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M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.

___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 1 AIM: Create many processes

-Accept the number of processes from the user, for each process assign a task. -Once the processing is over kill all the process.

int main() { int id,n,i; printf("Enter the number of process "); scanf("%d",&n); id=create_process(n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) {if(id==i) { printf("\n Process Number : %d",id); }} join_process(n,id); if(id==0) { printf("\n Parent Process Retained"); } return 0;
Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 2 AIM: Create 2 processes, process1 should do the SUM () and process2
should do Sum1.Using Shared memory concepts add SUM0 () + SUM1 ().

#include<stdio.h> #include "shmlib.h" int main() { int final_sum,*sum0,*sum1,id,id1,id2; sum0=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id1); sum1=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id2); id=create_process(2); if(id==0) { *sum0=4+5;

printf("\n sum0 : %d ",*sum0); } if(id==1) { *sum1=5+6; printf("\n sum1 : %d ",*sum1);

} join_process(2,id); final_sum=*sum0+*sum1;
Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

printf("\n Final result is : %d ",final_sum); printf("\n"); free_shm(id1); return 0; } free_shm(id2);

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 3 AIM: Loop Splitting:

(A)Calculate the average of elements. (B)Histogram Computation

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { float *avg1,*avg2,avg; int id,id1,id2,sum=0,sum1=0,i; int num[10]; avg1=(float *)shared(sizeof(float),&id); avg2=(float *)shared(sizeof(float),&id2); printf("Enter 10 numbers: \n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) {scanf("%d", &num[i]); id1=create_process(2); if(id1==0) {for(i=0;i<5;i++) sum1=sum1+num[i]; } *avg1=sum1/5; { }

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

} if(id1==1) { for(i=5;i<10;i++) {sum=sum+num[i]; *avg2=sum/5; }join_process(2,id1); printf("\nOutput of process A is: \t %f",*avg1); printf("\nOutput of process B is: \t %f",*avg2); avg=(*avg1+*avg2)/2; printf("\nFinal Answer:%f\t",avg); return 0; } }


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { int *arr; int image[4][4]; int bit; int i,j,c1; int c,max; x=0; y=0; int id,id1; int x,y;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

arr=(int *)shared((sizeof(int)*8),&id); printf("Enter the maximum value for image pixel"); scanf("%d",&max); printf("Enter the image(4*4) values 0 to %d",max); printf("\n"); for(x=0;x<4;x++) { for(y=0;y<4;y++) { } id1=create_process(2); if(id1==1) { printf("Process A is executing\n"); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { c=image[i][j]; printf("%d\t",c); printf("\n"); } else { printf("Process B is executing\n"); } arr[c]=arr[c]+1; } scanf("%d",&image[x][y]); }


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

{ for(j=0;j<4;j++) { c=image[i][j]; arr[c]=arr[c]+1; printf("%d\t",c); printf("\n"); } } }

join_process(2,id1); printf("Histogram Computation is \n"); for(i=0;i<(max+1);i++) { printf("%d \t %d",i,arr[i]); printf("\n"); } return 0; }


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 4 AIM: Write program to explain the Mutual Exclusion. CODE:
#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { int id,id1,id2,id3; int *inventory; int *lock1,*lock2,i; inventory=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id1); lock1=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id2); lock2=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id3); lock_init(lock1); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { lock(lock1); *inventory=*inventory+2; printf("The value in the inventory is: after producing is %d\n",*inventory); unlock(lock1); lock(lock2);

*inventory=*inventory-1; printf("The value in the inventory after consuming is: %d\n",*inventory); unlock(lock2); return 0;
Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 5 AIM: Using the concept of Barrier write a program to compute the
absolute deviation of an array of numbers.

