4. Pairahane Sharar - Sardar Jafri
Ghazaliyat : First Two Ghazals of the following poets:
1. Hasrat 2. Faani 3. Shaad 4. Firaqque 5. Faiz
Unit -III 18 Classes
Non-detailed Studies :
Any one of the following book from the remaining half portion
dis-continuing in the 1st Yr.
1) Musadas Hali : By Altaf Hossain Hali
To be had from - Educational Book House. Aligarh (U.P.)
2) Taubatun Nasooh :
By - Deputy Nazeer Ahemad to be had from - Maktab -e-
Jamiya Ltd.
Jamiya Nagar - New Delhi.
3. Chhoti Bahoo - By Dr. Ibne Farid
To be had from Baitus Swaleha, Rampur (U.P.)
Mahanama Hijab.
Unit -IV 18 Classes
1. Essay :
i) There shall be one general Essary with four
ii) Comprehension
iii) Grammar
1) Wahid o Jama
2) Jins
3) Tazad
4) Mutashaba Alfaz
Time - 3 hrs F.M. -100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks.
The duration of Examination will be of three hours
UNIT Classes
Unit - I 20 Marks
Prose 25
Unit - II 20
Poetry 25
Unit - III 08
Grammar from the text 10
Unit - IV 12
Grammar and translation from outside the text 15
Unit - Va) 08
Letter/ Application 10
Vb) 12
Comprehension 15
Total 80 Classes Total 100
Unit - I
Prose- Samskrta Prabha (Gadya Bhagah)
me b mke = le eYee (ieeYee ie :)
The following prose pieces from the above mentioned book
are to be studied.
-|-| -|||c||-|-|
-||||-| ||||-|
| | | | | -||| |
-| | -||||| |
Distribution of marks 25 marks
01. Short answer type questions (03) 2x3 =06
02. Very short answer type questions(04) 1x4 =04
03. Multiple choice questions(05) 1x5 =05
04. Translation into English/Odiya (05)
of 5 different sentences from the text 1x5=05
05. Long type question/Expectation one 5x1=5
43 42
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Poetry- Samskrta Prabha (Padya Bhagah)
me b mke = le e Ye e (H e e Ye e ie :)
The following poetry pieces from the above book are to be
|-||| -||||-||
:|| || |
Distribution of marks 25 marks
01. Short answer type questions (3) 2x3 =6
02. Very short answer type questions(4) 1x4=04
03. Multiple choice questions(5) 5 x 1 = 5
04. Translation into English/Odiya (1) 5 x1 =5
05. Long question/Explanation one 5x1=5
Unit - III
Grammar from the text
Distribution of marks 10 marks
01. Sandhi (3) || -| (3) 1 x 3 = 3
02. Sandhi Viccheda (2) || -|| |= : (2) 1 x 2 = 2
03. Karaka-Vibhakti (3) |||||-|| || (3) 1 x 3 = 3
04. Prakrti Pratyaya (2) | | | | | | | (2) 1 x 2 = 2
Unit - IV
Grammar from outside the text
Distribution of marks 15 marks
01. Stripratyaya (3) =|| ||| (3) 1 x 3 = 3
02. Formation of single word (2) )|-|:| || (2) 1 x 2 = 2
from =|| |||, |-|||
03. Translation of 5 unseen Sanskrit sentences
into Odiya/English 2 x 5 = 10
Unit - V
a) Letter Writing/ application writing 10
b)Comprehension - One Sanskrit passage from the comprehension
of meb mke= leeYee from first eight topics 15
Distribution of marks 15 marks
01. Short answer in single sentence (5) 2 x 5 = 10
02. Very short answer in single word (5) 1 x 5 = 5
Text Books
1. Samskrta Prabha - meb mke= leeYee
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production.
2. Vyakarana-darpanah - +|oococt
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production.
N.B - Answers should be written in sanskrit if otherwise not specified.
Time - 3 hrs F.M. -100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks.
The duration of Examination will be of three hours
Unit - I 20 Marks
Prose 25
Unit - ll 20
Poetry 25
Unit - Ill 06+06
(i) Grammar from the text 5
(ii) Grammar from outside the text 10
Unit - IV 08
Translation from Odiya/
English to Sanskrit 10
Unit - Va) 08
Letter/ Application 10
Vb) 12
Comprehension 15
Total 80 Classes Total 100
Unit - I
Prose - Samskrta Prabha (Gadya Bhagah)
meb mke= leeYee (ieeYeeie:)
The following prose pieces from the above book are to be
45 44
Arts Stream Arts Stream
| - | | | -| | | | | |
| | | | | - | | - | -| | | - | | | |
| - | | - | | | - | | | - | | - | - | - |
| | | | | r| - | | | | |
Distribution of marks 25 marks
01. Short answer type questions (3) 2x3 =6
02. Very short answer type questions(4) 1x4=04
03. Multiple choice questions(5) 5 x 1 = 5
04. Translation into English/Odiya (1) 5 x1 =5
05. Long question/Explanation one 5x1=5
Unit - ll
Poetry - Samskrta Prabha (Padya Bhagah)
me b mke = le e Ye e (H e e Ye e ie :)
The following pieces of poems from the above books are to
be studied
| | -| - |
| | | | | | - | - |
: - | | | | | | | |
Distribution of marks 25 marks
01. Short answer type questions (3) 2x3=6
02. Very short answer type questions (4) 1x4=4
03 Multiple choice questions(5) 1x5=5
04. Translation into Odiya/English (one verse) 5 x 1 =5
05 Explanation (one verse) 5x1=5
Unit - III
Distribution of marks 15 marks
01. Grammar from the text 2 x 2 = 5
| -| | | | | | r
02. Grammar from outside the text
02.1. -|:=-| (2) Multiple choice 1 x 2 = 2
02.2. ||| =-| (2) Multiple choice 1 x 2 = 2
02.3. Correction of sentence (2) 1 x 2 = 2
02.4. Sentence formation (4) 1 x 4 = 4
Unit - IV
Translation from Odiya/English
to Sanskrit 5 sentences 2 x 5 = 10
a) Letter/Application Writing(one) - 10Marks
b)Comprehension -One Sanskrit passage from the comprehension
portions of meb mke= leeYee from second eight topics (09-16)
Distribution of marks 15 marks
01. Short answer type question (5) 2 x 5 =10
02. Very short answer type question (5) 1 x 5 = 5
The following portions of grammar are to be studied
|-||| ~|||| -|||, |-| =-|, |-| |||, |r | || r
-|:=-| -|, -|-|, -|||, -| |-|, -|| |, ||| , -|:| , | -|| , -|||, |=| ,
-|-|| , ~||-|-| , |: , | |-| , ::-| , ~|-|:, |--|: , |a, ||, ||
||| =-| -| , |-| , -|=, | , ~|| , -|-| , -| -|
Correction of sentence from
|| -|, |||||-|| ||, -|:=-|, ||| =-|, || |||
Text Books
1. Samskrta Prabha meb mke= leeYee
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production.
2. Vyakarana - darpanah - +|ooc o ct
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production.
N.B.- Answer should be written in sanskrit if other wise not specified.
47 46
Arts Stream Arts Stream
3.2. Reading (Poetry) :
(a) To recognize the structure of a poem and to appreciate the
themes and ideas presented therein.
(b) To recognize, identify and interpret poetic structure in a given
(c) To recognize and appreciate the effects of different poetic
devices like simile / metaphor / symboI / personification /
irony / aIIiteration / assonance, etc.
3.3. Reading (short stories, one-act plays) The students are
expected to develop in them the capacity
(a) To comprehend the plot and characters of a given short story/
play, and
(b) To interpret the themes and points of view contained in a
given story/play.
4.1. Writing : The students will be able
(a) to formulate ideas for compositions, to brainstorm and
organize ideas, to write and revise their writing on common
themes/situations for a. given purpose
(b) to identify grammatical errors and to correct them in their
own writing or in peer writing
(c) To design and write a brochure or pamphlet
(d) To wri te the di al ogues of a f ace-t o-f ace/tel ephoni c
4.2. Creative Writing : The students are expected to develop in
them the ability
(a) To add a suitable beginning/ending/title to a given poem/story
(b) To reconstruct a story from a given set of questions/fillers/
(c) To rewrite a poem/short story as a different from of discourse,
i.e. a page of a diary, a newspaper article or a script for a
play etc.
4. Grammar and Usage : Points relating to Grammar and usage
will be mainly discourse-based. These points are discussed
in 'Approaches to English Book I' and in Reference Books
for Grammar mentioned under 'Instructional Materials'. They
are related to the following broad topics :
1. Introduction : The course is meant for the students
(a) who opt to study English in lieu of a Modem Indian Language,
(b) who seek-to develop a high level of competence in English.
It is assumed that the students who offer to study this course
have high motivation and competence in English. Hence, it aims at
building up on their previous learning and their acquisition of skills
i n compul sory Engl i sh course whi ch they are exposed to
2. Objectives : By the end of the course a student should be
able to
(a) transact real-life business in English, and
(b) appreciate, evaluate and enjoy different types of writing in
By the end of the Higher Secondary Course in Alternative
English, the learners are expected to acquire the language skills
specified below :
3.1. Reading (Non-fictional prose) :
(a) To make predictions and guesses while reading a prose text
(b) To understand relations between the parts of a reading text
and recognize the indicators in discourse.
(c) To understand the writer's intention/attitude, to discriminate
between facts and opinions, to recognize the writer's bias, if
any, and to assess the communicative value of a given text.
(d) To identify the structure of a text, such as descriptive
sequence, chronological sequence, cause-arid-effect chain,
argumentative and logical organization, etc.
(e) To compare and contrast two texts on similar themes
(f) To use reference skills to select a suitable text for reading.
(g) To use the title, blurb, contents and index of a book in order
to form an overall idea of what the book is about and of
whether it will be relevant reading with reference to a
particular topic.
49 48
Arts Stream Arts Stream
i) Tense and Aspect
ii) Modals
iii) Non-finite Verb forms
iv) The Passive
v) Prepositions
vi) Phrasal Verbs
vii) Clause-types
viii) Linking Devices
ix) Word Order and Emphasis
5. Instructional Materials :
(a) Approaches to English, Book-I
(b) Approaches to English, Book-II
Published by the Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production, Pustak Bhavan, Bhubaneswar.
(c) Reference Books for Grammar and Usage :
(i) A University Grammar of English (Quirk, Greenbaum
et al)
(ii) English Grammar Practice (Bijoy Kumar Bal)
Units to be studied :
i. The Adventure of Learning
ii. Men and Women
iii. Modern Living
iv. Food for Thought
Units to be studied :
i. Ecology (A.K.Ramanujan)
ii. Dog's Death (John Updike)
iii. The Fog (W.H.Davies)
iv. Girl Lithe and Tawny (Pablo Neruda)
v. Ballad of the Landlord (Langston Hughes)
Short Stories
Units to be studied :
xi. The Rainbow-Bird (Vance Palmer)
xii. The Eyes Have it (Ruskin Bond)
xiii. The little Wife (William March)
One-Act Plays
Units to be studies :
xvii. Mother's Day (J.B. Priestley)
xviii. The Unexpected (Ella Adkins)
i. Tense and Aspect
ii. Modals
iii. Non-finite verb forms
iv. The passive
v. Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
Units to be studied
vi. The Wonder World of Science
vii. Our Environment
viii. The World of Business
ix. The Changing World
Units to be studied :
vi. Indian Children Speak (Juanita Bell)
vii. The Goat Paths (James Stephen)
viii. Of a Questionable Conviction (Jayanta Mahapatra)
ix. Mirror (Sylvia Plath)
x. Toads (Philips Larkin)
51 50
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Short Stories
Units to be studied :
xiv. The Happy Man (W.S.Maugham)
xv. The Tree (Manoj Das)
xvi. The Watch Man (R.K.Narayan)
One Act Plays
Units to be studies
xix. The Hour of Truth (Percival Wilde)
i. Revision of 'Tense and Aspect'
ii. Revision of Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
iii. Clause-types
iv. Linking Devices
v. Word Order and Emphasis
Scheme of Evaluation
There will be a college examination in Alternatjve English at the
end of the First Year. This will be Alternative English Paper -I carrying
100 marks. The final examination to be conducted by CHSE at the
end of the second year of the course will consist of one written
paper of Alternative English carrying 100 marks. The paper shall
test the student's proficiency in English with respect to correctness,
appropriacy, tone and style.
Alternative English (1st Year) - (To be evaluated at the college level)
1. Reading Comprehension :
(a) A prescribed prose piece or extract 2 x 5 marks
(5 questions - including inferential
questions - are to be answered)
(b) A prescribed poem/extract (5 questions 2 x 5 marks
including inferential questions and those
on poetic devices, figures of speech,
mood, tone and style etc.)
(c) A prescribed story / one-act play or its 2 x 5 marks
extract (5 questions including inferential
questions and those on literary devices,
tone etc.)
(d) An unseen passage of at least 2 x 5 marks
200 words (5 questions including
Inferential ones)
2. Reading related skills.
(a) Guided note making based on the passage 1 (d) 5 marks
(b) Cohesive devices 5 marks
3. Writing skills.
(a) Summarising an unknown passage as given in
1 (d) with caption 10 marks
(b) Reconstruct a story from a given set of
questions/fillers/outlines or completion of a story 10 marks
(c) Essay writing (including brainstorming, organizing,
outlining, writing first draft and revising) 15 marks
4. Grammar and usage (in context) (3 questions
on the prescribed grammar units) 5marks x 3
Total : 100 marks
Alternative English (2nd year) To be evaluated at CHSE level
1. Reading Comprehension.
(a) A prescribed prose piece or extract 10 marks
(5 questions including inferential
questions are to be answered).
(b) A prescribed poem / extract (5 questions 10 marks
including inferential questions and those
on poetic devices, figures of speech,
mode, tone and style etc.)
(c) A prescribed story / one-act play or its 10 marks
extract (5 questions including Inferential
questions and those on literary devices,
tone etc.)
53 52
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(d) An unseen passage of at least 200 words 10 marks
(5 questions including inferential ones)
2. Reading related skills.
Unguided note making (based on the passage 10 marks
given in 1 (d).
3. Writing skills.
(a) Designing and writing a brochure / pamphlet 10 marks
(b) Writing dialogues of a face-to-face / telephonic 10 marks
(c) Rewriting a poem/short story as a different form 10 marks
of discourse i.e. a page of a diary, a newspaper
report/article or a script for a play etc.
(d) Adding a suitable beginning/ending/title to a 05 marks
given poem/story.
4. Grammar and usage (in context) 05marks x 3
(3 questions on the prescribed grammar
units including modified cloze tests).
Total : 100 marks
The Environmental Education (EE) is incorporated in the New
Syllabus of Higher Secondary (+2) students of all streams (Science,
Arts & Commerce) from 2006 (admission batch). The theory course
shall be taught in 40 periods.
The syllabus is compulsory for all students. To reduce the
work-load of students EE will be taught in XI class only. The syllabus
shall be of 100 marks of which 70 marks assigned to theory paper and
30 marks for project work.
Questions for theory paper shall be prepared by the Council
and examination will be held on a stipulated date fixed by the Council.
The questions for theory paper will be prepared as per the
norms of Council as done for all other subjects, 40 marks for short
(which also includes objectives) and 30 marks for long questions.
Students are required to answer three long questions one from
each unit. Each unit will have 2 questions with internal choice. The
short questions (covering all units) will be compulsory.
Each students has to submit a project work positively to the
Principals of the respective colleges before Annual Examination.
There shall be 10 project work titles specified in the course
and students are free to choose any one of them. A group of teachers
will be assigned to guide them. The project shall be evaluated in the
respective colleges. The best project (as will be decided by the Principal)
may be sent to Council for consideration for award of a special prize.
The grade secured (taking both the theory and project marks)
will be reflected in the mark sheet and pass certificate.
(Above 70% - Gr. A
, above 60% - Gr. A, above 50% - Gr. B,
above 35% - Gr. C and below 35% - Gr. D)
THEORY (70 Marks)
Unit - I
(A) Man and Environment 8 Periods
Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere-
Human being as a rational social partner in environmental action -
Impact of human activities on environment -Environmental Problems
55 54
Arts Stream Arts Stream
of urban and rural areas- Stress on civic amenities, supply of water,
electricity, transport and health services.
(B) Natural Resources : 6 Periods
Land, water, forest as primary natural resources- Fresh water
and Marine resources- Natural resources of Orissa -Concept of
Biodiversity and its conservation. Renewable and non- renewable natural
resources, Conventional and non- conventional energy.
Unit - II
Environmental Pollution : 6 Periods
Types of pollution and pollutants Causes, effects and control
of air pollution, water pollution; soil pollution and noise pollution, Green
house effect, Global Warming, Eutrophication, Ozone layer depletion.
Unit - III
(A) Environmental Management : 6 Periods
Scope of Environmental Management- Management of solid,
liquid and gaseous wastes -Resource Management- disaster
Management (flood, cyclone and earthquake) -Concept of sustainable
development- Management of agricultural produce.
(B) Environmental Laws : 5 Periods
Constitutional Provisions -Major provisions of Environmental
Laws and Pollution Control Laws with particular reference to the Water
Act; 1974, the Air Act, 1981, the E(P) Act 1986, CPCB and SPCB-
Central and State Pollution Control Boards.
5 Periods F. M. : 30
1. To study the changes that have taken place in the given land
area of a city/Village/locality/market during the last five years in
respect of at least five parameters like number of houses,
residents and families, food habits, number of household goods
in a family, consumption of water, electricity and fuel including
that for personal vehicles by a family, sources of noise (public
address systems being used, television, radio and vehicles on
the road), common facilities like number of schools, hospitals,
shops, theatres, public conveyance, public utilities, public
transport, number of factories, industries and/or the facilities
for production and processing of goods, loss of water bodies,
types and quantity of wastes, their disposal and treatment
facilities with a view to discuss the patterns of changes and
impact on the environment and quality of life. One specific project
on these aspects may be to study the changes that have taken
place in a given land area during the last five years in respect of
the number of houses, residents and families and to prepare a
report on the effects on civic amenities like availability of water,
electricity and fuel; the drainage system, disposal of wastes
Including night soil.
2. To study the environmental profile of a town/ locality/village in
respect of population density, green cover, educational level of
residents, social problems and sources of pollution and their
effect on air, water and soil.
