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KAvB PKwj- weWweDwWwe/GjwRBwW/BDwbqb cwil`

KII checklist (BWDB/LGED/UP)

cvvii bvg BDwbqb (UP)
Ignore if respondent is GoB employee




Mvg Village:
Ignore if respondent is GoB employee

mvvrKvi MnYKvix bvg Facilitator: bvU jLKi bvg Note taker: mvvrKvi MnYi ZvwiL Date of interview mvvrKvi MnYi mgq Time of interview

mvaviY ckmg~n (General questions)

1. GB c` Avcwb KZw`b ai AvQb Ges cvvi Dbqbi mv_ KZw`b ai RwoZ AvQb? Since
when you have been engaged in this position. Which year . engaged in polder development? Year Since when you have been

2. K. Avcbvi GjvKvq GB cvvii (evuai) mv_ mshy cavb Lvj, b`x I yBP MBU wK wK? Gi

eZgvb Aev wK?

L. GLvb wK Kvb Lvj e Aevq AvQ hjv Lvjv ivLv `iKvi ev Ggb Kvb Lvj Lvjv Aevq AvQ hjv e ivLv `iKvi? M. cvvii Kvb RvqMvq KvUv AvQ ev cvBc cek Kivbv AvQ? mjv Kvi wbqY AvQ Ges m wKfve mjv wbqY KiQ?
a. Is there any canal blocked which should remain open or any khal

open which need to be closed/regulated? b. Are there any instances of gates, pipes or polder cuts not authorized by BWDB/LGED? Who controls them and how?

3. cvvii cvwb eevcbvq Avcbv`i f~wgKv wK? GB f~wgKv wKfve wPwZ Kiv nqQ (hgb miKvix cvcb ev Ab Kvb fve): eve wK KvR Kiv nq Zvi D`vniY w`b| What role do you have in
water management in the polder? How the roles are defined (by government directives . or otherwise .. ): Give example of real practices


GB cvvi/BDwbqb wK Kvb cvwb eevcbv KwgwU ev `j/ mwgwZ (WweDGgG/WweDGgwmG/

WweDGgwR) AvQ? Kvb mvj MVb Kiv nqwQj Ges Zv`i KvR wK? Avcbviv wKfve Zv`i KvR (cvidig) g~jvqb Kieb? Do you have any water management committee/ WMO
WMA/WMCA/WMG) in this polder/UP? a. What are their functions and when where they created? b. How do you value their performance?

5. weWweDwWwe/GjwRBwW Gi c _K cvwb eevcbv msv/mwgwZ MVbi Rb `vwqZcv ew K? vqx PvKzwbRxwe bvwK cKi KgKZv? Zvi ckvMZ hvMZv mK ejyb? Zviv wK Kvb cwkY cqQb?
K. cKi cieZxKvj GB cvwb eevcbv msvK cvwZvwbK KvVvgvZ icvii `vwqZ Kvi Dci _vK? (msv/mwgwZ cwZ KZRb KgKZv I KgPvix _vK?) L. hw` GB eev bv _vK, Zvnj Avcwb wKfve msv/mwgwZi DbwZ gwbUi Kib? Avcbvi civgk wK?
Who are responsible for formation of WMOs in the field level from BWDB/LGED side? Are they permanent or project staff? What are their professional qualifications? Did they receive any training (give details)?

a. Who looks after the process of institutionalization of the WMOs after scheme completion?
(How many officers and staff for how many WMOs?)

b. If you do not have this, how do you monitor the progress of WMOs? What are your

6. Avcbviv wKfve AskMnYK msvwqZ Kieb? KwgDwbwU ejZ Avcbviv wK evSb? How do you define participation? What do you mean by community? 7. cvwb eevcbvq RbMYi AskMnYi fvjv ev Lvivc w`Kwj wK wK? In which ways would it then be useful or not useful to have community participation in water management? 8. GB cvvi, yBP MBU I Lvj iYveY I cwiPvjbvi Rb cqvRbxq A_ miKvi ev Abvb Drm _K Avcbviv wKfve MnY Kib? How do you receive resources from government and other
sources for maintenance of the embankment, canal, sluice gate and water control structures in the polder?