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int a[100]; int nproc=3; int N; int main() { int *total,k,sum,ctr,i,j; int *lock1,id; int sid1,sid2,sid3,*bar;

float dev,avg,*final_dev;

printf("Enter val of N:"); scanf("%d",&N); final_dev=(float*) shared(sizeof(float),&sid1); total=(int*) shared(sizeof(int),&sid2); lock1=(int*) shared(sizeof(int),&sid3); *total=0; *final_dev=0.0;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

for(i=0;i<N;i++) { a[i]=i; }

lock_init(lock1); id=create_process(nproc+1); sum=0;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

for(i=id;i<=N;i+=nproc) { sum+=a[i];}

printf("ID: %d and Sum : %d",id,sum); lock(lock1); *total+=sum; unlock(lock1); barrier(bar); printf("\n%d passed barrier \n",id); avg=((*total)*1.0/N); printf("\n avg= %f",avg); dev=0.0; for(i=id;i<=N;i+=nproc) { dev=dev+(avg-a[i])*((avg>a[i])?1:-1);}

lock(lock1); *final_dev+=dev; unlock(lock1); join_process(nproc+1,id); printf("\n Avg deviation is %f\n",*final_dev/N); free_shm(sid1); free_shm(sid2); free_shm(sid3); clean_barrier(bar); return 0; }

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 6 AIM: Matrix multiplication using self-scheduling.

-Accept the elements of the matrix and vector -Declare a shared variable index whose initial value is (row*column) of matrix -Every processor will picj the value of index under lock and do the multiplication.

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { int *A,*B,id,id1,*C,i,j,P1flag=0,P2flag=0,k; int id2,id3; A=(int *) shared(sizeof(int),&id1); B=(int *) shared(sizeof(int),&id2); C=(int *) shared(sizeof(int),&id3); int x; x=2; printf("Enter value of matrix A:"); printf("\n"); for(j=0;j<4;j++) {scanf("%d",&A[j]);} printf("Enter value of matrix B:\n");
Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

for(i=0;i<4;i++) {scanf("%d",&B[i]);} printf("\nmatrix A\n"); for(j=0;j<2;j++) {printf("\t%d",A[j]);} printf("\n"); for(j=2;j<4;j++) {printf("\t%d",A[j]);} printf("\nmatrix B\n"); for(j=0;j<4;j++) {printf("\t%d",B[j]); if(j==1) printf("\n"); }printf("\n"); id=create_process(2); if(id==0) { C[0]=A[0]*B[0]+A[1]*B[2]; P1flag=1;} if(id==1) { C[1]=A[0]*B[1]+A[1]*B[3]; P2flag=1;} if(P1flag==1) { id=0; C[2]=A[2]*B[0]+A[3]*B[2]; P1flag=2;} else { id=1; C[2]=A[2]*B[0]+A[3]*B[2]; P2flag=2;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

} if(P1flag==2) { id=0; C[3]=A[2]*B[1]+A[3]*B[3]; } else {id=1; C[3]=A[2]*B[1]+A[3]*B[3]; } join_process(2,id); printf("\n\nFinal Matrix after Multiplication:\n"); for(k=0;k<2;k++) {printf("\t%d",C[k]);} printf("\n"); for(k=2;k<4;k++) {printf("\t%d",C[k]); }printf("\n");return 0; }


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 7 AIM: Block Matrix Multiplication

-Accept the matrix (4*4). -Divide both the matrix into 4 blocks. -Create 4 processes. -Multiply each block. -Restore all the blocks in single matrix.