3. To collect data on monthly consumption of electricity and fuel
from at least five families, any two commercial establishments
and four public utilities in a given locality. To plan strategies for
educating consumers to economise on the consumption of
electricity and fuel by reducing their over-use, misuse and
improper use.
4. To study, for a period of one month, the status of sanitary
conditions and methods of waste disposal of a given locality
vis-a-vis the role of Panchayat, Municipality or Corporation and
to prepare an action plan for making the conditions more
environment friendly.
5. To investigate the impact of an industry or a large manufacturing
unit on the local environment. The parameters could be land
use, the ratio of the covered area and the open space, the raw
materials used for production, inputs like electricity and water,
57 56
Arts Stream Arts Stream
the types of waste generated and the modes of waste disposal,
use of environment friendly and efficient technology, types of
pollutants emitted or discharged, the average health status of
the employees and residents in the area.
6. To study the impact of changes in agricultural practices or animal
husbandry including poultry, piggery, fishery and apiculture over
a period of time on the local environment of a given area or
village. The components for analysis may include: types of crops,
land area under cultivation, mechanization, use of electricity,
mode of irrigation and agrochemicals, agro-waste and their
disposal, types of animal breed and their feed, types of shelter
and health care, methods of preservation and processing of
products and animal wastes and their disposal. To suggest an
action plan for modifying the prevailing practices so as to make
them environment friendly and sustainable.
7. To collect samples of water from different sources and study
their physical characteristics like turbidity, colour, odour; the
measure of pH, the nature of suspended and dissolved impurities
and pollutants, the presence of toxic materials like mercury,
lead, arsenic, fluorine and the presence of living organisms. For
testing the presence of toxic materials and living organisms the
help of a local laboratory or institution may be taken, if available.
To identify the most polluted sample of water and locate the
sources of its pollution. To devise an action plan for mobilising
public opinion for checking the pollution.
8. To study the practices followed in the region for storage,
preservation, transportation and processing of perishable or non-
perishable farm products and to assess the extent of their
wastage due to faulty practices.
9. To prepare a status report on the prevalence of child labour in a
given area through simple surveys on children engaged as
domesti c hel p and as workers i n f arms, commercial
establishments and manufacturing units. The survey may be in
respect of age group, education, wages, working hours, working
conditions, safety in work place, health, handling hazardous
materials and the like. Units dealing with hazardous materials
and processes may be identified and an action plan for mobilising
public opinion against the practice of child labour may be prepared.
10. To conduct a survey of plants in a locality and to collect
information about their cultural, economic and medicinal values
from the local people and the available literature. To prepare an
action plan for their propagation.
Book Prescribed :
Bureaus Higher Secondary (+2) Environmental Education -
Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation & Production,
59 58
Arts Stream Arts Stream
o,|ui (ca|)
oan a : oanoc
o u+|- no-+o |
ooo u+|: |@|eo (|ao r ooo)
acn|c o|o+ooo - |ec+ u|o| - oan o|o - oo|co - cc|
o|e+ o|o+ooo oco c oo|c |, occo (
. oo+| - oc|n|n - oio|e ne|o|c (ooo)
(-) ic o c .-- a -
c- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c c-.- c- (
() c_ o c .-- a (x=r)
a.c- a ac-, cac -.ccc.-c o c c-.- c- (
. |o : -.c.c.cc -..ci - c: - ~o - ..c aai (a c oc )
(-) ic o c .-- a
c- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c c-.- c- (
() c_ o c .-- a (x=r)
a.c- a ac-, cac -.ccc.-c o c c-.- c- (
+. oe : a- -c.c (ac oc)
-.o a-cc- a.c -
. . + ~i-- - --.a -c (
. -.-.c c.~a - c-c-c c-cc. (
-. c..c.~ c...oc - cc.co.- -.ci J- (
YOGA (Theory)
+2 1st year
Full Marks - 50 Time 2 hrs.
Unit - I 10 marks
Meani ng. Defi ni tion and Scope of yoga,
Importance and aim of yoga for the students,
Misconception of Yoga
Yoga and Spirituality
Unit - II 10 marks
Place, Time, Age, Diet, Dress, Dos and Donts
Power of Silence
Unit - III 10 marks
Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana
Yoga in Srimad Bhagavat Gita
Unit - IV 10 marks
Yama, ni yama, asana, pranayama,
pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi
Unit - V 10 marks
Meaning, Definition of Personality
Dimension of Personality: physical, mental,
emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Personality
Development in relation to external world civic,
social, patriotic and global consciousness.
Concept of Personality According to swami
Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo.
YOGA (Practical)
+2 2nd year
Full Marks - 50 Time 2 hrs.
Unit - I 20 marks
Sanchal ana, skandha chakra (shoul der
rotation), purna, titali asana (full butterfly),
marj ari asana (car stretch pose), Surya
STANDING POSTURE : Tadasana, ti ryak
tadasana, katichakrasana pada-hastasana,
ardha chakrasana, ardhakati chakrasana,
ekapada pranasmasana, garudasana,
SITTING POSTURE : padmasana janusirasana,
paschi mottanasana, supta vaj rasana,
shashankasana, ustrasana,
PRONE LYING POSTURE : shalabhasana,
bhujangasana, dhanurasana.
SUPINE POSTURE : uttanapadasana, supta
pawanamuktasana, naukasana, halasana,
sarvangasana, matsyasana, chakrasana.
Unit-II (10 marks)
RELAXATION : savasana, yoganidra
Unit - III (10 marks)
PRANAYAMA: Priliminary practices: abdominal,
thoracic, clavicular and full yogic breathing
kapalabhati, nadisodhana, bhramari
Unit - IV and Unit - V (10 marks)
MEDITATION : Antarmouna - sensori al
awareness : (sound, touch, vison, smell, taste),
breath awareness, awareness of the
spontaneous thought process.
KRIYA : Trataka (internal and external)
For +2 1st year 50 marks theory examination
and For +2 2nd year 50 marks practical
examination but in 1st year and 2nd year
students will learn practical
Books Prescribed : An Introduction to Yoga, c|o oooo
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation and Production
The grade secured taking together both the theory and Project/Practical marks will be
refelected in the Marks sheet and the pass certificate of the Council.
Grade A
= 70% above, Grade B
= 60% and Grade B = 50% above, Grade C = 35%
and Grade D = before 35%
61 60
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(-) ic o c .-- a
c- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c c-.- c- (
() c_ o c .-- a (x=r)
a.c- a ac-, cac -.ccc.-c o c c-.- c- (
. o|a| c +|ooc (a coc)
(-) +ca. c.&.c oa + -. --. (.c-. . ao)
c- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c c-.- c- (
() .. - (, c, a-oic.-, --i, -.J.c.o)
() w. + o.cc
coc-'c c- ..c w. + o.cc a-cc a ac-,
cac cc.--c o c c-.- c- (
() .. -cac -
a. cc.- o ac-, cac co c-'c -cc.-c -.-.-
.. -o -c-.- c- (
(-) <-ai-cc -
a. cc.- a ac - cac -cc.-c <-ai-cc -c-.- c- (
(c) a c.J-
cc.- a o .c cc.-c ca
co -.- c- ( (x)
(c) -aci aac-.J- o
cc.- o .c cc.-c-aci aac-.J- o
co -.- c- ( (x)
o,|ui (c a|)
cio oc - cio a
o u+|- no-+o |
ooo u+|: |@|eo (|ao r ooo)
acn|c o|o+ooo - |ec+ u|o| - cio o|o - oo|co -cc|
o|e+ o|o+ooo oco c oo|c |, occo (
. o oe (ooo)
-.o a-cc- a.c -
<c- . - - cc..-ci ..a. (
..c --.a - -.-i -cc a.cc.i (
--u .i - c.~-c.c c.o (
c.-c - c- a-.o- (
(-) c- ic o c .-- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c
occ c-.- c- (
() a.c- a ac -, ca c cc.- c o c c-.- c- ( (x=)
. oc| (a c oc )
(-) a.-i- + .ocio --.
-.o a-cc- a.c -
. ci& - aw. - .c-. . (
. c.-cc a..ac-o - --c.. . (
-. --c -a. - i-- . (
. c.. ci- .. - oca ce (
. oc..- -.o - ac.- ...c (
c- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c occ c-.- c- (

< --.cc-c c- c-.a ac-, cc.--c o c c-.- c- (
(c) a.J-- --.
-.o a-cc- a.c -
. a.. - .J- c.+ (
63 62
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Full Mark : 100 Time : 3 Hours
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks. The duration of
Examinations will be three hours.
1. Multiple Choice (From I,II & IV units) 1x10=10 marks
2. One word answer (-do-) 1x10=10 marks
3. Correct the Sentences (-do-) 1x5=5 marks
4. Fill in the Blanks (-do-) 1x5=5 marks
5. Write notes on any five (From all units ) 3x5=15 marks
(Answer in two to three Sentences)
6. Explain only .. (From unit I & II) 5x3=15 marks
(Only Bhavarth)
7. Four Long questions (From I, II & III units
(Eight questions to be asked) 10x4=40 marks
Total =100 marks
Unit -I (=-|-||| c|c) 22 Classes
-||=| -| || ||-| (| | -|-|)
Unit -II (-||=| c|c) 22 Classes
-||=| -||| |||||-|-|| -||-|| |||:,
Unit -III (|||r||| ||||)) 22 Classes
=-|-|||, |r|-||, -||=|, |-||, |-||||-|, -|||-||, ~||-||||
Unit -IV (||||) 16 Classes
1. -|r|| ~|| |r|||
2 |-|| ~|| ||-|
Devegcees efole evLe :
1. |||r| |r| ~||||| r-||| |||: |a|:|, -|||-||||
. -.-~.o - cc..-ci . (
-. -.a~i - ..o.Jc ..- (
. a c- - c.- c.oc.o (
. ac ui - -c . (
< --.cc-c c- a ac-, cac cc.--c o c occ
c-.- c- (
< --.cc-c c- c-.a ac-, cac cc.--c o c c-.-
c- (
(c) - + - c.ccc a-. --. cc -c a.ccc.- c_ o c .--
a ac - ( ca c a. cc.- c o c c-.- c- ( x=
+. aow|o c o|a| ( acoc)
(o) aow|o
(o.-, c&, -cc-, -c.--., ocac., aa.c-.)
-.c cc.- a--.c a- cc a ac - ( c- c o c
co.o- ( ac- a--.cc w. a.c

-c + o.cc <-
-.. a.c -c ( ( x~

(u) o|a|
() +ca. o c.c (., c-, c~, c-c-)
o.cc -ci- oc w. -cac ( c- a ac- ( cc.--c
o c co.o- -
() accc.- - c - -cc ( ., c-, c~, c- c-)
o ac- ( cac - oc -c -.c-.- ac- ( (x=)
(+) cn|c|oc cc
a.cco.c. c-.a- c..c.c o ac- ( cac a. co.c.
oc aa co-.- c- ( x=

65 64
Arts Stream Arts Stream
4. :-|-||= -||||:| -| ||: -| r|-|| -|||:
Unit -III (|r|-|| c|c) 18 Classes
-||=| -| || |r|-|| | |-|-| c| |||||-| | -||
Points to be studied :
1. |-|-| |-||-:
2. c|-| -|-|-: |-||
3. -|-|| || -|||-|| -||r-| ||-|
4. |-|| -|| -|c||
Unit -IV (||||) 18 Classes
(| ) |:-|, ||=|, |:||| ~|| ||| || ~|-||
( c| ) |r-:| ~|-|| =|
Devegcees efole evLe :
1. |r-:| |||| ~|| |-|| |||:| -|-:-| |||:,
2. -| = | r-:| | | | -|c| c| |-| -: |||: | | r
3. |||| :| | -||| c| |-|-||-|| :||
|||-|-|, :-||r|||:
2. |||r| -|||| c| ||-|||-| -||||||r|, -||-|-| -|||
-|r-|, |=|
3. |r-:| |||| ~|| |-|| |||:| -|-:-| |||:, -||||
-||-| -|=-||
Full Mark : 100 Time : 3 Hours
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks. The duration of
Examinations will be three hours.
1. Multiple Choice (from all units) 1x10=10 marks
2. One word answer (-do-) 1x10=10 marks
3. Correct the Sentences (-do-) 1x5=5 marks
4. Fill in the Blanks (-do-) 1x5=5 marks
5. Write notes on any five (From all units ) 3x5=15 marks
(Answer in Two to three Sentences)
6. Explain only (From unit I & II) 3x5=15 marks
(Only Bhavarth)
6. Four Long questions (From I, II & III units)
(Eight questions to be asked) 10x4=40 marks
Total = 100 marks
Unit -I (-|-| c|c) 32 Classes
-||=| -||| |--||| |-|||| ||r |:-||
Unit -II (|-||| c|c) 20 Classes
-||=| -||| |-||-| |||-| c| ||-:-||| |-||
Portions to be studid :
1. :||| ~||||| |-||-: -||-|
2. |-||-| | -|-| ~||||| r-||| |||: |:|:|
3. ~||||-|| -||| -|r|:|| |-||
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks and of three
hours duration in elective Bangali in the first year consisting of four
The examination of the first year shall be conducted at the
end of the XI class at college / H.S. School level.
Detailed Study : (To be taught in the 1st Year)
Unit - I
Poetry :
Naibedya - Rabindranath Tagore the following
Pieces to be studied
1. Pratidina Ami He Jibonswami
10. Jara kache Ache.
67 66
Arts Stream Arts Stream
20. Tomaro pataka Jare dao
27. Dehe Ar Mare prane
50. E Durbhagya Desh Hote
Unit - II
History of Bengali Literature
Topics to be taught :-
Charyapada, Kabikankan Mukundaram and Chaitanya Sahitya
Unit - III
Short - Story
Bangla Galpa Sangraha - Mahashareta Devi
Pieces to be taught :
1. Chhuti - Rabindranath Tagore
2. Mahesh - Sarat Ch. Chattopadhyay
3. Adarini - Pravat Kr. Mukhopadhyay
4. Kalapahar - Tarasankar Bandopadhyay
Unit - IV
Grammar :
Proverb and Idioms Common errors in words.
Marks distributions :
Unit - I 25 Marks
Two Long question with alternative 2x10 Marks
One Explanation/short type question with
alternative 5 Marks
Unit - II 25 Marks
One Long question 15 Marks
One Short questions/Explanation 10 Marks
Unit - III 25 Marks
One long question 15 Marks
One short Ans type question 10 Marks
Unit - IV 25 Marks
Proverb & Idioms 15 Marks
Errors 10 Marks
Total 100 Marks
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks and of three
hours duration in elective Bangali in the first year consisting of four
The examination of the first year shall be conducted at the
end of the XII class at college / H.S. School level.
Detailed Study : (To be taught in the 1st Year)
Unit - I Poetry :
Naibedya - Rabindranath Tagore
Pieces to be studied
30. Bairagya Sndhna Mukti
45. Je Bhakti Tomare Loye
60. Ekada E Bharater
72. Chitta Getha Bhayashunya
90. Mrityno Angyata Mor
Unit - II
History of Bengali Literature
Topics to be taught :-
History of Bengali Prose to be incorporated, Tarasankar &
Manik Banodopadhay
Unit - III Short - Story
Bangla galpa Sangraha - Mahasweta Devi
Pieces to be taught :
1. Kabuliorala - Rabindranath Tagore
2. Abhagir Swarga - Sarat Chandra Chattopadhya
3. Madhu Master - Tarasankar
4. Puimacha - Bibhuti Bhusan Bandopadhyay
Unit - IV Grammar :
Al ankar- Anupras, Yamak, Sl esha, Upama, Rupak,
Marks distributions :
Unit - I Poetry 25 Marks
Two Long question with alternative 2x10 Marks
One Explanation/short type question
with alternative 5 Marks
Unit - II History of Bengali Literature 30 Marks
Two Long question with alternative 15x2 Marks
Unit - III Short Story 20 Marks
Two long question with alternative 2x10 Marks
Unit - IV Grammar 25 Marks
(i) Defination 10 Marks 15 Marks
(Short Answer type Question)
(ii) Eassy 10 Marks
69 68
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit - II
Maharastrulu Andhra
Bhashaseva - Vidwan Vemuri Venkata Ramanayya
Margadarsi Gurajada - Khandavalli Lakshmi Ranjanam
Gramanama Vignanamu - Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
Utukuri Kanyakamma - Dr. Pakanati Suryakumari
Unit - III
Devayani - Chundi Venkanna Rao
Unit - IV
CHANDASSU : Utpalamala, Champakamala, Sardhulam,
Mattebham, Kandamu, Tetageeti, Ataveladi, Seesamu.
ALANKARAMULU : Upama, Rupaka, Utpreksha,
Ardhataranyasa, Virodhabhasa, astisayokti, Swabhavokti,
Slesha, anuprasa, yamaka
B) History of telugu literature
Some knowledge about the following poets and their writings.
Nannaya, Tikkana, Yerrana, Sreenadha, Potana, Rayalu,
Peddana, Thenali Ramakrishna, Vemana, Kandukuri Gurajada
Rayaprolu, Viswanadha, Devulapalli Srisri.
1. Poetry & Prose : Sahitee Manjari
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
2. Non-Detail : Devayani
By Chundi Venkanna Rao
3. Grammar : Vyakarana Parijatamu
By Dr. Singpuram Narayana Rao
4. History of Telugu
Literarure : Sahity Parichayamu
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks of 3 hours duration
and consisting of four units. The examination shall be conducted at the
end of First Year of college/H.S. School level.
Unit - I
POETRY 25 marks
One Pratipadardham 1 x 5 = 05
Two Explanations 2 x 5 = 10
One long type Question 1 x 10 = 10
Unit - II
PROSE 25 marks
One Long Questions 1 x 10 = 10
One Short type Question 1 x 5 = 05
Ten very short type Questions 10 x 1 = 10
Unit -III
NON-DETAIL 20 marks
One long type Question 1 x 10 = 10
One Short type Questions 1 x 5 = 05
Five very short type Questions 5 x 1 = 05
Unit -IV
A) GRAMMAR 20 marks
B) History of telugu Literature 10 marks
Total 100 marks
Unit - I POETRY :
Chirutondanambi Katha - Sreenadhudu
Sasankuni Neeti - Sesham Venkatapati
Sankranti - Tummala Seetarama Murty
Sainikudi Uttaram - Bala Gangadhara Tilak
Telugunadu - Lalitadevi Tubey
71 70
Arts Stream Arts Stream
There shall:be one paper carrying 100 marks of 3 hours duration and
consisting of six units. The examination shall be conducted at the end
of First Year of college/H.S. School level.