9. KLb yBP MBU Lvjv I e Kiv ne, KZY ch Lvj, Ni I KwlRwgZ cvwb `qv ne G welq K wmv bq? Who decides on when to open or close the gate, for how long and on distribution
through the inner canals to various gher?

K. Gi dj wewfb RbMvx wKfve cfvweZ nq (wPswo Pvlx, avb Pvlx, Rj, gvwS, gwnjv, f~wgnxb BZvw`) How are different community members affected by this (shrimp farmer,
paddy farmer, home gardener, cattle rearing farmer, fisher, boatmen, drinking water, women, landless)?

10. yBP MBU cwiPvjbvq mePq gZvai K Ges Kb? Who has the strongest ability to influence
the operation of water control structures? Why?

K. mgqi mv_ Gi wKfve cwieZb nqQ (10, 20, 30 eQi)? How has this (ability of various
groups) changed over time? (10, 20 or 30 years?)

11. cvvii fZi cvwbi egyLx eenvi wbq mgmv nj Zv wgUgvU KiZ Kvb Kvb

cwZvb/ew iZc~Y f~wgKv cvjb Ki? (hgb: weWweDwWwe/GjwRBwW/BDwc/ WweDGgG/WweDGgwmG/ WweDGgwR/mvwjk)| h Kvb GKwU NUbvi D`vniY w`b| Which
organizations/people play important role in addressing problems related to the multiple use of water in the polders? (Probes: BWDB/LGED UP/WMG/ WMA/ WMCA/ Shalish etc) Can you give examples of such incidents?

12. Kwl, grm, cvwYm` I Rb^v wefvMwj eZgvb cvwb eevcbvi mv_ wKfve hy? Gi Rb wK Aviv mg^q I mnhvwMZv `iKvi? Kb ev Kb bq? How are DoF, DoE, DAE, DPHE etc currently
involved in water management? Would more coordination or cooperation be needed? Why or why not?

13. GB cvvii cvwb eevcbvi mePq fvjv Dcvq wK nZ cvi? Kb Avcwb GgwU gb KiQb?
What would be the best ways to improve water management in the polder? Why?

14. Avcbvi BDwbqb/cvvi Kvb Kvb GbwRI KvR KiQ? Provide a list NGOs working in this UP/Polder

aygv BDwbqb cwil` Gi Rb (Only for the Union Parishad)

15. Avcbvi BDwbqb wK cvvi cwiPvjbv, iYveY I givgZi mv_ hy? KvRjv wKfve msMwVZ nq? wKfve A_vqb Kiv nq Ges wKfve mb Kiv nq? K wK mnhvwMZv Ki? Has the Union
Parishad been involved in to polder O&M and repair of breaches? How was it organized, funded and implemented? Who contribute what?

16. cvwb eevcbvg~jK welq BDwbqb cwil` wKfve BWDB/LGED K mv_ wbq KvR KiQ? Gi Pvjwj wK wK Ges wKfve GB cwiwwZi Dbqb Kiv hvZ cvi?
How is cooperation working with BWDB/LGED on water management? What are the challenges and how can things be improved?

17. Avcbvi gZ cvwb eevcbvq BDwbqb cwil`i wK kwkvjx fwgKv _vKv DwPZ? Kb?
Should the Union Parishad have a stronger role in water management? Why?

18. cvwb eevcbvi Rb Avcbviv wK wbR^ Kvb m` eenvi Kib? BDwci evRU _K wK cwigvb A_ LiP Kiv nq Ges wK cwigvb vbxq m` eenvi Kiv nq? Do you mobilize resource internally
(in the case of UP)? How much you spent from UP budget for polder O&M and how much of it was locally mobilized?

aygv weWweDwWwe Gi Rb (Only for the BWDB)

19. WMA/WMG Ges Abvb GRwi mv_ KvR KiZ wMq

wK wK mgmvi mbywLb nq?