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h"
Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

#include<stdlib.h> int main() { int i,j,k,x,y,z,m=4,n=4; static int mat1[4][4],mat2[4][4],mat3[4][4],mat4[4][4]; int temp,temp1; int tmp[4][4];

int *arr1,*arr2,*arr3,*arr4; int id1,id2,id3,id4,idd; arr1=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id1); *)shared(sizeof(int),&id2); arr3=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id3); *)shared(sizeof(int),&id4); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { { for(j=0;j<n;j++) mat1[i][j]=0; mat1[i][j]=i+10; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { { } }printf("Matrix1 printed are:\n\n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { { printf("\n"); for(j=0;j<n;j++) printf("\t%d",mat1[i][j]); } } for(j=0;j<n;j++) mat2[i][j]=0;mat2[i][j]=i+10; } } arr2=(int arr4=(int

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

printf("Matrix2 printed are:\n\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { printf("\t%d",mat2[i][j]); } }


idd=create_process(4); if(idd==0) { { { for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) mat3[i][j]=0;

for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i][k]*mat2[k][j]; mat3[i][j]=mat3[i][j]+temp;

}}} for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) tmp[i][j]=0; for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i][k+2]*mat2[k+2][j];

tmp[i][j]=tmp[i][j]+temp; } } for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i][j]=mat3[i][j]+tmp[i][j]; } x=0;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

arr1[x]=mat3[i][j]; x++; } } if(idd==1) { temp=0; }

for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i][j+2]=0; for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i][k]*mat2[k][j+2];

mat3[i][j+2]=mat3[i][j+2]+temp; } } }


{ for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { tmp[i][j+2]=0;

for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i][k+2]*mat2[k+2][j+2]; tmp[i][j+2]=tmp[i][j+2]+temp; } } } x=0;

for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) {for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i][j+2]=mat3[i][j+2]+tmp[i][j+2];

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

arr2[x]=mat3[i][j+2]; } if(idd==2) { temp=0; }}


for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i+2][j]=0; for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i+2][k]*mat2[k][j];

mat3[i+2][j]=mat3[i+2][j]+temp; }} for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { tmp[i+2][j]=0; for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i+2][k+2]*mat2[k+2][j]; tmp[i+2][j]=tmp[i+2][j]+temp; for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i+2][j]=mat3[i+2][j]+tmp[i+2][j]; arr3[x]=mat3[i+2][j]; x++; } } } }} }x=0; }

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

if(idd==3) { temp=0; for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i+2][j+2]=0; for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i+2][k]*mat2[k][j+2]; mat3[i+2][j+2]=mat3[i+2][j+2]+temp; } } { }

for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { tmp[i+2][j+2]=0; for(k=0;k<m/2;k++) { temp=mat1[i+2][k+2]*mat2[k+2][j+2]; tmp[i+2][j+2]=tmp[i+2][j+2]+temp; } }

}x=0; for(i=0;i<m/2;i++) { for(j=0;j<n/2;j++) { mat3[i+2][j+2]=mat3[i+2][j+2]+tmp[i+2][j+2]; arr4[x]=mat3[i+2][j+2]; x++; } }

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

}join_process(4,idd); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[0][i]=arr1[i]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[1][i]=arr1[i+2]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[0][i+2]=arr2[i]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[1][i+2]=arr2[i+2]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[2][i]=arr3[i]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[3][i]=arr3[i+2]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[2][i+2]=arr4[i]; }

for(i=0;i<2;i++) { mat4[3][i+2]=arr4[i+2]; }

printf("\n\nFinal matrix after multiplication is:\n\n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { printf("\t%d",mat4[i][j]); } }

printf("\n"); return 0;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----


PRACTICAL NO: 8 AIM: Finding the Maximum and Minimum element

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

-Accept the elements. -Make the processes. -Compare the successive elements in each process.

-Again create the processes and compare the successive elements in each process. -Continue the step(ii) and (iii) till there is two elements in every process.