Unit - I
POETRY 25 marks
One Pratipadardham 1 x 5 = 05
Two Explanations 2 x 5 = 10
One long type Question 1 x 10 = 10
Unit - II
PROSE 25 marks
One long type Question 1 x 10 = 10
One Short type Question 1 x 5 = 05
Ten very short type Questions 5 x 2 = 10
Unit -III
NON-DETAIL 20 marks
One long type Question 1 x 10 = 10
One Short type Question 1 x 5 = 05
Five very short type Questions 5 x 1 = 05
Unit -IV
A) GRAMMAR 20 marks
B) Literary Forms 10 Marks
Total 100 marks
Unit - I POETRY:
Prahlada Charitra - Bammera Potana
Sree Kalahasteeswara - Dhurjati
Vasnta Vikasamu - Rayaprolu Subbarao
Malle Madugu - Puripanda Applaswamy
Samunmeshamu - Jandhyala Papayya Sastri
Unit - II PROSE:
Desabhimanamu - Kandukuri Veerasalingam
Reddiyugamu -Andhra - Mallampalli Soma Sekhara
Vaknmayamu Sarma
Abhyudaya Sahityam - Kodavatiganti Kutumba Rao
Mahakavi Gurajada - Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
Unit - III
Varadu - Dr. Kandimalla Sambasiva Rao
Unit - IV
Samskruta Sandhulu : Savarna Deergha, Guna sandhi,
yanadesa sandhi, Anunasika sandhi, pararupa sandhi,
Telugu Sandhulu : Dvirukta takara sandhi, Gasadadavadesa
sandhi, saraladesa sandhi, Amredita sandhi, Trika Sandhi.
Samasamutu : Tatpurusha, karmadharaya, Dwigu, Dwandva,
Bahuvreehi, Avyayeebhava.
Itihasamu Puramamu, Kavyamu, Kadhanika, Navala, Vyasamu,
Jeevita Charitra, Ekankika, Satakamu, Yakshaganamu,
73 72
Arts Stream Arts Stream
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks and the
examination shall be of 3 hours duration conducted at the end
of the 1st year of college/H.S. School level.
Unit - I 10 Marks
Reading Skills
Comprehension with literary appreciation of an unseen passage
followed by five questions carrying 10 marks
Unit - II 20 Marks
Books Prescribed :
1. Tanweer-e-adab - by (Sagir Ahmed Jaan)
Only Chawtha daur and Panchuan daur.
i) One long question with an alternative on poets carrying
10 marks.
ii) One long question with alternative on the importance of
Chawtha and Panchuan Daur carrying 10 marks.
2. Rustam - O-Sohrab by (Agha Hashar) 20 Marks
i) One long question on Drama with an alternative
carrying 10 Marks.
ii) One long question on the critical aspects or
character of the Drama carrying 10 marks with an
3. Two short questions from Text Book
(Tanweer Adab) with alternative (Urdu is Ibteda aur Uski
Taraqqi (Baab-e-Awaal) and two short questions from the
book (Rustam-O-Sohrab)
With alternatives (Drame ka Fan aur Hashar ki drama
Niguri) 4x2= 8 marks
Unit - III Novel 20 Mark
Books Prescribed : 20 Classes
1. Firdous Barin - by (Abdul Halim sharar)
1. Poetry & Prose : Sahitee Kaumudi
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
2. Non-Detail : Varadu
By Dr. Kandimalla Samba Siva Rao
3. Grammar : Vyakarana Parijatamu
By Dr. Singpuram Narayana Rao
4. Literary Forms : Sahity Parichayamu
By Dr. Singupuram Narayana Rao
75 74
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit - III 9 marks
Masnavi - One Long questions from the masnavis of Kalam-e-
Mir carrying 9 marks with alternatives. 18 Classes
Topic to be taught :
(i) Jhoot, (ii) Duniya, (iii) Gharki-barbadi, (iv) Mehain Ki Tugyani,
(v) Ghar ka Haal.
Unit - IV
Non-detail studies 15 Marks
Books Prescribed : 20 Classes
Chand Ham asar by - Maulana Abdul Haque.
Topiecs to be taught :
1) Syed Mohamuad Marhoom.
2) Maulvi Chirag Ali Marhoom
3) Maulana, Waheedudin Salim
4) Gudrika Laal, Noor Khan
5) Mohsenal Mulk
6) Maulana Mohammad Ali Marhoom
7) Hali
There shall be one general question carrying 15 marks with
Unit - V
Grammer : Qawaid : 15 Marks
Books Prescribed : i) Ilmulbalaghat
ii) Urdu Qawaed O Insha 25 Classes
Topic to be taught : Tasbeeh, Istiara, Kinaya, Talmeeh, Miratun
Nazir, Husn-e-talab, Tazad, Taaliel, Mobaligha, Majaz.
2. There shall be three questions carrying 3 marks with
alternatives 3x3=9
3. Two questions from Qawaid carrying 3 marks each with
alternatives from the portion i.e. Tazkir-O-Tanish. 3x2=6
Tazaad, Sabqui and Laahque, Mohawarat.
Nirmala-By (Prem chand) Book emporium, Sabjibagh, Patna.
i) One general question on Novel with alternative
carrying 10 marks
ii) One short question on NOvel with alternative
carrying 5 marks.
iii) One short question on critical aspects of the Novel
5 marks
(i.e. Development of novels, central idea, Plot style
of writing)
Unit - IV Short stories 22 Marks
Book Prescribed : 20 Classes
Numainda Mukhtasar Afsane Portions to be studied.
(i) I.C.S. (ii) Jine Ke Liye, (iii) Kalesahab, (iv) Foot path, (v) Atthara
Anc, (vi) Sirf Ek Ana.
i) One general question on short stories carrying 14 Marks
with alternatives.
ii) Two short questions carrying 4 marks each with
There shall be carrying 100 marks and the examination shall be
of 3 hours duration conducted at the end of the 2nd year at council
Unit - I 25 Marks
There shall be four alternative essays on imaginative and
reflective types of topics.
Unit - II Poetry : 36 Marks
Books Prescribed : 18 Classes
Kalam -e-Mir by - Dr. Abdul Haque or Bedil
i) There shall be 2 general questions from the above portion
carrying 12 marks with alternatives. 12x2=24 marks
ii) Four couplets for explanation from Ghajaliyat Radif Alif
and Yaa carrying 3 marks each with alternatives.
3x4=12 marks
77 76
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Time - 3 hrs F.M. -100
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks. The examination
shall be of 3 hours duration, conducted at the end of the 1st Year at
college/H.S. School Level.
PAPER - I Classes
Unit - I Poetry 25 25 Marks
Unit - II Prose 20 25 Marks
Unit - III History of Sanskrit 15
Literature and Grammar from the text 25 Marks
Unit -IV Grammar from
Outside the Text 10 25 Marks
Unit - V Translation from out side
the text 10 10 Marks
Total 80 Classes Total 100 Marks
Unit -I
Poetry : Kumara Sambhavam-Canto-V-By Kalidasa 25 Marks
Distribution of Marks
1) Long Question (one) 10 Marks
2) Explanation (one) 05 Marks
3) Short Questions (two) 3x2=06 Marks
4) Questions of Multiple Choice (Four) 1x4=04 Marks
Unit - II
Prose : c nc|oi Published by Orissa State Bureau of
Textbook Preparation and Production. 25 Marks
The first seven prose pieces from the above book are to be
1. oon+ oa|
2. eoccn|o|u+|n
3. ioooa|
4. un eo|oe oa|
5. |onoooa|
6. ooec|un
7. no| o|@t
01. Long question (one) 10 Marks
02. Translation of one prose
passage from the text 05 Marks
03. Two short questions 3x2=06 Marks
04. Questions of Multiple Choice (Four) 1x4=04 Marks
Unit - III
History of Sanskrit Literature and Grammar from the text 25 Marks
History of the following authors and their works are to be studied.
01. |io
02. +|
03. o|o |
04. o|
05. cn|
06. oc |o|oc
07. oco+
08. eoc
09. c|a oo|e
10. no|o nc
01. One Long question (about the authors) 10 Marks
02. One short question (about the work of a poet) 05 Marks
03. Grammar from the text
i) n| 2x2=4 Marks
79 78
Arts Stream Arts Stream
ii) o|oo oe 1x3=3 Marks
iii) oo c-o c+o 1x3=3 Marks
Unit - IV
Grammar and Translation from outside the Text : 15 Marks
01. Grammar from outside the text
i) <ooiooc 1x3=3 Marks
ii) |o+oo 1x3=3 Marks
iii) oncc|u 1x3=3 Marks
iv) |o+ oo 1x2=2 Marks
v) c+| ooc 1x4=4 Marks
Unit - V
Translation from 5 unseen Sanskrit sentences to Oriya/English***
The following portions of grammar are to be studied.
i) o|oo oe
ii) n|- ccooa, on u|oo, eie, a+oio|
iii) o e - cc , c|o, c+, aioo , e, ec, e|,
+o, cn, e, +, oe, uo
iv) cec - ac, c, co, no, o, nco, c,
v) |o+ oo
vi) cee - o, |, oo, on, o, oi, |, w|, o|, i
Text Books :
01. c nc|oi - Published by Orissa State Bureau of
Textbook Preparation and Production.
02. c |e c+o oce| - History of Sanskrit Literature
By A. B. Keith, Published by Orissa State Bureau of
Textbook Preparation and Production.
Translated by : occo oo
03. +|ooco ct Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production
04. on|oon of kalidasa
N.B:- The questions may be answered in Sanskrit or Oriya or English
if not otherwise specified.
There shall be one paper carrying 100 marks. The duration of
Examinations will be of three hours.
Unit - I 20
Drama 25 Marks
Unit - II 15
Drama 25 Marks
Unit - III 20
Poetry 25 Marks
Unit -IV 15
Grammar from
`Outside the Text 15 Marks
Unit - V 10
Translation from
Outside the Text 10 Marks
Total 80 Classes Total 100 Marks
Unit -I
Drama : o| n - By o| 25 Marks
(Acts - 1, 2, 3 &4)
ii) One Long Question 10 Marks
ii) One Explanation 05 Marks
iii) Two Short Questions 3x2=06 Marks
iv) Grammar from the text (n|) 2x2=04 Marks
Unit - II
Drama : o| n - By o| 25 Marks
(Acts - 5&6)
81 80
Arts Stream Arts Stream
i) One Long Question 10 Marks
ii) One Explanation 05 Marks
iii) Two Short Questions 3x2=06 Marks
iv) Multiple choice questions -
Grammar (o|oo) from the Text 1x4=04 Marks
Unit - III
Poetry : 25 Marks
The following poetry pieces are to be studied from c nc|o i
1. ooc (cc|o -)
2. oco+ic (cc|o -)
3. |oo - nc - (cc|o -)
01. One Long question 10 Marks
02. One Explanation 05 Marks
03. Translation of one verse from the text in to
Oriya / English 04 Marks
03. Two short questions 2x2=04 Marks
04. Grammar from the Text- (ooc oc+o) 1x2=02 Marks
Unit - IV
02. ccoo < u|coo 1x6=(3+3)=6 Marks
03. <ooiooc (i oc+o) 1x3=3 Marks
04. eooc < e c, 1x6=(3+3)=6 Marks
Unit - V
Translation from five unseen Oriya or English sentences into
Sanskrit : 10 Marks
The following portions of grammar are to be studied :
o) cc oo :
i. oo - c, o, oc, u, o|c, oc, co,
n|, o,c, oc, nec, e, o|e, oc,
ii. i o - c|, nc , i, i, u, n|c , c , o
iii. o i o - oo, |o , ao , nu , on , |n , oo
iv. |n - c, on, on, , a, a
v. u+||oo - <o, , c, oco, o , aco
u) e oooc - oe, +e e, o e
o) u|coo- o, on, c, o, oo, a, w|, i, o|, o,,
o, | , , oe
o) i oc+o
Text Books :
01. c nc|oi - Published by Orissa State Bureau of
Textbook Preparation and Production.
02. +|ooco ct Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production.
N.B.- The questions may be answered in Sanskrit or Oriya or English
if not otherwise specified.
83 82
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit -I
1. History - its meaning and relevance. 2
2. Sources of Indian History -Archeo logical, Literary and
Archival 6
3. Foundation of Indian Culture :
(a) Harappan culture: Geographical extent,
urbanization, agriculture, craft and technology,
trade and religious practices - 4
(b) Rig Vedic and Later Vedic Age : Society, Polity,
Economy and Religion 8
Unit -II
1. Religious Reform Movements: Tenets and impact of
Jainism and Buddhism. 6
2. Culture of the Gupta Age: Literature, Art, Science and
Technology, Religion and Philosophy 6
Unit -III
1. Delhi Sultanate: State and Government -Theory and
Governance, Society and Economy 6
2. Culture of the Mughal Age: Society, Religious Ideas-
Din-I-Ilahi, Architecture and Painting 4
Unit -IV
1. Revolt of 1857 : Causes and consequences 4
2. Growth of Modern Economy in colonial context (1757-
1857): Land Revenue Policy, Commercial Policy,
Development of means transport and communication.
3. Struggle for Swaraj : 9
(i) Non-Co-operation Movement and its response in
(ii) Civil Disobedience Movement and its response
in Orissa.
(iii) Quit-India movement and its response in Orissa.
Unit -V
1. Great Rulers of Orissa : Kharavela, Anantavarman
Chodagangadeva, and Kapilendradeva 6
2. Emergence of Modern Orissa. 6
(i) Formation of the province of Orissa.
(ii) Integration of the Princely states of Orissa.
3. The cult of Jagannath 3
Total : 80 periods
Unit -I
1. Contributions of river valley civilization: Egypt,
Mesopotamia and China. 9
2. (i) Ancient Greece: Rise of city states-Athens and
Sparta, evolution of democracy, the age of
Periches. 4
(ii) Ancient Rome: Society and Government, Julius
Caesar- Achievements. 4
(iii) Major religions: Christianity & Islam 4
Unit -II
1. Feudalism in Europe: Origin, Merits and Demerits. 4
2. Renaissance in Europe: Art, Literature and Science. 4
3. Geographi cal expl orati ons: Mercanti l i sm and
Colonialism 4
Unit -III
1. Industrial Revolution: Scientific and Technological
Developments. 2
2. Ameri can war of Independence: Causes and
consequences. 5
3. French Revolution of 1789: Causes and significance. 6
1. Formation of Nation States : Italy & Germany. 6
2. Firs World War: causes. 4
3. Russian Revolution of 1917 : causes and effects. 5
85 84
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit -V
1. Events leading to the Second World War, emergence of
new World order : cold war, NATO, CENTO and end of
the cold war. 9
2. United Nations: Origin, Objectives and structures. 4
3. Non-Alignment Movement, Regional Co-operation in Asia-
SAARC, ASEAN, Trends towards global economy. 6
Total 80 periods
Text Books Recommended :
1. History of India - Part - I & II
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Pustak Bhawan, BBSR.
Text Books Recommended :
. aa-i c. - +c. c.~ a.c aa- aco- + a-.-
., c-c-c(
The syllabus in Political Science shall consist of two papers,
one paper each for the 1st year and 2nd year of +2 Course carrying
100 marks. There shall be objective type, short answer type and
essay type of questions in both the examinations. All 4 (four) units
will be given equal weightage in the question papers. Examination at
the end of 1st year will be conducted at the college/H.S School
level, where as the examination at the end of 2nd year will be
conducted at the council level.
Unit -I
(A) Introducing Political Science 8 periods
(a) Politics and Political Science : Meaning, Nature and
(b) State: Meaning, Need of the State and its elements,
Distinction between :- (i) State and Society (ii) State
and Government (iii) State and Association.
(B) Changing Nature of State Activity 11 periods
(a) Individualism: Background, Meaning Justification and
(b) Welfare State: Background, Meaning, Compulsory and
Optional functions of the State; Justification and
(c) Globalisation : Background, Meaning, Impact on
functioning of the State, Justification and criticism.
Unit -II
(A) Understanding Constitution 8 periods
(a) Constitution : Meaning and Importance, Types - Written
and Unwritten, Rigid and Flexible
(b) Constitution of India : Preamble, Salient Features,
Procedure of Amendment.
(B) Machinery of State - I 10 periods
(a) Theory of Separation of Powers
87 86
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(b) Legislature: Functions and Types
(c) Legislatures in India :
(i) Parliament: Composition, Functions, Presiding
Officers, Legislative and Financial Procedures.
(ii) State Legislatures: Composition and Functions.
Unit -III
Machinery of State -II 20 periods
(a) Executive: Functi ons, Types, Presi denti al and
(b) Executive in India: President, Prime Minister, Council of
Ministers, Governor and Chief Minister.
(c) Judiciary : Importance and Functions.
(d) Judiciary in India: Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial
Review and Independence of Judiciary.
(e) Bureaucracy: Meaning and Role, Control over
(f) Military : Functions and Role.
(g) Police: Importance and Functions, Control over Police.
Unit- IV
Basic Concepts 16 periods
(a) Law : Meaning, Sources and Types
(b) Liberty : Meaning and Types.
(c) Equality : Meaning and Types.
(d) Rights : Meaning and Types, Meaning and Nature
of Human Rights.
Total 75 periods
Books Recommended :
1. Bureaus Higher Secondary +2 Political Science Part-I
+co| ocn|un o () o|eic w| o an o|o
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production.
Unit -I
Democratic Process -1 18 periods
(a) Democracy: Meaning, Direct and Indirect Democracy.
Characteri sti cs of Democracy, Strengths and
Weaknesses, Conditions for successful working of
(b) Authoritarianism: Meaning, Characteristics, Types, Critical
(c) Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy
and Fundamental Duties as provided in the Constitution
of India.
Unit -II
Democratic Process -II 17 periods
(a) Political Parties: Meaning, Functions and Party
(b) Party system i n Indi a: Nature and General
(c) Public Opinion: Nature and Agencies.
(d) Democratic Decentralisation in India: Panchayati Raj and
Urban Local Bodies.
Unit -III
Issues in Nation Building 20 periods
(a) Nation and Nationalism.
(b) Meaning, Characteristics and Importance of Federation,
Unitary State and Confederation.