K. miKvii bxwZgvjv I cwjwm Abyhvqx WMGs and WMAs MVb wK wK Pvj iqQ? L. GB cvvii cvwb eevcbvi Dbqb BWDB/IPSWAM wK fwgKv cvjb KiZ cvi? Gi wK cwieZb Kiv `iKvi? M. BWDB I Abvb msvi ga wK AviI AwaK mnhvwMZv I mg^q cqvRb? Kvb cwZvbi/msvi mnhvwMZv cqvRb Ges Kb?
What problems do BWDB face in managing problems in the polder cooperation with other agencies and the WMA/WMG?

a. What are the challenges in creating WMGs and WMAs that correspond to the guidelines and policies set by the government? b. What role can BWDB/IPSWAM take to further improve water management in the polders? What should change? c. Is more cooperation between BWDB and other actors needed? Which ones and why? 20. Kvb cK mgv nj cieZxZ Gi cwiPvjbv I ibveY wKic nq? Kgb I wKfve nq? cK

kl hb cwiPvjbv I ibveY wVKfve nq Zvi Rb wK Kiv hZ cvi? What happens after a

project/intervention ends? What can be done to make sure that maintenance continues even when there is no more project money?

aygv GjwRBwW Gi Rb Only for LGED

21. ewoeuuvai mgmv Zzj aiZ wMq/ mgmv mgvavb WMCA wK aibi euvav I Pvji myLxb nq?
What are the main constraints and challenges that the WMCA face in trying to address problems of the polder?

K. miKvii bxwZgvjv I cwjwm Abyhvqx

WMG and WMA _vKv


MVb wK wK Pvj iqQ? cvwb Dbqb evWi

^ZI Kb


GB (WMCA) cwZ eenvi Ki ?

L. GB cvvii cvwb eevcbvi AviI Dbqb LGED wK fwgKv cvjb KiZ cvi? Gi wK cwieZb Kiv `iKvi? M. LGED I Abvb msvi ga wK AviI AwaK mnhvwMZv I mg^q cqvRb? Kvb cwZvbi/msvi mnhvwMZv cqvRb Ges Kb?
a. What are the challenges in creating WMCAs that correspond to the guidelines and policies set by
the government? Why is this system used by LGED rather than WMGs and WMAs as by BWDB? b. What role can LGED take to further improve water management in the sub-projects? What should change? c. Is more cooperation between LGED and other actors needed? Which ones and why? 22. Kvb cK mgv nj cieZxZ Gi cwiPvjbv I ibveY wKic nq? Kgb I wKfve nq? cK

kl hb cwiPvjbv I ibveY wVKfve nq Zvi Rb wK Kiv hZ cvi? What happens after a

project/intervention ends? What can be done to make sure that maintenance continues even when there is no more project money?

mgvcwb AvjvPbv (Concluding discussion)

23. eZgvb Aev PjZ _vKj AvMvgx 10 eQi ci (2022) Avcbv`i Mvg/BDwbqbi wP Kgb `uvove?
If things continue as they are now, what will this village/union/polder look like in 2022?

24. Avcbv`i cvvii cvwb eevcbv Dbqbi Rb wK cwieZb `iKvi? wKfve cvwb eevcbvi Dbqb Kiv hvq ej gb Kib?
How can water management in this polder area/village/union be improved?

25. Kvb cwZvb Gi evevqbi `vwqZ wbZ cvi? (cvwb Dbqb evW/GjwRBwW/BDwc/GbwRI/wmweI/vbxq mvgvwRKwfwK msMVb)
Which organization should take care of polder management (BWDB/LGED/NGO/CBO/Local communities)?


Abvb ge, hw` Aviv wKQz ejZ Pvb? Additional comments, if any.

Additional comments and notes by the facilitator

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