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { int *result,*result1,num[6],x,id1,id2,id,val,i,final; result=(int *) shared(sizeof(int),&id1); result1=(int *) shared(sizeof(int),&id2); printf("Enter values"); for(x=0;x<6;x++) {scanf("%d",&num[x]);} id=create_process(3); if(id==0) {if(num[0]>=num[1]){ result[0]=num[0];result1[0]=num[1];} else

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

{result[0]=num[1];result1[0]=num[0];}} if(id==1) {if(num[2]>=num[3]) {result[1]=num[2];result1[1]=num[3];} else {result[1]=num[3];result1[1]=num[2];}} if(id==2) {if(num[4]>=num[5]) {result[2]=num[4];result1[2]=num[5];} else {result[2]=num[5];result1[2]=num[4]; }} join_process(3,id); id=create_process(0); if(id==0) { if(result[0]>=result[1]) {result[3]=result[0];} else {result[3]=result[1];}} if(result[3]>result[2]) { else {printf("Maximum no is %d",result[2]);} printf("Maximum no is %d",result[3]);}

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

join_process(1,id); id=create_process(0); if(id==0) {if(result1[0]<=result1[1]) {result1[3]=result1[0];} else {result1[3]=result1[1];}} if(result1[3]<result1[2]) { else {printf("\n Minimum no is %d",result1[2]);} join_process(1,id);return 0;} printf("\n Minimum no is %d",result1[3]);}


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----


-Accept the elements to be sorted. -Choose the pivot element. -Store the elements less than pivot in one-array and rest elements in other array. -Sort both the arrays using different processors. -Finally merge both the arrays to get the sorted elements.

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { int a[10],i,pivot,j,temp,k,m; int *lhs,*rhs,*lhs1,*rhs1; int count=0,count1=0;

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

int id1,id,*lock1,sid; lock1=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id1); lock_init(lock1); lhs=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id1);

rhs=(int *)shared(sizeof(int),&id1); lhs1=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); rhs1=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int));

printf("Enter the values of array\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) {scanf("%d\n",&a[i]); pivot=a[5]; printf("pivot is %d \n",pivot); for(j=0;j<10;j++) {if(a[j]<pivot) {lhs[j]=a[j]; else if(a[j]>=pivot) { rhs[j]=a[j]; } } } }

id=create_process(1); if(id==0) {lock(lock1); for(i=0;i<10;i++) {count++; }

for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(j=0;j<10;j++) {if(lhs[i]<lhs[j])

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

{ }unlock(lock1);} if(id==1) {lock(lock1); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { count1++;

temp=lhs[i];lhs[i]=lhs[j]; lhs[j]=temp;}

for(i=0;i<10;i++) {for(j=0;j<10;j++) { } }unlock(lock1); }join_process(2,id); printf("The new elements in LHS are\n"); for(i=0;i<count;i++) {if(lhs[i]!=0) { printf("%d\n",lhs[i]); } } if(rhs[i]<rhs[j]) { temp=rhs[i];rhs[i]=rhs[j];rhs[j]=temp; }

printf("The new elements in RHS are\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) {if(rhs[i]!=0) {printf("%d\n",rhs[i]); return 0; } } }


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

PRACTICAL NO: 10 AIM: Parallel reduction

- n elements are stored. - (n-1) processers are created. The elements of input to reduction problem are placed at the leaf node. Associative operator can be applied in parallel at a level of the tree at a time. In jth iteration, ith process choses (i+j) th and (i-2j) th element for addition.
Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

#include<stdio.h> #include"shmlib.h" int main() { int *result,num[6],x,id1,id,val,i,final; result=(int *) shared(sizeof(int),&id1); printf("Enter values"); for(x=0;x<6;x++) {scanf("%d",&num[x]);} id=create_process(2); if(id==0) {result[0]=num[0]+num[1];} if(id==1) {result[1]=num[2]+num[3];} if(id==2) {result[2]=num[4]+num[5];} join_process(3,id); id=create_process(0); if(id==0) {result[3]=result[0]+result[1];} join_process(1,id); result[4]=result[3]+result[2]; printf("the parallely reduced value is %d",result[4]);

Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

M.Sc. (Information Technology) Part-II Page No.___ Paper: III (Section-I) Subject: Parallel Processing Date: ----/----/-------

Roll No. : -----

return 0; }


Chikitsak Samuhas Patkar Varde College, Goregaon Abhishek Vichare

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