(c) Federal Relations in India : Division of Powers, Union-
State Relations, Centralising Features.
(d) Importance of Federalism for Nation Building in India.
89 88
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(e) Constitutional Strategy for National Integration in India:
Secularism, Social Justice, Economic Development.
(f) Major Challenges of National Integration in India:
Regionalism, Casteism, Communalism.
Unit - IV
Major Political Ideologies
(a) Liberalism
(b) Socialism
(c) Marxism
(d) Gandhism
Total 75 periods
Books Recommended :
1. Bureaus Higher Secondary + 2 Political Science
+co| ocn|uno (), o|eic w| cio o|o(
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
Objective of the Course:
To give the basic ideas about the Logical Reasonings and to
train the young minds to learn various forms of Reasonings so that
they will be able to identify Valid reasonings. They will also learn the
relation of Logic with Language.
There shall be two papers for class- XI and Class-XII, each
consisting of 100 marks. Each paper is divided into four units. The
students are instructed to answer the questions within three hours
in the prescribed pattern given below:
Group A Objective type Total - 30 Marks
1. Multiple Choice 1x10=10
2. Answers in one word 1x10=10
3. Correct the sentences or Fill in the blanks 1x10=10
Group B Short type Total - 30 Marks
Answer in two or three sentences.
4. Write notes on any five 3x5=15
5. Explain or Distinguish between (any five) 3x5=15
Group- C Long type Total-40 Marks
Two question from each unit out of which to answer any four
questions, one from each unit 10x4=40
Grand Total :- 100 marks for each paper
Unit -I 12 periods
Nature of Logic: Definition of Logic, Structure of Argument,
Sentence and Proposition, Truth and Validity, Sound and
unsound Argument, Principles of Logic.
Logic and Language: Uses of Language, Words and Terms,
Denotation, Connotation, Extension.
Unit -II 15 periods
Definition and Meaning: Denotative definition, Ostensive
definition Connotative definition (definition by genus and
91 90
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit - II 20 periods
Mixed Syllogism: Different forms, Hypothetical -Categorical,
Alternative categorical, Disnjuctive categorical, Dilemma :
Forms, Refutation, Rebuttal of Dilemma
Fallacies :
Informal Fallacies, Fallacy of Relevance, Fallacy of
Presumption, Fallacy of Ambiguity.
Inductive Fallacies: Fallacy of Illicit generalisation, False
analogy, Extra logical fallacies, Ignoratio Elenchi.
Unit-III 06 periods
Propositional Logic : Symbolic Logic and its characteristics,
Propositional variables. Logical constants, Propositional
connectives, truth functions, construction of Truth tables,
Testing of validity by direct truth tabular methods.
Unit-IV 14 periods
Methods of Experimental Enquiry - Mills Five Experimental
Scientific Order, System and Explanation: Orders in
Science, Systems in Science Scientific Methods, Scientific
Books Prescribed :
Logic- 1st year & 2nd year :
1. Bureau's Higher Secondary +2 Logic Part-I and
+co| ocn|uno coc|, oan c cio o|o(
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.

Propositions : Classification of propositions, Reduction to

Logical form, Distribution of terms, Sevenfold relation of
proposition, Square of oppositions, Existential import of
propositions, Venn Diagrams.
Unit -III 30 periods
Nature, Problem and Procedure of Induction : Induction
and Deduction, Primary and Secondary induction, Procedure
of induction, Problem of induction.
Induction and Probable Inference : Scientific induction,
Induction by simple enumeration, Analogy, Probability,
Statistical syllogism.
Formal Grounds of Induction : Law of Uniformity of Nature,
Law of Causation, Qualitative and Quantitative marks of
causation, Cause and condition, Different views of causation,
Plurality of causes, Conjunction of causes, Intermixture of
Unit -IV 10 periods
Material Grounds of Induction : Observation and Experiment.
Hypothesis : What is Hypothesis ? Conditions of Legitimate
hypothesis, Proofs of Hypothesis.
Books Prescribed :
1. Bureau's Higher Secondary +2 Logic Part -I.
2. +co| ocn|uno coc|, oan c cio o|o(
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production.
Unit -I 25 periods
The Theory of Inference : Classification of Inference,
Conversion, Obversion, Categorical Syllogism, Structure,
Figure, Moods, Rules of Syllogism. Determination of valid
moods, Special Rules of the Figures, Aristotles Dictum, Direct
and Indirect Reduction.
93 92
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Development Strategy Since 1991 - (Economic Reforms) main
features -Liberalisation, Globalisation & Privatisation,
Sectoral Development :
Agriculture - Its importance, Causes of its low productivity,
New Agricultural Strategy: Green Revolution.
Industry - Its importance. Industrial Policy -1956 & 1991.
Foreign Trade - Changes in the composition & direction of
foreign trade, sine independence Export & Import Policy.
Unit -III
Current challenges facing Indian Economy : (10 periods)
Population - Demographic features of Indian Economy, causes
and effects of population explosion population control measures.
Poverty & unemployment - Their causes, types of
unemployment, Poverty and alleviation programmes, measure
to solve unemployment.
Unit -IV
Meaning, Functions and Limitations of Statistics : (13 periods)
Meaning of statistics Primary and Secondary data, Methods
of collection of primary data, Census Vs. Sampling methods-
their merits and demerits. Frequency distribution. Measures of
central tendency -AM, Median, Mode- their merits and demerits.
Measures of Dispersion and correlation (12 periods)
Range, Q.D., M.D., S.D.- their merits and demerits. Co-efficient
of variation. Correlation- Types of Correlation. Karl Pearson's method of
computing correlation coefficient (Two variables ungrouped data only.)
Books Recommended :
1. Bureaus H.S. Economics part - II by Orissa Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
2. -cc. oc ...- aa. (ioc.c)(
a-.- : +c . c.~ a.ca a- a co- + a-.- ., c -c-c(
There shall be one paper for 1st year and 2nd year classes,
each consisting of 100 marks Each Paper is divided into five units.
Pattern of Questions : DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS
Group - A Objective type 30 Marks
1. Multiple choice type 1x10 = 10 Marks
2. Answer in One sentence 1x10 = 10 Marks
3. Correct the statement if required 1x10 = 10 Marks
Group - B Short type 30 Marks
1. Answer in two or three sentences 3x5 = 15 Marks
2. Distinguish between (any five) 3x5 = 15 Marks
Group - C Long type 40 Marks
Four question carrying equal marks) are to be answered out
seven questions covering all the units in the syllabus.
To be taught in +2 ist year Science Classes.
Unit -I
Economic Development and Structural Changes in Indian
Economy: (10 periods)
Concepts of Economic Growth - Economic Development
and Sustainable Development. Indicators of Development- Per
capita Income, physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) Human
Development Index, Characteristics of Indian Economy.
Structural changes in Indian Economy - Occupational
structure, Relative contributions of different sectors (Agriculture,
Industry & Service) to National Income.
Infrastructure and Development Strategy: (15 periods)
Infrastructure :-
(a) Economic (Energy, Transport and Communication)
(b) Social (Education, Health & Housing)
95 94
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(To be taught in +2 Ilnd year Arts Classes)
Unit -I
Introduction to Economics and Consumer Behaviour (10
periods) :
Basic concepts: Utility, Goods, Human Wants, Wealth, Value,
Laws of Consumption: Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility,
Law of Equi-Marginal Utility.
Demand: Meaning, Determinants, Law of Demand, Shifts in
Demand Curve, Price Elasticity of Demand and i ts
Unit -II
Production, Cost, Revenue and Market Structure. (12
Production: Meaning, Law of Variable Proportions.
Cost: Money cost, Real Cost, Opportunity Cost, Fixed and
Variable Cost, Total Cost, Average Cost and Marginal Cost.
(Short-run only)
Revenue: Total Revenue, Average Revenue and Marginal
Supply: Meaning and Law of supply.
Market Forms: Perfect Competition, Pure Competition,
Monopoly, Price Determination under Perfect Competition,
Market Price and Normal Price.
Unit- III
Distribution (8 periods)
Rent : Ricardian Theory of Rent, Quasi Rent.
Wage: Money and Real Wages, Determinants of Real Wage,
Causes of Wage Differences.
Interest: Gross and Net Interest.
Profit: Gross and Net Profit, constituents of profit.
Unit -IV
Elementary Macroeconomics (15 periods)
Macroeconomics : Meaning, Difference between Macro and
Keynesian Theory of Income Determination - Aggregate
Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis.
National Income Analysis: Concepts of GNP and NNP at
Market Price and at Factor Cost, National Product and
Domestic Product, National Income, Personal Income and
Disposable Personal Income.
Income, Expenditure and Output Methods of Measurement of
National' Income.
Unit -V
Money Banking and Public Finance (15 periods)
Money : Definition and Functions of Money, Near money.
Banking : Meaning and functions of Commercial Banks and
the Central Bank.
Public Finance : Meaning of Public Finance, Sources of
Government Revenue, Propertional, Progresive and Regrestive
Taxations, Direct and Indirect Taxes.
Public Expenditure: Concepts of Revenue and Capital
expenditure. Plan and Non-plan Expenditure, Developmental
and Non-Developmental Expenditure.
Budget: Meaning and Types of Budget (Balanced, Surplus
and Deficit Budgets)
Books Recommended:
1. Bureau's H.S. Economics (Part-I) By Orissa Bureau
of Textbook Preparation and Production.
2. +co| ocn|uno aac| (oan o|o)
oo|co : cc| o|e+ o|o+ooo oco c oo|c
|, occo(
97 96
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Primary and secondary data, classification of data according to
attributes and variables.
Tabulation of data, one-way and two-way tables.
Presentation of data : Diagrams, graphs and charts, Simple,
multiple, sub-divided and percentage bar diagram, pie diagram,
pictogram and cartograms, histogram, frequency polygon,
frequency curve and ogives.
Frequency distribution Measures of central tendency and
measures of location, arithmetic mean, geometric mean,
harmonic mean, median, mode, Ouartiles, deciles and
Measures of dispersion :
Range, Inter-quartile range, Quartile Deviation; mean absolute
deviation, standard deviation co-efficient of variation and Lorenz
Moments, skewness and kurtosis :
Raw and central moments of various orders, skewness and its
different measures, kurtosis, Beta one (
) Beta two (
Gamma one (
) and gamma two (
) measures.
a) Sampling methods: 20 marks (30 periods)
Sample, population, sampling units, sampling frame,
Principal steps in sample survey, Census versus sample
survey. Idea about questionnaires and schedules,
sampling & non-sampling errors, Elementary idea on
simple random sampling with and without replacement.
Methods of drawing random sampling: Lottery method and
random number tables, Estimation of population mean
and population total, Variance of these estimates. -
(b) Stratified sampling:
Elementary i dea on strati fied random sampli ng,
Proportional and optimum allocation. Estimation of
population mean and population total, Variance of these
There shall be two theory papers in statistics, each of three
hours duration, carrying 70 marks in first year and 70 marks in second
year and two practical papers carrying 30 marks in first year and 30
marks in second year respectively each of three hours duration.
The examination at the end of the first year will be conducted at
the college/H.S. School level and examination at the end of second
year will be conducted at the council level.
The following topics will be taught
70 Marks
(3 hours duration)
Unit-I 30 Marks (30 periods)
(a) Basic Mathematics :
Permutations and combinations, Binomial theorem,
logarithmic and exponential series.
(b) Probability - I :
Definition of probability: classical, empirical and axiomatic
approach, Sample space and events, Correspondence
between sets and events, Probabi li ty by di rect
enumeration, Laws of addition and multiplication,
Conditional probability and independent events.
(c) Probability - II
Bayes rule and its application, pairwise independence and
mutual independence of events, Mathematical expectation
of random variable, Laws of addition of expectation,
Multiplication law of expectation for independent random
variable, variance of sum of random variables,
Unit -II
Statistical methods 20 marks (30 periods)
Definition, Scope and limitations of statistics, Collection of data:
99 98
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(c) Statistical system in India :
Statistical organi zati ons in the Union and State
governments, Agricultural statistics (Area, yield and Land
Utilization statistics), Population Census National Sample
Survey Organization.
The following topics will be taught,
70 Marks
(3 hours duration)
Unit - IV
TIME SERIES : 20 marks (15 periods)
Definition, uses and components of time series, rneasurement
of trend: Freehand, semi-average, moving average and least
squares methods, Measurement of Seasonal fluctuations : simple
averages, Ratio to trend, Ratio to moving average and link relative
Unit - V
Index Number : 25 marks (20 Periods)
Need, meaning & uses of index number. important steps in the
construction of Index Number. Problems in selection of items,
base year, average and system of weighting. Weighted index
number. Laspeyre's, Paasche's and Fisher's ideal index numbers.
Time Reversal. Factor Reversal and circular tests, Base shifting,
splicing and Deflating of index number, Cost of living index
numbers-construction & uses.
Unit - VI 25 marks (30 Periods)
a) Bivariate frequency distribution, simple correlation, Rank
correlation (including ties), linear regression, Regression
co-efficients and their properties. Probability Distributions:
Binomial and Poisson distributions with properties and
applications (computation of mean and variance only)
b) Normal probability distribution, its properties and
applications (mathematical proof excluded), Elementary
ideas on testing of hypothesis, large samples tests based
on normal distribution (mean, variance and proportion).
Full marks - 30
The candidate is rquired to answer any four out of six questions
to be set. Each question carries six marks.
Solution of Problems - 6x4=24 marks
Record - 3 marks
Viva - 3 marks
Total - 30 marks
Graphical representation of data-Histogram, frequency polygon
and cumulative frequency curve, Bar diagram, pie diagram, Arithmetic
mean, median, Mode, G.M and Harmonic mean, partition values,
standard deviation, mean absolute deviation, coefficient of variation,
moments, skewness & kurtosis.
Full marks - 30
The candidate is rquired to answer any three question out of the
five questions to be set. Each question carries eight marks.
Solution of Problems - 8x3=24 marks
Record - 3 marks
Viva - 3 marks
Total - 30 marks
Measurements of trend by moving averages and by least squares
(straight line only) method. Measurement of seasonal fluctuations
(simple average, Ratio to moving averages, Ratio to trend and link
relative methods)
Computation of index numbers by weighted average of price
relatives, Laspeyres, Paasche's and Fisher's formula; coefficient of
correlation, Regression co-efficients and regression lines.
N.B. : Uniformly the practical records should be maintained in blue/
black ink/ball pen by the students.
101 100
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(E) Complex number system : (6 periods)
(i) Complex number and their algebraic properties, Argand
plane and geometrical representation of complex
numbers, Modulus, argument and conjugate of complex
numbers. Triangle inequality.
(ii) Square roots of a complex number, cube roots of unity
and their properties.
(iii) Statement and proof of De-Moivre's Theorem for integral
i ndex and statement f or rati onal i ndex and i ts
Unit - II (24 periods)
(A) Relation : (6 periods)
(i) Definition, domain and range of a relation, inverse of a
relation, types of relation.
(ii) Relation in a set, equivalence relation, congruence
modulo relation on the set of integers.
(iii) Equivalence classes and partition of a set through
examples only.
(B) Function : (6 periods)
(i) Definition, domain, range of a function, Injective,
surjective and bijective functions.
(ii) Equality of functions, composition of functions, inverse
of a function, odd and even functions.
(iii) Real valued function of a real variable.
(iv) Domain, range and graph of the following functions with
si mpl e propert i es, t ri gonomet ri c and i nverse
trigonometric functions, a
, log
x for a>1 and 0<a<1,
, Inx, Ixl, [x], sgn(x).
(C) Limit and continuity : (6 periods)
Limit of a function ( definition only), left-hand limit, right-
hand limit, infinite limit, limit at infinity. Algebra of limits
(without proof), continuity, limits and continuity of trigonometric
functions, a
, log
x, and composite functions. (Details of proof
for continuity of a
, log
x and composite functions excluded).
Unit - I 24 periods
(A) Logic : ( 6 periods)
(i) Statements, negation, conj uncti on, disj uncti on,
conditional, biconditional and their truth tables
(ii) Tautology and equivalence of statements, implications
and double implications.
(iii) Converse, Inverse, contrapositive.
(iv) Different methods of proof with emphasis on method
of mathematical induction.
(B) Sets : (3 periods)
Proofs of commutative, associative and distributive properties
of set union and intersection,
Difference and symmetric difference of sets.
De Morgan's laws.
Cardinality of sets, similar sets, cartesian product of sets,
Cart esi an pl ane and i ts representati on by I R x I R.
Representation of 3-dimensional space by IR x IR x IR
(C) Real number system and Inequalities (6 periods)
Natural numbers and Integers, Arithmetic of Integers, Prime
numbers, Rational and Irrational numbers, Real numbers,
Algebraic properties of real numbers, ordering in R, Absolute
value, Triangle inequality, AM

GM Inequality (simplecases)
Solution of linear inequations in one variable.
(D) Quadratic Polynomials : (3 periods)
(i) Roots of quadratic polynomial, factorisation of quadratic
(ii) Maximum and minimum values of quadratic polynomial
for all real values of the variable.
(iii) Sign of quadratic polynomial for real values of the
(iv) Solution of quadratic inequations.
103 102
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(D) Differentiations : (6 periods)
Derivatives, it's geometrical and physical meaning, algebra
of derivatives, derivatives of algebraic polynomial and
trigonometric functions from first principle, relation between
continuity and differentiability.
Unit - III (22 periods)
(A) Trigonometry: (10 periods)
(i) Periodicity of trigonometric functions
(ii) Trigonometric ratios of compound, mul tiple and
submul tipl e angl es and standard tri gonometri c
(iii) Trigonometric equations and their general solutions.
(iv) Properties of triangles.
(v) Inverse trigonometric functions.
(B) Sequence and series : (6 periods)
(i) Definition of sequence and series.
(ii) Infinite geometric series, Arithmetico-geometric series.
(iii) Exponential and logarithmic series.
(C) Statistics : (2 periods)
Measures of dispersion, mean deviation, standard deviation
and variance.
(D) Number system : (4 periods)
(i) Decimal, binary, Octal and hexadecimal number
(ii) Conversion of a number from one system to the other.
(iii) Binary arithmetic.
Unit - IV (22 periods)
Co-ordinate Geometry of two Dimensions
(A) Straight line :- (10 periods)
Rectangular co-ordinate system, Distance and division formula.
Area of a triangle, slope of a line, Angle between lines.
Locus of an equation and equation of a locus.
Equation of a straight line in different forms. Reduction of
the general form to different forms.
Distance of a point from a line. Condition for concurrency of
three straight lines.
Family of straight lines, Equation of bisectors of the angles
between two straight lines,
Pair of straight lines of the forms :
+ 2hxy + by
= 0
and ax
+ 2hxy + by
+ 2gx +2fy + c =0
Angle between the pair of straight lines.
Change of axes (translation only).
(B) Circle : (5 periods)
Definition and equation of a circle. Tangent and Normal to a
circle. Condition of tangency. System of circles, (Angle
between two circles and condition of orthogonality), Equation
of a circle in parametric form.
(C) Conic Section : (7 periods)
Standard cartesian form of equations of parabola, ellipse and
hyperbola and their equations in parametric form. Equations of
tangents and normals. Condition of tangency, Rectangular and
conjugate hyperbolas.
DISTRIBUTION OF QUESTIONS - First Year (Mathematics)
Unit / Tipics Objective type Short answer Long Type
(1 mark each (2 marks each (6 marks each
compulsory) compulsory) Internal choice)
Unit -I
a) Logic 1 1 1
b) Set 1 1 -
c) R & Ineq 1 1 1
d) Qua. Poly 1 - 1
e) Complex Num 1 1 1
Unit - II
a) Relation 1 1 1
b) Function 1 1 1
c) Limit & Cont. 2 1 1
d) Diff. 1 1 1
105 104
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit - III
a) Trigon 2 1 2
b) Seq. & Series 1 1 1
c) Statistics 1 - 1
d) Numb. Sys 1 2 -
Unit -IV 2D
a) St. Line 2 2 2
b) Circle 1 1 1
c) Conic Sect 2 1 1
Total 20 16 16
To Answer :
Objective type : 20x1 marks = 20 marks Q1, Q2
Short answer : 16x2 marks = 32 marks Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6
Long type : 8x6 marks = 48 marks Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10
Total - 100 Marks
Unit - I (16 periods)
(A) Differential Calculus : (8 periods)
Derivatives of composite functions. (chain rule), Inverse
trigonometric functions, Implicit functions, exponential and
l ogari thmi c f uncti ons, Logari thmi c di f f erent i at i ons,
Derivatives of functions represented by parametric forms,
successive differentiation. Leibnitz Theorem (Statement only)
Partial derivatives, Euler's theorem (without proof) and its
simple applications.
(B) Applications of Derivatives : (8 periods)
Rate of change, Increasing and decreasi ng functions,
tangents and normals, approximation, maxima and minima
(simple problem), Rolle's theorem, Lagrange's and Cauchy's
Mean Value Theorem (without proof) and geometrical
interpretations of Rolles and Lagranges mean value Theorem
and simple applications. Indeterminate forms, L Hospital's
rule (without proof) and its applications.
Unit - II (16 periods)
(A) Integral Calculus : (10 periods)
Anti derivatives, Indefinite integrals,Standard integration
formulae, algebra of integrals, Integration by method of
substitutions, by parts by partial fractions and Integration of
rational and irrational algebraic functions and trigonometric
Definite integral, Fundamental theorem of calculus (Statement
only), Elementary properties of definite integrals. Evalution
of areas of plane regions bounded by simple curves using
definite integral.
(B) Differential Equations : (6 periods)
Definition, order, degree, general and particular solutions of
differential equation, formation of differential equation.
Solutions of differential equattons by mehtod of separation
of variables, homogeneous differential equations of first order
and first degree, linear differential equations of the form

+p(x) y = q (x), Solutions of differential Equations of
the form
d y
= f(x).
Unit - III (20 periods)
(A) Vectors : (6 periods)
Vectors and scalars, Types of vectors, algebra of vectors,
position vector of a point. Resolution of a vector into
Scalar (dot) product of two vectors and its geometrical
meaning, Commutative and distributive properties of dot
products, vector (cross) product and its geometrical meaning,
properties of vector product (without proof).
Scalar triple product and vector triple product with simple
107 106
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(B) Three Dimensional Geometry : (8 periods)
Co-ordinate axes and co-ordinate planes, co-ordinates of a
point, distance between two points, division formula. Direction
cosines and direction ratios of a line.
Projection of a line segment on another line, Angle between two
Definition of a plane and its equations in different forms.
Transformation of the general form to normal form. Angle between
two planes, Distance of a point from a plane, System of planes.
Equation of a plane bisecting the angle between two planes.
Symmetrical and Un-symmetrical form of equation of a line and
transformation of un-symmetrical form to symmetrical form.
Condition of coplanarity of two lines, Angle between a line
and a plane, Distance of a point- from a line.
Definition and euation of a sphere in standard form. Sphere
through four non-coplanar points, Equation of a sphere when
end points of a diameter are given.
(C) Linear Programming : (6 periods)
Introduction to Linear Programming Problem (LPP). Graphical
solution of system of linear inequators of two variables.
Graphical solution of LPP (upto three constraints).
Unit - IV (16 periods)
(A) Determinants and Matrices : (6 periods)
(i) Determinants upto order three, Minors and Co-factors,
properties of determinants, Cramer's rule.
(ii) Matrices, Algebra of matrices, transpose and inverse
of a matrix, solution of system of linear equations in
two or three variables by matrix inversion method and
by Cramer's rule.
(B) Permutation, Combination and Binomial Theorem : (6
(i) Counting principle, Permutations and combinations
(with and without repetition)
(ii) Statement of Binomial theorem for any rational index
and proof of this theorem for positive integral index
and identities involving binomial co-efficients.
(C) Probability : (4 periods)
(i) Basic concepts of probability
(ii) Conditional probability and independence
(iii) Compound events
DISTRIBUTION OF QUESTIONS - Second Year (Mathematics)
Unit / Tipics Objective type Short answer Long Type
(1 mark each (2 marks each) (6 marks each
compulsory) compulsory) Internal choice)
Unit -I
a) Diff. Calc 2 2 2
b) Appl. 3 2 2
Unit - II
a) Int. Calc. 3 2 3
b) Diff. Eqn. 2 2 1
Unit - III
a) Vector 2 1 1
b) 3D 2 2 2
c) LP 1 1 1
Unit -IV
a) Det. & Mat 2 1 2
b) Perm. & Comb. 2 1 2
c) Probability 1 2 -
Total 20 16 16
To Answer :
Objective type : 20x1 marks = 20 marks Q1, Q2
Short answer : 16x2 marks = 32 marks Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6
Long type : 8x6 marks = 48 marks Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10
Total 100 Marks
Books Prescribed:
1. Elements of Mathematics : Vol - I & II.
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production, Bhubaneswar.
109 108
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Long Type - 40 Marks
(Answer any one from the two questions given from each of
the four unit) 10x4= 40 Marks)
Unit -I
The Discipline of Sociology :
(i) Sociology- meaning, scope, sociology as a science. 04
(ii) Relationship of Sociology with Anthropology, Economics,
History, Political Science and Psychology. 05
(iii) Contribution of founding fathers :
(a) Auguste Comte -Law of three stages. 02
(b) Spencer -Organic Analogy. 02
(c) Durkheim -Theory of suicide. 02
Unit - II Total 15 periods
Basic Concepts :
(i) Soci ety -meani ng, characteri sti cs, f uncti onal
prerequisites, man as a social animal. 04
(ii) Community -meaning and characteristics. 01
(iii) Association -meaning and characteristics. 01
(iv) Institution- meaning and characteristics. 01
(v) Social Group- meaning and characteristics, Primary group
and secondary group, In -group and out-group. 04
(vi) Distinction between Society and Community, Association
and Institution. 02
(vii) Culture -meaning and characteristics, material and non-
material culture, cultural lag. 02
Unit - III Total 15 periods
Social Institutions :
(i) Family- meaning, characteristics, types and functions. 04
(ii) Kinship -meaning and types. 02
(iii) Marriage- meaning and types. 02
(iv) Religion- meaning and role. 02
Total 10 periods
Objectives of the course :-
Sociology as a discipline in +2 level attempts to give some
fundamental understanding of the subject.
The main objectives are to provide basic knowledge relating
to fundamental concepts, major social institutions, Indian social
organisation alongwith some processes of social change and their
impact on Indian Society.
There shall be examination in two papers in Sociology,
each of three hours duration and each carrying 100 marks. The
Paper- 1 is to be covered in Class-XI (1st Year) and the Paper-
II is to be covered in Class-XII (2nd Year). The detailed syllabus
is given below.
Full Marks - 100
Group- A
Objective Type- 30 Marks
0.1. Multiple Choice - (1x10=10 Marks)
0.2. One word answer- (1x10= 10 Marks)
0.3. Correct the sentence -
Fill up the blanks - (1x10= 10 Marks)
Group -B
Short Type - 30 Marks
(Answer in two or three sentences)
Q. 4. Write short notes on any five - (3x5= 15 Marks)
Q. 5. Explain or distinguish between - (3x5= 15 Marks)
Total periods = 60
111 110
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit- IV
Social Processes and change :
(A) Processes -Associative Process :- 01
(a) Co-operation 02
(b) Accommodation 02
(c) Assimilation 02
Dissociative Processes :- 01
(a) Competition 02
(b) Conflict .. 02
(B) Social Change :- Total 12 periods
(a) Meaning and characteristics. 02
(b) Factors - Demographic, Cultural and Technological.06
Books Recommended : Total 08 periods
1. Bureaus Higher Secondary +2 Sociology -Part -I
2. +co| ocn|uno n|e w|, oan o|o(
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
Full Marks-100
Group -A
Objective Type - 30 Marks
Q.1. Multiple Choice - (1x10=10 Marks)
Q.2. One Word answers - (1 x1 0=10 Marks)
Q.3. Correct the sentences
Fill up the blanks - (1x10=10 Marks)
Group -B
Short Type : 30 Marks
(Answer to be written in two to three sentences)
Q.4. Write short notes on any five - (3x5=15 Marks)
Q.5. Explain or distinguish between -- (3x5=15 Marks)
Group -C
Long Type - 40 Marks
(Answer any one from the two questions given from each of
the four units) (10x4=40 Marks)
Unity in Diversity :
(i) Elements of Diversity -Racial, linguistic and Religious. 06
(ii) Bonds of Unity -Historical, Geographical, Cultural and
Religious. 06
Unit-II Total 12 periods
Major Components of Indian Society :
(i) Caste: Meani ng, characteri sti cs, Functi ons,
Dysfunctions, Recent changes, Scheduled Caste, Caste
and Class-Distinction. 07
(ii) Tribe: Meaning and characteristics, Tribe Caste
distinction, Tribal problems and welfare measures. 05
(iii) Village Community: meaning and characteristics,
distinction between Rural and Urban .Community. 03
Unit - III Total 15 periods
Social Institutions :
(i) Hindu Marriage: Meaning, Aims, Traditional Forms, Hindu
Marriage Act -1955, Recent changes in Hindu Marriage.06
(ii) Muslim Marriage: Conditions, types, divorce. 03
(iii) Hindu Joint Family: Meaning, characteristics, Functions
and dysfunctions, Recent changes. 05
(iv) Women in Modern India: Status and Empowerment. 04
Unit - IV Total 18 periods
Processes of Social Change in India :
Globalization, Liberalization, Urbanization, Sanskritization,
Westernization and Secularization. 15 periods
Books Recommended :
1. Bureau's Higher Secondary +2 Sociology - Part - II
2. +co| ocn|uno n|e w|, cio o|o(
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
Total 60 periods
113 112
Arts Stream Arts Stream
The course consists of one theory paper and one practical
paper for first year. The theory paper in first year carries 70
marks and the practical paper carries 30 marks. The students are
to appear first year examination in the college as internal
In the second year, which will be Council Examination, the
theory paper carries 70 marks and the practical paper carries 30
The students are required to maintain proper practical record
and Field book which are to be produced at the time of Practical
examination. The practical record and Field book need to be signed
by the student and concerned teacher during the Practical classes.
In the first year, there will be three essay type questions,
each carrying 10 marks. The short and objective type of questions
will carry 40 marks. The practical will carry at least two exercises
for the year end examination.
In the second year, there will be three long questions in
theory paper each carrying 10 marks. These three questions will
be set from the three units with alternatives. There will be 40
marks for short and objective type of questions with each type
carrying 20 marks. The Practical paper will carry 30 marks with
10 marks for Practical record and viva. There will be three
exercises with no option in the second year Practical examination
conducted by CHSE.
1ST YEAR Full Marks-100
Question Pattern No.of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
Long Answer Type 03 10 30
(with alternatives)
One from each unit
Short Answer Type 08 03 20
(4of3 marks and and
4 of 2 marks) 02
Objective Answer Type 20 01 20
Practical 02+ Practical Record 10 20+10
2ND YEAR Full Marks -100
Question Pattern No.of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
Long Answer Type 03 10 30
(with alternatives
one from each unit)
Short Answer Type 10 02 20
Objective Answer Type 20 01 20
Practical 02+Practical Record 10 20+10
Unit -I 30 Marks
Nature of Geography and Lithosphere :
1.1 Geography as an Integrated Discipline, as a science
of spati al attributes, Dichotomy in Geography:
Regional/ systematic, Physical/Human. 3
1.2 Origin of the earth: Nebular, Tidal, Big-Bang. 3
1.3 Interior of Earth. 2
1.4 Earthquakes and volcanoes. 2
1.5 Major types of Rocks, major types of Soil. 2
1.6 Typology of landforms (First order, second order, third
order). 2
1.7 Weathering and masswasting. 4
1.8 Features produced by river, underground water, wind
glacier and wave. 5
Unit - II 20 Marks
Regional Geography of Orissa :
2.1 Relief, climate and natural vegetation. - 4
2.2 Agriculture: Production and Distribution of Rice and
Sugarcane. - 3
2.3 Problems of Agriculture. 1
115 114
Arts Stream Arts Stream
2.4 Industries : Iron and Steel, Aluminium Industries -
Location and their locational factors. 3
2.5 Population: Distribution and density. 2
2.6 Transportation. 2
Unit - III 20 Marks
Resources and Patterns of their Utilization :
3.1 Resources: Concept of Resource, Resources &
Development, Types and Utilization of Resources and
conservation of Natural Resources. 4
3.2 Types of Agriculture Subsistence and Commercial. 2
3.3 Major Industrial Regions of India. 3
(a) Chhotanagpur Region
(b) Hooghly Region.
(c) Mumbai -Pune Region.
3.4 Distribution of Population and factors influencing
patterns of distribution. 2
3.5 Settlements: Types and factors influencing growth and
development of settlements. 2
Total - 49 Classes
Full Marks - 30
Unit - I
Fundamentals of Maps : 20 Marks
1.1 Maps -Types, Scale -Types: Construction of Linear
and Diagonal Scale. 4
1.2 Drawing of Parallels of latitude and meridians of
longitude. - 2
1.3 Determination of latitudes from Sun and Pole-star. 1
1.4 Contour cross-section and Identification of Landforms
- hill, water fall, plateau, Col, 'U'-shaped valley, 'V'-
shaped valley, concave and convex slopes. 3
1.5 Identification of conventional Topographical Symbols
and Weather Symbols. 2
1.6 Function and use of Meteorological Instruments. 2
Total = 14 Classes
1.7 Practical Record and Viva - voce 10 Marks
Unit - I
Atmosphere : 20 Marks
1.1 Atmosphere -composition and structure, elements and
factors of climate. 2
1.2 Insol ation, conducti on, convecti on, terrestrial ,
radiation, Temperature- factors controlling temperature,
Horizontal distribution of temperature. 4
1.3 Atmospheric Pressure- Pressure Belts.
Winds - Planetary, Periodical and Local. 4
1.4 Humidity- Evaporation, condensation and precipitation,
types of rain fall. 2
Unit - II
Hydrosphere And Biosphere : 20 Marks
2.1 Hydrological cycle, General relief of the ocean floor. 2
2.2 Distribution of Temperature and Salinity of ocean
water. 2
2.3 Movements of ocean water- Tides and Currents
(Atlantic and Indian Ocean). 5
2.4 Types and conservation of Environment, Biosphere-
concept, importance of plants and animals in the
bio-sphere. 3
Unit -III
Regional Geography of India : 30 Marks
3.1 Physiography 2
3 2 Drainage 1
3.3 Climate 2
3.4 Natural Vegetation 1
3.5 Soils 1
3.6 Population : Distribution and Density 2
3.7 Agriculture: Distribution of Rice and Wheat. 2
117 116
Arts Stream Arts Stream
3.8 Industry : Distribution of Iron and Steel industries. 2
3.9 Transport : Road and Railway Network. 2
Total = 39 Classes
Full Mark - 30
Unit - I 10 Marks
1.1 Map Proj ect i on -const ruct i on of Gnomoni c,
Stereographic (polar case) and simple conical
projection with one standard Parallel. 3
1.2 Computation of mean, median and mode from grouped
and ungrouped data, 3
1.3 Construction of Vertical bar Horizontal bar and wheel
diagram. 3
Unit - II 10 Marks
2.1 Chain and Tape Survey. 2
2.2 Use of computer in processing geographical data
(subject to infrastructural availability). 2
Unit - III
Practical Record and Viva-Voce 10 Marks
Total = 13 Classes
Theory - 70 marks
Practical - 30 marks
Unit - I
Fundamentals of Education (15 periods) 18
A- Meaning and Aims of Education : Individual and Social.
B- Agencies of Education : Meaning and types, Formal,
Informal, Non-formal, Active and Passive. Role of Home,
School, Community and Mass media as Agencies of
Unit - II
Educational Psychology (15 Periods) : 18
A- Meaning, nature and scope of Educational Psychology.
Importance of Educational Psychology for the teacher.
B- Growth and Development: Meaning, General Principles of
Growth and Development. Growth and Development during
Infancy and Childhood -Physical, Intellectual, Social and
Unit - III
School Organisation and Curriculum (15 periods) : 18
A- Administrative structure of School Education in Orissa.
B- Curriculum: Meaning, prinaples and approaches -Child
centered, activity centered and experience centered.
Unit - IV
Methods of Teaching (15 periods) 16
(Anyone of the following method subjects)
(English, Oriya, Mathematics, General Science, History and
119 118
Arts Stream Arts Stream
A- Aims and objectives
B- Different methods of teaching applicable for primary level.
A- Preparation of five lesson plans in the concerned method
B- Preparation of objective type of questions, 5 each, pertaining
to knowledge, understanding and application objectives on
a particular topic of the concerned method.
Books Recommended :
1. Bureaus Higher Secondary (+2) Education Part -I
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
2. -cc. oc...- (+2) c.
3. cc- ac.- - i c-c ..o
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
Theory - 70 marks
Practical - 30 marks
Unit - I
Problems of School Education (15 periods) 18
(a) Universalisation of Education (Elementary)
(b) Education for National Integration.
(c) Environmental Education
(d) HIV / AIDS Education.
Unit - II
Contribution of Indian Educators (15 periods) 16
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Pandit Gopabandhu Das
(c) Sri Aurobindo
Unit - III
A- Learning Process (15 periods) 18
(a) Concept and Nature of Learning, Factors
influencing learning.
(b) Theories of Learning: Trial and Error, Classical
Conditioning and Insightful Learning.
B- Motivation in learning - Meaning, types and
techniques of motivation.
Unit - IV
A- Elementary Educational Statistics (15 periods) 18
(i) Importance of Educational Statistics, Frequency
(ii) Measures of Central Tendency -Mean, Median
and Mode.
B- Appli cation of Information Technol ogy i n
Education: - Concept, Application in Teaching &
Evaluation merits and Demerits.
PRACTICAL (30 Marks)
(To be examined by both the Internal and External Examiner)
(a) Preparation of Lesson Plans and delivery of 5 lessons
in real class room situations.
(b) Improvisation of at least five teaching aids pertaining
to five lessons to be delivered.
Distribution of marks in Practical Examination will be as follows :
(i) Practice Teaching Record - 05 marks
(ii) Performance in Classroom Teaching - 15 marks
(iii) Use of Teaching Aids - 10 marks
Total - 30 marks
Books Recommended :
1. Bureaus Higher Secondary (+2) Education Part -II Published
by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation and
Production, Bhubaneswar.
2. -cc. oc...- (+2) c.
3. c.-i ac- - c..- -cc -.o-
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production, Bhubaneswar.
121 120
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(c) Political Organization :
Meaning with reference to Tribal Society, Tribe & State
Law & Justice: Nature of Primitive Law, Modalities of
Justice, Administration, Oath & Ordeal and Trial.
Unit - III 20
(a) Definition and scope of Physical Anthropology;
Relationship with other biological science (Botany,
Zoology and Human Genetics) Branches of Physical
Anthropology, Primatology, Serology Anthropometry
Human Genetics, Paleontology.
Primate: Evolution of Primate, Man's place in Primate
order, Anatomical difference between Man and Ape.
Mendels Law of inheritance and its application to
human population.
Structure and function of animal cell.
- ac- - oo|co : cc| o|e+ o|o+ooo oco
c oo|c | occo(
Full Marks - 30
1. Drawing and description of the following lithic tools (Total
5 tools) 10
(a) Palaeolithic
(b) Mesolithic
(c) Neolithic
2. Preparation of schedule and questionnaire to collect data
on Socio-economic, socio- demographic aspect of the
Students are required to submit filled in household census
schedule from five households. 10
Museum study -Student will visit any museum and write a
report of their findings.
3. Practical Records- 05
4. Viva-Voce- 05
Full Marks - 70
1. Multiple Choice - 10 marks (1x10)
2. One word answer - 10 marks (1x10)
3. Correct the sentences/fillup the blanks - 05 marks (1x5)
4. Short type answer with two to
three sentences - 15 marks (3x5)
5. Long type answer
(One question from each unit) - 30 marks (3x10)
Unit - I 25
(a) Definition and Scope of Anthropology, Major Branches
of Anthropology, Inter relationship with Biological
Social Science (Sociology, Psychology, Botany,
Zoology, Geology, History, Economics, Political
(b) Definition & Scope of prehistoric Archaeology and its
relation with other branches of Social Science,
Relatives and absolute method of dating Tool Type,
technique and their probable function.
Unit - II 25
(a) Primitive Religion: Definition & Function :
Theories of Religion -Animism, Animatism, and
Magical Practices -Sorcery, Witchcraft, Religious
Functionaries -Priest and Shaman.
Religious Practices: -Rites & Rituals.
Comparisons of Religion, Magic & Science
(b) Community & Society, and Social Stratification -
Associ at i on, Soci al consti t ut i ons of cul t ure,
civilization, Tribe, Varna, Caste & Class Rank & Status
Caste -Definition, Features and Function.
Changes in Caste system in Modern India.
123 122
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Full Marks -70
1. Multiple Choice - 10 marks (1x10)
2. One word answer - 10 marks (1x10)
3. Correct the sentences/fillup the blanks - 05 marks (1x5)
4. Short type answer with in two to
three sentences - 15 marks (3x5)
5. Long type answer
(One question from each unit) - 30 marks (3x10)
Unit- I
Social Organization 30
(a) Family: Definition, Feature and Function, Family
Structures, Nuclear, Extended, Joint, Family of
orientation and Procreation, family by residence -
Patrilocal, Matrilocal, Neolocal.
(b) Marriage: Definition and meaning, Rule - Endogamy,
Exogamy, Forms of marriage- Monogamy, Polygamy
(Polyandry & Polygyny.) Polyandry -Fraternal &
Nonfraternal. Polygyny: Sororal & Nonsororal, Levirate
& Soroate. Function of Marriage.
(c) Kinship: Definition & Meaning. Kin term -Descriptive
& classificatory. Categories of kins- Consanguineal,
Affinal, Degree of Kinship- Primary, Secondary &
Tertiary, Kinship usages, Rules of Descent- Patrilineal;
Matrilineal, Double Descent. Descent Groups -Lineage
& Clan. Phrarty & Moiety.
(d) Youth Organisation : Definition, Function of Youth
dormitories Concepts -Age group, Age grade & Secret
Unit - II
(c) Palaeoanthropology: Study of important fossil men:
Australopithecine, Homo erectus, Homo Neanderthals
and Homo-Sapien. Major Theories; Lamarckism,
Darwinism, Neo Darwinism.
Unit - III
Indian Prehistory :
A broad out line on Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic culture
of India,
Mahenjodaro and Harappa civilization.
- ac- - oo|co : cc| o|e+ o|o+ooo oco c
oo|c | occo(
Full Marks -30
1. Identify ABO Blood groups of five individuals. 05
Or Take the following somatoscopic observation of three
(a) Skin colour
(b) Hair form
(c) Hair whorls
(d) Eye fold
(e) Hair colour
2. Take down the following somatological measurement of three
individual. 05
(a) Head length
(b) Head breadth
(c) Bizygomatic breadth
(d) Morphological facial length
(e) Nasal breadth
(f) Nasal length
3. Draw and label the following Long Bones 10
(a) Humerus (Drawing and labelling -05)
(b) Radius & Ulna (Identification -05)
(c) Femur
(d) Tibia & Fibula
(e) Human skull
4. Practical Record 05
5. Viva-voce 05
Books :
1. -.-.c- - - oo|co : cc| o|e+ o|o+ooo oco
c oo|c | occo(
125 124
Arts Stream Arts Stream
The course consists of one theory paper and one practical
paper for first year. The theory paper in first year carries 70
marks and the practical paper carries 30 marks. The students are
to appear first year examination in the college as internal
In the second year, which will be Council Examination, the
theory paper carries 70 marks and the practical paper carries 30
Total Marks -100
Theory -70 marks.
Practical - 30 marks
Question pattern
Short Question - 40 marks
Short Question Each One mark 10 x 1 = 10 (Filling the Blank
from multiple choices)
Short Question One mark 10 x 1 = 10 (True / False Type)
Short Question Each two marks 10 x 2 = 20 (Answer within 5
Long question -30 marks
There will be 3 units. From each unit 2 question will be asked.
Student is to answer one from each unit. Each answer carries 10
marks. This is applicable only in case of long questions. The
short questions must cover all the units as per the syllabus.
70 Marks
Unit -I (21 periods)
1. What is psychology ?
(a) Meaning and definition of Psychology. (2)
(b) Psychology as a science. (1)
(c) Brief idea about the different approaches to the study
of Psychology. (2)
(i) Biological
(ii) Behavioristic
(iii) Cognitive.
(d) Field of Psychology (3)
(i) Physiological and Comparative
(ii) Educational
(iii) Child and Developmental
(iv) Industrial and Organisational
(v) Abnormal Psychology
(vi) Social Psychology
(vii) Cognitive Psychology
(viii) Bri ef i dea on some emergi ng f i el ds of
Health Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Sports
Psychology, Counseling Psychology etc.
2. Methods used in Psychology: (4)
(a) Experimental method.
(b) Observational methods :
(i) Participant (ii) Non-participant (iii) Naturalistic (iv)
3. Physiological bases of behaviour :
(a) Structure and functions of neuron. (2)
(b) Neural impulse transmission. (1)
(c) Brief idea about methods of studying brain functions :(2)
(i) Ablation (ii) Stimulation (iii) Electrical recording
(iv) Scanning.
(d) Structure and functions of Central Nervous system :
(i) Spinal Cord, (ii) Brain (3)
(e) Structure and function of Peripheral Nervous System:
(i) Somatic, (ii) Autonomic (1)
127 126
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Unit -II (29 Periods)
4. Perceptual process:
(a) Brief idea about sense organs. (1)
(b) Meaning, operational definition and processes involved
in perception (Receptive, selective, symbolic and
affective process.) (2)
(c) Principles of perceptual organisation. (2)
(d) Roles of Need, Past Experience and cultural factors
in perception. (1)
(e) Errors i n percept ual process -I l l usi on and
Hallucination. (1)
5. Learning : (2)
(a) Meaning and operational definition of learning :
Learning as distinguished from maturational changes
and performance.
(b) Process of Learning : (8)
(i) Trial and Error (ii) Classical Conditioning (iii) Operant
Conditioning (iv) Cognitive learning- imitation, insight.
6. Memory Processes :
(a) Memory process : (2)
(i) Encoding (ii) Storage (iii) Retrieval
(b) Three systems (stages) of Memory : (3)
(i) Sensory memory (ii) Short- Term Memory (iii) Long-
Term Memory.
(c) Kinds of Memory : (2)
(i) Episodic Memory (ii) Semantic Memory (iii)
Procedural Memory.
(d) Measurement of Memory : (1)
(i) Recall (ii) Recognition (iii) Saving or Relearning.
(e) Forgetting : (2)
(i) Encoding failure (ii) Storage failure (iii) Retrieval
(f) Improving Memory -Mnemonics, : Method of Loci
Number and letter peg system, Chunking. (2)
Unit -III
7. Motivation and Emotion (12 Periods)
(a) Meaning and operational definition of Drive and
incentive (2)
(b) Brief idea about Types of Motives: Biological, Social
and Psychological (2)
(c) Meaning operational definition and Nature of emotion.(1)
(d) Different bodily or organic changes or physiological
changes during emotion. (1)
8. Intelligence
(a) Meaning and Nature of intelligence (1)
(b) Approaches to understanding intelligence : (4)
(i) Gardener (ii) Stenberg (iii) J.P. Das.
(c) Factors influencing intelligence. (1)
Total 62 Periods
30 Marks
1. Span of attention.
2. Optical illusion (Muller- Lyer-illusion)
3. Sensory -Motor Learning
4. Memory for meaningful words and nonsense syllables.
(Atleast Three practicals are to be taught out of four, during
academic session)
Books Recommended :
1. Bureu's Higher Secondary +2 Psychology Part -I Dash,
Mohanty, Mohanty, Pattnaik, Nanda, Mishra & Kar.
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
129 128
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Total Marks -100
Theory -70 marks
Practical -30 marks
Pattern of Questions :
Short Questions -40
Short Questions -each one mark -10 x 1 = 10 (Filling the
Blank from Multiple choice)
Short Questions- each one mark- 10 x 1 = 10 (True / False
Short Questions- each two marks- 10 x 2 = 20 (Answer
within 5 sentences)
Long Questions -30
(There will be 3 units. From each unit 2 questions will be
asked. Student is to answer one from each unit. Each
answer carries 10 marks. This is a applicable only in case
of long questions.)
70 Marks
Total Periods - 60
Unit -I 17 Periods
1. Life span development :
(a) Meaning of development -Life span perspective (2)
(b) Principles of development - (2)
(c) Factors influencing development (1)
(d) Stages of development (3)
Prenatal stage, I nf ancy, chi l dhood stage,
Adolescence, Adult hood, Oldage.
2. Self and personality :
(a) Concepts of self and personality (3)
(b) Approaches to the study of personality types and
traits. (4)
(c) Assessment of personality. (2)
Unit -II 18 Periods
3. Socio-cultural bases of behaviour :
(a) What is culture ? (2)
Relationship between culture and behaviour. (1)
(b) Process of socialisation and acculturation (3)
4. Physical Environment and behaviour :
(a) Physical environmental effects on human behaviours.(2)
(b) Impact of human behaviour on environment. (2)
5. Social influence and Group processes :
(a) Nature, types and formation of groups. (4)
(b) Nature, functions, and styles of leadership. (4)
Unit -III (26 Periods)
6. Psychological disorders :
(a) Concepts of Normality and abnormality-criteria of
abnormal behaviour. (2)
(b) Causal factors related to abnormal behaviour. (2)
131 130
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(c) Symptoms of major psychological disorders- Anxiety
disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia. (7)
7. Counselling Psychology :
a) What is counselling ? - stages of counselling process(2)
b) Characteristics and skills of an effective counsellor.(2)
8. Psychology in organizational settings :
a) Meaning of organisation. (1)
b) Structure of organisation. (2)
9. Statistics in Psychology :
a) Frequency distribution. (3)
b) Graphic representation of scores
Polygon and Histogram (2)
c) Measures of central tendency - Computation
and uses of mean, median and mode (3)
Total 61 Periods
PRACTICALS (Any three of the following)
1. RCPM (Children)
2. Case history method (Preparation of at least one case
3. Personality Test (Type A/B)
4. Piagetian Task (Conservation of Liquid Quantity
Books Recommended :
1. Introduction to Psychology, Part - I, NCERT
and Part - II NCERT.
The syllabus in Home Science shall consist of two papers.
One paper each in the first year and 2nd year of +2 classes
carrying 70 marks (Theory of 3 hour duration). The Practical Paper
carries 30 marks of 3 (three) hour duration in each year. The
students are required to maintain proper practical record which
are produced at the time of practical examination. The practical
record must have been signed by the student and the concerned
teacher during the practical classes. Both Theory and Practical
examinations will be conducted at college level at the end of +2
first year & at council level at the end of +2 IInd Year.
1. The Subjective or long type of Questions carry 30 marks.
The students is required to answer 3 questions carrying 10
marks from each unit. (3x10 marks= 30 marks). The
objective and short type carries 40 marks covering the
whole syllabus.
2. Practical = 30 marks.
Objectives :
1. To create an understanding among students that the
knowledge and skills acquired through Home Science help
in personal growth, development and well being.
2. To acquaint them with the basics of human development
which are necessary for understanding self and children.
3. To help students to realize the resources are scarce and
need proper and efficient management.
4. To know the use of colour combination. .
5. To inculcate in them healthy food habits, through the
knowledge of nutrition.
6. To make students acquire good knowledge of textiles and
their proper care.
133 132
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Theory : 70
Time - 3 hours
Unit - I
(A) Home Management and First Aid
a) Meaning of Home Science and its branches.
Scope of studying Home Science. 3 Periods
b) Meaning, definition and need for home Management.
Steps in home Management 3 Periods
- Planning
- Organizing
- Implementing & Controlling
- Evaluating 2 Periods
c) Meaning, importance and steps of decision making.
d) Resources -Human (Knowledge, abilities, skill, energy)
-Non- human (money, time, movable and immovable
properties, Goods and services. Community facilities)
(B) Firstaid 2 Periods
a) Types of bandages (Roller and Triangular)
b) First aid in drowning electric shock, burns and foreign
bodies in the eye 4 Periods
Unit - II
Food and Nutrition, Health and Hygiene
(A) Food and Nutrition
a) Definition of food, nutrient, and health 1 Periods
b) Classification and functions of food 2 Periods
c) Basic food groups (Basic five) and its contribution to
the diet. 2 Periods
d) Food preservation - Definition, Importance need
Household methods of food preservation 2 Periods
(dehydration addition of-salt, sugar, oil, refrigeration)
(B) Health and Hygiene
a) Infection -Sources and modes of infection . 2 Periods
b) Restraint of infection 2 Periods
c) Diseases transmitted through air and other contacts
-chicken pox, measles, mumps, diphtheria, whooping
cough, tetanus, malaria, filaria, and tuberculosis
(causes, mode of spread, incubation period, symptoms
and prevention) 10 Periods
d) Diseases transmitted through sex-
AIDs -Causes, mode of spread and prevention.
Unit- III 2 Periods
Textiles and Child Development
(A) Textiles 1 Periods
a) Classification of fibres- Natural and Man made
b) Structure and characteristics of cotton, silk and wool
c) Types of soaps and detergents. 2 periods 6 periods
d) Water- Hard and Soft Water.
-Softening of hard water. 3 Periods
(B) Child Development
a) Importance of child study- meaning and scope
2 Periods
b) Prenatal devel opment -concepti on, si gns and
symptoms of pregnancy, care during pregnancy.
3 Periods
c) Stages in pre-natal growth and development.
3 Periods
d) Factors influencing pre-natal growth and development
like Age of mother, diet of the mother drugs, X-Ray,
irradiation, paternal illness, Rh factors, material
emotional state and attitude. 2 Periods
Full Marks- 30
Time -3 hours
Unit - I
Food and Nutrition 3 Periods / Practical
1. Planning and preparation of dishes rich in protein, vitamin-A
and iron (any two items each for lunch/dinner / snacks).
135 134
Arts Stream Arts Stream
2. Food preparation for enhancing nutritive value.
a) Cereal and milk combination
b) Cereal, pulse and vegetable combination
(one item for snacks and one item for meal time)
First aid
1. Application of triangular bandages for head and elbow, and
roller bandages for wrist and knee.
Theory :70
Time - 3 hours
Unit - I
Child Care and Adolescent Development
(A) Child Care
a) Feeding the baby: Artificial and Breast feeding,
weaning. - 2 Periods
b) Care of feeding equipments - 2 Periods
c) Immunization of children. - 2 Periods
d) Common ailments -teething, Diarrhoea, common cold,
fever, thrush, wind and colic, - 2 Periods
e) Causes and prevention of infant and maternal
mortality. - 2 Periods
(B) Adolescent Development
a) Meaning, changes and problems - (Physical and
Role of parents in solving adolescent problems.
- 4 Periods
Unit - II
Nutrition and Physiology.
(A) Nutrition
Classification, functions, sources and deficiency of the
following nutrients.
a) Carbohydrates - 2 Periods
b) Protein - 2 Periods
c) Fat - 2 Periods
d) Vitamins- (A, D, E, K) - 4 Periods
e) B Complex Vitamins -(thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin)
- 6 Periods
f) Vitamin -C - 2 Periods
g) Minerals (Calcium, Phosphorus, iron, iodine)
(B) Physiology - 5 Periods
a) Cell (Structure and functions) - 4 Periods
b) Blood (Composition, constituents and functions)
- 4 Periods
c) Digestive System -Structure of alimentary canal,
digestive juices secreted into it, their action on
carbohydrate, protein and fat and their absorption.
- 4 Periods
Accessory organs in digestion -Salivary glands, liver,
pancreas and gall bladder (structure and functions -
in brief) - 4 Periods
Unit - III
Textiles, Money Management and use of colour
(A) Textiles
a) Methods of laundering (Rubbing and Scrubbing friction
method, kneading and squeezing method, suction
method and washing machine) and their principles.
- 3 Periods
b) Washing and finishing of cotton, silk and woolen
garments. - 4 Periods
c) Stain removal- classification, types and methods of
stain removal - 2 Periods
(Tea, grease, curry, blood, ball pen ink, lipstick and
nail polish).
(B) Money Management
a) Family Income : Types of family income - Money
income, Real income (direct and indirect), Psychic
income, sources of family income, methods &
supplementing family income, procedure for keeping
household accounts, meaning and importance of
savings. - 4 Periods
137 136
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(C) Use of Colour at Home
Colour - Colour wheel, principles of colour combination
(proportion, balance, emphasis, rhythm and harmony) colour
combinations (related and contrasting colour schemes) use
of colour in different rooms. - 4 Periods
Full Marks- 30
Time -3 hours
Unit - I
Needle work 3 Periods per Practical
1) Make a sample of basic stitches -Runstitch, Hemming,
Back stitch, Button Hole Stitch, Chain stitch and
satin stitch.
2) Study of different parts of sewing machine
3) Make samples of seams, pleats, patch (3 types each)
4) Make a sample of fixing hooks and buttons (1 each)
5) Removal of stains -Tea, curry, grease, ball pen, ink,
lipstick and nail polish using chemicals.
Use of colour
1) Preparation of colour wheel (prang colour chart)
2) Preparation of motifs using monochromatic, direct
complementary and analogous schemes.
Unit -III
Child Care
1) Preparation of immunization chart.
1. Objective of the course :-
(a) To inculcate certain basic ideas on Industrial Relations
and Personnel Management to Young Students, who at
the end of this course may go for Junior Posts in Govt.,
department of Labour Administration. Besides they will
also suit similar posts in the Industrial Relations, Labour
Welfare, Personnel Department, Human Resources
Department of Factories. Mines, Plantations, Ports and
Docks, Banks and other establishments.
(b) This will also serve as a bridge course to the professional
Degree or Diploma Course in Management, Labour
Welfare, Personnel Management, Human Resources
Management and Industrial Relations.
2. Course: -
There shall be two theory paper carrying 100 marks each of
three hours duration. The examination for the 1st. Year will be
conducted at the end of 1st. Year at college/H.S.School and
the same for the 2nd. Year will be conducted at the end of 2nd
Year at the council level.
Full Marks - 100
Group - A
Objective type :
Q. 1. There shall be 10 multiple -choice (1x10=10)
questions and all questions to be answered.
Q.2. There shall be 08 one sentence answered,
questions given, out of which 05 nos,
of questions to be answered within 03 sentences (2 x05=10)
Q.3. There shall be 08 nos. of questions (1x10=10)
out of which 05 nos. of questions
to be Answered with in 5 sentences each.
Group -B
139 138
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Short Types : 30 Marks
(Answers in Two to Three Sentences)
Q.4. There shall be 08 short note questions out of
which 05 nos. of questions to be answered. (3x5=15)
Q.5. There shall be 08 questions to distinguish between out of
which 05 nos of questions to be answered. (3x5= 15)
Group -C
Long Type:-
40 Marks
(Answer any Four) (10x4=40)
There shall be 07 nos. of Long questions asked out of which any four
questions to be answered.
Paper - I
Full Marks-100
Unit - I
Industrial Relations and Trade Unionism :-
(25 Marks) (16 Periods)
(a) Meaning and definitions of Industrial Relations.
(b) Objectives and Scope of Industrial Relations.
(c) Significance of Industrial Relations.
(d) Meaning, aims and objectives of Trade Union.
(e) Functions of Trade Union.
(f) Types of Trade Union.
Unit - II
Industrial Disputes in India: - (25 Marks) (16 Periods)
(a) Meaning and definitions of Industrial disputes.
(b) Causes of Industrial disputes.
(c) Consequences of Industrial disputes.
(d) Meaning of Strikes and Lockouts- Legal and Illegal.
(e) Machinaries for the settlement of Industrial disputes.
i. Works Committee.
ii. Conciliation officer .
iii. Board of Conciliation.
iv. Court of Inquiry.
v. Voluntary Arbitration.
vi. Labour Court.
vii. Industrial Tribunal and ,
viii. National Tribunal.
Unit - III
Collective Bargaining : (25 Marks) (16 Periods)
(a) Meaning, Objectives and Scope of Collective bargaining.
(b) Prerequisites of Collective Bargaining.
(c) Process of Collective Bargaining.
(d) Levels of Collective Bargaining.
(e) Collective Agreements.
Unit- IV
Workers Participation in Management and Grievance
Handling : (25 Marks) (16 Periods)
(a) Meaning and definitions of workers participation in
(b) Forms of workers participation in management.
(c) Workers participation in management in India.
Works commi ttee, Canteen Committee, Saf ety
Committee, Welfare Committee, and Production
Total Periods = 64
141 140
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Full Marks - 100
Unit -I (25 Marks) (16 Periods)
(a) Meaning and definitions of Personnel Management.
(b) Objectives and Scope of Personnel Management.
(c) Functions of Personnel Management.
(i) Managerial Functions.
(ii) Operative Functions.
Unit - II
Recruitment Selection and Training : (25 Marks)
(16 Periods)
(a) Meaning and definitions of recruitment.
(b) Sources of recruitment.
(c) Meaning and definitions of selection.
(d) Process of Selection.
(e) Meaning and objectives of Training.
(f) Principles of Training.
(g) Methods of Training.
(i) On-the- job-training.
(ii) Off-the-Job-training.
Unit - III
Labour Welfare and Social Security : (25 Marks) (16 Periods)
(a) Meaning and definitions of Labour Welfare.
(b) Aims and Objectives of Labour Welfare.
(c) Concept and Scope of Labour Welfare.
(d) Philosophy of Labour Welfare.
(e) Principles of Labour Welfare.
(g) Meaning and definitions of Social Security.
(g) Social Assistance and Social Insurance.
Unit - IV
Labour Administration and ILO : (25 Marks)(16 Periods)
(a) Statutory Labour Welfare measures with special reference
to welfare, working hours and annual leave with wages
under the Factories Act, 1948.
(b) Functions of Welfare Officer in Industry.
(c) Labour Administration in Orissa, Structure and Functions
at the District, Zonal and State Level.
(d) International Labour Organisation. (ILO)
(i) Aims and objectives of ILO.
(ii) Structure and Functions of ILO.
(iii) Impact of ILO on Industrial Relations in India.
Total Periods = 64
143 142
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(ii) Mela- Raga.
(ii) Purbaraga- Utterraga.
Unit - V
Biography of the following (8 Marks)
(i) Jayadev
(ii) Singhari Shyamsundar Kar
(iii) Pandit Nrusingha Nath Khuntia.
Sub Code-IMOV
Full Mark- 60
Time- 40 Minutes
(Each Unit Carries 12 Marks and 12 classes annually)
Unit - I
1. Each Candidate will have to select one Raga of this course
as his/her choice.
Unit - II
2. Each Candidate will have to sing one Bhajan and Janana.
light classical song, one, patriotic, one folk song.
Unit - III
3. Candidates to sing one chhanda, one champu, one Geeta
Unit - IV
4. Test of Talas (Eka Guna- Dui Guna)
Unit - V
5. Identification of Swaras and Ragas asked by the
Total 60 Marks - 40 Minutes
(Vocal and Instrumental)
Applied and General Theory
Sub Code- IMOV
Full Mark - 100
Practical - 60
Theory - 40 marks
Full Marks - 40
Time - 2 hours
(Each Unit Carries 8 Marks and 6 classes annually)
Unit - I
Characteristics feature of all the Ragas and Talas prescribed
for this year. (8 Marks)
a) Ragas are - Sankaravarana, Kafi, Mukhari, Gauda,
Khamaj, Bajrakanti, Mohana
b) Talas are -Ekatali, Khemta, Rupak, Jati, Jhula
Unit - II
a) Knowledge of writing notation of the Ragas. (8 Marks)
b) Knowledge of writing layakari (Eka Guna, Dui Guna,
Chou-Guna) with sastriya Parichaya.
c) Definition and Description of Tanpura.
Unit - III
Definition of following musical Terms. (8 Marks)
Dhawni Nada, (Ahata-Anahata), Sangeeta, Badi, Sambadi,
Saptaka (Mandra- Madhya Tara), Bibadi Anubadi, Aroha,
Abaroha, Tala, Laya (Vilambit-Madhya-Druta) Prabadha,
Unit - IV
(a) Swara sruti Bibhajana (8 Marks)
(b) Comparative study.
(i) Swara- Sruti
145 144
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Full Marks - 100
Practical - 60
Theory - 40
Unit - I
(Each Unit carries 8 Marks and 6 classes annually)
Characteristic features of all the Ragas and Talas prescribed
for this year.
a) Ragas are - Kalayana, Baradi, Kamodi, Ashabari,
Bhairabi, Malabagouda, Deshakhya.
b) Tala are - Ektali, Tripata, Jhampa, Jati Tala, Aditala.
Unit - II
a) Study of Notation System
b) Knowledge of writing Layakaries (Eka-Dui-Chariguna)
Unit - III
Definition :-
Varna (Sthayee- Arohi- Abarohi-Sanchari) Alankar, Gamaka,
Alpatwa, Bahutwa, Alap, (Anibadha Alap-Nibadha Alap), Bhanati,
Sangeet, Mela, Jati (Audaba- Sadaba- Sampurna), Purbanga
- utararga, Badi, Raga, Swor Malika,
Unit - IV
Definition and comparative study :
a) Odissi, Chhanda, Champu, Janana, Bhajana, Choutisha,
b) Structural description and Tuning system of Mardal.
Unit - V
(a) Biography of the following
i) Sangeeta Sudhakar Balakrushna Dash
ii) Kavisurya Baladev Rath
(b) Writing essay of the following
i) Aims of learning Music.
Sub Code- IMOV
Full Mark- 60
Time- 40 Minutes
(Each Unit carries 12 Marks and 12 classes annually)
Unit - I
1. Each candidate will have to select one Raga of this course as
his/he choice.
Unit - II
2. Each candidate will have to sing one Bhajan and one Janana,
one light classical song, one, patriotic, one folk song.
Unit - III
3. Candidate to sing one chhanda, or one champu, or one Geeta
Unit - IV
4. Test of Talas with Layakari (Eka-Dui-Chouguna Kriya)
Unit - V
5. Identification of Sworas and Ragas asked by the Examiner
which carries.
Total - 60 Marks 40 Minutes
Prescribed Books :
Practical - Indian Music. Odissi Vocal
1. Laxkhyana Swora Malik Lahari- Dr. D. Hota
2. Srimandira Sangeeta Mala- Pandit N.N.Khuntia
3. Odissi Sangeeta Manjari- Pandit G.C. Panda
4. Sangeeta Markandeya- Pandit Markandeya Mohapatra
5. Alankar Ratnabali - Sri Ramhari Das.
6. Odissi Raga Sangeeta -Lokanath Pal
7. Odissi Sangeeta Sworalipi -Sri A.K. Lenka.
8. Champu Sworalipi- Sangeet Natak Academy/Odissi Research Centre.
1. Bharatiya Sangeeta Itihas - Dr. D. Hota
2. Utkal Sangeeta Padhati - Shyam Sundar Dhir
3. Bharatiya Sangeeta - N. Panigrahi
4. Sangeeta Sangyan - Sri Ramhari Das
5. Odissi Sangeetara Parampara O Prayoga - Sri Ramhari Das.
147 146
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Code - I.M.H.V
Full Marks - 100
Theory - 40
Practical - 60
Applied and General Theory
(Each Unit Carries 8 marks and 6 classes annually)
Full Marks - 40
Unit - I
Characteristic features (Sastriya Parichaya) of all the Raagas
and Taalas of this year course. Such as :-
(a) Ragas: -Bhupali , Kaf i, Khamaj, Alheiyabilawal,
Vrindavanisarang, Desh, Kalyan, Asavasri, Bageshree,
Durga, Bhimpalasi and Bhairaba.
(b) Taalas: Tritaal, Jhamptal, Ektal, Chautal, Rupak, Dadra
and Kaharwa
Unit - II
Preliminary Knowledge of writing notation of all the
compositions of the prescribed raagas and taalas of this year.
Unit - III
Definition of the followings :
Dhwani, Naada, Swara, Sruti, Saptaka, Sangeeta, Raaga,
Graha, Ansa, Nyasa, Apanyasa, Vinyasa, Vadi, Samavadi,
Anuvadi, Vibadi, Thaat and it's Verities, Varna, Purbanga,
Utaranga, Alankar, Alaap, Taan, Boltaan, Bolbant, Dhrupad,
Khayal, Sargamtaan, Laxyangeet and Bhajan.
Unit - IV
Comparative study of the following :
Raaga - Thaat, Swara-Sruti, Taala-Laya, Alaap-taan, Boltaan-
Unit - V
Life Sketches :
(a) Pt. V. N. Bhatkhande.
(b) Pt. V.D. Paluskar
(c) Taansen
Full Marks - 60
Unit - I
Candidates will be taught at least one Chhota Khayal with
simple Alaap and Taan in each of the following prescribed
Raagas :-
Bhupali, Kafi, Khamaj, Vrindabani-Sarang, Desh, Durga,
Alheiya-Bilawal, Bageshree Bhimpalasi, Kalyan, Asavari and
Unit - Il
Candidates will be taught the knowledge of Layakeries (2
guan and 4 guan) in the following
Taalas - Tritaal, Jhamptal, Ektal, Chautal, Dadra and Kaharwa.
Unit - III
Candidates will be taught one Dhrupad based on any prescribed
raag with Dugun and chaugun layakaries.
Unit - IV
Identification of Raagas, Taalas and Swaras which will be
asked by the examiner.
Unit - V
Candidates will be taught one Light classical composition
Full Marks - 100
Theory - 40
Practical - 60
149 148
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Full Marks - 40
Unit - I
Characteristic features (Sastriya Parichaya) of all the Raagas
and Taalas prescribed for this year course Such as :-
(a) Bihag, Patdeep, Kedar, Hameer, Tilakkamod, Sankara,
Malkauns and Bhairavi,
(b) Taalas : Dharmar, Jhumura, Tilwara and Vilambit Ektal.
Unit - II
Study of the following :-
(a) Brief History of Indian Music.
(b) Physical description and tunning systems of Taanpura.
Unit - III
Definitions :-
Gamak, Meend, Kaku, Jaati and its verities., Alpatwa, Bahutwa,
Gayaki, Nayaki, Janakthaat, Janyaraag, Asrayaraag, Thaat
and its verities.
Unit - IV
Essays :-
(a) Necessity of Music.
(b) Role of Taala and Laya in Music.
(c) A classical Music Evening.
Unit - V
General study of the following :
(a) Sruti Swara Bibhajana (Ancient, Medieval and Modern
(b) Notation System of Indian Classical Music (Pt. Paluskar
and Pt. Bhatkhande System).
Full Marks :- 60
(Each Unit carries 12 Marks and 12 classes annually)
Unit - I
Candidate will be taught atleast one chhota-Khayal in each of
the following raagas :
Bihag, Pattadeep, Kedar, Hameer, Sankera, Malkouns, Tilak
Kamod and Bhairabi.
Unit - II
Candidates will be taught at least 2 Badakhayal in any of the
prescribed raagas with Alaap, Boitaan and Taan.
Unit - III
Candidates will be taught one Dhrupad based on any Raaga
of this year with layakaries : (2 gun, 3 gun and chaugun 4 gun)
Unit - IV
Candidates will be taught the following taalas with Iayakeries
(2 gun, 3 gun and Chaugun 4 gun)
(a) Jhumura (b) Dhamar (c) Tilwara and (d) Vilambit Ektal.
Unit - V
(a) Candidates will be taught 2 light classical composition.
(b) Candidates will be taught to identify the Raagas, Taalas
and Swaras asked by the examiner from the syllabus.
1. Each candidate will have to select
one Badakhayal and Chhota Khayal
based on any raaga of the course
as his/her choice, which carries. 15 marks & 15 minutes
151 150
Arts Stream Arts Stream
2. Each candidate will have to
demonstrate one Dhrupad
with layakaries which carries. 10 marks 05 minutes
3. Examiners Choice from the course
other than candidates choice
which carries. 10 marks 05 minutes
4. Test of Taalas with layakaries
which carries. 10 marks 05 minutes
5. Identification of Swara, Raaga and
Taala which carries. 10 marks 05 minutes
6. Each candidate will have to
demonstrate one light
classical composition which carries. 05 marks 05 minutes.
Total : 60 Marks 40 minutes
Time for each candidate.
Prescribed Book for +2 1st Year and IInd Year in HINDUSTANI VOCAL MUSIC.
1. Hindustani Sangeet Lahari (Part-I, II, III) - By Dr. Damodar Hota.
2. Sangeeta Shastra - By Dr. Damodar Hota)
3. Bharatiya Sangeetara RaItihas - By Dr. Damodar Hota.
4. Raaga Sangeeta (Part-I, II, III) - by Dr. M.C. Senapati
5. Sangeet Visharad - By Vasant, Hatharas, U.P.
6. Raga Parichaya (Part-I, III)- By Harischandra Srivastava.
Hatharas, U.P.
7. Sangeetanjali (Part-I, II, III)- By P. Omkarnath Thakur.Hatharas, U.P.
8. Raga Vigyan (Part-II, III)- By Y. R. Pattavardhan. Hatharas, U.P.
9. Hamare Sangeet Ratna - By Hatharas L.N. Garg.Hatharas, U.P.
10. Bhatkhande Sangeeti Shastre, (Part-I, II) - By V.N.Bhatkhande
Hatharas, U.P.
11. Kramik Pustak Malika (Part-I, II) - By Pt. V. N. Bhatkhande.
Hatharas, U.P.
The course consists of two theory papers each carrying 40
marks each of 2 hours duration and two practical paper carrying 60
marks each.
The theory paper - I shall be covered in the 1st year and the
theory paper - II in the Second Year. The Practical Examinations i.e.
(Practical Paper - I and Practical Paper - ll) shall also be conducted
in the 1st and 2nd year respectively.
Each unit carries 8 marks : Full Marks - 40
30 periods
Unit - I 6 periods
(a) Music: Definition of Music according to musicians.
(b) Origin of Music: -Religious theory regarding its origination.
(c) Significance of Music: It's impact on human beings.
Unit - II 7 periods
(a) Musical Instruments of India :- Classification, their
(b) Abanadha Badya of India :-It's definition, classification
and structure.
(c) Life history of tabla: It's origin, structural method and
role in Music.
Unit - III 7 periods
Essay of the followings :-
(a) Importance of Tal in Music.
(b) Aim of learning Tabla.
(c) A musical programme you have attended.
(d) Role of Radio and Television in Propagation and spread
of Music.
Unit - IV 5 periods
(a) Typical qualities of Tabla players.
(i) Their good and bad qualities.
(ii) Their impact on the audience
(b) Description of Tal :- Definition, their characteristics.
Unit - V 5 periods
Definition of various musical terms :-
Abanadha, Tal, Theka, Matre, Bivag, Som, Khali, Bole, Chhanda
and Jati. Total - 30 periods
153 152
Arts Stream Arts Stream
Time- 40 minutes Full Marks -60
The division of marks is as follows :-
1. Each candidate will have to select. One Tal of this courses for
if his/her sole (Lahara) performance as choice Tal.
20 marks-15 minutes.
2. Each candidate is required to play the sole (Lahara) as desired
by the examiner :- 15 marks - 10 minutes.
3. Each candidate is required to play one kayada with palats and
Tyahi besides his/her choice :- 10 marks-05 minutes.
4. Test of Tal from the course- 10 marks -05 minutes.
5. Each candidate will have to play either Rela or Tukuda or
Damdar Tyahi as directs :- 5 marks - 05 minutes.
Each unit carries twelve marks Full marks - 60
60 periods
Unit - I 12 periods
(a) Practice of the following Banees.
TA, NA, Tin, Tee, Tuna, Ke, Ka, Ge, Ghe, Dha, Dhin,
Tete, Terekete, Kedenaga and Ghedenag.
(b) Recitation of Thekas :-
Trital, Jhamptal, Ektal, Jhumura, Tilwada, Rupak, Teora,
Dadra, Dhumali and Kaharawa.
(c) Candidate will be taught Barabar, Digun and Chaugun
Unit - II 15 periods
(a) Characteristic features of all the prescribed taalas.
(b) Candidates will be taught Drutt Thekas of Trital, Jhamptal,
Rupak, Kaharawa, Jhumura, Ektal, Tilwada, Teora, Dadra
and Dhumali.
Unit - III 15 periods
Candidates will be taught atleast two Kayada with plalats and
two Damdar Tyahis set to Trital .and Jhamptal each with the
help of Ghedenag, Keedenag, Dha, Dhin, Tuna and Din Banees.
Unit - IV 10 periods
(a) Candidates will be taught the padhat of Tukuda, Kayada
and Theka by beating of hand showing Som, Tali, Khali
and Bivag.
(b) Candidates will be taught at least two Tukuda in Trital
and Jhamptal each.
Unit - V 8 periods
(a) Candidates will be taught mukhuda set to Trital and
Jhamptal each.
(b) Candidates will be taught the prakars of Trital and
Total - 60 periods
THEORY (Applied and General theory)
Full Marks- 40
30 periods
Each Unit carries 8 marks:-
Unit - I 5 periods
(a) Letters of Tabla :-Main letters, their categories and
production from different parts.
(b) Sangat and Sole Playing :- Definition of Sangat Sole
and their Principles.
(c) Tuning System of Tabla :- Necessity of tuning, Principles
of tuning the tabla and Dugee.
Unit - II 6 periods
(a) Notation Systems: - Categories used in Indian Music,
Principles of B.N. Bhatkhande and B.D. Paluskar notation
Similarities and dissimilarities between those two
155 154
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(b) Similarities and dissimilarities between various Talas.
Trital :- Tilwada
Rupak :- Teora
Dipchandi :- Jhumura
Dhumali :- Kaharawa
Unit - III 4 periods
Definition of various musical terms :- Kholi, Mudi, Theka,
Prakar, Palat, Kayada, Rele, Mukhuda, Tukuda, Uthan, Peskar,
Tyahi and Laya.
Unit - IV 8 periods
(a) Dasapran of Tal: - It's definitions and divisions.
(b) Life history 0f eminent Tabla players :-
(i) Ahamadjan Thirgwa
(ii) Kanthe Maharaj
(iii) Khetramohan Kar
(iv) Nab kumar Panda
(v) Sampta prasad Mishra
Birth and musical tradition of their family learning, speciality,
personality and contribution to the world of music.
Unit - V 7 periods
Gharana and Baj
Their origin, definition, categories, similarities and dissimilarities
between Delhi and Banaras Baj.
Total -30 periods
Full Marks- 60
Each unit carries twelve marks :- 60 periods
Unit - I 12 periods
(a) Candidates will be taught to play Ekgun, Digun and
Chaugunlaya of Theka set to Trital, Jhamptal and Rupak.
(b) Candidates will be taught atleast one simple Rela set to
Trital, Jhamptal and Rupak tal each.
Unit - II 10 periods
Candidates will be taught two kayada with palate and one
Damdar Tyahi in each set to Trital, Jhamptal with the help of
Tereketa, Dhetetete and Kredhetete Banees.
Unit - III 14 periods
(a) Candidates will be taught to play Prakars set to Trital,
Jhamptal, Rupak, Kaharawa and Dadratal.
(b) Candidates will be taught to play the Drutt thekas of
Ektal, Jhumuratal, Dhumali, Tilwara and Teoratal with
Unit - IV 12 periods
(a) Candidates will be taught to play Kayada in Ghedenag
(b) Candidates will be taught Kayada in Tereketa Banees.
Unit - V 12 periods
(a) Candidates will be taught to play two tukudas set to
Trital, Jhamptal and Rupaktal in each.
(b) Candidates will be taught to play Chakradar set to Trital,
and Jhamptal.
(c) Candidates will be taught to play Drutt Thekas set to
Trital, Jhamptal, Dadratal and Kaharawa with various
Total -60 periods
157 156
Arts Stream Arts Stream
There shall be one theory Papers of 70 marks and one practical
paper of 30 marks in the first year and One theory Paper of 70 marks
and one practical paper of 30 marks in the second year. The council
examination will be based on the theory and practical papers of second
year only. The duration of examination for each theory paper and
practical paper will be 3 hours.
Question on each theory paper shall consists of three groups each
one covering all the units of the papers.
1st Year 2nd Year
Group - A
Very Short Questions: 1x10=10 1x10 =10
Multiple Type Questions: 1x10=10 1x10 =10
Group - B
Short type Questions: 2x10=20 2x10 =20
Group - C
Long Questions : 10x3=30 10x3 =30
Total : 70 70
Grading of Practical Papers in both the years are as follows :
Record : 5 5
Viva : 5 5
Experiment : 20 20
Total : 30 30
MARKS - 70
Unit - I
a) Overview of Information Technology: Introduction of
IT, data and its different forms. Distinction between data
and information, data processing system. Use of IT in
business, education, Medicine. Entertainment, Office
Automation, Research and Development, Concept of
hardware and software.
(b) Computer :- Characteristics of digital computer,
evolution of computer, classification of computer. Use
of binary number system in computers (idea of bit,
word,. nibble and byte) Components of a Computer,
CPU and its working. Main memory, static and dynamic
RAM, Cache, ROM, Secondary memory (hard disk,
floppy, optical disk). Input-output devices (keyboard,
monitor, mouse, OCR, MICR, barcode reader, scanner,
joystick), Printer (DMP, inkjet, laser printer), Plotter. Use
of smart card.
(c) Communication : Basic elements of communication
system, Data Transmission modes-simplex, Half-duplex
and full Duplex systems. Serial and parallel transmission.
Synchronous and asynchronous transmission. Network
Topologies, Network Types - LAN, MAN & WAN 56 Kbps
modem, Cable Modem & DSL modem. Client-Sever
Unit - II
(a) Software: System Software & Application Software;
Operating System; type of operating system and its uses.
Programming languages (machine level, assembly level
and high level languages). Assembler, compiler and
Programming Tools: Use of flowchart and algorithm in
program development. Steps in programme development.
Computer Virus, Computer crime and security.
159 158
Arts Stream Arts Stream
(b) Multimedia: Introduction to multimedia, components :-
text, graphics, Animation, Audio, Video, Multimedia
Unit - III
Programming in C : Data Types, Variables and Constants.
Operators and expressions, Input and Output control
functions; control statements: IF, IF ELSE, Nested IF.. ELSE
statements, Switch Statement, Conditional Operator and
GOTO statement. Decision making and Looping : While
statement, do.. while and for statement, Break and Continue
statement. Arrays -one dimensional and multidimensional.
Handling of character strings.
1. Bureau' s Hi gher Secondary (+2) INFORMATION
Publi shed by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
MARKS : 30
Grading of Practical Paper :
Record : 5 Marks
Viva : 5 Marks
Expt : 20 Marks (Group A 10 marks & Group-B 10 marks)
1. Use of Dos commands (internal & external commands)
2. Working with widows
3. Use of MS-OFFICE
4. Development of C Program as per Unit- III
Students are required to perform one Expt. from Group-A & one
From Group-B as per the questions given. Viva will be based on DOS,
WINDOWS, MS-OFFICE and Computer System and - C Programming.
Group-A question will cover serial- 1,2,3 as above and Group-B
questions will cover serial No. - 4.
Unit - I
Introduction to Database Management System : Basic concepts
of database design, data warehousing and data mining, geographical
information system and its uses, e-commerce.
Introduction to Internet : Internet backbones and its features.
Internet Access-Dial-up connection, Direct Connection and Broad Band
connection. Role of ISP, Functions of Hub, Switch, Bridge, Router and
Gateways in internet, Internet Protocols-TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP, TELNET,
Gopher and WAIS. Internet Addressing -IP address, domain names, e-
mail addresses and URLs. Distinction between Internet, Intranet and
Unit - II
Internet applications: WWW, Web Sites and Web Pages, Web
Browsing and Web Browsers, Search engines, File downloading and
uploading. Chatting, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), e-mail and its features,
Mailing Lists and News Group, Internet Telephony System.
Internet Security: Concept of public key and private key, use
of digital signature, private virtual Network.
Unit - III
Introduction to Visual Basic and Development Environment:
Object oriented programming features, Visual Basic and the
integrated development environment, VB programming Process,
Projects Explorer, form layout, creating application, projects and
interface, VB intrinsic controls, working with controls, form design,
development environment and customization, SDI and MDI
customization and applications.
Introduction to VB language: Data types, variables and
constants, Scope and module variable, operators, expressions, general
statements and control statements. Arrays, Built-in functions and
procedures. Control arrays and user defined procedures. Creating and
calling functions.
161 160
Arts Stream Arts Stream
1. Bureau' s Hi gher Secondary (+2) INFORMATION
Publi shed by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook
Preparation and Production, Bhubaneswar.
MARKS : 30
Grading of Practical Paper :
Record : 5 Marks
Viva : 5 Marks
Expt. : 20 Marks
(Group - A 10 Marks and Group - B 10 Marks)
1. Working with internet.
2. Using front page express for webpage designing
3. Use of MS-Access ( creation, insertion, deletion & updation of
data file, forms, query and report)
4. Simple applications using VB as per Unit - III
Group-A questions will cover serial 1, 2 and 3 as above and
Group-B questions will cover serial no-4.
Books Prescribed :
1. Bureaus Higher Secondary (+2) Information Technology
Published by Orissa State Bureau of Textbook Preparation
and Production.
2013 AD
Copy right reserved by
Council of Higher Secondary Education
Orissa, Bhubaneswar
Printed at :
The content of this Syllabus is applicable to the +2
students admitted during the Academic Session-
2011-12 except the Marking pattern which is likely to
be changed shortly. The changes in the marking
pattern shall be notified later on and shall be
available in the website at www/dheorissa.in
S. No. Subject Page No.
1. Scheme of Studies (b)
2. English 1-19
3. Modern Indian Language
a) Oriya 20-24
b) Hindi 25-27
c) Bengali 28-31
d) Telugu 32-36
e) Urdu 37-40
f) Sanskrit 41-45
g) Alternative English 46-52
4. Environmental Education 53-57
5. Yoga 58
Elective Subjects
6. Language
a) Oriya 59-61
b) Hindi 62-64
c) Bengali 65-67
d) Telugu 68-72
e) Urdu 73-75
f) Sanskrit 76-81
7. History 82-84
8. Pol. Science 85-88
9. Logic 89-91
10. Economics 92-95
11. Statistics 96-99
12. Mathematics 100-107
13. Sociology 108-111
14. Geography 112-116
15. Education 117-119
16. Anthropology 120-123
17. Psychology 124-130
18. Home Science 131-136
19. Industrial Relations and Personnel Management 137-141
20. Music (Indian) 142-155
21. Information Technology 156-160
The following combinations in Arts Stream are allowed. Any deviation
of this will not be entertained.
Compulsory Subjects
Compulsory subjects English and M.I.L. carry 200 marks each
(100 Marks in 1st year and 100 marks in 2nd year)
M.I.L. (Oriya / Telugu/ Bengali/ Urdu & Persian/ Hindi/ Sanskrit/Alternative
Environmental Education
The Environmental Education will be assessed at the college level
for 100 marks (70 marks for theory and 30 marks for project work) at the
end of 1st year +2 course and the grades (A+, A, B, C, D, in order of merit)
are to be awarded by the College and the same shall be recorded in the
body of the pass certificate given by the council subsequently. The grade
secured in the Environmental Education (EE) will not affect the result of
the candidate.
Marks Grade
70% and above Gr A+
60% to 69% Gr A
50% to 59% Gr B
35% to 49% Gr C
Below 35% Gr D
Elective Subjects
Each elective subject carries 200 marks
(100 marks in 1st year and 100 marks in 2nd year)
Group :
1. Political Science
2. History
3. Economics/IRPM
4. Logic/Geography
5. Mathematics/Home Science
6. Education/Psychology/Indian Music
7. Anthropology/Sociology/Statistics
8. Oriya/Sanskrit/Percian/Hindi/Urdu/Bengali/Telugu.
9. Information Technology.
(a) (b)
With the introduction of the New Course structure from the
academic session 2008-09 basically to de-stress the students joining
+2 courses under the CHSE, Orissa, there will be yearly examinations
at the end of 1st year and 2nd year classes. 1st year and 2nd year
courses have been separated accordingly. The 1st Year examination
will be conducted at the college / H.S. School level for 100 marks in
each subject and the 2nd year examination will be conducted at the
Council level for 100 marks in each subject. Marks secured in the 1st
year examiantion shall be considered only for promotion of students to
the 2nd year class and will have no bearing on the terminal examiantion,
conducted by the Council at the end of the 2nd year.
Pass certificates will be awarded to successful candidates
basing on the performance in the Council examination at the end of the
2nd year only.
Restriction on selection of elective subjects is a new feature
in the present course structure. Each student has to read four elective
subjects in addition to the compulsory subjects i.e. English, M.I.L. and
Environmental Education.
The Distribution of marks for subjects with practicals will be
as follows :
SUBJECTS WITH PRACTICALS : Theory- 70 marks & Practicals - 30
Group A (Objective type) - Compulsory
Q.1 Multiple choice (from all units) 1 mark each x 10 bits=10marks
Q.2 One word answer / Very short answer/
correct the sentence / filling up the blanks 1 mark each x 10 bits =10marks
Group B (Short type)
Q.3 Short answer type bits of 2 marks each
(10 to be answered out of 15) 2 x 10 = 20 marks
Group C (Long answer type)
Q. 4 to 6 - Six long answer type questions unitwise,
out of which three(3) to be answered 10 x 3 = 30 marks
Full Marks - 100 Time - 3 hrs.
There shall be 12 questions (for each paper) under 3 Groups,
namely Group-A, Group-B & Group-C
Group - A
This group will have 3 questions
1. This question will consist of 10 compulsory bits of multiple
choices. Each bit shall have 4 alternatives including one correct
alternative. The instruction under this questions (i.e.-1) will be
as follows :
From the given alternatives choose & write serially the correct
answer alongwith its serial number against each bit.
(1x10=10 marks)
2. Shall comprise 8 terms [from (a) to (h)] out of which a candidate
has to explain any 5 terms within 3 sentences each. Each
explanation shall carry 2 marks. (2x5=10 marks)
3. Shall comprise 8 short questions [from (i) to (viii)] out of which
a candidate shall answer any 5 within 3 sentences each. Each
answer shall carry 2 marks. (2x5=10 marks)
This group will consist of 2 questions i.e., question 4 & 5
4. This question shall have bit questions [from (a) to (h)] out of
which a candidate has to answer any 5 within 5 sentences each.
Each short answer shall carry 3 marks. (3x5=15 marks)
5. This question shall comprise 8 bit questions [from (i) to (viii)]
out of which 4 shall be for short note writing & 4 for showing
distinctions between pairs of terms.
A candidate has to answer any 5 bits within 5 sentences each &
each bit shall carry 3 marks. (3x5=15 marks)
This group shall have 7 questions [from question 6 to 12] & a
candidate has to answer any 4. (10x4=40 marks)
(c) (d)

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